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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1904)
ftimei Vol. XV1I.-NO. 27. CORVAIXIS, OREGON. SEPTEMBER IO. 1904. & B. F. IRVUTB Editor, and Proprietor m You are Invited . TO CALL, v ; , AITI INSPECT OUR GREATtLNE Ladies Jackets, Misses Jackets, Children's Jackets. From one of the leading' Cloak Houses in the United States. ': - y - Jlaue fso Ieivd A big spipment of Gents Suits, Overcoats' and Shoes. See the goods, get the prices and it will pay you. J. H. HMRIS;'v- CHASING THE ENEMY j Fret But. - - -! ----- Fine Light Sample Rooms. 8 f .'- 8 1 i Gorvallls Hammel, Prop. JAPANESE ARE ON HEELS OF THE RUSSIAN GENERAL.. - Leading Hotel in Gorvallis. Recently opened. New brick building. Newly furnished, with modern con veniences. Furnace Heat, Electric Lights, Fire Es capes. Hot and cold water on every floor. Fine single rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house in the Willam ette Valley. ,. ' Rates: SM .00. $1.95 nnrl &9 Oft r Aarr V3 - 9 o w va.MJ - Race Very Hot for Mukden Heavy Rains That CauseB Floods Im Dede Retreat of Russians Mukden, Sept. 6. A Russian cor respondent of the Associated Press supplies the following: .,'..' 'Our retreat is bemg carried out under heavy pressure, and with the Japanese on. our heels. The task ie additionally difficult owing to the terrible condition of the roads and the rivers, which are flooded. "The fighting has now been almost continuous since August 2F4, and how much longer it will last is impossible to eay, as the initiative is in the hands of the Japanese. "The number of lives sacrificed and the loss of supplies by burning-, bridges being blown up, etc, can only be explained when we once more have concentrated, and this will occupy, ns for some das. : "Do not be under any miBappre hension; we will live through these heavy days and still more alarming nights, for, despite recent failures, we have steadfast faith in the fu tare, and the spirit of the troops unimpaired . Long lines of Commissariat wag' one drawn, by steaming mules, hor ses and even bullock', are straining their way north over the soaking, cut-up main road from Yentai. Be' hind them come long trains of ar tillery, and back of them still Ku- ropatkin's arms. Ihe main Japanese army is marching up along the roads east ward of ine Kusrim lines of re reat which converge at Mukden. Anoth er Japanese torca is also heading -for Mukdea-fjemtbe" westward, coming from - the direction of the Liao river. Marshal Oyama seems to be mak ing a race for Mukden. He has evidently a great superiority in number?, especially in artillery. The booming of the Japanese can non, which are. in play 14 miles from Mukden, was heard today The skies are black and the air is stiflicg with the sense ot suffocation ; which is felt here before a storm bieaks strange harmony between the elements and tbe menacing at titude of the contending armies is WE DO NOT OFTEN CHANGE Our ad., but our goods change hands every day. Your money exchanged ,for Value and Quality is the" idea. Big Line Fresh Groceries Domestic and Imported? Plain and Fancy CMnaware St. Petersburg, Sept. 26. The war office is advised that the heads of transport trains passed through Mukden yesterday afternoon, and the fact that the baggage torains continued on their way northward of Mukden, the war office explains, does not mean that Kuropatkin is bound further north at this time, but is simply a natural precaution ary - measure if he intended to hold Mukden, the Russian forma tion during tbe operations of an ar my locating the baggage train 12 miles in the rear of the main bddy ot troop?.. Once Yentai is passed Kuropat kin's army , will have the Han river between it and Oyama. The only uneasiness is due to the possiibility that Japanese light draft gunhoate. wmcn,. according to reports, are coming up , trom mu Unwatg might suddenly make their appear ence, tne river being navigable to this point. As Kuropatkin was just north of Yentai when the neads of tbe trans ports entered Mukden yesterday, in evident .that the retreating col umn is over 15 miles long. - A large and varied line. Orders Filled Promptly and Com plete. Visit our Store we do the rest. B Horning. Xtra6ooD Glothes For boys, joung men lahan. little fellows and see Nolan & Cal- G. r. farra: Physician & Surgeon, Office up stairs back of Graham & Wells drug store. Residence on the corner of Madison and Seventh. Tele phone at residence, 104. All caHs attended promptly. voe Vremya this morning got out an early edition announcing the falf of Port Arthur, bat it . was re called before the paper reached tbe streets. Such a report is current but it seems to have no basis in fact. , ' ' Tokio, Sept. 6. An extended re port from field Marshal Oyama, the mese commander-in-chief, in the field, was received in Tokio to day and made public tonight. It ie largely devoted to a review of tbe bghung which took place- "between August 24 and September 4. The announcement that the Rus sians will retain possession of the Yentai Collieries indicates a strong possibility of a battle there. Yen tai is the only colheiy in Northern Manchuria, and its possession is off vast. importance to the Russians in connection with the operation of tbe railroad. , Field Marshal Oyama reports that a portion of the Russian troops hold Yingshuissu, south of Yentai, and that General Kurokf s right in close touch with tbe Russians. He announces also that the left and center Japanese armies, under the command, respectively, of Generals Oku and Nodzu have baited on the left bank of the Taitz river, and it is bis intention to dispatch a por tion of them to occupy the heights north ot Muchaug acd along the railroad. -,' General Kuropatkin burned all the railroad and other bridges'over the Taitz river. The report says that the exact cumber of Japanese losses since Au gust 25 is not known at present, but that casualty lists are beiDg compiled. The field marshal pre dicts that tbe losses will prove heavy. The report does not mention the number of guns taken, but' it ie known that 16 guns were captured at Anping and Anshanehan, and earlier reports mention tbe capture and use against the railroad station at Lio Yang qf certain ten centi' metysr cauet giiaa'I--. Field Marshal Oyama says also that in spite of continuous attacks for ten daye against an enemy occu pying semi-permanent fortifications, and tbe heavy resultant sacrifice, the spirit of devotion and determin ation of the Japanese troops is ex cellent. General Kuropatkin, according to the reports, continued to receive reinforcements until ' Aug. 13, and his final strength consisted of at leaet 12 full divisions. The losses sustained by the Rus sians are not known to the Japan ese field force. ' General Kurokl encountered des- Derate opposition in the battle on the heights to the west of Heiying tai, where he fought continuously and fiercely for four dayB before be succeeded in dislodging the Rus sians. It is manifest that the stubborn' ness of the Russian defense at Hei- yngtai saved the Russian line of retreat and averted an overwhelm ing disaster. ANOTHER DISTSTER. PEOPLE ON TRAIN ARE CAR RIED OVER AN EMBANKMENT. Eight Killed and . Fifty Injured Day Coach Leaves the . Track and,; Breaking Loose - Drags Diner With - - It Other News. :- . ''. .:' ' r - N'. v Moberly, Mo., Sept. 6. The south-bound Wabash passenger tram which left Ues Moines for St. Louis at 6:40 a. m., was wrecked today near Pendleton, Mo., killing eight passengers and injaricg fifty others. -v. Immediately upon receipt of. the news of the wreck, a relief train ig! was sent out aud the dead and more seriously injured were brought back here. The train which was compos ed of an engine, baggage and smok ing care, day coach, diner and Pull man sleeper, was'Srell filled, it be iDg estimated by Wabash officials that there were about five hundred persons on board. The train .was running at its schedule speed when the accident occurred. - The day coach left tbe track . and breaking loose from the baggage-and smok ing cars, plunged down an embank. ment, dragging the diner with it. The Pullman did not leave the track . r The heavy dining car crashed on top of the coach, and the majority of those killed and " injured were paseengera in the latter. There was no one in the dining car, it is stat ed, except tbe employes, who escap ed with injuries. the body destroy all evidences of poison. Kieffer If 1 were you I would y have the body, embalmed immedi ately, although tbe poison which T shall administer will be alt digest--, ed in her stomach. ' - - Shaffer All right. Doc. I will rely on you to help me out. -' J Schaffer then left' with the cap- sules which he supposed contained, poison, and which he had procured from Dr. Ad amis. " - ; " ' '-''.-. At about 8:30 this morning, and about the time Schaffer expected '. his wife to die, he was arrested and taken to police headquarters, where, ' confronted by the detectives - and doctors, he made partial admission . to the correctness of the statements. After a conference between the city and .county prosecutors Schaffer was 'finally released, he having com mitted do act, they said, for which punishment is provided by the stat utes of this state. ' Schaffer ie the father of four grown children, one married. . BEAUTIFUL WOMEN. J Plump cheeks, ' flashed with the soft glow of health and a pare complexion, make all women beautiful. Take a small dose of Herbine after each meal; it will prevent constipation and help - digest what you have eaten. 50c Mrs. William M. Stroud, Midlothian, Texas, writes, May 31,1901. "We have used Herbine in our family for eight years, and found it the best medicine we ever used for con-, stipatlon, billons fever and -malaria." Sold by Graham SCWortham. . j. St. Petersburg, Sept. 7. Peace iB eagerly discussed by thousands of Russians in this city and in Mos cow, notwithstanding what is deem ed : the military splendor of Kuropatkin's retreat. The Novoe Vreyma sounding public opinion, suggests a basis ot agreement where by Japan would receive Sakhalin, Kamschatka, the Ku riles, ' the Simidore Islands, the Liao Tung Peninsula and supremacy in CoreaJjVes, Neidergal and x lb government ie not niteiy imme diately to favor the idea of peace, but may yield later. It is certain that the public demand for the ces sation of war is growing in infloen cial commercial and - financial cir cles. . '. . . : - " J Chef6o,"Sept. 6. Firing at Port Arthur was heard here tonight. Two Chinese interpreters belonging to the omcial household of Lieuten ant-General Stoessel, commander of the military forces at Port Arthur have beea caught by spying at Shu shien and Palungshan. They were executed by the Japanese. Chinese who arrive here to'day from Port Arthur declare that the Russian expects a general land and sea attack on September 7. On September 2 and 3 the Japan ese bombarded the fortifications se verely, and two Russian guns, on a fort near Rihlungshan, were dis mounted. r The recent entrance into Port Arinur ot a large steamsnip carry ing provisions, chiefly flour, has resulted in the reduction in the price of flour from $5 to $2 a bsg. St. Petersburg, Sept. 6. The No- Washington, Sept, 6. The navy department has received a cables gram from Lieutenant M. A. Mo Cully, dated at Mukden, saying that he is leaving there immediate ly for Vladivostok. . Lieutenant McCully has been at Port Arthur almost constantly Eince the outbreak of the war. That he is going to Vladivostok leads to the supposition, that he expects the Jap anese to turn their attention to that port in the event of the fall of Port Arthur. " - ..; , Dayton, O., Sept. 1. Frank Schaffer, apromient wealthy busi ness man, it is charged, arranged, through the pretended connivance of the family physician,- Wkllf his wife. The police today arrested the alleged would-be murderer. Schaf fer is fifty-four years old, president of an envelope company and form- j erly owned and managed several retail groceries under the name of the Cincinnati Grocery Company. The alleged wish to wed a girl in the employ of the envelope compa ny, and with whom Schaffer, it is said, is madly in love, bred the de sire to get rid ot his wife. . According to the police report and that of Dr. Charles A. Kiefer, the Schaffer family physician, Schaf fer . went to the doctor and pro posed to give Dr. Kiefer $500 if he would poison or otherwise kill Schaffer's wife. Dr. Kiefer pretend ed to agree' to the bargain, but said he would not prescribe the poison himself, but would arrange with Dr. J . Q. Adams for a deadly drag. ' Meantime Dr. Kiefer advised Dr. Adams, when the two agreed upon a programme of. giving a harmless drug to the iatended victim. The police were also advised of the scheme, lwo detectives were se creted in an adjoining room Wed nesday night, wnen nnal arrange ments in tbe deatn bargain - were made between the doctor and Schaf fer, ana tbe harmless tablets were given to the' latter to administer to his wife. The first of these was to be given this morning. The conversation that took place according to the report of the detec Kiacaid, was as follows Schaffer Doctor, I have the cap sules. - Kiefer All right, Schaffer. This is my first job, and it will be tbe last, but I need the money. ' Schaffer, (pointing to his mouth) Mum is the word, Doc. ; How long -will it take to kill her? Kieier It may kill her instantly or the may Irnger for a short time You cannot always tell Schaffer When shall I give U to her? Kieffer Give her a. capsuleat 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. Schaffer Then I had bettet downtown early so I will be away They will call me by telephone, and . - Bellefonntain Notes. i . A family passed through this place recently from Idaho.. They" lost their1 team on the way, While. -crossing the Blue Mountains they turned their horses out to graze and they left for parts unknown. Anoth er team was purchased and after a y few days delay the family continu ed their journey. -.. . . ' ' W. S. Humphrey has typhoid fe ver, but his physician thinks he -wilHrecoveri --i- -, -r i. ;. '-p - Mr. Gleason is quite sick at ' the home of his daughter, Mrs. John Perin. V Mrs. Fawcett returned to her home in Portland Wednesday. - Henry Lamb and Frank Porter have rented Mr. Huggins' faim. Virgil Landingham has returned from Portland where be went some time ago to consult a physician. Rev. W. W. Davis will preach at this place on Sunday, September 18th. ; Mrs. J. Walters has been quite sick, but is improving.: . Mr. Stantruff is very low. He has been ill a long time and is grad ually failing. Last Monday night the citizens of this place and the adjoining neighborhood were suddenly awak ened from their peaceful slumbers by the awful dm of artbany, clang of bells and grinding of horsa-fiddles. Judging from, the voices lift ed up in awful warwhoops the par ty must be whole-lunged, at any rate. Twas just the boys celebrat ing tbe return of the bridal couple, Fred Porter and Miss Carrie Porter, of this vicinity. They were married at Albany, Aug. 31st. NEGLECTED COLDS. Every part of the mucous membrane, the nose, -throat." ears: head and lnnes. etc, are subjected to' disease and Wight trom neglected coias. , .Ballard's Hore hound Syrup is a pleasant and effective remedy. 25c, 50c and $r. W. Akendrick, Valley Mills, Texas, writes: "I have used Ballard's Horehonnd Syrup for coughs and throat tronbles; it is a pleasant and most t ffective remedy. Sold by Graham & Worlham, l will call you right away, Doc, so you can be there. - Kieffer How doyou Btand with the coroner, Schaffer? Schaffer I do not know, but think I can fix that all right. You will be the physician, and yon can ion mm. sne uiea 01 neart fnum?. Kieffer-Yes I will tell him I have been attending tiim for a v-fw for rVenmatisrM ( f li e l.eiittn i he wi-1 take niv of.' fch li.-i Win 1 1 not f mlia miug HotOroads Light and lueef are made with mm BAKING POPO Absolute; anti'dyspeptic; may i?z eaten . without isieor.ves'iince -1 even by perseres . with titHcatc . . digestion ROYAL BAKINO POWXM CO., NEW YUMU i'