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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1911)
uoRwxwa , jaj fanpitiuE, , Wednesday, may io mh ' h Al. "f i". - - v Alfred Trousers fvijiithe onlftore where the ypunf meacn gti Jt Alfred Trouiersf th ftmoui:rSociety tirnd" ke Tbeie trouer come'in the new frayiUni, JVJ. and ' inixturei:'1 ; Thty have ' the " permanent erPP n,re the ''dMitM mot up fLdate trcWiefi:l the present age, for youn men and ei who ty"TOntSec..ihem.ln our middle window. :'tf J.: LEVITT Suipemlon Brldgt Corner " local PRicrs a. I-ewls. w,l, Crt""'w" City on Tuetday. ' .bWlW Tuesur. ?S M'n1y n bualneea. 'li' in tl.l city on Bundty. . 5 -''viv' ,n " ... rM.rln aaa gr; Ortf. " ' "r- )(J -' a tfolaon. 'ji. Monday 1"" . 1..-.. ..f WMn. n .wi. m Mondav. In tho of I'nlon IUII. wu Id re In thin city t Tbob. of Heaver Creek," was .l. .n Monday. "... a-iiih. of Eldorado, waa In I irt Kobertton. a grocor of Bttl lTl in th. city .Tuesday morn- (flutter rVbo-nhelnx. of Portland. Z i ii, uarenta tn thla city on Bun. 'L Al frhoenWn.fCarua. waa 5.K- nrriou City vlaltore Hon- hi. f tA 1. Montgomery, wbo eon- W, i liw ffW ,M",r NwEra, waa h Ore-pa uiy f. treat, of Portland, vlalted rZ.. Mr: Jull Fro!, of Cn- Mi uady-nL Jlondaj l w iitildon. n-Ematrn dru Um. ccompanlfd by'Mnt Hold Ciai In ton Monday. I r iTtarU. uf N Era, waa amoni haltr. fki MallaM. on of tb Mldnt of Mullno. ill In wos City on bunlnaaa Monday laian HornahuK.eot-Toriland, ii' W t the homo of Mr. and Mrs. .Yl Murlt. o Mpl iJina, n.Gnllrh Ulird h!1, brother, Jro- W Ho Jna. or wiiacaua, Uotf. 8h rrttirnod homo Monday, j I W. Exon. f I)ovr, on of th Kaitrot rrxlilonia of that plac, Ii thli city on Tueaday. I in. Mabla Krailar. of Portland, W throiiKh thla city Monday on tony to EldiTado, whara aha will 4 Ut mother, Mm. A. l Jonaa. fc aod Mr. A. O. Alldradu. of dty mrr auma of thwlr daunhtar, 3k CUra Cat to tu Sunday at br m U Gladatona. . I Mr. oA Mra. I hman and dauKhtar, a Mr. Hrkl.r. of Portland, wara In iadty on Sunday tho aaietTa of Mr. iyra, Oua Schnoor, of Wlllametta. I aUIUrd- Gllletta, who baa baan In Vmadaeo. whra ha haa baan tak tkt roquln-d aiamlnatlon for Want ku returned. TWUdlea Trua Illua Oranita Uodga lnat at Phitnnon a ball thla awn. xui bualnexi of Importance will naiaCted. t " 3. R. Lntouralta, an' attorney of Port. land, waa In thla city on Sunday and Monday vlaltlng bla paranta. Mr. and Mra. C. I). Latouratia. - Mr. and ! Mra. Bball and .dauibter. Btaiia, or Baiem, vlalted I (.'. Horton on Monday. Tbey left hera for a vlalt In Eaatarn Oreun, . . Mr. and Mra. E. M. Btavenaon. of Balnm, wbo httva bean vlaltlna wHh tha laitar'a mother, Mra. 3. K. WU llama, returned home Monday. Mlaa Uenavlev Kelly, wbo baa baan amployad In tho W. L. Llttla cotifao tlonery atort, baa accepted a poattlon with the "ralla", and wilt havo charge of the dining room department Mlaa Klva Illanchard, Mlaa Maud Smith and tr. and Mra. Rov H. Coa have returned from Poraat Grova, where they attendad; tba Dlatrlct Ep- wonb league Convention. Boy Wardnn. of Ban Iuia ObUiw, California, arrived In ' Oregon City Monday and la vlaltlng at tba home of bla aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mra. C. I), Latourette. Mr. and Mra. I'maker, who recently aolil , their farm 'at Damaaeua, and wbo have bain vlnltlng relattvea Mi VYaahlnttoti aute. have returned to Clackamaa Coupty.'and have decided to make thla tbelr borne. C. E. Ituckles, who haa Wn making hla home for the laat year with hU alater, Mra. George E. Griffith, left Monday for Spokane and Eaatern polnta. Ha will vlalt at Spokane and Helena. Mont., for aome time and will lbBiirntaTirthrEaac Rev. P. II. Mlxaell. formerly paator of the Praabyterlan church of thla city, but now of Tacoma, Waah.. waa In thla city on Monday onjila way to At lantlFCHy. Kaw Jaraajr, where ha will attend the general aaaembly of the Praabyterlan church. During bla at ay In thla rlty he waa a guet al the home of Mra. J. R, Willlame. Forti ie Children (A A Charming Little frlnea af Oraaaa. " tlllott eVark Oat New tar. Klllott' at Park tava' added i' mw car of tba Royal make with tore doora. to their faraga on Tint ana luiiroaa Avenue. " Tnia. maaea roar auiorao bllea In this garage. Thla firm maa been appointed agent for tba Regal ' f x' i t" , - 4 . 'ft " 1 a-w-v , V r VV " -lPs5-" ' tv.. I :'".yf V U 1 -1. ' ,5:',-IiS5anrt Will CMva thlrt Walat Party. ' Tha at. John'a Young People'a Club met Monday night at the McLoughlln hall, and among' tba bualoeaa trana acted waa tba arrangementa for a ahlrt walat party to ba gt t month at tba Buach ball. There waa a large attendance. , ; ' ' :.:A'idow. with money By MQUAD ' CpyrlM.' IffU. br ' Aaaoetaled U . . tarPrw., Allen A Lewi Beak to Recover $203.77 an Balance. Butt haa been Inetltuted In tha Cir rnlt court hv Allen A Lewla, a whole- aale groeery Una of Portland, agalnat Mo-CB waa mad aa well aa Beared; Ha ChHat aV Papae, to recover ,.tied tha doetorall klndaorioo.a, vow aald to ba a balance due on marcnan-i . . wouldn't move a rod, and then Moaea Vila waa an old faabloned man. Mot folka called blw an oUl codgor." ,," ' ' " '. " r'" All at owe, wben'Moaea bud paaaed bla ality-aanmd blrtbduy, pod waa tall lua bluaelf that ba felt aa good n tba day ba waa thlriyrand bad every pw pect of living totwi nuuurea jrar. bid. a doctor told blm that bla left lang waa ' ffiillior."' ail d tbaf ba muat urn He tracka for a ' higher aHltude Ht ooca. Mtu mirchaad hatwoen December 30, lain and Anrtl 21. 1U. Tba total amount of the purcbaaea waa $1190.78, and t la alleaed that only IMO baa baan nald. Attorney H. E. Croae baa tiled an affidavit for attachment. c: X Miller, J.-KT Hlckmajir Jw-4 Ream and T. J. Mrara. Th body waa Uken to rorflaad and aarvfeea- ware held Taaaday afternoon ia nnlaya CbapeL The Interment waa la River vlavr eematery.' - '. r badee and Pattern That , In Caatama CanatrueMeav' i Maw-armed Itoea poogea la feaw. Tbe new baadrd aaabea are lovely. ' Tba allover lace tonic la truly a gor- geout affair. .1 '"' UaMly' k' trimmed bat la da- aold of flowera: ' ' -rtolai- anowiaellarda aota avar lavender cblffoti bj cnic t Heart toH( earttoneart Talks, v Bjr EDWIN A.rTVE. Oeaerted Huaband Seeka Divorce. R. J. Iluchan haa filed ault for di vorce from Ellxabeth E, Iluchan, tha allegation being deeertlua. They were married on June 8, 1880. at Benton, Wleconeln. Iluchan aaya that bla wlfa deaerted him on November 15th, 1908, while Ihev ware realdlng In Port land Wheelock tt' Willlame ara Mu rhan'a attornaya. Sunday School a to Meet. Th niatrlct Sunday School Con van Hon will ba held In-the- Parkplaoe church Thuraday. All achoola In the district ara lenuealej to be repreaent rd The public 1a Invited. Aoareaaae .iil h delivered. Peraona dealrlng mav brlna baaketa. aa dinner will be aerved In tha church. aula I Union Men Dropped WASHINGTON. May v Admlaalon that poatal clerka had been dlamlaaed from tha aervlca of tha United Stataa aolely becauaa they bad been actlya In forming a union waa mada hera by Fecond AaalaUnt poarmnater General Stewart before tba hoaae commlttaa on civil aervlca reform. . , . Tba pretty little girl holding tba flower la a real prlnc; Klie la ba Prlncexa Irene, ouiiK'r of tbe Iwo daiitflilera of Crown I'rliM-e ConMau tlnr.jhflr apiiarent to I he throne of Greece.- Hhe la oik of live vblldreu. ' three of whom an- Uy. Her mother la I lie Prlu e 8ohlii. alxler of Hie GerniMii eutiwror. Her graudrntber. tba itreatnii klnw of ;retH-e, U C.eorco. aavoiid aou of Kluit CIiiIkiInii of Hen mark, and her grandmother la ln. aldext 1anfc'bee of the Grand Duke CoiiKiaiitlne'uf RiiimIii. lieorire waa elm-le.1 k lwr-M 4ba-Halle4KVi A Bey'a Pradieamant At a auifitr inlll oulbi IkIiiuiI of Rar hniltm Hie men III attendance were hmipiilnir "nlf wlieii a nntlve !; who did not let ito ti enoiiKh carried aloft by Hie Kreat forty nve foot aa II. He foriuiimely had all hla wlta alHitit him and nuumi:ed to j:ct bla feel nniuml a bur of the all and to, bold on to the one uUire. In tula poaitlou he wan Mil-run nrouna. me will revolving with Itureuwd rnpldlty. aa tha man triune dt.tyH wna to feed II had rualHil out nt the nrt nlarm. a m ralMed to choke the roller with enne and ihua atop the mill, and thla wna done nt the Imminent rink of brenklna anine of the machinery and o reliNlnii the null altogether, bat after all complete revolutloim tlie mill wna atoied: fairly' choki-d by the bun dlea of carte thruat Into lt wa. lenv in th- anil. iu which Hie hoy afill rluhir. tlflN rrom tha around. With marveloua BEAUTY. My dear girt:4 Tou aay yon want to be beautiful. which la Inudable and propet. To ba . fair of feature and form la woroan'a natural deal re. - ' j There'a a'dlfferanca. - -fr Borne try to niake'tbemaelvee beauti ful by meant of lotion and coamatlca and the practice of Jha preacrlptlona on the woman'a page. The beuutr tber aeek la but skin deep. It la of tba ontaldo only. Tbey do not aeeui to know that Beautiful thouahte maka a bMUtlul aouf. Ana a beautiful aoul makaa a beautiful face. , Do yon know wa ara juat beginning to discover tba ' power or numan tbongbfT tbouttita are thins- Tbey raan Ion th body Into health or tllucsa, and tbey mold Ibe atuff of tba aoul Into goodueaa or baaaneea. And What aoul IDiI body are made to be ahowa ou tba fac Junt aa the dial of a clock Infallibly recorda the doing wltbln. A realty beautiful face ta a face tranaflgured. I It la lighted front wltbln. Juat aa the candle beama ablne through and make lumlnoua tbe vaae In which It la concealed, ao doee the aplendor of tba buman aplrlt ablne through fiber aud nerve and tisane, up and out Into buman brow ana lip ana eye and rnnke A face Illumined! - However plain may be the featurea. Ilk tbe vaae tbey become transparent There la more than a caudle lualde And witn u.t'uuffbr Beacon 11IU. a bnndred mlk4 a war. ' ' ' ' Tba higher you can get above tbe aea the better for your left lung and tbe more expenaive tne uouro. 11111 w only a vUlage, and bad, only one tavern, and that tavern charged Moaea $5 a week for board. Of counw be kicked. Ha called tbe landTord all aorta of namea and aald be vfould ctsrt for home net day, but he didn't etart. It wa on ono of bla walk that be met the widow Artner.' una uau hammer and nnlla and waa nailing a board on tba fence In front of her poor little home. He took the hammer away from her and made the board aecura, and then walked off with only a grant. He bud noticed, however, Uiat ahe waa a woman of tbirty-pve aud fairly good lookfug, aud be waa pleased with her. A call waa made net day. He aald h had come on bulnee. He we no Aoner seated than be asked: i-nok-n-here. widow, , why naven ton mil Fried attain? "8lr, yon are taking a great liberty f abe reiilled. "Coma, now, 1 am here aa a friend.' . "But 1 don't know youP-'.1 nnt vou aoon will 1 am Moaea. Bllaa. no here to heal my left long, and I wouldn't marry you or any other woman on earth. I've Juat got a iitti acheme In my bead, and want you to help me work It out. a acheme for yonr benent." It'a visitor In I 'I 'u Mra. -t 4 V r ' ' pent 1. :.y wlu 1 i er, Mra. Lowell aad 1 S.J, - Mra..Ka Auaun ana a -ir, ci t i land, were vlltora lo fX t.tvt I.l- Mr, reibig viaitea m roruaia Moo- day. .. . Miaei Blacherby, or wooaoarn, w herd vMltlni hee alater, Mr. L. E. Bent Ana -famUyy j v q r , ,i . BASEBALL l BECatEATION PARK, Cor. Vaugtin and Twentyeurth Bte. rVAIJCOUVEJl-- r . :, . ''') va. ; - ; PORTLAND ; "4.v May tv 10, 11, -ti 18, 14 Game (ael Weekday at $:S0. ' ttunaaya, 2:M Pi M ' LAOItr BAY PRIOAY. Boya Under 12 free'" to' Bleacher 'eoneaaay. , ; . ; lis Vahts,ForSd2,Etc l.-t, !;...' ! "Tf --1 ' Matloae vater tu elaeelflea b1" will b low(e4 at n ernt a word. flrM InMrtlon. baif a cent addtttoaaJ I taaer l tons. - one laeh ear, ft M aoataf na4f k a tt hihi) n mt aienlai Cash aaoat aoeotnpaar orOw nlaa " baa an open account with the papar. na flaanetai raaponalWIIty for arrora; whr srrore .aaaur fi eorr.otd nntloe will ba printra for patron. Minimum cbaraa lt. . WANTraTORBNT A al or seven room houae, not on tha hill. , Addreee thia office, ;, ;..j'l'y i. WANTta GIRL. WANTETfOirl for genarar houaework. Experience noi bo w portanf aa wllUagaeaa to learn. Ap ply 100. Main street, Oregon City. tiacr rBAaAirr avocaa. ... ... j Jeweled trimming la used on a great many rrenlng dreaaea. '1. ' ' : DlsUnctly thla la aa much a lace tea ton aa It la a velvet eaoo. " - Bash end may be fringed, and thla fringe may be plain or knotted... Metallic lace la need a great deal to give that Byhantlne or oriental .touch to the new airdlea. . ' ha wldow saw Ihat he waLa rc-ATnl peasant blouaa ba the bolero- Whe la an angel there: Ano wn a heantv that never fadea. but growa In r'mot. mill Iip ninety ft-ct tplendor to tbe perfect dayrUe lovell. net or in angei giowa. And converaely- . . . A . centric. She rather timtaiy conseaiea to bear him. aud be aald: T 'want, to ask the aame question over again. "Why haveu't you mar ried a second timer ' ' -; annnn. auiiDoBa I haven't been asked r he tilunhlngty replied. "Thar It, eht Haven't been here two week yet. and I've heard of a doaen wklowera and bacbeior about here. Iou't . Jump now.' loo are young. You are a good looking a wo man aa 1 ve seen iu ivwu. m doubt you run cook and manage a house a well aajhe beat or jnem. -1 can nee only two reasons why you are a widow after four yeara. Did you tow never to marry agalnT" I-I can't aay I did, though I had ana of the beat of boabanda. I don't think we ought to talk abont It." "Then It yon didn't vow ira because you are a widow of email mean, and these avaricious rlllnlns, aronnd here want to Blurry money." "Tea; I am oor WANTED Olrl . for- general bouse- work. Good wage for ngni party. Call at 414 Water Street or phone 1501. u"' ' ' " ' '"" nerve b pnn-eeded lo climb down that pertlou ladder and reached tlie ground. It la eatlmated that be traveled nearly i fino fwt In y aerial Journey and half that distance with hi bead down ward. ' KaUMad Weed. The game of aeUi ied word la played thiia Tha coniDBUV mar le uiviuou Into aldea. each b" aelectlng a word, the object of on aide lietng to find out the word selected by tne oiner. i, word must be tbe name of something well known lo both aldea. woroa oi two or more meaning are the beat to be selected, eucb aa pen. oet. maMv raU. deer. etc. The anwra are mu more varied and tbe word more dim cult to aelect Each Bide ak que. Uona of the other, wmcn enouio oa anawered In a plain, matter of faet. truthful way. Th aide gueaaln the hidden word In tbe feweet queatlone la victor! ou. 1,1 ' ' No matter bow perfect the outline may be. ugllne of thought aud fetl- Ing will make an ngly aoul ana mat ngltneaa will creep Into tbe face and poll It. . ; . '. You know thlT ye, but donbtleas you have heard It a a tort of pretty sennwHit. ion have held It aa a kind or consolation offered to- the plain of feature. It la a scientific fact. . ; k . It U aa true a that two and two are four thni beauty la not without to work Inward, but la wlthlJ to work outward. , . ' Tea Aeademte. ' Bhopkeaper-Wtnt a situation aa er- .nl kr.. An ranJ WalL Can TOO tell . h moon ir from tbeldava the Dlot began to develop. earth, eht . ' nelgbbora began to come in and con- . vcAH mm'nn. 1 don't know. I aratulata her on having money, ".' " r -.:i- . ,.w - vi- .w i ain't naar c-nonaii ToiiMtintT oarjer came out wiui at iuu "Widow. I want to lend you 1100 In ! caHh," wild Mosea as he counted It put. "But I can never pay It back, and you are a stranger, l-l tblnk you bad better go." " "Widow, here'a the hundred.. When I want It. ten or fifteen year from now, I'll call for It. Meanwhile buy you some new clotbea. You'll aoon ba hcorlui that lou are a widow with money. Keen a cloae tongue. Admit nothina: den nothing. 4ust be ea- rna." - . - r "'"' "But I can't go on deceiving folka.' all nrntmted. ' "Tou co right on naylng nothing aud leave things tn the hands of rrovl- The wldowfound It hard to under stand what Moses waa driving at, but ha retained the $100. Within three Her outline. It may ba fasti lo dm rrom i Persian allk and mesaalina. plain and figured foulard or , eyelet embroidery and plain Unea. T iXTDia CHOLLET. , Thla May M anion pattern la cut tn alaaa for a thirty-four. thlrty-al. thlrtylght. forty ana forty-two Inch boat measur. nil ia Mutt ta thla offlra. slvln number. tm. an It promptly forward to yon by aiall If In baata eand an addi tional two oant stamp tor laltar poataa. which Instate more prompt delivery. v Real Eatate'Tranafera. The following real estate transfer were tiled In the office Of tha County Recorder: Vera i Oaach to -Gilbert Gilbert son, 10 aerea of Hood View acres, 10. E. M. and Cora Dt Babcock to Wil liam N. Price, tot 7-8 acrea of aactlon 7 and 18. 110. . . William N. and 8talla a Prioa toE. M. and Cora D. Babcock.. $10. i Frank. F. Reiner and Ina D. Reiner to Mra. Dora E. Meredith, lot 66, Jennings Lodge, $10.. WANTED-Blda ' for'. School Build ing, JBchool District NO.. ?, uraw- Inga and apecincauona may- w v talned at the residence of J. R. Oat field. Concord Station. Bide to bo bud mttted to A. C Arnold. Cleric of tho School Board or C. W. Rialey, Chair man, MUwaukie.-Oregop, Roota No. 1. We reserve tne ngni to reject m; " all bida. Bids will b received up to ; Monday. May 15, 191L, .v , WANTED--Tou to know tnat wa buy- all klnda of Cnrioa, tna wa.aiw the market for aeeond hand rural t ture and Tools. Wa alao have a - good assortment of . aeoond : hand , Furniture and TooU on hand lor aale to thoao in need. Coma acJ ' see; perhapa we have Juat what you -want Indian Curioa and trlnketa . for aala chean: aomo that ara vary unique and alao very rare. GEORGE YOUNG, Main, near Fifth atroet. but Interfere with me running errudav i JI got tha Job,-Tit mt. 1 ) 4: 1 ONE f 4t0 lit -4 THREE IN Bfd. opfli linfa coticti-called sanitaf y ccsctia Wc will sell on accoant. of ere stock-or $3.75 FRRNK BUSCH . Turnlture and Hardware EXCURSION . . - y irsr: PARES EAST :. . i9ii .. Conundrum, u-h. la a baby like wheat t Because tt ta flrat cradled, then thraabed and finally beconiee the oower oi to iaui- What la thai wmcn with a bead, without lull and without a talll A wig. .. tvh.n M tallora and nous agent both In tbe aame business! v u During the montna e way, -un, they gather tbe taut. Why are the uuest laalestT Because they longer In bed than other. What claa of women give tone to society 7 fljellal. , ' , Read tha Morning finterprlae. rOR aAtX. FOR ; BALE Eight tmoice ouuuius loU at a bargain in.'tiiaoaione. -quire at thla office ,? FOR SALE Beautiful upright piano. mahogany ease, I17B. inqutre "Enterprise. . . . ., FOR BALE Incubator and two Brood- era, good condition, fib iot an. H. Mattley. 7th St. ; -, I , people tha ara alwayt ara apt to The belle It Wouldn't Pay to Advertise A Poor 1 Nor .' pVopMltlon of '.awbtful merit ar honttty-fer ad-raadr. yn, ra .pilC-IIMINATINa. They know vahee-thy know "Iuini thing, ganulno paortunltlea. ' ' , ,J t ny artlelt inU -OD article., Y0U gra.ta. IU buylnB th,n" wh,?h. h' ; ., " H pubiieity. 3 I . y: - ; . ' M , T Tha maker tffL rtlal ; eommodlty, I. trial for hi bu.lnaa Hfa. .Hh oannat thtrk, nor ena-pen uet-ina,, I. tha beat g-oaetble protection foe the eontumtr. y ire 1APK In .irylni thlnoa-lft ,ha loglt 'y butlnaea -oonditlona. X; af , The Bmall Cray Meua. ? The email trey mouee ran aaat. and i ha small ray moua ran west j And could not tall ht the laaat Which way waa w. . , ..- . . ' TV amall m IMUM MB nOrth. And th m0 ry moua ran outb - And acurrlad baoa ana rorm -To hmm th klttan'e dreadful tooth lined mouth. ' " . ' !- '" I - ' : . " But kttty thought It praalou fun , . To the pantln moual run. And whan It almoat got away Har furry paw upon It baeb weuld lay. But bitty grew toe vala and aura, fth thought th had th mouae eaour. Phe turned hrr hoad; h hut her eye. That waa not wis. ' ' ( And ara th knw - . , -Th gray moua up tha chimney new, , Wbar dlnty cata could not puraue, go ah had nothing alss to do "Ut rW"VX -.tNteholaa. August and 8ptmbrt on datee . .-,;. ahown below, the SOUTHERN PACIFIC ' will tell round trip tlckett from Oregon City Yia Portland at follow: TO FARES that a certain worthy widow had been left a legacy, and the editor waa glad of it. It waa known aU over tha vil lage that In buying new hat for 15 aherhad offered a ten dollar bill to bo ehanaed. The widow wanted to deny tha re port a. bjt abe remembered the caution she had received, it waan't two wcfka before a wid wr railed. He didnt aay a word about tbe rumors.. Indeed, he fonght ahy of the money question. He Jut ..i.l that he had been a lonesome widower for five long year and waa getting tired of It v One day Moaea Bllaa dropped in to aay: ' "Juat keep serene and aaw wooa. Thing I working." . - -' ' "Bnt these men are coming becauaa they want to marry me.", replied the Widow. r tr ' , - . - "For aur.. Let em come and tate yonr pick.'' . -. .: - ' - And a month later, when he returned and made hie call, be noticed that the 64X60 60.60 60.60 60.60 60.60 640 60.60 64.40 110.00 109.00 Mr. Bchram Hat New Job. Carl A.8ohrm, who haa been con- Chicago Council Bluff ... Omaha Kaneat City 8t Joph ........ ....y"! fit. Paul.. i:! ' St. Paul, via Council Bluff . . . . Minneapolis, direct Mlnneapol a, v a Couno I BlutTe Boaton ....... New York .., St. Loula u.aklnntan. D. C. . SALE DATES " May 16, 17, It, 19, 22, 8 84, 25, 27, 28 and 29. , June 6. 7, 9, 10 12, 16, 17, 21, S . and 30.- I July .1. 2,t, '4,6,, 19, 20,26 27 and 2a. $ 75.00 1 widow waa confused and flmUrated. -Well, which la Itr. ne aaaea. t-lta aa- widower. Ha any he loved me for two yeara. Bnt I must tell him that I've not got a lot of money." , "ftnre. but he'a tald that he loved yon for yourself alone, hnan't heT ' "Tea."'" '' ' ' . ' V s ' 'i-riin he can't go back on himself -Z lr, t i.w.-a moneT to etart love, but when 106.00 ft get to going It keepa right on.. Bay ye and Keep aerene. ... And Beacon Tltll wfll tell you that tt turned out a happy marriage and that Mosea Bll got hi left lung back. . rnSPffilDENCE !' ' ' '" CAN BY. ' Mr. Chrl Craft, who had been In a Portland on account of an operation wi: forced to return to Portland for further medical treatment Her hut- band anent Sunday with her. Mr. George Brown waa in uanoy on buslneaa Monday. ' . ' - ' . Th following lettera remain un called for at the Canby poatofflca and were advertised on May 6: Cnmmma, Mra. E. M.; Hagh, J.; Knight, Maude; Rath, J. B.;:Roe, Mr. Clair E. - Mra. A. IdLKalght ia visiting menus and relatlveat Portland thla week. Mlaa OlUa Jonea, of Portland, la vla ltlng her alater. Mra, Maaterton. oi thl nlaca. . . ,--r u Mr., George Spencer baa purcnaaea a piano. , . mi.. rlnr Armatrona accomnanled members of the Pal-Omega Fraternity of the Dental College of Portland, on an outing Hip up the Columbia on a ateamer to Tha Dalles. - . Tbe regular Quarterly Conference of the W. E. church of Canby will meet on May 15 at the church. ' Tbe Riverside school close Tues day with a picnic. - Thirty-nvo now haa been raised with which to buy lea cream. ... ' i . '. 1 OAK- GflOVE. tv. . nk nrova lunlor base ball team defeated the Portland Cotta Sun av: Rcora 13 to 11. " . The Oak Grove athletlo club team defeated the Sellwood team Sunday at Bollwond.. Score 14 to 8. ' Mlaa Nellie Welnaonreed and Grace Knickerbocker, of Mllwaufcie. epent Sunday with Mra. cnariea wonuina inn and attended the ball game. : Ex-Road Supervisor Harrle and aev era! of the discharged men went to Oregon City Monday morning on num MIL ' ( . ' Mr. J. B. Event waa a roninna n itnr Monday. . 1 Mra. Lillian Riley went to tne ine Fir cemetery Monday morning. Carpenter ara repairing tne Inter houae. ' - Mrt.i BerV Wiutama and twer were RANGES Overstock of Ranges, new and second-band, cneap. j. . -" tley, Jth St.. ., . CLOSE IN 4 lota facing Madison St, rrand view, very cheap; $440. Terme. CLYDE 'A McRAE, .1003 Main St., Oregon City. lost; '-'.fX'T- -. LOST A pair of gold rimmed glaaeea, on Seventh; between isjwr u , ateps, Monday, May 8. Loava at--Enterpriaa office. . ' . ,,' v.. na recently be-1 28, 19 ana e. , .;...d ..t.mhr 1. 4. 4. 6. 6 7. secretary oiioa i cam a nrunn Enalneerinr A fv. ..htii aucceeo mouh and blMlme will bo entirely taken up with htg new dutlee.. . - , . . , i ELLtRY CAFEN ' FUNEJIAU 8rvlet Over Ramalna of Willamette ' Shoe Manufacturer. -- The funeral of tho late EU'ry Cap- en. who died laat Saturday. Tueaday.. Servlcaa Vera WftW tnornlrg at the borne ot r conatructton 8top.OT.ra Hht limit In M'" daughter. JL Ut Parker. rlO,:rwtl0H. Final return limit ;. Ltt., ,d Rev. E. F. rr,merpiftn. pss- Ootobe Sltt tor of the Methodist Epltcopai Church Grace Powell haa flleda ault for di vorce againat Harry IT Powell, td wh?m the waa married at Hot Springe, 7?Wt JnW IT. 1906. She charg P. htm with deaerUng her August 15. . . ... W1V through California 0f Oregon City, preached, tho tuneral .... agent, or writ, to posed Quartette that - WM. MeMURRAY, Ctnerat Paaanor Agant ; Portland, Oregon. . j.a .oUrtlnn. Beautiful flora .., i,,tra 'were in evidence. Tha pall yut uo- - ' " bearer were T 3. Gary. B. T. liaaa. L08T Rain coat on Molalla- road. above Eaatham tcnooi nouaa. rij finding aame leave at E. B. Shoen born't groeery etore, upper Seventh Street, and receive inward.-" - BUILDER ANO COACTOft HARRT JONX-BnIlder and Oeaaral Contractor. Batlmatea ehearfany ' given on all elaaaea of benelng work, eoocrete walkn and rfovead eaoerete. Rea. Phot Mato llLi 1 ATTORNteYB, O. D. EBY, Attoroey-aww. uu7 loaned." a b tract ruruiaatw, tlUea examined, eetataa settled, two-' era! law buaineaa Over Bank of. Oragoa dty.- ; ' ' TJTUEN f4CmJEBlBL, Attorneya-av ' Law, Deutaoaar aovwaa, ww p.- tloe la all court, make eOlleetloa . and aettlemeata.. Offloa l' Enter- - priaa Bids. Oraaaa City. Oregon FRETTAO ft MONET. Real Batata - Dealer, have ehotee bargain la farm landa. city and tuburban hotaiea, good fruit landa and poultry rejaahee, Sao ua for ' Bood . buy. Near 8. P. depot' , . M. H. COOPER. For Ftra laauranee aad Real EaUt. Lot ua han'e yow propertlea we buy, toll od exchange. Office to E-terprUe Bide, Oregon city. Crayon. ' V. TO I TT V TT TT 17 X - " P e r t hero n '& i i i o n ;l r WILL MAKE S2AS0N AT V t Ote&m Citf; la PcL-pc-V iFcl rCairC ju,,,, d.PPle baj. T7eJ;U 10 ftzz Tpni Tb Ibbuw within $12 s! t:W f ' I Crnii: . tl0 To inrora colt to itAiid uii wiU W taken to prerent aitJ, but will not U t : : ) rtilliur occur. It mar. ! temoYtd, aoU or trai:!, i cocei at one. - - ' " 4 ''. V ' t