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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1911)
' MORNING ENTERPRISE, THURSDAY, 'APRIL 6, 1911. i MORNING ENTERPRISE ' OREGON CUT, OMCOIf E. t. BKODIC. editor and Publisher. ' "Rntered aa reond-elUB matter Jan vary t, lt!l, at the poet erllce at 0to city, ureson. under toe Act M Msrea rims w njiscurnw. On Tear, by mall ..' ., i Months, by mall Tour aloatha, by mall er week, bjr carrier........ MM IN 1H AivEtnsiNfi um Pint Pas, per man nrec' Insertion. tret Pain, par Inch added Inaartlooa. It. Vrferred position any Deae. oar Inrti firwt Insertion lie Preferred poattlon any paa. par taeh added Ineertkme leo Run pa par othar thaa first page, par lark tfrvt Insertion 11a Run papar othar than flrat Base, par tech - added tnaarttona i.........,......Se " LAcalf leo 'par Itna; to regular' adrer- neers ao line. -' Wanta for Rale. To Rant. ate., ana ant a word ftrat Insertion one-half sent , earn additional. Rates for advertising In tba Waakly Kntarprtaa will ba tha same aa In the daily, for sdvertleements art eepvcisJIy for tha waakly. Wtiere tha advertisement 'la transferred from tha dally, to tha weak ty. without change, the rate will be Se aa toeh for rua of tha paper, and 10o aa Inch for apaclal poettloo. Cash ahould aecompany order where party la unknown In business office of the Enterprise. , ' Legal adrartlalnc at tori adTertUtnf fairs. Ctrcua adrartlalnir sad apaclal transient aavertisina at :ao to Me an men, accord tea to. apodal condltlona governing the family, of Stafford; Ifr. ud Mr. Mike Gross, of Oregon City; Herbert Turner I and family, Chaa. Turner and family, I and Smith Turner and family, of Staf ford; John Turner and family, of Wil lamette. . Tha dy waa aa happily apent aa It could bo ao near to tke dmlao of the loving- mother. A visit waa mad to I tha rrara and flower atrowa In re membrance of tba Ioto wnlcu waa once given aa homage to on all loved ao I well. Irish Colleens Come to Show v How "to Make Laces and Rugs Tire Sale and Bankrupt Bale" adrer . tteemeata Me Inch ftrat insert ton; addl- tloaal teaertloBa aame matter Jto Inch. ' New Item and well writ en artlole or merit, with Interest to local readers, wtH be g tatty aeceptad. Rejected menu . aartpta never returned unlaae aooompaLB tea by atamoa to prepay poatace. - - ' CITY OFFICIAL NEW8PAPCR. April 6 In American History. JSG2 General Albeit Bldnry Johnston , Confederate rommander In tti f- weal, killed la the attack on , , Grant' line at Shlloh; born 1903 .l Beginning of tb battl of Shllob Tenn. (, -. , 1800 Flrat po of tb Grand Army ol r tb Republic organised at Decatur " -v in. ' ' ' i . 1899 Obsequies at ArWgton cemetery " t honor tb remains "of aoidiera who died In Cuba and Porto Rico. 1900 Commander Hobert E. Peary. V , & N., reached tb north pole. - ? ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. ' (From noon today to noon tomorrow.. Eon sets 0.20, rise 529; moon set? S21 a. nv Damascus Haa Amumnt Club. Reallilng that In order to mak young peopl enjoy and prefer country home and country life, good amuse menta mutt be provided for their tertalnment. -With thla thought In mind th pea- pie of Damaacua hav organised an amateur athletic club. The specious halt of J. C. Elliott af ford a very comfortable horn for th club, It being equipped with excellent lights and furnishings of all sort. The club room has been furnished with trapes. . turning bars, rings, ropes, mats and all the paraphernalia necessary for good athletic work. Basket hall, club swinging, wands, dumb bells, drills, marching, singing, are some of th amusements for th ladies. A very auitable play ground had been secured for out door sports which Ilea only a short distance from th club room: the ground will be di vided Into base ball grounds, basket ball, tennis courts, croquet grounds and any other out door sport which Is found to be enjoyable. Forty members hav been enrolled with number of applications pendlM Excellent programs will . be. . fffr- nished by th commute on entertain ment, the dat for the next entertain ment being set for tha evening of Ap ill St. 1911. at S o'clock. Some ex hibit of th athletic work will be r sented also a' comedy entitled "tha Croat Cataatrophy." . Ladles attending are requested to bring baskets of lunch which will ba sold for tha benefit of the club; gen tlemen are requested . to bring well filled purses. Tha club will welcome aa members any parties Interested In such work. Further particular can ba obtained by writing to U H. Young, president. or Mr. Rose Laye, secretary ana treasurer. Boring, Ore.. R. F. D. No. X ) ) I 7 . r tip. v F FAMILY HOLD REUNION f AT-OIJ) HOME SUNDAY FATHER, NOW A WIDOWER, WILL . VISIT SON AT DAYTON, WASH, FOR. SOME TIME. ..Tb aona and daughters of T. I Turner, of Stafford, with their fami lies, met at the old home at Stafford ' Sunday for a last reunion before the father goes to tba home of a son In Dayton, Wash., for a long visit tha ''mother of tha children having died a , short time ago and tha home not likely to be tha aama from this time on. The ' Stafford home was the childhood home . of tha children now grown. -' Those present on tha occasion were 1 Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Seeley, of Wood burn; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ellicker and family, of Stafford; Albert Turner and Silver Wedding Celebrated. The friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Schmidt met at their home on the evening of April helping them to celebrate tha Z5th anniversary of their wedding day. A moat enjoyable evening was spent In singing, music and games. A delicious lunch waa served con sisting of all tha dainties of the sea son. Those present' were Mr. and Mrs. Tbeo. Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. W: I Stevenson, Mrs. O. C. Nichols, Mr. and Mr. U H. Young, Mr. and Mr. H. O. Lave, Mr. and Mrs. Brodle, Miss Lil lian Young. Mr. Wllbert Brodle, Mr. Rudolph Schmidt, Mrs. Sybil Fry. Mr. Raleigh Searle, Mr. John Laye, Mar garet Lye. At a late hour the guest departed hoping to return for the Golden Wed ding. - - Copyright by American' Preea Aaooclatlon, OUR pretty Irish girts bar Just arrived la rh United Btatea to shew us bow to make lace, wav ruga and do embroidery, rut work and ' leather carving. Incidentally they will give an exhibition of personal pulchritude that will be worth seeing, for these colleens ara nndenla- bly beautiful, and they will be aa Interesting and aa attractive aa the work they do. Tbe girls were brought from Ireland by th Gaelic league, and tbey are to visit all th large cities In this country. In the picture printed above the jcolleon& reading from left to right, are Bridget McLaughlin, Marian J. O'Bbea, Eileen. Noone itnd Bridget (Juinn. Miss O'Sbea la la charge of tha party, and she In the cue who describe the wonder of handlers ft that tha other turn out. Tbey are not a bit vain of tbelr beauty, but tbey show con siderable pride In their craftsmanship. They bop to prove by exhibiting tbelr work that It would lie better for girls to revive the snclent arts snd crafts of Ireland titan to wear out their live over machine In dingy factories. Col. leen Qulnn Is an ex;ert lacemaker, and she caa describe aa well aa con struct the Irish crochet. I.tmertck. and Carrtexma cross varieties. Colleen McLaughlin weave ru-.m, some of those ahe produce requiring a 'month In tbe loom to went a square yard. Eileen Noone doe th. embroidery and leather work, and during her spare momenta ahe turns out oil painting that correctly reproduce tbe beautiful Irish landscape. Tb gtrla say tbey are not militant suffragette, and all but Mlaa Noone said they had no deal re to rote. Mis Noone said she would Uk to bar th ballot, and, sh added. "I don't bellev the women would mak any . worn ate of politic than tb men have." She expreesed surprise at th height of jaw York's skyscraper and said sh would ba afraid te go ta tb top of them. UPWARD OF 60 YEARS SIKCE SISTERS MET MRS. SARAH STOCKHAM COMES WEST FROM KANSAS CITY MO, TUESDAY. Mrs, Sarah Stockham' arrived. In Oregon City on Tuesday from Kanaas City, Mo., and la visiting at th home of her sister, Mrs. Ann Jaggur, whom sh has not seen sine Hi latter waa on a trip East In tb year of 1H93. Mr. Stockham will also visit with her other sister In this city, Mrs. Emma McDonald, and whom ah haa not soen for 80 year. Upon th arrival of Mrs. 8tockham Tuesday th three sisters met at the home of Mr. Jaggar's daughter, Mr. Minnie Vonderahe, where tha afternoon waa spent plena antly In telling of past experiences. Mrs. Stockham will remain in ure- gon City for some time, and aha la delighted with tba climate and scenery of Oregon. POSTMISTRESS AT OAK GROVE. WA8HINQTON. April (Speclall Mr. Julia Holt has been appointed postmistress at Oak drove. Clackamas county, Oregon, vie F. A. van oro atrand, who resigned In March. . -Arc You A Money Saver? Meat every en aspect 1 ba a nny avp am time Soma pt ta av whan their Inoem I rari ami say when their espens ara Us. r Ba Fsopl who wait until hy an sav without effort av; thy wak up aama day tilled with regrets becauea ! iL 9'" tunltle thy hav mlased. -. . paof. Th morl lat Bagta regular aavlng at thla bank Now. th Income, mak tha eutge a Uttl lesa and sav th airfaL atvr It's a slmpi matter to atari a aavlnga account her. The Bank of Oregon City " tt C. LATOURETTl Prldeut f. J. METcjl CatS THE FIRST NATIONAL BAM . ol OREGON CITY, OREGON ' . CAPITAU IW.OOOOu t rnsU a 0nrl tanking ustneaa Open f rw a. m, B Brotherhood Sermon Sunday Evening. ctunaay evening at tb Congrega tional church will ba given over to a Brotherhood service, at which time the members of tha Congregational Broth erhood will be Invited to attend In a body and listen to a sermon special to the occalson. Rev. Nyland, of Fort land, will occupy tha pulpft at that time. All brotherhood men and thoee who have an Intereat la tha work are Invited to be present SCHOOL GIRLS OF CANEMAH Serenade Mr. -and Mrs. Samuel Stev ensRefreshments and Music Mr? and Mrs. Samuel Steven were serenaded by the gtrla of the Canemah school on Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Jennie Bingman, where Mr. and Mrs. Steven are making tbelr home. Mr. Stevens Is clerk of the Canemah school board, and the young ladles took thla opportunity of show Ing their appreciation for tbe past favora extended. The serenader were invited in, and were served refreshments, the even ing being spent in music. After ex tending the newly-weds their congratu- lat Ions and best wishes, tba young people departed. GRADED 8. 8. UNION. Officer Chosen and Work Manned Out for Thos Who Are Interacted The Oregon City Graded Union elected tba following officer at Ita meeting laat week at the Presbyterian church: President, Miss Alma Moore; secretary, Mre. 8. P. Davis; Junior vice president. Mrs. Frank Moore; pri mary vie president. Miss Florence White; beginner Tied president, Mrs. Charlea Ely. Mra. Fred Olmatead waa appointed to prepare a pennant for the State Sunday school convention, to ba held In Eugene. Tbe Union will meet qvery Friday afternoon at S o'clock at the Presby terian church during April. Intereat In thla work la Increasing and all teachers ahould attend. REAL ESTATE. Julia Maxwell to Claudlna M. 8teph on, IS acres of section 17, township south, range T eaat; 50O, Paul Boaa t al'to O. W. Hodaon land la aectlon 1. township I south range 1 east; f 1000. Paul Doss at a to C. W. Hodaon land In section 1, township S south range 1 eaat; ft. a and Katie E. Glldner to R, F Hunt, lota S to 39, inclusive In block 7. Hyde Park. Clackamas County; lec tion 17, township 1 south, range eaat: 110. ' - Ellen M. Rockwood to Jamea and Martha Neeley, lot tl. Rockwood Acres: 11000. ... Joseph H. and Fotllla D. Colt to T J. Bernard, 40 acre of aectlon 14, township south, range 8 east; 16500 . A. La 8nll et al to George Scbeer, lota S. 6. block 4. Canby; 11200. - Charlea E. Meldrum and Ethel L Meldrum to P. O. and Fannie II. Wan- blad. part of D. U C. of Peter M Rlnaaraon and wife, township t south, rang i eaat: 11060. Jane.Raker to William Mumpower, part of William Arthur and wir D. U C: 1100. Gladstone Real Estate Association to Mary F. Croea, lota 9. 10. 11, 1. IS. and part of 14. block 9S: lota S. S, 4, B. part of 1 of block 94; tt. John P. and Mary B. Elston to Charlea Howard Elston, lota 9. 10. 11. block 38, Oregon Iron A Steel Cora- oanv'a First Addition to Oswego; 1 W. L. Wllklns et al.. to A. Malar, land In aectlon 39, township I south. range 6 east: II , Joseph F. Stuedeman to Helena 8tuedeman, 40 H acres of aectlon 85, township 3 south, rang 3 eaat; liooo. Adiei L vidatrand ana gopnie wia atrand to Trustees of Scandinavian Lutheran Church, tract of land la aec Read the Morning Enterprise. why fy Do We tef 14 C Sit H. r still By Dr. C W. STILES And Allow People To Die? D Discoverer of tha Diacss Dua to Hookworm UTY TO THE AMERICAN WOMAN REQUIRES. ar.Tinw ta REDUCE THE 630,000 DEATHS PER YEAR IN THIS COUN. TRY-42 PER CENT OF THE 100.000 TOTAL WHICH ARE DUE TO PREVENTABLE CAUSES. Eecall that about 35,000 of these human sacrificrs ore due to that easily PREVENTABLE DISEASE TYPHOID FEVER. Re call that our typhoid death rate ia about 46.5 cr 100,000 inhabitants, tliat o( Germany 6.3 and that of Switzerland 4.80 per 100,000. Thia means that we American men permit our country to bo about SEVEN" TIMES AS DIRTY AS GERMANY AXiV TEN TIMES AS .DIRTY AS SWITZERLAND. And beside these 35,000 deaths there are each year abont 300,000 persona who contract typhoid. Recall that each year we bufj about 150,000 of our fellow citizens ' who die from tuberculosis. " . . r Each yet- we hare ever 1,500,000 caws of malaria and over, 12,' 000 deaths from this disease. We bury 15,000 to 30.000 persons v from DlrllTIIERIA, "6,000 from BUARLET FEVER . and 10,000 .from wno'opiNO couon, , , ' . Is, the real trouble in this'eountry tfiat not enough children are born in a.ny class or that too many are permitfed to die in all clae-e Is it RACE SUICIDE by the women or RACK SLAUGHTER ly the mcnt ' What real encourappmont ia there to the American mother to bear more children when the American father permits our country to U so behind .the advancn in, aojence that we SACRIFICE jOVER HALF 'A MILLION ? AMERICAN" LIVES TER YEAR ffoN preventable:1 causes? . ' :: 4- "; The Kind That STANDS OUT GLOSSY HANDSOME STATIONERY Our New Steel Die Embossing Machine IS THE THING Oregon City ENTERPRISE In the front rank of the ART PRESERVATIVE printing: bookbinding LOOSE-LEAr SYSTEMS , f l i . r I . (W J !.. - ' - ft . r ' . "-.,. .. ' :v ' ,". '' ' " , ; . , - t-t . v - f ; -" -i , - .v . - ' M R. W. & R. S.Ward MACHINIST! Wa da geneVal repairing. fkin machinery made ta do B wwrn se nw. ftxpvni wiiq gaaonne engines. Phones: Main MM. Home 191. ( f i 10 FOURTH tTRKIT ORIQON CITY. ' "T REDUCTION Or. DENTAL PRICE8 DuHng the nest month beginning April wa are aolna to ole a discount an all Dental Work where the kill amounts to Ten rw la re or mora. This will ba a splendid opportunity for theee - have bean waiting ta have their denUI work dona. You will ktZ ta make arrangements early ta get an appointment- The meet it April la a dull month, but wa propose ta make It a lively one. tkI work will ba the beet and wa guarantee tha aama. Our best ass antee la our so years' successful practice In Oregon City. . DR. L. L. PICKENS DR. G. A. BROWN Dentists Pacific ttatea Welnhare) .Phone W1. Bldg. Home phM, A 111 linns 10. 11. township ft south, ranpe east; 50. Charlxs K. and Mra. C. E. Duma to John W. Loder. lot 6 ol block 4, lot 1, block 6. Oreenpolnt; $1. John J. and Mary B. llattan to Gor don E. Hayes, par of Horace linker claim No. 64, township's south, raufe ) east; i. Heart to Heart Talks. y EDWIN A. rfYt ovcr tie raoNc tig III ye.rIJ Alunxti Cuuiuilnas of Terra lliauie. Iul. whs hurrying to a'hMl abtii I lie Hior lsl waa struck djwu liy it nlri'rt rar. Tuk-n l a husiial. It was discover ed tUiil his arm wa budly maabM and that amputation would ba tiet-es- sary. Just before he touk tbe anaesthetic tor the operation Alouao asked to ba allowed to say a prayer ba bad been taught la Sunday school. And so while tbe aura-eons waited and tbe nursee bowed tbelr tearful faces tba little fellow recited to Ita amen the petition ba bad learned. Tbeo, turning to tba nurses with a smiling face, tba boy aald; "Now I'm ready." An affecting Incident surely. . But why and bow waa It? , Why tha cnlld'a strengthened spirit? Whence came tba light oo bla facet Waa It merely tba "reflex Influence" of bla prayer, tba reaction from a mental attitude? Somehow that does not oiplalu. It lacks something. There waa tha great Lao Tolstoy. Ia his last Interview with bla niece, re cently published, ba waa aakedwhat to him waa tbe greatest thing lu tba world. Answering, ba aald In aub- atance: "Tba most wonderful thing la prayer tha fact that mortals rosy make a close connection with- the spiritual world." Ia It not so? If one may by means of some mye terfana telephone call up and talk with spiritual personalities, is It not won derful Incomparably mora wonderful than any wireless telegraph? Not that 'every r mumbled ritual or verbal recital la a prayer. Most of them ara not Soma of tbem ara llttU loss than blasphemy. Tha poet says tbar- Prayer la the soul's alneare dealre Untitle red or expressed. Tba cry of tba publican, "Qod ba merciful to me, a ataner,",, wan a prayer, while tba verbose recital of tba Pharisee waa merely a public re hearsal. Tyndall prayer testa? Bay what you will, la It not natural that In a crista tha bomno spirit should call up Its kin? , Simply becense your spiritual termi nal fact II ties may ba poor bow do you know that Alonao Cummlngs' message was not heard at tba other end of the telanbene) LATEST MARKETS ' Oregon City Markets.' " Marketa, aa a general thing, ara lu slowly moving downwards. Put 4 thla cjunea from tba fact that Um in crop of certain fomta la being kr4, ad In tha southlands, other ton mooatlea will soon be auppUatoTai new crops, or ara losing the Z quail Use that tbey possess and tm tha price to fall. Thus, tailac tu market aa a whole, there la u eutar off In prices and In some caaet 1 a quite notleaabla. APPLK8 Good stork Is ecarettsl high, prlcea ranging from 11 to U lineal stock Is nearly gone aat us Hood River product la redueedtoi few varieties. w good apploi in) len In tha local market. POTATOES Market Is a -flUls of from last report. In demand If sot k price. Real good potatoes are tout and bring l to f 1.20. while seel pn duct commanda 75a to a II. That ara not enough being offered to ika la quantities. Ban Kranciaoo nark la off ISO a hundred, JO cars arrtrt , In one day and demoralliloglks aa ket. Jcal stock pretty well mart edl A few with choice stock aoU for a rise, ' VEOKTAMUCS Utile ekaaga tn last report onions are a Utile stlfta In prloa but other vegetables raswa about tba aama. Onions IVfca, tsnia) . and carrota 78a to fl aack, pamlutt to $ 1.2S aack. cabbage 3c poaai Kef vegetablea are coming In. Caltfonk Is aendlng many tblnga, at I list price. lxicaJ lettuce sella k bwa, , radlahea fa, onions tes, Callforeli la tuca lOo head, asparagus 10c la UHt Mailcaa tomatoes lOo pound. rLOlTR AND FEED Uttla ckun In flour: selling down to IS wltk M bringing about 5J0; some as knrai 11.60. In feed tha tendency It 9 ward. Dran commands 3 124, ahorU 14 to II, rolled Mrkf $30.. process barley UlwhoU an 2, cracked corn ISO. n I Ill II. IWM w kat show aa. advance of la ta K t baahal. Chicago and Baatera aurketi ara lower. Holdera here want Oat price and tha local price Is ie to M above tha export! a g price. Local ara ara paying aa to 0c tbe DuiM- tr AT la varv weak and lltOa - - Biand. Thoaa who have It wker not well protected want to let go, gat ing tba prica to gradually settle to 1 lower level. Clover IS to f 10. eat W ' U to 111, timothy $15 and 111 aw fa commanda $11 to $20. OATS Dealers buying for tblpeHBt to meat tha demand In tbe eltUs. TV- lug gray $26, whlta $25.60 w $1. that tha market la weak and aanti factory. BUTT BR Very west and oooaW only commanding from 10c to IW creamery alwaye atlff and eomnuat Ing lOo to 150 now. Tha P"" market la only paying from U 16a Cbolca dairy will bring ! too to 15c. ' ' EOQ8 Prlcea about tha asms wto demand about equalling tbe P'i- Quotation at 19o dosen. POULTRY Prlcea ara n,' higher and tha demand good. Baw bring lOo, roostera 12o. 7 and mlied chlckena 13o to 16 now Ing doing In larger fowla. , ' MB ATS Veal, dressed, la brlnflnl lOo to lie, hogs 10 anff-lOCr! big demand for muttoa t"'?!! fluctuata according to what H ofarw- m ..ni4 Iters Kl niuu-a urvea 00 jrv---. dry bldea llo to 14c, sheep ra vH to 76o each; N WOOL-ifrrBga lo to He Pw . mohair llo to too. ' . - -. I npnrm anmTt4-.Bvaporated IP?-" 6o and 7o, nun dried 6, prun- w ait m-nim aiA tn fSO'for 10 lb, aack. half ground 40fl 7 100 lb. aaeka. DO YOU WANT ANYTHING . . . O Try . the Classifed Colamns ofUe 1 i MORNING ENTERPRISE ' 3000 R.ui. Dally "y k t ,-' e. a f . ii ii A :