Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1911)
' 'V, -4. MORNINO EUTEItPRtSE. SUNDAY. OCTOHKH 8. 1!)U. MORNING ENTERPRISE , OREGOIf CITY, OREGON t ft. ROCHE. Editor and Peblllr. on4-ataa natter Jta- r? S. 111. at th. poat ntea at Oeaee rams njBcitrTKtu. paper do. For the benefit of the former and the merchant we publish dally the latest .market report. At for the outside new we have & pec la I service which every morning give to you the lateat happenings of the entire world. Theae are not long drawn out' account spread ouf to rover space, but ahort telegraphic j brief that go- rlgbt to the bottom of . j things. Another special feature Js J j our er!ee of ahort atorlee nd mis I I cellaneous article which are of In " ! tereat to all. In ahort we believe that CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES have a splendid up-to-the-minute rvi k men rtr neMtm. . . .! 1 dr newapapcr. a paper that nu a i rag. Om Tear, by mall . . 11 Mnatha by atall Feer Months, by mall r tl br eerrtar.. PVwt Pa, pa Inch ad4e I eoellMa any paaw. Mm wteertfcm IM fitfwirt poalttoa aay pa, par b ' aM IwamloM la In aapr lt r tbaa rtret pa, par bb tm tMrtton IX Rua papri othar .haa ftret pax, par ak . meertjena ieral. lac er Una; tu regular a4ar Ware e Ima. j Waata.-rr Sal. Ta Real. . ewe aaat a word Arm htaartwa; oa-aJf eant aacb additional Rat. f6r" advertmme k Waakty emtarprlaa will ba the bum aa ka the aalhr. for adverrarmanta art Mataity far the wekty. Were Uia aavertaaaaeant la trnafarrd from Uk dally te the ih lp. wltiMMit etianjr. the rate will be e aa bach (or rue wf the paper. u tee aa bach far epM-tal pnalttoa. ' , Caah should eeroaipaay erwar ahan early le ankaewa In beataaaa efrtae at ' the Enterpnae. Lacs' adverttatmc at Wral ederttoa taira. "Previa advarttatn and special tiaaatiat xdverttala at We to Me aa tech. aatmd- m- te special condltloaa roTarninej the J!long felt want In a manner that U .... .iiv A for the Weekly Oregonlan, we need aay little. Kveryone know that paper I recognised a the very beat general weekly paper in the entire Weet. The new of the world I cov ered by the Associated Pre, the farming feature covered by a corps of especially trained writer aud every Issue is full or Interesting In formation for person In all walks of life. The next' twelve' months will be Important one In the history of our country. Another presidential campaign Is now on; the tariff Is far from settled, the reciprocity Issue Is still an important issue In politics; the great movement for better roads and public highways is now at its ki.kik t . . alnvU It laana la at -Fire Sel and Baakrupt Bale- advar- "- knmii tech flret Ineertioa; a4J. the front, in fact the nest year win jneal martin e aaaa saattar at kaoh. J . ... , . ,i .,. ,v.i Vnn Mawe itrma and well wrttteej atlcln l" " iuirii-.l.t -- J af morlt. with mtarawt te loeeJ raadtra. -m ant to know about. Through wlU be gladly aeefb. RajMted aaaii- . " , ' . . ... . . . aerlpta aevar returned aalaae aonomiHaa- the Daily Enterprise and the Weekly m by etaaiea to prepay eoata Oregonlan every one of these big im portant movements will be thorough ly discussed. You will need the in formation that we will give you in order to keep up with current events. Every political movement, every la hnr troubU and agitation, every bap- JnlngptJmportnce In torelgn coun- trie win be ruuy covereo. Ana you can get all thl information every day for 13.00 by taking up our spec ial offer now. We positively will not accept your subscription at this rata after the first of the month. Better end In a money order today. CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. THE MORNING ENTERPRISE l on sal at the following stores . every day: - Hunt fey- Main 8treeC J. W. McAnnlty Cigar Saventh and Main. 1 BecreM Confectionary Main near Sixth, af. K. Duon Confectionary Next door to P. O. City Drag 8tore Electric Hotel. Schoenbom Confectionery Seventh and X Q. Adam. ' Oct 8 In American History. 1809 Franklin Pierce, fourteenth pres ident of the United State, died; born lSOi. 1871 Cblcajro ll65.0O0.000 Are (Oct 8-11) destroyed 19.000 bnUdlnga, covering an area of almost five square miles. 1908 A treaty of arbitration with Chi na signed In Washington. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (From noon today to noon tomorrow.) Snn acts 627. rises C.Ol; moon rise 6:47 p. ra. LIVE WIRELETS (BY EDGAR BATES.) THE HOME PAPER.. . It seems that no one get tired of talking about the Increased ' cost of living and the extremely high prices which seem to prevail on almost every community of general use. The talk of tariff, trusts, and etc. will run on endless but there is one neces sity that has not gone up In price, and that one thing Is your daily newspaper. For three week the En terprise is able to give yon a rare bargain. A bargain that la nothing short ot wonderful when you will really consider the eervlce and value that we offer. W refer to the spec ial offer of the Daily Enterprise and the Weekly Oregonlan, both of them delivered to yon by mall fer an en tire year for $3.00. This means that from now on till the first of November, 1912, you will receive every morning a freh copy of this paper teeming with late news that will Interest yon. Our facilities for "covering" the news In the entire county are of the best. We have our trained correspondents in every part of the county and every one of them Is ever on the alert for any event that will interest you. We are in a position to handle and do handle local news a the metropolitan 'news- share ot "bugs. a a a Isnt it about time that some on else be "sought out' by his friend and "urged" to run for mayor? The more the merrier. Wants, For Sale, Etc Nmm aadae thiaa ctaaatrtad b wUI ba aarnvtad at aaa east a ward. tlrnt M barb ear, tt ear moath halt haah eard, t Uwaei l par moat. Caah muat aaeompaar erwar aajvae baa aa opee aooounl with the paper. Ho riaaactai raepanalbUlly (a errore. whan rran aerur trae ewrrwtrd aettre will b pruned far patrwa Minimum share ISa WANTED. WANTED Tourist and local people to see my colloctioti of rrow-heut coin, lndla.i trinket.' i!d t and curtoa of f. sort Will bn or sell In thu )u Have some kooI bargains In eer mid-hand furnltu'o and tools. Ceoro Young. Main u neur fifth. WANTED Partner, lady preferable $100 required: business already ea tablished. Good returns. Address Osgood, care Enterprise. FURNISHER house Of about n rooms wanted. . centrallv located. Phone Main 95. except Saturday and Sunday. WANTED Live solicitor for county. Liberal term to handle the Morning Enter prise and Weekly Oregonlan during bargain period which ends October 31. Call, phone or write Circulation Manager. Oregon City Enterprise. WANTED Female Help. WANTED Competent young lady to act - a-clerk "ana" itenographer tn District Traffic office Oregon City. Apply W. R. Logus. Telephone office. Florida Is Drainintf Evcraltdes With Cnnals to Cost 34,000,000 'VTA yau. wawaa OPPORTUNITIES for m and womt A hank aoeeunt It an vldno ef ehsraotsr, and bank keek showing regular deposit la the passport to opportunity and the key te tustait. Enroll yourself a depositor hsr at once and became a mtmbtr ef wit "opportunity lgb." One dollar will atari a aavlngi account The Bank of Oregon City OLDEST BAWK IW THR COUNTY D. O. LATOURaTTT- prwaldeal i METil, Ta,,, THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ot OREGON CITY , OREGON CAPITAL, Treaaaeta a (Mfeeel -aaklag -etweee. ee.etle.ew. A young married man who Uvea out on the Molalla road went In a local Jewelry store the other day and asked for the familiar phonograph record entitled. "I'm Getting Ready for My Mother-ln-Law." He said that he ex pected a visit from her soon, and that if the sweef melodious strain and appropriate words of this rec ord greeted her as she entered the door she might understand a thing or two. We fall to see anything very re markable about the young man who wrote home every week for thirty years. There are thousands of young men all over the coantry doing the very same thing. There is not a week tbey fall to write to the folks at home for money. I a a It Is about time that some one play ed "tag-you're-out" to those tag days, a a a A letter addressed to "The Great est Base Ball Fan in Portland" was i promptly delivered to Mr. W. T. I Pangle, of the Htlllg. Who would get the letter if one were addressed to "The Greatest Base Ball Fan In Ore gon City." It would be easier to tell J "How old Is Ann?" I Talk about enterprise and push the local officials started out with a capital of Just $3.65 and put over a $4,000 fair. This Is certainly an' ex ample of "high finance," but the kind that we like It certainly was a good move to : take away the public drinking cup at the fountain down town, but where is the enterprising merchant who will furnish us with a goodly supply of those paper Individual collapsable 1 drinking cups, one who can realize ; that from his advertlRement on them j he will get in returns twice the cost ! of this service In Increased patron , ageT i Wl'en It comes to Interest In those I bsseball games, Oregon City has Its FOR 1ALL - FOR SALE $100 will buy a team and harness; weight 2300 lbs. Home phoni. Beaver Creek. Oscar May. FOR SALE City warrant for $61.48. drawing 6 per cent interest. Ad dress Oregon City Enterprise. FOR SALE By owner ten acres good timber land on Clackamas Southern railroad, two mile from Oregon City limit on Highland road; all level; $165 per acre. Address Ore gon City, Rout No. 3, Box 63. FOR RENT. FOR RENT OR FOR SALE 48 acre farm 2 miles northeast of Oregon City; sale price I'J.ilH); rent, prloe $100 year. Inquire Mrs. Ulile Aune, 1414 Center street. TUB atate ot rtortda ta making 'rapid progress 0 raining toe t anions Everglade by canaia extending from Lake Okeechobee In eaco dirrc ttoa to the sea. Whin tltt "" ayatem. t cenai imp!.s?dJnrr?. will be one canal to the west coast and three te the east Ibeae eaaaia will have a depth of from eight te tea feet and will be used for ir as portation a well an drainage. They will alao serve te Irngste adjoining land who ports 17 . The Everglade formerly belonged to the Coiled tftate. but were turned ever to riorida on that atate'e agreement to dram the land od open It to settlement. The soil I extremely rich and to covered with rank grass. The CutteS Bute senate baa recently ordered that a report of lb pro (Teas of draining tbe Evergiadea be printed aa a part of the record show ing what ba been done toward conaervadoa. This report, known aa senile document M0. can be obtained by Interested persona on application to tbeir senators or repreaenuaves, Tbe picture above shows a section of tbe Lau derdale canal which has been completed and a Held that haa been era in ad and la bow growing lettuce and beaua. - HOP MARKET SHOWS MUCH BETTER TONE FARM LOANS. AkM"iANS-Dlmlck"" Olmlck. Lawyera. Oregon City, Or. ATTORNEY-. O. D. EBT. Attorney-atrLaw. Money loaned, abstract firntsked. land title examined, estati oettlod, gen eral law buaineaa Over Bank el Oregon City. 17' REN A SCHUEBEl Attorneys-at Law, Deutacher Advokat. will prae tjee In all courta. make collection pries Bide Oregoa Cltv, Oreeoa. BUILDER AND CO"TBj ACTOR. HARRT JONES Builder and General Contractor. Estimates cheerfully given on all classes . of bnlldtng work, concrete walk ana reinforced concrete. He. Phone Mala IP INSURANCE. B. H. COOPER, Foe Fire Insurance and Real Estate Let ua hand' your properties w hny. aell aad evefctnte. Office in Waerpri wide.. Oreaon City. Ore-". America Must Curb the Con centration of Money Power By SAMUEL UNTERMYER. New York Attorney nE two GREAT and DIFFICULT PROBLEMS that CONFRONT ua in Amrica are: FIRST, TO CURB THE CONCENTRATION OF THE MONEY POWER, AND, SECOND, TO REGULATE AND CONTROL THE INDUSTRIAL COMPETITION ENGAGED IN INTERSTATE COMMERCE. I ginccrelj hope that tho committee of congress to which has been intrusted the investigation of this great problem will associate with 1 Itself PUBLIC SPIRITED MEN who actually know the nature oi the task at issue and thus be able to formulate at least a partial : remed before it ia too late. THE DANGER LIES NOT 80 MUCH IN ALLOWING MEN TO DO , At THEY PLEASE WITHIN CERTAIN LIMITS WITH THEIR OWN MONEY AS IN FIXING THE EXTENT TO WHICH THEY MAY MAKE UtE OF OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY FOR THEIR OWN AGGRANDIZE - MENT-; AND' IN REGULATING THE POWER THEY THUS UURr ! OVER THE LIVES AND FORTUNES OF OTHERS. Stringentfedcral regulation-of the trusts ia the beat we cab da at thi LATE DAY. It ia not an ideal solution, but there ia nothing else left, and it will go far if honestly enforced to mitigate the exiat- ... - . MISCELLANEOUS. CHATTEC"MdRTGAGE s"ale" 7 he following property will be sold at nubile auction, to the ' hlgbest bidder, at the Clear Creek Lumber Company' mill alte, near Flsber'i mill In Clackamaa county, on the 10th day of October, A. D. 19lt. at 2 o'clock p. m., to satisfy a chattel mortgage held upon said property by Mr. Allison Baker, to-wit: One double action steam pump. One 75 h. p. Atlas boiler, In good condition; 2 foot stack. One C h. p. upright Russell en gine. One Fairbanks-Morse dynamo, 115 volts, with register and iwltche. One 35 h. p. .Bussell engine pneumatic governor, .complete. One log haul, complete. One lower saw Jack ""complete with reversible saw guide, 3 In. arbor. One upper saw -Jack 'complete with stationary guide. Vh in. arbor and belting. One 62 In. Simmon saw, in good . condition. One 52 in. Adkln saw. In good condition. One 36 in. cutoff saw with frame belting. pulleys, Intermediate shaft and 62 Iron pipe roll, 30 In. by 6 In. with Iron boxes. On Hobb planer, complete. One set shlmer matcher bead. Two sets sizing heads, wltu knives, bolts and fittings. Twelve lumber trucks. One blower complete, In good condition with piping snd shafting. - One fire pump. One 3 In. Intermediate shaft, 20 ft. long, with four wooden pulleys. One friction feed for lire rolls' with chain. Term of sale, cash. , CROBS 4 HAMMOND, , Attorneys. The week closes with the bop mar ket rather atronger In tone than at tbe opening and wit tbe trend of values apparently upward. In most of tbe Valley bop 4lHtrirts and in Washington as well there Is some trade under way,' but business Is still limited by tbe bullUn' attitude of the growers and the reluctance of buyers. Within the past tew days, however, tbe situation baa changed to some extent. More Inquiries are said to be coming in from te East and elo where, indicating an Increasing in terest in tbe seasou a crop. "Tbe Ingulrie that are now coming from the East and from Europe show clearly enough that the brewers of this country and England are awaken ing to tbe fact that tbe world's hop crop this year I a good deal )ort of actual requirements," said a dealer. "That the brewera now are earn-1 , eatly figuring on their wanta for the year to come Is evident, and the , chancea are that tbey will not be , til. in In tliA aunnlla thav nx.Mi1 w ...... 1( at the prices they figure on paying. , i A a rule they are offering prices on tbe basis of 32 to 2 cents here, and I buying in anything like a liberal way on that basis at this time Is anything ; but an easy matter. Prevailing Oregon City prices are as follows: HIDES (Buying) Green hides, 6c to 6c: setters, 6c to 6c; dry bides. 12c to 14c; sheep pelts, 26c to 75c each. WOOL (Buying) 14c to lCc. Hay, Grain, Feed. HAT (Buying) Timothy, $16 to $16; clover, $8 to $9: oat bay, best, $11; mixed, $9 to $12; alfalfa, $12 to $14. OATS (Buying) Gray, $25 to $26: white, $26 to $2T. FEED Shorts, $29 to $30; rolled barley, $37.60; process barley, $38.60; whole corn, $35; cracked corn, $36; wheat, $32 to $33; oil meal, $53; Shady Brook dairy feed, $1.25 per 100 pounds. FLOUR $4.50 to $5.25. Butter, Poultry, Egg. BUTTER (Iluylng) Ordlnsry country butter, 25c to 30c; fancy dairy, 30c; creamery, 80c to 35c. POULTRT (Buying) Hens, 11c to 12Hc; broilers, 13c EGGS Oregon ranch eggs, 28c to 30c. Fruits, Vsgttables. DRIED FRUITS (Buying) Prunes, 6 l-4c to lOVtc; peaches, 10c. SACK VEGETABLES Carrota. $1.25 to $1.60 per sack; parsnips, $1.25 to $1.60; turnips, $1.25 to $1.60; beets, $1.60. ' POTATOES Best buying, 1 l-4c per pound. ONIONS Oregon, $1.60 per nun-dred4-Auatrallan,-$2 per hundred. Livestock. Msata. BEEF-MLIV weight) Steer, (c and 6Hc; Cow; 4 He; bulls, I 12c VEAL Calve bring from 8c to 13c, according to grade. - MUTTON 8heep, 8c an 84c: lamb, ,4c and 6c. HOGS 125 to 140 pound hog, 10c , and 11c; 140 to 200 pounds, 10c and 104c. - MOWN ELEVEN DEFEATS BARCLAY McUmKhlln Institute football team a on the first scholastic game of the season Friday afternoon, defeating the Harvlsy team by a acore of 6 lo ft. The game waa played on the Canemah ground, and Relaabur ger. Mheabaii. llruce. Champion. Stontch and Meyera atarred for Ihe Institute team. Meyers obtained tbe only touch-down of the game. The best work fur Barclay waa done by llurck. Finuran. Meyera and Moody. ATHUTKS HAVE SHADE OK GIANTS (Continued from Page 1.) Our greatest clubbing offer. Tbe Morning Enterprise by mall and , the Weekly Oregonlan. both until Novem ber 1, 1912, for only $3. Offer closes October 31, 1911. Are vou a submnher to tbe Morn i ing Enterprise? II not you bouli call : and let n pnv your name on Ihe ub ! scrlptlon Hat ImmedUtety letlc did to the Cuba laat year tbey are confident of repeating on the New Yorkers. Each club ha hon superiority to all Ita rivals, and each la handled by one of tbe greatest pilot In tbe gsme today. That It HI be a battle of wit to a large extent I acknowledged by all. and ahether Mack men can repeat I the burning question of lb hour. It ear ihe Cuba put Hp a woe fully weak battle, due principally to the poor condition of Ua pitching staff, none of the veterans showing enough class to stem 'the tide. King Cole, then a recruit, was the only Cub beaver ho was really fit to fool the Athletics to any degree. Matbewson In Fine Form. With the (ilsnts It Is different. Two of tbe leading pitchers of the league are embrared In Maihewson and Mar quard. while Crandall, Ames and Wlltse are all able (o prove formida ble. Mathearson lln belter ahape right now than at any time thla sea son, and shouM show, almost aa good form aa be did last year against the New York Highlanders In the post season series for the championship of the city. Hut iu comparison the big four ni the Athletics, eeth a veterau of tried aklllty Coombs. Bender, plank and Morgan-form the greatest and beat bulatjred pitching corps In the coun try. While lieinier and Coomha wort relied on In the series last year. Mack baa plant and Morgan, each of whom I In the belt of shape. Neither catching staff baa a Gibson Oven free A. at, t, fc or a llresnahan In It mk,fc i ,...,r , , ,mnck being Jart 1 Lapp Of the Athletic. J, hYJ I urel .300 bitter, a good pHntt N j strong In every department u i of the Giants, la , woaderful kin. ! aiao, urn I woak on catching ball at the Plat which a... . great deal with runner of ikah of Bddle Collins. j Tbe Infield of the Athletics ku , ! shade, taking thm man for sua. h. . Uraw baa added r1trher ae Hwm to lb left ld of tb dlaawat aa season and both r making to but. are not tho star a llaker and Barry have provtd iu salve to be. . Davie may lark Ihe speed of k kle at first, but make p fa, g . bla exnerlaitce reeelva.1 m Z hard campaigning, lioih Cnlliai mi ijoyi are wonaermi guardian fm middle sack, but again Colllu ta more than a shade a hen It coasts all around ability. Tbe Infield a! AP'lallr I nmra rallM.i.a mi . . belter fielder, a ho ar also kettle bitters. Giants1 Outfield In the outfield tb New York ar deuer .have It on the Msrtitai far aa speed I concerned, bat tW wise the difference Is illikl le mlng up the whole situation, If kUia ewaon and Marquard shoe cktatta ' ship form and can be works wt every day, the cbsaces of Kt Tort are good. If not. then they tr against a ban proposition. At ass two of the first string of torn d Mark' men ar sure to com t fe aectatlon, while the other tsc rl help It given a cbauce to aura, - While Kddie Collin It oat f at beet baaarunnr lo tb Ataerta League, hi work on t path caiat be compared to the (ilanu, sk Un slg ot lb seven leadln tandltea for the honors In the Nstioatl cult. One must t tb pill tt at on the paths, and 4t may bt irrd that Ihe Giant will be sp apM tbla very pnMltlon, but ttnae ami can tell. O. A. C ALUMNI TO MllT. The O. A. C Alumni Aatnrltuoti tbe Oregon Agricultural Collet rS bold Ita meeting st the burn of Mia Belle Mattley, Hevrnth aad Miam streets. W eon end ay evening. Orb II. There are about sixty peraeil tbl county who are eligible to at bcrshlp, and they ar Invited a) a lend the meeting. well who ar graduates, student or u Inereated In the colleae. HOSE COMPANY ENTERTAINS. The Fountain Hose Company met at the City Hall Friday night, and after buaineaa waa tranaacted tb members enjoyed a feast. Four dot ea crabs were consumed. The eve ning was devoted to spech-maktng and songs, and tho attending bad a fine time. , COAL! COAU We have the best at low est price. Lay tn winter tcfpply now. '- . Korrect Poultry Food. Oregon Commission Co. 11TH AND MAIN STt ' Oregon city. Before You Move Investigate Be sure your new home has that important modern convenience electric light. There are many such and they are in great demand by those who know how to enjoy them. The mod ern electric light is so much better than any other that no one need hesitate about the cost. There has been perfected the MAZDA lamp which gives twice as much light as ordinary electric lamps using an equal amount of elec tricity. WE HAVE MAZDA LAHPS For all those who live in wired houses we offer an opportunity of getting the benefit of the great light-giving quality of these lamps. For those who own unwired houses on our distribut ing lines we will give advice of value in wiring houses for electric lights. PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER CO. MAIN omce 7th ond Alder Streets -