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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1911)
, ' - , t , y. , UORKINa ENTEiaItlia, TUESDAY, MAY 30 1911 A' i-0 Oayz Hosiery for Ifea Womea And Children L'l m Pictorial Review Pattens WE WILL SPECIALISE ON BARGAINS ALL WEEK Every Department Offers Some Extra Special Prices. Prices: Some glaeawar values, SOo to 15c, for 10c; regular 6c shelf paper, 3c; 10c bruahea for 5c; 30c and 25c brushed for 10c; t5 box paper for 15c; 10c tablets, Te. and Hundreds of other items at such ridiculous low prices that yoo will want them as soon as yoo see them. A lot of Straw Hats for women, girls, bovs and men at abort yoor own price. ' Always some thing doing. At JfiLolmoa 617 MAHJ ST. Burton Fear It Proved to Be More Imift , try Than Real By Clarissa Mackle Copyright by Amerleea Fleas Asso. elation. ISU. Kabo Corsets Don't enry the well dressed womaa Boy a Kabo. Extra Specials on. Embroideries PLflfIS ARE ARRANGED FOH BIG ROSE PARADE GIRLS AND BOYS TO DECORATE FLOATS PRIZES ARE OFFERED. The committee on the parade ' of the rose snow to be given by- the Clackamas County kos Society met at the home of Mrs. J. L Waiuroa Monday afternoon and. lhe plan for the parade were completed. This committee is composed of Mrs. J. L Waldron, Mrs. Clarence Fair, Mrs. 8. S. Walker and Mrs. o. D. Eby. The children who wish to participate -in the floral parade - may communicate with the committee. The children, on the day of the Rose show, which will be Saturday, June 10. will assemble at the Seventh Street Park at 12:30 townanip 6 south, ranee l east; $1011. The Sandy Land Company to re'er Swanlofa 1 and t. block 4. Second Addition to Sandy; $325. Julia Ann and J. II. H. Anderson to Otto H. Kulper, 20 acres, section 1, township 2 south, range 3 east; $2000. Atathias and Agnes Justin to Ethel Funk, all that pan of Tract "I First Addition to Willamette Falls Acreage Tracts: $1. Myrtle O. and H. M. Metcaif. J. E. and Nellie Maloy to Adolph and A I vina Walter. 80 acres, of section 23, township 3 south, range 2 east; $10. J. a Glover to C. C. Woodcock, land in section 31. township 1 south, range 5 east; $10. The sun burned' like mallgnaut eye orer the Panama town. Sunday was the dullest da la the week for the corps of American engi neers, stationed here, and tbey were lined along the veranda, cool took Inn In white linen, feet on ralllrig.-sntok, tag after luncheon cigars. A native Haitian eerrant went to and fro with t tray or iced drinks. Now be paused before Lester, with n suggestive Jlugle of glasses. Lester shook his head negatively. "If one must die In this hole." be told hie companions. Ml prefer not to take the rholera route, thank you." "No use to trying to dodge tronble. I say," drawled Burton. He rolled a cigarette and scratched a match along the railing. Lester watched Burton'e thin, dark face flame Into color In tbe light of the flaring match cupped In bis palm. He had known Barton for two years before they had both joined tbe force which waa pnablpg tbe "big ditch" to completion. lie hitched hla chair a little closer tqBurton'a and laid a hand on hla arm. "Well. Ralph." the other asked quickly aa be flung aside tbe burnt match with a nervous geeture. Lester sank back. In his chair. "Ob. nothing," he said rather awkwardly. "I wanted to say something, that's alt. but I've changed my mind. Forger It." "Fire away," said the other reck lessly. "I've bee expecting you'd light on th me. but I think I csn antici pate all you'd say. I know I'm going straight to rain, that I'm drinking my- SOCIAL CLUB GIVES DANCE. Greenpoint Organization to Have An-1 ether in June. ' ' ine ureenpoint social viub Held aj most enjoyable dancing party on Sat urday night at the Willamette Hall, when about 50 danced to the music furnished by the Willie orchestra. fh.k aIi.V - . 1 . f . I ,. i ar vi.u waa revruuy uraaaizeu, ana "clock, where they will be assigned tnl" " l&e second pajty given. Au thor positions. other will be given in June. Tbe com- ' The Girls' Band of Oak Grove, will ! m,u having charge of. the dance lead the procession, which will be ! composed uf Mia. Mile Cross, on Main street. All the-floats will Mr- Burns. Mrs. Walter Symee be decorated by children. Prius are i "na Mr- Henry uenningsen. to be given, and many of the girls 1 many this city are already hare gaily-decorated and boys of planning to carts. Prtres will be offered: First, for th most artistic play vehicle; sec ond, for the most artistic boy's ve hicle; third, for the most originally decorated vehicle, either boy or girl. Entries are to be limited to toy ve hicles, doll carriages', velocipedes, express wagon, coasters, go-carts, etc, A prize will be offered for tbe most artistic division composed of children from sections outside the city. Seems like It would be more relish to eat pork raised on fine qasture man mat raised in a dirty small qen. eetled with hntwMiiiiH e tinder ruriou regard of lb whit men "Well, what didiou Itud uutr de, uisuded Leater, pouring tbe coins lujo the blmk'a ready palm . "The man sava be came from the Jungle yonder-It Is half a day's Jour ney to bis hut"-l.tils healtatrd as If at a loss fur words; inon, cluicblng the money tightly to his bund, he added hurriedly: "The feverib fever-his mother Is dying of Ibo fever, hu.I he craves that vue of tb learned aeiiora will return and cure l,n ,u ,,ln,,f root." i -, At a call from within the hotel the black man picked up bis irsy and de parted, while the engineers stared at each other with uncvitiiln eyes. Burton's lean jaws hud suspped but at tbe word "fever." Ills durk'eya were flxed on tbe form of tbe wild Indian, ttow ataQdlug dejectedly, lu Jbe not sun. "He aald 'fever,'" remarked Stcvena. with a sickly smile. "I shouldu t think they would allow tbe folio around, you know."1 "Hie mother's dying." said lister coldly. . There was an uncomfortable psu.e. Suddenly Burton leaped to his feet and disappeared Inside. When bis footsteps bad censed Stevens isugbed bla little cackling utterance of amuae- ment. .' "By Jove, but Burton bss certainly got 'em bad! I suppose be'll try to drown that bad Impression with n quart or two," Aa If by mutual consent the group of men dissolved, and only lister was left De seemed to be waiting for some one. and 'while be waited be pulled out a little pocket medicine case, satisfied himself that there was plenty of quinine and other necessary remedies, went Into. the bar for a flask of whisky and waited. All at one Burton appeared in the doorway, n straw covered bag In oite band. On hla bead was a pith helmet nis eyes met Lester's strslghtly, con fldently. "I'm going." be said shortly. "I knew It." nodded Leater. "I wse waiting for you becaime I'm going too. I haven't forgotten that time when, aa we were surveying In the Adlromlacka and Leeta broke hi leg. you carried him for miles. Ob. well. If you object to reminiscences r "It's his mother, you know," ei plained Burtoo. "I understand." wild the other gen tly. "Shall we start r .-"' "Ready. I've got a water bottle In rt 4) '" They went down Into the road and signified to the Indian that tbey would aci-nmpany Mm. The look of Joy that overspread his faro moved the white THE LAND OF - PUZZLEDOM. No. 1327. Hemenym. The Mlans srs aft load of pets Thl sv.n Hills MaUal la not ronlenlaU till (he gsta The lh isbls. The nslchbors think this a dlagrsee, ' Aad ft vee may b able To aw thai iheae faulinndars place Tbe ea (hair table. Ne. ISStCurisllinga. Curtail that which a thrifty farmer 'never allowa lu his gsrdeu and leave to be linyr- Curtail part of a wlndo and leave a kitchen veaael. Triply cur tall asm'llon of a novel and leave a youth. ' Ne. 132 Charades, I With rtrat you handle snd esrS, With aeoond yos lurm.nt.' Mr whole will tins rtght ohewUy ' To show a full eontant, II I flr( my books to larn ths wsy That I may maka my wnois; My second la a luvaly thins And on will Bhaar the aouL I'm eftae by sntbltloaj lad. My whole has h.lpad some that have wed. 11L la spring ths boys aiy flrst dlaplay- In aaniM that coma (rem March to Msyt My nest wh.n sakl of boohs Is bad. Rut on aome days may make us alad ,- My whole's a word arewa from a fair And showy thlna thai war sold there. ' r - - IV. My flrst s fruit ofluaelous kind: Of water th east you slways find; . My third a madloln or drink. A poUoa to mankind. I think; . . la every Una toy fourth la saeo- A waful vewal do I moan; My laat Inoiudas both you sod ma. peak I ham laaat bar, than you'll see My whole aa order of barbs will be. It's long anausb t serve for a tree.. , V. A marry party etarlad out one day. ' My laat among them, clad In One array. And sU th oourtiars la Ihalr huntlns aar. Keady to hoot my grst should I hay as Pr. The vivid lightning flashed, the thunder poaJod. The rain In torrent earn, th.lrdooiw wss Ave 4 ci t t& r v7 3 PAI L Y? vise With acr hsat aark one te ah. liar dad. The gam forgot; they had my what la- iaJ. Youth's Companion. Ne. 1330. Riddle. An adjecUv. I. that am often apollad To a low country 4ln the aaa. I'm almpla. I'm small Hv totlara In all Thoush I'm really faahlosad with thra. With tbra and with rivet t lh vary aaraa woia. And harder to cemnrahand: -" kmh iImrmI ' la tha nliMu I'm a ..... w a. Aa they followed his Impel nous lead BU,. .h ' " tbe manager of the hotel ran down toT And nrty at tit har and. Intercept their Journey and to aay that Tou'lt end in my center a wnmsa's nam. he reerettMl that ba miiil.l nni mm. ""I m I'll or nnt. oodat. them on their-remrn from th. Tnd t ZLL 'tr" fever district If he did he would loae I ABOVE RICHES AND HONORS hCl. JofE TOCllO BOMBTHIKO III aUSLli OAKKM REV. C. W. ROBINSON DELIVERS BACCALAUREATE SERMON TO GRADUATES. Rsal Estate Transfers. Tbe following are the real estate transfers that have been filed in the once of the County Recorder: Z W. H and Laura Moore et al. to Moore Investment Company, go acres 1 graduating class of the High School, of section 8, township 2 south, range "which wss delivered Sunday even 2 east: $10. : Ing by Rev. C W. Robiuson at 8t Fred J. NlotLto D. A. and Ada E. i Paul's Episcopal Church, was attend Dtnsmoor. land m Shaw's Annex to ed by all members of tbe clasa and Tbe baccalaureate sermon to the I " to Jo-Mock Oregon City; $2'0 T. Leonard ("barman et al bames Thommen. all ...f lt .: vtejiynn; jus. August and Anna Erickson to Kt net H- 8atherUnd. 4 acres of Ezra Fisher donation land claim: tlO"". A. Lindgren and Mary E. Lindgren o Hermann A. and Katherinn Thee, 12 acres of section 15. township 1 south, range 2 east; $1700. J. A. aad Ella F. Lash to C. E. and Sarah A. Xininger, lot 13. 14 3C. Hyde Park: $10. many grown persons. The church as crowded and many persons who tlcsired to hear the sermon were un atfr to gain admittance to the edifice. Mr. Robinson took as his text, "Ask hat shall give thee." He pointed out the difference between the wis dom of this world and tbe wisdom of the next. "King Solomon," said the minister, "Just before the first temple was erected was asked by God in a vision the word of the text. block ' H-n"t would be the answer of the average citizen of today to this que- Howard N- Smith and wife to Ea-; "n. Asg wnat I shall aire thee.' . In tacada State Bank, lot 2. block 18, : stMd ot demanding of God ricbea and Es'arada; $225. ; honors, he replied: 'I am a little Jams O. Linn to R. G. and Emma 'child; give thy servant an understand- J. PalmMeer. lots 7 and 8. block 17. ! inK part!'" Ea'acada: $10. , The preacher then went on to show Joseph Dobbins to Cato Parellus, ' now much more important it waa to laud in Clackamas County; $liy. 1 have the knowledge of the way of jianrarer nite to Georee Wines, aaivauoo man me way to gain earth- J" acres, swtjon 34. townhip 2 south range Z east; I000. Eastern Investment Company to Franklin K' Mueller, southeast quar ter of rrrth",&st quarr of Section 34, township 4 south, ranee 2 eftst; $1. J. u srd Bcrtba .)t,4 to Ann Rid- through faith and knowledge In Jesus inps, Z j", acrtrs r.-t .ctlor r, and 8. 1 Christ - , iy rtcnes and honor. Ma -iri. I pointed out to tbe young graduates . the necesMity of preserving their in nocence, at the cost of every effort, ; I uf If it were ever lost to remember ' the only . way of reralnin it waa FRANK BUSCH OREGON CITY, ORE. Remnants Offered at a Sacrifice Linoleum. Carpets. Regular 1 piece 12 ft by 2 ft $2 45 1 piece 12 ft. x 17 ft i 23 1 piece) 11 ft x 15 ft 4ln 17.00 ' 1 piece lift a 15ft bin n.50 ' 1 piece lift x IS ft 51n 17.00 Now 13.00 1 piece Roxbury 25 1-3 yds. 137.60 now $26.90; 1 piece Twenty Wire Brussels carper. 11 yds, $J.0; 1 piece Axmln ster Moquetto, IT 1-3 yds., $25.50, bow $1.00; 1 piece Fancy Brussels, 23 yds. tlS CR .14 4a. .i. r. ! 13.30 Velvet, 18 H yds, $27.50, now $20.35-; 13.00 1 All Wool Ingrain, 16 yde, $12.00 t rla-JT1S .!I1,H. A..-, . f ' r " PteCO All Wool BtaMT Car. . ' . : - Pt, yds, $4.9$, now $3.98. WH GIVE TRADING STAMPS 3T You a Subscribe to the Wer Daily? self to death, that I'm an easy mark for fever, that next pay day I'll be dropped from tbe roll iwcause of tbst Ortssgo blunder, but. diixh It all. Ralpb. I can't help itr "Help wbatr asked Lenter bluutly. "Help being afrsld." "Afraki: Afrsld of what 7" ' "Oh. I don't know Yes, I do kuow. and I tnigbt as well make a clean breast of my cowardice. I'm afraid of the fever." Tou'v lost your nerve, and you'll suffer till yoo get It bark attain." sold Lester. "Can't you get leave of ab senc and take a Bulling trip out to ear . , '-.. . "No leave of absence for me. I'm slated to be flred." said tbe other gloomily. . "Then be ready to make good In an other direction -when you are fired. Don't let this Job throw you down for good. Don't be a quitter, that's what I mean." ended Ralpb. "Oh. look wbo's here?" He stared at a strange figure that cam down the length of tbe bot street propelled Into tbe air by leaps and bounds, followed by an ab surd bop, skip and Jump .Trailing in his wake were the riffraff of the 'own. A flicker of Interest ran through the group on the hotel veranda. They leaned forward, elbows 00 the railing, end waited for the approach of the man.' Presently be pansed before .the veranda- and addressed them in a wild. Incoherent incomprehensible speech. Ragged and unkempt with matted black balr growing low on his fore head, be peered from rolling eyes et the white men. His speech became e passionate appeal for something which nobody understood. He waved away with swift Impatience e large glass of whisky and sods which Stevens good naturedly sent down to him. He shook his mad locks angrily at the handful of cigarettes that followed. He bellow ed with' rag when food was proffered I Meantime th crowd laughed and Jeer ed. Nobody appeared to understand bis language; not a word could be translated of bis rambling appeals. Lester held np a handful of money to tbe black servant "This for you. Lnla. If yod can And out wbnt the msn wants." he said In Spanish. The naltlsn grinned and darted -to the afreet where be conferred with a stranger.-, A low mutter came np from them, and Anally the stranger tnrned Impatiently away, while Luis uttered a few word In ,the vernacular that scattered the crowd like chsff. Then bo sauntered to th versnd sod all ble patronage, and as they knew they wereTsklng s rlk- "Park onr things and hold in readi ness for orders," an Id l-eater as tbey moved on. "As if tbe fever were not already among as." be added. The Indian moved ahead at a slow trot and tbe Americans followed him at a moderate pace unfit aMsst th outer wslls of the Jungle closed be hind them. Here tbey wound slong a slnnous trail overhnng with creepers that drooped from tbe tall tree. There was s. rank, damn smell of tropical growth and the occasional flash of a bright uued pnrrakeet or tbe gprgmiift rnlment of a flower. Hours pnsa.'d. Tbey stopped for rest and a luncheon from Rurton'e magic basket, bnf tbe Indian waved aside all food, but occasionally he drank from a water bottle that bung from his wslst ,' Just as the sun was setting and the forest was all but steeped In twilight they ram to Its end. Before them stretched a white curve of shell strewn beach Indented by a tiny bay. Near them was a small thatched but. As the pansed. looking at the lone ly scene glorified by tbe gold and roa of th setting sun. tbe Indian dropped to his knee and mad demonstrations of gratitude. Lester pointed to tbe but. and the Indian led the way. It was empty, but the man smiled hopefully In their astonished face and pulled from hla ragged garments a bit of paper" The Americana scanned R ra relesaiy ana men with Interest. There wss rough penciled map of the. little bay ana curving beach, end written English was a torse command: "In a straight tin thirty feet sonth west or tbe big mahogany, twelve feet north of the dead catalpa. Dig." Tney did not stop to question tbe Indian where he had found the nen cfled map which be bad intelligently laxen to tne whit men for transla Hon. ne bad understood tbe mnp and Its suggestion. Tbey found shovels and large turtle shells, and the three dug with a will, and tbey found om thlng In a email oaken keg sunk In lb aand. If It was plrat tressur there was no clew. There wee enough for three. and th gold wae vnly . divided among them stifTI dent to turn tbe In dian' brain and to make the whir men e comfortable nest egg. The next morning tbey tramped back across the trail burdened with treasure, hnt un burdened by fear. . Burton tossed a gold piece in tbe etr. "This la for Luis, be I such a splat). 01a liar." he said carelessly. - "now abont the Terr asked Lestar. with hi quiet smile. . Tbe other turned a clear.faee toward him "Why. I forgot all 'abont that Funny, Isn't Itr -oreatr returned Lestrr. but his eye expressed more that tbe slmpl worn lmpueo. - . N. I33L Illustrate- Primal Asrestl. In YOUNG "Hard Tim" Party Tendered Jam sv :r-r- - . ... r ' : . Partlor-t Mount Pfaaeant. The Mornln. Cntorprtae la to be aa eocceeeful aa the Interests of Oregon .A "K m"k Prt7 WM c,Ten f - City demand it moat need have the support of all Th new daihrhas JamM parUor bjr 81 rmn people -of ' bwe,"k before H in .boosting Oregon City aad Clackamas County. Tour Mount Pleaaant and this city at the ; eapport aaoana more atrength for tacwork. , 1 horn of Mr. partlor. "Locuet tun " t r ' " I" neaaani on Saturday nlcht 1 ua ' nB - - raiuiir wu m inn rirv e Put Yourself In the ' - . s Ad-Rccdcrs Pkcc. Whenirou write your classified :Yo:HcIp.Beert peopi. gnu upon arriving there ha li. ;r.iT..r. '"w" . I s wsssuvji ana WSIPei lViSrin T wVwS aaa sflw t For a limited Urn the ICoramar KaUnrimm k. .ia i. .a ' ' ?eop'.'. npoji arriving there -rlbwro M follow! ,Tr,,. - T . 7,7.7;,:,., w Bo,,, "Jumlnated and his r, I rear. ......... , . " .". In this I'Otil tb words sre pictured Instead of described. Wben tbe eleven object are rightly named and tb word written on below another In tbe order numbered tb initial letter will spell tb nam given In England to a certain date shown to th picture. -St Nicholas. . Ne. 1332. Diagonal. This diagonal contaloa alx words of aU letters esch. If tb word ere rightly guessed and written one below another their diagonal letters, begin ning wjtb tbe upper left bsnd letter end ending with tb lower right bsud letter,, will spall something on wear In tb winter. Th cross words sre 1. A pine where vegetable ar grown 2. Tb oldest f several children. A blossom. 4. Places where bodies are burled. 0. A suppllcstlon. tl. Small fruit Will You Help Us Boost Your Own e Interests? By carrier, i year $3.00 By mail, I yoar 2.00 Charade. My first I hop yeu are. My aaeond I aaa you ar. , Uf whole I know you ar. Answar.-Wtl-eom. Ksy t Pusilsdem. , .No. 131&-Changed Letter . Ham. dam; bot bat: bit, bat; rat. cut dog, dig; day, dee; dam, dim; not. jiut pai, pei. No. I319.-Bbeadlngs: 1. S wan, h-eat 8. c-lock. 4. c-law. No. I820.-Concealed Word Bqnare: 1. Blot X Lame. 8. Otnvu. 4. Tent No. I321.-Charades: I. Peace (nlecei full-peaceful. 2. Bug. bear-bugbear. No. 1322.-Transdeltlon: Days, aad No. 1323.-Famlly Puxsle; Miss Po eahontss Is twenty-four yean old and jonn. jr.. three. No. 1324.-Pictured Word: Onarta. Ko. 132S.-BebeadInge: W ax. a-raln. a-well, e-rest. No. 1320.-Added Letter Pussle: Aunt gsnnt; ran, rang: listen, glisten: race, grace; to, clove: ash. gash: land. gland; ray. . aO: tone, tonga; raft graft: lair, glalrt bun, bung; rlddl. griddle; eon, song; room, groom; own. r T V 1 fwar....,.4A i.,,.. " yur, '. rwmlttanee. -,- ;. , r f . ,; 3.MThe evening waa devoted w na game, arter which a waa served. to rauslo luncheon l44seH e) ' Canby uoorsnows te Build. CANBY. Or.. Mar zK..fRnai.t Oddfallowaiar have purchased g cor win erect a reinrnrnait concrete building. The building will be of two storlea and will eovav a Anna f.'J80 flutr- I1' The lower floor will b occunled he lkM. ....... Th second gtory will contain a lodve room, banquet room and kitchen. The plan are bin preoarad h nr Oorham, a Portland architect. ANTKI-Toti to know that the rn the most complete In the f'-' terprise lob printing departmrrt U . outside Portland. Try It for ycv.r next printing. Send in Your Name and Remittance PtIAtI NOTICK. - e To Introduce The Morning Enterprise Into a large tnsjgr Ity of tbe homee la Ofsgoa City and aackamaa souatv the management baa decided to make a special price for ike djlly Issue, for a abort time only, where tbe euheerlber pays , a yar la advance. By carrier, paid a rear la advance, u.oe. By man, ri4 a year ta ad vance, $1.00. . People who gave our caavaa eer a trial eubactiptloa for one or more months, at tea sssts a , week, can have the dally eoalV ered for a year for $1.04, by paying a yeac n advaaoe. People who gave our caavae. ear a trial aubacriptloa, by mall, for four months at a del-' lar, may have the paper for a year for $1-00, if paid a year la advance. Subscribers to the Weakly Enterprise may change their subscriptions to the illy, re ceiving credit for half time ea the dally that the weekly ie paid la advance. Y.'fcsa they choose to add cash to the ad vance payment equU to a full year'e advaoe rvrciatt tiy ' may take advanu.s cf the $3 rate. " We P' t' r-. J trice 00 t t . I t i 1 Tve r u r i Ci S3 w'.. -j. e e) ' e) e o o Electric-Hotel: B. E. IhinB, ,CW CHy; 3. J. Harris, Portland: phlne Kennedy, portlnud; Jeal nedy, Portlands T. K. HcUls vrife, Jamestown, North DakoU; George - McLaln. Jamestown, wo DakoU; r. P. Kerns, It K . 0 Portland; N. T. Ogllvlo, PortlM-. J D. r. rarnell, 8t. Johns; Geoff Gregory, Molalla; Frank Page, B- ' D. H. Looney, M. Krawxyk. Drew, city; George H. tlrwory. lalla; J. Wolfer, Portland; U J Will K. W Zlrbel, Portlsnii ' Bhafer, Molalla. . J. W. McAIIIur, state prssldent the Farmers' UUnlon, Is doing thing possible to mkke the i-fb of the Union on Joseph 6-8, a grand sucess. 1 ' ' Dr. lommr Gets Partnsr. t T)r m A nanmerrwho nrSCtlf Oregon City several yearl, h" t a narn.aahln with TtT. R. C. t" They will have offices In th f building, Portland, ana tneirj" will be aonflnad to surgery. vrK ' mer left here about a year M Read th Mornln gntsrpriM V7ATCH C rcinl Sals Ci: c:i . - C 1 1 Vr- i 1