Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1911)
' .MORNING ENTERPRISE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1911. v r.:o2nir;G tHTERPaisE , - cscoJ cmr, oregojt t. tV SjROMaT, leitae aaa PmMMm " "tbitaree' ee aery . Ittl. Mw Or a, Trra.- aattvr Ju- l Oracoa of Marc ram sf VBKcnrm. On Tmt, tap lm Mmr)it, hy rant V. L- y nan-tor . .-St w mm,-T- ..... ft . o first laehtoa)..,.ISe rtra rW Bar Inch erf laaartfoae. .1 Frererrea -( ton nay , w ton flrat hftertkm... .. 1M wmN poattkm , any pa. , par aaea . iW tneertloaa.i.. 1 Bun napnr other than flrt MM Mr larn firwt In rtoa.. ....... lta nun Mvr-ofcr taaa firs sag, par ax Iaoala 1 ttorre Ha. -!, rw ). Ta Rant ale. aa eat a word flrat eartlt; aaa-aaJf ml arh a4dltkneA ' Rata -far krrtnWM at ba Weakly fCatarprts will a lh Mm aa la tha Sally, (or aavarttanmala art apeviaily for Iba weekly. WImi lb advartieeaaeat la transferred from tha gaily to the war ty. amnant emuur. tha rata wlU aa at aa ac Jar ra af taa aaaaiv ana 1M lack (or special aoaltlaB. Caen ahauld araoaapaay ararr wkara party la unknown In buatnees offlc af ina Bntarnrtaa' Iayal advertising at legal advertising .-aire, Ctrraa advertising and special traaatent advertising at t&e to 0c an Inch, accord tag ta special conditions governing taa ..MM .... IM a ! ta .oc regnlar advar Oregoa City along the Um of pro- greaa U to gave a Lyceum Covraa and baa arranged tor a aerie of tlx pro- gramma for next Fall and. Witter. " '' . FORESTERS TAKi; JAUNT. r" Thirty-" From Robin Hood Court Make Trip la Portland. Tka Foresters--!! city want to Portland Monday night In a body, where, they war Invited by -tha Shop-1 aril Court. tb highaat degreo order of lh Forester of America, and a moat enjoyable tint was had. Thar were 37 from the local Court attending, who rei urned 10 Oregon City on tha It oYlocfc car. The Sellwood Court and other Portland Court a ere ta attend ance. No business waa transact). but a aorial tlm wma haT. An excel lent musical and literary programme I was given, and tbla waa followed hy dancing and refreshments. Over too people war In attendance. The af fair was given at the Swiff Hall on I Third and Jefferson Street, which was prettily decorated for the occa- Alletfed : Dynamite Plot Extends V yf :To Several; Cities and Towns "Fir Sato' and Bankrupt Bate ad' llataMata Ma Inch first inaertloa; addl ttoaai laesrtiona aaata aoatter ata lack. - Newa ttrma and wn wi1tn artlelra , af DMrit. with latersat to local raaaara, will bo gladly aeoptd. Rrjectad manu aorlani norar returned unleaa aceompaa . ay stamos ta prepay now ana CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. llay 10 In American History. 1775 Tlcoodirroca takeu by Htban Al- - - lea and Benedict Arnold. ISIS-rani Karare. patriot, died; lxrn im lSZS-Jobn Sherman, aialeaman. I.r:i; I died 1000. 1SC3 Cenerat Tbotna Jontitb-in . . (Steaewalli J.i knii died of wumi.l ' tecelred on the Xi at Hie Imtlle of Cbancellorst'Ukx 1904 Henry M Sranler. Journalist n1 explorer, antkor of la LHirfceHt Africa " and other works, dh-d: 1941. BURG INSTITUTE IMLY ATTD1DED TEACHERS DISCUSS "HOW TO MAKE COUNTRY LIFE MORE AGREEABLE." ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS.- (From noon today to Boon tomorrow.) Baa nets 71." rises 443: moon sets iia a. m.: this date. 1879. meteorite fell fa lows, tha heaviest 437 pounds. POULTRY WANTED IN OREGON. Taa stai of Oregon may soon be la tha market for 10,004 chickens. Preliminary Inquiry has been made a to the possibilities of poultry raising at tha rarioos state Institutions and it is quit probable that the various farms will be stocked soon. To supply the' Reform School, tbe Insane Uospital, the Tubercular Sani tarium and the Feeble Minded Imtltu tlofl with puultiy farms would require- . beta'een 1.000 and lu.otxi bens, accord ing to the estimate made by Prof. James Dry den, bead of the Depart . meot of Poultry Husbandry at the Ore gon Agricultural College, and thai in stitution will co-operate fully la help ing tboae institutions to raie their own poultry and eKi. After til. for a town. True, some money Is tak en away, but s great deal Is left and gets Into circulation, when, without tbe circus, it would perhaps stay In tbe family sock. Tbe little recreation we get in this world does ns no harm and costs us little. - Jost 14 weeks after tbe death of bis i wife, tvllery Capen passed. He was The teachers' institute held at Macksburg on Saturday was largely attended, especially by the patrons and children of the district. The meet. d'k was presided over by County School Superintendent T. J. Gary. An excellent dinner served to about 2imi persons. A programme of musical selections and recitations was given by the children of the school of Macks burg under the direction of Prof. Bald win and Mis Eva Graves. Tbe afternoon was tken up with an interesting discussion on "How to make country life more agreeable. " Among the speakers were Prof. Gary, Mm. V. H. Godfrey, of Oregon, City, snd J. A. Calavan, principal of the Maple Lane school. After all business hsd been trans acted the meeting adjourned aad those present were invneo io me grove where a baseball game was played, the ('am being the Macksburg team and .ho Kaiht of KlngArthur7or Canbyd - APPLES SELL AT , . w MID PffiS EN DAVIS ARE SRINQINO FROM It JO TO S2-M A SOX IN PORTLANO. FOTATOES EXPECTED 10 ADVAKCt Photos by Ameriaaa Frees Association. T EPWORTH LEAGUE HAS WW CONVENTION : HE wbolt country was atartled by the arreot of J. McXaassra, secretary and treasurer of tbe Internstloual A lmiit of irtlo and Structural Iron Workers; bis brother, Jame VV. .Mcniii:irM. and (rtl E. McManlgal on a charge of being on--nit.l in t ! ii m.tultluit of tbe plant of tbe Ioa Angeles Tim lat" October. Tli l. i ;n.- n Im niml the arrests said that tbe men bsd akled In acti.n of il.viii'.u'tte. iitr.igtn In which 112 liven were lost and In which interty w.nhl.t d stroyed. ). J. McNamsrs wss arreatsd In rUUns:!. fii in purler of tbe Ironworkore' organisation. He aud tbe ! Itum MUteiy started towsrd CaltfornU. The prlaonera nn.Mhelr fr m' i i m: ! lnlMir raaka liudat that tbe cbanrea are fale. Ih;i H Cm- iihi I a "plant- and that they will be able to prove they ii;iTcnTTi: i I'm m with In eatraood tbe dynamiting of buildings sod brilKn In Cslirrii. 'Wi .. ..i'.in. lllliiol Mlctilgan, Ohio snd other states. The !! lire mImxc lin-. J. J. McNninsrs and a barn owned by UrMsnlgal's mother! I'lttl.t. I) lu M i Imrn s esse containing more tbaa 400 sticks of djuaniite foii; tt. , 1 1 lure tf this case la also shown, Larg SMpmats From East Of An Inferior Quality Many Ar Rjtd. The local market showa . Unit rhancs despite the conditions prevail ing In Portland. Thsro lh apple market has reached tha highest mark ever known at this time ol yaar.- Ban Davis, virtually tha only kind offered, are ranging from II 10 fa 11.50 a boi. Other varieties are selling at record I prices "Large shipments of Kaatern potatoes are being made to this tcr- Hrltwy, but because of the poor qusl Ity many reject lona ara ntads. The potato market Is somewhat firmer, and eipectatlooa are for a f market In a short time. ' Quotations for Oregon City. ' POTATOES Heat, It SO: good. tt.35; common, I. Buvlng. carload, select, 13.10; ordinary, fl.sO. FIXHJR AND FEED Flour la ateady. selling from IS to 15 SO; very I little of cheaper grades. Feed U I higher and rising slowly. Ilran bring ' (from I2S.60 to SS7 6ft. shuns I IT. roll ed barley 31 60 to 32 SJ, process bar ley .13. whole corn 3I to S1, ergeked ci rn 33 to 33. Wheal 131. . HAY Hay la going up. All grades are from II to 11.30 higher than when last .quoted.' Timothy 1 to 121; clover, 1S to 114.50; oat hay. SIS.&O lu $17.(0; mixed. Ili lo 110.60; alfalfa. H OATS Are higher, gray salllut from 37 to 130, whlta from 12740 to 130.50. V, II UTTEH Ordinary country bring from I5e to 30c, fancy dairy from S'c to tie, nnd creamer r 23c toSo. EtU Ara ranging from lie to c; according to grade. I I'OI'LTKY -Firm wlfff little gtanl stiK'k offffered. H-na will bring lie If condition, more. Old There's One Form of Investm-, -rhUHabaolirlalyMftfaese.... MIfll It atvt lump lit value. . , Ha lntrlty It unqusstlsnsd. V The retwrn U awrtaln, , Principal la alwsyt tvallsbl. It hs no slemsnt af apsoulatlan. ... ' It Is a SaTtngs Account In The Bank of Oreoa City Ths Oldest Bank la Th Countv D. a LATOURETT. ProatdMt a.' W THE FIRST NATIONAL BAI of OREGON CITY , OREGON ; ' ' OAflTAU M0.0SO.0u Opsa rwitA.g.,,,, k Traaaasts a Oneral anang Slwsincac Or egon Qty Wood and Fuel Cdmpacv F. M. BLUHM Your wants suppilad with any quantity of 4 foot or 11 IncH ws.. Ilversd to any part of City. Fnes, raasonabl. 'v ' atlsfaetlen guaranUsd. Fhors your Home 110 , . ,Cor. 6th ., e ras'ne mmm w rMsters are lKr at be lo 10c, broil' era bring from ;;'c to 24c, with g' 1 demand. WOOl Wool prices sr ranging from lie to fie. j MOHAIR Prices on mohair have nlverslty delivered a-well received fMntrlct WESLEY M. WIRE, OF NEWBERG ELECTED PRESIDENT OF DISTRICT. a sermon which Smoker Liable to StOO SEATTLE, May 9 Smoking on nl rw-tcanr-tw with a One of im, under an ordi by tbe council. If car Superintendent Moore at 3:30 o'clock Sundsv administered the communion service. The Lrsguers ' "no passed FOREST GROVE. May 9 (Spe cial.) The recent Salem District Con vention at Forest Grove of the p- til Hi League are provided with separate smoking compartments, partitioned off no smoke will not reach women pasiteu gers, the ordinance may not be Invoked. was one of tha most successful ever held. Tbe meeting be igan with a. reception given by the local chapter to visiting delegates and was greatly enjoyed by all. After devotions on Saturday morning led by Rev. T. t- Jones a profitable half hour ii spent in, the discussion by the several chapters of the Primary" Purpose of tbe Epworth League. At the close of thla discussion pa- ' pers were read on subjects vital to a circus is a good thing ; the development of the League. After the reading of tbe papers of ficers of tbe district made their "re ports. Tbe reports called attention to tbe negligence of some of the chap ters In not sending In their monthly reports so that the district officers could mske. complete reports. , The president of the Pacific Unlver- fsity gave the delegates an urgent in vitarlon to vIbU the University. N'ear- ly an toon advantage (ne oppor i ttinity. Tia frillnm-lnv officer were lecet- a busy, taougb quiet, msater of Indus- j W(.,,eT M wnrSi Nwberg. preat , try. patting sklU Into his product. For; dent: John Woodfin, of Oregon City, 49 years be spent a happy domestic J oecond vice president; Mrs. R. U life with rne woman he did not lone Insdowne. of Greabam, third vice surrlvei Floater . Found ASTORIA, or. With Threat Cut May Special ) met at 6:45 In their regular devotional meeting with President Taylor of the forest Grove Chapter as leader. At this service Harold A. Swafford. of Oregon City Chapter, distinguished himself in one of his whlstllrer solos accompanied on the organ by Mlsa Morelta nickman. Jimr before the ev. ...-o ...v.. cup, numv luiiaurg -The Ivxlv of an untrientineri ml ine new onicers. , nl- nroat cuf wag foUDd , tt r,ver Dr. Carson of First M. B. Chureb, I opposite the city this morning. The Salem, delivered the address of the 'body waa that of a man about 40 evening. He la a new man In the coo. years old. The only things in big pock. ference, having come here the past jets were a watch and a cartridge, year from the Minnesota conference. ' The body had leen In tbe water about Forest Grove residents did them- j two weeks, selves proud aa to entertainment. The i nerved the dinner and supper at tbe ! w.OM . WIIu.wmi. a new, large, spacious' WILSONVILLE. Or.. Mav 9 wil. tor. Fin. I ' "p "m h",,,,, bro,,nt " ' OOOtUPTtOKt . ' alii J U HOO Fina. nt(h 3S5 i.ny. Qol,,ona are f ffn a . and asar T (8KH-lsl. , ,7Uc ntUm demand i 1'"; T" '1 ! ) with I " . .i.i.k.ku J "'tie uemsna. -ialiiialny.f raWr. which aover twlV " -b, P"nlshalle-,nncshwt hldea, 60. to-0c; aalt eoa.w .nraa.and hSrh rhnra BnTTll-- uncil. If car. Uc. Bheep pelts. 25c to 75c each. . ! sttfoThir DRIED FRl'ITM Local prlcea are firm at from He lo 10c on apples and t ' t nrane . Irhe ira lAe HALT- Helllna Kor lo 000 lo, flne i A?fit r 1 Bstsaey, BBgnsnuasaa IBWIbsTT; 6U in, buck, nuir grouna vk: 7 rr i m nmw. 1 Ik l I Att wiiw I . )ut"la .MhOTlut a iTilJ,ai7!!r"rr5 m m x. n n 11 a - r rf finaa imsm Pcrre-Pf c:f t n jj ! u 1 r ; f 11 1 1 i 11 I - 1 7 I r 1 1 -Til' ! If tXbS22i!iS!sl or tolea In S aaolo araaM. Thee ih l.Z.ZZ. .JlZ 1 C mmA .TTZT.-VI. J I la arwooat nm asm. Tm C J Mr Mil MHUat J kf laaa twztinzzzitftzxnzmzii f A huiuireil liMwaand palraiold I sir lo aarap. ruMumeea ped u ihkw S ordlnarf Ura, taa twiiotriramaaUna qtialioea twlna r amrerai isjrers of Uila. sixeUiir abrtonutha Irrad. Th mniUr at n XT Mto-IOrr ilii sawn iai n parpOM w sra m IH JV.ff!? 1J.. on apoemr.l. VM , a IsTS nioi no. AllaroBndikwdaai im pa a cut taUl m loo id. sacsa tt . --a "r I'lnimg. V.g.tabl. Mark!. ZZZfr&-'tZZZ SACK. VWiETAIILES - Carrot,. XXriVmZZ fill 50; turnlHi. l.;5fj 1.5(i; l-H fyTJ T . j a. lann aS..wrorW.ieIIrirgSr!11g tl.,75 fer Tate; esbbare, oew, 2 iwr nunuieoweignt; caunnower, i.50i( 11.73 per dosn; celery, California, 73c 90c per dosen; cucumbers, ll.JOfi 112.23 per dozen; eggplant, 15c per lb.; garlic, lucQ12c Mr pound; lettuce, church In their dining room and breakfast waa had at the lodging place of tbe many dele gates. - , Patronize our adrer.lsers. sonville lost to th Weona team of Portland Sunday, 4 to I. Batteries: Weonas Webb and Armspiger; Wll sonville Thornton and Hasselbiink. I'm pi re TrraWrlxer. I 50c per dozen; hothouse lettuce, 1 1.5') j 12 60 r hundred; n-w potatoes, 7r 012 per bo; peas, 9cOHc per ! ftTUe oer oound. They are still at It hot and heavy dowg In Mexico. The scrap baa de veloped beyond tbe nsual "opera president; MUs Violet Taylor, of Hllla. ( boro, fourth vice president; Miss Ro- ,mlg, -of Neberg, secertary; U Gardner, of Forest Grove, superintend ent Junior L Leslie Chapter; Salem, Invited the ffetLawiiuiKmJo next convention can Republics. Principle is at atak and principle always wlna in tbe and. . - If "Our George" Chamberlain gets Oregon City. But George baa quit a f espectable'followlng here already. with it. The invitation was accepted? Rev. Hopkins, of Dallas, was one of the ipeakers. A sunrise prayer meet ing wss conducted by President Wea- ley M. Wire. He admonished tbe a 173400 federal building, be will Leaguers to set a high Ideal and live stand sco high among tbe voters of j UD bin u,ndard for,H wM umJr Iauu ui'k vjuauui 01 rvic umi DU1IUS christian character. President Homaa of Willamette SV. . . .t I Our Cities What Has 1 ? Grow? V. . . ( 1 H ' ! o y o I o o . u ' ' ' o . i O i Oregon City Stock wuotbo . HOGS Hogs are quoted le pound; peppers, 30ctf35c per pound; , ,.,., ti.i.i 1 From IIS Iba. to 150 lbs, radishes, 15c per dozen; rhubarb. IHc r' " , ,M b JQ0 JM1 , Q3t tr pound; a p routs, e; tomatoes. I J-60 'H'r Ansirallan, , 1-1.50 per , vEAt, CALVES al ealrsi IrtaJ 2ff 13.23. iino; Texas, I: 2j per crato; Callfor- from c to loc according to rm. OTATO E8 Oregon, Jobbing price, i na. f j per rrata. o 12 I elimato snd hare the 0 American Pros Assoc latum. 1T ... - By CHAMP CLARK. Speaker of tha Housa of Representative many people are wondering how Bome of ' our cities HAVE GROWN 60 RAPIDLY snd why " - some other which are in the same nfme kind of people have not" THE Atf- SWEB IS' EASY, ' . r i "THt HAILHOADS" MAVt, MUCH TO DO WITH CITY DEVELOP ' MENT, AND THEY DESERVE MUCH OF THE CREDIT THATr IS ; DUE FOR THE RAPID GROWTH OF, SOME OF OUR CITIES. I -1 1 Take, for example, the town of St. Joseph, Mo. That town should . hsTe teen s big one and s live one. The early settlers saw its gdvan ' j -iagca and lay back waiting for prosperity to come. , , I They tlgiired that the railroads had to come to them. So they made no effort to induce the railrosds to come their way.'' What . was the result f Why, the railroads got "up on their esrs'f snd de ; died to cut 8t, Jos'off their route.;. So they went to Ksneaa City. . k'wii u now xne larger, l -loo or Kansas fjity I - '' ' 'T '-e'l ' ; ', - " f ! ' "t- ' '-'-'i' t..rf- 4 1 MAGAZINE BINDING Don't throw your magazines and periodicals away. There is much valuable information in thenMhat will never be publish ed elsewhere. The cost is little 0 CITY ENTERPRISE Our boy will call for the mag azines if you Phone. - BsssssssssssssmcsaBmrnBssasssssBSSssssssri A 'A S ! 1 :'.;.X;! '"r ' -fJi .- - . 1 BEEF BTEER8 lleef tten W t tbo local markets are letrblnf IV" SHe live weight. , . 81IKEP Are nrm at lo h weight. ' llACON, LARD and HAM, af t MOTHER OF TWELVI CMILOWt '. Mr. Cmm jtn Odsll Fit H ! . tfy at Age of 45 V;ra . - Fmma Jane Odell. daughtaf af sr ! and Mrs. C. P. War. itober It. 1I6S. In Nimrtaw Nebraska. Bba erosaed tha tiaiaiii ia7 ana cam to uresu, , , ... ..... i- aha aaa fearm ta Jamea A. Odell. In Fehraafy. 1W. at McMlnnvllle. Yamhill Cpuatr. 0 gon. Dlrd May i. 1MI. ok. ha motiar 1 twelve children, three anna ui aw daughters, three of whom ara "anm She leavea a, lerea Mirm. j.kiu... a mnlhtr.. H"' t nine granacniiurri,, - k- . slatera and one brother to w lo! ..i. heM at (V I in a reviTi -' -tc I villa. Oregon. February. I"?; 1 ed by Rev. J. W. Ein. R. Ollllha-n aa singer. n w a ana men - . , Ut of tho "Hannah Exon M?, dlst Eplacopal Church- t C2 , Oregon, of which ah . member till h-f be- life and .oont-r .took 111 and twice went cm twc. taar table, but without w the paat H month aha baai b f!.a. Mrs. Odell wa -nfiWS f rympaOi Kind t.'oVu for others while auffrrln -waa of a cheerful dlapoaltlo. ai- The writer of rnH iN,, wfioM' labors ahe waa eonj , received Into the cnun. - ,, tha veo ,nlu 1,1 . " ....hia 1 funeral aerv.ces ,., sermon from the " w g-t la the Methodlat Church . Oregon. Tha . uT ' Cbarryvllla, followed W t courao, where another "0n T pie wrrlc, was laid away to await tha m?rn' '.ri-r ,Vi.Wi-:1 Woman'e Loos m"r v ' ,LA8 AN0iaE9.May .; ; Wrapped In a aleap clana hava failed to .... hm i h ti.wklna. B0 naa . home moving Thrre tioolora. can ,: ndmlt lhcyara bafflO- bicathcrf regularly, and app rfatlnjt- pcacc(Ml.. '-' V, Llcnaatd Marry License to marry , . lav by County Cl-rS So'iatimaa and t"l-uo Ueuian ttawin. --. , here ainea c - u a biHa giui - attcntlirll ' 1 III