Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1911)
MORNING ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1911. Boost The Boy- Select for vdur boy one of the many new spring suitswe flre showing and he will be a booster for our J)oy clothing deportment, thot is our reason for booster reductions. Save money now, ' i . . - local PRicrs urt"c1rll''Aimtrt. of Csrus, was l0moo Cliy mi Thursday. Special prlcj-n m millinery for Iloost Cty. Ml"i ' (loldsrallh. Hirry BchiM-iitMirn, of Kldorsdo, was hi. city n 1 nursnay. .ii.iiUv of hat a at apodal IteML.Mliia C floldaniltb. Ur. Welln,r." of Heaver Creek, waa nreroo City on Tnuraoay. nt.n and John Jones, of Mw Ltk, w Oregon City on Thura- K ....... r.u lid will serve dinner at lilUmett "" Haturdsy. from II: JO I o'clock. wm.m x Ihiv a. a well known mrr, of 'ru, waa In tbla city on hirwlsr. hliui and Alfred Moshberser. of tikwdo, were In tbla city on Thurs- n mdi-d Hnndav achool union U ! tin Friday afternoon at 3 frlock t the Presbyterian cburch. Minna Prim advertlaea a dance for Wt'iiill mi rtaturdsv evening, aa a m of close to the nooater Day event. hi kit- : WM team of horses rtatfSM. He me about It IlLBWAFFORD, 8th and Main. I ton, Wednesdsy evening at 10:30 YAthe wife of D. Guentber, of JertaWJohn Qulncy Adaroa at wit a, I aa Hi la la the nrst eon in me mtr family, and there la great toHtf over bis advent. fm a beautiful la Gludatone; I them to sell. J. L 8WAFTORD. Tk Bobble Durna Society will give iMKrh entertainment In Woodman Vlloo Saturday evening, April 29. the BttrUInment beginning at S o'clock. ktos are aclllnit at SO cents, and re tehnents are served free. I want to sell her trow'Tif e me. Ijos want to buy pot home see me. J. U 8 W AFFORD. 1 (Mm hnullne- terse timbers for m PlinlnK mill at Mountain View roki a rearh at the corner of Main wlTtath streets Tburaday afternoon N the luad lumDed the right wheel f tie wagon and stopped progress. u ncrRtry to unload tne wagon Wors repairs could be made. PCOPLE POINTED OUT Ml. If 1 l.lndahl nt WoodhurS. ku la thli city the nrat of the week Mm with relatives and frlenda. Mlit Mary Mitchell ls working In I'M Office nf ('mint Aaaeaanr J. E Pt. for tevrriil montha. I nuwaifj DLU1IID Aim llllv Un.ktM r u I . i polfht ln California, are expected Oregon City Wood and Foci Company F. M. BLUHM Yosr wants supplied with any quantity of 4 foot or 16 Inch wood ds Itvtrtd to any part of City, Prloss, reasonable. Mlifactlon guarantssd. Phone your orders. Horns B-110 . Cor. 6th and Center, Hlflo Main 3602 x Oregon City. If Wouldn't Pay A Poor Article ' Nr a proposition of doubtful merit or honeaty for ad-rsaders, .Uys, are DISCRIMINATING. They know valuss they know NUIN8 things, genuine opportunities. ' ' Any article whloh ean bo told by advertising la, by that test, 000 artiels. YOU ara safe in buying a thing whloh has "stood rs of publicity." . " " - ' ' ' ' .'." Th maker of a widely gdvsrtlssd 'article, or commodity, Is al on trial for his buslnsss life. He esnnot shirk, nor cheapen his ruct snd thla Is ths best possible protection for the oonsumsr. u are SAs-K In buying advertised things It's the ' loglo of dsys business eondltlona.-' ', ' ' to arrive In Oregon City this week. Miss llunny Owenby baa accepted a position with tb ytlnon A Cooke firm and will commence her duties the Aral of the month. Mra. (ivorge Batdorf, of I'ortland, waa In tbla city on Wedneaday and vlNlted Mra. Millard Hyatt, of Wlllam tte.. Mr. Alvlu Milt, of Waabougal, Waah., will arrive In tbla city on Sat urday for a visit wUh 4 alater, Mlaa MaM Mills. ' Miaous Helen - and . Ueaiile -Daulton will entertain at their home on the Went glde Monday evening in honor of Mlaa Kdlih Cheney, of Portland. Mra. Charlea Ulubm and two child ren, of Portland, who have been vlalt Ing with Mrs. niuhm'spriHe,-Mr, and Mrs. J. M. Mark, of the Weat Side, have returned to their bome. . Mr. Calvin Kocher, one of the well known builneaa men of Canby, waa in ihla rtt on hiialneaa In connection with his father's hardware and Imple ment bouae, rocemly eatabllHbed in tbla city. Mra A. ftravea. WllO till been Vla- Itlng with her alater, Mra. Jamea Daw haa rsturned to her home at Cooka, Waah.. and waa accompanied a far aa Portland by her niece, wiaa Kdlth Dawson. . Mlaa JoaU Curran. who has been teluphon operator for the Home Tele phone Company for aeveral years, haa eenta,4 twtaltlon with that Pacific States Telephone A Telegraph Com pany, and win commence ner auuea with that company the Drat of the month. LINEN SHOWER GIVEN. Mra. C. H. Malaaner Entertains in Honor of Mies Edith Cheney. rin nf the aortal affairs of the week waa the luncheon given by Mra. C. H. Melaaner at her home on Seventh street, the affair being In' honor of Mlas Edith Cheney, whose marriage to Mr Thntnaa Keith, of Portland. Will be aolemnlied In thla city on April 26. The luncheon was in tne rormji a linen abower for the bride-to-be, and very pretty artlclee were received by Mlaa Cheney. The gueeta of Mra. Melaaner were the members or me '0111-11 Club, formerly the C. N. S. Club. The table decorations were of daffodils. Present were Mrs. Hugh Hendry, ura wilt.. Walla. Mrs. M. D. La- tourette, Mlaa Helen Daulton, Mlaa Deaal Daulton, Mlaa June cnarmmu, Mtaa Kdna Caufield. Mlaa Clara Cau- field, Mlas Edith Cheney. T Quick Returns Received. , ihm Mornlna En terprise printed a elaaBlfiedl.advertlee- ment for tne aaie ui m wui j-, 2 The pper was on the el 6 o'clock and at 8:30 two lioira and a half later the team was sold to a reader who aaw the advertisement for the first time in the Morning Enter prise. Moral: Get Into tne motoidb Enterprise eariy in me muiu.uB. to Advertise I J POST LENTEN PARTY BY MRS.THE0. OSMOND BRIDGE JS THE DIVERSION OF THE EVENING DECORATIONS OF WILD FLOWERS. Iirlda; wss the main feature of a post I-flnten party given by Mra. Theo dore Osmond at her home on Wednes day evening; at which 34 guests were pruacnt. Tbo prizes Went to Mra. U K. Jones. Mra. H. K. StralKht and Ml-s Dolll Pratt. KefreMhmnnta w-re aerved during the evening. The rooms were very prettily decorated for thla occasion In OrKon wild flowers. R- rroHnments Were served during thwj err in nn. Proarnt Mrs. Henry O'Malley, Mrs. John AdHms. Mrs. J. W. Moffstt, Mrs. J. H. Walker, Mrs. W. A. Shew, msn. Mrs. I A. Morris. Mrs. L. E. Jorios, Mrs. J. R. Humphreys, Mrs. H. E. BtrolKht, Mrs. E. T. Fields, Mrs. Alfred Osmond, of Portland; Mrs. W. R. Ixwus, Mrs. Anna Hayes, Mra. Wal ler Wella, Mrs. C. H. Caufiold, Mra. E. P. Rands, Mrs. E. A. Chapman, Mrs. O. W. Eaatham, Mrs. M. D. Ivitourette, Mrs. C. D. Mtourette, Mrs. E. T. Avl son, Mrs. C. H. Melssner, Mrs. Don Meldrum, Mrs. Hush Hendry, Mrs. C. W. Evsns, Mrs. Henry Meldrum, Mrs. W. E. Pratt, Mra. Gertrude Lewtb walte. Mlaa Marjorte Csuneld. MInh (Ms Prat, Mlas iKillle Pratt, Miss Nell Catifleld, Mlaa Marjoiie Cauflqld, Mlaa Vedii Williams, Mlas Cora Osmond, of Portland. . CORRESPONDENCE BARLOW. Mra. George Zlegler entertained the Ladles' Aid of the Lutheran cburch Thursday. .Many of the ladlea of the Aid were present, besides Mrs. Mac tin, mother of Mra. Henry Zlegler, of I'ortland, Mra. . Chris Zloglor and mother, Mrs. Dental, of Duttervllle, and Mra, Jake Yost. - All enjoyed the afternoon and will be pleased to meet with Mra. Zlegler again. , A number of the entlemeif members of the rburrh were also present. Including Rev. A. O. White, of Sllverton. 1 Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gil bert son, a boy, April 12. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Parmenter, April 14, a boy, and to Mr. and Mrs. Oakesjr.11 It. & boy. Mothers and sons all doing well. J. J. Wurfel and ' daughter,; Irene, went, to Portland la lheauto8atur day. Miss Anderson went to Astoria, her homo, on, a visit over Banter. She returned Monday morning. . Mr. and Mra. Wurfel and daughter, Irene," and Mr. and Mrs. -C. O. Tull, motored out to Will Wauera Sunday. The basket social held In the halt Monday evening by the United Luth eran church wai a success, .the ladles doing well financially, Jim Klmsey, of McCleayv-brother of Mrs. W. 8. Tull. Is very HI at Mrs. Tull'B with bemmorage of thestom ach. Mr. Klmaey's mother, also of McCleay. Is with him. Jim Jesse, of- Portland, visited bis narcnta here Tuesday Mr. and Mrs.. Perry Keebaugu and Mr. Keebaugb'a two children left Monday morning for Mllwsukle, where they will locate for a-wnue. J. A. Andrews visited bla mother and other relatives In New berg last week. Miss Llsxle Zimmerman and Miss Clara Larson, who are employed in Portland, and Ferdy and Freddie Rod' by. also of Portland, called on Mlas Hattle Irwin Sunday evening. Grandma Quint haa fully recovered from the grippe. Mrs. Jas. Erlckson'a sister. Miss Wrolstad. of Minnesota, la visiting ber. Miss Wrolstad expects to remain with her sister for an indefinite time. - W.-B. Tull and .Walter HawawantiMessrs. At.J. and Ed Confer and I to Portland Tuesdsy. Will Tull won the flullt which was raffled by the ladlea of. the United Lutheran church Monday Xvenlng, We are at a loss to know why some neople have ao much troubleVwIth their neighbors and the town boys. Moral: Treat your neighbors and the boys with respect, and they will do the same by you. Fred Frendlln celebrated hla 16th birthday Saturday - by Inviting - his many friends to spend the evening. A merry time waa enjoyed ty ail. Mrs. Gllbertson died Wednesday at five 0'dock with heart trouble. JENNINGS LODGE. - Mr-mil Mra. Prank Daw returned home on Monday after a week'a visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ger- ber. at Logan Harold and Jennie Pratt, of Carus, sient Saturday at the Lodge with their former achoolmatea at this place Mrs. Conway and children apent Friday with friends at Fenton. Mr. and Mrs. L. Wilcox and chll dren were over Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rlcketts in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Cushlng and Mr. and Mrs. Hancock motored out from Port' land on Sunday and were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Emmons. Other callers at the Emmons' home re Mr. Arm strong, of Oregon City and Mr. ana Mrs. Powers, of Meldrum, Mrs. West, of Minnesota, who haa spent tho paet year with her son and family, of Dundee, Oregon, and while enroute to her home, is spending a few days with Meldrum friends, tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gill. Miss Maude Smith, of Oregon City, is spending the week with Miss Mabel Morse. ' Edson Downing was a business vis- inr st th Lotlge during the weer Th Pastime Club met at tbo home mra HoRthman April 17. There were 11 present, and a very pleasant time was spent, and the hostess served deitnlous rsfreshments. The guest of honor wae Mrs. West, Of Minnesota. The next regualr meeting will bo held at tho homo of Mrs. Wm. Gardner on April t5. Mra. T. C. Rica has rented her cosy little cottage on AddIO street to Mr. and Mrs. Varney, and Mra. Rice ex pects to make her home at present In Newberg. Mrs. Rico haa many friends who regret very much thit she has decided to leave this place, but the best of wishes go with her to her new home. Mr. and Mrs. Booth, and baby Dor othy are pleaaantly located at Rock Lodge, on th. banks of the WIHm otter The Booth family were formerly from California. , A "a number of our people enjoyed Faster services. Bt the Portland chuche. Rev. Morris Heverllng preached a beautiful Easter sermon it the Chapel at this place. It Is In deed great credit to tha Lodge poo- p'e to bo able to bear such delightful sermons aa Rev. Heverllng preaches from tlmo to time. In the evening a program, consisting of song service, Scripture reading, prayer and a reci tation by Doris palnton and dialogue by Ullln and Frances Bandstrom. recitations by Fred Bandstrom, ,Etta Strain and Mary Jane Palnton; "What the Llllies Ssy," y Bessie Roberts, Lillian Bandstrom, Doris Pulnton and Ruth Truscott; Duet by Helen Palnton, and Mable Bladen; ex ercises by Frsnk Jones, Harry Bladen, Newton Strain, Clyde Jonea, Arthur Roberts and Donald McKarlane, and a reading by Miss Leah man; song by the little folks. Tbo chapul decora tions were of 111 lies and ferns, and was comfortably filled at the evening service. Mr. Alex Gill commenced making brick at bis yards on Saturday, and expects to make a larger number than during previous reasons. The P. D. Newell family are enjoy ing a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Watson and children, of Seaside, and Mra. Crlss, of Rlverview, California. Mr. Geo. Morse left on Wedneaday for Yamhill and Tillamook. Parties were out looking for a de sirable location for a store building at this place. Wilson Miller, of Portland, spent Sunday with the T. J. Spooner family. Mr. Umbdonstock, who recently pur chased the McClure property, has a lurxo force of men building a modern snd pretty bungalow. Mr. James Welch has been making some decided improvements on bis place, a new room being added, and a well also being drilled. . ... MOUNTAIN VIEW. O. A. Vanhoy built a new walk around hla house last week. Mrs. O. 8.. Martin, of Madras, and three children arrived here Wednes day evening of last week to visit with Mrs. A. 8. Martin. She will go out to Highland and visit with ber par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Maxson. . -The -men's business club of Moun tain. View will meet In the firemen's b.all Tuesdsy evening. . ilrs. j. Gorbett is on the sick list. KlTe Is out visiting ., relatives and friends In Colton thla week, and will get the mountain breete.- Mra. J. Everhart, of Molalla, apent the past week among relatives and fiiendsher and returned home Tues day. - J Friday evening of laat week, caused'' . by-the marriage of Mrs Ida Cooper to Frank Vorheis, on Thursday even ing, April' IS, by Rev. 8- A. Haywonh. George Carrigan, of "Rainier, apent a few dnya here last weeic wun nis sister, Mrs. Mnn ing businesa college tn roruana. was. the guest of Mrs. George JS.verhart last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, of Beaver Creek-, were the guests of Mrs. R. M. C. Brown and family Monday. - Mlsa Mabel Francis wss on the sick list Tuesdsy and Miss Ruby Francis took charge of her school at Mount Pleasant. Mra. W G. Hall and Mrs. J..Ever hast. spent last week, Friday and Sat urday, -at Rockwood, aasistlng Mr. Everhart in the store. O. A. Vanhoy haa Golden- ,i. i ki. ri.n.hter and will dale to visit hla daughter and will go out to the ranch to see hla son Claude. - Mr. Buibe and family, of the West Side, have moved Into Mra. 8. Haun's bouse on Roosevelt street. . ' Mra. Brayton, of Parkplace, Is the guest of Mrs. A. MauU. . Mrs. A. O. Hickman made a trip' to Portland. Maple Lan. Grange was well rep resented at the Pomona at Parkplace laat week, aa there were alx from her and aeven from Maple Lane pres ent. E. D. Barto had relatives arrive Sunday from the East They expect to locate here. Miss Gertrude Schwack is staying with Mrs. Vanhoy during Mr; Van hov'a absence In Washington.' J. M. Gtllett are doing concrete work In tho cemetery. There waa a large attendance at tho Mountain View Sunday achool on laat Sunday . to hear Rev. Proctor. He gay an Easter sermon which waa en Joyed by all. "He baa promised to come again In the-near future to talk to the boys on the "Scout" organiza tion. The Primitive Baptists will hold ser vlces at the Mountain View Church again Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. The funeral of J. P. Alllaon will be preached Sunday morning. ' TWILIGHT. Everybody will be in Oregon City next Saturday to take In the sights. The achool children observed arbor day with appropriate exerclsea last Friday afternoon by planting treea and flowers to adorn the achool grounds, which will add much to the appear ance. ' L. L. Boylan and family were guests of Mrs. Martin, of Oregon City, Sun day. Mr. Scheer has old his home to parties from Castle Rock. Washington, snd they expect to be with ua soon. We welcome our new neighbors into our midst. Mr. Charles Snooks, of Vancouver, waa here over-Sunday, visiting with his parenta, Mr. and Mrs. huooks. Mr and Mrs "Geo. Schrelner'a rela- Reil wood were dinner ...aa.a taat Rundav at their home, Thomss Kelland had the misfortune tn Inaa a very VS UBDIO norso inai Monday. , riRWOOD. August Stuckl passed away on Eas ter Sunday at S P. M. at the Good Samaritan Hospital. Portland, after nnilArtrnlnir ATI operation for appendi cltls. His father and mother and two brothere were with him to conuur. him in his Buffering. The body was PUT UP AND FEED Whsn In Oregon City at Farmer's Feed Yard 308 Main Strost Bsst of Care Given All Animals er Stock Loft With Ua. W. G. DOYCR taken to bis homo at Flrwood Mondsy evening. Funeral services were held st tho house at one o'clock and at tho grave at Sandy at three o'clock, on Wednesdsy, April 19. August Stuckl was born August 2nd, 1885, native of Hlnlvell, Switzerland, came to Amer ica In 1803 and bas resided at Fir wood ever since. He leaves a father, mother and two brothers Gustavo and God fried three sisters Ida, Ber tha and Mrs. Annie Lemper all 11 v 4ng at Flrwood. Ho also leaves many friends, as he was beloved by all who knew him, being a young man of good character, having no bad habits.. In dustrious, and a higher, unawrsund ing of spirituality thsn Is ' common among young men.' Miss Jennie LeGrande left Monday for Newberg, Oregon, where she ex pects to visit for a coupje of weeks Fred LeGrande left for Canada, where bla people live. Ray Howe and Jack Lawless re turned from Eastern Oregon last week snd seem glad to get back to Flrwood. The Easter program given by the children was enjoyed by all. A large crowd listened to the lec ture given bv, W. J. Wirtx, Sunday afternoon. The subject wss "Fear." A very good subject, snd a better talk eould not have been wished for.' The Flrwood people certainly appreciate Mr. Wlrtz's talks, and feel greatly benefitted by them. He will lecture again in two weeks, April 30. Mr. I. T. Hart, of Pleasenton, Neb., Is visiting friends and relatives lu this vicinity. MILWAUKIE. The Crystal theatre will put on light vaudeville for Thursday night of this week from their Portland moving pic ture concern, the "Empire," on lower Third. Mr. Brady and family left Wednes day night- on the steamer Roanoke, bound for California. They expect to return to Oregon, however, after a prolonged visit with relatives there. Druggist Hanson, Geo. Taylor and Frank Wlnsenreld were among the fana who visited the ball game Tues day. Jlramle Mathews, our barbeTTj will attend Thursday. He Is an en tbuslsst of no mean order,' and will bet anything from a needle td an an chor on the results. He also has a bad Canadian quarter he is filling to wager on the game. TheCatbollcs will build a church and school on the property recently purcbssed of the Lewelllng estate, A wireless from- Lydia Bottemtiier and Miss Ganlard announces that they were having a grand time at Santa Barbara, (on-the 15th and 10th) the paradise of California. They expect to visit Tla Juana and, go. over the border line into Mexico, and have tne novoky of dlspatchlng-Mexican,. post - - - - " - ,r- , nMIpnn "J I v I . . . . -Ti n 1 1 J as uvhw uw "'" gw- , get tbem. . " CANBY. Miss Hattle Hutchinson, who Is en gaged at work In Portland, spent Sun day with her mother, of thla place, i . Miss Hattle Bents, of Aurora, waa a visitor ofMrs. C. C. Hutchinson's on Saturday. Misses Hattle Myers and Fay Va heer. of Portland, apent Sunday with Miss Myers' mother In thls place. Mlas Anna Krueger. of Portland, is home with the mumps. She came home Friday last. Rev. O. C. Love, of Portland, spent one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Lee. Relatives of the Rider family are here from the East visiting with them. The children of Ellas E. Mott are here on account of his sickness. Mr, Mott is very weak, but Is Improving slowly. Mrs. 8amuel Rider has gone to Spo kane to. reside with her daughter, Mra. Chute. Mrs. Elvlna Saltmarsh has started the erection of a new dwelling on one of her lota on the aouth aide of town it la to he a modern bungalow. '.Warren Lee'a family all have the menalea. The Ladles' Aid met with Mrs. Kari TCeToAn on Tnesda W. II. Lucke'e house, in process of construction, is showing up fine. The chimney for the fireplace is almost enm Dieted. There are several buildings being erected at present. One an auto gar- age 50x40, being erected by White and Scheer. Another a feed atable 6x115, he In a- erected by Mr. 8trubhar. and a lumber warehouse 32x100, being erec- tt kt Jas. Adklns ana w. h. L.ucse, Rev. C. L. Creesy waa at 8alem on Monday of this week. Wants, For Sale, Etc NotlcM under thee claaalflad tiMdtnsa will be lnaafa at ons c-ni a wore, " Ina-rtlon. half a eent addltlooal tar tlona. One Inch card. It r month; halt Inch card. (4 lines) l per month. Caah must accompany ordar unless on has an open account with ths papsr. No financial reapon.lbllltjr for error.; wher. rrors occur free corrected notice will b nrlnted for natron. Minimum chares lie WANTED. VACUUM CLEANING done for BO cents an hour. Call Pacific SUtes 249L . WANTED To buy first class pota toes, highest cash paid. Bigger A Son. ' . WANTED Girl, experienced choco late dipper. Inquire 703 Main Street. MEN AND WOMEN SOUCITORS wanted. Big money. Salary basis. Call Electrlo Hotel Thursday after B a. m. Mr. Matthew. WANTED You to know that we, buy all kinds of Curios, that we are in the market for second hand Furni ture and Tools. We also have a good assortment of second hand Furniture and Tools on hand for aale to those In need. Come and sea: nerhftDS we have Just what you want. Indian Curios and trinkets for Bale cheap; some that are very unique and also very rare. GEORGE YOUNG, Main near nun street. FOR SALE. FOR SALE OR TRADE 280 egg "Mandy Lee" Incubator, good as new. H. O. Hartshorne, Wilsonvllle. " Oregon. TWO CORNER LOTS 14th and Center streets, one diock irom car -nun, good seven room house, all modern Improvements; barn and chicken run. Price $3600; terms. .Clyde A McRae, 1003 Main Street WARM FOR RENT. 60 acree In high state of cultivation, partly seeded to clover, large nounw, large barn, orchard, outbulldlnga, When yots give an ot&zt at this store you can absolutely rest assured that the order will be filled with positive ftielty. No substitution or careless- ness. We are paid to You receive the greatest attention when the order la given. It Is filled correctly and delivered to' the, min ute. Courtesy and painstaking care form a largo part of our business success and you may bo euro WE KNOW you appreciate that kind of treatment. Send us a trial order today and let us show that we know how to please you and retain your custom. . A few specials this week Walla Walla Asparagus, Nsw ripe Tomatoes, Hot House Let tuce. . ; J. E. 9ih and Main Sts. seven miles southeast of Oregon City, 400 acres under fence. $300 per year. Team and wagon and im plements can be bought at a reason able figure.' B. F. Linn, 712 Polk 8L, Oregon City, Oregon, for par ticulars. , BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR. HARRY JONES Builder and General Contractor. Estimates . cheerfully given on all claases of building work, concrete walks and reinforced concrete. Rea. Phone Mala HL ATTORNEYS. O. D. EBT. Attorney-at-Law, Money loaned, abstracts furnished, land titles examined, estates settled, gen eral law business. Over Bank of Oregon City.. U'REN SCHUEBEL, Attorneys-at-' Law, Deutacher Advokat, will prac tice In all courts, make collections 'and settlements. Office in Enter prise Bldg Oregon Cltv. Oregon. FRETTAO MONET, Real Estate Dealers, 'have choice bargalna In farm lands, city and suburban good fruit lands And, poultry ranches. Bee us for good buys.' Near S. P. depot. SECOND HAND FURNITURE. NEW STORE. NEW G00D8. When I moved Into my new atdrs I put In a nice Ime of NEW FURNI TURE, which I am selling at ths pri ces usually quoted for second hand or Reel Fffeel Fs?ee THIS ELEGANT LARGE SIZE ROCKER Will be given away to all oar customer trading at our store and paying caah. With every 10c purchase we give one purple trad ing stamp. Such stamps so obtained are to be pasted in the blank squares on the pages of a book. When all are covered, bring the book to our store and select from our assortment of premiums the article yon like best. It becomes yours absolutely free of charge. This Rocker exactly like picture is worth si dollars and will be given away for two books. This is only one of the values we ara giving away, and you are invited to inspect them all. ,..t. .. FRANK BUSCH SSS' Furniture and Hardware please you. -quality in everything Fsncy Dry Peaches S pounds for. 25c Sultana Raisins S pounds for 25c Dry White Figs 100 pound. ' SEELEY Oregon City, Ore. shop-worn goods. Come In and look around. Fine line of curies and rollee. - GEORGE YOUNG. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. V. R. HYDE, Abstract Office Land titles Investigated, conveyan cing, notary public - in i iw vvi H avn ui U0MPET1T0RS COPY Room 7, Barclay Bldg Oregon City. E. H. COOPER, For Fire Insurance and Real Estate. Let us handle your properties we buy, sell and exchange. Office in Enterprise Bldg., Oregon City. Oregon. DR. NEHRBAS PAYS HIS. Other Slaners of the Note Want Him to Pay All of It. The suit of Mervin and Dove againai Dr. H. R. Nebxbas, of thla city, went to the Jsry Thursday night. The three men signed a several note for $1000, and Nebrbas insisted that the Instru ment was a joint note and paid one- r It The contention of Merwln and Dove is that Nehrbaa is liable tor the face of the note, upon which they were only sureties, and they were compelled to pay the balance of $636. Postmsster at Hubbard. WASHINGTON, D. C. April 20. Lawrence M. Scholl-waa today ap pointed postmaster at Hubbard.