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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1911)
1 I l i - ' . . v'-ifc' if M je Morning iv4 fe J a epeelal The eniy daily umpnw ka twee Partland awe) Ml eirea lata In .every eeetleav of da ma County, with a aeestiaaioa ef 30.000. Are you an aervertteart ajfjoV today jm arlca. is -I t .I ft ...... OREGON CITY, OK EO ON, WEDNESDAY, FEHHUAKY 8, 19il. Feb Week, 10 Cents 1 fulfil Air ' i i NIMOUSLY IfAX BY Jmcmists f . "ato re Dlmick Only Vol . Kail (8p1 )-Tha kmouily to Jjwntle law. "JB)t repealing J but It re Vanatora and ajxl novel li aim of the V away the In a coun ter met hade Jthat tl waa jnwtinty, for jaunty could j'lt would not Jsx methods to attack iaals, their tona, and In jd not leava M their pua pea. of being ta dodgera. tb aama Xa waa taken tax waa de- X ! Oellghtful to hare been ttre, which f patronage, wlng: Mil jsArmory on y ll: Friday "taang party february 10, (t Uuaoh'a d aauuaj ty Dancing february IS, Deutecber -JTabniary 22, I by the Col- fompany at Blaa" ball, toat enjoy- a April at jajat of mualc m WANTED. .1.- II a Bualnaaa ilry. I oompany at 'Maaary bual J! buttar and iBtrmera and jagon City, to jatabllmhlDf a fcity.r It baa i0M Intereated profitable and auch an in rlnKlnic many 9Yaryin form St for farmera their dairy Jjart notice. Watoa With iHallata. Oompany haa jra and Incor W of the 8o Mrhone namaa yattn a are l)r. Bad Henry I )ta-at Aurora a 12500. klatea that tha litha boalnaaa aa end may in. buttar and wral bualneaa A' - - PHYSICIAN UtD FOR DIVORCt. Dr. William H- Voae and Wife Were Not Happy Toaether, Jraale B Voae, wba haaband, WIIU am 11 Voae, la a Portland phyelnlao, luntlluled ault in the Circuit Court yi atarday for a decree of divorce. The Ill-matched pair were wedded In Cot umhua, Nb., June 20, 1NUK, and have wo children, a eon and a dauKhlar, They were living at Portland July 20, 810 when Mra. Voae left wim n-r duunLiU-r for a vlKlt with relailvea In Nw York. While thr, aha aaya Vona wrote her teillnx ber that ao long a they ware aeparaled, they had bet ter rmaln aeparated, but alia did uot ake hie advice, and returnrd to I'ort- nnd. Hba found the door of her houae ticked axalnat her and went to the achoolhouau, where her eon waa at- endlnir acbool and ontalnnd th key on their dwelling from him, and took poa aeaaloD with ber two children. Mra. Voaa aaka for lha onatody of the child ren and $40 a mouth permanent all mooy for their aupport. Hhe aaya her uaband earna not leaa tnan fw a month. WILL GIVE PROGRAM. Bethlahe Have Church Parlora Dacor- atad for Oocaalon. The Ifthlnha of the Methodlut Kpla- copal church have arranged for 'the following programme to be given In connection with tholr cafeteria aupper. which will be eerved at the Methoulat church thla evening, February 8: i t'horua; aolo, Mini Holla Gray; aolo. Mlna Kathleen llarrlaon; duet. MUa Klva Hlanchard and Mla Myrtle Croa- plano aolo, Mliia Kathleen Ilarrl- aon, Mlna hid innow, nima Alice flalley and Mliia Nellie Swafford; farce, "Courtahlp irnder IMfflcultlea," Meeara. Hnoliblrton and Jonea and Mlea Wlnterbottom. The cafeteria haa been arranged In very unique way and everyone will be admitted free to llaten to the pro gram, and the procneda from the cafe teria aupper will go towarda the lie thtaba' fund. Woman of Seattle Vote to Ouat Him From Office. BKATTL.K. Wh, F'eh. 7. (Spl.) The women of Wanhlngton today vot ed to recall Mayor Clll. Me waa elect ed by 3.10a plurality and recalled by 4000, and aa the women have come nto the ballot between tlmea It la atural to give credit to the women for the victory. Glll'a downfall aeema to be aanoclat- ed with hla alleglanca to Chief of Po lice Wappenateln, whoa record haa not been above reproach for aome time It waa a victory for the women of Waahlngton. - INALTY. I bill making It a li-on a bank. In aa no funda i Bnterpnae, cement g our aim to aell .. . . 'a poaalbla for our ) the fact that the k have aomawhat jllty tha paat two Vad the axclualva aVratad SILVER all ahapea old. an : ! ri nri r THE BIGGEST BANK FAfLURE OF ALL I xJT , , , Rogr in New Yerk Hsrel7 110 REPORT MADE Oil 8-MR M. PAPER, MILL, MEASURE STILL HANDS OF COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE. GILL SNOWED UNDER. Four Houra Saeeion Held and Over Score of Man Intereated In Pa par Mill Induatry Talk on Bill's Merita. OGLESBY III DEFENSE OF PRESENT METHODS ROAD SUPERVISOR SAYS PLAN TO APPOINT ENGINEER IS POLITICAL GAME. fa .rv.' -' CLOTHIERS lain Sa. . MARKS PRAIRIE. Feb. 6. (Editor of the Knterprlae.) In - your laat week'a laaue you proceeded to roaat the underelgned to a flnlah and lo re ply will Bay that no dlareapect waa In- ended tha County Court by Bending out thone remonatrancea agalnat the anoolntlna- of a Hoad Engineer aa 90 per cent of tha taapayara regard It aa a graft pure aad simple. ,. Thla ayatem waa tried when Dave Klnnard waa tha road hoaa with about 2& or 40 deputlea and the result waa that It took about half the road fund to pay the "bosiiea. we get lmt enough money aa It la In tha Road Distrlcta of tbla county with oat having a "big boaa to alt In hla office and look wise. We hava a good County Surveyor who la alwaya ready to b aent out by tha Court to aet grade atakea and Instruct the an per vlaor regarding the work to be done In grading down hllla and making fills when auch fMla are to be mane, in your article you aay the aupervlaora are onnoaed to a Road Engineer aa It would interfere with their handling oi tha County funda. Now, right here we want to aay that the auperrtaore are not all graftera or foola... Tbey are under bonda to perform the duties of thi office to the beat of their ability and we believe they are doing tha very beat they can to make aa good roada aa they hava money to build them with. Thla whole Road Boaa bualneaa la a political game being played by a lot of polltlclana in Oregon City to effectual- Ir klllef certain enrwo. wJU oe out for office atiMIt net ekactlaa nt they know that If they can make thla go the men who will be out for omce would UKt about aa long aa a paper ahlrt In hoar flsrht.1 tr. -' ." t t i'H'Iii ,Tfce , aaiountUng,.laUlennt oi Judae Dlmick oomea with very poor tus at thia tioaa. Why did he not iak thla aiaiement before election It abowa one thing or the other ha waa afraid he would loae votea or ha4 aome pete In a poaltloa that IX would affect, wa thick, tha determined effort being mAda hy the Oregon City "Hot Air" Club, la not conducive of tb beat result a for tha Improving of our public roads, especially when one of thai leadera ' la knowa to be ona of the greatest ta dodgera In Clackamaa County. Wa refer your readera to Ut ters from Mr- O. 8. Yoder appearing In the Oregon Journal and Oregon City Coarler- aa, to the atftftdini of tha far mera of thla Counts oft' tMa matter. GEO. E. OOLESBY, BuDervlaor of Road I)lt. No. 23 -r - -? r ; rn ' Entertain t Five Hundred. Mr. and Mra. Henry Btreblg enter tained at their homa on Ninth atreet at Five-Htmdred, Kat night I Mr. and Mra Fred Matinet . Mr. aad Mra. Whit tier, Mr. and Mra. Doeta, of Mlnne- aaoUa Mlaa-. Cala.,aJfcar,...Loul 7.anaia- Mlaa Htrabig, Mr. n Mra, H M. fievfa gaa Oeorgw n. Maellta.- a freahmanta were aerved during the aveolng, and a moat enjoyable time waa had. IN REGON CITY DELEGATION LOBBIES SALEM. Feb. 7. (8taff Correa- nondence.) For over four houra laat Ight Senator Dlmick a eight hour law waa under dlacuealon hafore tha eon- te committee on commerce. Contrary lo. eapactaUona, lha, committee today did not make a report. Tha commu te haa aot held a further m eating aad reached any conclimlon aa to the re port that will be made. The committee meeting laei nigni waa of a nubile nature. Over a acore of men associated with and Interested the DSDer manufacturing bualneaa at Oregon City appeared before the committee either for or agalnat the measure. Repreaentatlvea of trm pa per mill argued that the enactment oi bill would operate aiaasirouaiy ta tha Induatry, while aupportera of the meaaura urged lta enactment ior the benefit of tba laboring men. Amonar thoee appearing before the committee for the paper mllla were Franklin T. Griffith. B. T. McHain, William Sheahan. John Dewthwalte, George Puaey, 8am Francla, Jamea P. Lovett. Frank Uonergen ana liu J Daulton. , The bill waa defended by C. Mcnue- tMl. J. W. Moffatt, JudK uoraon n.. Hayes, Ccarlea uveaiy ana Dlmick. It la expected, however, tnai me rennrt will be made to me oenaio u.-otnariav but no lnaicaiion naa lbed out aa to what report win ne mita k the commerce committee, u la understood that tba memoera oi ma committee are equally divided, two in favor of the bill and two agalnat u TMa mlht indicate two reporta thnurh it la Doaslble that the bill will be aubmltted to the Senate without re port. The aeaalon last eight before tha eommnrre committee waa a warm one, Hi.nerlntendent E. J. Daulton, or. me Crown-Columbia Pulp Paper Co., Intimated that "pin-head" politic'"" ere responBlble for the introauciion of the meaaure. Thla remara waa not y reaented by Mr. Dlmtca. WILL TELL THEIR AGES. Birthday Boxea to Be Given In At Saturday Club. The Saturday Club met at the home of the Mlesea Edna and Clara Caufleld Monday evening, and bualneaa of Im portance waa transacted. It waa de cided to have a birthday box, and thla to be brought to the next meeting, which will be held on the flrat Mon day In tha month at the home of Mra. M.- D - Latourettev It la plaaaed - to have each member, on her birthday, to place in aa many centa aa her age. During the evening refreshmenta were aerved. ( Those attending were Mra. O. E. Frpytag, Mra. Richard Freytag. Mra. E. 8- Follenabee, Mra. Fred Warner, Rev. and Mra. William Proctor, Mra. M D- Ijitourette, Mra. C. D. Itour ette, Mra. Jama Roake, Mra. Don Jaataa, Mra. - Strickland, Mra. Bert Roake. Mra. C. Cook. Mra. C. L Zleg ler, Mra. Hendrle, Mra. Walter Wella, Mrs. Robert Warner, Mra. C. H. Melaa ner. Mra. C. H. Caufleld. Mlaa Muriel Stevena, Mlaa Maude Warner, Mlaa Mattley, Mlaa Ivy Roake, Mlaaea Edna and Clara Caufleld. - rt New Western Union Manager. N. W. Carr. of Portland, haa been appointed laaaiaai of tha Oaaaan CUy office of the waeiern union m- araph Co.'- Mr.- Carr aoceaeoa tay Ilarbur, who waa connected wliu tne company for a number of yeara ana who resigned a few daya ago. DIES AT OLD HOME AFTER SIX "MONTHS HENRY ELLIGSEN A VICTIM Or CONSUMPTION WAS SICK BUT A SHORT TIME. COUNCIL MUST ACT NOT DELEGATE POWI APPOINTMENTS OF THE CITY EN QINEER NOT LEGAL, REGARD LESS OF FITNESS. , At a recent meeting of Council that body gave the City , Engineer . the authority to appoint a atreet inapector for hla department. Since tha paaaing of tha resolution permitting of the appointment It haa been called to the attention of council tnai u ta tie pro vince to appoint and confirm the ap- aaintment of all city officials, ana th there la no province made for Council to delea-ate lta powera to another. ,', It la pointed out that the City Engl rer may hire help aa he neada, but tfcat ha cannot appoint to a position let any event. Matt Patteraon waa ap- DOlnted to the poaltlon by tha Engl aaer, but It la now ahown that the ap pointment la not legal. hi There are no objections to tha man pointed, ao far aa can be learned aim ply that Council. In an effort to hava thlnga move along smoothly an with the reaproialblllty on tha ahoul dara of tha engineer, attempted if deles-ate lta powera to another, which It not permissible. The following are thoaa who have nva-tatered at the Electric Hotel: 1U Vlck, Molalla; F. E. Johnaton, B tgyman. J. E. Mumpower, P. U Col man, Canby; A. Johnaon, Ban Fran ctaoo, California. OWING GOOD OIL SI! AT STONE Wfli WELL IS SUCCESSFULLY SHOT ON MONDAY,' A HEAVY CHARGE OF DYNAMITE BEING USED. . m rrn '" 1 oi ran rrsaf to surface Prsssure Must Be Very Great to Push It Up Throagn 160 Feat of Sand and Da brie- t- At 10 o clocc -juesaay morning, i ala fataera boms- in Stafford. 1 usury Elllgaon gave up thla life and entered Into, the unknown beyond. . He . had haen tick for the. past six monthe and death waa not unannounced., i Ha waa a. victim. of conatimpt lorn, and at hia death waa 26 years of age. The run eral will be held Wednesday, at the family home in Stafford, with burial In the German Reformed cemetery at Stafford. - " i i Henry Elllgsen waa the son of Fred erick Elllgsen and waa a alngle man He leavea to taonm hla Jota a father, h rot her Albert and rm outer Mra. Lna Seeley, Mra. Ella Petera and Mlaa Roaa EUIgnaU' of - tarronl except Mra 6eley. of Woodburn. Henry Elllgaen waa a farmer ana had alwaya lived at the family nome near-Stafford.. He waa a maaaber l the N. B. Jt. at .Wllaonvllla, and nirm- bera of that order will attend ata run neral In a body. He waa also a mem ber of Tualatin Grange No. 111. Mr. Elllgaen had been alck roe aix moatha. t Hla flrat lUneaa .aaa a at tack of tvnhold fever which developed Into conaomptlon later.' The -funeral in he held todav at 11 a. m., wnn Rev. Kirantermaa of ficlaiinc. . . There it Joy In 8tone over tba new proapecta In connection with tha Indi- catkxia that tha laat few houra. have brought to the surface In and around the oil well being; drilled In at 'bat place. Aa waa told tn the rolumna of the Enterprise the first of the week. the well waa shot on Monday. An at tempt waa made to shoot the well laat weak., and all poealble precautions were taken to make tba shooting a aucceaa, but for aome cause there waa no explosion when the current waa turned on. The well la down 850 feet But the oil bearing Band la aome 150 feet near er the surface and It waa here tha; the charge of giant powder waa placed to do lta work. But when there was no explosion, and the well waa aa yet stubborn In Its yielding up of lta oily aubstance, an expert who makea the powder waa brought here and. asked to aay why it had not exploded. - Aa a result of the investigation tha work waa begun over again ana a charge oT dynamite put lnio the well on top of the powder. Thla aecond charge waa aet off Monday and tore thlnga looaa. Aa a reault of the aec ond attempt the well waa ahot auc- cessfully. using a large charge of Her- eulea dynamite powder. The explo aion tore loose a large amount of de- hrls. and since that time workmen have been bnay cleaning out the well but have not got aa far down aa the oil bearing aand. But regardleaa of this fact there Is a good showing of oil, rich black oil coming up In and on the bucket and being mixed wim the broken aand and atone that la be ing taken from tbe well while the work of cleanlnr la In nrogresa. . Those who own the well are very modeat . Jn . claima . nuuU ,coacerlag what the well ta doing and la likely to do. . People who. live to, that eoaa- munlty. and who are deeply Intereated In the auccesa of the undertaking, have aome very Interesting atoriea of what the well la doing. They are car tain that the well la to be a good one. and thev make strong atatementa aa to what la being brought up on the bucket and mixed In through the aand that Is taken from the well In clean lm it out. . i As soon aa the well can be cleaned an effort will be made to pump it and then the company can aay definitely lust what the well shows, l ne pro- pecta now Indicate thai mere ia cob- alderable oil at the point to which tne drill haa penetrated and It will be but a few daya until thla suspicion can be confirmed or disproved. We understand that In caae there ia not a aufflclent flow of oil when the well is cleaned that the company wtu at once atart the drill again am: go enough lower to aecure oil or to aatia- fv themselvea that oil In a paying nuantltv doea not exist. The fact that the on ia iorciug i way througn mia idu iwi ui aand and debrla, whicn must lane- great pressure, gives crcJonce to tne hellef that there la considerable prea- sure of oil. or gaa. and makea membera of the company aniloua to see me well cleaned of loose materiaia, ana in case the oil flow la not now of auf flclent quantity to be proruaoie 10 then atart the drill aownwara aniu with all apeed. KNIGHTS WILL MEET. Local Membera to Assist In Installing Order for Sell wood. Tbe Knights of King Arthur of thla city will . meet , at tbe Presbyterian church Friday night, when four can didates will be brought here by Rev. F- Ilowen, of Sellwood, formerly pastor of St. Paul'a Episcopal church of thla city, and these will be Initiated nta tbe luysterlea of the society. Mr. Howen la organizing a society n Sellwood and la bringing a few Of bla boys here to Initiate them Into the mysteries of the order that they may assist him In starting the order off there without too much work for hlui- elf personally. The boys who come here will be the charter membera of the new society at Sellwood. The club of tbla city now numbers 20 membera, and all take an active part In the meetlngathat are held. At the recent banquet held at the Preabyterlan church a moat enjoyable time waa had, and the ladiea who had tharg of the aupper were mothers of the boys and were: Mra. Angua Matheaon, Mra. Edward 8tory, Mra. J. K. Morris, Mra. C. Wi Friedrtch, Mra. Georga C.-BrowaelL Mra. George Ely; Mra. W. J. Wilson,. Mra. E. 13. Andrewa. Mrs. W. C. Green. Backache afiJ Kid ney TrooWes Cured With KID-NE-OIDS and KID-NE-OID Plisteri 50o par Box. Plaetare 2Se. ft.. . Money Back If Not Relieved. Preecrlptlone and Family Receipt Filled With Pure Drugs. Quality aad Prlcea Right CHARMAN Cl Co City Drug Stare. Next Door to Ileclrlc Hotel. Paetfte ptaaax II ' Hoaaa Phone 4 E HAS UNANIMOUS VOTE APPROPRIATION BILL IS PASSED IN SENATE AND MAY SOON GO TO GOVERNOR. HESS E ASKS f0!l WRIT OF REIVE FAMOUS FIGHT FOR DEAD MAN'S GOLD IS TAKEN INTO CIR CUIT COURT. DATE Of HfAJtKG SET FOR MARCH ( Portland Attorney Appointed By Gov ernor West to Start Escheat Proceedings on Behalf of the 8Ute. LINCOLN DAY MEETING SHIVELY OPERA HOUSE JUDGE McGINN AND ATTORNEY HAYES HAVE CON8ENTED TO . 8PEAK ON THAT OCCASION The Lincoln Day meeting In 8hlvely opera bouse la being looked forward to with much of Interest. Arrangememe have been made for a moat acceptable occasion on that date and the speak ers, having signified a wllllngneaa to appear and talk, the following program haa been arranged for the afternoon of Sunday. . - , ' The speaker of the afternoon, Judge Henry E McGinn, of Portland, la too well known to need recommendatlona from ue. Attorney Hayea. to he the local speaker for the oocaalon. ia well known both at home and abroad. The musicians have often been heard and are favoritea In Oregon City. Taking the proposition aa a whole It haa been a long time alnce ao much waa prom ised and ao little aaked In return. Every citizen who can ahould be prea ent at the meeting Sunday afternoon. Program. , Doxology - Prayer . . . v. . .Rev. Wm. M. Proctor. Gloria- . B.i7.7.l-Pecc!a Mra Niota Barlow Lawrence. Addreaa ......Hon. Henry E. McGinn The Ijord Ia My Shepherd." Koachat . Gladstone Quartette Mmari. Hollowell. Mulkey. Homer Hollowell and Gault Addreaa . j ......... Hon. G. E. Hayea fiood Old U. S. A." Kenneth Woodward America Another chapter In tbe caae of the estate of F. A. Williamson waa opened Tueaday whan Frank Hesse, a Port- land attorney, filed a motion for a writ of review in the decision of County Judge Iieatie, who, several weeks ago, ordered the money belonging to the estate turned over to Mra Effle B. , Robtnaon,; the ' administrator. It la contended by Mra. Roblnaon that the man whoae body waa found about ' three yeara ago In tbe wooda near Oa- wego waa her father, and that hla name waa Williamson. Mr. Hesse pro duced a client named Bernhardt Halst who claimed the dead man waa a rela tive, Christian Halst by name. There waa $660 In gold In tbe pockets of Williamson or Halst, but Mra. Robln aon, through Attorney J. H. Hltchlnga, beat lit' axe, to it The caae waa in ina county court for more than two yeara and Judge Dlmick finally decided that neither claimant waa entitled to tne money and revoked the lettera of ad ministration Issued to Mrs. Roblnaon. The case . was . taken to the circuit Court on a writ of review and Judge Dimlck waa sustained. ' Soon after "Judge Be tie assumed hla office, he aet aside the declBion of Judge Dlmick. on the ground that tbe statute had not been eoaaplled with - and ordered the money, a balance of I52t,30. turned over to Mra. Rokln- aon. ..Whereupon Heaae obtained a apecial appointment from . Governor Oswald . West to . start, suit ror . tne escheatment of. the money to the state- Hease filed the nepers Tuesday ana Judge Campbell has aet March S aa the date of the hearing. County Clerk Mulvey, Mra. Roblnaon and Fred Hargreaves. administrator of tne es tate of Bernhardt Halst. now deceased, are made defendants to the ault. the county clerk having custody of the recorda In the entire caae.- .".'."" , .The efforta , of Attorney Heaae to prevent Mra, Robinson from enjoying possession of the money will he bitten ly reaisteay Attorneys Hltchlnga and Gilbert U Hedgea, of thia elty. COMMITTEES APPOINTED TRIP TO HONOLULU Will Be Subject of Mrs. Dye'e Talk Thursday. , Mrs. Eva Emery , Dye will give a personal description of ber trip to the Hawaiian Islands at the meeting of the Womena Crnb at the Commer cial ClJb parlora Tburaday afternoon. Mra. A. A. Prloe will alng a aolo. and Mlaa Uuine Huntley will give a piano aolo. after which Mra. Ernest P. Rands will rive a talk on Current Toplca. The nrcrramme hi In charge of Mra. W. A. Shewman, and the business1 aea alon In charge of the president, Mra. J. Wl Norria. . . , For the Hook and Ladder Ball Planned - - -for February 23. -.. Tbe Columbia Hook Ladder Coav pany la making arrangementa for tha grand ball to be given at Buach'a hall Wednesday evening. February tt. The committee having the affair in charge conalata of Joseph Beanllaa), Thomas Trembath.. Henry, Hennlas aen, and the floor committee la com- , posed of Henry Hennlngsen, C. E. Burns, Jr.. C. W. Pope. J. Daren port, William Mulvey and W. i., .i . Bride-aroom Makea Three Laapa... County Clerk Mulvey on Tuesday la aued a marriage license to J. G. Alpln and Marie PalmenL The prospective groom ia a resident of Marlon Caatnty. obtained bis license hi Clackamas and la to be married In Multnomah. . .. . Ow04o4Kd0040wwO00 O , itiit : !, t . a t f I A It) MONT Plant your dollars in Clairmont Acre- LLrtlM'lUU I ' . R . Ron. With all of the convenience of the city and pleasure. of the. country, it is the most. Ideal place fqr hjQine. ; o The present low price of the' land will remunerate the J purchaser two or three times in a short time. n ,, o The best, soil that lays out doors. Small payment down $10.00 per month. ( . 'y - j t W: F. SfiHOOLEY & CO. , ? Or.gSiCtty.Oi. BOTH PHONfe MatoAOAl SALEM. Or.. Feb. 7. (Staff Corree- nte 1-Th Mclxmghlin noma bill of Senator Dlmick carrying with U an appropriation of $1250 passed the Senate yesterday without a oiaaenimg vot dimllcatlng the performance of two years ago, when exactly the aam thing occurred in tne upper ui of the state legislature. The measure haa gone mio in. House, where it la expect ni .i receive favorable consideration and will pasa without amendment ana aw to Governor West for hla algnatur T-v...-. vi nredeceasor In office Governor Chamberlain, vetoed the hill It la known that tJovernor wem m heartily In favor of the atate recogn' Ing the aervlcea or it. jonn mcijuru iin t the earlv Oregon emlgranta. The bill provldea that the appmpria, tlon shall be used to aaslat In the ra- atoratton of the Tilatorlc MCLougnnu home at Oregon City. WANTS AMOUNT CUT. I - , Jonaa Only Wanta S2B,000 to Go to Astoria. t 8AIJCM. Or., Feb. 7 (Spl.) Whef, the bill carrying $50,000 appropriation for Aatoria waa called In the Hotted today Represehtatlve Jonea, of Clack amaa, ralaed an objection te the amount and aaked to hare It cut la two. After a hard fight tha Aatorlan won and the $S0.0A waa retained. Head tha afornlae SAT-URDKY- The Last Day of the Big Salte 1 Uljr'U'lJllv a Anything In The Funutere Line tin be iwad' ktliia.iioie.oa tk Street; Bctvrccn' Fifth and Smb. A Remitabt the lasi day of ffia Sole li SATURDAY i , . '1 .V? 11 4 If '4 J -.3? ' 3 -5 4 j 4 1 4 I 1 'i i 1 8 1 .f .it ''a v a'