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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1902)
LOCAL LORE. Mrs A D Morrison returned Wed nesday from a brief visit with Port land relatlvee. Miss Mabel Jones returned to ber borne In Salem Thursday after a days , visit at the Withycombe home. fJ Fred Stelwer of Jefferson was among the old students who came back Wednesday to see the dedication. Miss Ethel Hansaker of Ttfrner arrived Wednesday. She ia a guest of her sister who is a student at OAC. Butter fat advaueed at the Cor vallis creamery Thursday to 28 cents The price is unusually high for this time of the year. United Evangelical church. The pastor will preach next Sunday morn ing and evening. Service at Bit View at 2.30 p m. Charles Johnson of Summit has been the guest for several days of his brother Alfred Johnson. He left for home Thursday. -Married W Dodele and Miss Estelle Frantz both of Hoskins at United Evangelical parsonage Wed nesday afternoon. The First Spiritual Union of Cor vallis, will hold services at Barrett Lyceum on Sunday, at 3 p m. All friends cordially invited. Among tha Lincoln County men who came out to attend the dedica tion were ex-senator Crosno, Dr Car ter and A W Bose. All returned home Thursday. The Mr Jenkins of Minneso ta will preach at the Congregational church next Sunday Cct 19 at 11 a m and 7 30 p m. All are cordially invi ted to attend. M E Church. The pastor Frank L Moore will occupy the pulpit at 11 a m and 7.30 p m. The Sunday School meets at 10 a m and the Epwortb League at 6,30 p m, A cordial wel come to strangers. The son of F P Morgan, who en listed last February in the United States navy, is about to leave the Mare Island navy yard for a long cruse, destination unknown. The boy is 18 years of age, and is named Charles Morgan. Chester Laughlin of North Yam hill, a member of last years gradual. ing class at the college came up Wed nesdav to attend the dedication. He was accompanied bv a young niece, who is to spend the winter at the home of Mr and Mrs Ellsworth Irwin. Mrs Ella M Humbert will occupy the pulpit at the Christian Church next Lords day. Subiect at 11 a m "The Cross and the Crown". At 7,30 r m "The Fact of Christ". Bible School at 10 am. Christian Endea vor at 6,30. You are cordially invi ted. The marriage of Charles L Heck ert and Miss Zalia Minor occurred at the Minor home In Jobs addition Tuesday evening. The ceremony was performed by Bev.H A Deck in the presence of a number of relatives and friends. After congratulations, a de licious wedding supper was served. Mr and Mrs Heckart are well known residents of Corvallis. Thomas Bllyeu and William Van Gross left Thursday for California. They have offers of places there which they expect to accept until about Jan uary 1st when it is the plan to enter the Univers lty of California, at Berk eley. Mr Van Gross for a literary course and Mr Bilyeu for a course in hydraulics and mining engineering. Both are likely and deserving young men. There is a sick man over at Hal sey that a number of Modern Wood men went yesterday to see. "He is an Eastern member of the order but recently arrived in this state. He is reported to be slowly dying of cancer of the stomach, and local members to the number of half a dozen went over to render such assistance as may be necessary. The last of the government engi neers, latelj engaged in repairing the revetment on the east bank of the Willamette, left for , Portland Thurs day. The work for the present has been completed. Over 600 tons of rock and a large quantity of fascines were put in the breakwater. The chief woik was done in the band this side of the Everett place. The am ount ot money expended was about $3,000. , Sneak thieves stole a variety of articles from Agricultural Hall the other night. The theft happened the evening after the dedication. A quan tity of butter, pickle3, sugar ice cream and other provisions were stored there the doors and windows were securely locked. The following morning when the committee of ladies reached the hall to finish up their work, butter, sugar, Ice cream and pickets were dis covered miasing. Muddy tracks on the floor and an open window told the story of bow the articles had disappeared. There was no unveiling Wednes day as was once intended of the foun tain placed on the college grounds by the graduating class of 1902. However the fountain, very preity and an at tractive adornment stands in conspic uous position near the eastern term inus of the granite walk. It was pla ced there by members of the class, and is rea,dy to send a shower of sparkling spray in all directions when ever the water is turned on. The cer tmony of unveiling was dispensed with beo.iU3e of bslief that it would divert attention of visitors at the ded ication from the main purpose Id view. Wheat 54. Walter Keady Is at home lor a few days. Elmer Wills oPPendleton, arrived Wednesday, and has re-entered OAC. Miss AInslee of Portland is visit ing the family Of John Smith. MIes Eillin ot Portl and was a guest at the Withycombe home Wed nesday. Usual services at the Catholic church Sunday. High mass at 10,30 a m, vespers at 7.30 p m. 1 After the foot-ball rally last eve ning a reception was tendered stu dents at the Baptist church. First intercollegiate game of foot ball happens on OAC field at 2-30 this afternoon OAC plays Willamette. Bev Beaves will preach in McFar land chapel tomorrow at 11 a m and at 7,30 p m. in ME church south. The twin Johnsons arrived yes terday from attendance at the grand lodge of Knights of Pythias, at Port land. Miss Mildred Johnson, of Port land, is the guest of Corvallis friends for a few days. She arrived Wednes day. Miss Gladys Sears leaves today for her home at Hood Biver. She has been a guest of Miss Garfield at Alpha Hall since Wednesday. Contractor Snook and wife of Salem, Banker Hirshberg of Indepen dedce, and Bepresentative-Elect Hay den of Alsea were among the dedica tion visitors Wednesday. With his family, John Fowells, who returned to Iowa last spring after settling in Corvallis last year; is expacted to arrive by tha first of November to reside. Mr Fowells likes Oregon more and Iowa less,' now. Miss Duncan, tor years, a popular t eacher in the Corvallis. pub lic schools is at Parsons. Kansas. She has been re-elected first assistant in the public schools, there and is well pleased with her position. A correspondent writes: It is reportedby town rumor that the Merry Xmas bells will also chime for a wed ding south of town. The young lady is well and most favorably known while the groom is a well to do young ranchman ot Gilliam Co, Eastern Ore gon. Captain Bobinson has sold to Lee Henkle the house and lot and a half in the southwest corner of the Tunni- cliffc block. The property wasjowned by Mrs Tunnicliffe. The asking price was $600, but the property went for something less, The house is to be occupied by Arthur Henkle and wife. The services both morning and evening at the Episcopal Church on Sunday will be coudncted by the Bev. W J Kilpack of Christ Church Sutton England. Morning prayer with ser mon at 11 o'clock and evening at 7,30 p m. All are cordially invited to at tend. Georgia Harper appeared Tues day night in the role of Queena and gave a first class rendition ot the role although laboring under great difficul ties. Miss Harper has not appeared since being confined to her bed with that which threatened to be typhoid fever, but under care ot Dr Pernot she is rapidly recovering. Bains of the past few days have been very welcome to farmers. Most of them say more is, needed. The ground has been so dry, that but lit tle plowing has been 'possible. The only seeding operations prosecuted have been on summer fallow and in stubble with disc harrow. A compara tively large acreage is being seeded this fall by the latter method. The Georgia Harper Theatrical company has been : playing at the opera house since Tuesday night. The Lyrio Queen, a society drama was pre sented Tuesday night, My Uncle from New York, a farce comedy was the bill Wednesday night, and Thursday night, a pleasing comedy drama, The Little Duchess was given. The play last night wasWayBack East. On the open ing night the audience was small, but on each succeeding night the house nas largely increased, a ract mat tens the story trfat the players efforts to please are appreciated. The company is a,good one. Corvallis business man went out of town on a blind, baggage yesterday. It was Con Gerhard. He was headed for the station when the train started. He realized that he couldn't do Postmaster Johnson's stunt, and outrun a train, and by flourish of arm and swinging of hat he got the train to slow down. The first place that was within reach was the blind baggage, and there the bookseller alighted and remained .until the crossing was reached. The Portland Telegram's University of Oregon correspondent writes as fol fows: Last evening was an eventful one to a few freshmen. Some of the older students, desiring to infuse Eastern customs Into the State Uni versity , began by hazing some of the smaller freshmen. Under pretense of a football rally, these young colle gians were Invited out to take the first step toward a higher education, Races were engaged in, speeches made and those refusing to act were Immer sed in the mill race. The ground is bare around a few of the trees on the campus, and here the youngsters were given a free, unpadded ride. After these clever stunts had been perfor med, light refreshments were served, such as canned oysters with sugar which was a compulsory diet".' THE YELTON SWINDLER Still Another Corvallis Girl Victimized by Her A Bold Scheme. - Corvallis " has another young woman who was victimized by the Yelton woman, and in a way sim ilar to the case of Miss Van Hoosen whose experience was related in Wednesday's Times. The other victim is Miss Anna Brune, who re sides at the home of Sheriff Bur nett. September 29th, the Yelton woman persuaded Miss Brune to become an aeent for the sale of books for the Wabash Publishing House, of Chicago. The young woman signed a contract under the terms of which she was to canvass for sale of books, for which the publishing house was to pay her $1 per day for the first 26 days. After that she was to receive com' mission on the books sold. As a guarantee of good faith, she was to pay $5 in advance. The latter amount was paid the Yelton woman who thereafter disappeared. That was the last seen of the money by Miss Brune. And there is another chapter in the story. About a week later, Miss Brune received through the mails, a letter signed by the Wa bash Publishing House, announc ing that the latter had gone into bankruptcy, and that it would be unable to comply with the contract entered into with Miss Brune. Two or three days after that, another letter came to Miss Brune on the same subject. It was signed by George Cline, and related that the Wabash Publishing House was in financial straits, and could not car ry out its contract, but that - he had engaged in the business on the same plan. He also said in the letter that he would be glad to em ploy Miss Brune on the same terms and enclosed a contract for her to sign. The (contract was identical with that presented by the Yelton woman As in the former instance it required $5 to be paid in advance by Miss Brune. A peculiar tact in connection with the contract is, that as a witness to the signature appears the name of Mrs Jessie Yel ton, which was the name given by the woman who perpetrated the first swindle on Miss Brune. After her first experience, Miss Brune did not fall a victim to the second snare set for her. She did not send Cline the $5 required, but threw the letter aside unanswered, The whole scheme is a widespread and elaborate swindling proposi; tion that is finding many a victim! ALL SHOT TO PIECES Bloody Water and Unearthly Groans at Midnight for a New Student. "For God'-s sake, doctor, can he get well?" It was a pallid face, that of the inquirer, a face of the new student from Pumpkin Butte. The so-called doctor was another student, but not a new one, made for the occasion with pill bags and powders. A so-called wounded man lay on a bed in the room not 10,000 miles from Cauthorn Hall and let out groans distressing enough to turn a slaughter house white-headed. Of course, he was another student, and by no means a new one. His leg was bound up in many a bandage and he was re ported to be badly shot. Near by was a wash bowl full of water that was bloody, but it wasn't. It was only red ink that gave it a gory color. "Oh, tell me that he will live, doctor," the Pumpkin Butte man continued, as he wrung his hands and paced the floor. But the sol emn man of so-called science shook his head myteriously as the dying man oh the bed let out another fearful groan, and the drama went on. The anxiety ot the new man was heightened by the fact that he was charged with chief respon sibility for the terrible condition of the main guy. now suffering on the bed. A grape stealing depredation bad been proposed, but Pumpkin Butte wouldn't go. He offered however, to head a crowd to pre vent the stealing, . and catch the culprits. His plan was agreed to and in due time, as they approach ed the grape, patch, somebody be gan to shoot. At the second shot the main guy fell. . He was carried home, the bogus doctor called, and the wound discovered to be hideous. Then the new man was charged with being the cause of the shoot ing because he didn't go grape stealing in the first place, and made him weary and full of trouble. The play went on for a long time. A closing scene . happened out in the corn field. Pumpkin Butte was taken out there to watch for the man who did the shooting. For secrecy, he was caused to lie down and be covered up with corn stalks. He was told to stay until the moon went (' down. He did. The moon set at two am. For Rent Houss of eight rooms, with bath. AppliC o M Jacobs. LADIES WOOL WAISTS This is one of the prettiest lines of waists ever brought to tti e city. We have them in all colors and prices, from 75 cents to $6 L. KLINE'S fr Special Sale Women's Walking Skirts A 5 .dozen lot of rainy day skirts arrived Saturday They were bought at a bargain and will be sold at a bar gain Not the common kind that come one dozen of a kind, but mind you, 5 dozen to choose from and no two alike, ranging in price from $1.50 to $8 Many of these are exceptional value's in grad uated flounces, seven gores, with welt stitching on the seams, seven gores with inverted, plait in the back, bell flare around bottom Don't believe this but come and see for yourself ? C. miller TOP KOUND SHOES for men, always $3 50, never less. Ask some one who has worn a pair about them, Every pair sold means a satisfied customer and a new pair when the old ones are worn out Made & (Znxrant B. Knppenheimer & Co. America's Leading Clothes Makers Chicago "Copyright I9a by B KuPPBKHBI&CSA & CO Capes We have just received Ladies' Misses and Childrens Capes and Jackets Which includes all the new and up to date Styles and Weaves Don't fail to call and inspect this line be fore purchasing elsewhere Sack Single and double breasted, two, three and four, button. Blacks, blues, browns, plaids, stripes, mix tures, novelties. ' Fashioned according to the ideas of the lead ing metropolitian dress critics. $7.50 Some More Kuppenheimer's shape -retaining, wear-resisting guaranteed clothing, sold only by . Corvallis, Oregon. Jacket our final shipment ot il Skillful Fitting: of Corsets In the fashions of today the abso lute correctness of the corset is of vital importance Its lines either make or mar the beauty of the smartly designed gowns The W B Erect Form Corset' fits We carry a special model for you who are slender, for you who are stout, for you who are tall and for you who are short You get the one par ticular model that was made just for your figure F, E.HliIter Suits. $25.00 Some Less iller 9 M