Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1911)
MORNING ENTERPRISE, HUNDAY, AUOUST 13," 1911. 3 1 I . G 0 i' g ft ! oes Jen Shoes for Ladies SflOCG' . FOR Children r. day! we are alms, living our oxford and shoes away. iuHnq our annual CLEAN-UP CALK wo are olvlna bargains In ihote that will claan up our stock In a hurry. ' . FITTED NOW WHILt WI HAVI A FULL RUN OF SIZES. c Out Bargain Shoe Window J.LEVITT pension Bridge Cor. - Oregon City snd Tan. r I leok Itr Iff ft a "T V LOCAL BRICrS lurray. of Molalla, was In thl gnturdsy. turn Wallace, 01 iiarae. was rliy on Saturday. sfw-nce. of Beaver Crook, waa city on Saturday. Charlea Stewart, of Carua, ilila city on Saturday. E A. Summer, formerly of Ore- It y, haa moved hie of Ilea to 1017 p building. Portland. ft llolman, of Beaver Creek. thin city on Saturday. and Mra. II. Jonea, of Eldora r In thla city on Saturday.' Petrrson. a roal estate dealer Milium, was In thla city on Rat- J. Elliott, of Beaver Crook, waa anion the Oregon City visitors on Halurdsy. , Clyde and Road Jaggar, of firui, were In tbla city vlaltlng relatives on Saturday. Mra. Uty and daughter, Mlaa Jennie, of Carua, woro In thla city on Hatur Uay on bualuoaa. Dottcateaaon: L. A. Noble, 714 Mala street, haa )uat received from W'lacon alu I.UUU pounds now cheese, croam, Swiss and llntnurger. Kino t'r lunch. Dr. Tbomaa J. Fox, of Portland, waa In thla city on professional busi ness Saturday, Mlaa Alice Mcdugln. of Hull nun, waa in thla city on Friday and waa registered at the Elm trie Hotel. It. A. Duel), a bualuoaa man of Ab rden, Waah., waa In tbla city on Fri day and Saturday. Mr. aud Mra. K. 8. Larsen and daughter, Mlaa Alice, loft on Friday for Wllholt. where they will apend alMiut ton daya, ' Mr. and Mra. Ram Bailey, of Clair- niont, woro among the Oregon City visitors on Saturday. Mlaa Winnie Hanny left on Satur day morning for Newport, where ahe will apend I wo weeka. Mr. and Mra. Edward Howard, the former being ono of tho well known farmera of Carua, were In thla city on bualneaa Saturday, William Rheahan left on Friday evening for tbo Toll Gate, where he will remain over Sunday with hla fariV lly. who are camping at that place. Wllholt atago will leave tho Electric Hotel each day at S o'clock p. m. O. 1). Eby left for Molalla on Sat urday evening, where ho will join hla family, who have been spending the paat week with relatives at that j place. I will aollclt at John Adama' atore for hop-plrkers on August ISth, 17th and 19(h. Yard between Dallas and Salem. Robert Baker, who a petit a few daya In Aatorla during tho Centennial, returned to Oregon City Saturday morning. Drink Bart lot t Water. Bold by all cafes, groceries and drugglat. t the Portland Theaters lASTCAR LEAVES FOR OREGON CITY AT MIDNIGHT i f , v.- MAX FIGMAM "The Substitute" Figman's Next Attraction fx Flgman; under, tho manago- P t nf Ha,rry L. Cort ,ln "Tho Sub- "." a farce comedy by Ileulan fl Dlx ini fu.lui. n.niaf "land, will open hla aecond I rriRAC..iiian nf mmp "n on nrd 9in.. .i.k, tk. PlencM attending thla woek'a bill. 0 Mnn on the ttnv" Lava h.n av. "ft and mAnu'42ted ui.uhuaI plea a- "1 the nffnrlnv J l wn.l, ( i - FN Huia an mo nui n Pmyera. Tho Rubatltuto" la iniereitlna farpa. with hint ttmt mtrlouo In a number of nlacea. "niplicatlona art, numoroua and CRrrlod thronah vllK a rantrt thitr nub.. u . . whl, they aro being unfolded. me Smith, Junior partner of tho nf Vandergift and Smith, attor lrea to find a auliatltuU to "en at a country vlllnga for the " th""rlcal atudont his alater la m"7. who haa been taken nZ.y ,n- nbU to aecuro niinlnter and goe. to tho vlllago L." "batltulo and feta hlmaelf an aorta of abaurd and laughable Bltuatlona. Ha falls In love with the daughter of the old paator, who Is charged by members of his congre gation with having squandered tho church fund for the Door on "paint ed" women. The auuatltuto takes the case as the lawyer for the defense and clears the rector and wins his daughter. Miss Lollta Robertson will be cast aa the daughter, Miss Elisa beth DeWItt aa Bather Dlffy, a sour tempered, auspicious New England old maid, sn extremely comical char acter. Mlas June Urban will play Smiths slater, Mr. Flgmsn of course, sppearlng In the title role. ' 1 There Is roal heart interest In the story, ss ell as good clean comedy, fnd none of the situations Is over drawn or strained. The good old New England atmoaphero prevails through out, eapeclally in the freshness . of the garden scene. Next week Mr. Flgman will appear In his 1 teat success, "Mary Jane's Pa." In which he was seen at the Helllg laat senaon tinder tbo manage ment of John Cort ,, " - Mlas Joaale Roberts, of Tacoma. Waah., after vlaltlng at ib home of air. ana Mra, j. k. Jack, has returned io nor noino. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Martin and children will go to Canby this morn ing, where thoy wilt vlalt i ih. . t. of Dr. snd Mrs. L. O. Ice. . Mrs. Ina Charman and daughter, Mlas June, will leave bore next Thurs day fur Newport, where" tbey will spend two weeks. Dr. K. A. Horanier, of Portland, wss In Oregon City orr Saturday on pro feaaloual bualneaa, returning to Port land Saturday evening. Roy Duvall and Clarence Evana, of Eldorado, who have been working for the Government Camp, paaaed through this city on Friday on their way homo. IV. aud Mra. U A. Morrla, who are apendlng a few weeks at their farm at Mount Plessant, have ss their gueats Mrs. Robert -Good fellow and Mlas Marjorl Caufleld. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jack, a. R.'H. Miller, of this elty, snd Mlas Ethel Ilea Is, of Tacoma, who Is a gueat of her aunt, Mrs. Jack, left for Mo Jalla. by automobile, where they will spend the day. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Huntley snd ditUKhtcr, Mlaa Loulae, left Saturday for Rhododendron Tavern, where thoy will remain for two v.e-ka. They left in their automobile, and expect to make good time. S. L. Canto, one of the prominent and well known farmer of this coun ty, whoae home Is at Carus, was trail anctlng bushieaa In tbls city on Sat Mra. J. W. Norrta, of tbla city, who was recently operated upon for ap pendicitis at tbo St. Vincent's Hoapl tal, Portland, Is Improving rapidly, and will be able to return to her home tho ilrat oi Ibis week Mlas Anna Flaher, Mlas Maude Uichibody, Mlaa Nellie Undqulst, Mlas Anna Wllehart and Mis Anna Johnaton, of thla city, left tbla morn lng for Seaalde, Or., where they will spend the day, C. E. Ramaby and Harry Young. were among the persons from this city going to Aurora on Saturday night, where they attended the danc lng party given by the Aurora band. Mrs. Kannl Neppach, of Portland and slater. Mrs. Frank Wblteman, of this city, will leave net week for Wll holt, where they will ruatlcate for about one week. Mra. Neppach la at preaent vlaltlng at Long lieach, Waah. Mlaa Harriet Ilaker baa charge of tho dental office of- Dr. L. C. Ire dur ing his abaeure or a fow days vlalt lng his family at the ranch near Canby. (. A. Harding left on Saturday morning for Trout Lake, Waah., where be will join hla family, who have been at that place for tbo paat week. Mr. Harding expects to be gone for about one week. Mlas Edith Hristow, of Portland, waa the gueat of Miss Uelle Msltley on Friday. Mlsa Urlatow was a stu dent at Mills College in California laat June, and wss graduated from the Columbia School of Expreaslou In Chicago. Mr. snd Mrs. Arthur Wllllaraa, Mlaa Ileryl Ilatdorf, Mlas IJernle Llucklea, Albert Ruckles and Mlas Louise Zim merman, of this city, left on Friday evening for Ijong Reach, where tbey will enjoy camp life for aeveral weeka. E. KT Ilrodle left on Sunday morn ing for Freboat, Waah., where he will vlalt hla alator. whom he has not seen for twelve yeara. ' Mr. Ilrodle will-be at Freboat for about one week. Mlaa Roae Marrs and niece, Evelyn Whlteman, left a few days ago for a vlalt with the former's slater, Mrs. Curry, and on tbelr return trip will stop st Woodburn, where they will visit Mrs, Spencer Berry, sister of Mlas Marrs. . Mlas Grace Duvall and Miss Elttle Schoenborn, of Eldorado, were In thla city on Saturday vlaltlng the lutter'a parent a, (Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Schoenborn. Mlaa Duvall visited her father, Mr. Duvall, at the Wild wood Hoapltal, he having been In jured about one week ago. Mrs. Pauline Schwartx left on Sat urday for Euatman, where she will vlalt he-- daughter, Mrs. Edwsrd Bur fua, who Is spending tbe summer at that place with her family, and where Mr. Surfua la employed. Mrs. Schwarti will remain for several weeks. , Mrs. Edwsrd Sheahan and family, who have been camping at the Toll Gate for several weeks, hsve return ed to Oregon City, and will leave for Powell River, British Columbia, the rirst of September to Join Mr. Shea han. who, recently left for that place to accept a position with a paper company. Leland Mattley. of Lincoln, Neb., was the gueat of his cousin, J. H. Mattley, of this city, for a few days of last week. While on the coast Mr. Mattley visited all the large cities snd wss very . favorably Impressed. Net summer he expects to make the trip by auto, and will be accompanied by his mother, and slater. Miss Irroa. Mrs. E. W. Scott, of this city, and Mlas Florence Westover, of Sesttle Waah., left for the Ogle Creek mines, where they will stay for several weeks. Miss Gertrude Falrclougb and Ellen Grace are at Ogle Creek mines, where they have been spend ing tho summer with Miss Falr clough's brothers. Mlas May Walker, of Palo Alta, California, arrived in this city on Saturday morning, and Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Walker. Miss Walker Is a niece of Mr. Walker and visited In this city for one year about three years ago. She says there is no place like Oregon, and she has de cided to remain in this city at the home of the Walkers. , . Mrs. Carl Green and baby daugh ter, Margaret, left on Saturday for Stevenson, Wash., where they will spend' three weeks visiting with the former's psrents, Mr. and Mrs-." Miller. Mr. snd Mrs. Dan Lyons and son. Dan, after spending the past twelve days at ' Shepherd's Hot Springs, Wash., returned to their home in this city on Saturday afternoon. v The ladles of the Congregational church, of Parkplace, held a most enjoyable taffy pulling party in the Smith oak park at Parkplace, en Fri day evening, which was attended by many of the young people of that place. The taffy was made by Mra. W. .A.: Holmes, Mrs. F. K. Lucas and Miss Fav French. Before the close of the affair there were many "stuck up' persons In tbe park. The pro ceeds amounted to f 6. ' , ; , Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Beach, of Glad stone, left on Friday evening for PolBe. Idaho, where they will spend three months with their son, William Beach, who .has been visiting them, snd ho accompanied them to Boise. Mr. Beach Is the aecretsry of tho km mj Am ' -j. i V. "- ". L ... - r ; ll " If 13 U Si T -'I l I I I sr-e. II -'l . --"-jii V DAMIEL GUGGENHEIM, "ONE OF THE BROTHERS.' G UCUEMIEIM is a name very much to the fore these days. The air seems to be full of GugKeuhelma. Three of tbe Ouggenbelm, brothers. laaac, Daniel and Simon, nave become Internationally known as financiers, snd Simon is In tbe senate from Colorado. Daniel Guggenheim, cue of the witnesses called to testify In tbe congres Mlonal investigation of tbe opening of tbe coal lands In Alaska, began bis career ss a buyer ot Isces in Switzerland for In father's American es tablishment. Now be hi president of tbe American Smelting and Refin ing company and thj Guggenheim Exploration company and president and chairman of the board of directors of tbe American Smelters Se curities company. Mr. Gucgenhetm holds other high positions In the mining and smelting industries. Ho lives In New Tork. Y. M. C. A. at Boise, snd he has been been In attendance) at the Y. M. C. A. convention held at Delano Beach, Wash. On their return trip they will visit their son at The Dalles. The family of Dr. A. L. Beatle has gone to Newport. CORRESPOJIDENCE OAK GROVE. T. R. Worthlngton, Thomas Worth- Ington. Howard Worthlngton and Frank Lawton left Thursday morn lng for the lower Columbia where they will haul wood for two months. Mrs. J. O. Staata. of Oregon City, was visiting Mrs. Pflfner Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. primer and son win leave In a few days for Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Evens were Portland visitors Thursday. Mrs. Ellers and little daughter were Portland visitors Friday. Tbe Ladles' Aid Society held their monthly tea at the home of Mrs. Rice Thursday afternoon. A large number of members were present. The Rev. snd Mrs.. Henry Spela and Miss Bert rice Sherk rendered several selections. Refreshments were served by the hostess and a free will offer ing was taken. Mrs. Clarence Murphy spent sev eral days this week with her sister Mrs. William Wells. Tbe Girls Band waa entertained at the Oaks Thursday and- furnished fine music. Miss Hester Armstrong, the leader, Is wonderful for a child of her age. Besides tbe chaperones several prominent persons attended the carmen's picnic. Miss Iva Harrington, Chief Deputy County Clerk, will leave Tuesday for Seavlew, Wash., where she will re main until Reptemler 1. Commercial ' Club Chat Oregon City Is expecting a large Influx of visitors next month, as the Colonist rate go Into effect on Sep tember 15 and a great many persons have written to the Commercial Club that they will take advantage of the rate and come West. Mrs. John L. Templeton, of Porter vllle, Cal., was a caller at 4he Promo tion Office and Informed the secre tary that she is very much pleased .with this county. Mrs. Porter said that she was thinking seriously of obtaining a few acresoof land near Oregon City, upon which to erect a model country home. She was par ticularly pleased with the district south of Oregon City In what Is known as the Twilight nelgh'borhood. The Porters are wealthy. Mrs. O. Wilson, of Oregon City, has on display at the Promotion Building a branch of a peach plum tree, two feet In length, -which has SI plums on it. The plums are of large slxe and of nice form and color, which shows this section Is especially adapted for fruit growing. o .e Philip Welsmandel, of Clackamas Heights, has on display a v large branch of late Duke cherries.' Mr. Welsmandel also gave a branch to Mr. O. E. Freytag who will preserve the cherries for the State and County fairs. Mrs. M. Johns, of Oreo Point, has on display peach plums from the largest plum tree In the county. The tree probably Is the oldest plum tree In the county. i King of Beggars. To be called "king of beggers" la a title which would bo shunned. Yet the owner of tbls title la Reecbow, China, la an Id to have sn Income of $13,000 a year. lie controls the most thoroughly, organised system of hedging In the world. ' NEWPORT YAQUINA BAY Oregon's Popular Beach Resort An ideal retreat for outdoor pas times of all kinds. Hunting, Fishing, Boating, Surf Bathing. Riding, Auto ing. Canoeing, Dancing and Roller Skating. Where pretty water agates, moss agates, moonstones, carnelans can be found on the beach. Pure mountain water and the best of food at low prices. Fresh fish, clams, crabs snd oysters, with abundance of vege tables of all kinds dally. Camping Grounds Convenient and At tractive. wth strict sanitary regulations LOW ROUND-TRIP 8EA80N TICKET8 from all points in Oregon, Washing" ion and Idaho on sate daily. 3-DAY SATURDAY-MONDAY j TICKETS from Southern Pacific points Port land to Cottage Grove; also from all CAE. stations Albany and west Good going Saturday or Sunday and for return Sunday or Monday. Call on any 8. P. or C. ft E. Agent for full particulars as to fares, trains, schedules, etc; also for copy of our illustrated booklet, "Outing In Ore gon," or write to Wm. McMurray GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT, Portland Oregon. BUDDY RYAN GOES dO CLEVELAND TEAM CLEVELAND. O.. Aug. 1J. (Spec ial). The management of the Cleve land American league team, an nounces the purchase of Buddy Ryan, the sensational outfielder, pitcher Bill Steen and Roger Pecklopaugh. lnfield er, all of the Portland Coast league club. Catcher Whaling of the Seattle Northwestern league team also haa been obtained by the Naps. All will report next season. YOU might think that there is little to choose between varieties of vinegars, spices and and mustards. But there ISand it will! surprise you to know that more" dif ference exists between them than amongst grades of meat and brands of flour. So, Just as you pick out the best in meat, and flour, you should get the very finest In sypices and vine gars. All the flavor and pleasure of eating may depend on that choice. It will make the difference between a good meal and a bad one. Come in and let us advise you. We carry the most varied and beat selected stock In town. Some prices and suggestions for this week: .15c Pure Cider Vinegar, bot. Malt Vinegar, bot 10c- Pickllnj- Vinegar, gallon ....40c Pickling Spices, mixed,, ready for use, package 10c J. E. SEELEY, Grocer Oregon City Weinhard BIdg FIFTH ANNUAL OREGON STATE FAIR SALEM, September 11-16, 1911 COMING WEEK LIVESTOCK, POULTRY AND AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITS, x RACES, FREE ATTRACTIONS AND AMUSEMENTS. FERULLO'S GREATEST BAND. REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS. 8END FOR PREMIUM LIST AND ENTRY BLANKS. FRANK MEREDITH, Secretary SALEM, OREGON. NATURAL HOT MINERAL BATHS. Rheumatism Can be Cured Nature's Way. - - . .. Write For Booklet Hot Lake Sanatuoum - HOT LAKE, OREGON. Gubernatorial Amenities. When Senator Bob Taylor was gov ernor of Tennessee he received a let ter from an Inmate of the Missouri State penitentiary who alleged hla name was also Taylor and. claiming kin with the governor, begged blm to use all tbe Influence of bis high oflW to succor a relative in deep trouble. Accordingly Governor Taylor ad dressed a letter to Governor Frauds of Missouri as follows: My Dear Governor t rancia Tou've got a fallow named Taylor In your peniten tiary who aaya be'a a relative of mine. If you raa see your, way clear to do It 1 wlah you would pardon him, and If any Of your klnafnlk ever grt In the Tenneaeee pen I'll return the favor Tours. . ROBERT TAILOR. Governor. New York Times. . A Newspaper Event. London's first regular newapaper, the Weekly Newa. appeared In 10,22. It eAntlned nix s slnirle xilvfrtl-emenf ACTIVE CTERS CERTAIN TO WW (Continued from page J..1 groat house furnishing store of Frank HeilSg Theatre 7th & Taylor Street Phones Main I & A 1123 SEVEN NIGHTS BEGINNING SUNDAY, AUGUST 13 Bargain Price Matinee Wednesdsy. Populsr Price Matinee Saturday. Second Week Popular Price - , - . Summer Engagement. THE FAVORITE COMEDIAN MAJt FIGMAN Supported by Lollta Robertson and a Splendid Company IN THE COMEDY SUCCESS "The Substitute" POPULAR PRICES: Evenings: 75c, 50c, 25c, 15c Wodneoday Matinees Any Seat 25c Saturday 'Matinees 50c 25c 15c ' 8EATS NOW SELLING FOR "THE SUBSTITUTE." WEEK BEGINNING SUNDAY, AUGUST 30th "MARY JANE'S PA." 8eat Sale Opens August 16. Busch. Yes, they will be placed on exhibition tomorrow, and many a girl In Oregon City and Clackamas coun ty when ahe sees those masterpieces of the craftsman's art will wish that she had entered the contest for one of them. And how glad you, the can didates, will be that you are In the race and stand an excellent chance to have one of those fine musical In struments to adorn your parlor. - Candidates, you must get on "The Roll of Honor," , Do you know; can you realise how 'many votes that hon or means to you? It means that your friends will rally to you as never be fore. It means that you will be con sidered as one of the Important con tenders In this great struggle for ballots. It means that persona who are mutually friendly to you and other candidates now will rally to your support, because tbey will be- come convinced tnat you are the one who la going to win. "AH the world loves a lover," but not any more than "All the world lovea a winner." Or to paraphrase the same expression with another quotation, "Nothing succeeds like success." - Of course you will take enough time off today to visit your friends for purely social reasons or will go to church. You should; you need tbe relaxation. But get busy Just as soon ss you can and add as many votes as possible to your list. The pianos end other handsome prises) are not yours for the asking, but they wUl be yours FOR THE WORKINO.