Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1911)
MORNING ENTERPRISE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1911 A .... t The Sale of an Autograph It Brought a Fortune to Family That It Had Impoverished Br ARTHUR TURNER BEALE Oopjrrtsht by A ror1cn Press Ao- elation, Ittl. ifmyf w TTf T f T TTT TTTT TTTTTf o Wbn 1 went Into my new house I j-p t0 ,al, tlln, n, jj mt suspect wa desired to hare ona room Id It aa an- 'bad any other motive tban to eell a Mmu ooaalble. That room la my! bona Oda autograph. Hunts worda Ubrary; Among tha furniture I de sired waa a desk, I looked about rv erywbere for ona that I could be aur waa rery old and at last found one that Oiled my wtshea. Upon getting It Into my library I unlocked everj drawer and after duatiug It wiped It with a damp cloth. I noticed that every bit of apace In tha dwk converted Into um except a recUugu lar area which seemed to have been omitted. A bit of veneering aa large aa tha tip of my linger had become! loomed. In on It I reload a aocret drawer. There waa only otic piece of paper In tba drawer, but It vscsi iuid bib doom. waa Important It waa addressed on tha back to Feter Drlsroll and was dated April 8. 1S35. It read: Send tha balance of tba property st oca or take tba consequences. . ,, NEMO. 1 .am endowed with a fair amount of curiosity and, fortunately for me. hare tba means to gratify It I tele phoned a prominent detective agency to aend me a good man. It aent ma Evan Bunt Showing btm mj desk. I told blm where I bad bought It and directed blm to trace Its own ership. Tba next day be reported tbat tba storekeeper from whom I bad pur chased It bad obtained It from the eatate of Peter Drlacoll. a man who bad been fonnd mardered ona morn ing In hla bed. I waa rery much moved by tba news. I saw at one tbat the discovery of the paper placed upon me an obligation to turn tha letter over to tba autborltiea But as I am of a retiring disposition I did not relish' being mixed up In a t murder case. I concluded to prosecute (Mny Investigations further before mak ing tba matter public. . Pledging mj detective to secrecy, I abowed blm the paper I bad taken from tba deak and directed blm to find tha writer. The signature "Nemo" waa undoubtedly as sumed. Bat tba detective believed the handwriting waa that of the person . who bad made tbe demand alnce tboee who levy blackmail are not likely to impart a knowledge of what they are .doing to any one else. It waa folly a month before be re ported that be bad found a man whom be believed to be tbe writer of the letter. No clew bad ever been found to lead the police to tbe murderer of Peter DrlacolL Hunt bad secured an acquaintance with Driscoll'a family. They bad been rich, bat discovered at the death of their father that tha prop erty, which bad consisted of interest bearing stocks and bonds, had disap peared. They bad concluded tbat be had been speculating and loat It They bad been obliged to give op tbe hand soma boose la which they lived and bad sold their furniture at auction. Bant questioned them to discover If they suspected their father's property bad passed to tbe man who bad writ ten tbe letter, but found they bad ever beard of blm. great many discoveries are stum bled on. Bunt stumbled on tbe man who wrote the letter. Be talked with very one woo had known Drlacotl and learned Incidentally from one of DrlacoU'a acquaintances, s banker. that Drlacoll bad kept an account with blm. Bant succeeded in Inducing the . """a to let him have a peep at Drla coU'a account One man. an Italian amea . VecM. hsa received Urge amonnta tor which there waa no ex planation. Bunt then aaked DrlacoU'a Jrtdow to permit blm to look ever her husband's papers. Among them be toand letter tbe handwriting of which corresponded with that of the note I bad discovered.. In tbe note It waa disguised, bat not so success fall bat that Bunt suspected It waa the sama aa In the letter be bad compared ! lone them. Before I left the boose ft with. An expert proved that be wee very ona of na took an oath never to right Vecbl lived aa a poor man, j reveal anything of what had hap keeping a hop In which he dealt In tened. odds and ends, curiosities, and did something In the way of autographs ef prominent persona. . When wa hsd laid our Diana I went with 'nunt to Yecbl'a ebop. The Ital- tan bad aa disagreeable a face aa any Af e You A Siihsctthzt to the If The Morning Enterprise la to be aa successful as the Interests of Oregon City demand it must needa have the support of all. The new dally haa ft big work before It In boosting Oregon City and Clackamas County., Tour tap port mean a mora strength for the work. je- Will Yoti fctcip Boost yotif own Interests? For a limited time the Moraine; Rn tee prise will be sold to paid In advance budschdsts mm iuiiuws; . - Br Carrier, l year 'T r-L 1 r-.. ...... , r- r-(rj. I ever knew. I anuauerea ai knowing we possessed bta secret iaat he murder us to prevent our giving It to tba authorities. Uunt said to him: "Do you buy autographs here I - "Sometimes. " "I have ona I would Ilka to sell yon." : "Whoee autograph la It T" "Not a very distinguished person. Nevertheless wa aak a largo price for It" "1 don't wbb to buy any autograph for a largo price," "You will pay a fortuna for tbla ona. I am aura, abeo you know wboaa It ta." "Whoee U It?" "Your own." Tba man gave an Involuntary start. "Tour own" and the way the detective looked at him assured blm that wa bad coma on a very different errand.. "Let me aea It." an Id tha autograph dealer in a low voice. "I will read you tba nota to which It la algned." aald Hunt. I had arranged with Hunt thatwben ha drew tba nota I waa to put my band in my aide pocket and grasp a revolver. I did ao, and Hunt, standing well away from tha Italian that be might not snatch tba paper, read what waa written. llng with the word "Nemo." Vechl beard M. doom In be waited for blm to speak, keeping hla eyea riveted on htm the while. "How much do you ask for ltT Anal ly Yechl axked. "My friend here," replied the detec tive, pointing to me. "ta lta owner. He Intenda to give the proceeds' of Its sale to the family of tbe man to whom tbla note waa addressed and, who .waa" Yechl etaggered. Hunt continued: "Tbe price la certain stocks and bonda that pawed to thla man Nemo, (f they are all returned tbe note will be returned to the writer to do what be llkea with It and no atepa will be tak en In the case. If every security w aot given up Nemo will be arrested be fore be can leave bta shop." Yechl seemed to be thinking for a few momenta, after which be aaked: "Tell me tbe amount" Wa did not know the amount butr had provided for thla. - Yon alone know the amount at present, but since we know that thla property haa pasaed Into tbe posses don of Nemo we can at any time dis cover the exact amount- If we dis cover that be baa withheld any of It we may reopen the case." Yechl stood wavering, whether be waa hesitating aa to the amount be would return or whether to defy us I lon't know. Presently be aald: I will buy your autograph, gentle men, but I have not tbe price bere. Ton mast go with me to my bouse." We went with him. aa be suggested. I walking on one aide of blm. Hunt on tbe other. Hunt and I each having a hand on a revolver concealed. ' When we reached the bouse Yechl took us nto a room, locked tbe door and aald: "What guarantee have 1 tbat you will ke p-your word?" "None whatever." aald nunt "You moat rely on the promise of a gentle man," Making . a virtue of necessity, be opened a closet door, exposing a aafe Embedded In the wall. Tbe aafe being painted ik&tbe wy. only Its keyhole a-as perceptible. Introducing tbe key. be opened tbe aafe door and took oat i Urge bundle of securities. I looked them over and knew tbe value of moat if them. I Judged they were worth be- rween 3j0.ow and x-wu.uuu xoey were mostly coupon bonds, not tbe tame property that bad been trana erred by Drlacoll to Yechl. "Ia tbla aUr asked nunt "Everything." replied Vecht "I have to desire to leave anything amiss tbat a 111 reopen thla matter." Perhaps my friend," aald Bunt 'may wish to know tbe bold yon bad n DrlacolL" I have no such desire," I aald. The roperty ia returned, and that la auffl- rlent Tbe secret of blackmail If told night bring distress on an Innocent 'amlly. Goodby, Mr. Nemo. So far aa his matter la In my poeaesaion you nay consider It closed." We went from tbe sbop to tbe Drla- wlla', where Mrs. Driacoll answered ny card In person. I said to her: Madam, I have an Important an- toancement to make to you, and I de- are that you call Into tbe room your wna and daagbtera to bear It" Surprised, she compiled with my re- lueet, and her children, mostly grown. vera summoned. When they were all ssembled I told tbe story of my pur base of tbe deak and tbe finding of ho paper In tbe secret drawer. Then entered upon Banfa Inveetlgatlona some of tbem recognized him) and. astly told of our visit to Vechl's shop. t was Interesting to watch their fea- area daring my recital of our Inter view with the blackmailer, tbey grow- ng more and more Intent till tbe de- Ivery of tbe property. When tbe re 1tal waa finished I took the aecurltlea "rom my pocket and banded tbem to dra. Drlacoll. saying: "There are seen rifles affording an tnnnal Income of $20,000, In consldera- lon of whlcb we have taken tbe lib erty of giving Indemnity against prose utlon for blackmail end" I ahrank from epeaklng tbe dreadful eord murder. Every member of the faintly ap proved of all I bad dona and acknowl edged In every poealble way tbelr In- lebtedness for tbe great favor I bad ' Mrs. Drlacoll afterward Informed me bt ao far as she could discover the tqulvalent of all tbe securities tier roeband bad possessed wsa returned 'OTn tUfiOO In caab wsa unaccounted Dr- , ..... .. '. $$ 2-00 COST OF CENSUS WAS $555,500 About 37 1-2 Per Cent More Than In 1900. 71,100 ENUMERATORS USED. Carliae Legislation) Racammendad by Director Durand Salaries and Cs pensaa Paid Counters of Uncle 8am's Population Aggregated $4,870,000, er 5.S Cent Pee Capita. I Director E. Dana Durand baa sub mitted bis auuusl report com-erulu fthe operations of the bureau of the Cflusua during the year I'JOIHO. it Is shown tbat tbe cut I re coat of the flcll work on population and agriculture lu contlneutal United Stales for the tbir teentb census waa about .S..VM j In l'JOO the cost was H.SUT.XM. I Do 1010 coat waa about 37V, per cent more than In 1UUU The original estimate of JH.117.0Ki aa the total cost of the divennlal cen sus. Including the othei wort of tbe bureau during tbe census period, the director now believes too tow,' and be thinka. in view of the additional work required by congress a (id t for other reasons. It will reach fully $H.:00.iO Delayed Legislation Is Deplored. The director urgea that If uew leg Ulation la required for taking the ceu aua of' WJO It should be passed much earlier than waa done for tbe present census Were It not for the fact that the bureau la now a permanent organi sation It would have been practically Impossible in the nine months which elapsed from tbe passage 0f tbe cen eua act to the date of the 1910 enu meration to arrange properly for tbe taking of the census Tbe three p.'e cedlng censuses bad preparatory e rloda fifteen ciontbs long. Tbe census act authorized not to exceed 330 auperrlaora. The 'number actually appointed waa 320 In conti nental Uuited States and one In Porto Rica Tbey were residents of the dis tricts from which appointed. . The number of enumeration dls- trlcta finally established In continental United States waa 09.023. Tbe dis tricts bad on an average, therefore. about 1.300 Inhabitants. Tbe average population per district In cities of over 6,000 Inhabitants was about 1.485 and In smaller towns and rural districts about 1245. In general there waa one enumerator for each enumeration district, but In a considerable number of districts lo Ibe south a white enumerator waa ap pointed to canvass tbe white popula tion and a colored enumerator to can vass tbe negro population, ao that tbe total number of enumerators employ ed In continental United Statea waa about 71.100. . Amount Psld Enumerators. The total payment to enomeratora In continental United States as com pensation for tbelr services and travel ing expenses aggregated about $4,870,- 000. Tbe corresponding expenditure at tbe census -of 11)00 was about $3.- 640.000. Tbe Increase waa tbua 37 per cent aa compared with an Increase la the population of 21 per cent. While a considerable part of tbe coat of enumeration, estimated at about one-third. Is attributable to tbe agricultural statistics, nevertheless a broadly significant comparison may be made by dividing tbe coat of tbe enu mention at each census by tbe num ber of lnbabltanta. This division shows tbe compensation of tbe enu merators aa equal to 4.7 cents per capita In 1900 and 6.3 centa In 1910. an Increase of about 13 per cent. In discussing the field work of tbe cenaua of manuractorea. mines ana quarries tbe director atatea that It waa practically completed Iaat fall and tbat tbe aggregate coat waa about $751,000. The average per establishment there being 871.444 of these. Including slaughter bouses, waa $2.02. substan tially tbe aame aa In tbe cenaua of 1905.. Tbe office force of tbe bureau waa on Aug. 81 Iaat at lta maximum point there being 8.738 persons on the pay rolla. Tbe largest number of emer gency appolnteea on tbe roll at any one time waa 842. last July. All each were dropped la December last OREGON HAS QUEER ROCK. Balance te a Nloety Despite Laok ef Proportion. One of tbe moat remarkable rocka In the world la that known aa tbe bal ancing rock, whlcb standa oo the bank of the Willamette river a abort distance above the city of Portland. Ore. Blaine from a broad base la email column, roughly round In shape. Just above thla ta a huge maee of rock, bearing a tree pn the summit the to tal height of rock and column being about 100 feet Although a great deal larger and heavier thao tbe pillar on which It standa, the big rock la very accurate ly balanced. Tbe entire rock Is of a volcanic tut' tare, and tbe most singular thing about It Is the fact tbat tbe knob and pfllar are entirely disjointed from one another. Quicksilver Production Doereasse. Leas quicksilver was mined In the United States last year than lo 1009. and, according to a government state ment tbe tendency la toward a de crease In tbe prod action. Subecrloe for the Dally Enterprise OWEN G. THOMAS BLACK8MITHINQ AND REPAI WORK. i. Beat of work and aatisfsctlon guar anieeo. nave your horses shod by an expert; ii pays. All kinds ef repair work and emtthy work. ' Prompt eervlce; greater por tion of your work can be done while you do your trading. Give me a trial Job and see If I cant pleaee you. OWEN G. THOMAS Car. Main and fourth ft, Oregon City t A GOOD ONI ON CONNIl t MACK. Hugn Kullertoo tells a atory on Connie Mack, mauager of tbe world'a championship Philadel phia American cluk During tbe celebration In Philadelphia of tbe Athletlca1 victory lu the world'a cbaniploushlp series tbe entire city waa glveu over to tbe affair and honors were being heaped uHn Connie. Mae waa tbe biggest mad In Philadelphia at that tluio."aid ever)' unu of wealth and prominence In every Hue counted It an honor to alt with blm. He was at one of tbe swell Philadelphia clulia as a guest of a member when a stran ger, who also wss a visitor at the club, waa led forward aud Introduced Tbla. Is Mr. Mak." aald the boot to tbe atratitfcr. "I'm pleased." nM the stran ger, shaking the extended band. I've aeon your play and enjoyed It Immensely." "Indeed." enld Mack politely. "You must be an old time fau." "I am." answered the strauger. i"I especially enjoy the romantlc Irlsh melodrama: but. Mr. Mack, It eeeuie to mo that ou the stage you aeenj much heavier." J GRAY," BILLIARD - STAR." Australian Champion, Now In London, Astounding English Billiard World. , Fancy a billiard player mouopolla Ing tbe table from Wednesday until Friday! This ia what the English ex perts have to put up with Just now durtug the tour of tieorge ray. the young Australian phenomenon, who thinks nothing of running up over a thousand points at a time. Tbe Eng lish 'game differs from the style of play here. The pocket are brought Into requisition In addition to the car onia. and tbe table Is larger, with smaller balls. There are probably a half docen better all round exponents eaoaoB obat, billiabd CHAMPION. of tbe art In England at the present time, but nevertheless through devot ing six hours a day of the past ten years to practice the young antipodean baa ao mastered a particular ahot that he la now making all bla opponents look silly. Ilia favorite stroke Is whst Is term ed a "red loser." Tills consists In nurs ing tbe red ball down from tbe end rail to tbe middle pocket and glancing In off." Once In this position It la dol lars to dougbnuta tbe ran will go Into tbe hundreds. Already Oray haa made eight strings of over a thousand points, and, from the way he la ahap- Ing, It will not surprise any one If be ret runs tbe two tboussnds. It Is quite a new experience for tbe spec tators to alt through a whole aesslon and sometimes two or three and watch one man go on raising bla break. To the opponent It moat be aggravating In the extreme. HOLBEIN WILL TRY AGAIN. i ' - - Famous Swimmer te Meke Last Effort te Cross English Channel. Montague Holbein, who baa several times almost accomplished the swim ming of the English channel, will make one last effort next summer. He baa learned a new leg stroke by which he not only hopes to Increase bla pace, bat also to lessen the strain on bla etanv lna. It la called the "northern kick" and offers an absolute minimum of re sistance to tbe water when tbe legs are being drawn Into a position for a kicking. Ita motion Increeaee tbe speed, and there la not nearly the aame fatigue resulting.. Australian Oarsmen May Coach In U. , Information from Australia aaya that two of tbe world'a greatest pro fessional scullers Richard Arnat pr ent world'a champion, and Harry Pearce are likely to become connect ed with tbe rowing departments of two of tba foremost nnlversltlee In tbe United Btatea one In tbe east and the other In the middle west. ' tyreeuoe end Celumble te Moot Colombia college of New Tork, after eight years, haa resumed track rela tions with Syracuse, and on May 8 tba athletes of these colleges win meet at Syracuse. t Put Yourself In the J Ad-Readers Place... When you write youf classified ad or any kind of an ad try to Include In It Juat tbe Information e you'd like to find If you were an ad-reader and were looking fot an s ad of that klna. e If you do thle to even a small extent your ad will bring Re- SULT8I THE GRASS - WIDOW . By M. QUAD Copyrleht or Assoclsted Ut- siarv I'tHi When a widow la not a widow, but baa a husband biking around - the country some where, tbey call bar a grasa widow. Tito term might aa well be a bay widow or straw widow, but It Is always given aa grass. Miss Minerva Hatiudera waa a grasa widow. tUie should have railed her aelf Mre.. but tbe reimrt had come to her that her uilastng hlisbaml, Abel, bad Ihhui seen to drown himself In a nilllpond. She waited a year and then called herself Miss and removed to Perklnavllle. She had Hot boou there throe months when Moses Drew, farmer, enw her st church and ad mired her and legan courting. He should have boon told atriili:htaway tht Alcl waa' a. deceiving husband and that that drownltnr1iwmcss might have been ouo of bis little tricks, but he wasn't. He went rlitht ahead and courted nnder the Idea that be waa In love with a mls. About eight months after meeting the woman he asked her to be hl wife. It waa then nearly two years alnce tbe absconding AImI was aupposed to have gune lo the bot tom of the pond, and Miss Hiiuudera Mushed ami stammered and aald alio guessed s.r" That waa enough for one night, on the next the wedding day was set. On the second the wedding day waa Planned. On the third aa the happy couple sat holding lis nils the absconder walked Into the bouse. He had not been drowned. He hnil not come any where near It. Of course there waa excitement, more of It than aa 4f a clrrtia elephant had broken loose. Abel apologised for bla advent. He waa aorry he came. Jle reollxed what a worthless critter" ho f was and he could never forirlve bfjoself for bar ing broken tip. a happy marriage.' He would go right away and mmnilt sui cide and let the matrimonial - event take place. He asked for a dollar irnd got It and then dlaapeared. Mr. Drew had to le talked to In a Booth- Ing way for a lng time, but be Anally eat himself down to wait until the grass widow liecame a real widow. In about. three months a stranger call ed on Mrs. Saunders to any that he lived twenty ' miles away and "waa a carpenter. He bad a man named Anei Ranndera np on the scsffold with him one day when It fell to the gmnnd snd A lel wsa a desd man.- He only bad time to tell his nnroe aad express the hope that his dear Minerva would now go ahead and marry Moses. " In five daya more the preacher would have tied the knot but Alel walked Into the house again. It was some one else that had fallen from the eeaffold and been burled by the town. If pro vided with cheap suit of clothee he would make an end of himself thla time. Three tnonthe went by and nothing from Abel. Dating thla interval there waa no talk about the wedding day. There must be no more surprises. It waa lucky that tbe couple bad gone alow. Mre. Saunders received by man from a' town fifty miles away Ave af fldavlta that a man who bad been found froaen to death In a anow bank waa tbe lamented Abel.- Aa the f rosea lees bad broken abort off In carting the body around there waa no doubt of death. "Pleaae exense me for aaylng theee look good to me," aald Mr. Drew aa he looked up after reading tha affida vits. . . ' "Tea. Abel la euro gone thla time." algbed the wife. " An hour later Abel Baundera walked In and bold bla toea to tbe Ore to toast Minerva succeeded In fainting away, but Moaea Drew arose la hla anger and shouted out: ' "Then yoo were not froeen stiff 7" "Met Oh. nor "And they didn't break the lega off your carcass "Legs? Oh. my legs are all right" "And you're-come back!" "Come back? Yea. but I'm not going to etay long. I thought I'd go out akat Ing tomorrow and akate Jnto an air hole. Ton can both come along and see me do It and then there won't be any more false a lar ma." , "Ton go to grass, air, and I'll go hornet Thla la a pretty muss for a re spectable man to get Into!" Mr. Drew stamped out of the bouse, and Minerva got chilly on the floor and returned to consciousness to fall to weeping and to wall oat: "Ob, Abel. I coaldn't have believed It of your "No. of connie not. I orter got frosen, but I didn't m be all right tomorrow, though. Don't cry, Nerva; don't cry." "But MoseaP' . "Oh, he'll be all right in a day or two. Jost feela hurt at my coming back. Thinka I don't mean to akate Into an air hole, but he shall see. Tea, akate right In. and that will be the last of me. Cheer right, up, girL" It la a matter of record that Abel Saunders went ont on the mlllpond next morning and kept his promise. More than twenty persons saw him deliberately akate Into an atr hole and hla body shoot over the high dam. They looked for It, and though It waa not recovered there waa no doubt about the death. Three months later the long delayed marriage took place. It was a sure thing about Abel thla time. Bnt was Itt Six months after the mar riage a man waa killed almost In front of the Drew house by a wagon run ning over him. Snre as you live It waa Abel Saunders, ne waa coming home to say that be waa still alive, but would shuffle off In a day or two to oblige, ne had shuffled! Crippled Beggar Turned Loose. The crippled fruit purlolner who when arrested Wednesday fought the officer, and who refused to tell bla name when. In court, waa Sent to jail for 20 days. After 89 hours he begged plteously to be turned loose and to save expense this waa done. .. He Is not likely to return with a 19 day sen tence hanging over hla head. Auto Speeding Must Stop. The Mayor objecta to tha reckless speed with which autos are often op erated on tbe streets of the elty and haa asked Chief Shaw to put a time teat on a few of them and If running too faat take them before tbe Re eordr for a reminder. Ai?e You a To the New DAILY? The. Morning j'Entegpggse V- '-'. Is to be as successful as the inter ests'of Oregon City demands it must needs have the the support of all. The new daily has a big work before it in boosting Oregon, .City and Clackamas County. Your support means more strength for the work. ... Will You Help Us Boost Your Own Interests? For a limited time the Morning Enterprise will be sold to paid in advance subscribers as follows: By cat tiet , By mail, Send in Your Name and Remittance IF I year $3.00 year 2.00