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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1911)
. , T" ; Pis Week, 10 'Cbnib VOL. 'l No. 57 OltEGON CITY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 1911. WAR IN MEXICO HEARS ITS END X i NaTION POINT TO A tETTLE- mint or difference in ' iREPUILIC TO SOUTH. ' ilDttKS STOPPED' SNUGCUNC MBVaWaSJBWafa Nt Aid Could B Bent Through Lln r sympstMier n Thl of th Mslean order. KEW YORK, March H (8pl.) Tip r lo Mexico aevma nearer an Md loolKbt than at any time la moaths. The Intervention between the I'oKed State and the border arma nUfKlTS haa H1"0 ,n Mexican gov. trournt an opportunity that It baa eot bd before. Theo there have been American who have given the In Wnf("e encoursgement and flnanclal ild for month, and thla baa (ready .mharsaaed Metloo. The I'nlted States putting a force on th border Hopping both of the loursrt of aid to the Insurrectos baa tide It (hat much harder for the rrtxlt to hold up, and the moral In wore has done murh toward the discouragement of thoae who have bets Ssbtlng the government. - wbo the Amrtea troopa were landed on Mexico's border, . near nouxh so that an Invaalon waa only a natttr that could be put through la u boar, Mexlrana began to wonder If ih I'nlted Btataa had any dcelgn on Mnlro. It led the rebete to atop and eoMldrr If they did not wapt to hold their owe country for tbemaelvea, and V they did It looked aa If war had bi tease.. Informal neotlatlona have been un itr sty between the different fact Ion la Metlco for severs! day and It looka o a If there mlaht be a patching it of dllftrultlea. 1 hi will then lead to t tat ton of war and Mexico may wa be at peace. Official Washing ton Mia that the war near an end, ud (bat peace may aoon hover over the Rapvblio lo the aouth. 10 FELLOWS ESCAPE. Fiurttee Little fellow Mutt Surfer te Appea the Public, DAWILUC, U March 14. 8pi It looks now aa If the big follow In tn bribe gWlng and bribe taking eaae i ner bM all escaped and few little frlknri )tn made eiample of. There irM Indictments for political or- frowa, ind the big fellowa all escaped. It looka very much aa If crime waa la lb naddl and the people unable ta naalah the aullUT. The big one ina to have been o numerous and ik tiiaiea ao glaring that It waa pos lble to ave all but thoae necessary prove the rule. , , . . MILWAUKEE TO IMPROVE. Hal Street Will New to Paved With Cruehad Maoadam. Contract ora will be Invited to bid on aarh atmat Imorovement work In Utiwaukle thla year. Time and man- on ordinance haa passed for ine pav in. rjt atraat thmurh the center uliheiown, and the legal notlcca have be noded. A cruahvd macadam ia fl4 for on thla atreet. It rf.t Kjun aattled whether the city will furnlah the rock or buy It. Tb town haa authority to purcnaae rock cruaher and crub rock ror us irwti, but will not do ao If bide re vived are conaldered reasonable. Stwal other atreet a are to be lm- Droviul rrnhnl rock, and Pro- wdlnn will be atarted at once. Al- ";Mhfr Improvement aggregating '.'0.(KK m ha undnrtaken thla year. Hie dt la nnm working under the i charter adopted at the recent wial election, and under tne charter proprly owner can bond their prop erty for atreet Improvementa. Maca- nm u io be laid for too preaeni ana Wettiumlte pavement will be laid litw. , Big Water Main on Hill. W U tl..ll - I . i A , City water worka, haa a force r' men Inatalling a ali Inch water FP along Waahlngton atreet from p""ua io Eleventh, with Qr hy- pf'ita Heretofore there haa been no PIB Hk (hi along Waahlngton 'rt. and ( una, ..iriinii I m cm iu.i.v.i V thl rMMunl. . ikt. .tr..( n it being placed. , , Wl'r. .... . . . im aaiianoa with apmn ng the the '"i "w- ihowlng th proper u.1 'T jroung mon and aiwaya young. Tha mora jrlitd w,ry aoonomlcally 115.00 to 135.00. ELUSIVE CLOTHIERS N4 Llka Othara : "d Main tU. " RUSSIAN DEMANDS Are Sudden and Have a Color of tolng ' Without "laaaon. rttKIN. Warch 14 (Bpl.) The Ruaalaa government made lie final de maada on China today. 1 In rlew of the fact that China had aaked aa eiplana Hon of certain thlnga prevtoualy com municated, and waa awaiting aa ana wer thla putting It up to China on abort notice la conaldered aa a trifle raw. Huaala haa demanded that It be liv en, permlaalon to put aoldlera In Chi none town, to hold the power of quarantine and rigid enforcement of health rule and to aettle the frontier question and the matter of guarding of the ltula n railway. Iluaala'a terma aeem hard and made with a view to a quarrel. CLOSE THE RIVERS.V Willamette and Claokamaa Cloaad By Warden'a Order. ' BALKM. Or., March It (Bpl.) Notice waa aent out today that the flahlng eeaaon la rloaed until May I, on the Willamette and Clackama Riv era. No trouble la anticipated at the effect of thla meaaure. There waa a rumor that there would be a caa atarted In Oregou City to teat the law, but ao far nothing baa been done and Flab Warden Clanton thlnka It la all a rumor, and that no ach atepa will be taken. PASS OREGON LAW. California Decide te Try Initiative, Referendum ' and Recall. BACRAMENTO. March 14. BpU The bill providing for the Initiative; referendum and recall for all munlcl pnlltlea waa algned by Uov. Johnaon today. It will go Into effect In 6 daya. If it per cent want to recall a man there muat be a vote taken; tbe offi cial may retire If he wlah. Municipal leglalatlon may be Initiated on 15 per cent of rotera aaklng It. SOCIALISTS BUY BIO PARK. Majority in Milwaukee Council Dt claea te Speno vi.ow.ouu. mil WiriCKK Wla . March 13. The City Council1 Boclallat majority tonight decided to buy a aireicn oi fuwt arrca alimr tnre mile or tne up per riverfront for a public park at a coat or IImw.uou, io oe paia in zv nuut atallmnt. - ',, ' '- WEST HOME $8,500. Oovernor Didn't Want the $10,000 Sat 'by Appralaer. t j 8AIJC.M. Or March 14. (Spl.l- Gov Wt today aaia he aia noi wain but $.0l for hla realdence property, and not the 110,000 awarded by the Committee. And he aaya If that I too much he wont object to the prono altlon being turned down. METHODS OF TAXATION UP FOR DISCUSSION BANQUET AT THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ICADS TO INQUIRIES , BY TH08E INTERESTED. nil. nf tha miiMl anlhualaallc Ilroth- erhood meeting that h been held In Ilia filr mmm thai llmt hnrhfxxi mMllDK and banquet held at the rreahyterian churcn Tueaaay evening. Aner me feaat provided by the Udlea of the church there waa an Intelligent dla cuaalon of the broad queatlon of tax ation. And tne men wno naa preparva nrinTim had tn mind tha broaden. Ing out of the aubject Itaelf ao aa to take In all phaaea of tbe queatlon. Rev. J. It Landaborottgh apoke on tha Hebrew ayatem of taxation, bring ing the queetlon down to the daya of the Romana, who a ere the trmute iura fmm the Jtwi at the time that nation went lo piece a few year after Chrlat'a time". - JiiHira l n mirk anove of the Dreaent method of taxation, taking In hla re marka the aaveral method which go to make up our present complicated vatam Tha Juris waa not himself. and went home early becauae of eer- loua Indlapoaltlon, but hi enort taiK had much of Interest to thoae who heard him. W. 8. U'Ren preaonted the queatlon of Single Tax, which la the new aya tam that la calllna- forth much dla- cuaalon at thla time, and which aeem a to be worthy of conaideration. Mr. U'Ren uaed local examplea to lllua irata hla addraaa and those oreaent be came greatly Interested la what ha told concerning tha new ayaiem, ana what ha aald a to what It would OC compllah for the community. , , After tbe addreaa by Mr. u Ken, which flnlahed tha program of ad dreaaea for iha.avenlng, the company broke up Into little groupa and dla cuaed what had been aald about Bin gle Tax. ,' Tha laat'halr hour Mr. tT'Ren waa on hla feet waa devoted principally to .a a anawermg queauona mn . w n . him In ranld aucoeaalon. There haa net been a meeting la thla city for aome time tnat naa lea to mora id ten earnetnea on the part of In quirer than wu the occasion of the Preabyterlan banquet Tueaday' even- Rev. W. M. Proctor waa Invited to make a fw remark along the Una of Brotherhood and Brotherhood work, lie advocated tha combining of all Brotherhood Into one great central organliatlon that there may be a ao clety of a alio and with an Influence that any great good that la dealred may be attained regardleaa of the pro teata of thoae who do not wlh the good Influence In thla life to be au preme. , ' Tba on queatlon aaked by Inqulrera, aa they gathered In group" t the cloe- of the peech making waa, "What will thla ayatem do to tha big fat dividend of the big IntereataT' DeLartea': orcheatra furnlahed mu alo for the evening. Herman Peter, Juat home from Oermany, gava aever al piano aelectlona. WE VIEW WITH ALARM. I I M4"""aaaaiSaJ-llsAa3aLa'T J I ( ft L L i,f?i.liiMaarlrT''i'n rt'ii'-- r HAVE BIG DOINGS AT LOCAL GRANGE REOULAB. MEETING ON SATUR DAY, MARCH It, LARGELY AT TENDED BY MEMBERS. LEGISLATION TOPIC IS DISCUSSED There Should Be More Politic at th flraalda la the Opinion Hld By Worthy Grangar In ' Clackamaa. CUokaaut. .Oraoga No. 2&.-al Ji regular day meeting Saturday, Marcn 4, held an Old fashUfied team-net din ner. The Worthy Master presided and appointed Wm. Mortltt toast maa tar fur tha ocraaion. He gave as a toaat. "The Grange ant lia Pnaalhllit laa." In hla remark he brought out the Idea that the pres ent ia the time, and the Grange la the place (or the farming Intereata to get together and discuss questions of gov ernment and legislstlon In which they aia concerned. , That a new order of thlnga under the Initiative, referendum and recall hail ntm,A mfira nnwar tn the handa of the peopla and brought them nearer to the government ana msae u mom essential that they ahould get together On thes questions tnst aneci ineir in terests. ror want or organixauon unity of action, farmera become pay musters for the schemes of others hn thoush less In numbers and vot lag atrength. gain their enda by unity nf aMinn and oneness of ourDoae. The sieaker traced out along theae llnea the power and Influence that tne rarm mi.hi avart whan the Granae made It a fundamental principle to use these Influences for the protection ana oen- flt of Ita members. Tha Brat response to this toast waa made by alster Dickenson, the wife of the District Deputy. Brie spoKe inier .in.iii rt wnman'a work In relation to the Orange committee work; alao the establishment and management oi haxaars aa a financial need. 1 ne uaea nf mil.llo anlartalnmenta. ; Brother HeacocK, our poP"'r scnooi teacher, responded In a ahort talk on -The Power and Electa or trgsni tfcm." ably austalnlng the aubject In irruinrad hv the toastmaster. Tha Worthv Mastar'a response waa t.D h. had tniended to talk on "The Boclnblllty of the Grange.' out tne quantity and quality of the vlanda eet k.t..r. him had driven other Ideaa rnm hla mind. Brother lewla Jonea, pastor-of the Congregational church, responaea in a and forceful talk on the ethl- ..i irfa nf nranaa work. Hla worda ..ii Kaniied the Dosltlon the popular pastor and brother granger occuplea among us. . nmthar Trabua save a very pleaa ant talk on the relation between the cttlxen and the government. Me aa- clared that tne areaa oi m .tiiina in an oraanlsatlon like the Orange, waa based upon a mla-appre-henslon of the aubject. Polltlca la the aoianra of sovernment. It ahould be -..AiA anrf iindaratood bv every citl ten In a republic that depend for Ita sustenance upon the enlightened votea nf tha neople. Brother Dickenson, district aeputy, dlsssreelng some what with the general coneensua of oplnlona proceeding mm, as to mu oda lo be pursued In building up the n tmaana of Soliciting HOW Intereata, never-the-lesa admitted the ....i. nf a a-anarsl chance in meta- nrfa ma avnartanca in rejuvenating old granges haa taught him tha utter failure of the old regime, tie iuuuuj It well to locally Introduce any moral .-4 u.itimiu mathod adanted to aach locality. The worthy chaplain and lecturwr gave abort talks, tnua enaing u dbo quet la a moat satisfactory manner. NEW WHEEL NEEDED. - Mill A Clod to Permit Temporary Repaira at tha Hawley. The ground wood department known aa Mill A. of tha Hawley Pulp A Paper Co., la ahut down for a few r causa of a break In a water wheel that 0j 62 W occurred Monday night. Tbe wheel haa been In uae for aeveral yeara and the constant vibration probably caused the break. Superintendent Puaey aald Tuesday morning he waa arranging for repaira of a temporary character so that the mill would not be closed longor than absolutely necessary. Later a new wheel will be Installed. MARRIED IN POLAND. Wlahaa Divorce In Portland, Alleging pjon-Buppon or sit ana tniia. Mirfilinni Wlalnawaks haa filed a suit for divorce against Stalalau Wl alnawaks. They were married in Po land. Russia, on Januarv 25. 1906. and ara nnw raalrtenta of Portland. There Is one child, Sophia, for which the mother asks custody. Mrs. wisinaw aka haa been forced to make the liv ing for herself and child, aa her hus band haa never aasisted In making the living aince tney were mameu. n made her earn her living by nara labor, and took the earning aha made and gambled. aiata ia rtlaat. toe . Probata. . Tha aalata of Ramuel M. Myers haa been filed for Tflrobaie In the office ol the County Clerk, and the helra are Miss Martha Myers, of Oregon Lily; Mra. Klfrieda Zorn, of Champoeg; Mlaa Augusta Myers, of Oregon City. GOES OUT Oil HIKE TO VISIT SCHOOLS SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT GARY SEES MUCH OF COUNTRY DIS TRICTS EACH YEAR. J County School Superintendeat Gary tart out one of hla' country 'bikes nvar tha nnnntv thla tnnmlnr Ita would -not tell th reporter where) he wgs going tor no saia tae Knierpnae wu being read ao generally Over the county that everyone would thoa ltnow whom bo waaomlng, and could fix np to receive him. Mr. Garv aava that he likes to catch the teacher unawares, for It t then that he aeea them In a natural post- linn and a-anerallv at their heat It la not that he haa any Idea of spying on any teacnor. uotn teacner-ana scholar Is at hla beat when natural, when one'a self. - , - - . -, There are 130 schools and 220 teach ers In the county, and the Supetin- tanriant la Want hiiar In maklnc calls and . learning of the success and the needs of all of these schools, teachers and acholara. ,!.''.;. . ,' I- On hla last trip Mr. Gary visited Kelso. Sandy, Bull Run. Welchea. Cherryville and Bull Run territory generallr. lie is finding thlnga In a good t aha po generally and reports many teachers accomplishing ja"eat work.. 4 Choice Lots In Gladstone EASY.TERMS T.4L. Chafman CITY DRUG STORE. V A. D. S.' Digestive tablet are excel lent remedy for Dyspepsia 35 and 60 cents. Prescriptions and Family Recelpta filled with pur drugs. Prices reason, able. . ' CHARMAN A CO. CITY DRUG 1 STORE. Channan Bros,' fclook. CITY'S INTERESTS ARE SAFEGUARDED IS THE BELIEF OP CITY COUNCIL AND SEVERAL INQUISITIVE BUSINESS MEN. ' LIVE WIRES APPOINT COMET That ia Aaked to Keep a Sharp Look out for Any Joker That May Creep Into the Or.'- dinance. . - Arguing that the Interests of tbe city are not properly safeguarded In an ordinance granting the Mount Hood Railway Co. a franchise to place poles and airing wlrea on the streets of Oregon City, Attorney Grant B. Dimlrk baa been instrumental, through tbe LJve Wlrea, in securing tbe ap pointment of a committee to carefully scrutinize the ordinance with a view to suggesting amendmenta. Mr. Dim Ick was offered the chairmanship of the committee, but declined to serte on the plea of pressing business, and Frank liuarn waa namea aa cnairman, with City Recorder L 8tipp and City Engineer C. S. Noble as associates. The ordinance cornea up lor nnai Miuti at a anaWal meeflna- of the Council tonight, and will probably pass, unless tne committee nnua m InLar amnnv Ita nrovtalonS. Mr. Dim- lyk talrea tha hla-h, rround thst the city csnnot be too careful, and that tbe ordinance does not pronioit tne nl.-ln nf nnlaa on Main stret This " f - statement la contradicted by aome of the city officials, who point to the saving clauses In the . ordinance and also recite section 43. Chapter V, of the Cltv Charter, providing the powers and duties of the city council. Thla section says: -. The council haa power and authori ty w Ithln Oregon City to license, reg i.i. aarf t a w talenhona eomnanles telephone offices, and telephonee, and to fix a roaxlmum rate to oe cnargea by telephone companlea for the rental nt nia nf talenhonea: to license. regulate, and tax water, gaa a ad elec tric light and power companlea, and to fix the maximum rate to be charged hv an neraon or comotDT. Or COrpoTS- 1 . . mm latrla llaht nr power, supplied by such person or company, or . corporation, .to ' private nd public consumers witnin saia city. '.The committee wilt nvskj an examt- nailnn of the ordinance before to nights meeting, and If It ia found that any amendmenta are dealred, tne city Pnunrll will he asked to hold ud the final passage of the franchise ordin ance until . It can be aatisisctoruy amended. The ordinance haa already been examined by a apeclal Council nnmm ittea and hv Mayor Brownell, who believe it has been drawn with iha .liv'a Intereata in vieW and thing a competing company ahould be en couraged to come into tne city. i Carload of Blasting Powder. The Portland Railway Light A Pow- it.ntrtmcnl la ainej-tlnff a carload shipment of the new blasting powder from tbe powaer mm at una- . i . . I tgw Ur tOa. 1 UlS COIIBIRI1UIVIH " " ..... LJvesay, who has a magailne aeveral mllea up the Abernetny. STONE OIL W IS IWG GOOD SHOW DRILL NOW IN THE SHALE AND CASING DOWN BELOW 850 FOOT MARK. SANDY, Or., March 14. (Spl.)--Newa from thla neck o' the woods Is Interesting these days, and all on ac count of the progreaa that Is being made with our oil well here. The new men who are operating the well are from the California oil field and natur ally understand conditions in the West They aeem to be pushers and up to snuff In the oil and oil well busi ness. They have Installed new .ma chinery and now things are running smoothly and with great speed. - - Tuesday, for the past 24 hours, a depth was drilled in of 60 feet and the prospects were good at the change to the night trick for a continued spell of rapid progress. At that time the casing wsa down the full 850 feet which waa the lowest depth reached In the history of the well. That meana .ii Hoi.rt., ahaken loose ty dynamiting the well three weeka ago haa been nsnea out bdu m la In new soil. The new soil Is shale and the drill era report that It la a almllar ahai to that In which oil la found In California. . . l .jiium ara almllar here to those In California, and aa almllar prospects are looaea tor. uiu thoae working about tbe well feel en couraged, by the indlcatlona that the drill bringa up from day to day. - . The drlllera feel aatlslled that they have th casing down far enough so that It ahuts off the flow of water, and that water will not bother them again. In an oil or gaa well water la the one thing that deetroye the effort to get results so that la one of the flrat thlnga that must be eliminated. Thla. the drlllera feel certain, they have been able to accomplish at the 8ton WTbe drill la In the ahale .which la a loose formation and permit a the drill to go down with good speed. It Is now down beyond the 8S0 foot mark and will be puahed on until a depth of 1100 feet la reached; when, if no , oil or gaa la In alght, a conference will b w-i.a -a airihaf nlana made. It la OW1U aw..--. . - . . . hoped to get a good flow before that time, However, ana wors ward with that expectation In mind. ENJOY SPLENDID BANQUET. New Citlzena in Willamette Given Royal WateAm Tueaday Night. The cldzena of Willamette met Tueaday evening for a banquet In honor of tbe new citlzena who have moved Into that Utile city 'within the taat few montha. There have been aeven families added to tbe population iwtnl. whi ara fhara In mikf homea and aid In building up the city ana tne mate ana inoae wno nave lived there for years planned thla ban quet In an effort to make tbem feet at home. Not only waa there an enjoyable feaat, but after the pleaaurea of eating there vu a eeaaon of apeech-maklng. Attorney Gordon Haye waa the apeak- nt tha aranlnc and Reboot Runerln tendent Gary, I. W. Rivera and other made abort addreaaea. Tbe new band volunteered aeveral number, which were well received and drew forth compliment for tbe boya. 4 . , . ' FRUIT TREE TALK. '! Inspector A. J. Lewis Makes Very Ao- . - ceptable Aaoreaa io scnoiaro. r-nnntv BVnlf Inaneetor A. J. Lawis marfa an addreas to tha dudIIs In cer tain grades In the Oregon City achoola Tueaday. He talked to the agricul tural atudenta of tbe aeventn ana It-hth rrades and the students In bot any In the high school. Mr. Lewis talked on ana uemon- ir.iAil tha rilaaaaaa of fruit treea. with especial reference in hla demon strstlon to the San Jose acale, the great pest of tne isonnwesi. rte ! talked and gave a demonatratlon on grafting and budding. : Tha arinreaa araa a very timely OHO and the pupils listened with great eagernesa. Superintendent Tooe is very greatly gratlfled with tee results which he feels were attained by the address. , TALKS TO SANDY GRANGE. Ssndy is a Booming Town and the Grange la Growing too. Randv r-rana-a held an onen meeting Saturday and as County SchtW Super intendent Gary waa to be in th-t town on a visit to tbe achoola be waa in vited to "kill two bird with one tone" and make an address at tbe Granke. 8andy Grange haa been mak ing great progress until now it nss a membership of over an hundred and Is initiating two or three each meet- ins- Mr. r.arv talked on "How to Improve Our Country Scnooia." Tne aaaress proved timely and it was wen receivea hv tha larra mimhar nresent. A. C. Thomss is tbe master oi tne Sanriv Rranea. The Grsnre Is olan- nin tn hnild a new hall. Sandy has a population of about KM) and It is said to be growing raster tnan any other town in tne county. ! . GLADSTONE MINSTRELS F OR FRIDAY EVENING LOCAL TALENT WILL PUT ON BLACKFACE PROGRAM THAT . PROMISES MUCH. . ' Tbe minstrel to be given at Glad- atone nan on rnaay evening, marca i . r.lAM. talent nrnmlaaa tn j , UJ uimmvuv v. be a most enjoysDie anair, ana tne program to be given by the blackface talent will be the best of this kind aver offered hv local talent, and It mtirht t aald that it wilt be far bet- tar tha anma nf tha traveling trouDea' performance, aa a rehearsal waa gly .n unnilii nla-ht. and from all indlca tlona each one appearing on the pro gram will DO lorcea to respond tw u The mualcal director la A. F. Parker. one of the leading musicians oi uua atona. Local hits are to be given, and will no doubt tend to enliven the evening's progrsm. This is the first ni.rfnrmiiiM nf thla kind SVCf given at Gladstone; and it has been aome time alnce the people of this city hae had tbe pleasure of witnessing a per- fnrmanr'a of hlark far artists of local talent and no doubt there will be many people attending from thla city Tha nroeram conalsta of the follow' In. niimhara-' "Dlvta I .and. ' chorUS I parody on "Dixie Ina, can ttonman and chorua; "Carve Dat 'Possum," win noodwln and chorus: lokes. com pany; "Dat Water Melon.' Dale Olds; nllanlnnvl solo. "MlrSndV LOU ." Mra taka May "Climbinc l"o the Golden -8tsrr8, Will Goodwin and cho rus; , Jokes, company; , solo, banana iininaaii. ladles' ouartette. "Poor Little Black Lamb." Mrs. Ralph Mc Getchle. Mra.. William tloodwln, Mra Lake May and Mra. 1. m. uauit; soio, "Golden Slippers," A. F. Parker; gags, nn.nanv anln. "StOD. RtOO. StOO." Victor Gault; Jokes, company;. solo, "Little Puff of Smoke. Mlsa Hilda Toose; quartette, "Don't You Cry My Honey." Pastime Four, Homer Hollo- .M riarland tfnllnvall. Victor (lault. John Mulkey; gags, company; solo. "Lucy Anna Lou." Mrs. naipn ic- Getchle; solo, "under tne turn rum Tree,-. John Mulkey. with quartette chorua; gaga; solo. "Any Rags,1 Lisle Gault ; "Suwanee River." Ladles Quar tette and Pastime Four; aolo and dance, Carl Hoffman; cloning chorua, "Dixie," company. Mlsa Marlon Money wilt be the ac companist of tne evening. A PENNY SAVED THAT'S WHY SO MANY PEOPLE LIVE IN CLAinnonT- I Us uiaaaa' - A law t rfvmtAiMi and ArlvlUOM Affordad m r - - w - - 1 tract that cannot b ebtalnad In tha city. Ask u about tham ' W. F : SCHOOLEY Ct CO. i Both Phone. ' ' . it Main BL. Oreeeft Cltv. 6 OPPOSITION RIFE TO ANNEXATION TAXPAYERS COME TO FRONT WITH CHARGE THAT IT WILL '" RAISE THEIR TAXES., MANY ARE AGASSI PkESEKT fUl a Writer Asserts That Benefit Would Not Equal the Extra Cost That The Plan Would EntalL rtnnnaltlnn tn tha nmnAMd innail- firm of a nortlon of the West Side to Oregon City haa brought forth another ' protest from a prominent -west ore- . gon City citizen, who gave The Morn ing Enterprise th folbwlng inter view yester'day. "Tha West Side residents are against anneiatton to the City of Ore gon City almost to a man and they have good reasons to be. Tbe offt clalDt Oregon City have lust had their books ezperted and were sur prised to learn that the city la in ' debt to the extent of over $215,000, and over 20,000 of thla amount falls due In 1913 with no money In the treasury to meeLaame. Ia It any won Amr that the- now feel new territory .Mist be annexed to help pay this In debtedness. TDs peopi or. tne west glde think charity begin at horn and nll nrnma ritr has oaid Its lust debts Itself they feel like keeping charity at bom., tub. bsjdo iceiing , exists in other localities proposed for annexation'' and rightly.. "If water and aewer systems ana the county bridge are loaded onto the residents of the West 8Ide U addition to thla load of Indebtedness which is now breaking the backe of Oregot City tax payers and keeping aew peo ple - from buying ana living wuam their mldsta. do they think, that any one now outside their U salts free from debt except that of .the County will see fit, to-vote tbemaelvea ngnt to neip pay dims wmca ut nw. fitted them in the least? ' ' ' " .' ' -The restdente of the' Weet- Sid are alive to their righta and wlU see to it that these righta are rnainiainea. It they want a City Government, they can provld thla aa also ail th Im provements Oregoa City, can grant . them and at considerably leaa expense, but to date they hsv not found such . .main and do not wxoect , in ' foe some - time to com. . Oregon I City might Juat aa well, locate other , points on which to can ror neip ror , the West Side people cannot see their wsy clesr to double their Ui rate at thla time. " . WILL-MAKE DISPLAY. - Friendly Bible Class to Have Showing nt Sunday School convention. The State 8unday school conven tion, ' Inter-denomlnatlon!,' will be held at Eugene April 11. IS and n. Each school Is entitled to two dele- . gatea, and they are being appointed over the State.' In connection with . organised Bible classes there la alao a delegate ,to thoe- where th class desires It. R. J. Eddy will go as rep resentative from the Friendly clasa of the Presbyterian scnooi. - The Friendly elas ts plsnntng for an exhibit at the-convention, to show that It Is alive aa a class. The claas will , send programs of musical and literary entertalnmenta given, class -pennants, photos, etc., with a view to making a creditable display. , BAPTIST BROTHERHOOD HAS DUOYABLE TREAT DR. BENJAMIN YOUNG, PASTOR OF FIRST M. E. CHURCH, PORT . LAND, SPEAKS. . There waa a very large and encour aging attendance at the Brotherhood banquet given at the Baptist church Tuesday evening. The gathering met In tha narlnra nf tha RaDtlst church. where elaborate preparations had toeew made ror l a gooa time, ana , wnetw those present -participated 111 one of the moBt enjoyable occasions of the aeason. "i t : , There were 84 sat down to the feast prepared, and after a pleasant half hour's feasting there was a moat en joyable flow of oratory and reason. Dr. Benjamin Young pastor of the Firat M. K. church, of Portland, made a very Interesting address at the cjeee of tbe banquet Hla aubject waa "The Kind of Man Like." The Doctor waa at hla best, ana nis aaaress waa cheered to the echo. I " Mr. Lunt added to the enjoyment oi the evening by reading two abort numbers. , It waa a great meeting nd those present passed a very Pj" evening. ' ' vi. The ladles of the church served im feast, The tsbles were decorated In green In honor of Bt. r in A PENNY EARNED ' ' IrBB irliiiT trmm YIsapa air aaanw th ownip of ClalrmM " -v