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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1905)
m m fill t5 ifcl Vol. XVIII.-No. 17. GPRVALLIS, OREGON, JULY 15, 1905. &F. IRTT1TH t and Prop rl dlt Summer Glearance Great Bargains in all Departments Big StoGk to make your selections ... Get our Prices and make -4 Gqmparison. X H, HARRIS, Fine Light Sample Rooms. ' ' Hotels -. illlilCC j Corvallis Hammel, Prop. Leading Hotel in Oorvallis. Recently opened. New brick building. Newly furnished, with modern con veniences. Furnace Heat, Electric Lights, Fire Es capes, Hot and cold water on every floor. Fine single rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house in the Willam ette Valley. ; , ' . 1 r0, $1.25 and $2.00 per day. Star Brand Shoes; are Better! For Shces, Qothing, Hats, Gloves, Hosiery, , . Notions, Fruits, Meats, Staple and Fancy Gro ceries, see & & & & WELLSHER 6c GRAY. Highest Market Price Paid for all Kinds of Produce Star Brand Shoes are Better! SHUVALOFF KILLED ASSASSIN FIRES FIVE POIS ONED BULLETS AT THE COUNT Other Newe. Prefect of Police Had Won Esteem as Just Governor of Odessa Was of a Famous Family Assassin Is Caught Moscow, July 11. Major-Gener-al Count SbouvalofF, prefect of po lice here, and formerly attached to the ministry of the interior, was as sassinated this morning while re ceiving petitions. One of the peti tioners drew a revolver aod fired five times at the prefect, who fell dead. The assassin was arrested. He was dressed as a peasant, and has not been identified. He was re cently arrested as a political sus pect, but escaped from the police station before his examination. The-assaesin waited in the after noon of the prefecture, until the other. petitioners bad been received, and then,, entering the audience room, he advanced toward Oount considered to he a purely political crime, as the count was not yet 40 years of age and was regarded as one of the best type of Russian offi cials. He came from one of the mrsi famous families of Russia. The count wa a ton of Count Pdter Shuvaloff, the statesman who rep resented Russia at the Berlin con ference, was formerly colonel of the Guard regiment known as the St. Pttt-rsburg, ami was one of Empe -ror Nicholas' personal friends. As prefect of Odessa, when Count Shuvaloff succeeded General Z-la-noi, who was extremely 6evere, Count Shuvaloff earned the esteem of all by his firm butJ-enieLt couree', making himself particu'a-ly popular with the ftuderts The impression exists, here that, tbe count was kill ed for preserving order. - . The JemstvoUts will not be al lowed to -meet at Moscow July 19, although thi-J net i- t-imply in ex pectation ( f the oidr of the governor-general, issued paevious to the assatibina'ioo of tSe prefect. TO REACH THE POLE COMMODORE PERRY EQUIP PED WITH COMPLETE OUTFIT WILL SAIL THIS WEEK. Ka.tei ji, Rouimnia, July 11. The Russian squadron seems to be delaying here, owing to thn fear that another mutiny will break out should the ship put to sea. Th fact that hb sailers from the Koisz Potmkin, who surrendered, have. been imprisoned on board the j hav Last Amounl of Money Necesssary For the Expedition Is Raised Will Start From Cape '. Breton. New York, July 12. With $35- 000 subscribed today toward his I expedition to reach the North Pole, Robert Jti. ftary announces tnat be will sail this week for the North. Commander Peary'p new Arctic ship, the Roosevelt, has beea wait ing several dfys for eupplies, which could not. be bought oa account of a lack of funds. The polar expedition which has been in prepaiation eince October 15, I984, has cost $150,000, includ ing today'rf subscriptions. The en tire amount has been- given by American business men to the Peary Arctic Club, whose members are anxious that ronn but Americans a band in this polar expedi- About 800 Americans came over from Michigan, and during the day carried the Stars and Stripes through the streets without unfav orable comment being elicited. Tonight the Americans gathered in front of a hotel, when some one cried: "To hell with Canada, she never showed us jet." Instantly the American flag, owned by the Port Huron, Mich., Lodge, was torn from where it waved in the breeze and was ripped into ehreda and trampled under the feet of an angry mob. Port Huron Orangemen say they did not resent it, as they believed the insult to Canada was uncalled for. St. Petersburg, July 12. Private adviets received here from Moscow say that the slayer of Prefect of Po lice Count Shuvaloff is a student and that he made an unsuccessful attempt at suicide after taking the life of his victim. His recent an "ft was due to his participation in 10 litical agitation. . K:- -.r.YVk" , 4 A - -' Victoria, July 11. News ss brought by the Empress of India of the slaughter of shipwrecked Japa r eee fishermen by Russians on the Sakhalin coast. Ten Japanese were lost on the Sakhalin coast when fishing toward the end of May. De fenseless and weak from the ex haustion resulting from their long emersion in the waves, they were met by three Russian guardsmen, who fired on the fishermen, killing five. The remainder escaped and after weeks of privation in the Sakhalin wilderness, managed to escape and reached Sokkaido, where they told tbeir story of wreck and long strug gle with sinking boats and on wreckage before reaching a little cove on Southern Sakhalin, where they hoped to secure shelter, but were shot at instead. The surviv ors lived in a cavern on a mountain with Bome raw roots and snails as their only food for 16 days. Fin ally they secured a boat at a native village and escaped. Anumbeifbf Russian and Tartar convicts have escaped from Sakha lin and made their way to North ern Japan. THELMA the Mystic with the Corbin Giants Opera House Saturday eve. 15th. Admission 25 and 35c The Popular Grocery & Crockery Good Things For Eating Eggs. Butter Always Fresh from the Dairies, tasty and good. Pickles. Fresh and always direct from the hens. Sweet and sour, bottle and . bulk. See our Garden Hienzes Truck, nothing but best, grown by good gardeners. The best canned Fruits and Vegetables on the market OUR METHODS OF BUSINESS All appeal to the thrifty housewife who wants the very best groceries for the least money. 'HERE IS THE STORE P. IVL ZIEROLF. Shuva'ofif at his desk, firing five shots at close range. The bullet passed through the body of the pre fect. . Count Shuvaloff owes fai-a death to his custom of freely giaoting au diences and receiving petitions fiom all classes. One bullet wounded the count in the pericardium, acother pierced his abdomen, a third struck bim in the arm, and the fourth in the th wi der, while the fifth bullet of the as sassin struck the leg of a woman who was standing near. According to the physicians, the bullets wtra poisoned. The victim speedily lost consciousness and never spoke af terward. A great crowd gathered in ' front of the house of Count Shuvaloff, and made a determined show of its indignation and sorrow at the as sassination of the prefect, who was very popular. , Grand Duchesa Elizabeth, widow of Grand Duke'Sergius (assassinat ed in Moscow February 17), attend ed the first requiem forCount Shuv aloff tonight. . St.. Petersburg, July 11. The assassination of Prefect of Police Count Shuvalcff of Moscow, is today different vessels ol the quartron, i.i tng, has caused lbtenss luiliguation trh;.n' th crewr-, and as a consequence tbere are fears of another mutiny. St. Petersburg, July 11 The goveriiujent will commence r-feu'ar proceeding for the rxtraii'.io of the crew of the Knaz Potenokin as ordinary cr.iiuif a's In the diplo matic, exchange on the. subject of th Russian foreign office poiitd out that Roumtnia'd promise to give the mutineers an asylum as made before Rouuianta bad been ap-prised of the other crimes comm t'.ed by the Russian tailors. : Warsaw, July 11. Th-ei bloody encounters between troops aod'strik ing stoemaker8, in which about 20 persons were killed or wounded, oc curred today. Tae strikers were marching through the city from house to bouea demanding the low erirg of rents by 20perrent. Many proprietors, out of fer,; complifd with the demands of the strikers. tion, Morris K. Tessup, president f toe club, (-ub'cribed $25,000 : to day, aud Thdmas H. Hubbard gave $10,000. In announcing that the ship is at last resdv, Commaoder Peary today made public for the first time i riona'ion i( $5o.ooi given by Geo. "Cn cktr in January last. The $35, o o received today will be expend ed, Mr. Pt-ary said, for band-picked coal aod additional scientific instru ments. His pary is complete, with tbe exception (if a surgeon. Mrs. Peary will probably sail with the expedition. From here the Roosevtlfc will proc-ed to Sydney, Cape Breton, where the New York crew will give op tbe thip to a picked crew, which is alreadv waiting on the Erick, a cral ship, which will accompany the Roosevrit to latitude 79. The Erik win tben return snutn, bringing Mrp. Peary with he-. Portland, July 11. The price cf night, admission to the Lewis and Claik exposition will be 25 cents hereafter. The new admission rate was announced yesterday after noon by Exposition President H. W. Goode, and it went into effect last evening for tbe first time at 6 o'clock. Hereafter the 50 cent rate will be dropped at 6 P. M., with the closing of tbe exhibits .palaces. Tbe reduction follows the request made several clays ago by Iran con cessionaries. They complained to the - Exposition management that people seemed unwilling to part with a half-dollar in the evening, when the buildings are mostly clos ed. . As another incentive to night at tendance, arrangements are now be ing made to keep tbe Museum of Arts opened at night. Since the lighting is artificial throughout, the wealth of famous masterpieces and renowned paintings may be. viewed as well, by night as any other time. Announcement has been made that the museum will be open at an ear ly date. None of the free attractions will be withdrawn under tbe new rate. soars tto s The Kind Ycu Have Alvvava Of EGU2S London, Ont, July 12. An American flag was torn down in front of tbe City Hall tonight and trampled under a hundred feet, as the result af a remark made by an American visitor at the Orangemen's demonstration. Washington, July 12. Hot wea ther prevails over a greater portion of the Uniud ft ites, according to reports received at the weather bu reau tonight. Apparently, there is no immediate relief in sight, except through the local thunder storms in several scattered sections. Throughout the West reports indi cate increasingly hot' weather. The humidity is high all ovtr the Atlan tic Coast from New England to Florida, ynd the prospect is that it will continue so two or three days, with northeast to south winds. In Washington today the maxi mum temperature was 88 degrees, the same as yesterday, but some re lief has be'n experienced through local thunder storms. There were a number of heat prostrations here, but so far as reported none of them has resulted fatally. ' New York, July 11. A St. Pe tersburg dispet-'h to the World stye: The Lavy dtpai truant ban resolved to . build a powerful new navy, and has instructed Charles M. Schwab to make plans for new whirves, giving the exact tima j which the work caa ba complete...