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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1902)
Willamette Valley Banking Company COBVAIXIS OREGON. Responsibility $100,000. 1 General Banking Business. ExcbaDge iesued payable at all finan cial ranters In United States, Canada and Europe. Principal Correspondents PnrtinnH. Seattle. San Francisco and New York Canadian Bank oi Commerce Chicago First National Bank Canada Canadian Bank of Commerce Union Bank of Canada. Corvallis Times. BY B. F. IRVTNfe. Uncial Paper Benton County, CORVALLIS, OREGON OCT. 18, 1902. WAS DEDICATED ZManv Distineuished Visitors Came An Afternoon of Banqueting and Speeches. The colleee was the theme of many a complimentary expression, public and private, Wednesday af ternoon. More nice things were said about it than were ever said in the same length of time before, Public men in public speeches her alded its virtues. Private citizens from all oarts of the state admired grounds, buildings and equipment, and expressed their admiration in words. There were more men of note, too, m town than . have been m Corvallis in many a day. There was Governor Geer, and Congress man Tongue, Congressman-elect Williamson, and Senator Fulton, President Campbell of the State University, and State Superintend ent Ackerman, Senator Croisan of Marion, and Senator-elect Miller of I,inn, Senator Kuykendall of Lane, and President Weatherford and ex President Apperson of the board of regents, and many another legis lative factor, past and present. Be sides, there was B G Leedy, master and A T Buxton, lecturer of the State Grange, H B Miller, cons to China, and for a year president of the Agricultural College, J M Church, banker of I,a Grande, and well known public man, as well as lare-e numbers of distinguished farmers from everywhere. The occasion was the dedication of Agricultural Hall. The build ing is to house the farmers de partment of the college. It is to be the seat of experiment in agricul tural problems. It is to be the chief and only home of instruction in agriculture m Oregon. It is the place where young men who seek to be scientific farmers of the future are to be instructed. These things formed the key note of speakers' themes and visitors admiration. They turned the thought in the direction of that well known lact that Oregon is a leading agricul tural state, They evoked the statement that she buys a carload everv day in the year 'of oroducts that she herself ought to raise, and the new Hall and the instruction it is to facilitate were pointed out " as evidences that methods must and will be changed. Those who came to the dedica tion, were all banqueted. Busi ness men closed their stores and shops and offices, and met them at the trains. Corvallis ladies pre pared for them and served to them a luncheon that elicited praise at the hands of every guest. Of the more than 700 people who sat down at the tables, every one was filled to the uttermost and sent away with a blessing. The banquet was in the basement story of the new building, , The room was decorated in a way that brought praise from every lip. The imitation of an autumn scene was so perfect that one guest declared he could see sunshine and frost on the leaves. The frost was clematis in tertwined with vines of wild black berry and festooned from column to column about the room. Twenty snow white tables formed the un derground of the pretty scene, and sixty to, eighty ladies and maids in pretty gowns lent . color to the prospect; Autumn leaves, and vines and bunches of grape further adorn ed the tables and lent added charm to the occasion. The high reputa tion of Corvallis ladies, established in many past feasts to the public, did not suffer by this latest effort. The visitors came in sections, the first on the westside train at noon. It numbered a hundred or more, and was headed by Senator Fulton, prominent candidate for United States senator, The other section arrived on the regular Cor vallis & Eastern passenger at half past one, with " Governor Geer, President Campbell and others as members of the party. Both sec tions were met by the band and citizens and escorted to the college. In twenty minutes after the first party arrived, the members were swallowing salads, ham, pickles, jellies, cake, ice cream, coffee and other edibles at the twenty tables. Numerous Lincoln and Benton county people ate with them, and afterwards all strolled or stood in knots about the grounds or in the buildings. On arrival, the second party was hurried to luncheon, and thereafter taken to the Armory for the dedicatory ceremonies. Most impressive were the dedi catory exercises. The Armory platform was crowded with dis tinguished men. Governors' con-, gressmen, senators, past, present and prospective were there in pro fusion. Side by side, sat President Campbell of the State University and President Gatch of the college. The cbllege board of regents, under whose policy and economy in use of provided funds the new building was made possible, appeared in a body, President Weatherford at their head. The galleries and main floor of the big auditorium were a mass of humanity. Twelve hundred to 1400 people were there. Grand as is the magnificent building whose completion the function was to celebrate, the dedicatory' exer cise and the assembly it called out, were not less superb. Of speeches, there were many, and all were excellent. As pre sidiug officer, President Weather for briefly bade all welcome. Then there was an invocation by Rev Humbert. The prayer petitioned the throne of grace for manifold blessings on the new structure and the work to be carried forward in it, and on the great educational in stitution of which it is a glorious part. Then the germ of the dedi catory ceremony began,- to unfold. Chairman Apperson, venerable and stalwart, appeared on the platform. It was his fnnction as chairman of the building committee to present the finished structure to the assem bled board, and the task was fit ting. It was Captain Apperson who first .urged construction of Agricultural Hall. Three or four years ago, when president of the board, in an annual report he set forth the crowded condition of the departments, and the need of a new building. On every succeeding occasion thereafter, he was a de voted advocate of the plan. When funds for the purpose were finally available, he was appointed, along with President Weatherford and secretary Daly, a building com mittee, and made its chairman. The work of the committee was subsequently so perfect that the bill for extras was but $100, some thing almost unprecedented in the history of building. In a brief but very impressive speech, Chairman Apperson made the presentation. One of his state ments was that, as it stands today, Agricultural Hall has cost $47,762. On behalf of the board, President Weatherford accepted the trust, and then Regent Killin moved a vote of thanks to the building com mittee for the excellence and fidel. ity of their unrewarded labors, It fell to the lot of Governor Geer to make the dedicatory ad dress. He said it was a great day for the Agricultural College. He knew the institution when it was a j small school under denominational control. He knew it when the late Senator Thomas Cauthorn was its constant champion on the floor of the Oregon senate. To Senator Cauthorn, he declared, was largely due the vast impetus given the in stitution when it was re-organized and placed under state control. "The people of the state, the farm ers of Oregon, and' the people of Benton county and Corvallis," the governor declared, "owe a' great debt to that man whose whole pur pose and effort was directed to the upbuilding of this college." Governor Geer said that Oregon is now buying a carload per day of products that she herself should produce. - Until she stops buying and herself grows these products, she can never attain that high prosperity for which she is so pre eminently fitted by nature. Tie college, he said, in its earnest at tention to agricultural problems and devoted purpose in . agricultur al instruction is laying the founda tion and leading the way for chang es that will result in selling jather than buying. In concluding his address, scarcely 20 minutes in de livery, the governor, on behalf of the people ot the state accepted the new building and expressed con viction that vast good would inure to the state and its people as a re sult of the erection and use of Agri cultural Hall. : The speaker to have followed Governor Geer .was Governor-elect Chamberlain. He was unable to be present, and. this telegram from his was read: v.. . Portland, Ore,, Oct. 15, 1902. K Hon. J. K. Weatherford, President Board of Regents, Corvallis: I extend congratulations over the complrtion of Agricultural Hall at the Agricultural College, and deeply regret that official business prevents me from filling the part assigned on the day's programme. George E. Chamberlain." It was after four o'clock when the exercises in the Armory were concluded. . After the dedi catory address, came an address by State Lecturer Buxton of the Grange, another by Congressman Tongue, and a speech by H B Miller. Congressman-elect William son wasalso to have been a speaker but the programme turned out to be so long, that not only was the latter' s address eliminated, but Mr Miller's was cut to the brevity of a five minutes talk. The addresses were all of high character, and each pronounced in its praise of the col lege and its work. Before their departure, a large number of the visitors took a look at football as exemplified by O A C. men. The play was on the field, within a few j'ards of the Armory. Farmers, senators, university presi dents and others flocked thither as soon as the game was announced They filled the new grand stand to overflowing, and as the play went on they became heated with inter est and enthusiasm. The noise that came from the grand stand was as reaL and as characteristic as though the place were filled with excited college students instead of staid old citizens. The game only lasted until the first team made a touchdown, when the players were called from the field. Then the visitors diverted and pleased with the varied events of the afternoon hurried from the grounds to the railroad stations, and all of them earnest in commendation of what they had seen and heard. No past event in the history of the college has been so calculated to quicken the pulse and give im petus to the advancement of OAC as will " the few hours of simple ceremony out on the hill, Wednes day afternoon. SAW THE ECLIPSE GOT HIS MAN Found Escaped Prisoner Near Corval. lis Sheriff of Polk. Sheriff Ford of Poik county, and a deputy, were in town Thursday morning looking for an escaped prisoner named Marshland. The latter walked out of the Dallas jail when the shenit went to feed the prisoners Saturday evening. Marsh land was allowed the privilege of the corridor. While the sheriff looked after other prisoners, he sneaked out the back way, stole down stairs and gained his liberty. While in Corvallis, Sheriff Ford received information that his man had been seen the evening be fore between Suyer and Wells, and that he was making his way to wards Corvallis. The sheriff left for the scene early Thursday morn ing. A dispatch in yesterday's Oregonian relates that Marshland while walking on the railroad track near Corvallis, was captured by the sheriff and his deputy,- and taken back to jail. All Conditions Favorable and There Were Many Observers. All Corvallis was out to see the eclipse of the moon Thursday night. The event transpired on schedule time as laid down by the astronomers, and was a howling success. The eclipse began to show itself on the east edge of the moon, and slowly, advanced until it be came total. Then it passed slowly off, exhibiting many interesting phenomena. When the totality was passing off, one enthusiastic female observer declared that the moon looked then like it had a big black log across it. After the eclipse another observer said the moon looked like it had blood on it In fact a very red hue was notice able, due to refraction of rays of light in the earth's atmosphere, enabling the moon to be seen- be fore it had really passed out of the shadow. Every condition was highly favorable for observing the phenomenon, and many old in habitants declare the eclipse to have been the nearest up-to-date of any thing they have ever seen. One young woman said it was lovely, and just as good an eclipse as we "used to have back in Bosting." As everybody knows, the moon's eclipse is caused by the moon pas sing through the shadow of the earth, always thrown out through space on the opposite side from the sun. On account of the immensely larger size of the sun than the earth, this shadow becomes smaller as the distance from the earth is increased. It is in fact a perfect cone in shape. Immediately at the earth, it is 8,000 miles in diameter Two hundred and forty thousand miles awav. or at the moon, it is something like 4,000 miles in diam eter. As the moon is something like 2,000 miles iu diameter, the earths shadow at the point where the moon passes through it is abottt twice the moon's diameter. As 4,000 miles of earth's shadow swept itself past the 2,000 miles of moons diameter, making 6,000 miles covered during the brie'f con tinuance of the eclipse, some idea is gained of the tremendous veloc ity at which are old earth and its pu ny inhabitants are rushing through space. No wonder our express trains and 'olir young men are learning to be swift. TAKING TIMBER Found A pair of spectacles and case. Apply at Times office. Furnished Rooms. To rent. For particulars inquire of Mrs. Ida Fitch, M E South parsonage. Crowd of Portlanders Went to Alsea Thirty Two in the Party. Another big crowd of timber- seekers was in Corvallis Wednes day- They arrived on the west side, and at once set about hunting vehicles to take them to Alsea, They were unable to secure enough conveyances in Corvallis, and two or tiree rigs were secured in Al bany. The party numbered 32, and hailed from Portland. A con siderable percentage ot them are women. They left the same after noon for Alsea, and at last account had not yet returned. Their trip in the heavy rains that have pre vailed since they started, has not been strewn with sunbeams and beds of roses. To Homeseekers. I am now offering some genuine bar gains in city properties in Corvallis and Philomath. Also some of the very best farms and stock ranches in the county, with or without stock, very low. Have a few choice small acre ; pi operties near town. Come and see me before you buy. I am alone in the business. F. P. MORGAN. HartSchaffncrl Hand Tailored Style ana Utility! Here's a coat you can wear in the rain without harm to the coat or to you, you can wear it in sunny weather too if you like it looks and feels like any other fine oAercoat with the .rainproof added. They're going to be "the thing" this season. We have plentv of them in some pat terns"$12 50, 13 50, 16 50 and 18 00 and all other kinds of men and boys suits and overcoats from 1 50 to 18 00 Glad to show 'em to you any -time. . isaM ; S.?L. KLINE. lie PreDaied ! We The arrival for the past two weeks has placed in our store one of the largest and best selected stock of merchandise we have ever had, comprising all the late novelties in dress goods, silks, trimmings ribbons, etc. In shoes you have the largest and best selected ,stcck in the city to choose from. Our aim is to carry everything to be found in an up-to-date dry goods store. Prices to please f iii it is III Iff ill lit ?! O. A C. UNIFORMS. Headquarter or Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Ladies' and Men's-- Furnishings, Etc. New Goods AH the Time. Corvallis, - Oregon. WICKS & LILLY SUCCESSORS TO Taylor & Heish Dealers in all Kinds of Fresh and Cured Meat Lard Etc. Corvallis, - Oregon fa Call up Hode's Grocery for up to-date goods, jft its the place you get the best edibles. Teas, cof K fee, extracts, confectionery fruits, vegetables, can ik ned and bottled goods. . Mi Svrnns. meats, lard, flour, cereals. mush. H.very week we are getting in fresh fruits, candy, crack h ers and cookies. ' .".V." fa fa fa Use the Snow Ball and Waldo brands of flour. Buy the Woodlark vanilla and lemon extract, best and cheapest. We carry a big line of stone and willow ware. . ' fa fa m fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa Tubs buckets, baskets, brooms, brushes dusters 1 washboards, mops, lamps, lanterns, oil cans, - Parlor matches 1500 all for 10 cents. M t Rodes Grocery : t fa : M. Students Headquarters a m ' fa