Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1911)
WEATHER INDICATION. On-Kiin City Fair, with rlalng temperature. , Oregon-Fair, with rlalng torn- , perature Interior weal tortlon. fi e din GMflSE 4 4 4 " 4 The only dally nswSf)sar fc 4 tweet Portland and elraji ' 4 latee In every sestldh of C tasks- 1 4 ma County, with a populates) a 4 30,000. - Ara you an advertlaerf I 4 4'4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4444444 WEEKLY E.NTERP SCO VOL 'J No. 32. OREGON CITY, OREGON. -TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1911. Pkb Week. 10 Cejto ENTE RISC ESTABLISHED I "ROLL OF HONOR" CANDIDATES' GOAL SPECIAL OFFER GIVE ALL CHANCE TO CO TO FRONT IN BIQ CONTEST. RINGS ARE ON DM Contcitanta, Daalrlng to Hold Votaa In Rosrve, Should Turn In Sub scriptions Raca Grows Mora Eaeltlng. Tli double vote offir that baa been In ifiwl for iba paat week, and ad illilniial special prlsea that will bo si.rl.-tl to tba two candldatea who (tun In Ilia largest numhor of aub wiipilons between and Including Thui "day. August 4 and Auguat 14. at incut nmong lha candldatea and (heir frlendn, Ttii diamond rlnga whnh ara on exhibition at Burmelster ft Andre Mn' ntors ara aurely beautlca. Tha mmlldntea and frlenda of tho ranrtl-ilitii-i are requeated to call and In iMrt thene, and-rhen decide If these irlm aro worth an extra a (Tort .lurlnic iha com I tin week. The rand Mitici ntmuld not overlook tba fart that hry are entitled to double tha num ber nf votea that wora given on aub siTiiiiliina at the atart of tha content. Thin coming week ahnuld be tha i.aruier una of tha content; and can- lulu' who do not taka every ad- .Hutiiin of thla IOlTBLK VOTK OF i KU HI have no on to blame but lltftllM'lvH. While the special offer of two trV ago waa a good one thla one la qnully aa good, taking Into conaid rntn tha additional priiee. Send In Subscriptions. Almost dally a number of com -In I iti are received at the Enterprise fflre from peraona who subscribed, md mm yet have not received the uper No doubt randldatea are "holding -iiIim rlptlona which will be turned In nirr i in. Contestants ahould turn hem In aa booq aa poanlble and can iruln the vote certlflcatea If thav lenlre to create a reaerve force of vote that can be polled at any lima lirfnre the clone of the con teat, but 'he ntitmrriptlnn ahould be turned In it wire. The word of advice to the candl te now la, do not let up for a sin- le moment until thla apeclal offer loae next Tuesday night, Auguat II, then yon can take It eaay the fol lowing week, but now la the time to 'rente a reaerve force of votea to hurl t your rompetltora on the laat night f the content. September I. that will !lnre your name at the lop In your unmet ana win win for you the k-rund upright Kimball Piano. Chance For All. Imperially TOU who are at the hot "in of the lint: Thla la your oppor tunity. Laying- aalda tha noaalbllltv f your overtaking the leadVr. your hancen ara aa good If not better, to ln one of the soeclal nrliea and at the mime time acquire enough votea to lure your name at the head of the "i. Make a reaolva right now to ao ifter votea In earneat: tour frlenda III help you If you ahow them you re going to make an effort Now. hlle thla apeclal offer la In force. your time to get buay. There la "t a candidate In tha content but who could pile up enough votea be- 'H-n now and S p. m., Auguat H. to overtake the leadera If aha goea to work with a determination to win. ce what you can An now while the double vote offer la In force, together 'h the apeclal nrlnen ITWO flKN- ' INK DIAMOND RIN08I. Some eon 'nnt la going to be the victor; why not you? Tim Content Kdltor cnnnrrafiilatak thime who are In the lead, but at tha "inie time warna you that othera are 'n irhe race and on the clonlnr nlirht 'f the content; September J, unless mii Keep diligently after votea you not occupy, that position. G On "Roll of Honor" J W Ore rolnir tn nnhllnti tha "Roll nf honor" after the antra anectal vote ifr In abrogated. See that your nam. la Included, by doing good work in now until 8 p. m., Auguat 14. it win mean a whole kit to vou. aa v"nr frlenda will know you are mak 'ng an effort and conaequently will rally t0 your aupport. "Unto him who wh nhnll be given 1 Thla hofta good tn a content nr hi. n.inu t 'lomoimirate to your frlenda and ao- ""iinnncea that you are In earneat "1 tlenlre their analatance they will only too glad to help you. But ant expect your frlenda to handle Wnr campaign for you. they are buay no lo.ibt! they will help by giving a "ibncrlitlon. for tha aaklng. which mcann V0TK3 TOR TOU and DOU-"l-K VOTES from now until 6 p. ro AitRuat 14. SEE HERE Haven, acrea. one-fourth ' mlU from lectrlo line, 4-room hotiae, barn, sicken houae, and yard, good , wall "rt fine aprlng, three and a half acrea ,n Karden, fruit and berrlea; good J"0 nd chlckena. Will take tl.COO, ""If canh. bala:cm to ault the huver. TMn a on . j rm' ,,0Pa to the aouthwaat. Come "l eea It. or call on ot addreaa CYRUS POWELL ' " OREQON CITV. OR. tephena BulMIng, Room 11. teH i r .... . -rr2 oorrrr While It ctts .41 m ire Tle I lie M WIFE, SUING, SAYS Georgia H. 8hepard has Died a ault for divorce agalnat Fred D. Shepard to whom ahe waa married In Portland on June 27. 1904. Mra. Shepard al- legea that her huaband treated ber cruelly. She aaya he la a man ot violent and ungovernable temper, and la aubject to audden flta of rage upon the allghteat provocation. He haa curaed and abuaed her ahe aaya, and haa called her vile namee. About Auguat 15. 1910, ahe aaaerta, ha Harked her with hla finta. and at the aame time awore at her and on July 1. 1911. while In the preaence of othera. he threatened to throw her Into the road, which greatly embar- raaaed her. Mra. Shepard aaka that aba b al loweri tn renume her maiden name. Georgia It. Young. U. K. Leonard la repreaentlng her. CATHOLIC KNIOHT8 PICNIC. Mualo and Addroaaaa Faaturaa of Out ing at Schnoora Park. Tha nlrnlr nlven at flchnoor'a Park at Willamette on Sunday by the Ca'h- ollc KnKn'a waa a aeciaea aucce-". tha faaturea waa tha babket riinner. There were mualcal aeieo-S tlona and addreeaea. The aiienaunre waa large and everyone had a-good time. m f m i. i i vj V5P i"m e. . Kj & II II i 'I I - . - i ll li av a-avk. HUSBAND STRUCK HER STANDING OF CANDIDATES IN CONTEST CANDIDATES IN MIS8 MYRTLE CROSS...- ...Oregon MI88 ALLIES WARK Oregon MISS LKNA STORY ...Oregon MRS K. F. ZIMMERMAN Oregon MIS8 TILLIE MEYERS Oregon MISS EVA KENT. . Oregon MISS ELLA WHITE Oregon mao n nam JITHTIN Oregon MISS LILLY LONO MISS ANNA WOODARD MISS EVA ALLDREDGE CAr'DATES IN DISTRICT NO. 2. o - ' Votea. MISS JENNIE DIX ........Mttllno 8780 MISS ELLEN MOEHNKE Shubel 44124 SSS JfbI-i!l1SS':::::::::::::SKB.u MISS FAY BATDORF. Weal Oregon City ....;t... B038 MISS EDNA HUTCHINSON "ICahby . 7521 MIS MILDRED REAM .....Willamette 70250 MISS ADA CARE8 Sandy 2525 MISS LILLIAN HOLMES MISS NORA KIMBERLY. . . MRS. JULIA HOLT .... ...... MISS INEZ KNOX MISS ELSIE 8HOBNBORN MISS ETHEL CLOSNER... MISS BLODWEN THOMAS MISS MAY JOHNSON MISS KTHKL DB BOK MISS ANNIE QARDINER ....... MISS HELEN SMITH MISS HELEN RABICK ; MRS. DEI J A ROBERTS..... MISS ROXY COLE MISS VERNA MEAD MISS HAZEL HUNOATE & t 1 THE tyWILE'u1 PERPETRATED BY WALT Ac DOUGALL TIIATS WHAT THEY ALL SAY. Every Lojy ui ( eosy except me ! IVn1!t only one esrollcn (ob In 1 his bum Jurnpaslarasl can se Tlie Jlicrs gel corn,! get tne cot f rTirie it from rr Jam tlte only one -Wlio liatnt timto even malte knock . I hustle till rny worlt Is real I v clone tKey ltroun J d-Iooliln'attlie my doat to Me o see eay anaps , IT iese Simple booLs fiave somehow copped) 1 I ml Jnt nlv done as well perhaps I I I. I . !! 4 I I S 4 4 I Lellcve'geetnat clocli has tloppod I I 11 . i . . I I only one itiais worhln . believe only guy tliat HAS to grind all olhers merely lust from hlnetblhree; that really cam s his I II 4. I I ii manes me so goicf arna Honed jTo see the way tliese oil er tellers III have To cjUM and rest mysell, byod , Before I do dnother stroke or work ! COUNCIL TO OPEN BIDS FOR $21,000 BONDS . The City Council, at the meeting tomorrow night will open blda for $21,000 bonda for the Improvement of etreeta. Jhy wilt. tear 6 per cent Interea:. payable aeml-annually, and will be negotiable. The fact that they will have the city back of them makea the .bonda a fine Inveatment, aad, Ii la believed, that tba laaue will be takt-n up by realdenta of the city. All blda received prior to B o'clock tomorrow afternoon will be consider ed. Tbe denomlnatlona will be from $135 to 500, the majority of the lat ter aum. Among tbe a treet a to be Improved with the money . obtained from ' tba aale of the bonda are Twelfth. Cen ter Prom Seventh to Ninth and Wash ington, from Second to Seventh. Honda for the Improvement of other atreeta will be laaued In the near future. Heretofore Oregon City bonda have been In great demand, and many Eaatern financial Inatltu tlona have made blda for them. They are laaued for ten yeara, but have been redeemed long before the time of expiration In tha paat. The excel lent financial atandlng of the city haa alwaya cauaed an unuaually big de mand for the bonda, and It la thought that there will be the aame demand for thoae tor which blda will be open ed tomorrow night. It la the desire to give Oregon City realdenta the pre ference In the dlapoaal of the bonda. DISTRICT NO 1. : Votes. City . .LlZJL.. Slft City...... 22264 City 29151 City ....i 30002 City 33050 City 3G380 City 3526 City 6546 Oregon City 85G8 Oregon City 8936 Oregon City 1785J Sandy 12211 Boring 2503 ..Vina UIU.Q .., Boring ., 7638 4920 .... 19465 .... 68770 .... B2514 8670 6742 .. 46390 ....106461 .n. 46530 . . . . 605 2501 ...-i 30180 7812 .Carua . Sprlngwater . Beaver Creek Clackamaa ... ..Willamette . . .Meldrum Canemah Stafford vaeeaaaeei Jennlnga Lodge Molill" Gladnlone Molalla '1' clool me I Jdy ; pay f I mad slilrk UFFERMOLOGIZED AND BEGGED SILENCE WASHINGTON. D. C. Aug. 7. Coplea of the letters written by Rep reaentatlve. Lafferty, who formerly practiced before the Laud office In Oregon City, to Mlaa Florence Kubel. and her father, 8. J. Kubel and Ku bel'a letter to Lafferty were made public for the first time today. The letter Lafferty wrote to tbe Waahlngton schoolgirl three' montha ago reada aa followa "House of Repreaentatlvea, Waah lngton. D. C Dear Mlaa Kubel: Your picture In the paper ao Impressed me I hope I will get to meet you aome klme. Pleaae overlook the unconven- tlonallty of the request If you can. I Inclose a card to the membera family gallery, which I hope you will uae If you ever have occasion to visit the Houae. I happen to be a bachelor without any family of my own. Very truly youra. -A. W. LAFFERTY." Thla letter la In LafTerty'a own handwriting and he now admlia Ita authorship. About a week after the letter waa written, S. J. Kubel, father ot the girl, called at LafTerty'a office. In a statement today, Mr. Kubel aald: s '"When I called at LafTerty'a office and confronted blm with hla letter, he told ne with much wringing ot hla hands and pleaa for consideration that he did not write th letter, but that he knew it bad been written by one ot the young men In hla office. He begged me to give the matter no pub licity and told me what It would mean to hla politically, If tbe matter ahould be aired In the newapapera. He aald he -would write me a letter of apology. If I atayed In his office while he wrote." In a letter to Lafferty Mr. Kubel said - "There la Juat one point regarding which my mind la not euti -ely clear and that la Just what aatlafactlon I will demand from you If the matter doea become public property, but you can rest assured that If I deem fur ther conference necessary, you need not call at eltther my house or my office. I will find you. "In hla letter of apology, which la contradicted by hla former atatement, Lafferty in part aald: - " 'The letter which waa Bent from my office laat Saturday to your daughter, Mlaa Florence Kubel, .waa not written with my knowledge or consent, but prepared by othera In my office. When I learned that aame had been aent, I ' regretted it very much, and would before thla have taken atepa to correct the matter It I could have thought of anything I could have done that would not have further embarraaaed the young lady It aeems to me that' I am the one that haa gotten the worat of It by the letter having been aent. It casta re flection upon no one but myself. While I am the one that haa suffered on account of It, I will gladly do all that I can to aettle the matter, and If you will try to prevent any further publicity being given me In regarda to It, you will do roe a favor that will not be forgotten.' " ' Judge Marrfae Couple. Mlaa Ida Marlon and W. M. Bishop, of Portland, were married, by Judge J. IT. Campbell Monday. BIG ROAD MEETING TO BE HELD TODAY COMMERCIAL CLUB WILL WORK IN INTEREST OF CAPITAL HIGHWAY. LARGE ATTENDANCE IS EXPECTED Plan Is To Have Two Thoroughfaraa Through Oregon City Other Business Organizations Interested. A big meeting will be held at tha Commercial Club this afternoon In the Interest of the proposed Capital High way. Tbe meeting will be called to order at 1:30 o'clock. Plans for tbe construction of the thoroughfsre through this county will be dlacnaaed. The meeting was called origlnally-to outline a campaign for having the boulevard, on tbe Eaat aide of tbe Willamette River, but since the meet- ng at Salem, at which the Highway Commission proposed a loop system with roads on both sides of the river, all - efforts will be directed towsrd having tbe work done ' as soon as poanlble. plans also will be dlacuased tor two routesone on tbe hill and the other along Main atreet In Ore gon City. Secretary Latourette, of the Commercial Club, aald last night that there would be a large atten dance at the meeting today. Repre sentatives from the following clubs are expected to attend. Sell wood Board of Trade. Milwaukee Commercial Club. Oak Grove Com mercial Club. Jennlnga Lodge Com munity Club, Gladstone Commercial Club, Commercial Club of Oregon City, New Era Community Club, Can by Commercial Club, Barlow Commer clay Club, Aurora Commercial Club, Hubbard Commercial Chib. Woodbura Commercial Club, Oervaa Commercial Club, Brook a Commercial Club, Salem Commercial Club, Molalla Commercial Club; Oregon Good Roada .Associa tion, Portland Automobile Club. COMPANY O IN CAMP. .. Word waa received late last night that ComrnrtJy G. O. N. G., had reach ed Columbia Beach where It will camp for two weeka. . About fifty membera of the company were able to go on the trip. FALLS UNDER MOWER; STOCKING SAVES FOOT II. M. Duvall, of Eldorado, was ser iously Injured at his home on Satur day' while mowing hay. The horses driven by Mr. Duvall became fright ened, and the reins caught In the har ness. As Mr. Duvall tried to climb from the machine the horses started to run, and the blade came tn contact with hla foot. Had It not been for the heavy woolen stocking worn by him, which had become wrinkled, his foot would have been aevered. A tendon was frightfully lacerated, and the foot was cut badly. The Injured man called for help, and It was some time before the horses could be re leased from the harness and machin ery. .-Mr. Duvall waa thrown under the machine. He was brought - to this city by Robert 8choenborn, and taken to the office of Dra. Carll and Melasner, where hla Injurlea were at tended to, and waa later taken to the Wild wood Hospital. Two Couplss Granted Licenses. The following were granted mar riage licenses on Monday; Ida Mar lon anl W. M. Bishop, of Portland; Maud Ryan and H. Saunders, of this city. THE LIFE OF I Wednesday, August Having secured a reproduction of -'The Life' of Moses" in SREELS eqaal to 5000 FEET OF FILM of nearly 2 HOURS SHOW; we will exhibit same at the Grand Theatre on the above date both afternoon and evening. A GENERAL ADMISSION of 25c will be . charged owing to an advanced price on the films. Tin! JOSEPH B. MURDOCH Rear Admiral In the Unftnd States Navy. CHILD EIGHT YEARS OLD MAY BE TRUANT County Superintendent of Schools Gary Is In receipt of a copy of a let ter from. Attorney General Crawford to Superintendent of Public Instruc tion Alderman, construing an Impor tant feature of the truancy law. Chil dren from nine to fifteen yeara of age. heretofore have- been considered amenable to the law. The Attorney General, however, rules that the law appllea to children who have passed their eighth birth anniversaries and that tbe "fifteenth year" la the year between the fourteenth and fifteenth anniveraarlea, The .letter follows:'. , - ""Replying to ytrars of this date, re queating opinion or the expression 'between and Including the ages of nine and fifteen yeara of age, as used In Section 1. Chapter 243. General Laws or 1911, I beg to say that aald section reads down to and including the phrase quoted: '"Every parent, guardian, or other person, In the State of Oregon, hav ing control or charge of any child or children between and Including the agea of nine and fifteen years of age, shall be required to aend auch child or children to the public schools,"' etc ' "This aectlon Is very poorly drawn, and the meaning is somewhat ambig uous, but the general rule of construc tion Is that If the meaning can be deduced from the language of the act. it must be construed accordingly, and a child la nine years of age at the ttnth anniversary of Ita birthday and is fifteen years ot age at the fifteenth anniversary of its birthday. It must, also, be conceded that the ninth year la the year between tbe eighth and ninth anniversaries of . the child's birth, and the fifteenth year Is the year between the fourteenth and fif teenth anniversaries. "Therefore, assuming - that the words 'including the agea' la Intend ed to Include the ninth and fifteenth years (and the section must be so constructed, else tbe use of those words would be surplusage), then the act would cover the time, from the eighth anniversary to the fifteenth anniversary of tbe child's birth, and such I am of the opinion Is the proper construction of the act." (a,. ? o TOGO TOUCHED BY HEARTY VELCOa" II HERO SAYS HONOR CONPERRCO ON HIM INDICATES FEELING TOWARD JAPAN. FIGHTER LS INTERESTED fl L7I Admiral Does Not Think Aeroplane Will Be Effective In War. Banquets Do Not In terest, Him. ' WASHINGTON. Aug. 7. A brlaf speech, tbe first be has delivered la thla country, was made by Admiral Count Togo before the National Press Club of Washington, tonight at tho end of a strenuous day's program. Following hla visit to the Naval Academy at AnnflpAlls, the Jspsossei visitor was the guest of Senator Knox st a banquet at the Pan-American Union Jjulldlng. Later he attended a reception by the newspaper men. . Tbe Admiral apoke In Japanese, hla remarks bring Interpreted by Lieutenant-Commander TanlguchL his nsval aide. He aald: "Since my arrival In thla country. the President ot this great Republic haa received me with the greatest honor and hospitality, your Govern ment haa extended to me Innumerable courteslea, and your fellow cltlzena have given me the most hearty wel come. "All these, I dare say, are more than I am entitled to, and I take them as meant toward my auguat sovereign and for hla subjects. Nothing pleases) me more than to take borne the most happy remembrances of my visit to the United States. ., "Gentlemen, may I aak to take tbia opportunity to convey to your coun- Ing of profound gratitude and high ap preciation of their hearty welcome?" Receptiona and banquets were not exactly inviting to the Japanese hero. who haa passed most of his 67 years on the quarterdeck, and hla vlait to the United States Naval Academy at Annspolis was much more to his lik ing. - - me Aumiru is lo om snown j- thing possible connected with the Nsvy in his brief visit to this coun try, and most of tomrorrow will be passed at the Washington Navy-yard. Through the Admiral does not be lieve aeroplanea will do much dam age In war, nevertheless he Is keenly Interested In their development, HILL MERCHANTS TO ASK FOR P0LICEI1AII Announcement wss made Monday that several business men of the hill section would attend the meeting of the City Council Wedneaday night to aak that tbe appointment of a police man for that part of the city be made permanent. One or two stores on, the hill were robbed recently, and the demand tor a policeman has be-, come general. Several - members of the council oDnoee the naming or a policeman on the ground that It would be an unnecessary, expense. Mayor Brownell recently appointed Jsck Frost to do duty In that aectlon. subject to the action of the council. The matter was considered at tbe last meeting, but the vote wss a tie. Messrs. Andresen and Holman were absent and Mr. Burke did not vote. Maccabees Meet Tonight, The Knights of the Maccabees will hold their first regular meeting since the summer vacation tonight All members are urged to attend. MOSES " ..-.... 9th Only i 1