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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1911)
' Y ' I z I "' J - AY, .FEBRUARY 17, 1911. ... , . . .... Ml 4 " YAI1KS IN OXFORD-: CAr.lDniDGEr.7EET SBBBBWSBaWSWSBBBBB. ZEdffl lap i THE STARS. ( ''-1 ir Milady's Mirror t o n-n w r- H-i " ' ir TVMf WkM Ha Cm Aaa she CUi- laea StoU ad He Otftsre. SrrrrmJ lawrVil Bbssles scholar at Oifwrd amfterUrj wW In" the eeasaJ lalervarsity coat ef Oiford Caattiridg tb tualui sprttg. W. A. ZetgW kM iWil thai la UVal pear aarnac h Osferd ktaatf tbjwwer. a4 be la espertod I 4 al ana af tbia tb rarwole the Mtkr berumee farersM. Tbe there la tbe leak sprwer Laoaw. te should give th Csstah pty (mbl la hH drpsrrmest- see taer a II R- WoU for tb a) ysrd. At Oxford tbey bar it that be ha beat- . every mi U America: bat. though h sslgM spprar sarart fa tb Otosi aos. h weeJd b u; enough to saerat th aarJoael title be bu wo "eat tbia side of the pood. There la yet another Aaaeriras to K. HabUe. aaid to b good tor tb bleb i9 He " already beate feet torb. and by tW time tb opecta rse aroaud he Mparts -t be rtiftai feet or perhaps trifle higher. 11 at a too fairly good shot pwtter. as it ras be eeee tbat lb Americans will be a tower mt streagta to (b dark btnea Imdiv immmmr a Star. Om of tbe eerlostrtes a rb Cam brUJx toaai tbla aar la aa Indtaa big Jttaipar' an tba way froat Maaal Aba hiicfe arbooL tadla. and. tboctb bat a atrlptlnc ba la aatd to bar a laJabtd atjla aad aeada only atrroctb aod ar to tw abla to kar aa? bdxbt ba Hiea Tba B4BM of Uta aaw areoder la EL A. DaboU. aod bia brst public effort la I fart $ terbea. bat It la aald tbat ba caa laapfwva tbat mow by larbea. It baa bera stated tbat tba larrodartioa . ot tW totomOedata raataata baa aooe toward brtejdBC eat saatarlaJ at CaeUaidca. a ad aaaet aaa wby tba Ozoaisas da aet try tba ooeKy. la tuaiawatlas; oa tba aboratoeala at Oxford aa ot tba rrttirs maaria: It to aew ts Raeif. aod tba Coaiiab totad la aiew to adapt IT f to aordL tJea. Tbla la what tba lata Lard Derby aaJd a beat tba propaaal to foaod aa raxllab apeakJttf; atbletle carartal Tee ararda but ba applied eqaaUf araO to Oxford la tba aaatter af toier caOeslato eoaipedttoa aa tba fcaark aat eysteai adopted by Caabridec It was aarr"ted by tba Oxford traasarer years aaa. bet tbea. as aaw. failed to tod faear. Tbe aJteraaOra arbeaae a retoy fadaa; was aabaHtatad Bad aa far wltb reetxldmble aarraaa. latereet oa Ibere are vanoua preparatleaa ea4 yf asaaJrarea to iveaoee atslaa aader lurf ullt WKb rarefal tows auat ea tbaie raa be retted apea. bat (km U aar doabt a boat a aperte! I MunllM tatstlllU llT a taV-L Aa a afaia ranoeer It ts exiat. isl tba wecsaa bo "keroa balf a j. i. a aa tba eutlaaary waaastaad a-bere abe waabes bar bsnd rarely Bill bare to brosb for tba aaaibtTlna aaaffT aftafelaaV Oute arid Is atos ri lt b b Ivtoaa ta aae aataa. It stid be pOad wttb a bU of fwrtoa oa tba rod ef ta eraaarwodd atsra. la ealaa tba waaoa tbe tk mt tba 8ar caa be rabbad lata a aertiow. rf bV Later riaea a-ell wltb riear water. gutoa ea tba akSra af tba flacere are jnlrkly moored wttb a axHat paxakw oa. Tbia ts baralaabla to ret off tba Srst blotrbea after preeeota. paiol tat or dot aay CiatgvrtBg work. la asee waere tba Bade tbe Balls kaa rearbeaed a muintwdered pota k caa ba awbiteaaAvWia leeaua Juice tad applied wltb SB arsgMR.wd atVa. Keeer arrapa away a auia; It roecbr raa botb cadrla aad aail aod becoeare a dirt eatrber retber tbaa dirt re awTec Soakls; tbe Ojm af tba flam ta oil ail wtil kelp to beep tba akia tboat tba aaQa la good roadiUua. the UBey road icroaiida has been keen er si are its adopt loa for oaa tblog. for aaotber. party CoHlag aad party aplrli bar bora aroosed aa aever before Soase axteaded arateta a aystMn. I aieas. wblrb wffl prorlde fall a-ope for all atbletee rlgbt tbroagb tbe aea aoa an ma still Impendre. bowerer. "About tba eoereaa of tba Cambridge lntertoUeglata coaipetltloa orbeaoa tbera raa be bo tws opto loo - Apetby kaa ctrea pfau to ortlilty. W ea bare tbeir cotlea-a tatmata to look after a wall aa tbetr owa. wblle tba wbola eoaspedOoa a una to eageader eon tfsMaoea ficbttac laatead of laternjlt- fray.- PEKITS RELAY RACES. aWoajtoeoth Aavtaal Iwtsrachalaatie and latorcailofiato ta Be Held April 29. Tba Atblefir Aeeoriafloa of tbe Cnl rnULjrfFen3lTanIa will give Its arreateeotb aonnal laterscbolastlc and laiarcoUegiaie relay meet oa Franklin field. rbJladeipbla, April 29. la tbe team race aorlca there will ba three areata ore rare at ooe mile, each man to raa 440 yards; another at two anllea. acb ma a to raa KHO yards, and tbe third at four miles, each mao to ran an Bile. Tbeaa raea will determine tba rollrje ebamptonsblp of Amerlra and are open to college tesma of tbe rolled gtatea aad Caaada. eat Cream Faee BatK. arbea a woeaaa'e fare la tortlaed to Ldryaeae U rold weather tba ieea aaa asea water oa tt tbe better, tor toe water Is drylag aad win agzravata the roodltioa tbat other ageus which are cleansing aiaj euotbe aad erea beaX A peraoa who la wttiteg to take tba troable to ase sweet creaas dally oa her far 111 gtre the best of treat Mt a taUespoobfttl of rream la eof ftrleat for tbia bath. To erery Uble poaafal af cream aheaid be pnt tea drops ui tlartare of beasoln. This la ter piaaereea the Utegrtty of the rream aad ts aa exrelleat appHeatVo. To as tbta atlxrore a small Mt f old aoft llaea ahoohl be aararated aod tbe far tbea tborwojrbJy weC Tbe throat aod tba Cesh brblod the eara ahoald a ho be bathed. Tbea with tba Anger tlpa the serf are ae aauloted at ba rabbrd geaUy for Bre miaotea. Thai wffl eead the rream la'o tbe pore aad loose tba dost. Tbe face mast tbea ba wet wttb mora cream. This mat wash la to restore the soiled ap-pUratloa. Before retirmg la tbe beet tlase tbla work. Tbe last anointing amat remala oa an alghc la the Bsorolag the far should be wiped with a lotion ef oae-elghth gtyrerta. the other arrea parts being rvsewater. The wash hi tatended to bare jost eaoogh glyrerla ta tt to prevent tbe astrlBgeat artloo of roaewater. Bunmng tbe Hair. The reason that some women's hair la ao this to becanse tbey Aerer glr tbe air a rhaare to get at the scalp, especially with the a amber of rata worn nowadays. But. even if yoa do not wear them, give jonr balr a anonlag at least onre a week and erery day If It la possible. Toot balr needs each a treatment, and ao dnee your aralp, for the cold dries tbe aataral nourishment. and tons tbe hair Is likely to beroma dry and lsterleaa. Take all tbe hair pins oar I in nair. reran au ine tangles by running the fingers through It, then seat yourself la a comfortable seat by the window through which the sun la streaming. Toss tbe balr about from time to time and massage the aralp to get tba glands working prop erly. Part the balr in different place ao the atn will get all orer tbe scalp. Do this for an hour if you can; but. if ao. balf aa boar la better than bob. You need not fear headacb unleaa It la tbe hottest part of tbe summer. REAL ESTATE- Th following transfer of read eo- tafe were Pled yesterday la tb office of Coaaiy Recorder U E. Williams: Alfreds Zora to Martha at. aad Ag Meyer, kfta U 2. X. 4. block M, Oracoa City; $L George aad KHU L BlghamU U Amslroag. kX i of block 17. Prat SabdirtsioB of Oak Cros: ftM. Mtaai Odell to Oarid Myer. lot IX block 12. Mlaibara addlUoa to Port- lie rred J. Nclsoa to A. W. FXxdjc and Lena Ford re, (a acre of William Raaaen a L C No- 22. township 4 aooih. rang 2 east; also lots X. 2, sectioa tt, towaahla 4 south, rang east: lla. R. a aad LUliaa P. Holcomk to Job Leweaberger. I acre of sectioa 9. It. 17. township 2 sooth, range east; J- INTCRMEOIATE REAOINO. Mlaa tada Cvana GJea Paper Teacttars institute at Can. Pirates Need Firet Rasemaa) Badly. Fred Clarke, manager of tbe Pirates, would giro almost anything to captare "m flnrt base man of eren arerage type, la the past aereo yeara tbe pilot of the Buccaneers baa tried out no fewer tbia thirteen men. Those who could field couldn't bit and tlx who could bit couldn't field. Kitty Branafleld would look pretty sweet to Clarke right now . A 'amity af Baasball Players. Ting" Bodle of the Ban Francisco team of tba Pacific coaat league la one of sersa brothers, aix of whom art playing baseball. Bodle cracked out thirty one bom runs In it season and was drafted by tbe Chicago White Box. ' Horse Racing tn Australia. - - la Australia racing goes an every day In the year. It's tbe favorite port of tbe antipodes. Tbe Melboura cop la worth l-V)XXX to tbe winner, while the Derby pay $20,000, . Fee Motorist. The woman who motora should take mora cars of her complexion tn win ter, for It la now tbat much ha roc to wrought by biting east winds. Before starting on a long drive aba aboulA al ways rub cold cream Into her face and on returning should wipe it off with etjual parts of roaewater and glycerin. Tb tendency to wrinkles wblch la produced ao often by frowning when motoring la prevented if the face la bathed wltb sour milk, tba approach ing wrinkles being gently rubbed In tba oppoalte direction. Feetbsfl Money Maker For Michigan. Michigan baa 128.945 In bar athletic treasury. Football receipts for 1010 were $24,134 Braid Invalid Hair, "When caring for a patient with long, heavy balr I arrange it. In two firm braids," writes an experienced aurs. "Fastening two long, aoft ribbon or atrip of cloth at th top of the braid. I wind It closely to th end, again se curing tb strip carefully. "In this sheath the balr lie smooth nd untangled, only needing to be cared for one In aeveral days and giv ing th nek on tba least possible aa noa nee." A Good Fattaner. Utlv oil 1 an excellent fatten er. Bom can take a tableapoonful after each meal easily. It, stimulates and makea active th digestive organ, clean tb complexion and makea tb Aire Yoa rim ivr viv . 1 1 jet bright tn4 pftrkllag. , a Subscribe to the New Daily? ... j- If Tb Morning Enterprise Is to b a successful aa tb Interest of Oregon City demand It must needs have tb support of ail. Tb new dally ha a big work bafor It In boosting Oregon City and Clackamas County. Tour support mean mora strength for tbawork. V7ill Yoa Help Boost your own Interests? Tot H ml tod tlm th Morning Xfotarprfs will b sold to paid-in advance eobscrtbers aa follow: By Carrier.' 1 year.. $2 00 OISEASS OF FRUIT TO BE MADS A STUDY. HOOD RIVER. Or. Feb. 1C W. H lawrewr. who hsa bee eerwred by ta Hood River A Ml Growers- FlWw- bb Aaanrlatkia fnr ISO wml sea or sutler a atwdv of new disease coodW tiooa la tb vatTey. m been aaa wora March 1. Mil Lawreetc win r etadv ta soeJled -Wtoier-ala-- How. ever, be wOl aaa visits t an porta of tb valley, aad b o ta looaoeu for aay aw dtoeavs. Tb aaaocUrto was ronoed by th local orrkardist4 last rear. Mr. La ere or via carry oa kta work aoder tb aapervtsksi of th Oregoa AgrtcaltBral Coi'eg. Aa of He aad laboratory apparatas. a sary for hi lavtlgatca. will be far- albed him at tbe evpeaa or ta r- bardlsta. bo UT also pay ata aaary of $250 a year. Tart a fa Enee. Cakra Presiaeat Taft. aa 8 retarr of War. was gweat.of t Peorta Craa oa Ljacola Day. He seat tb ciab a blu of 1417 for traveling as pease. Tbe ciab held U ap aatil a few dare ago. shea tb Preal4et pat it la ta hasds of a lawyer. Tb dab the paid M0 X. T. World .. . At d wosae) today read aptoadkd book TttVwt ryto omMIo( a-'esttoa to tb satber. niMras Jot biogratkl- ao not read aM baograrkta la rta Tb calMre re4 tbeva artc tb etvdy ported. The w sek of them ciaaa. rf tbey r Issportaat : atoo era a abort ,otatK "hJch shoaid b carefalry Uaght before betag cosa adtted to mimoty. Tie chlldre) tor th aorrle -4 great ase ear as Uacota. Waab agtoa. Fraakn aad other, aad mark raja to boaeety. rtf-coelroL pe everewc aad trwthfalaeea from tbe Mv, all blpag or bora aad gtrta to better aad falKr avaaaoo aaw CORRESPOXDENCL MACKtsuna We have be) kaviag bad weather Ufctv & Powell waa ra-red to t bom ot A. warbroad. Mr. wiu&roava oeta sick. Dr. Weaver waa raCed to e Mr k-oaackak. who baa had th grip. Eav asa Koaacaak also has th grip- Mr raa Mitts ts at Caaby asrs- Ing her daaghtor. Mr. W. P .Lee, who l a bt gin. DrrUod arhool closed thla week as th teacher weat to Orearoa City to at tend th teachers examinatSo. XI ls Lorv Mttu cam bom Friday evening aad ata pod until Sunday even, tag. ' Mlaae Elaa aod Rachel Miller raiier oa Mlaa Lcy Mttu Saturday after- Bora. Saaday. February $, to Mrs a Heak. a so. . Th a man son of G. Heake. as oa and a-half year. I very slrh tth peeBooia. . Mr- Eby la repairing his bam. as sisted by hla so. Doc- Henry Kleter has been aaiuiag po- Utoe. Mtsa Lory - Cochran has goo to Portland. Jim Mitts had th misronsa to lose a cow last Suaday. Tha temnorary bridge by the Dry land school ho 1U b In aooa, th material now being oa th ground. Thla place will be r-fllled next sum mer. By M1L l year Cnd In your nam and remittance. Th foundation . for all reading la the Intermedial grade la Laid ia the primary rooama. The pupil brings with him from th primary grades: i. A vocabulary of several kandred orda. 2. Aa ability to read well any ma terial aot beyond th grade of bia book. 2. Aa Interest In reading. 4. Phonic ith a few of the dia critical marklnga. Bat w who teach la th country school often find children who have had no work whatever la phonlca. And belie v tb first thing we should do i the cases ta to teach him pho nic, in order that he be gfvea tb power to help himself la discovering new words. Thla as a rut can be easily done, by setting apart a few In a tea of each day for drilling oa "Phonics.- The pa pi Is of this age can learn to blend words readily, and tt give the teacher an opportanlty to teach diacritical markings st th asm I roe. Th child at thla age Is reading to learn, and at th sam tlm learning to read, fie reads for general In for mat km as well ss for pleasure ; and one of bis first difficulties l hi de termining tb meaning of new words. Her la th time for him to get tb Dictionary habit." a habit which will b valuable to him ail his Hf. With help from th teacher be gradually learns to pick out the particular mean- og which he wants. W ran also teach htm to grasp th meaning from the context. , TDs too, th teacher can help him understand be thought by concrete examples, for example: We cam to th word dis mount la reading. Tb children did not know tb meaning. I waa sittiqg on th arm of tb chair, and said. "This Is my horse ; I've dismounted." They canght th meaning quickly. Th teacher should take up dlfllcult expression separately and .much drill Is needed on them to Insure perfect articulation, B careful of such words as hia-to-ry, ten-der-ness and govern ment and words ending In Ing and leas. The children are very apt to say comln' and speechtus. ' If you are the new teacher and spvsk thee troublesome words cor rectly you will at first notice the chil dren glancing at on another and per haps will hear someone whisper-tbe word ta himself, but It won't be long before you hear them- speaking the words ss you do. It seems to me tbat the two mala points In the teaching of reading in thea grades are "thought getting" and "thought expressing." We, aa teachers, should lead pupils to under stand snd sppreclata the thought. This can be don by questions, also br explanations with pictures, or blackboard illustrations. One does not have to be sn artist to do these, ss children understand even crude Illustrations. Then, too, we should teach th read ing lesson at the right season. Chil dren appreciate snow stories on snowy days, rather than on sunshiny ones, and other lessons accordingly. Paraphrasing helps In th study of poetry. In thought expressing we have moat drills on easy lessons lessons where th words snd language are easily comprehended by tb pupil, thus his whole attention can be centered on the expression of the thought. Being a country school teacher I realize that time is one of our scar cest articles.." To try to remedy this we have days where our recitations are nothing more than study times, where we take up difficulties together. Other days we spend tlm tn thought expressing, as It seems ss though we do not have time for all things In reg ular recitations. In connection with our rending In the grade much work can be done In literature. Many of our girls and boys, especially those of tb country, never -take np any high school work thus missing the work in English and American literature. Bo In planning our work for th year we can put In much literature study. That ts, au thors with their writings. If two au tbors are studied each year from the first grade, tha pupil, When he gred uates from the eighth grade, haa good knowledge of sixteen writers, besides those which are taught Inci dentally. In my mind this Is very Im portant, ss much Is gained from these works to raise the standard of, the pupils' Ideals, to create a lov for the beautiful thought of th author a These thoughts react and effect the lives of the boys snd girls. And then too. It teaches him ta notice tha writers of good stories. .Many men canbv. K. S. Wood has had tb pleasure of visit from hJ Intlmat frlead aad employer. Mr. R. TX Cooper, daring thla week, i Mr. Cooper Is now Irving Graa Valley aad Is widely known over Oregon aa on of its successful badness men; be owns a number or th beat race horse ia tb State aad came her to learn how thos which he haa at tb Clackamaa County Fair Oroande ander Mr. Wood's supervi sion, were doing. Mr. Cooper was not only pleased with th condition and ahowing of bis horses her, but was very much delighted with tb prograsa Cabby had mad sine hla last visit, and be spoke very optomiatlcally ot Ita future aad hla Intention to make some extensive Investments her. Messrs. J. L Combe. J. A. Cobb. T. C. Dillingham, i. M- Baty aad A- L Soell took tb trala Thursday morning for Pott land. AH except Mr. Soell re turned tb sam' dsy. - Rev. Dana, pastor, of th Christian church, returned to hla arhool duties at Eugene Thursday morning after holding service In bia cbarca her Monday, Tuesday snd Wednesday ev ening. Tbea service bare been well attended. - . Henry Combs haa on display at his place of business on Main street a fin lla of sample of gents' suits. The population of Canby la Increas ing. Mrs. Warren Lee Is th mother of this Ust Inhabitant Mr. and Mrs. Harvey BUael mad visit to Portland last Friday. J.M, Beaty and daughter, Maud, went to Portland Satnrday. Mia Maude haa had a very- delicate opera tion powformod at BL Vincent's hos pital. She bsd lost her bearing en tirely and now ah la abl to detect the allgbteat uoia. Mr. Lizzie R. White, purchased. through the Canby Realty Co., lot 1 In block 18. Canby, from 3. A. Cobb. J. A. Cobb held a public sal at the Kendall cottage, where h haa been living, Saturday, selling all his house hold effects. Everything waa diapoaed of quickly and many articles solJ for less than half of their value. Mr. Cobb and family leave Immediately for Portland where th family will remain wftll Mr. Cobb find a loca tion to suit, probably In Arizona. . . . Edna Hutchinson went to Aurora Saturday evening where ah will at tend to the duties of central at th telephone office aatil Sunday evening. Mrs. Charles Mosbberger ha been quite ill for tbe past week, but we are glad to report tbat she Is much bet ter st this writing. The infant son of Morley Mack haa been quite ill. Dr. Dedman has been caring for the little boy. Ella Summerfleld, from St. Johns, was here yesterday, Friday, visiting her parents. John C. Wanhope, state organizer of the Socialist party for the State of California and Oregon, lectured in tn City Hall Friday evening, Feb. 10, to large and appreciative audience. The address had for Its subject. Scientific Socialism.'' Tbe conditions in foreign countries and those existing among the foreigners In our own cotin try waa explained at length. This evening another address will be deliv ered by the same speaker and others will also participate. The Artisans had a fine social meet. Ing Thursday evening. Ten appIW cants wer received. A larg number attended. Refreshments wer served and. everyone present reported a most excellent time snd plenty of good things to eat Tbe assembly furnished the repast. The K. O. K. A-'s had an Interesting meeting with Rev. Creesy and tbey laid their plans for the organising of a base ball team. Mrs. Geo. Ogle report that her hus band.' who has been spending all hi time recently on hi farm, mad her a visit the-last of this week. Mr, Ogle is plowing In preparation for the putting in of the crops, Mr. Clarence Zeck, from Fort Ross, cat., was home a few days this week visiting his parents, Mr. snd Mrs. John Zeck. We understand that Mr. Clar ence eZck Is comlnsVto Oregon perma nently ss h Intend to homestead In Crook county. i A.- O. Larson, of Portland. North Dakota, Is visiting his acquaintance ana mend, u K. Lei a of this place. ' P. L. Coloman hae seen engaged as principal of th Barlow schools dur ing the Illness of their regular teach er. Prof. Coleman Is a trscher of n- nsuai ability, and we feel sure that he will .make good In the work wblch be has undertaken. our butcher, carl Luck, finds It dlfllcult to keep supplied with dome. tlca(d animal for beef,, so on 8L raieattoe Day We aad Willi- sUU set owt horseback aod with rtfW . ikw, wium Tbey re turned t U evening brl"' ' dead frva rf aa aaimai. wikb vtm raptarcd oeversi a0e fro -$.. declare R was a Haoa. other aay aa elk. bt th batchers Inelet, that It weaa runaway steer, which bad err4 frs tbetr fat teeing pe. At aay rat tbey could sot take tb aalaaal a!lv therefore they brought it la dead. . Mrs. W. R Porter, a teacher of the M E. Sabbath school. s surprised last Saaday by being reseated with . a V . - ' M a aaodsosss uapin -- - rkii .w kr Sabbath school class. ho la soss way bad learned that It , was hrr fifty-fifth birthday. v-iw.a mfJitloaa re snaoe to b M E. Church last Sabbath, tare of which consisted or M. r. uw i mmA vmf aad Mrs. nuchaaaa. who r ad Bit ted by. letter, wbll lb others Joined oa profeaato. of their faith la Christ. M. J. L tod th Mi l three o'clock 9ebo4 prayer sseetlag. hlch waa assembled ia th N'orweglaa charrh last Sabbath. Joha R. Newtoa Is to lead it next Sabbath. he It will ateet ft tb Christian church. Rev. Duns will preach Sabbath, both ssorstag aad evening, at the ChriatUacharch. Their regutar Sab bath school seesioa will be held st 10 00 o clock A. M. Oa Wedneeday evening Ret, Web ber. former pastor of tbe M. E. .church of this place, will giro a stereoptlcoa lectur oa mtsaioaa, la th Methodist church. Oa Thursday evening at the Metho dist church the Second Quarterly Con ference will have been held at which time th District Superintendent. Rev. J as. Moore, will have addressed those present. Oa Sabbath Rer. Creesy will have for his subject of th morning service, -Th Teat of Truth." and for the even ing service, "Hi Will Concerning j Msa.- M. J. Le haa Interested a number of young people la a plan to subscribe enoudh monthly to buy a fin Grand plaau for the M. E. church of thla place. W understand that It Is a I ISO.) Instrument, but" tbat the seller haa d oaa ted coaaidgrable snd the young men of Canny the balance so the piano Is to b.yn hand Sabbath for the regular services. Rev. Dunlsp, 9 former paator of tbe M. E. church of this place, slopped off Wednesday en route to Portland' wher he la scheduled for aa address at the Sabbath school convention. Rev. Dunlsp Is now msklng his bead- quarters at Ashland, nis work being la the southern part of Oregon sod northern California. ' Mr. Pfleeter made a Dying trip to Vancouver Wednesday, February IS. Johnny Mayers is reported down with tbe mumps. ' Charles Huiraa la loading gravel constantly upon the care. He haa em ployed quite a force of men to assist him at this work. A 8t- Valentine party was given at the home of W. R. Porter. The party was given by Miss Vera and wss a grand aucces. The lime was occu pied at gem, among which were: What Caa Yoa Find on tn penny. and . searching for bidden hearts In the bouse. The msklng of rhymes snd singing wss engaged In with much merriment. Rolland entertained with the mystic bottle, not tbe hind that contains spirits; yet It seemed spirited enough, for no one could understand Its ' mysterious actions. The room ere tastily decorated with bearta for tbe occaalon. Refreshments wer served snd highly enjoyed by every body. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Lee. Mr. snd Mrs. Ed Brsdle, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Eckersoo, Mlsaes Josle Knight. Florence Stod dard. Beatrice Weeks,-Minnie Knu plsch. Gertrude Wright, Orsce Patch. Alma Knlght, Jennie Gaston. Mrs. L. A. Bslr and Messrs. Cbss. Roth, Ed Krueger, Lawrence Mssterton, Moche, Frank Patch, Rubble Smith, Art Knight. The Rebekah Lodge will hold Its regular meeting oa the . list Inst. Candidate - wlU be Initialed, and a good time Is assured, much entbusl ssm and much provision Is being pre pared and everyone may be sure of a good time. . ' Latter uncalled for in toe postoi- flee st Canby, Ore., for the week end ing February 11, 1111: Fldds, Mr.. M. J. A. H. KNIGHT, P. M. Cal Kocher haa purchased a pen or fine thoroughbred Mlnorcss from 0. F. Romlg. Mrs. tbaa. Kraft la la the 8L Vin cent bospltsl, baring undergone six very delicate operations there, we are glad to learn that she Is getting along nicely, although for a Urn her condition was critical. Mrs. H. A. Lee Has been visiting her mother, Mrs. H. 8. Tic at Ad kin's Mill. Mrs. Eugene Mitts, of Needy, has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. War ra Lee- Mr. M. H. Lee has Just returned home with ber three children sfter an extended visit with relatives here. While here she attended tbe golden wedding anniversary of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. U Bonney, at Hills boro. ' The City Hotel Is one of the busy corners at Canby. Business Is good and Mr. Gaston, the proprietor, is well pleased with Canby. Mr, F. C Dillingham is In Portland on business this week. 8. P. Thompson and family sre bus ily engaged packing up and will move to Portland the last of this week. Tbe Canby Realty Co. has a fine new Oliver typewriter. The Big Six, under the new manage ment, is being somewhat remodeled and restocked. Especially Is this true in regsrd to the shoe and Queens ware department. Mrs. 0. Whipple Is somewhat under th weather, being slezed with the Is grippe. Mr. Phelps has rented the Engl house on Second street. Mr. Phelps has opened np a bakery hare and Ij furnishing all kind of bakery goods a well as short order meals. Mrs. Summerfleld, who had been sick for over a year, passed away on Monday night The funeral services took place Tuesdsy p, M. at the Ger msn Evangelical church. Tb pastor of that church conducted the services In German, while Rev. Creesy also took part, conducting his part In Eng lish. Mrs. Summerneld leaves s hus band and ten children to mourn ber departure. - , Carl Lucke had a fat, large-, live hog stolen from his slaughtering yard dur ing th past week. This Is th second time thst thieves have been appro prist Ing Mr, Luck' property, for not long since a party broke Into th butcher ahop and atol seven 5 lb. nails of tsrd snd a rifle. Material la already beginning to ar rive for tb enlargement of Canby's depot. 3D A ELY ? - if- ; '", The Mofffl&ibg . I: : i ii d tie. Aievj Is to be as successful as the inter ests of Oregon City demands it must needs have the the support of all. : The new daily has a big work before it in boosting Oregon City and Clackamas ! County. Your support means more strength for the work. lb Us Will You He Boost Your Own Interests? For a limited time the Morning Enterprise will be sold to paid in advance subscribers as follows: By cat t icr, I ycaj? S3.03 ' - By mail, i yeas 2.03 - Send in Your Ksme C - . , ' . , r f ,, f, : and Remittance