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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1902)
- : !yv. : JO wm Vol. XV. No. 45. COR VAL1L.IS , OREGON, DECEMBER 27, 1902. B. V IRVINE . -Editor oud Proprietor. - AY fir to Never before have we been so thor oughly prepared to meet tbe re quirements of the Holiday Trade. JUST RECEIVED. BIG LINE MEN'S & BOYS' SLIPPERS, BIG LINE MEN'S & BOYS' TIES, BIG LINE MFN'S & BOYS' HANDKFS, BIG LINE LADIES' SLIPPERS, BIG LINE MISSES' SLIPPERS, UMBRELLAS, RUGS, AND ALL KINDS OF NEW NOVELTIES, TOYS IN PROFUSION, CALL AND SEE. . SOME- F YOU ARE LOOKING FOR SOME REAL good bargains in stock, g Ranches, write for my special list, or come and see me. , I shall take pleasure in giving yon all the reliable information you wish, also showing you over the country. x HENRY AMBLER, ' Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance, Philomath, Oregon. Y - F3S6. ft t i WUiUiUmMU grain, fruit and poultry ENGRAVING.i HAVING the only facilities in the city for First-Class Engravings when so desired, all Christmas goods sold by us will be engraved absolutely Free jof Charge. .. ,. .. .. :;? -:. -'-'J PEATT, The Jeweler and-Optician. The Biggest Christmas Cornucopia Ever manufactured wouldn't begin to hold the many fine things we have to offer in the way of fancy lamps, cut glass dinner sets, ice cream, sets and oth er table and buffet ware. There's some thing here to suit every taste and every . pocket book. - .. , P. M. ZIEEOLP THOUSANDS DEAD AS A RESULT OF RECENT' EARTH QUAKE IN CENTRAL ASIA City Completely, in -Rains r Portland Saloon Keeper Stab- bed to Death Thirty Years in Prison Oth- '' ; '- er News. Ashkabad, Russian Turkestan, Dec. 23. Even the worst of the earliest retort3 of the recent earth quake disaster at' Andidjan auite underestimate the appalling loss of life. A telegram today from tbe scene of the catastrophe out the?Three of wur physicians were call number of victims, in the native quarter of the town at 4,000. Al ready 800 corpses have been, disin terred from the ruins. The work of excavation progresses slowly. - The state treasury containing 5,000,000 rubles, is in the ruins, and excavations to get -the money are carried on under the supervi sion of a strong cordon of police. The water in the wells has disap peared, and a general subsidence of trie site of the town is feared. Large numbers of laborers are being sent to excavate. Sappers have arrived and are expected to make more rap id progress. The shockB continue with increasing violence. " The area of seismic disturbance comprises 200 square versts. The Russian population is camping at the rail road station, where 4000 cars are placed at the disposal of the popu lation. The; local government offi cials are quartered in cars. Sheds for the destitute are being built as last as possible. Free soup kitch ens have been started and officials are aiding the departure of the in habitants by distributing food, mooey and free railroad tickets. At St. Petersburg it is estimated that-nearly 5,doo hayebeeri killedjwkh- gratitude to , the. encourage- By tne eartnquaKe at andidian The engineer officers at Andidjan, who were superintending the exca vations being made with the view of recovering the buried treasure at the sites of the anny department, state treasury, postoffice, etc., and the erection of sheds to shelter the officials and other homeless people, report that although the work is progressing as rapidly as possible, a month must elapse before the om- cers will be housed. The railroads are aiding in tbe work by all possi ble means, furnishing free transpor tation for provisions and material and conveying the inhabitants free of charge to towns in the govern ment of Ferghana. Th9 cash remittances in aid ot the destitute people have thus far been very small. " ; - St. Petersburg, Dec. 24. While full details of the recent earthquake disaster at Andidjan, Russian Can tral Aeia,-are not obtainable, owing to lack ot commnnicatior, the brief dispatches received here - describe the situa tion as horrible. The tem perature has fallenfto the freezing point, and thousands of persons are homeless. One section of the city has been completely destroyed. On ly one chirch and cotton gin are standing. The first shock drove the inhabitanti generally out of doors, otherwise 'the loss of life would have been, much greater. .- . Notwithstanding the offers of free transportation, they are remaining in the vicinity of the city, which will be rebuilt. A substantial start has been made in the collection of a relief fund. - - Andidjan is a cotton center, and exports 4o,ooo,ooo pounds of cotton annually. The population numbering 56,ooo souls, was growing rapid ly. The people, ; who are- mainly Sarts, were engaged m ing and ginning. - Of have been destroyed, are not like Russians. cotton rais- 20 gins 19 The Sarts " They are private owners ot land, but live in cities and towns. The houses in Andidjan are principally one sto ry high and are built of unburned brick. Portland, Dec. 24. The Orego nian says: Joseph Guglielmo, pro prietor of the Sunnyside saloon, 335 First street, was stabbed five times in the region of the heart at I o' clock this morning in. his saloon, by an unknown Italian who escap ed. "- -v.;r - . . ;. . The Faloon wapjust about ti be closed for the night. -Frank Peets, of 376 Front street, he bartender, was behind the bar, and jGugtielmo was at the end of the long counter, near his son Frank, when a strang er came in, an.d began to smash at the cigar machine. "Don't strike the machine. You'll break it!" yelled Guglielmo, and the unknown man gave him a sneering , answer and attempted to steal a bottle of whisky from a ehelf under .the .counter. To protect his property, Guglielmo ran up to the stranger, took the bottle of whisky from him and led him to the door. - The three men inBide the saloon thought that the .incident jcras clos ed, when : the stranger suddenly rushed in with a knife or dagger in bis right hand and plunged the -sharp instrument into Guglielmo's l breast, again and again. Then be- Uora the other men .could prevent I him, he escaped up :Matet street. ecr up by telepnose, but none re sponded. The wounded man ling ered, half-speechless, for half an hour, and died. His friends say if fee had received medical aid in time his life , would in all probability have been saved. . ' '-Policeman Smith and Thompson and Detective Kerrigan were work ing on the case at 3 o'clock this morning. The murder has caused intense indignation in the Italian colony. I Trenton, N. J., Dec. 24. The court of pardons today decided to take no action in the case of . Libbie Garrabrant, who is serving a life sentence for murder. She has been in prison about 3d years for killing man in Paterson when she waB 16 year 8 of age. At the time of tbe muraer sne was sentenced to oe banged, but ber sentence was com muted to life imprisonment. - s- ;St. John's, N. F., Dec. 23. Marconi has sent a telegram to pre mier Bond announcing his com plete success in the transmission of wireless messages between Cape Breton and England, and referring ment he received from New Found land a year ago. In his reply Pre mier Bond expressed the hope that when the charter of the Anglo American Company expiied in A pril, 1904, Marconi will establish a wireless station here. Victoria, B. C, ac. 24. The steamer Amur, which arrived from Skagway today, brought news of tbe massacre of Salmon Indians and the murder of a storekeeper whose store was looted and burned by Pelly Indians. Dispatches, from Dawson state that the Little Salmon Indians were on their way out to. sell furs when attacked by the Pelly In dians. The Little Salmons were encamped and they awaited the ap pearance 01 tbe reily8 without ex pecting danger. When the latter were witbin'a short distance of the unsuspecting Little Salmon In dians, they, yelled and simultane ously fired their gunsT A number of the little Salmons were slaughtered on the spot. Oth ers were followed and killed while they were fleeing for safety, A small number of the party escaped. The survivors returned to the home village and the women and children were hurried to the police post at iantalus lor salety. USttle definite news was received regarding an attack on tbe store, which occurred on December l,and vague, news received by the police says that the storekeeper was shot and killed and his assistant, who was wounded, fled to the woods, but being unprepared' for the cold, probably died. The store was loot ed and burned. Chicago, Dec. 24. Policeman Patrick Mahoney was found guilty and Daniel Curran codefendant not guilty of burglary by a jury which returned its verdict in a locally sensational case, in Judge McEw- an's court today. The burglary of Hagemann's jewelry store, with which the defendants were charged netted the robbers $10,000, of which $7,000 was recovered. James Clark and an accomplice were convicted and served terms in the penitent! a'ry. Upon his release Clark told a story to the state's attorney which resulted in thfr arrest of Curran, a saloon keeper, and Mahoney, a po liceman, well known and respected among his fellows. Clark- testified that Mahoney, in full uniform, stood'guard, while the jewelry store was being looted. " '-" Yaquina Bay Celery : Constantly on hand at . . Zierolf's. CHICAGO SUBWAY TUNNEL TO RE BORED AT COST OF OYER II TI MILLIONS Talk of County Divisions by Ore gon Legislature A Carload of Ore Valued at a Hund . red Thousand Dollars ' Other News. .Chicago, Dec. 23. New York and Chicago capitalists are said to have joined forces to launch in Chi cago one. of the most colossal trac tion Tehtur88r accordingto the Dai ly News, the city has known. The scheme is for an underground rail road combined with a new elevated, the cost of the entire project to be $51,000,000 to $55,000,000. ;-. Briefly f stated, the plan compre hends the construction of a tunnel under the down town, streets, mak ing a complete loop of the business section, to connect with a new ele vated road, which it is proposed to coDS'ruct parallel with the South side line, to he reached by means of an incline. The scheme is de signed largely to benefit the stock yards district. The. Inter-Borougb Rapid Transit Company, ; of Now York, which built the big under ground railroad in that city, is said to be really at tbe head of the scheme. Eight New Yorkers have been directly interested, it is said. Eugene, Or., Dec. 23, Now. that the legislation is about to canvene, county division talk is again taken up in this section. The inhabitants of the northwest corner of Douglas county are going to strive to be an nexed to Lane county, claiming that Eugene is their most accessi ble outlet, and also complaining that Douglas county doesn't take sufficient interest in building and maintaining roads in their section of the country. r. There ia , also "a movement among some of the resi dents of the coast section of Lane county to cut out a section along the coast and establish a new coun ty, with Florence as the county seat. . - - Everett, Wash., Dec. 23. A car load of fabulously rich ore from Ba ker county, Oregon, is due to ar rive at the Everett smelter this week. From Sumpter to. Baker City the car was occupied by an armed guard, with a special engine as the estimated value of the ship ment of hand-sorted ore is $loo,ooo. Cottage Grove, Or., Dec. 23 A report reached here this evening that John Mansfield was killed yes terday in Bohemia by an explosion of dynamite. He and Frank Mcln tyre were doing assessment work for Whale & Gilbert. . Mclntyre went to camp to get dinner; Mans field remained to load and shoot three holes. Two of the loads went off, and he went back to see. what was the matter with the other," when it discharged, tearing his bead almost from iiis body. As Mans field did not come to camp for bis dinner, Mclntyre went to the tun nel and found him dead. Mans field was known as "Mineral ohn," and has been in Bohemia for a num ber of years. .He was an assayer, and had a small farm near tbe foot of Bohemia Mountain. His boJy will be buried at Wild wood tomor row.. - " THE OLD (SSI iilliii---'. Absolutely Puro THERE i& ffl .SiiBSTiT&TE Yokohama, Dec. 4, via San Fran -" cisco,. Deo. 23. Reports of poor crops and prohibitive prices for the 'staple native goods reached , the Hong Kong telegraph from all quarters. Great distress is reported from Amoy.and Swatow, while sim ilar accounts reach that paper from Singapoi e and ; : other ; southern ' points. Kwangsi and K wans Tung have experienced similar failures, ' with the result that the Canton sit uation is very, grave. As for the .Philippines, the Vice crop in Pangasinan, Camarines and other minor provinces has - been a failure. Saigon, the chief : export- -ing port for the Philippine supply, has also suffered in its. crop, through the drought, and the market there has advanced practically 50 per cent sifcee the beginning of the year. At present that district ia , bare of rice and is trying-to cancel contracts. It is said that soon no ric9 will be obtainable until , the new crop comes in February. The Siamese cruiser Maha Chak rkri has arrived at Nagasaki en route ta Yokohama, where she is to receive the Siamese' crown; prince; who is shortly expected from Van couver. The commander and two other officers of the cruiser are Eu ropeans, and 11 officers and ' 324 men natives. City of Mexico, Dec.,-23. It is now practically assured that the American-Eoglish syndicate, with headquarters in London and Chica go, will purchase three large ciga rette factories in this, city. . A de posit of $60,006 gold' to guarantee the trade has been made. The companies to be taken over by the Americans are the Bueno S Tuno, $4,000,000 capital; Le Cigar- -rora, with a capital of $l,75o,ooo. The third is a private concern. The . total amount of the deal is about -$ll,ooo,ooo. The payment will he . partly in cash and partly in rnort-" gage bonds. . ' " The purchasing oompany will be .ka.own as the Mexicar,:Tobacca Corporation, and rumor ascribes to the syndicate the purpose of buying up all important cigarette factories ' in the country. Government action to prevent a total absorption of tbia industry by foreigners Is rumored. St. Joseph," Mo., Dec. 23. Fire broke out at 6 o'clock this morning in Chase & Sons' candy, manufac turing establishment and destroyed it. Sophia Mintus, aged 15, and Mattie Lesslie, aged 2o, girl employ es, jumped from a third story win dow and were fatally hurt. There were 5o girls employed in the facto ry, and many others jumped from second and third-story windows, some sustaining slight injuries. The origin of the fire is unknown. The factory had been running night and day to fill holiday orders, and the night and day . forces were changing at the time the fire broke out. Sioux City, Ia., Dec. 23. The town of Hubbard, Neb., was the scene of a daring hold-up tonight. Two men heavily armed entered a crowded saloon and robbed every body in the place, looted the cash register and made their escape. The amount secured is unknown. , Wood for Sale I have 5OO acres of timber land to clear." Will sell wood in stump or give wood for Clearing ground, have fir, oak cedar and ash. 5 miles west of Corvallis. : PA Kline. RELIABLE