Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1911)
MOIINIMO ENTERPRISE, TUESDAY, MAY 30, 1911.' iVew Arrivals just arrived and now hoanttfnl IsrlU. r.,.4.. j wiii-'w " -i - "u; luaue sunj. mcr dresses in French ginghams, the new .miillAfln(i fanrv lium ...:it. li ..-TT- - , mm Klin una Notice Window Display. sleeves. J. LEVITT Suspension Bridge Corner y tOCAL DRICrS rrnliriik fa", of Seattle. Is visit in klk ni'iilKT, Mrs, M. E. Case. miik Mulur and wife, or Clarke a. irt In U-o city on wonuay. Good f(l potatoes l.W per MCH M Wer Mr. t'"ii t'u of Clarke's, trrt in this. city on Monday. Mia Kai' Casto, of Milwaukee, U rliltlng Mif Elisabeth Warner, of Mount I'lt'UNMtit. The produce- Union sella berry- tniN fcorgi Urrgory, of Mnlslla, who ktttxH'M In this city on business, left tor bin liniiix Monday morning. Mr. lUrst, one of the well-known mld)iii of I'nlon Mllla, wti In this diy Monday. TIM ITiHiure I'nlon sells Arstuste H Lead. Mltit ( l. niiMitlna Bradford, of Port bad. i Mi Hunday at Locust Farm, 0 fumt of Mm. Elizabeth Warner. Fml Siha'er, the aawnilll man o' olall.,aa In this city on buxlneas 'MuBduy, having crime In hl auto- anblle Tts Trod lira Union Mill Hay and rd. Rubcrt Hrhoonborn and wife, of Carua,wer Injhls city on Sunday. I mltlns: i ti former's parent , Mr. and Km. Richard Hchotnborn. Mr. and Mra. J. p. Keating and two Alldrrn. Hodiay and Virginia, of ronluiid, spent Hunday In tbla city with rt-liitlve. returning to their Hoodiiy. MIkh 11,-xa Kelly will leave on Sat urday for Vancouver, British Colum bia. lu-r she will visit. Before re- tarniiiK to tier home, Miss Kelly wilt run at Victoria and other points. Mr. nml Mra. Mike Gross, Mr. and Mn. li. nry llennlngsen and Mr. and Mra. Walter Hymes went to Portland a Htiml iy afternoon, where they vis ited friends. . If you have acreage or amall tracts of land for sale close In, list them with ni. s I have a good Inquiry for mall tract a. J. L gwafford. Eighth and Main, Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. Melons and their son nd hla wife and four children have arrived In thla city and taken pos aailnn of the former'e farm, recently porchaatd from Mra. C. B. Myers, at Mount Pleasant. The McLanes are tram North Dakota. Mra. Augusta Warner, wlxo baa awn a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Albright at Hood River for the past ek, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Albright formerly resided In this city, and they are now among the prominent growers of the famous Hood Wyer apples and strawberries. They have a beautiful home at that lar ASK- For n J we will NEW 4 months subscription By CsUflee , at 45c the month TO MORNING ENTERR?!5E A BtautrfulCMna . pLAQUEDecorated "ndwinely. There are a variety of patterns to choose from. Make your selection eariy. .'!".'" Sobscribert May Have Them Too ' To any present subscriber who will bring us four . new subscriptions we will, present " one of these beautiful dishes. ALL SELECTIONS MUST BB MADE AT THE OFFICI Or TH QgcRgn fig. pntctprisc BANK or OREGON CITY BUIL0IN0 For The Lad 1 es being shown in our "HICKS ALCOLLEGE" OPERA HOUSE CROWDED AND LARGE SUM IS RAISED FOR FIREMEN'S FUND. "Illi ks at CollMge" was doIUhtfully nnidi-nrd Monday night by local ama tours nt Hlilvcl.y opera Hoime. The theatre was crowded and every per son In the audUmi-e was pltiased with the performs tu-e, , Ksthryn Hliuiolt, as leading ludy. desi-rviis imperial iiientloii. All the oth.-r members of the cast did well, and tli pluy.. was success from every Mtaudpolnt. The proceeds will go to the firemen's monument fund. One of the feature! of the evening was the chorus, compoaed of Miss Myrtle lluchaiiun, Miss Ituth Bright- lilll. Miss Merle Krk. MIhm Mrllm WestetiKard. Mlxs Juno C'harmiui, MIkh Florence WeateiiKard. Mlxa CU rrajt. Mia Alice (iovttllng, Victor (lault lielnx the sol Int. The chorus was under Uiv direction of Mrs. Nleta Harlow Ijiwreiiie, and the numbers given were greatly appreciated by the large audience. The sololMt and the young ladles were forced to respond to encores. "Htop, Stop. Stop," the solo part being sung by Victor (iault and chorus, fairly; raptured the audi etire. Mr. (inult's rich buss voice was full of enpreaHlon and feeling. Mrs. Iawrenre, who Is a vocal Inatrurtor of much ability, showed she had giv en her chorus excellent Itmtriit-Mnn. The rant was a follows: Tom llorton, who writes- ads. .... . ' ., Harold Swafford Krltx Jordan. . ..MIhs Eva Alldredge Carl Moore Hiram Hicks, the Itralno breakfast food r. ; . M. J. ljn:elle John Walker, Ills mananer ........ - .. Delias Armstrong Josh Anderson, an enthuslnxtln yell . a ni msi . . it-Hiief ........... t nuiiiBB -nmuuii T'erry Kolitiitis, late from jdeab Hos- ton Oscar. (MMMif in HiiHiliii HrtKKS. a grind.. John Hunch Adnplh Hopkins, who U always hunury Ardun Hickman Pmf. Hlddiriil, who gets matters complicated .... ..t'liailca Kllion Peters, the proprietor of "The Pal. Fred Mijrun f'hiirllu I'adUt, a breexy young IMirter on the Dally Shriek , Kdwln HtiHch Frerk, a newsboy .. Adalbert Gordon A Hrush, the bill Mstcr, I Wilt Payste , June Grant, a senior interested In Tom Horton .Miss Kathryn Slnnott Polly Potter, a Junior Interested In Frits Jordan Miss Eva Aldredge Florabcllu De LaMaytre, a waltreaa ' at -The Pal" Miss Clara Fields Miss Daisy Armstrong, who uses ilang Miss llunny owenoy Susie Sprigglns, a freshman with a crush Miss Margaret urown Claire Johnson, a stage struck girl Miss Bula Scnucpei Mrs. Cobb, keeper of the qusrters.. Miss NOrs liannuen Chester Palmer, of Centralla, was the fortunate bidder Xor the painting of the fair buildings near Chehalls, Wash. The grounds will be put In first-class shape for the fair, Septera ber 11-10. The Clarkston (Wash.) factory baa large Eastern shipment of broom- corn seed which It Is amtous to dis tribute among the farmers as an In centive toward developing the broom- corn Industry. PLEASES BIG AUDIENCE for the Asfdaag gtre yoo with 6 months subscription ' "' By Matl at 25c the month THE A Neat Trick By JEROMU U'lLUAMSON Pupyrlght by Amwlmn pr.M AilM. cUlion, Imt, When railroad were hmi built the car was a string of slugec,,,,, t1U4 Jolu. d toMcihiM-. We In Amerba at the very U-glunliig abniiiloued fhu form and opened His car from end tu ua lu Kurni they still rt-tuli, tliw atUL'n- coach pnttern. Tlielr cwi. bes uro built In ,ouiinrtiiiiits, IIiowkIi iIiom,. on through truius are i-onuei-ti-d by a pan- M" hI. Their wnv trails are the , u, ,.y Wt.ri H((hiu elKhty yi nrs ngo, I whs traveling one duy In a way truln mul I.H-ked In M oiii.iirtrneiit WilU one other paaspfiKep, n youiltr P nfter the trnln stiirtei) she iiMk.xl If ,u mlu-lii HiuokH a ciga rette. Wlieii u roiiiiirtitient U used for siiiokinu over there they put tip h' notice o thiifeftV-t. .1 felt pleised tbnf nhn wru n smoker herxelf. grnutel her permUnlon at om-e and drew forth a rlgiir. "You must first hnve a whiff wlt'i me," she n 1.1, "then you tuny hinol;,. your elifur." Hhe bnn.l. d m, ,M. hot of (-Igiirettes. "These tre some thing very tine. Try iiiie." I si-ccpted flie offer, the Woman turni-d aw-iiy from tne to put the )mx hack In the satchel '-from which nhe had tnken If nriif tiHk a clgaretto for herself while her bit. k was toward me so that I coiildli t see herXdolng It. 1 IlKhtivl lulus nml nw soon ns I tienn to smoke felt a rtelMotis limpnor. I shoulit have sums (im1 that something was wroiiK and thrown the weed sway, hut 1 was enraptured and soon fell Into a de!l ions trnii'e. Tlio woman kept her eyes on me and presently asked me to hnnd her a tiov el she hud left on the sent beside rue. I couldn't move even-a fltiger. Kh had evidently exiMvtcd ns much and hnd asked tun in h tw her the Issik to see If I were nble to o so. As soon ns she was satisfied Hint I was power less she took off her dress nnd hat nnd threw them oi.t nf the window. There was n man's cost nine undcriu'sith the dress, ami It was evident that th pre tended woman was a innn. He took a felt bat out of his tag nnd pttt It on, then, taking n paper out of his coat pocket, he put it In mine. All this was done tietween two sta tions alsiut ten miles apart, although the train went pretty slow. When we reached the second station tlie man got out of the train, leaving. iiiestlll powerless. w-as Just ns cons Ions nf the situation as if I hnd not Inhaled the clcnrette. "1 surmised Ihst tho nian was a criminal fleeing from Jus tice and had put paters In my sx-ket that would cause lilt puriicm to think that I was the innn they were looking for, Why lie wished them to think so 1 fiitn'Lediio lie twiitixe they' were hot on the 'pursuit nnd he w ished to gain time by throwing them off the track. .The trel-i seemed to In delayed In starting aprln. It Upton red to me that It must l-w wnltln- for something. What was tnv tiorr r to see. several men come to the diwir of the conipnrt nietit lsl by Hi in-in wh bad drugged me. '- . "Th-itV, the mm."'!". H''d. The effoft of the lt:iretfp hnd passed off sntlliiently to riuilile lue(to protest, nut the man Interrupted me. "I tell yon." he said to a he others, "he's the notorious Cartouche, who a day or two agifest-aped the French police. rJ saw him In court once and knew blm the moment he entered the trnln. If you don't believe me senrrh him. He may have something that will identify hltn on his person." My blood ran cold. I knew of Car touche, who was under sentence of death. I was ordered out of the coach, but as I had not recovered the use of my limbs they were obliged to pull mo out Tbey placed me on a baggage roller and 'went through my pockt A letter addressed to Jaques Cartouche was found on me. At that moment the train pulled out and my accuser. Jump ing on the footboard, went off with It I was taken to the town Jail. On the arrival of the next train police officers arrived. The moment they saw me they knew they had been tricked. I toM them my story, and they knew by my description of my accuser that he was Cartouche himself. But the train on which they came bad gone on and they were obliged to wait for the next to got on In the chase. I considered myself lucky to escape as easily ss 1 did, for the police be lieved my story, saying that It was Just like Cartouche, who had played that and similar games before. By a very singular coincidence I saw Cartouche again, though some years later I returned to America. On the steamer I found the stern fenced off with csnvss. There wss an opening between the canvas snd an sfter cabin through which I could look Into that portion of the dock which had been fenced off for the use of the steerage passengers. While looking thr6ugh this aperture who should I see but a Jtiau whom I Immediately recognised as Cartouche. I was sorry I had seen blm, for I felt It Incumbent on me to. prevent MS landing In America. Had he been going the other way I should hnve heid my peace. But as a criminal coming to my own country my duty as a cltlsen was to Inform the immigrant commis sioners of bis Identity. On reaching New York 1 tbld my story and the criminal was sent back to the port from which he sailed. Wrmt became of him after his return I don't knew, but he was smart enough to cheat the gallows more than omJ. snd he may bare used another ss he nsed me. FOREIGN FRUIT CROP rtewtng In East Kates Is Also Ino. PORTLAND. Or May 27. (Spe clal.) The Northwestern Fruit Ex change of PortlandArerafrts as fol lows: - In our last bulletlnvcoverlng the fruit crop outlook for nil. we prom Ised to bsve a roporyctkcernlng Eu ropean fruit crops, wjflch Tollowa. The Information set forty In tris report Is gleaned from various 1 authentic sources, and conftned by n English operator who recitl.r paid lis a vlalt It will be refiemDerea inai. iruu crons In Ecal last y sari were ax- ceedlngly light In fact, fol a large portion of the season there was vir tually a fruit famine in England. This year conditions appear to be reversed. Weather conditions bsve been ex tremely favorable, and the season is sufficiently fsr advanced to obviate any particular danger. Apples snd peers sre looking extremity well, and the plums will be unusually abundant. These same condition exist for the moat part In the principal producing countries on the continent. Iri France all sort of fruits promise a big yield except apricots. Holland Is a considerable producer of applea, and theluresant prospects are for the largest Irop on record. . All In all, conditions In practically all of the applo-ralilng states east of the Mississippi ner sre very flat lerlng Indeed. Nrfwr y0rk atate con- tinues to report al very fine showing for fall fruit and reenlngs. The con sensiis of opinion seems to be that liaidwitis have loomed Irregularly shy. The, Hudson due for a big crop and will be a IHj River counties ar this year, and It oka as though they are going to havl it. West VlrglnlaJ Virginia Maryland a have excellent and Pennsylvad showings, as hafe also Michigan and Illinois. It Is a little early as yet to say anything Concerning the New England states. However, they have had a very heay bloom. The Impor tance of Mains as an apple-growing atate Is beginning generally tc be re cognized, and (he Indications are that In the. future! It will become very prominent. I Ctah expects to ahlD a record.hroak. Ing crop thla tsar. Official estimates plac the prospective Increase over laiu ai zuu cars. Tno annle oron Is expected to be slightly larger than issi year, and the Peach cron verv much larger. PUPILS MAKE MERRY AT PICNICS IN PARKS AFTERNOON DEVOTED TO GAMES AND ICE CREAM AND CAKE ' ' ARE SERVED. It Is estimated that more children attended the public school picnics Monday than ever before. The after noon was devoted to games, and Ice cream and cake were served. All the children had a good time, and they declared that the plcnlca were the. best ever held. The first and third grades of tne Barclay school held their picnics in the Twelfth Street Park. The members of the other grades had an. Indoor social st the school. , Some of the puplls-of the Eastham school went to . the Seventh Street Park, some to the Twelfth Street Park and the remainder to the 8ev enth .Street Park. Superintendent Tooze has allowed a half day for pic ulcs to members of all the grades. WILDWOOD HOSPITAL Oregon City Furnished with operating room, ward and private rooms. Graduate Nurses Pac. 2243 Home D-298 BASEBALL RECREATION PARK. Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sts. (OAKLAND -""PORTLAND May 30, 31, June 1, 2. 3v 4. Games Begin Weekdays at 3:30. Sundays, 2:30 P. M. LADIES' DAY FRIDAY. Boys Under 13 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. EXCURSION PARES EAST 191 1 . During the months ef Msy, June, July, August and September, on dstes shown below, the SOUTHERN PACIFIC , . - will sell round trip tickets from Oregon City Via Portland ,as follows! Td FARES Chicago $ 73.00 Council Bluffs 60.50 Omsha 60.60 Kansas City ', 60.50 St. Joseph 60.50 St. Paul 60.50 St. Paul, via Council Bluffs 64.40 Minneapolis, direct 60. W Mlnnespols, va Coune I Bluffs 64.40 Boston ....i , 110.00 New York 109.00 St Louis 70.50 Washington, D. C. 108.00 SALE DATES Msy 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23v 24, 26, 27, 28 and 89. June B, 7, 9, 10 12. 16, 17, 21, 22, 28, 29, ml 90. "--- ..,- July 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 19, 20, 26 27 and 28. August 3, 4, S. 14 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29 and 30. September 1, 2, 4, 8, 6 a d 7. . Stop-overs Tlthln limits In either dl- .... rectio. Final return iimu October 31st For fsrss one way through California Inquire of any Southern psoino agsnt, or write to WM. MeMURRAY, ' General Passenger Agent , Portland, Orsgon. JAI IES ILCAREY TELLS OFVOSID'S PROGRESS INTERESTING ADDRESSES MADE AT MEETING OF MEN'S BROTHERHOOD. James H. Carey, of the Willamette Pulp Paper Company, made an In teresting and instructive address st a meeting of the Men's Brotherhood of the Methodist Episcopal Church Monday evening. Mr. Carey told of the genera progress that Is being made, and declared -that the world wa better off than ever before. Vice- President Roark, of the Congregation al Brotherhood, also spoke, calling attention to the benefits of brother hood. While the attendance waa not as large as Rev. Zimmerman had expect ed, a great deal of Interest was mani fested in the meeting, and the ad dresses were thoroughly enjoyed. The musical numbers were unusually good. A supper prepared by the La dles' Aid Society was one of the best ever given at the church. Prof. F. M. Webster, Prof. Geo. 8. Reeves snd Prof. A. H. Klrkland sre among a party of entomologists sent out by the government to help eradi cate the alfalfa weevil In Idaho.- Notice of Application for Liquor Li cense. Notice Is hereby given mat Marie Erlckson will apply to the County Court of the County of Clackamas County. Oregon, on Wednesday, ,2th day of June, 1911, for a license to sell spirituous, vinous and malt liquor and fermented cider, commonly called hard cider. In less quantities tnan one gal lon, at Clackamas Tavern, In Aber- nethy Precinct, sald.County. This ap plication is based on the following pe tition therefor. MARIE ERICKSON. To the Hon. County Court of Clacka mas County. Oregon. Gentlemen: We. the undersigned legal voters, residing In Abernethy Precinct, Clack amas County, Oregon, hereby petition your Honorable body to grant Marie Erlckson a license to sell, in Aber nethy Precinct at Clackamas Tavern, spirituous, malt or vinous liquor or fer mented elder, commonly known as hard cider. In less quantities than one allon. It being understood that sales shall only be for use with meals snd not at or over any bar. Names. . - Names. E. Rivers Geo. McKlnnus Ed H. Furgeson C. R. Llvesay IaHlmler Wm. McKlnnus L: McKlnnus Eddie Himler J. H. Dunn P. C. Praeger E. E. Dune Joseph Meindle C. H. Daucbey. Jr. 8. Llllle Sam Case-, Alfred Ladd Chas. Waer F. A. Wallett J. C. Plence Frank Ferguson M. Rivers W. E. Rauch C. C. Lake L. E. Combs '. Frank E- 8mltb Geo. E. Marshall E. R. Case E L Chase j. Q. Patterson Wm, Mann Fred Hogg ' F. V. Monger C. Straight C. Al Caseday N. Adams F. F. FlBher W. Jetke G. A. Oldenberg Aug. Bolle F. H. Louis Blane C. Glass C. Rittenhouse O. L Smith Welter Glenandt C. D. Smith Frank Wilson Wm. Boyer C. O. Rlnehart August Bolle (2) Alex Beaton C. Boener G. L Wltherall E. C. Swartx J. Rhlnes John Nelson John M. Davis Hans Kraft K. J. Tabnson A. Flaherty Frank Bowers F. W. Hubbard H. Lubblng M. Dietrich J. H. Barnett 8. J. Jones John E. 8mltb J. P. Serres Mike Genshelmer C. A, Mann A. Rlgg E. B. Barnett C. E. Smith . John "Holland P. E. Porter Thos. Hlmmler W. H. Smith M. Everett T. T. Pankey J. W. McAnulty Theo. Huerth I. O. Smith L L Smith . A. E. Daggett W. L. Daggett W. W. Smith H. D. Marston C. E. Relllng Fred Hogg, Jr. Otto Hogg F. T. Relllng John Straight Wm. Etters B. M. 8hort Chas. E. Hepllng P. H. Oldenberg F. A. Jones James Monger Oottlelb Zunnt 8. Glass A. Richardson A. Bolle W. E. Boerner J. S. Moore -H. Rudolph A. Kroger P. M. Murray Frederick Hupp- mann Karl Schaffer M. L. Smith -J. J. Walker L. Furgeson W. M. Holstm H. Himler H. Huerth a H. Gray F. T. Prenschoff J. Rlttenhonse Notice of Final Settlement Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned executor and executrixes have filed their final account In the ma i to nf th. will and eBtato of Ur sula Babler. deceased, In the County court of - the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County, and that the said Court has appointed Monday, tne tnira day of July, 1911, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the hearing or objections to sucn final account and the settlement thereof. HENRY BABLJSK, Executor. ANNIE B. JOHN8TON, Executrix. ELLEN B. GERBER, Executrix. Jos. E. Hedges, Attorney. Three-Fourths Are Women. r.Mhi nWmra 'anion? the medl- ai nw.uliiii atlmata that of those who seek the services of a physician three-fourths are women. Many of these women are without question In need of surgical treatment, but perhaps the majority of -them will be greatly benefited bp medical treat ment only. ' 'm In the course of treating such ail ments, physicians hive demonstrated beyond question the value of certain drugs In their treatment and, follows in- k. (nrmnli tinwl rv s nhvslclan especially successful in -such cases. Rexall Vegetable Compouna nas neeu placed upon the market Many women have learned by ex perience that their aliments were of such a nature that they themselves might administer satisfactory treat ment. While we do not recommend such a procedure, but strongly advise that you consult with your physician, we cannot speak too highly of the nt Rstl Vea-etable Compound 4or use In such cases. Please remember that Rexaii veg etable Compound can be obtained only at our store The Rexall Drug Store, iKti liU - lid We Love The Children .-''.. MANY of the shoppers who visit out store daily are bright little : men and women. And they are shrewd buyers, most of them, in their way. Tl ey are always welcome here and . you may rest assured that every at tention will be shown to an order for warded by them-just as much as would be given yoorself. It is convenient way of getting groceries in a harry and js esed by many of yoor neighbors. . . " . JmE" Si CORNER 9TH AND Large bottles i.00. Huntley Bros. Co. Wants, For Sale, Etc Notiraa under ths classified h.sdhiit will bo Insvied at on. cent a word. flrW Insertion, half a cent additions! tnr Hons. On Inch ard. tl Pr month 1 nJI Inch card. (4 MhI It Pr month. Cash must accompasy ord.r unka on. hss an open account with th. papsr No financial responsibility for errors; whm .rrora occur fr. corrected notlc. will b prinlrd foe patron. Minimum cnaro i.e. WANTED. WANTED Strawberry pickers, write or phone Isaac Lane, Clackamas, Oregon. Phone Farmers 269. WANTED : Woman to do plain sew ing and make children's ciotbes. Phone Main 3044. WANTED--Glrl or woman for house work; must be good, clean cook. Phone Main 3044. Address box 409 Gladstone. WANTED Yon to know tnat we buy all kinds of Curios, that we are In the market for second hand Furni ture and Tools. .We also have a rnnA assortment ot second hand Furniture and Tools on hand fori sale to those In q,eed. Come anJ see; perhaps we have Just what you want Indian Curios and trinkets for sale cheap; some that are very unique and also very rare. GEORGE YOUNG, Main near Fifth street. FOR sVALB. FOR SALE Two fine residence lots 9th and Washington Sts very cheap. Terms. Enquire 418 7th 8L FOR 8ALE Top buggy, almost new, 1911 Mitchell Have you erer looked into the details of construction and the mechanical features together with the handsome appearance, of the Mitchell Automobiles to find the reasons why they are being bought by people throughout the state, who know the - value of a good car. If you are at all Interested we will be , pleased to demonstrate the car to yon with full information ' and can assure you that it is well worth Investigating before ' buying. The car is absolutely guaranteed to do what we say -it will. If not we are here to make good. When we sell you a car we will take care of your car one year free of charg. ' 'PrJc. $1650 r ; ,;, Other moJel. cheaper. Fully equipped F. O. B. Oregon City. Ptone os for JsmoiT.tration ana we w3I call at your home (ot ' '. yon. ' ; ' . " , '"' " - Some Good Barg-ai'ns la SconJ Hani Cars - C. G. Miller, Agent Garatf Con fetti and Main Stu MAIN STREETS and single harness. Inquire Jack ft Albright Store, 7th 8treet ACREAGE One to Ave acres In sight of Oregon City, $150 and $200 per " acre; good level land; one - mile from car line. Clyde ac McRae, 1003 Main St.. Oregon,. City. FARM LOANS. FARM LOANS Dimlck Jb Dlmlck, . Lawyers, Oregon City, Or. Money to loan. MONEY TO LOAN On first mort gage; $500 and upwards; one year or loneer. Apply at once. Cross as Hammond, Attorneys at Law, Bea ver Bldg., Oregcm City. ' BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR. HARRY JONES Builder and Genera I" Contractor. Estimates cheerfully given on all classes of building work, concrete walks ana reinforced concrete. Res. Pnon Main 11L , ATTORNEYS. O. D. EBY, Attorney-at-Law, Money loaned, 'abstracts furnished, land titles examined, eetates settled, gen eral law business. Over, Bank ef Oregon City. XTBJEN BCHOEBEL, Attorneys-at-Taw. rjentscher xdvokaL will Brae- tic in an courts, make collections and settlements. Office in Enter prise Bldg-.. Oregon City. Oregon. X. H. COOPER. For Fire lnsuraacr and Real Estate. Let ns handle your properties we buy, sen and exchange. Office in aterprlee Bldg., Oregon City. Oregon. SuDsrrlbe for the Dally Enterprise. Automobiles