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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1911)
1 ' I - ... M0UN1NU KNTKUi'KlSK, THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1911. 0 It Wouldn't Pay' to Advertise ll A Poor Article : i ';... -i. - ' "' ; t. " Nor proposition of doubtful merit or honesty for ad-readero. adsyt, DISCRIMINATING. - They know values they know JlNUIN thltiw 9"'" tpportu-lllee. . Any artl' h,oh 0'" ,0!d b y-r,,,l',a that toot, 000D rtle- V0U ,rt ,n lu)',B th,"B which hat "etood ,ha lira of publicity" , r . ..iV- - ,-. . 4 ' TM maker of a wldaly dvartlaad artiste, or commodity, I ,yto trial for Ma business Ufa.' Ha cannot shirk, nor ahoapon hla .uCL,nd thle la the boat possible protection for tho conaumar. you ara SAFE In buying advertleed , things It's tha' loglo of bualnaaa conditions. 10CAL BRICfS Uiaiilr and exclusive stylo hTii at Ml" Ooldsmlth'e I .. a ui.wk. of Aihland.' waa In KoTcttV Wt-dncaday vlaltlnE with Lrt Una c.f mllllnary to bo found KM C Uoldainlth'a. , u Upton, of Portland, on atlor i of that city, was In Orogoa City , Mil outmost Wodnaaday. Davldaun. road supervisor, Tloma la at Oswego, waa In Ore icity Wedncsdsy on road bualnaaa. Tos Uko no rhancaa whan you , flour at llarrla Grocery. Wo Jrj only the "money back" kind of i u judd, road supervisor out Mar ts iray. was In tha city Wodnaaday rtJior to Justice W. W. if. Samaon. W Irvln, ono of tho prominent MMssa of Clarkamaa county, waa (Woo City on bualnaaa Wed nee- jrsrard Iltatt. who baa boon spend iths winter In tha gtato of Califor nia returned to hla homo at Mount NSUt Dried frulta aro getting scarce, but , ut still selllnK thoso flno dried plat tnd peaches at lOo par lb at trrit Grocery. X. C Wheeler rf Vancouverf Wash., it is this city Wednesday calling on Mda He waa a former resident In li eiiy. 0. I Thomas, of Oswego, ono of tho ill known business man of that xe, wis In Oregon City on Wedaeet j trilling up tho oatato of tho lata MpaUmery. - A netting of tho Oradod Sunday tool Union will bo held at tho Pre, ifrita thurrh Friday afternoon at o'clock. Mrs. Wilkin, of Portland. II be present and conduct tho Round We. L I King, after spending tho paat ir awotha with hla family at Mount wuat, left on Tueaday for McOow , Wuh.. where ho will remain for tanner, Mr. King being Interest It th sJeGowan cannery. . C. Cwea, to whom waa referred QlaAiune charter for revision and t nniahad tha work and tilt h ready to report tq tho Coun- aajpl An effort win do raaua w s awclal aeoalon tonight to be lle work of approval. . )PLE POINTED OUT enwaanwaseans lit Ida Wmrren, of Oak Oroya, waa Drersa City on Wednesday, lit, frank Mooro, of Oreonpolnt. as to Tbo Dftllea. where aho will t with h'r Bitter, Mr. Alma Ooodo. lias Nona King, of Portland, a pro uonal Duma of that city, la TlalUng i her mother, Mra. A. E. Kins, of at Pleasant. MrT...L-TurneiV-of. Stafford WM !he dty Wednesday. 1U la getting tj to go to Dayton, Wash., whoro will spend several montha at tho H of hla ton, Jameo A. Turner. In Will Klngsland w takfa to Oood Samaritan boeoltal, .Port i, Wednesday whero an operation I he performed by Dra. II. 8. Ong. Porutad, and C. A. Stuart, of thla Ir. 0. A. Cheney left Wodnooday Portland, whero a birthday dinner I ha given In honor of hla 78th May. The dinner will bo gtvon at i home of Mr. and Mra. A. W. taey, and will bo family affair, ir. R. 8. Coe, of Canby, waa In noa city on wedneaday on hla way Portland, whero ho will Tlelt with vtte, who haa boon very 111 for ril montha. Mra. Coo la at tho n of her ton, R. 8. Coo, Jr. n W. 0. Pellltler, who baa boon tha Good Samaritan hospital In tland, and who auhmlttod to an 'ration by Drs. Rockey and Btuart, wttrlng nicely and haa boon tak to tha homo of bar mother la tho Clty. . 0-DAY THE STAMPEDE GREAT The C PKTURES EVERY DAY r -nni '"Hill HORSES ARE TRACED POINT NEAR AURORA BELIEF THEV WERE t STOLEN AND PARTY SOLD BETWEEN AURORA AND SALEM. P. D. Newell, of Jennlnne Lodge, waa In tho city laat week to report tho theft or atraylng ho waa not cer tain which of hla horses. Officer 8haw waa given a description of tho anlmala'and began to warm up tbo telephone wire In an effort to got track of them. Ono waa a light aorrel horse, weight TOO, branded O on Bank, barefooted, forotop abort Tbo aecond waa a chaatnut aorrel, weight 11 SO, II yearn old, tall abort, poor wind. . Wedneaday Chief Bbaw heard of them from a Salem party who aald they bad been disposed of some place between Aurora and Salem, aa the aup posed thief had ahowa up In Salem and bad no horsee though be had 1een traced with animals agreeing to the description at aeveral points prior to that. An effort will bo made to find the horses and then-connect the bub poet with the aale. ,i -- 1 THE : HALL OF FAME. ' JAMES UUSSEl.L LOWELL Poet, crltlo and diplomat Born Cambridge, Masa.. rob. 22. 1810; died there Aug. 12, 1801. Qradu-. a ted from" Harvard and succeeded Longfellow there aa pro f e a a o r of modern lan guage, which place ue cold for -.weoty-two years, r Waa editor of the Atlan tic Monthly for five years and of tho North American Review for nine. Ho waa mlnlater to Spain from 1877 to 18Ht and to Eng land from 18H0 to 1880. Waa brilliant aa a conversationalist poet, prose writer, critic and lec turer. Hla beat known poems are "Tbo Dlglow Papers," -Commemoration Ode" and "A Vision of Sir Launfal." Many rank Lowell aa America 'a greatest pa triotic poet and be la generally regarded aa our foremost critic. JntheOeldpfdlploinacy he. atarted the vogue of the Ameri can embassy In London. TWILIGHT LITERARY HAS GOOD PROGRYM MOST ENJOYABLE EVENT, WITH LARGE ATTENDANCE NEXT DATE APRIL 14. J Tha Twlllrht TJtersrv HocletV mat on Saturday evening at tho hall, and there waa an unuauaiiy targe auena anoe. The audience waa very appro olatlva anil urk tin in her on tha nro- gram received Ita aharo of applauae,; many reaponamg to encore, ia committee In charge Of tho program consisted of Mra. C Marlon Thomp son, Mra. Curtla Dodda -and Charles Caldwell. . Tho following numbera wore given rvtmat anto.. M. 3. Laiolle. accom Den ied by Mlaa Marie Harvey j recitation. Mra. Curtia uoaaa; reaaing, wm ir ale McDonald; dlnlogue, "Three rnnU k fnnr hnva. Leonard Thomp son, Kenneth Thompaon, Earl Mat- toon, J. Ralney; reading, miss mr garet Thompaon; recitation, Albert u.. MninmiiM. HTha Fill Island- era' rtaat" Charlee Caldwell, Thomaa Kelland, Wallace johneon. ' Ono of the features of tho evening waa the address given by Attorney rr4A r Matndl. of Portland. During the evening popular aelectlona on tho grapbophone were enjoyed. Thie la nt the most Intereatlna aa well aa enthualaatlo meetlnga over held by tho ooolety. The next meeting win do on Friday, April 14, nt Twilight hall. Back Into Harness Again. i a nrA a well-known resi dent of thla City, haa opened a real estate office In tho Caufleld building (n Eighth and Main atreeta. Mr. Swaf- ford already haa many piecea m v.. ki tnr aaia and In connection with hie real aetata office will have a notary office. u Celebrate fourth Annlvereary. 'J rrlenda (ofr Mr. and Mra. Nick Humphreyg gathered at their Weet Side home . Monday evening to cele brate the fourth annlveraary of their marriage. There were 85 preaent and It proved a very pleaaant occaalon. A handsome picture waa preaented aa aouvenir of the evening. Oamea, mu alo and refreahmenta added to the social pleasures of tb4 evening. Points Tor Mothers ' Heslth end Beauty. Dear American ladles, you are nor very graceful. Tou are vary beaut! fuL and you wear "marvelous tollefe. hut you are not exceedingly graceful. 1 wonder why. Shall I tell you some thing 1 bare eometlmea thought slu e 1 rsme to your country? Grace, real grace. Is founded on nst ursl. normal, .perfect health. No, I do not mesn the robust; I mean the virile, sinuous and supple. The big 1I. the fst shoulders, sre aa unlienltby am unnatur-l aa srrawnlness-and anae mia, la there anything finer to see. more beautiful, than the absolutely aure grace of eiy living creature en tirely health; T I think not. Now you are going to ask me what these tbltiga 1 aro saying have to do with you. Must 1 make myself plain, erf 1 have Just explained that almost any normal, healthy living creature Is naturally graceful. Well, then, can you not conceive that an unhealthy and abnormal creature might almowt aa necessarily be awkwardT No. I am not saying all American women are unhealthy and abnormal; but, to tell you ibe truth. It baa some times occurred to me that a little more work I mean by that definite and healthy -occupation would make the women of your country healthier and happier, more normal and more grace ful. Dear American ladlea. never atand with your weight evenly divided, your heele together and your ahoulders squared that la, never atand In thla position on leas you wish to look like a German officer on parade. A woman'a body aa aba stands In a drawing room or pausee to apeak to a friend ebould alwaya bo relaxed. 1 call all the great Greek atatuary to bear witness that what 1 aay la aa Remember that charming broken UnejDn the left aide of the Venus de MlkP-tbe long, graceful sweep of the right aide. That la the Ideal of what I mean. Alwaya allow tbo weight of tbe oody to reat more on one foot than ou tbe other. Have tbo foot which Is nn bearing tbe weight lightly ton. uluj the ground. After all. It la but ln lam ing tbe body. Allow tbo entire aide of the torso to reU c with the foot and limb whlcn Is ahlrklne; tbe burden. Tbat lets the blp and fee aboolder down, tbrowa up allgbtly tnd charmingly the hip aud shoulder supporting tbe weight Tbe attitude la graceful, natural, altogeth er feminine. -Anna Pavlowa In Har per's Baser. , B) o-ssaasassawa- Best Way U Waah "lanaat .' flanneta'ahoaM h waewed-inr warm euds that have bad a little ammonia added to tbem. Tbe fiannele abould bo rubbed between tbe hands, not on a board, and dipped up and down la the auda until they are free from dirt and atalna. Sqoeeae them with tbe handa until as much water aa poaalble la removed and then rinse In water of tbe aame temperature aa tbat In which they were washed. Wring out again, hang In tbe ebade and prosa them out on tbo wrong aide while still damp. Fiannele abould never be placed In the son to dry or they will shrink. Spe cial care abould aiao be taken when rubbing the. garments to aeo that all the dirt Is removed before they are wrong out and hunjjt up to dry. r-gtmBlt Oirie Like Fejamoe. Mothers of small glrla are finding ont that their little daughters prefer for their night apparel pajamae like those worn by the boys rather than tbe more usual lingerie garments. ' The Juat before bedtime romp, tbe hour of all hours beloved by tbo young folk, la "Iota more fun." eald a email girl recently. "If you're not bothered with Happy aklrta" Tho pajamaa for glrla aro cut exact ly like thoeo which brother wears, but the materials aro daintier In coloring and often In weave. - .... i i t-n Attractive Blbe. The expression "In freab bib and tucket4 will take4on new significance If the mother adopts a novel Idea re ceotly aeen. The ordinary child's blk la extended to the waist line, where It Is cut Into a belt to faaten around the walat Thla ahape la neat, and It etaye In place. It may be made very attractive when embroidered In white with buttonholed allta, through which a ribbon may be run to tie at the back of the walat. . ' - Novel Drees Per Olrl. """ A novel adaptation of the kimono aleeve effect Is abown for the drees of little girt.' Tbo elde body and tbe aleeve of elbow length aro cnt in one piece, which baa a lap extending from the front of the oboolder to tbe bust lino, tho lap buttoning over' upon tbe double bos plait which extends down to the hem of the dress skirt Simple, yet chic, Is thla little frock, a patter of which la given In one of tbe current mttga sines,' .v ' ' " v To Identify Umbrellas. .V Wrtte vour name on tbe cloth side of adbealve or.aurgeon'a platter and. stick on tbe Inside or your umoreiia. raincoat and robbers; then you will al ways find them. " HOTEL ARRIVALS. Ed Rlngsted, city; Jameo P. Bates, city; N. M. Burnett, Stockton, Cel.; Louis Vlerhua, George N. Wells, Scotta Mllla; D. N. Brldenatlne, Boring; Sam Rastall, Jamea Raatall, C. Martin, O. Bullard. Portland; N. BIalr, Hubbard; Miss Smith, 3. L. BlacrL Portland; E. A. Ward, Independence; Roy B. Hop kins. Otto Hopkins, Portland; Oeorge Vterhna, Belllngham, Waah.j Henry plade, British Columbia; W. W. Mat toon, Dolton. - - ".f Monthly Meeting of Bible Claaa. ' The Friendly Bible Claaa held Ita regular monthly business meeting In the parlore of tho first Proabytorlan church Wednesday night A number of Important Heme of bualnaaa were brought vp and disposed of. The ev ening waa enlivened by an excellent Informal program, and aomo time waa apent In practicing the varloua class sontfs. There wore about fifty of the elaae present. - -, V Pomona Orange at Parkptaee. Tho woman of tho Abernethy Orange are preparing forvthe meeting of the Pomona Orange at tho Abernethy Orange Hall, parkplace, on Wednea day, April 12. There will bo aa all-day meeting, and . a banquet served at noon. V jWladys Mirror Homemade Cosmetics. Any woman who Intend making cos met lea muat first uudomtmul certain fuudumefftal rules or the will only waste materinl. . Fats, such as spermaceti, was and others naturally hard, are to be aof tened before mixing with other things Tbey may er.en be melted a little, but two facts are to bo borne In mind Oue la tbat direct beat muni never be employed. A "bath" ts the only wsy, by wbkb Is meant putting tbe ma terials Into a china or glasa vessel and placing thla In hot water. Direct heat will ruin fata. Tbe other detail la that once' fata be come actus. ly bot they are ruined and will not harden when cold. Tbe Ideal method la to break the solids Into small and regular bits and eoften tbem In tbe bath. If tbey melt then the liquid will bo only warm and not bot unless tbe bath la made too hot. When liquids are to be combined with grease, as rose water lu cold cretin, tbe mixing must be slow and stirring Incessant If hastily put to gether tbey will not bleud. Tbo stream of liquid abould be not more than a thread In a lie, and If tbe mixture be gins to harden too soon It may bo re turned for a moment to the bath, con tinuing atlrring. buu anotner point la toat glass or ehlna abould alwaya' bo the receptacle. Metala will blacken creama and with eome formulae will ruin the results through chemical action. Stirring. If metal la employed, most be done with silver. An Ivory paper cutter la good, only one must bo certain It ts Ivory and not celluloid. Bone Is Ideal for almost any chemical work, and a glaaa rod la nnequaled. . . When toilet waters are being com pounded tbey moat atand alwnya for ten daya before openlnc. nnd tur months will bring better renults Homemade powders afH rirly wuit-ewt fOT only bet t tree tbeyan n.x mtA-d ufllclently. Ten time lx tin-io to many to pa a forum In ilmpii coarse musllu. Another mtiw ot failure Im that In experienced .pemow attempt in worV tbe perfumed oil ud Into the nv der Inatend of the powder luto tUe lis. . Smootbneas la lnipnlbl lu either case, bot la- the bitter way If a few grains are abaorbed nt a time all the oil la taken up. and matay sift logs will finally distribute It tbe lumps being forced through the cloth each time. Lemon Juloe to Remove Stains. There aro varloua preparations Bold by manicures to remove atalna under tho finger oaila. With careful laws moat of fheee can be relied Upon," but if there Is any doubt about a special preparation aobetltute lemon Juice. Ae a stain remover It la excellent and the woman who keepa half a lem on on the atatlonary waahatand whero aho waahee her handa rarely will have to blush for tbo nnslghtllness ot her Oxalic acid la also good, but la In- Jurloua to aomo aklna. It abould bo applied with a bit of cotton on tbo end of an orange wood stick. In nalng the lemon tho tlpa of the 0 tigers can bo rubbed Into a section of It Late rinae well with clear water. Stains on tho aides of tho flngere are quickly removed with a moist pumice stone. This Is invaluable to get off the first blotchea after preeerv Ing. pointing or doing any dlsAgurlng work. In canes where tbe skin under tbe nails haa roughened a little pow dered pumice can be moistened with lemon Juice and applied with an orange wood stick. Colored Shoes No Longer In Fashion. Tho smart women In Now. York so clety no longer wear colored shoes. That lively fancy at lea it la vanish ing. Black la now far more popular. It la aald tbe fancy colors were given up became tbey. made tho feet look "so awfully big," aa one young ma tron pouUngly expresses It Patent leather la seen, and black velvet to tho choice of the woman who can af-. ford any number of pairs and who motors everywhere. In certain cases tho uppers of tbe new feminine boots and aboes aro made of pale mushroom tinted kid, and now and then one still aooa tbo ahoo that matcheo tbe gray or brown akirt For dancing the favorite la a black velvet boot laced op tbe front and faetened at ono aide with a black pearl button. Black aaUn dancing boota. wrought with gold and allver were worn the other day at a dance In a faahlonablo section of the metro poll a. - ' ; . To Save Cologne. - it ' The latest crratal and allver cologne bottles have an elonented stopper that touches the bottom of the bottle, and thla facilitate the use and aavlng of the perfume. Tbo cologne, with tho aid of tho atopper. can be qu.'.kly and economically applied to either the dreae or handkerchief. Aold Frulta Foe Beauty. . "To create and maintain a clear com plexion," aaya a French beauty special-. 1st, "It la necessary to partake of an acid fruit at leaat once a day. , ' This vule Is eesy to follow, i . BEAVERS WIN OA ME. LOS AN0ELE8, April I. (Special.) Tbo Beavere won from the Vernona again today In a game that waa re plete with good playa. The aoore waa 6 to 1- , , . NAME OP BRIBER GIVEN. CHICAGO, 111., April I. (Special.) Believing that It waa time to loose Editor Kohlaaat's tongue In tbe Lori mer scandal matter the man who told of tho 100,000 corrupUpn fund did so today and Mr. Kohlaaat gave his evi dence on tho stand. Edward HI nee, millionaire lumber dealer waa the manj . , . . . -i wno mvuea mo Harvester comume to contribute $10,000 toward, the fund. The committee la aatlafled with the evidence. TAFT NAMES CALDWELL. WASHINGTON, April 6-8pc!al.) One of the flrat namea ant ia to tbe 8nate for confirmation by Presi dent Taft wss that of Elmer B. Cald well, to bo U. 8. marahal In the dis trict of Oregon. CORRESPONDENCE KELSO. v R. E. Jarl had the misfortune to loae hla valuable delivery horse last week. Jobnsrud Bros, broke the record here by selling 10 Scree of the highest price land rough and bard to clear. An tone Yaba la tbe brave Inveator. Martin Mlkkleaon la bleating atumps preparatory to building his new house. Birch Roberts, recently of Dover, waa visiting In Kelso thla week. He haa bought Peter Bwan'a homestead at Cherryvllle and will soon move to his new home. - - Several of the neighbors have pur chased high price horsea and teams re cently. Our prosperous farmera have been working about 18 houra a day getting their cropa In during tho fine weather. We are needing rain for tho cropa. Mra. Eliza Dickenson and aona, Wil li and John, have returned from Cali fornia. Willie Dickenson, who haa been away for the paat three years, waa In Kelso Friday renewing old ac quaintances. Joel Jan baa nnianed clearing ana seeding six acres of new land. FIRWOOD. TheUecture given by W. 3: Wlrtx Sunday afternoon waa well attended. Mr. Wlrta expects to give a talk every two weeks, for a while at leaat; the next will be on April 18. Mr. Brownell. of Portland, apent aeveral daya laat week on his ranch looking over hla nursery stock. Tha Firwood Sunday ecnool win alvo an Easter Drogram Eaater Sun day after the regular Sunday achool. Everyone Is Invited. A family haa recently moved into the Lizzie Koch place on Cedar Creek, About 20 autos were out from tne city Sunday. The occupanta apent tho day fishing on Cedar Creek. Clark Corey went to Portland Tues day to act aa wltneea for Pridemore ft Edgerton on their final prooi oi their timber clalma. The F. P. A. expect to give an intec- Ktlne ororram and debate at their next meeting. May 15. wuesnon lor debate. "Resolved. That Boctal Life in the Country la More "Benefit BTT Than Social Life In the City." Tho subject abould be interesting to all country people, and no doubt many things will be aald that will be of great Interest Mra W. F. Fischer waa sick tho first of the week but was much im proved when laat heard from. L. Pridemore went to Portland Mon dav. Mrs. W. E. Steven a and "Fred Lo Grand drove out from Portland Sat urday and are expecting to spend the summer on tho ranch. Soma of tho young peoplo aro ex Decline to ro to work at tbo new mill on Salmon River as soon aa it la ready for ODeratlon. The Firwood mill haa Juat put In electric lights and Is expecting to con tinue ooeratlon for eome time. Mlaa Jennie Le Grand went to Three Six Sunday for a few days' visit wttn Mrs. Grace Pridemore. Some of tho fruit treea aro In bloom and aa It was rather chilly Monday thev wranoed themselves In a thin coat of snow Monday night - Blasting can be heard at all hours, which Indlcatea Improvement In the country. Considerable clearing la still being done oven though every ono Is busv nutting in crops. J. C, Smith and son are building a new barn and improving their rancn In general. ' COLTON. C. Stromgreen was busy plowing and harrowlna at E. TrUg'B laat week Frank Countryman and daughter, Hattle, were at Clarkea on bualnesa Saturday. Mr. Weatbura- purchased a . horae from Mr. Haag at Tlmbergrove. Mrs. Frank Bonney, of James, waa visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bonney laat week. Charlie Freeman, of Elwood, trans acted bualneaa at Colton laat Monday. Mrs. C. Stromgreen apent a day with Mrs. E. Trigg laat week. U. 8. Dix and R- Puts were busy hauling oats from Clark Bros. at Clarkes laat week. Mr. Lund, ot Portland, sold hla place at Tlmbergrove for $2200. Frank Robinson la working for W. 8. Oorbett thla week. Mr. and Mra Llndstrom made a trip to Portland on account of Mrs. Llnd atrom'a 111 health. E. Trygg took a contract of clean ing for C. stromgreen. , " Grandma Dix and son. U. 8., and Mr. and Mra. J. Puta called on Mr. and Mrs. A. Anderson laat Sunday. Henry Warner la back on hla'homo atead aagln and la now busy building a new house. ' ' Joe Carlson Is logging for W. 8. Oorbette with hla team. - J. Engstrom had tho misfortune of i loosing a horse. School waa cloeed Monday on ac count of Miss Dahlstrom, tho teacher, being alck. Mra. Stella James spent Monday with Grandma Dix. Charlie Swan haa been hauling lum ber for Henry Warner laat ween, J. A. Stromgreen waa butchering hoge Tuesday. . - ' ' Mr. and Mra. Freeman, of Elwood, were vlattlpg with Mr. and Mra. Llnd- atrom Sunday. - ' ; ''" A. Bonney was at Ciaraea on ousi- neae Wedneaday. ' , Mr. Diets, of Portland, la out apena- Ins- a few weeks witb ms mono, Mr. Warner la tho hills. ,... Mrs. Carr, ot Bee Hills, Is otaymg with .Mra. E. Llndstrom, who. la un able to do the housework. - Unole- and Auntie Stromgreen were guests at Mr. ana Mrs. retierson laat Sunday. ' " Olio Hanson, of Bhubel, spent laat Sunday at Colton, Miss Nellie Bonney spent Sunday afternoon with Lena Pats. Charlie Bockman had tho misfor tune of getting hurt badly with a crosscut saw. A doctor, from Molalla, waa summoned who attended. Mr. Bockman Is getting along aa well as ean bo expected. Meaara. Dots and Warner, from the hills, were visiting at J. Puts' Sunday, this week. I. 3. Jones Is busy planting onions "C. Haag made a bualneaa trip to Oregon City Tuesday. A. Anderson took a trip to Upper Colton last Tuesday. 1 Mr. and Mra. Carl Stromgreen and daughter spent Sunday evening at 3. Put.' I EAGLE CREEK. V ' IL F. Olbaon and wife were visiting Jamea Gtbsftn Sunday. t Mtts rttuA Douglass, who has bees working In Portland for about two months, returned homo Monday. . Hunter, Pluaa, Lena and Oraco Ca b) II hve the measles.. ' Mr. and Mrs. B- B.' Gibson were Bar ton visitors Monday. Mrs. Linda Hoffmelster went to Es tacada Satnrday on a shopping expedi tion. II. S. Gibson went to Eastern Ore gon on a business trip Monday. . Mrs. Pease, Mr. Huntington's slater, who haa been In Portland for aomo time, came out to her brother" e last week. - Tho Estacada Oraya played a game of ball Sunday with the Portland White Sox, winning the game again. The score was 19 to 4. CLACKAMAS . The Clackamas Amateur . Dramatic Club will give the play, "Little Buck shot." In- the Orange hall, Clarkamaa, on Saturday evening, April 8, 191L An epidemic of meaalea has been in evidence for aome weeks. There aro several aertoua case a. Mis Opal Eangenberg returned from a Portland hospital about a week ago much Improved In health. Tho heavy frosts following tho late rain ar a menace to fruit budar W. E. Leach recently sold one-half of hla ranch. Including buildings and other Improvements. J. T. Strite la putting his newly ac quired property in good ahape. Mr. Strite la planning to take a trip to Illlnola and Kansas next month. TWILIGHT. Mr. and Mrs. Fred MetnoQ and two children, of Portland, have returned to their bc!ie after a week-end visit with Mrs. Melndl's parents, Mr. and Mra. George Laielle. John Graves, formerly of this place. but now of Aurora, haa been visiting with old schoolmates, Albert Scheer and Eldon 8 wick. Mr. Bullard. of Salem, who pur chased the Faulk place, has taken possession. - Mr.' Bullard la welcomed in this place by the neighbors. Misa Lenette Snooke attended tne rag doll social at Warner Grange hall at New Era on Saturday evening. There waa a large attendance, tho pro ceeds amounting to over 830, wuicn 111 go towards the school fund. Mlaa Nettle Burgoyne. of New Era, waa an over Sunday visitor at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. 8 nook a. Mr. McClure, ot Texas, who arrived here-about a month ago,- has pur chased the Lnndgren place. Mr. Lund gren expects to go to Ashland, where he will enter business. Mrs? George Laxelle, of thla place, went to Canemah Tuesday where she remained over night with her step mother. Mra. Jennie Blngman. Mra. Lazelle also visited Mra. Clara Flelda before returning here. Warner Grange haa purchased a new upright piano for tho Grange Hall, and the organ belonging to the Warner Grange waa d re Rented to the W. C. T, U. tor the halt The piano for the Grange Hall waa purchased from pro ceeds of entertalnmenta and tbo ladlea who have been Instrumental in secur ing the Instrument feel proud of tbe work they have accomplished. Mra Hoffman was the promoter of the movement In securing the organ and Worthy Master Dodda Is proud of hla committee In the manner In wnicn it baa worked for the good of the cause. All membera of Warner Grange are loud in their pralae for the untiring work of Mra. Hoffman and her help- era. A dancing party will be given at the tabernacle at New Era on Saturday night, April 29. Many of tho young people of thla place are planning to co. A good time Is anticipated and good music will bo furnished. . One of the featurea will be the supper fur- nlahed by tho ladlea of Warner urange The proceeds of tho dance will go to wards tbe piano runa. Resolution and Notice for the Improve- , ment of Twelfth Street, Oregon ,. City. Oregon. " . Whereas, pursuant to an order of the City Council of Oregon City, ; Clackamas County, Oregon, hereto ' fore made, the City Engineer of aald k"clty haa aubmitted hla report and , filed In the office ot the Recorder, plana and specifications for an ap- proprlate Improvement of Twelfth 1 Street, aald City from a point 105 feet weat of Main atreet, weaterly "? to tho east line of Water Street, and estimates of the work to bo done ,.' thereon and the cost thereof, and, 1 : Whereas, such plans, specifica tions and estimates are satisfactory to the City Council of said Oregon City, therefore. ' ; The plans, specifications and eatt 'tnatea. are hereby approved and bo vlt :, Resolved. That it Is the purpose and Intention of aald City Council of Oregon City to make tho said Im provement being described as fol lows, to-wlt: .'The street shall bo brought to sub grade tho full width thereof. On the road bed macadam ahall bo placed not leaa than ( Inches thick at curb and not leaa than 9 Wanted At Once! AT" Oak Grove ",V CARRIER AGENTS FOR THE MORNING ;EfTERPRISE Liberal terma to huatlera.'. See Mr. Mlllee-lcirculatlcn Department, En- terprlae, Oregon City Oregon. ' lachea thick at senior of street and when completed the aald road bai. shall bo brought to grade speclZed In resolution adopted by aald City Touncll adopted on Feb. 1, 1911. Said street ' win bo properly pro vided with drains, catch basins, and gutters necessary to preserve tho grade, embankments and surface of tho street, and to provide all proper drainage. Sidewalks ahait bo aaado of concrete, except whero on appli cation to tbo Council, owners are permitted to have wood walks laid. AH aldewalka shall bo alx feet wide and laid to tho property lino. Curbs ahall be placed on each aide of tho macadamised portion of tho atreet 20 feet from the center lino of tho street Where the road bed If 40 foot wide. Curb ahall be of concrete and set verically to sub-grade of tho street. Croaewalks ahall be of wood four (4) feet wide and not leas than three Inches thick and all tho said Improvement ahall be made accord ing to tho plana and anoclflcatlona filed March 24th. 1911, and approved hereby. . ..-. The Improvement shall b classod as "Macadam" and ahall be main tained by Oregon City for the full period of ten years from date of the acceptance by the Council. Tbe foregoing resolution waa adopted by tbe Council of Oregon City at a regular meeting held Feb ruary 15th, 191L : By order of the Council of Oregon -City. ' I 8TIPP, Recorder. Wants, For Salc.Etc Notlea under thea eUaatflad baedma will b maarted at one cent word, flrat Insertion, half a cent additional tnaer- Uona. One men card. IS ear moatn; bail Inch card. 4 lines) II par month. Caah must coomnaa order nnlea on Haa an opan aoeount with tbo paper. Mo financial raponalbtllty for error; whero errora occur free aorrected notice will a printed for patron. Minimum charaa Ike. WANTED. WANTED Small advertisements for this eol'imn. Price a very reason able. Bee rates at head of column. VACUUM CLEANING done for 60 cents an hour. Call Pacific States 249L FOR SALE. ltt acres on 'Division St, E rooaa house, bath room and basement, barn, chicken house, orchard and email fruit city water. Frtoe) $1,100. Terma. Clyde As McRao, 100S Main atreet ; . , ;v FOR RENT. FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms, furnished and unfurnished. S07-6th8t BUILDER AND COMTftACTOfU HARRY JONES Builder and General Contractor. Estimates cheerfully given on all classes of building work, concrete walks and reinforced concrete. Ras, Phono Main 11L ATTORNEYS. O. D. EBT, Attorney-at-Law, Money .loaned, abstracts furnished, - land titles examined, eatatee settled, gen eral law bualneaa. Over Bank of Oregon City. - UTUEN 8CHUEBEL, Attorneys-at- Law, Deutacher Advokat will pren tice In all courts, make collections and settlements. Office In Enter ' priao Bldg, Oregon City, Oregon. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. y. R. HYDE, Abstract Office Land title investigated, conveyan cing, notary public, ' CRITICS (OOT : -GOTira COPT - Room 7. Barclay Bldg Oregon City. K, H. COOPER. For Fire Inauraacr - and Real Estate. Lot us handle your properties we boy. aoll aad exchange.- ' Office In Enter prise Bldfc, Oregon City, Oregon. - . FRETTAO ft MONTCT, Real Estate Dealers, have choice bargains In farm lands, city ' and ' suburban - homes, good fruit lands and poultry ranches, -. See us for good boy. Near 8. P. depot f - " SECOND HAND FURNITURE. . NEW STORE. NEW GOOD. When I moved Into my now atom I put In a nice lino of NEW FURNI TURE, which I am aelllng at the pri ces ueually quoted for eocond hand or ahop-wom goods. Come In and look around. Fine line of curioa and relic. GEORGE YOUNG. e PLEASE NOTICE, -1 To Introduce The Morning Enterprise Into a largo major ity of the homes tn Oregon City and Clackamaa county tho management has decided to make a apoclal price for tho daily lasno, for a abort time) only, whero iho subscriber pays a year In advance. , By carrier, paid a year in advance, 13.00. By man, paid a year In ad vance), $2.00. . People who garo otrf oanvae aor a trial aubocrtptlon for one) . or mora montha, at ten conta a week, can have tho dally dellv , orod for a year for S3.09 by paying a year In. advanoo. People who gave our canvas ser a trial subscription, by mall, for four months st a dol lar, may have tho paper for a year far $3.00, It paid a year .la advanoo. .. , ' . -' Subscribers Jo the , Weekly Enterprise may hiie their Bubocrlptiopa to the daily, re ceiving credit for half time on the dally tbat the weekly is paid la .advance. When they choose to add cash to the ad vanoo payment equal to. a full year's advance payment they msy take advantage of tho 2 , rate. ..We make this apodal price so that paopl who have paid in advanoo on some other dally and wish to tak Ue Morning; Enterprise, nay do ho without too groat oxpenae.