Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1911)
MOUNING ENTERPRISE, HUN DAY, OCTOBER 8, 1911. r- L . v At the Portland Theaters New ireanuns in Ladies' Goats and Suits Just received by express another shipment of beaut iful ladies' coats and suits direct from New York. Coats with the popular large collars and cuffs. Plain tailored and fancy weaves. A beautiful assortment. ONLY ONE OF A KIND. LAST CAR LEAVES FOR OREGON CITY AT MIDNIGHT -asr ..i J. LEVITT " " : ; . J v See Our Windows. Suspension Bridge Corner. 10 SEWARD ' rr the arrest nrt con"'0"01 nv person or person, who .(..fully riimovs coplss of Ths '"T1" 'ir-t-rnrlM from IS ill e. ' " " K hu pl.ced there by trritr. . Ln inak-DolUe. wby don't TOO Irtlit your inuxlcl I said I'd give tt penny nil hour In do o. Vmi. mother, but fnther proin U mf eiiiiles su hour If t oil till tb plsno stool. New ork Moll. recently arrived from Revelstoke, II ('.. and Is located hi Portland, whwt. he will probably rvmsln during . ths winter. . II. A Montiioniurv ami sister. Mill Ksihryu Montgomery, ths Utter re cently si rived In Oregon City from Ilia Knit, have ranted tha lower Dart of Mr i. Mstllduy Chsrman's home, which wsa recently occupied by in. and Mrs, C. II. Melssner. u l. t Jit la. hn has bn on an Kailern trip, where tie attended tba convention of the Improved Order of lied Men In Ohio, returned to Orexon City Saturday morning. Mr. Utile returned ly way of Calirorms, anq visited- bia oiil home town. mocktou: Una Mi'hniHtrr went to Portland Fri day, where he wus a delegate to the meeting held by the liermau Bocie ties of that pluce. The, affair was largely attended by the Germane of I'ortland. Miss Minnie Klemsen. of thla city, ii bIho In attendance. The affarrtTiiaed with a grand ball. Mri. Kate iieveiis, wno nsa o conducting a iMiardlng house on the Went "Hide, haa lolil out to a family by t)e name of Churchill, who recent ly arrived In thla city from Yoncalla. Southern Oregon. Mrs. Hevcns haa returned to Willamette, where she baa property Interests.. John Myron, of the Rogue River Valley, arrived In thla city Saturday. and while here vlalted his niece. Mrs. Duane Kly, whom be has hot een alnce she was a child. Me was scrompnnled by his wife, and they are on their way to Portland, wnere SCENE FROM THE MUSICAL COMEDY, "THE SWEETEST GIRL IN PARIS" AT HEILIQ. Hurry Askln will present the brilliant somedy success, "The Sweetest (llrl In I'urls," at The Hlllg Theatre, Seventh and Taylor Htreets, for four nlKhts, beginning Bnnduy, October 8, with a special price matinee, Wednesday. "The Sweetest Girl In purls," Harry Aikin's premier musical com edy, In repeating on tour the aucceint which It enjoyed for six months In Chicago. In every city In which It has been aeen, and It has played many of the metropolitans of the, Middle Went, the critical command haa been fluttering In the extreme. Thla pro duction, with the original cast, will be aeen St the Helllg Theatre four nights, beginning Sunday night, Oc tober 8. Take, for Instance, the opinion of the Milwaukee rew "It lan't often that a comuany goes on tour without Change. 8hrewd man agers have a habit of cutting down ipeiines by cheapening Ue produc tion through the cast, but In this In stance the manager may aafely plead not guilty. The funmaker who de lighted Chlcagoers are still doing stunts under the spotlights, a fact which should be thoroughly appreciat ed by playgoers. A full measure of smusement Is served to them by a well balanced, energetic company, which seems to lack none of the es sentials of success. ! "In these days of stage pictures of tluzxllng beauty, lavmn expenditures for unique costumes, and broad search for the usual, even the big musical shows which art slow and dragging, have much to recommen I them. But when the spectacular features ars truly entertaining, the book funny and the music good, there is reason to rejoice,, especially when the en tire company is what it should' be. All Ibis applies directly to 'The Sweetest Girl In Paris.'" The Minneapolis News has said: " 'The .Sweetest Girl in Paris' Is .detrHed-s the-.hUhatermarkof Chicago endeavor, mere nave oeeu a great many high water marks In riiinmrn anH m would not care to undertake the delicate task of de taching one from me otner. certain ly 'The Sweeten Olrl In Paris" lsso lavish and colorfully complex, and so brimful of humor, and so manifold In Its electric effects, that the specta tor idvnniM mora or less bewildered. bis critical faculties become numb, and he ceases to tmna or care, bo u fulfills the reason of his being, and la of the best of Its kind." f T i " ' , Saw fctAi a " ... - V . ,. THE old fashioned clothes game was a good deal different. Today iV nnlv a nuestion of color and fabric when vou come 'here for j j . , . clothes, because Hart Schaffner & Marx o LOCAL BRICrS iinine lee. of Canby, la the guest Mini Alice Govt t ling. l M llnrless. of Molalla. was In a city on business Saturday. Ferguson, of New Kra. was In city on business Saturday. ml. lulu iinvwsrd. of Clackamas, Li In this city on business Saturday. nier anv atvle. at the Falls knrM-flnnerv a7n3 Main street. Petri Selvy. who has been at Mc- unnville. has returned to Oregon ly. Id." A. flieiiHV. who la maklnChls fmt In I'ortland, was la Oregon City iiuriliy. VI' X HhvU one of the Dromlnent frmeri of Carua, was In this city kturday. lun Cniheriiia nibliona. of Green Lint, Is very III at ber home, and her pndlllnn Is serious. IMIii C. Goldsmith has new nevel ! In nillllnerv arrlvtna dally. Ill, . ...I vi,. I." i fV,ifl..M laft I- m. rj. V,. turday tilghtrr for Seaside where y will remain for aeveral days In Mr cottaue. Mrs. Henry Plpka, of this city, who ai been vlnltlng at ths home of harlen plpka. of Eldorado, baa re urned to Oregon City. " J. M. Taylor, at one time a real fnt and property owner of this city, ut whine home Is now at Portland, ' In Oregon City Saturday. Mrs. Frank Jaggar, of Carua, waa b Oregon city Saturday, and while ire vUlted with Mr. Jaggar's moth r, Mrs. Jaggar, of Fifth street. Try our 25c merchants' lunch, at lis Falls Confectionery, 703 Main St Mrs. Leon DesLarzes, well known n mimical circles In this city was "Jured Saturday by falling down the Pi at her home. MIm Frances Brownell returned 'rldllV frntn I'r.rllnnH ajh.r. she Bt- hnded the Phi Alpha Delta dance Hd at the Portland Heights Club. Mrs. J. E. Jack and father, Goerge It B.M1I i - ui.iani r'"'rn m inborn R, WBI1., rnru joroe Saturduy n!ght, aftr a moat Mr titi.l W... n era t a Vat mil iTl I B. Of. I s CslllWW sj w 'rly tuduy for the upper Molalla In iir aiiioinouiie, where tney win 'pend tb day fishing. Mr. Elliott I "is of the champion nlmrods of Ore- Mrs. Morris Rnharla. who has been vlaltliiK hnr .lunshtar. Mra. Mulr. of ""il Is visiting Miss Rose Miller, of 'in ami Madison sirets. Leonard Ijtgeson, who has been for vera! months , night clerk of the "' noioi at wana waua, w'-i returned to Oregon City and Is -Riiig m me Oregon iiiy " tors. , Call on Miss C. Goldsmith for your FH hatst-th latest v and exclusive "yles. i Mr, end Mrs. George Trimble, of Mllwood. and Charles mim)le. HI "lis City, Or., who ha,ve been In this 'Hr visiting at the home of Mr- and Mr- .1. M. Trimble, have returned ,0 their homes. ' John Ratharv mhn Is connected 'ih the Simon 8aw Company, tol pftland, Is In this city, having been cHd here by Illness of bis moth r. Mrs. Estberg, who was painfully Jilted by a cow near her home at Willamette a few days ago. 4 The store of M. E. Dunn,' at klT Mln street, will be closed Suuiuy ,rnm 8 a. m. to 11 a. m. Mr. Dunn's J"othPr wno de(1 ,t gbsnona, Wis. '"t Wednesday will be burled at that sour. E. A. Smith, formerly of this J'jr. was In Oregon City rlslUng 'rlends Saturday. Rev. Smith. bss 6) V 1 A A A (ft A A it a L THE FLOWER OF THE RANCH. darkness. A play with a longer lire I Is '"The Flower of the Rancn," for It Superb Musical Comedy at The Baker was produced In New York two year. Nsxt Week. Most musical comedies flit gaily Into view, have a butterfly life for a season or two and then vanish Into ago, then played a whole summer at the Garrlck. Chicago, and Is now bak ing a complete tour of the atates and Canada. "The Flower of the Ranch" has the merit of possessing a well t kirA ir-Ar nrrfpA nll.wnnl niialitv. service. workmanshiD and fit. 1 IU V Is UllbUUJ uvtfc'W. .vw. -J J - - A All there is left for you is to pick out the suit that you like and we'll put you into some of these fall suits that will make it hard for you to choose. " , ' , ' ' ' ' Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits $20 and up. Overcoats $20 and up. Herman Wilde Suits $10 and up. Overcoats $10 and up. v OREGON CITY'S BIG DEPARTMENT STORE developed story, with characters drawn consistently and Incidents free from exaggeration. The songs have a fascinating charm add. all In all it Is a play that really makes theatre going, worth while. At the Baker all thla week, opening Sunday, matinee. Bargain matinee Wednesday. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. t u-ininm mil Vanda Walters to Charles and Lucy Hollls. land in Wil liam Holmes IX U -.. lownsnip o south, range 2 east; containing 1 acre; $10. Charles E. Hollia and Lucy Hollls to Vanda Walters, 25.80 acres of sec tions 19, 30, township 3 south, range I west; $10. Edward Graves and Etta Graves to Phillip H. Tucker and Lelah R. Tuck er, 20 acres of D. L. C. of Jamea Shir ley and Leuvtna Shirley, township 4 south, range 1 east; $1,300. Oregon Iron & Steel Company to Portland Cement Company. land In section 3, township i soutb, range 1 east; $10. Rudolph Koerner to Mary Koerner, block 2. Darling's Addition to Oregon City; $1. ' Oregon Iron & Steel Company to w. Motrin. 14 acrea of lota 6, 7. 18. Bonlta Meadows; $10. George L. Kingsbury and Jennie Kingsbury to Harry Kingsbury, .35 acres of section 30, township 1 aouth. range 2 east; $1. Byron A. Barlow to Hugh Fltsger aid, land in section 6, township 3 south, range S east; $160. . Emily A. Davis to Charles Brum baugh and Ella Brumbaugh, lots 1, 2, 3, 4. block 4, South Oswego; $1,500. George 8. McVey to Sol Hart, northeast quarter of southeast quar ter of section 23, township 2 south, range 5 east; $10.' - ' Barnhard Fallert to Anna Fallert, land In section 29. township 2 sooth, rang 3 east; $100. J. E. Slefer and Blanche N. 81efer to Samuel and Lydla E. Ensley, 15 acres of section 2. township 2 south, range 3 east; $2,500. , ' J, tbev will visit Mr. Hayea, father of Judge Hayes, of this city. S. M. Ramsby. chief deputy Internal ..u.n. niiptnr. wno has been en joying several days' vacation In The Dalles, where ne nas oeen no..u...a the Wasco County Fair. Mr. Ramsby states that the fair was a big suc cess, und there was a large attendance. V v HEILIQ THEATRE. " 7th and Taylor streets. Phones Main 1 and A1122. 4 NIGHTS beginning Sunday, OCT. 8. Special Price Matinee Wednesday. Harry Askln presents The Musical Comedy Hit "THE SWEETE8T tJIRL IN PARIS' With the- Chnrmlng Comedienne tiiiyiw rniOANZA Excellent Company Complete Pro duction, i-rivrn. Evenings: $1.60. ll.Wl.7So B0- Wednesday Matinee: i.w. iiw-. BBATs"noW 6EUUNO FOR EN AT HEIUQ THEATRE a Nights beginning Thursday, Oct. U. Matinee Saturday The World Famous Dancer GERTRUDE HOFFMANN and her IMPERIAL RUSSIAN DANCERS 100 I'eopie i"" Own Symphony Orchestra " Prices: r rvamnss and Matinee:' $2.00. $1.50. ' ae a r Am r. SEAT 8 A LB "oPBNS TUESDAY. COMINa AT HEIOO THEATRE OCTOBKK 10. io. Harry Bulger In -THE r-LIRTINO PRINCESS OCTOBER 19, 20, 21 Max Dill In "THE RICH MR. HOQOENHEIMER" CElHIAJOiiKAHD EDGAR BROVfli WED Portland, performing the ceremony. Relatives and lntlmabe friends were present. After congratulations wers received all Joined In partaking of a fine dinner. Mr. and Mra. Brown left i m .v.. avontnir fr Portland. ' The couple received many Beautiful pres ents, consisting ot silver, coumw.i and linen, Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. K M. jones, mr. Humphry Jones, of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones, of Wardner, Idaho; Mr. and Mra. D. E. Jonea, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Brown, Mrs. Tremayne, Mr and Mrs. Steve Londergan, Mr. and Mra. Hal Llndsley, Mr. Will Jones and Mr. Fred Llndsley, of Sea side. -" Robert Jones and family, who at tended the wedding left for their home at Wardner, Idano, Wednesday night, where Mr. Jones will continue his work at the Bunker Hill and Sul livan mines, as asaustant superinten dent and foreman. ed term. Harvey E. Cross was elect ed superintendent . of the Sunday scnool. 1 ne reports irora me various auxiliary societies of the church show much activity and great progress. The pastor announced tentative plans ror the winter s evengensm auu spoke of the unity-of action which has always characterised the church. An - enthusiastic ana systematic ef fort Is being made by the officers of tha ohureh tn rally all the members to special work this fall and winter. Thla la paiiv inv inn im nroCTam will Ineluda the Sunday Bchool hour and the regular hour for preaching. MI8S Veda vwniHina is uuiug lent work as superintendent of the Intermediate department of the school and also serves as Sunday scnooi vis Itor. A pretty home wedding occurred at the home of Mrs. D. Jones. of Bea- a. WAilnAfidav at I o'clock, when Mis. ena Jones, pungest daugh er ot Mr and Mrs. D hL jones . ' , gar Brown, the Rev, R. M. Jones, of W. C T. U. To Meet. Tha woman's Christian Temper ancs Union, of Oregon. City, will meet at the Baptist church Tuesaay aner ntKn, October 10, at 2:30 o'clock. The Enterprise has a position open for you. Call at onqe. OFFICERS ELECTED , FOR BAPTIST CHURCH tv.' annual mantlna- of the First Bnptlst church waa held Friday night The roll can snoweu uumij-iuur Tha- nrasent memoersuip la .4. -r t,inh mn live In Clackamas county and the rest are aoattered over Oregon ana otner siaies. . i u. t tha treasurers showed that the year has been fairly prosperous from a financial sianapomu iui a small Indebtedness, part of which waa Incurred by the improvement oi the church. Miss Amy Pureell was appointed church missionary.) She will devote her time to visiting and will assist In the young people's work, conducting mission study and Bible classes. John W. Loder was re-elected treasurer of current ex penses with Leo Burdon assistant. Miss Edlfti Smith was re-elected treasurer of benevolence. S. P. Davis was elected deacon for a full term of three yeara. W. W. Marrs was re Lincoln Roll .was elected deacon to fill out an unexplr- CORRESPONDENCE LOQAN. Get busy now. Logan Is on, the man anH nn mistake. ' Fix the location In your mind for future reference. If "the proof of the pudding lies In the the "Droof" was at Canby sure in the Logan booth. Grains and grasses of every variety, also rruit and voaatahlns. The members ' of Harding Grange have cause to feel proud or the excellent snowing maue by this locality. Te Clear Creek rvaamarv alan have cause to feel proud of the high score received.. 96 per cent, which speaks higniy tor tne minllffftmMt. A heavy frost Wednesday night wlltJ prove a Disappointment to rnany-oi the good housewives here who were waiting for late corn and tomatoes for .canning. Automobiles with chain tires are a menace to our Improved roads. A few automobiles can soon undo all the work In a short time as the chains ihma the travel out Of the track and scatter It In all directions.. Even the Stork delivers his parcels by auto now. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas AnHararm war vtslteA hv his Maiesty October 1 and a llttel daughter left to gladen their noma. School begins Monday In Lower Logan. ' Potato digging and pmrre drying keep some of tha farmers buttling early and late. Mr. F. S- Hutchlna came home from Canby with blue ribbons on his Ouernsey herd. . ' ' News was received here of the deaih of Peter 8mlth at Cocur De Aleno last week which was the result of an operation. L B. I). Stenographers and 0 Bookkeepers If Great Demand Business firms ore recbanWng the superior training of our Business university over the work of the business colleges. Our standard is higher; our work Is much more thorough; our work Is more complete; ond our students ore more proficient In every way. , OUR TEACHERS ARE TRUE TEACHERS- Just tae school for the earnest young man or lady who desires to learn and have the high est and best training at, reasonable tuition rates. Y6uore sure ot individual .help and instruction. You know the large schools cannot give it. You should Investigate our work. Do it now; do not wait. In session all the year In day and night school. ECLECTIC BUSINESS UNIVERSITY. 630.Worcesler Block. Phoncii Marsholl'275li Home A5446. PORTLAND, - - OREGON.