Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1911)
BOOSTER DAY EDITION BOOSTER DAY EDITION MOWING Iufc.orlptloo for the MornJng -; In rp. will bo f.lvtd for "ds.t bs-eflt r low price. A aft ERTO.SE Tho only dally newsoaoer " tween Portland and Saloen; le . him mwmrm ihiihi n mia A aaaa r.Auntw. wltK a naaiilatlaM af O) 30.000. Are you an advertiser . VOL 1-No. 90 OREGON CITY, OltEGdN, SATUHDAY,, APRIL 22, 1911. Per Week, 10 Cehtb E NT TO ABDICATE MAY 5 PLAN PRES. DIAZ THI VICE PRESIDENT CORRQL, CHARGED WITH BIINO Hit CA8ALLISTIC partner. IjLL RH IRE AND RtSCJND PROMISE Addrtti Prepared for tho Ooooslon Clilm Made-iAnnlverssry of Dlsi' Groat Victory Ovor fjanch. SECOND ANNUAL m ITS S1KD W and Booster Day Ssxtxirdexy, April 22 Und.r tho Auspices of tho Oregon City Commercial Club. Committee: O. D. Eby, D. T. McBaln, Frank Buacb, M. D. Latouretto, J. E. Hedges, M. J. &selle, oecrotary. UEXICO CITY. April 1 1. (Special.) -Humor has It thllt Dlas will resign oo M7 5 t ! that when Vlco president t'orrol rrlvoo In Europe, shirk will be In fw daya, bo will ruble that hi .health It not food aa bo kid boned and that In view of tbla bo li forced l" roil r" from actlvo life. Thli relieve Dlai of any csballlo tWt and be will then, retlro. ntu has nhown many tralta of loyal ly to the Mexican people and tbla may be (be uir nie aaeriflco that la to bo uied of him. May 6 ho la planning to review tho Mexloan troopa at Pue bl, sbeie ho mado bio memorable victor over (ho French, and aa tbo far lll be tho anniversary of thai treat bo may chooee to, In tho ahadow of that treat victory, resign and retire to irivate llfo. It hi Mid further In tbla connection ikt DIm has farewell addroao pro sired for tbla occasion, and that bo II deliver thla with groat eclat and iVra abdicate. If he carrlea out thla trrtrtm It la aald that bo will at ones keronv jhe miat popular man In tho ttka. To prove that ho baa no pnark he thla morning pardoned hiW of prisoners, among them bo b itrsl Americana. . PROGRAM OF EVENTS 9:00 a. m. Balloon ascension at w'uat end Suspension Bridge. 10:30. Parade leavea Third and Main streets, and movea to Twelfth and Main and returns to Main and Fourth atreeta. 11:00. Judging horses at Main and Fourth atreeta. Judging will continue until completed In order aa Hated In tho Premium Llat. 11:30. Bllde for life from Suspension Bridge. . 1:00 to 3:30 p. m. Concert by Oak Grove Glrla Band; Prof. Drlacol director, on Court House Lawn. t.OO. Dancing In tho famous Buacb Hall, Main and Eleventh atreeta. 3:30. High dive from tho Suspension Bridge Into tho Willamette River. 4:00. Slide for life from Suspension Bridge. . . a - 3:00. Orand Ball, Buocb Hall. US , " . 1:00. Scotch entertainment In tbo Woodmen Hall. ; ORDER OF PARADE -1 Flrat Dlvleion." Mounted Marshals: M. J. Laxelle, P. A.Kloontra, Chaa. E. Nash. Oregon Cltjr Band, Bert Nash, Director. First Carriage: Hon. O. D. Eby, Hon. Geo. C. Brownell, Hon. R. B. Beatle, Hon. J. K. Hedges. . When a duck lays an egg she Just waddles off aa If nothing has happened. When a ben laya an egg there's a h I of a noise. The hen advertises. Hence the 4 demand for ben's eggs Instead, of duck'a. - ARRESTED IN PORTLAND. George W Mate Charged With Larcny In Justloo Samson a Court. Constable Brown 'went to Portland Thursday wltb ft warrant for George W NHta- who Uvea In nladatnna but works In the Rose City. Nate la charxed with larceny In entering a dwelling house for plunder. It la aald to be a bad case and In conaeqeunco Justice Samson set tbo bond, when Maie waa Drougni neiore mm, ai ouu. Nate could not raise the bond and wit annt to Jail. He will bo given preliminary Bearing tnis morning at 10 ociooa, Dior BBmnon. Two Qood Real Estate Deala. Tha raal aatata Arm of Elliott A 8nn arhlrh racantlv sold tha Horn- shuh place at Beaver Creek for 10, 000, haa Juat clooed another good deal, mis Deing mo lhck uavia rm Heavr Creek, which consists Of 105 acres, and waa aold for $10,000. These two sales nave been mane auring tne past ween, ana overai omer irana fra which ara considered to be food ones, will no d?Obt be closed within a few days. BAUQUET TUESDAY EVE ; GLADSTONE CHURCH FIVE GOOD SPEAKERS ON THE PROGRAM WITH VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. rlar Driving Teams Single Drivers . Saddle Horaea Shetland Pontea INSURGENTS DEMAND . (fourth of tha Committees In tha linatoVoto 7 to 4 Against. 8IIINQTON, April 31 (8peclal) -TV I rat real outbreak of tho Ineur wf 1 tho Senate came today. "Xt landing of tbo 8-nate committee on Itteea the Insurgents, beaded by U rullette, mado ft demand that they W lvn representation on the com altters In proportion to the noses tbey tu count, being about one-fourth of U total. Tho proposition waa defeat, it ky a vote of aeven to four. At that the Inaurgenta forced ft vote m the propoaltlon. Tbo statement it given out that the fight la to woa take shape over tha proposition m to whether or not Taft la to bo the tudldate of a united party. Draft Horaea Draft Teams ' Coach Horaea Coach Teama Standard Bred Horaea 7 Second D'vlalon. , Oak Grove Glrla Band. Prof. Driacol, Director,,. Second Carriage, (Mitchell Auto, C. O. Miller, driver) Hon. D. K. Bill, Hon. T P. Randall, Dr. M. C. Strickland, Hon. W. A. Dimlck. Floats Decorated Rig Comical Riga O. A. R. Drum Corpa 3AY THEY'RE JTHE OOA"T aaaaaaaaaaawaaa CHICAOt). III.. April 31. (Special) -Paper makers In seaslon bero say they are the goat In this reciprocity Srht, and they are making an effort to organize to cars for their own Inter. Mtl. POLITICS IN THE VISITS. SALEM, or, April 31. (8peclal.) Tb plsn of Gov. Weat to visit all the IrrtrMlon projects n tho Btat Is toktd upon by some aa ft political "or in tho Interest of , reflection. V l planning to visit all parts of tho 't, and talks entertainingly of tho to come. ttvTtt4oo4 ! WraTuro rootritT ' OrOsTOn fit amrl fArf 1 Atillo JsV Showers and cooler Saturday, Orcein Showers In the north- Mt section: cooler. I a . Ptronu our advertlaers. Special Booster Day Bargains Amtrlcsn peopls llks to bo """Uonaei 'Hlltl ul nl 0,v o,oln"o Ul.i . ..... 1 " 1 w Mel , wir th bsat elothoo made In 1m I 01 olot" maao in "r ne money. Wo are onor at special roduetlons on ftaVftlV. M " ce Bf others IXCLUtiVE CLOTHI1M '., ' V M,t UU Others , j , f, th'and Main Ma. O. A. R. Colors and Guard . O. A. R. Company, Under Command of Adjutant H. S. Clyde. BALLOO ASCENSION ill AT 9 O'CLOCK TODAY BRING THE CHILDREN TO SEE IT AND ENJOY THE SIGHT YOURSELF. Thero will be ft balloon aacenslon gt an early hour thla morning 9 o'clock. Don't forget thia, for you never get tired of aeelng balloon as- .cenmona, ana mis ia promised aa one of tho most successful acts of the whole show. a nH Ir vmi ilnn't rsra fur it your self remember that the youngsters do, and Shat you may get enjoyment from It In aeelng them happy. Tbey will be young but once you have found that out yourself ao don't permit them to mlsa any enjoyment that la within tholr reach. Tho Joya of youtu are the onea that nab i ha len imDresslon on the mind hnvo you ever -stopped to think of that? And you aurely want tho boys and glrla to remember you aa tha Hnnreat Daddv ft Daddr who al ways planned for their enjoyment. 80 let them enjoy tbo oaiioon ascension Imlav and later take them into the shows, buy them red lemonade and hot peanuta and 1 they are reai amau but a toy balloon. rvwt hn ailnarv luat because you know how loosen up, and next aura .h.n a rainstorm Is comlnc UD and you are atralnlng every nerve to save some crop, watch the boya and glrla dig In to help you to pay uaaay back for the good time he gavo thew on Booster Day, In Oregon City. Mre. W. L. Utile, Mrs. A. W. Blount, Mrs. J. u Barry, Mrs. unanea moooii. Mrs. Henry wetsier, Mra. h. J. uig rir Mra Pharlea R. Ttlims. Sr.. Mra Barton Barlow, Mra. W. E. Burns, Mrs. into rout. Mra. u. w. rvenj, airm. T. F. O'Neil, Mrs. W. Johns, Mra. Her bert Hannifin, Mrs. Ia O. Ice, Miss Vela Kelly, Mlsa Florence Barry. Mar garet Miller, John Hastings William I Ian em I nam GOING TO MANILLA. Purchases . Property Hero Before fttartlna an Lena Journov. r C. II. Mieike, who haa been visiting In thla rlt tha meat of Ma sister. Mra. Henry Streblg. will leave for San Francisco this evening ana rrom tnero will go to Manilla, where ho will re sume his dutlea as chief-yeoman. Mr. Mlelke haa completed four years' service in the navy, and baa re-en- Hated, but has not yet been aaslgned to ft ahlp. . While In this city be purchased nmrwrtv nnsfBtlna- of fltin acre ad- lolnlns tha nroiertv of Mr. and Mra. il. W Btreuig. ho lntenaa to locate in thla city at some future time. FRIENDS GIVE RUSH ' IN H0I10F EVENT WEDDING DAY SET FOR NEXT WEDNESDAY, APRIL 88 MANY NICE PRESENTS. '" Win Veta Louise Kelly, wbo-o-.mar- rlage to Mr. Leuls warry win wu place In thla city on Wednesday morn- InKs AUMI atw. " . laneoua rush by her friends on Wed nesday afternoon at the home of her i t, n tna of Center street. The event proved to bo ft moat delight- ful fttiair. . ..... Miss Keliy. who was taken com pletely by surprise, was the recipient of many beautiful glfta. Tho after noon waa devoted to music and guese lng contests. Mrs. A. Blount winning the prise In the contest. Mrs. Ice waa assisted In tho entertainment of her guesta by Mrs. Henry Wetsier. The reception ball, living and dining rooms were rery prettily decrtd11 ferna. hyacinth, bright colored tullpa and narclHsus. ', ' Present were Mra. M. B. Clancey, Mrs. F..TBarl0W4 Mrs. F..8.. J' Mrs. 0. L Hastings, Mrs. J. Miller, WOULD CONDEMN LAND FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY CLACKAMA8 SOUTHERN RAILWAY ASKS COURT TO SET PRICE ON BIGHAM LANDS. Tho Clackamas Southorn Railway Co.. which Is constructing ft railroad fmm ' Orairiin Pllv rnwaril TlAavar Creek, today filed a suit against M. D. ana uoort-e Hia-nam to conaemn a strln of land 471 feet long and 100 feet wide for a right of war through BlghnmS land. Tho company values tha atrln at 17K. The nronertr Is In the northeaat aectton pf the city and waa the cause or uignam having k. M. Swift arrested a few weeks ago for trespass. Swift Is conducting tho company's operations at that point. Tho railway company is represented by Attorneys O. D. Kby and O. B. Dlmick. "Three dollars ft minute," said the yoWh who had asked the long s1tano telephone rate between him and tho lady fair. "Yes, sir," said Jho tele phone clerk. "I guess I'm" not on speaking terms with her," sighed the youth, sadly counting out $2.60 In his purse. Detroit Saturday Night. THE LIVE WIRES. GOVERNOR WEST AT HIGH SCHOOL Thm Am hannttat in ha vlvan hv the newly-organized Brotherhood of tho Gladstone Christian church will occur on Tuesday evening, April 25. Pre parations bava been made for ft very enjoyable time and ft good program la in preparation. Tbo male quartet will in aavnral nnmbera and there will bo piano and violin selections. Tbo h.nfln. a.iii h. nrnnaraa dt tni iauie of the church, and It goes without say- lng that ft bounteous least wm im There will bo five staled speakers for tha evening J. Albert Emrlcb, of Portland, leader of tho graded union Sunday school work In that city; O. Ewart Baker, also of Portland, presl- ft nrt nf ffham Rmtherhood of the First christian church: Wen. D. Lukens. f . . n . . t preHlaeni or ne veuiouuar m. u rhurch Brotherhood. Portland: J. A. Melton, president of tho Baracft 8ua nav arhnol elasa of Woodlawn. Port tni. r n rrevtar resident of Glad atone who la an Oregon City business man. This Is ft goodly array of speakers and If the plana carry out the first meeting of th Gladstone Brotherhood will prove memorable one. MAYGO-TOPEN."" Governor Wot Said to Bo Unwilling to Save W. cooper morria. aatjcm. Or.. April 21. Governor w. rafnaAa tn Interfnra In tha luds ment of tho Circuit court ot iwuuno nak fniintv aentenclna? W. Cooper Morris to sit years In the penitentiary, according to statements niveu uui oj hla private aecretary this morning. The Governor baa concluded to make nn. .ii.mni tn alter tha sentence Im posed for the reason that ho believes the banker haa' bad ft rair ana jubi trial, and waa found gulMy of crlml nat nffanaa Morria will not be Mm pelled to enter the prison nntil after h. -..nHata rmm the Supreme Court Is sent down to Portland, which, the court believes will be prepared for re turn next Wednesday. Governor West Is in Oregon city to day and tho only information that can be aeoured Is through Private Secre tary Watson. It Is possible the Gov ernor may ahow clemency ftt ft later date. . . 4 0000OS00000vO00OS0 00OOO4rO00eOO)OO0O0 C 0) $50.00 Giyen Away CHIEF EXECUTIVE SPEAKS IN FOrfUM BEING INTRODUCED ' . BY MR. TOOZE. TALKS TO STUDENTS AS A STUDENT Board of Education and School Pat rons Are Present In Honor of . This Distinguished Visitor. Governor Oswald 'Vest went out of bis way Friday morning and delivered an addrnaa tn tha aianclated students Lpf the Oregon City high school. This is tho nrst time the Governor oas ever talked to a body of school pupils and he expressed himself as hugely delighted over the experience and atai.ll tne nearly reception ne met irom stu dents, teachers and members of the Board of Education alike. The execu tive did not Indulge In filghte of ora tory, but almply talked to the boys and girls about his own school life, which ended In the eighth grade. He told them of tho practical value of an education, especially in public life, and urred them to have hitch ideals and strive for what Is best In life. HlsH talk waa given the closest attention and bp was cordially welcomed. O. D. Eby, represented the Board of Education, and be Impressed upon tha students the Value of tne Gover nor's remarka. City Engineer Noble also talked briefly, both speakers talk ing entertainingly to the high school students. City Superintendent Tooze introduced tho Governor. The Governor and members of the Board of Education were entertained at. luncheon, after which the gueat of mraa I a k.n ahrmft tha rltw In an automobile. He made ft close Inspec tion of the historic home ol DrJoHn McLoughlln, the rounder or uregon ritv which was recently restored. and said he had been glad to give his approval to tbe bill wnicn cameo, an annrnnrlattnn tn assist In restofine tb home. Tho Governor then met E. n r'auflAM cashlnr of tha Hank OI Oregon City and president of tho Mc- im.hiin unmnnii Association ana left for Portland early In tho after noon, i , ...... inirinr hla star In the city ha com mented noon tha fact that the new Secretary of State. Ben W. Olcott, had worked as ft laborer for 11 per day. In Oregon ritv In 1892. when Main street waa paved with brick. Olcott came to Oregon from Illinois ana naa 20 cents In his pockets when he landed In Oregon City. Governor West extended an Invita tion to the high school atudents to come to Salem and visit the State House and State institutions and It la probable that arrangements will be made In a short time so that the students can avail themselves of the Invitation. As a Booster JDay special we are offering you your choice of over 200 articles in our window, that tell Regularly from $1.00 to $1.50 ' , v V For $.00 fv4. Pon't pats up this chance to save 50 per cent Burmeister & Andresen Oregon Qty Jewelers Suspension Bridge Comer ; Oregon Gty, Oregon .Thla ad Is worth $50 In cash to tho first six purchasers of Clalr- mant Aoraaoa Tracta hla. ft 2 ar.rear all In cuttlwallon! eloaa tA a school; macadam road, and on Clackamas Southern Electric R. R-, now building. Price now only 1875 per tract; 9300 cash, balance $10 par month. Thla prlco will soon double. Coma today and cloaa tho o W. F. SCHOOLEY & Ca Phono: iPaclflo M-80. Home A-166.' 612 Main St, Oregon City. 5 ' - i 0O400C0-wOOO.O0C0CO.O0OOO40S0w0S0i SURPRISE MRS. BUTLER ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON PROPERTIES MOVING. Three 8alea by 8chooly A Co., 8old Within the Past Week. Tb) Hayea place ftt Twilight has beeneold through tho real estate firm of Schooley ft Company, the buyer being Mr. McDonald. The farm con sists of 55 acres and la considered excellent for farming purposes. This company also sold the Carl Mohaubt place on Fourth and Center atreets on Friday to Anton Creldel, who recently arrived from Colorado. There are four Iota and ft good house. .The Gage place of five acrea was also sold to Mr. Robncker. who recent ly arrived In this city wltb his family from Fort Wayne. Indiana, and who will soon take possession. An old offender was Introduced to ft new country Justice aa "John Tlm mlns. alias Jones, allaa Smith." " rll try the two women first," said the JuKtloe. " "Bring In Alice Jones.' , "Dear me! I don't know where to put my bathing auit to keep It until the season opens!" "Why don't you hide It In your stamp box V Baltimore 8un. I OUR FOUNTAIN IS OPEN DELICIOUS SODA WATER IIAZCLWOOD ICC g?EAM JONES DRUG STORE S INCORPORATED THE DEPENDABLE DRUG STORE 8UNDAY SCHOOL CLASS. LED BY TEACHER, MAKES A MERRY " " AFTERNOON OF IT. Mrs. Jamea Butler waa taken by sur prise on Friday afternoon at her home at 101 Twelfth street by Mrs. Clinton Latouretto and members of her Sun day school class of tho Baptist church, tho occasion being Mrs. Butler's birth dav anniversary, which proved ft most delightful sflalr. ... Mrs. Butler was presented with two handsome pictures in remembrance of the occasion. Mrs. William Andresen presented the same on behalf of the class with ft few well choeen words. Guessing contests were the feature of the afternoon and delicious refresh menta were served. The decorations were most attractive the living room being done In apple blossoms snd Ore gon grape. The dining room was in carnation and geraniums. Those present were Mra. D. C. La tourette. Mrs. R. 0. Flagler. Mrs. J. K. Etchlson, Mrs. C. O. Miller, Mrs. C B. Wilson, Mrs. Fred Olmstead, Mra. E. U Pope, Mrs. A. F. Prker, Mrs. 8. AHayworth. Mrs. Ellerd Bail ey. Mrs. A. O. Lennon, Mrs. J. W. Lod er. Mrs. WiUlamlCannon, Mrs. C. Gras ler Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. K. MVLarty. Mrs. E. I Mavllle Mrs. Fred Humphreys, Mrs. WlMm Andre sen. Mrs. W. H. Calkins, Mrs. Bcsb e Burrls of Gaston, Oregon, Miss Carrie Bailey, Dorla Mavllle, Mildred Cannon, Jack lfider, Donald and Jamie Butler. MATRIMONIAL DISSATISFACTION. Two People Tired of Their Life Part ners Who Ask for Separation. . William Ratkus haa filed ft suit against Julia Ratkua for a decree of divorce. They were married In Rncsla tn 1901, and ho aays she deserted him In 1903. He sent her money In July, 1904, to come to the United States, where he had provided a home for her at Pittsburg, but she refused to come, and still refuses, though he has re peatedly written to ask ber to come. Wallace LeRoy Rose, charjrlng that hla wife. Orlsko May Rose, naa aaia she doee not love him any more, has fliut a ault for divorce. Thov were married In 1905 at Pendleton, and last August Mrs. Rose Is said to have gone into the barber shop where her bua band Is employed at Portland and called him vile names. Tho following month she sold their household effects and deserted him. , "Read the Morning Enterprise; SPECIAL DISCOUNT RATES ON DENTAL WORK BETTER DEUTAL VJORK AND BETTER PRICES THAN YOU CAM GET IP PORTLAND . . . . . : So many people have complained because the time was so short that they could not take advantage of our special offer that we have been Induced to extend the time for the month of May. -This Is for cash payments only and on accounts of $S or more. DR. G.A. BROWN DR. L L PICKENS DENTIST Of tho Chicago College of Dental 8urgery. DENTIST Of the Haskell School of Proatho - tie Dentistry, Chicago. Wetnhard Building, Opposite tho Court House ' Phones, Home A-131. Pacific States 2671. The Best for the Money Booster Pay and Every Day g' i li i ii 5gs5aBaBBaaagg3eaazBaaBassa8SDB When you want Groceries don't forget that we carry a "good" line, that we keep our stock fresh, and. that we are selling close for cash. ' We handle fruits and vegetables in season. . Corn, Oats, Hay, Alfalfa and other articles for the feeding of animals and fowls. The only auto delivery in the city. We make an especial effort to deliver promptly, and when in a hurry call us up and see if we can't accommodate you. ' . ., . " . s-, A. B. BUCKLES r Corner Main and Eleventh. v ; Oregon City. Ao Ho Steges SEVENTH &1 CENTER STREETS ' t . - . Oregon City Music House T7 A T! 17 Is our big bargain day on Tianog, Organs and Graphophones. JBc ' Ure and see the 66--1 Singer Sewing Machine the prize-winner. Sold on installments.' . '