Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1911)
MORNING ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1911. LOCAL PRICrS ......... n of Clarkea, In tbU J? on bu.ln.a- Thursday. . i) utmirette made a bualneee Jd" to Hnlom on Wednesdsy. K".'n,.rdon.;ofC.nw;.h, Or. in l i'r "" t .Hhfl. of Canemah, mov.d to his Junta"' homestead on IhursJsy. 9 ... ml H.nlh ml rmmt h A. H H1"'"' ,w " ' II'"' , . -h.,r,-k IIiIm avanlnr .III lllrel ,u" "'" " Vw lt 'ki lf"l0- i I il,. t,t nil Prnek 1 nn hiialnaaa r - Thur.(iy. . - - ... lit iirriiiu j ..- -... pr (ieorge ! -'"""'t v'- ..u'inii.. Oregon City. . Coin arrived from Eetacad. he I" ""' i i.wi tha r'ommerciai Club bail 'aM' l... .( tha IHi.rh Hall TrUT v. ... ...i.. iiilliiwill. of Gladstone " -ivhii ii surplae Wednesday night l a score of her girl friend at her ... i it.. i dir. There wee a very Uliivahla evening spent with games ajld Bill"" ' '. - t the clone of a very pleasant event County Brbool Huparintenaeni uary ,, culled I" Salem last night to aa- Liit In ill" p"" " - rlrlnf County Huperwitmaenia ana nihrrn raise 1,1 "lr5r- th S'owl HuDorlriK'iKli-nt receive but a 100 a p "1 ,.. in ue that hi salary r . malarial raise and atlll i.d u- -.'- ; ... . OA ylll'l" 'a'1" " " "i" PEOPLE POINTED-OUT- .. CI,..,. iniera. of Stafford, was lo Oregon '"y on bualneaa Tburaday. .... ..,.. i jinhener. of Clackamaa rounty. wm In thla city on Tburaday. it Harrlaon. draftsman at L Willamette Tulp Paper Co, la iffirlng from an auaca 01 grip. Mr. A. II Heedle. grower on Lowar .......i t,aa iMian wreatllnc with i mean run,, of the grip for tb paat week, but U better. Mtnter Murlon Miller, tha Uttl aon at Mr and Mrs. flatph Millar, has bn ilrk the f'w Ay wUn "rtou" ittark of winter dysentery. Meurs. Vila". Bheahan and Pua ir from among tbe men of prominence U lhe WIHaoiette Pulp Paper Co., vers MueiiKrs on the evening train for Salem. MIm Olca McClure, alenographer or U'Rn Bchuebel. who baa bean rery 111 fr the at 10 weeVa In tbe :,ood gainarlian lloapltal with typhoid i-Ter, l now able to sit up. and will probably be removed to her borne on Jundiy. - - ROOSEVELT TO Pf AK. EUGENK, Or Keb. !. Theodore oorll will MH'sk at the tTntversltr M Oregon oo April 8. ' A telegram re Mt4 yenlerday from the ei-Preal- lent. stales th'ar If arrangements can L made to atop hla train long snough, Whlla pasnlng the Oregon campus, he bill speak from tbe rear or hi car to &i ttudenta i - Hewitt Does the climate agree lib your fef Jawett That's mora in Id eipert of any cIlmate-Tbe mart Set. Lo Hoy mm mum LE ROY OSBORfJ MUSICAL COMEDY Hi STEUKDTTIISr KESETnKfEID) AFJIID NEW BUSCH HALL OPENED JOYOUSLY (Continued from page 1.) A. Kuppenbendar. Mr. and Mrs. J. n lluinphrys, Mr. and Mrs. John Kluley, mr. a.iu tin, it. a. uay, Mr, and Mrs. A. n. Wllmot, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Col Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Howell. Mr ...a MrsJohn Adama, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Tobln, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kvans Mr. and Mrs. Thomaa Myers, Mlaa irayrs iieoox. Mr. and Mra. O. D. Kby, Mr. and Mra, Dtisna Ely, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Warner, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Chapman, I If. Klrrhetn, K J. Caufleld. Mr. and Mrs. It. 8. Mount, Mrs. A. B. Howard, lr. T. J. Fo. Mlas lllx. Dr. Clyde Mount, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fortune, Mra. MCiauainnu, I'arcy Caufleld, J. B. Waiey, II. Avlaon, M. J. Iwiielle, Mr. and Mra. r. C. (Jadke, h. E. Gardner, Mr. and Mra. John r. Clark, Mr, and Mra. J. IC. Beeley, Joaepb Juatln, Mlas Clara Fields. Miss Agnes Juatln, Mr. and Mrs. J. a Uarretaon, T. F. Meeoh. Mlaa Edith Jackson, Mlaa Aletha Jack ion. Dr. and Mrs. K I Pkkens. Mlas Irene Moore, Mlas Ilarrlat Cochran, Mlaa Anita McCarver, Mlaa Nan Coch ran, Mlaa Mlna Kelly. Mlse Mota Harding, Mlas Bess Kelly, Mlas Mary Ellen ljhu. Mlas Iteryl liOng, Mlas Edns Caufleld. MUa Froat, Mlas Anne Midlrm, of Portland. Mlas Joal Cur run, Mlaa Anna Alldrediie, Mlas Edith Alldredge. Mlas (Ms Harclay Pratt, Mian Dollle Pratt. Mlas Bedonla Shaw, Mia Eva Alldredge, Mlas Nora Han irin. Mlas Minnie Itakel. Mlaa Helen Dnulton, Mlas Ileas Doulton. M.Lan.4.. Mrs.JL-IL-llunUey, Mr. and Mra. Henry O'Malley, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Keating, of Portland, Mrs. Nleta Harlow Mwrence, Mrs. U Ituo- onlch, Jr., Mr, and Mrs. M. I). I-atour-ette, Mrs. C. I). Latourette, Mra. If. C. Htevens, Mr. and Mrs. E.. O. Cau fleld, Mr. and Mra. Don James, Mr. and Mra. Joseph Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. (1. II. Dlmlck, Dr. and Mrs. George lloeye. Mrs. Annette Haas, Mr. anj Mra. Joeaph Hraendl, Mr. and Mra. J. E. Iledgea , -, Mr. and Mra. E. f . Avlaon, Dr. and Mra. C. If. Melaaner, William Avlaon, Mr. and Mra. Charlea H. Noble, Mr. and Mrs. Caddell, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Miller, Oacar Woodfln, Mr. and Mra Frank Ituach. Mr. and Mra. J. Levitt, Mr. and Mra. F. T. Barlow. Mr. and Mra. M. D. Telford. F .C. Preuachoff, Roy Young, Harry Young, Fred A. .Mil ler, Milton Prlca. Mr. and Mra. Irving T. Ran, Mra. J...W. Norrla, Mr. an J Mra. u May, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Latourette, of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. A. Price, Mlas Anne Tolpolar, Wlaa Etna Pets- old, Mla Ileas Warner, Mlas Hazel Tooze, Frank, John and Eddie Ilusch, Herman Kakel, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ballabury, Mrs. Frank Foraberg, Rol and Foraberg. Mlas Kathryn Blnnott, M. J. Ijkzelle, Mr. and Mrs. W. A.I Hhewman, Mrs. Clint Rutherford, Mra Agnes M. Bllver. Mlas Esther Levitt. Earl Lutz, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ran dall, 'Mrs, M. C. Strickland, Mlaaes Tlllle and Ida Meyer. Frank Koenlg, Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Phillips. Mlaa Maude Warner, Roswell U Holman, Mis Edna Holman, Miss Ethel Cau fleld. IJvy Btlpp, Forbea Pratt. Harry Draper. E. E. Iirodle, Norwood Char man, Dr. F. J. Zlegler, of Portland, Mra. Augusta Warner, Percy Caufleld, R. W. Drown. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Ra"has.1tr. and MrsrE. C. Baker. Mr. and Mra. Henry Wetxler, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Ganong, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Daulton, Dr. and Mra. U A. Morris, W. L. Mulvey, Mlas Margaret Mulvey, Commencing Sunday Afternoon Oaborn Frank Jaggar, Miss Jaggar, George Randall, Mrs.Chas. !(. Caufleld, Mr. and Mrs. John U. Lewthwalte. Miss Mona King, Mlaa Elaine King, C. A. Bcbram. Mlas Wynn Hanny, Mlaa Merle Keck, Charles Parker, Mr. and Mrs. George Habklns, Roy, Armstrong, Mlaa Bertha Konrner, Mlas Iva Har rington, Mlas Wava Harrington, Mr. and Mrs. . J. Hood. Mrs. Mag Hoi lack, Dr. Murdy, of Canby, Steve Chamber, L. Noble, Jr.,,0. C. Miller, Mlas Rosa Miller, Mlaa, Clara Miller, Mlas M. Gibbon. , Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Ice, Mlas O. Kel ly. Mlas Helen Chamberlain, IJoyd Bmlth, Waldo Caufleld, Frank Rotte, II. Wetzler, James W(Md, Mlas Chris tabel Jewett, mn. W. II. Iwton. Mrs. A. B. King. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. H. Hamson, Mlas Ada Iledwell, W. H. Howell, Mlas Pearl Barde, B. Uarde. of Portland. Mrs. Henry Thompson, Mlas Anna Shannon, Mr. and Mrs. F. Greenmsn, William Kennedy, Miss Volcbumar, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hen nlngaen, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Byrnes, J. W. Partlow, Mlas Maude Nelaon, Alvln IJndahl. Mlaa Nellie Blnkley, Adolph Neu, of Portland, Arthur Todd, Mlas Nell Todd, H. U Kelly Mr. and Mrs. W. H. 8llco, Mr. and Mrs. C. White, Mr. and Mrs. Charles VanOrden, C. A. White. II. 8. Moody, Mrs. William R. lxigus, Mrs. Rosins Fouts, Mlas Hazel Francis.. GOVERNOR WEST Invited to Speak It the Next Congre gational Banquet. County School Superintendent Gary Is a member of the Congregational Brotherhood and takes an Interest In all brotherhood matters, whether In connection with the brotherhood with which he Is affiliated or not. Mr. Gary was called to Balein on legis lative matters Thursday, and before going he was asked to while there In vite Governor West to come to Oregon City and speak at a Brotherhood meet ing In the near future. The Governor will be Invited to come at the next regular meeting, but If he cannot come at that time he will be asked to aet the date when be can coiae, and then the Congregational Brotherhood will conform Ita plans to the spare time of the Governor. Governor West Is a very Interesting speaker and If he electa to come will undoubtedly add greatly to the Inter eat on the occasion that be may grace with bis presence. QUILTING BEE HELD. Home of Mrs. James Burgess Given Over to the Paatlme. On Wednesday evening Mrs. James Burgess gave an old fashioned quilting bee at ber home on Clackamaa Heights. A bounteous dinner was served, and a good time enjoyed. It waa an event which will be long; re membered by those attending. Those present were, Mrs. Alex Brown, Mrs. Charles IJveaay, Mrs. A. Q. Kinder, Mrs. II. Rambo, Mrs. J. Aldrlch, Mrs. Edna Aldrlch, Mrs. J. J. DePord, Mra. A. Klttenhouae, Mrs. A. Fleming, Mrs. George Ma no, Mra. 1. Moore, Mra. C. Smith, Mra. M. L. Bhortlldge, Mrs. George Bhortlldge, Mrs. Julia Roberts, Mrs. J. W. Mo Anulty, Mrs. Jamea Burgess, Miss Genevieve Aldrlch, Miss Mary Burgess. Bert Kent, of Woodburn, waa In Oregon City Thursday, having come here on business, and before returning home visited hla rot her. John Ient, of Para place. Mrs. Jamea Goodpasture, of Port land, spent Thursday In Park place visiting relatives. with an entire change of program three times a week Sundays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Beautiful Costumes. Big Chorus of Pretty Gi rls. Ex celent Principals. Funny rnmpflian Singing and Dancing every thing to make you happy. EVENING SHOWS Saturday and Sunday 1st 7, 2nd 8, and 3rd 9 o'clock Wednesday 1st 7:30, 2nd 9 o'clock MATINEES Saturday 3:00 Sunday 2:30 ' ADMISSION Children 15c Adults 20c ANY SEAT IN THE HOUSE TENDERLOIN DISTRICT WANTED. BUTTE, M6nt., Feb. 16. Petitions seeking the re-establUhment of tbe tenderloin district, abollabed recently lo this city by Mayor C. P. Nevln, were presented to tbe City Council last ev enlng. They were signed, by the laad Ing business men and bankers of Butte. MUSICAL COMEDY AT ELECTRIC THEATRE. The Electrle Theatre will change Ita policy next Sunday, Feb. 18, from moving plcturea to musical comedy. The management has arranged for the LrRoy E. Oaborn Musical Comedy Co. to play musical comedy for an In definite period. This company comes well recommended and Is well known In the Eastern States and part of the Pacific Coast. They Just cloned a five weeks engagement In Vancouver, where they established a good reputa tion. . . Manager Oaborn will change his pro gram three times a week, giving an entire change of program Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays. This company has a large chorus of beautiful girls, In which they demonstrate to you ap proved beautiful songs and dancea. Manager Osborn has with blm two of Oregon City 'a favorites Miss Ma mie llaslam and Walter Siegfried, who are playing the leading roles. Miss Marguerite Doyle, who haa played characters for the LeRoy Oaborn Mu sical Comedy Company for the paat two seasons, has established g great reputation, and Is known as one of the best character women on the Coast. Her make-up and work Is a revelation. We might mention' that this Is a few of the many excellent features of the company, which will make Its Initial bow to the Oregon City theatre goers on next 8unday afternoon. Oregon City has always wanted mu sical comedy and at last the propri etors of the Electric hnve secured an excellent organization to occupy, the stage of their play house. Capable principals, funny wmedlans, pretty girls, excellent dancera, all go to make a good company and tbe patrons are assured of at least geetlng what Ore gon City has wanted for a considerable time A GOOD. CLEAN. REFINED MT8ICAL COMEDY. Manager Osborn guaranteea tbe public there will be nothing seen or done that will mar the most refined taste. The prices will be popular and tbe performance will be the equal of anything of its kind on the Coast. CORRESPONDENCE WILSONVILLE. Miss Helen Murray spent eome day last week visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cbaa. Tooie, of Gladstone. Mrs. Aubrey Woods returned from Oregon City on Friday, where she had been attending the teachers' examina tions. " ' Potato raisers from San Jose, CaL, were In Wllsonvllle last Monday, buy ing fancy seed potatoes. - Eva and Mae Baker apent Saturday and Sunday at home. Mrs. Norrls Yoirog had quite a alege of la grippe last week. Prof. Bethnme, of the local school, attended the teachers' examinations In Oregon City last week. Alison Baker returned from a trip to Jhe county aeat last FOday. - - Mr. Lowry was In Wllsonvllle on business Thursday and Friday of last week. Ira Seely went to Newberg on Mon day, returning the same day. KTdDELAILr John Butson apent some time In Portland last week on real estate busi ness. Real estate business Is getting live ly in our Tillage since fair weather. The blgb winds of Monday twisted the telephone wlras again, and most people on tbe line "Ware cat off from central Mrs. Chalupsky, who baa been very 111, la Improving slowly under the splendid nursing of her sister. Miss Strangle. . The buyer for the Southern Oregon Commission Co. waa In Wllsonvllle for some dnya last week buying pota toes. . Henry Beck man was Installed as president of the M B. A. lodge at the first meeting In January.. Mr. Beck man has bea a very enthuslaatlc member, and will doubtless keep this growing lodge up to a blgb degree of excellence. Mr. Darby was Installed as secretary, and bla splendid busi ness ability makes blm well fitted for the position. Jake Peter, Mrs. Lawrence, Mrs. Toung, Mr. Darby, Matt Baker and hi family of boy have been among the residents near our village afflicted with the grip. Many Wllsonvllle people were in attendance at the funerals of Melnt Peters and Henry Elllgson at Stafford laat week. The St. Valentine Ball, given by the membera of the dancing club, at the M. B. A. ball on Saturday evening, waa much enjoyed by those who at tended. A road meeting for district No. 32 was held In tbe Pleasant Hill school bouse on Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock to discuss the best way of building roads to accommodate the farmers of the community; Melnt K. Peters, who died at tbe family borne at Stafford last Tuesday evening, wa one of the progressive German farmers, who with tbelr en ergy and skill have been such great factors In the development of this country. He was the father of our highly respected townsman, Jake Peters, and to thla noble aon, aa well a to the widow; and other member of the family, we extend our heart felt sympathy In their sad bereave ment. Henry Elllgson, who died on last Tuesday morning at Stafford of quick consumption, waa always greatly ad mired by bis host of friend on -ac count of bis bappy, Jovial disposition. The funeral was largely attended by tbe numerous friends of tbe deceased and the M. B. A. lodge of Wllson vllle attended In a body. Performing tbe ritualistic work of the order T3T a very creditable manner. The floral offerings were numerous and hand some, paying tribute to the memory of one beloved by bis many friends. JENNINGS LODGE. Mr and Mra. J. A. Johnson have been" quite 111 for some time, and Mra. Johnson Is still confined to her bed. Dr. Mount, of Oregon City, Is In at tendance. Mia Lillian Weaterfleld. of Jonet Mill, and Mra. Meredith, were among those who have visjted at the school during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Roberts enjoyed a, visit from Mr. and Mra. Silas F. Scripture, of Oregon City, on Sunday. Mr. Glenn 8eeley, of Meld rum, baa returned borne from a two months' visit with bis grandparents at Sum mit. Oregon. 1 . .Mr. H. H. Emmons returned. from laano on Baiuraay wnere nis Duainesa Itereats called blm for the past week and on Sunday was accompanied by Mrs. Emmons when they spent the day at "Stone Gables." Already a numoer of Portland peo ple are planning to spend the sum' mer at thla place. Mr. and Mr Cushlng will occupy "Buena Vista" on the banks of the Willamette, and will come out from Portland April 1. Mr. J. P. Jeager and son, of Port land, were callers at the Lodge on Sunday. Mr. and Mra. Rlcketta and family, of Portland, visited wltb the L Wil cox family the first of tbe week. Mr. John Richards, of Oregon City, waa a caller at tbe Lodge on Tuesday evening. Miss Fern Hart accompanied the Misses Edna and Lillian Weaterfleld borne on Friday and waa a week end guest at their borne. Mrs. Dill, of Yamhill, arrived last week to spend a fortnight wltb ber daughter, Mrs. C. P. Morse and will also visit with friends at Portland Khd Highland before ber return borne. - Miss Robinson, of Portland, baa vis ited at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. a D.-Bordman during the paat week. Mr. Isiah Shenefleld conducted the prayer meeting on Thuraday evening, which waa one of tbe moat profitable onea held this year. Thq Sunday school lesson waa taken up and these lessons In Old Testament history are especially Interesting when taken up In this way. All are cordially Invited to meet on Thursday, February. 16, when the next weekly prayer meeting la held. Mlaa Bronte Jennings, of Wichita, and sister Miss Florence, of Portland were visitor at the T." J. Spooner home on Thursday. Mrs. Hugh Hoberta and little Hal mer were among the guests who were delightfully entertained at the borne of Mra. Frank Boardman In Gladstone when cover were laid for six at a very prettily appointed Dutch lunch eon on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hampton have come out to their cottage to remain durine the summer. Two of our families will move from the Lodge during thla week. Mr. and Mra. Klrmse have decided to locate In Portland, and Mr. and Mra. Ed Smith will move east of Oregon City. Mr. Waldron haa lumber for his new home and Messrs. Wilcox and Rusaell commensed the building of th house on Wednesday. During the Mk Mr. H. C. Palnton completed a drilled well for Mr. Waldron on bis orooerty on the corner of Jennings avenge and the uouniy roaa. Mr. nohlman. who has been a visi tor at the home of Mr. and Mra. Cbaa. Redmond during tbe last week, has returned to his home in uaurornia. Amonr those who have been enjoy In a delightful visit wltb the Hugh McGovern family are Mr. Miller; of Montana, Jamea McOovern, or rort- land. Mr. McGovern, of Bponane, ana C. L. Smith, of Laconnera, wasn. Messrs. Shelby 8haver and Wen dall 8mlth attended the Valentine party given at the Congregational rhurch In Oregon City on Monday evening. Shelby and Wendall are membera of the Lambda Club, whicn gave the social and they prealded over the candy boom. Mra. Campbell, of Mt. Tabor, win visit a few day wltb her mother, Mra. T. C. Rice. Mr. and Mr. Jamea Welch. Mr. and Mra. Rent and Mr. Halleck. who have summer homes at thla place, have taken ap tbelr realdence here and wa are Indeed pleased to have tbem wltb us again. Mr. Alex GUI I grading on the riverfront property of H. H. Em mona, preparatory to the building of two summer cottagea which tbey . wll build to rent. Tbe Pastime Club, bf Meldrum, was delightfully entertained at the borne of Mrs. Cbaa. Hani on Monday. Dainty and delicious refreshments were served to th ten member pres ent. , Miss Helen Palnton attended tbe Lincoln day exercises at the 8blvely opera house on Sunday afternoon. Mr. 11. H. Emmons, who contem plated an Eastern trip when she ex pected to visit In Buffalo and New York City, has' been Indeflnately post poned, as her brother, Mr. Newton who she waa to vlalt waa unexpected ly called to bla business Interests In tbe Burmuda Islands. Rer. Emmel, of Mllwaukle. was a business caller at tbe Lodge on Wed nesday. . Mr. McClure, a commercial photo grapher of Portland, baa decided to sell bis pretty riverfront property at thla place, which Is beautifully located between Jennings avenue and the river front Miss Esma Newell visited wltb ber brother, Edwin Newell, of Portland, on Wednesday. , Wants, For Sale, Etc Notices ondrr thea claaalflad haadtnea will be Inwrted at on cent a word, first Insertion, half a cent additional i Inaar tlons. One Inch card. II per month; half Inch card. (4 lines) II per month. Caah munt accompany order unk-a one ku an open account with tha paper. No financial responsibility for errors; where errors occur free corrected notice will be printed for patron. Minimum chars Ho. WANTED. WANTED Nursing to do by practical nurse. Address 1207 Main SU or phone 2C31. WANTED Small advertisements for thla column. Pricea very reason able. See ratea at bead of column. FOR SALE. FOR 8ALE Six plga, aix weeks old; also two brood sows. Inquire of O. M. May, opposite Harris' sawmill. FOR 8ALE 1 span of mare and bar ness, weight 2300, age 9 years. Price $250. Phone or address J. E. Malloy, Beaver Creek. LOST. LOST SUNDAY, . PRETTY white Spits dog, answers to name of "Opb lr." Anyone leading to recovery of same, rewarded by owner, Mrs. Henry Shannon. Leave at William Estes' store. " , i BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR. HARRT JONES Builder and General Contractor. Estimates cheerfully given on all classes of building work, concrete walks and reinforced concrete. Rea. Pbone Main 111. ATTORNEYS. O. D. KBY, Attorney-at-Law, Money loaned, , abstracts rurnianed, land titles examined, estates settled, gen eral law business. Over Bank ol Oregon City. IT REN BCHUEBEL, Attorneys-at-Law, Deutscber Advokat, will prac tice In all courta, make collections and settlements. Office In Enter prise Bids., Oregon City, Oregon. DENTISTS. DR. L. G. ICE. DENTIST Rooms t, B and 6 Beaver building. Main St. Oregon City. Phones: Home A-198 and pacific Statea 1221. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY LOANED We are acquaint ed with the value of all farm lands In Clackamaa County and can loan your money on good aafe aecurlty. Farm loana made one, two and three vear at 7 per cent Abstracta of title examined. DIMlCK ft DIMICK, Lawyers, Andresen Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. ABSTRACT8 OF TITLE. V. R. HYDE, Abstract Oiflce Land titles Investigated, conveyan cing, aotary public. CRITICSrCOMPLIMDiT OMPETITORS COPY Room 7, Barclay Bldg., Oregon City. REAL ESTATE. 75 acre tract good land, no rocks, 3 mile from Oregon City, 1 miles from O. W. P. car line. Good- fruit lan". Cut Into 7 and 14 acre tracts, $100 to $225 per acre. Enquire of D. K. Bill &. Co., Room 9, Beaver Bldg., Oregon Citv. E. H. COOPER,. For Fir Insurance and Real Estate. Let us handle your properties w buy, sell and exchange. Office In Enterprise Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. FREYTAG t 8WAFFORD, Real Ea tate Dealers, bave choice bargains In farm lands, city and auburban homes, good fruit landa and poultry ranches. See as for good buys Near S. P. depot SECOND HAND FURNITURE. MANY TIMES you can buy Just tbe article you want. Just as good aa new, at a small fraction of the cost of new, If you go and see YOUNG, the second band man. Hla collec tion contains New and Second Hand Furniture, Hardware, Toola, Curios, etc. See blm; It cost nothing to inquire. CITY NOTICES. Notice of Application for a Vacation of a Part of the Alley In Block No. 112 of Oregon City, Oregon. Notice la bereby given that the undersigned bave filed a pet It lor ' wltb the Recorder of Oregon City, Oregon, aaklng for tbe vacation of a portion of the alley In said block, the same being a strip of land off, and from the northwesterly aide of said alley, and extending tbe length of tbe aame through Block 112 aforesaid, and being between Madi son and Jefferson streets, the aald . strip of land to be vacated being , on toot aad six Inch) wide; the) aald application la now psndiag be fore tk Council ef aald Oracoa City, and will ooma p ior beajln; 'before aald Council on th lltb day of March, 1911. Oregon City. Oregon, , February 17. 1811. ... , C. 8C HUE BEL, J. U. IAN riE.LLt A. E. FROST, W. C. GREEN, Pra. Board of Trustee, First Presbytery lan Church. Ownera of property abutting on aald part of Alley to be vacated. It Notice to Property Owner en Center Street, Oregon City, Oregon. To John W. Loder and Antoinette W. 8tout: You and each of you are hereby notified that the undersigned have been appointed appraisers of tbe property hereinafter described lying on Center street. Oregon City. Ore gon, and subject to assessment for tbe Improvement of said Center ' street and that tbe undersigned will meet at the intersection of Ninth street and Center street on the 28th day of February. 1911, at 10 o'clock a. m. for the purpose of viewing; said property and estimating tbe value thereof, and thla value la. to be used aa a basis upon which to estimate the proportion of the coat of the improvement of aald Center street aa tbe same 1 now being ln ' proved. f That Tom P. Randall, J. E. Hed ge and C. Schuebel were hereto fore appointed to make thla ap praisement and they, wltb tbe City Engineer constituted tbe committee for that purpose. '"-Tbe property upon which the value la to be fixed and tbe owner thereof are aa follows, to-wlt: Antlonette W. Stout, Lot 1, Block 41, Oregon City, Oregon. Antlonette W. Stout, Lot 2, Block 41, Oregon City, Oregon. John W. Loder, Lot 8, Block 62, Oregon City, Oregon Dated, Oregon City? Oregon, Feb ruary 17. 1911. TOM P. RANIML.U J. E. HEfXJES, C. SCHUEBEL, - CHAS. 8. NOBLE. It City Engineer. Notice of Hearing of Washington 8treet Assessment. Notice la hereby given that the apportionment of the cost of the Improvement of Washington street, Oregon City, Oregon, from the southerly line- of 8econd street, northerly to the southerly line of Seventh street, baa been ascertained and the proposed assessment baa been apportioned and la now on file in tbe office of the Recorder of aald city and subject to examination. Any objection to such apportion ment that may be made in writing to the City Council of aald Oregon City and filed with the Recorder thereof within ten 'days after the first publication of this notice will be beard and determined by the Council before the passage of any ordinance assessing the cost of aald improvement. Tbe property assessed for aald Im provement Ilea on both sidea of the said part of Washington street Im proved and between the line of lota abutting on aald part of. Washing ton street farthest from said part of said Washington street and aald part of Washington street. This notice is published In tbe Morning Enterprise, the. first pub lication being February 17, 1911, t th Council Chamber In Oregon " City. Oregon, as the time and place for passing on said objections. 2t . 1 STIPP, Recorder. NOTICE. - Executor Notice. Mrvilr. la herebv eiven that Alden B. Graham, Arthur W. Graham, R. D. Morrill and Wm. Anareaen nave nsen appointed by the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, executor of the estate of John M. Graham, De ceased. All personsaUnaving claim against said estate are hereby required to present tbe same, duly verified, to Wm. Andresen, Executor, at 619 Main street, Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of thla notice. Date of first publication, January I7th, 1911. Date of last publication, February 24, 1911. ALDEN B. GRAHAM. ARTHUR W. GRAHAM, R. D. MORRILL, ; Wm.-ANDRESEN, Executors, WESTBROOK A WESTBROOK, Port land, Oregon, Attorney. Electric Hotel 411 Mala. Itwcc:4tk a Sib Ms. OREGON CITY, ORE. J. J- TOBIN, Proprietor. PLEASE NOTICE. ' To Introduce Tbe Morning Enterprise into a large major ity of tbe homes In . Oregon City and Clackamaa county tbe management haa decided to make a special price for tbe dally issue, for a abort time only, where the subscriber paya a year In advance. By carrier, paid a year In advance, S.0O. - By mall, paid a year In ad- vance, 1J.00. People who gave our canvaa- aer a trial subscription for one a or more months, at ten cents a week, can have tbe dally deliv ered for a year for $3.00 by paying a year In advance. People who gave our canvaa- ser a trial subscription, j by mall, for four months at a dol- lar, may bave the paper for a year for 2.00. if paid a year in advance- a Subscriber to the Weekly Enterprise may change their 4 subacrlptlons to the dally, re- celving credit for half time on the dally that the weekly la ' paid In advance. When they choose to add cash to the ad a ' vance payment equal to a full . year advance payment tney a may take advantage of the 91 rate. W make thla special prte ao that people) who bay paid n in advance ee aome other dally and wlab to take tbe Morning Enterprise, Daevy Ao ao Wlthont too great expense. -