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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1911)
MORNING ENTERPRISE, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 9, 1911 Opyricht . oUUoa. 111. UMrioMrMAMK . v I I J 11 I - A I 1 I I I I I I I V f u S r I r S 7 r I rib rU U L U twtuf darajraum. tu calWd kq last swnaisr to marry a. boat Biaa about fifty jaara of ax to a wo tan of Uklrtj-fiT. Too aaaa waa. a bachelor, 'tb. womaa a widow with a Soa about aUta yoara old. "Art you tbo - second bMbaadT I asked th groom after tb coramoay. "I'm tbo coco ad or tb third, I'm not aar which." b replied, a pained ex pression passing orer bla fac. I nak ed aim to explain, bat he seemed re locUnt to do ao. 1 waa about to turn away from blm wbeo be aald: "Tou'r a clergyman and a food man to confess to. If joull keep tbe ocret 10 tell yoa. . "Do aa you pleas about telling me. If you fa trust me with tb secret I shall certainly keep It" . "When 1 waa about aa old aa my wife la now." be began. "ahe waa a thin Up of a girl, all arma and legs, like a colt. But ab waa purty. all tbe same, and aooa after that Oiled out. There waa a mighty aofl apot la my heart for ber. But L, baT a man ' thirty and ab a atiiplln' of fifteen, I wouldn't V aald anything about It for th biggest ihlp that floats. 1 watch d ber grow up. tblnktn' that when ah got older 1 might muster up rour ag to ask ber to marry me. But to of Iot ma kin' before she's even tweo ty. "Her father bad a" feller picked out for ber. His nam waa Pillabury Jack PUla bury a mighty good young mam. Ue was Aral mat, of a tramp, aad erery Urn bo cam la from a crula b brought bom a lot of mon ey to Invest. But there waa another feller tb little gal wanted, and he wanted ber. - Bnt Maggie lhat'a ber aame waa mighty fond of ber father and waa bent oa doln' what be want ed ber to do. She ahlpped Jim Hol dea. the feller ah loved, and ma trim) Jack PUlsbury. Jack he kept on goln to aea. and ao did Jim. Jim waa awful cut up at loaJn' Maggie and wouldn't marry any other gal She waa well satin fled with Jack and always looked for him ' to com back from bla cruises. But after awhile he went on a cruise that h didn't come back from. He waa due la a year, but three years passed . , and be didn't abow up. After awhile, when It looked aa If Jack must be dead tbe ahtp be salted In waa never beard from Jim' Holden began to pester Maggie to marry blm. She held out for a long while, but at hut give In. - They were married, and the boy you saw Just now come along. Jack and Maggie didn't bare any chil dren. Maggie waa happy with Jim. except that abe waa alwaya worryln' about not k do win' whether abe didn't bar two h oa bands. Torn see. abe didn't know positive whether Jack waa ' dead, and If he wasn't she was Bring . with a man that ahe warn't married a to aad tbe boy waa Illegitimate. AD this time 1 waa doln' friendly things for tbe woman.' ahe not know in' anything about bow I really felt toward ber. She give me ber con fidence and told me wbat troabled her. One day after a storm a lot o' wreckage come In with several dead bodies. I waa out In my boat and saw Maggie beckooln' to me from tbe beach. I went In to where abe was and saw that abe waa standln' by a body. She waa the wretcbedeat look ing woman 1 ever saw. -If s Jack." she said. True enough, there waa Jack tome back dead. 1 took In the situation at once. "Maggie," I aald. "there's Just 'one way to keep you from beln' known aa a woman who has lived with a man who wasn't her legal husband and your boy from known' be'a Illegiti mate. Don't you aay a word about this. Ill take the body oat in my boat and give It a sea burial. " "I think It waa sparing her boy pain and disgrace that decided ber. At any rate, she consented. I put the body Into my boat, took It oat Into deep wa ter, tied my anchor to tbe ankles and hoisted It overboard. No one aaw me. and If any on had I don't reckon It would have made any difference, for It wasn't everybody about there that would have remembered Jack anyway "Maggie was a good deal cut up about the matter, not knowing whether ahe bad done right in saying nothing to ber husband Ton see. it made a horrible aecret between ber and him that was always on her mind. I relieved ber aa well aa I could by reminding ber that, though It might not hurt Jim specially to know tbe secret, we couldn't tell exactly bow he would feel about ber - and my action In tbe matter. I didn't see how It would help matters to lell blm. "Jim died aboot ten years ago, and IT waited since then till a few months ago to tell, Maggie my part of tbe story. We bad been drawn so together by the secret thst It waan't - much of a aurprtse to her when I aald What I bad to say. And I tblnk th aecret helped m to get ber I want to know what you have to ssy about It. Do you con demo as?" "Aa to the wisdom of yonr course." 1 replied. "1 have ao comment to make, la your action I see nothing to eon dema." . "I'll go and tall ber that" be aald. greatly relieved. "It'll aaka her feel Mr comfort bl about It than sine cbm secret came between as." SUCCESS Believe me, the talent of success is nothing mora than doing what yon can do wel and doing what ever you do without a thought of fame. If it cocne at all, it wiO come because it is deserved, not because it is sought after. And, moreover, there wil be ao avsgmnga, do dis appointment, no hasty, feverish, ex hausting mii nt Lwtgfelow. Sat Extra- Special V II GENUINE DIAMOND 1 a"v AZ Jftk mm RINGS -5 (NOT CMI) HERE IS THE PLAN: To the contestant in each district sending in the largest number of Subscriptions, new or old between now and 6 P. M. August 14 will be awarded one of these GENUINE DIAMOND RINGS purchased from and now on display at Burmeister and Andresen Oregon City Jewelers. Subscriptions for the Daily Enterprise will be counted as double those for the weekly. The winners will be announced and Prizes awarded Sept. 2 the closing night of the contest. Should the winners of the Capital Prizes; the $400 Kimball Pianos-be-the-ones-who send-inthe-most-subscriptions-under-this-offerUheywill-be-4iwardGd-to the next highest in each district. This will give each candidate an equal chance-to win a prize, and surely these beautiful rings are worth making an extrareffort to win. Under this offer each yearly subscription to the DailyEnterprise will!' count 2,000 votes and each yearly subscription to the Weekly Enterprise 1,000 votes. Now you who are at the bottom of the list get in and work if you can't win one of the Capital Prizes your chances are as good as the next to win one of these GENUINE DIAMOND RINGS. VOTES ALLOWED ON PAID-IN-ADVANCE SUBSCRIP TIONS OR RENEWALS DURING DOUBLE SPECIAL VOTE OF FER ARE AS FOLLOWS: Six months' subscription to the Daily Enter prise, by carrier, $2.00, by mail, $ 1 .50, 600 votes. One year's subscription, $4 by carrier, $3 .by mail, 2,000 votes. Two years' subscription $8 by carrier, $6 iwoyi by mail, 5j ,000 votes. Three years subscription, by carrier $ 1 2, by mail $9, 1 0,000 votes. Five years subscription, by carrier $20, by mail $15, 20.000 votes. One year's subscription Weekly Enterprise, $1.50, 1,000 votes. Money must accompany all subscriptions before votes will be issued. FIRST 'PRIZES Two Upright Kimball Pianos VALUE SBIllgg VALUE $400 ' Ptf $400 h """""" Purchased from Portland'sJJLeading Music House EILERS' & CO., 7th and Alder Sts. SUBSCRIBERS ill in the name of candidate for whom you wish to favor with your votes with remittance for your subscription or renewal mail to Contest Department The Enter prise. Name of subscriber. Add ress Months For M District . Vote. Candidate. : . Second PAzes Two "20th Century" Sewing : Machines (latest model) New Home Drop Hea l VALUE $75.00 EACH Third and Fourth Prizes MUSICAL EDUCATION BUSINESS EDUCATION WHICH? . Four Prices to be Awarded The Enterprise has used every're in me selection ot these pnzes.a secured scholarships in two of the most educational institution in State of Oregon. FIFTH PRIZES, TWO SOLID GOLD WATCHES (Ladles Ue) Purchased at K-ioai Burmeister & Andres The Leading Jewelers of 619 Main St Oregon. City, Of. The above prizes will be awarded Saturday niaht Senicmh,.-.. .. .. of your favorite candidate is not entered ? 't'aee send it in " For furlhor particu lars addroao tho BJSsMSSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa