Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 1911)
WEATHER INDICATIONi. Urn-gun City Fmlrj watrly nda. , jorcgou rlr s wrmr Interior Li portion; wetrly wind. J no mm WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED I 506 to - Th only dally nwpapr be twn Portland and ftalam; clrcu- a lata In vry Motion of Clock- maa County, with a population of 30,000. Ar you an advertiser? OL 2 No.' 38. OREGON CITY. OnEaQN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, .1911. Pa Week, 10 Cbmti HER E MS BIG GAIN IN0WATER CANOIDATEOLt (9,000 VOTE DURING SPECIAL OFFER. SMITH STILL LEADS IN RACE r Contaatant Mak Remarkable ,howlng and Contaat Become Mora Exerting Than Evar Befor. lfttT(ly waa certainly a buay Kh tb t'ontoat Department of Morning Bnterprlae. It being Inn! day of th extra apeclal offar ruxli waa mad by candidate to Kurr they wr In tlm to oast votra, and tb auoceee of a r 1 1 y or mum Been ouij a iict UlIK HTANDINQ OF TUB CAN MTKH to varlfy. Tb moat no Mo inrreaa la that of Mia Elhel i,it, of Hprlngwatr, wbo pollod re iban 69.000 vol. W con mlHtn you Mlaa Cloor and point j.iii a an xampl of what any iMiif ran do who go after ub ,tlma with determination "to do Hi.. ' Mia lUlen Smith atlll leada lilHiikt No. S. but with Mlaa Clo fiu h a clo second It will not riM ua to see their poaltlona re- tiefore many daya. Mlaa Mil Li iteam, of Willamette, now hnlda rl place, but It la entirely wltbin I realm of reason to bellev Mlaa in will overtake tb otber betor I rloi-e of tb oo meet September i, k Iiiin a hoat of friend wbo ar bii to Hi and by her to .th flrilah MWi Kay llatdorf. of Wat Oregon K cornea next with a YOU total of l"l Mlaa Italdorf baa mad an i-llint showing, conalderlng th i,- xhe baa given to tr campaign 1 with continued effort from now ' i rloalng night tber I but i- doiiiit. that br nam will b l i.l.d with tb winner Mr M. T. Mark, of Canby, la not a thousand vote behind Mlaa it. lor f, and how long ah will re in In that poaltlon la up to Mr. ik hrraelf. Continued. dllllgent. bii ly work a In th paat will plac name laadara long be lli h rnnteat I closed. likN lilodwen Tbomaa. of Beaver k-'k. In not far In. arrears, and- puKli somewhat handicapped In kini: an artlv campaign on ao- ini of being In constant attenaance n tier mother who met with an Irhli iit a few daya mo. baa maa a k'mmI showing and It la alncerely (I Ml Tbomaa will b abi to -r i In- fray again within a vary it time., n- . JMi-b Annie Gardiner, of Meldrum. 1 no nn'una to be conaldered out of rm. and we wouldn't be In th t nnrprlaed to ae her cbang with thoa at the top of the before the contest cloaea. mi-k Helen Kablck. of Stafford, haa ! nn excellent abowlng and her iii'i'n are aa good a thoae of any er candidal to be numbered with Inner. MIkh l,ena Story takea flrat plac In irut No. 1. That la truly a vry plnre to be Mlaa Story, but be nii'il. other will be trampling on r heel before tb wfc la of it. i'T not let up a moment If you id to keep In th lead. MIkh Till! Meyer cornea next, but (In not expect her to he satisfied h that location and bellev before wii k I out ah will again take " in at th "bead of tb class. MIfr Kva Kent la third. Why don't change placea with th leader, ih Kent Let sM of th others e yniir place for a while. Mih Cross baa dropped down to Nnh iKisltlon, but we know Mlaa rotm not ROng to remain there Pg. She no doubt will take her old Nitlon at the head of th Hat before Mrs K. P. Zimmerman la not far khlml Ml., Croaa and we will not be lirprls r to see Mra. Zimmerman not pwrr than second plac th cloalng Mht of the conteat. , Tomorrow will tv nnhllahait the Itoll (.f Honor." If mir nm la In. Pd.Ml Btriv your utmost not to let ne ihkou away. km: pur HUNTER HAVE POOR LUCK. R. Fonbarg Only Member of Party to Oat Big Qam. J. It. Kosbarar Mirk nilln.r llarrv Plvln and Joe MunrH hava ratiirned r"m ii hunting trip In th Lost Lake "untry near Mount Hood. Th only rky tun n in the party was Fosberg. 'ho M),ot a deer. Tbla animal weigh fl. aft.T it waa dressed. 160 pounds. r. Konherg will have th antler counted, plenty of flah were caught. young men packed for SO miles, nd ff It none th worse for their trip. 'ny report many camper thla year n the mountalna. Spend Ao Evening Wilh Ui Court No. tKnlahta ef .tfia Raa'a. nv,t the nla.a....l. I - Pton City and vlolnlty to be pre Pnt a social danee, Wlllamatt Hall, f.!!r,y v,n,n. Auguat 17, Mil, r to 12 o'clock. , ' BE LARSEf ORCHESTRA. w C. QREANEt Commandr. ''AUL ELLINOL Plnanolal Sao. PERPETRATED BY WALT Ac DOUGALL 1 INVAINJ CINCH AND DO THEIR VlRT BEST BUT I STOLEN TEAM FOUND NEAR OWNER'S HOME E. R. Dakar of tb Grand Union Tea Company, on Seventh afreet near Center, haa recovered the two borsei stolen from hla barn on' the . West Side Saturday night, Mr. Baker waa In Portland, when the horses were stolen. Upon hla return to hla home he found the barn door open, and the horaea ' wer gone. He started back to this 'city to notify Sheriff Maaa, and on hla way her met one of bis neighbors, "Fred Fluae. Mr. Duse pro ceeded to bla home, and on hla way met two men on boraeback. He asked the men wboae horaea they were rid ing. They aald nothing, but dismount ed and disappeared In the woods. The horaea had never been ridden be fore and th men bad a hard time trying to "break" them In. The horaea war found graxlng Sunday near Mr. Bum's home. J. J. M'NAMARA. One of th Defendant In th Lea Angelas Dynamiting Cae. Cyel Club Ha Plenlo. Th Portland Motor Cycle Club held a picnic near the Tualatin River Sun day. There waa a targe attendance, about twenty-five persona making the trip on tandem machines, and many by alngle machlnea and electric car. The day waa apent crawfishing, and racing, and fancy boxing constituted the athletic program. One of the fea tures waa the big apread. Among thoae attending were- Mr. and Mra. Llndaey, the former being president of the dub. - ' . . . Photo by America Praaa Association. STANDING OF CANDIDATES-IN CONTEST CANDIDATES IN DISTRICT NO 1. MISS MYRTLE CROSS MISS ALLIES WARS..;.. MI8S LENA 8T0RY MRS. B. T. ZIMMERMAN MISS TILLIB MEYERS Oregon City .......Oregon City ....Oregon City ....Oregon City Oregon City MISS EVA KENT Oregon City MISS ELLA WHITE ...Oregon City MISS ROSE JUSTIN ...Oregon City MIS8 LILLY LONO ....Oregon City MISS ANNA WOODARD. Oregon City MISS KVA ALLDRBDOB....V... Oregon City . . . . t . . " Votes. , S8690 12027 S5977 36064 47894 42752 S526 S546 8568 S936 1786 ROADS' MMTEE MEETS TOMORROW President Hedge of the Commer cial Club, at a meeting Monday night, called a meeting of the executive com mittee, composed of members of var lotia commercial organlr.atlong In the county, for tomorrow "night when pre liminary arrangements will be made for the construction of the capital highway through Clackamas county on tbla aide of the liver. Mr. Hedgea announced that the Commercial Club of thla city would be represented by Dr. A. L. Heatle, M. J. Laxelle and M. D. Latourette. Tb executive com mittee will be guided In Ita work by the following resolution, which waa adopted at a meeting on August S: - "Resolved, by thla body of citizens assembled that we Indorse the propos ition of constructing a ' capital high way from Portland to Salem, and that we ar willing to contribute toward th conatructlon of auch a highway on the East Side of the Willamette Riv er; and be it further resolved, that the commercial bodie of Sellwood, Mllwaukle, Oak Grove, Jennings Lodge, Gladstone, Oregon City, Mount Pleasant, New Bra, Canby and Bar low each be Invited to appoint a com mittee of three to become an execu tive committee to work In conjunc tion with the Capital Highway Com. mission and the County Court to lo cate and construct auch a highway, and that the flrat Joint meeting of thla committee be left to the Presi dent of the Commercial Club, of Ore gon City." The committee , will . organise to morrow night and make plana for the completion of the boulevard aa Boon aa oaalble, It will act In conjunction with the country court and the cap! tal highway commission In aelectlng the route and the other work. The club at the meeting last eve ning approved a proposition to or ganise a band In tbla city, and Presl (.dent Hedges waa authorised to ap point a manager. There are a num ber of good musician In the city, and It la expected that, the band will start with at leaat twenty pieces. e Votes. CAP'DATES IN DISTRICT NO. t. MlrfS ELLEN MOBHNKB........Shubel 48188 MRS. M. T. MACK Canby 7S512 MI88 ADA LAKIN Mllwaukle 16007 MISS FAY DATDORr...... West Oregon City. ........ 70501 MISS ICINA HUTCHINSON Canby 7521 MISS MILDRED REAM Willamette .... 88329 MI88ADA CARES .Sandy 2K25 MISS LILLIAN HOLMES Sandy 18226 MISS NORA KIMDKRLY Boring 2508 MRSJUUA HOLT .-Oak Grove 7688 MISS INEZ KNOX Boring t 18430 MISS ELS1B 8HOBNRORN Carua 27461 MISS ETHEL CLOSNKR Sprlngwater .....142811 MISS BLODWEN THOMAS Beaver-Creek 64611 MI88 MAY JOHNSON Clackamas 10670 MI88 ETHEL. DB BOK Willamette 6742 MIS8 ANNIE GARDINER Meldrum , 61025 MISS HELEN SMITH Canemah 168532 MISS HELEN RABICK Stafford 89565 MRS. DELIA ROBERTS...-. Jennlnga Lodge .....,... 605ft "MIR3 ROXY COLB Molalla 2501 MISS VERNA MEAD ....Gladstone ..i 27220 MISS HAZEL HUNOATE Molalla , 11817 MISS JESSIE A KINS Mullno ' 1619 RANCHER ENJOINS OPENING OF GRAVE JOHN T. FRIEL, WHO MARRIED FORMER WIPE'S NURSE. PILES SUIT. CHILDREN ARE MADE DEFENDANTS M Complaint .Chargea That It Haa Baii Intimated He and Hla Bride c Poisoned Stricken Woman. Charging that several of bis chil dren are aecretly plotting to have the body of hla wife exhumed to make a chemical, examination of the tissues, John T. Frlel. Sr.-a rancher of Cherryvllle, Monday, through his at torneys George C. Brownell and Wil liam M. Stone, obtained an order In the Circuit Court restraining them from doing ao, unleaa It la to be done by the officials of Clackamas couuly. After the granting of tbe order Mr. Frlel returned to the grave of hla for mer wife to continue tbe nightly vigil kept by him for more than two week a. Tbe aged plaintiff aoon after als wife died married Mlaa Luella Wilson, trained nurse, wbo waa employed through an advertisement In a Port land paper to attend tbe first .Mr. Frlel soon after ah was - atrlcken. Th nurse came to Portland from Buf falo, N. Y having fine recommenda tions from former employer. Mr. Frlel declares 'that hla first wife, on her death bed Importuned him to marry tbe nurse. Foul Play Charged. It haa been alleged that the first Mrs. Frlel did not die a natural death, and the children are determined that a chemical analysts of the body be made. Mr. and Mra. Frlel. 8r scout the poison charge, and aay they have no objection to the body belbg dlsln tered, provided it la done by the prop er authorities, and la protected. Tbe plaintiff aaya that he 1a afraid, un let the body Is protected that poison will be Injected Into the body. The defendanta to tbe complaint, are John T. Frlel. Jr, Maggie Murray, Ray Murray, Phoebe Allen, William Allen, Thoma Klrby, Mable Mclntyre and Glen- Mclntyre. Mra. Murray, Mra. Allen, Mrs. Mclntyre and Mr. Frlel are children of the plaintiff. Tbe complaint. In part, follows: - "That on. or about the 13th day of February. 1911. tbe said Phoebe Frlel, who was then the lawful wife of plain tiff herein, died, and waa burled In Cemetery. In lot in RAILROAD GETS CITY FRANCHISE COUNCIL ACTS UPON REQUEST Cr CITIZENS TO GRANT RIGHT OP WAV. HILL POLICEMAN NOT COWED Mayer Brownell Urgea Building of Hill Stairway . at Third Street Or. Beat!' v Bond Approved. The' City Council Monday night granted the Clack am a Southern railroad a twenty-five year franchlae In the city. Many prominent cltlxena were present to urge that no charge be made for the right of way, and th council was not long In reaching ATVOOD MAKES NE17 AIR REC0.1D BIROMAN PLIES PROM ST. LOUIS HOURS. TIKE BETTER THAN EXPRESS TL1T3 . - Crowds Greet Aviator A H Hover Over Skyscraper Journey ' to New York to be Resumed Today.'' CHICAGO. Aug. 14. By flying th 286 miles from St Louis to Chicago with only two Intermediate stops gad In actual Vlvlfi Mm of flva hnura and 43 minute today, Harry N. At wood, of Boston, believes he haa aet a pace that will result In hla eatab- a decision. It waa agreed that the J Uahlng a new record on his flight WRITES CHIEF SHAW 10 FIND IIIH WIFE Here'a your chance, girls! A young man with a good bank account la seeking an Oregon City girl for a wife. He haa written Chief of Police Shaw to aid him In hla quest. Th letier follow? .. Notus, Idaho, Aug. 10. 1911. Dear Sir: I hav heard ao much of Oregon Clty'a beautiful glrla and I am looking for a nice girl for a wife and I write thoae few line hoping you might publish thla ao some girl who la looking for a young man might writ to me ao we can cor respond with .each other. I- am 21 years of age and have enough -money ao aa to keep a lady with. I have a dark complexion and t feet, 7 Inches tall, ao If you win kindly pub lished thla I will be ever ao thankful to you. Sincerely yours, WILLIAM GRIFFIN, Notua, Idalio. R. D. No. L rare Lemp'a Lovejoy Ranch. Clackamas county, state of Oregon. -That John T. Frlel, Jr., defendant above named, was the lawful son of aald deceased Phoebe Frlel and plain tiff herein, and that Maggie. Murray waa the lawful daughter of plaintiff and aald deceased. Phoebe Frlel, and Ray Murray la her lawful husband, and Phoebe Allen was tbe lawful daughter of Plaintiff herein and the wife of aald William' Allen, and eaid Thomaa Klrby la lawfully married to the daughter of plaintiff and aald, deceas ed, and Mable Mclntyre la the lawful daughter of plaintiff herein and aald deceaaed, and Glen Mclntyre la the lawful husband of aald Mable Mcln tyre. - "That aubaequent to the burial of the aald Phoebe Frlel, deceased, aald defendanta, above named, circulated atorlea to th effect that the said Phoebe Frlel, deceased, died an un natural death and Intimated to divers persons, residing in tbe vicinity of Cherryvllle and Oregon City. In Clack amaa county, Oregon, that the aald Phoebe Frlel died aa a result of poi son, administered to her before her death by plaintiff herein and one Mlaa Luella Wilson, wbo la now the lawful wife of plaintiff herein. Threaten Ao Exhume Body, . "The defendants herein have circu lated rumors and atorlea to' the ef fect that the aald body of the aald deceased Is to be exhumed and exam ination made of aald body, of aald deceased, to ascertain whether of not aald deceaaed died an unnatural death, aa the result of poison administered to her before death or whether or not poison can be found within the tissues of the body of the aald deceaaed. "The plaintiff herein la perfectly willing and ready to'aaatst In any way aa far aa he la able, that the aald body be exhumed and an examination be made thereof to ascertain whether or not the said deceased died from the cause before stated, and whether or not trace of poison can be found within aald body of Phoebe Frlel, de ceaaed; but plaintiff Insist and de mands that the disinterment and ex amination of aald body of aald deceaa ed be made by the proper officials, competent to make th same, under th supervision of this court, or any other court, having Jurisdiction of tbe said body of the said Phoebe Frlel. deceased. 1 '' "That the plaintiff herein owing to the threats, rumors and . atorlea, cir culated against him. by defendants herein, s afraid that defendant, one or all of them, will aurrepUtiously and aecretly exhume the .body of aald de ceased, without knowledge of plain tiff herein,, and tbe proper 'officials competent to make the exhumation and examination thereof, and will In ject polaon or poisonous substances Into the tissue and body of the aald Phoebe FrleL deceased." THOMAS QERBER UNDER KNIFE. .a Former Rldnt of This City Operat ed Upon For Appandlcltl. Thomaa Oerber, formerly of thla city, but now of Grant'a Paaa, waa operated upon Saturday at the Orant'a Paaa Hospital for appendicitis, and la getting along nicely. Mr. Oerber Is the eon of Mr. and Mr. John Oerber, formerly of thla city, bnt now of Cor vallla, and la well known her. road would be of Inestimable advant age to Oregon City, and that the pro moters ahould be given every en couragement The tracks will extend on Water street, from Fourteenth to Sixteenth street a, along Firteehtn street to John Adams etreet, tnence following-. tbe present grade of the raii-nal around the hill and above Abernethy Creek to tbe northwester ly side of Oregon City. The road will cros the tracka of the Southern Pacific at the aame grade of the lat ter road. A trestle will be built over Washington street. Msyor Brownell called attention to tbe wishes of Captain Fred Metzger. aad many others, in favor of con structing steps to the bill at Third street. Mayor Brownell Insisted that the atepa should be built at once. The proposition waa referred to the Com mittee on Streets and the City At torney waa In traded to tntervlew W. P. Hawley. of the Hawley Pulp ft Paper Company, and the Crown-Columbia Paper Company regarding the Immediate building of the atepa. , Tbe mayor aald that Mr. Hawley waa will ing to build tbe atepa, provided the city would obtain for him the right to paaa over a small piece of land owned by the Crown-Columbia Paper Company. Mayor Brownell Inaiated that the residents of the hill section of tbe city should have . police protection and he nominated Jack Frost for the post. The council, however, refused to confirm the appointment, and then the mayor appointed W. W. Bradley. The council also declined to confirm this appointment, and the mayor im mediately awore In Frost for five daya' duty. He aald that he would continue to re-appoint Frost each five daya until a definite conclusion was reached, or aa long aa he thought the people desired a policeman. MajTT Brownell also recommended that a red light be Installed on the hill, but action on thla waa deferred. The bond of Dr. A. L Beatle of 21,000 on tbe gas franchise awarded him was approved. Dr. Beatie al ready, haa : begun the Installation of an acetylene system, and expects to have It In operation In the larger part of tbe city In a few months. The new high school will be the first building supplied.' - HRE THREATENS by aeroplane from St Louis to New York and Boa ton. -Atwood appears to have broken th American record for a alngle day' flight. The best previous American record was made by Atwood himself when he flew 148 miles from Atlantic City to Baltimore. July 10. The beat International eroaveoun-j try record la held - by Andre Beau mont, who. In the Paris-Rom contest, covered 401 miles in a single day, but In thla Instance he made three land ings, while Atwood today landed only twice between start and finish. Atwood In a biplane left St. Louis at 8:05 a. m. He landed In Chicago at 6:19 p. m. Hla total time betweea St Louis and Chicago, counting the delay a occasioned by the two atop, waa ten houra 14 minutes. - His actual tlm in the air, Atwood aserts, la three hours and II minutes less than tbe scheduled time for ex prea trains. . Sailing Into Chicago from the south west a lon apeck In the clouds, he made direct for the downtown dis trict and hovered for a tlm over the kyacrapera. Suddenly the crowd at the aviation grounda noticed the on-eemlng stran ger and a voice shouted, That'a At wood from St Louie." Immediately the vast assemblage waa In an up roar. Two or three of the armen Bailed' out to meet Atwood. ' Atwood will resume hla Journey eastward tomorrow afternoon. He. aald he probably would take a course along the Lake Shore railroad. POPE'S CONDITIO!! . NOTSOSATISFACW ROME, Aug. 15. 12:30 a. m. Pope Plua la not well at thla hour aa he was early last (Monday) night.' Hla aleep has been less tranquil and he twice awoke complaining of pains in the affected knee. IJla tempera ture also haa slightly increased over that of the early houra of the night Many dispatches from all parts of the world expressing hope for the (.Pope's quick recovery continue to ar rive at the Vatican. The prompt action of Policemen Green and Frost Monday night pre vented what orobably would have been a disastrous btase In tb block on the west aide of Main street be tween Sixth and Seventh streets. Mr. Oreen, while paalng the grocery store of F. T. Barlow, at 611 Main street, discovered that the room was filled with smoke. - He realised that there waa no Immediate danger and sum moned Mr. Barlow, who opened the door. In the meantime the fire alarm waa sounded and the department re-" ponded, but Policeman Frost, stand ing at the door, announced that it would not be necessary to pour water on the fire. Tbe Ore waa located In a wood box, and evidently had been smouldering for houra. Mr. Barlow thinka It caught from a lighted cigar or cigarette which waa carlessly thrown In the bin. The prompt dis covery of the extent of the fire by Policemen Green and Frost eaved the ator from being drenched by the department - and prevented heavy damage to the atock. v NELL BURDIIIE AND HEMPLOnSWED Mra. Nell Burdlne. of thla city, and Herman Plotta. formerly of thla city, but now of Portland, were married July 26, at the. home of the Rev. Pat ton, who la paator of the Methodist church at Seaside. Mr. and Mra. Plotta took their friends by surprise In this city, and It waa not known here until a few daya ago that they had been married. Th young couple are living at, 1.000 East Washington street, Port land. Mra. Plotta la well known 13 thla city, and la the daughter of Mra. C. K. Be vena, of the West Side. Bhe haa been until recently, head clerk of the C. C Store. Mr. Plotta cam to this city about two yeara ago from Rusaell. Iowa. Both are highly es teemed and their many friends here extend their best wishes and hearty congratulations. F AT A family reunion held on Sunday at the home of Mrs. Emma Thomaa, 412 Adama etreet, proved a most de lightful affair. Thla la the first time that the members of Mra. Thomaa family have had a reunion. Tbe houae waa prettily decorated, the liv ing room and parlor' being In bright ( colored aweet peaa and ferna. while the dining room and table were In t pink aweet peaa. One of the features ih. dinner aerred bv Mra. Tho- ' maa, who waa assisted by her sister. Mary Ganlard, of Mllwaukle. There were four generationa present. Thoae attending were Mr. Mary Bottemlller, of Woodstock, mother of Mra. Thomaa; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bottemlller and six children, of Kent, Or.; Jlr. and Mra. August Bottemll ler. of Richfield. Wash.; Mr. and Mra. William Bottemlller and flv children, of Clarkea; Mr. and Mra. Eml Bottemlller and child, of Port- i.mJ. u .nd Mra llMwaril Botte mlller and four children, of Sellwood; Mrs. Mary Ganlard, of Mllwaukle; Mrs. O. Keller and three children, of Mflwaukle; Mra. H. Andrewe, of Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. D. Botte mlller and two children. Oregon City; Mlaa Dora Kohlhase, of Bertha, Minn.: Herbert and Gilbert Thomas, of thla city. Patron ix our advertiser. SEE HERE 8even acres, one-fourth mil from electric line, 4-room houae, barn, chicken house,, and yard, good well and fine spring, three'and a half aerea In gal-den, fruit and berries; good cow and chickens. Will take 13 COT. half caah, balance to suit th buyer. This la on Ideal poultry and girden fa'rm, slopes to th southwest Come and ae It, or call on ot addiea CYRUS POWELL OREGON CITY, OR. Stephen Bulging, Room 11.