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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1911)
I ... . ' ' ' i .,; . 1 J' .... '1 '. ' .1 ,; ' 1 4 ' .! X - ' j i," '4 J I v. ; t - in? 1 ..ft. , . -1 " i "I : t - l . : tr. , I .;V'.tr;.-' '.A. MORNING ENTERPRISE OREGON CITT, OREGON E. C BHODIE. tester PMbMhV ..H.iim luh fnr won Hvl- Ira at th. rotonc at ftw cur; Or, ondw- th Act of Oorae T Bfartb i. 117. tuns swciim. On Tar. br " Months, by mail Four Months, by aiallj Pr wnk. by crrir AlitaTUlNC HTM .wee . IM . 1 e . .1 Vlrt r- ir uoe ""J?- Ate .14c rlrat Faa. W rnoh arfiM lactlos. 1 pim " any pa Prrrrra. puaiuun r Inch rirt tnrrtkn .'...ISO F.-fTrJ position any pa. Pr "J alM tnwartlorn ' Run aapar thr than ftmt . par tnoh flrat laaMitan Run papr oIIm than fir pa. V ddf.l tpaerttuna ' Ixk-1 1? pT lln; to rrrular alvr tlsr c lln. Waaia. For Kal. To Rnt. to . on rat a wor4 flrat trarrtton; ln-hal crnt ach additional Kates for advortUrn- In th viaiyf EntrrprtM will b th am a in in daltv. for advrtimrnt art rapoolally S!-JX.i inrt for iciai portion ; l'ah should scvompan ordr whr party la unknown Jn bustneM offlc of th Krtwrpri ! Vttnl advertlsuif st Iras! raira. . Circus adi-wrtlMna- and r-ilal translrnt advrtlln st Xc to soc sa im-n. icrora- Ins to spclal conditions governing the sam Q.l." n4 llinkrunl 44!" advr tnnK ft rat in.r(mn: addl tlonal lnartkns sam mur ?6c Inch, News Items snd wU wrtfn sjticlrs of merit, with lntcrt to kn-sl readers. Z"lu ."KX1? f'?C--rn--- ld by stamna to prepay pustsg NO POLITICS IN THIS. 'Mr.-Oeorga E. Oflby. aupervlsor i also largely owns and controls, of the Marka 'Prairie road diaxrict. ' a man doea not haTa to ba endowed haa ruffled up hla feathera and tn thla with an Inordinate amount of horse Issue of The Enterprise he haa a com- sense to perrelve what ia Inevitable! If . mualcatloa In defense of tba "aysteni", the absorptkju of tha Independent by of which he la a 55th part 'Mr. Os'ea- the Hell it allowed to go unchallenged, by evidently feels that he must rush At conferences held In New York and to the protection of hU "system." It Chicago a few weeks ago at which needs it : II. P. Daviaon, one of Mr. Morgan a But he la wrongand he ought to partners, Theodore N. Vail. Prealdent know he la wrong In hia statement of the Bell System, and represents that the wide-spread movement for tives of the Independence were pres tha appointment of a road engineer la ent. It was openly stated that with .. - a . ......1.1 . . Domical In character. The expenai- ture of a half-million dollara in four year In Clackamaa county is greater than any political or partisan view, . . . 11 la mo m ut n muuvj iiuti i bhuuiu a . Iw ... n l.lLai hamat a hnat. I W II I-. 1 y ha IIKOU INI VI Ik . wwia. Deaa mere mere is no room tor iav-, poinia, uaurr uu- uiuafiviiiciii orltisni the . modern, road. Jiahlngilowa mat-one.otlhem.jwiU bejiiper-J onsinesa. mere win oe teas in cum- . ,,, . , i . In ar No road supervisor la blftger than hla JOD. He la unaer nonas, u i true, s. Mr. Ogleaby arguea, but the com- , t. n-.Ann . .n ..f f i .f 1 t nf.t ti hit pcmiTHVj. VI. " " - . " w- baaed upon the amount of his bond, We quite agree wlth Mr. Ogleaby that road supervisors are doing the best they can, but whether their beat la the . every channel of communw-atton on beat that can be done la an open quea- , land, except the t elepoHi automatic tion. No one haa Intimated that any telegraph lines. It would probably road auperrlaor la a gTafter or a fool, j buy thla too, if the stock of that com " aaMr.Ogleaby puU JL The Enter-' pany waa not tied up In I voting trust piiae believes tha aupervlsora are bon-1 with Rear Admiral Sigsltee of the eat men. Thla newspaper would be i "Maine" and others sitting tightly on the flrat to resent any statement to the lid to prevent Just such a coming- kill CA 1 0S. fldllotTd. f fl nr.... . LU7 ....... J , tUV l. u.a.w.v " t I - plan of road and bridge construction ; With the end of the autonomy of the in Clackamaa. County can be Improved, lndependenta, every advantage secured and we think the road supervisors j by competition will-be at onee aur ahould aee It. Prank Jaxgar seea It, ( rendered and every aectlon of the D.' R. Erfmlck aeea it. Other capable j state that has heretofore profited by aupervlsora aee It and want a change, the keen rivalry for business that baa Tha Enterprise realizes that the proposal for the appointment of a road engineer Is not ooDular In certain lo calities In the co-jntry districts, but popularity doea not make good, sub stantial, permanent highways. We al so' appreciate the hesitation of the county court. It takes nerve to do an unpopular thing. The fact remalna that one-third of a ji uui-aiiuiun uuuara ub ut.a n. i,.; . in four years. That Is some money, "if , . you tax-payera. It Is quite enough to half-million dollars haa been wasted u -A-yarin. n id quue euougu i.i nut ii you are wiinoui leiepnone con think about. No one ia blaming th nectioh In these daya you cannot do supervisors. They are a part of the ' business. The trust knowa this. Will system. They have dlffereot Jdeaa , the great commonwealth of Oregon r Home Life T Done Away (M With ; We Now I f Li vp T.ifp nf ' J" y t. HOPKINtON SMITH. Author anil Artist. OME LIFE IS DONE AWAY A LIFE OF BP ran It 4ike a young raan - -""'6 .Tr yiue crawy old gontlemaa u.ld him that for forty-three Tears ha had handled I,;. k..: . 'il-. . i.r . . . ' . . -uicBB wnuout. a uoiiuay aod he thoueht the boy wght to be able to get Alone without one. That 5. , ... i . ' - - kiuiiic wiviiuu. one. uiuon ox imnes. LTSrTby,10oddT,it,rM diffcrei,t- A man had TIME TO' 5PEND WITH HIS FAMILY. Ue had time to go abouf with hi. .on. and to attend eren hig daughter., lie had time for a rubber of whut or a game of chesa. He aerved hi. city or hia atate or his church with . true devotion. He LIVED TOR HIS FAMILY Contrast it with the atate of affair, today and what do we find t --, .TbMHrtofCUwvrtcM&bifrt6to. ThephysH caan adviaed him to atop work, go west, .hoot prairie chicken, or farm art firt aawaaa xa M A J .'. . . . M i- V OT more inu,88 that hU WeHb would en able him to do. The packer replied that he did not like to do those U ir0it 1ue,tioniD'?ro',ernt out JSSS for iU last Kor o - tjheVJtitllT Y B.m6 tne .treat, at bout road eonatructlon. and they car ry these lawta out But ho about th resulte. What cauaed an overwhelming aeott mwit la Northern and.Baatern CUck ,mu lor annexation to Multnomah County? Roads! Nothing elae! . v ' Vou may drive fronj, Clackamaa to Multnomah and you can t 11 when you croaa the line lth your eyee abut. Way? Roads! Thera ta nothing In thla queatlon to make Mr. Ogleaby pe'n- Ha la wrong In eaytng Tha Enterprlee roast- ..I him. Wa roaafM no one, ana sr not In tha roasting bualnesa. V are running a newspaper to print tha ne. and no ona can deny that tha story that dealt h tha circulation ntitlous to th county court waa a (tixd on, from a newe point of view. Th sole purpose of Oregon City Iv.HiriB In this matter la to sea gw .iv,mi, Tha fanner , sou v. ; v-vi, , urn desire. If they cannot a, to tha method, to be. era ! ,eKrt. If Mr Ogleaby b4 b"n pre- . courtroom last rl- 1,1 ,u ,-,i.i dav he ouK( have heard aotuethlnK - j y,,, Urmergi too nu " . a . aTAMH FOR ITf I WILL OREGON STAND FOR nr J. IMeriHint Morgan, organlfer of the -Stalinist, the Shipping Tnint.and a i .i.,-,- other Eixautlc comhlnallona of "0,en Qlner ; oapltol. Cnoelvlng It to b gOi'O I ' thP ..-orle of this state, a.plrea to fmorge Its Independent telephone lines which, he either owns or controls with those of the Boll Company which ha companion enuea raira cvuiu I raised and economies Instituted than"-"" ""7 J nu..ue wnne vau . . . . . . - 1 Stret In lla tmmI tnr mAAA r.vt.i... wouia enauie tne nrunopiy m piavw mri stock of the Independents on an 8 per i 1 (.,! .7 VI Ilk Knl n Ai.mnHl.IOI nta I cm, iwmo. uu u.' vi - - i rutf aykaon rtr.Oflntllv I ha HatlVe taali.uBi . . ' J I . j .i... 14 ...tit . 1.... . ... . I nuous, auu mi u u. ai .- t-j dividends on tha outstanding atock of I I the absorbed compaules than to oper aie luem unuer id circniusiiiin-i.s. Thus. Uiii.moDopJrwhlch now owns . . KA U'ddlBni l'tiini. Tl pTa .lh flnm. . . ..i.. . . u . Q - -.. . . pany and through that corporation haa ', recently acquired six of the largest of . the" trans-Atlantic cables, will control existed between the two systems will experience the' same arbitrary Infla tion of rates as haa followed the ter mination of competition elaewhere. The butcher, the grocer and the doc tor will pay the freight. .They can protest and anathematize the trust, call Morgan mean names and make the air heavy with sulphurous male dictions, but It won't do any good. In effect the truat will say: If you don't eirec. me trust win aay: ii you aon t like It, you need not have a telephone." I But If you are without telephone con- Has Been Speed. J J WITH. NOWADAYS WE LIVE who asked his employer for a week "Beu nig employer ii b th iliJa - aa fV WU the fact' that all he did like y"1-BREAKFAST. WO MOUNINO ENTERPRISE, WEDNFSIU FBBKUAttY 8. WU UaVlS -HiYllIJ w-aw And Is Senator For KWJ L- , i f . s . .. - hi.-'T"' s - - ij- Copyright bf Amrlca rraa AaaocUtlon. . AVIS ILK1NS, tU aoa af th D unique dlattaction or having wo ain-uinirw iu mi ..r .-- Calted Statea aenata cauaed by tha death af bU faihrr. Voung Mr. ..... . .... ..!, . r nkt but ha haa for many year been tiauw ia uu- ' , - . . .... the practical manager of hla fathrrVtaat edt.fprtae and he 1a a gtd iu iri.-I-t " . . tl . ... -m ),!.- hm roll Id hold neaa man. It U thought mat nie apooiuiiufu. but a few daya waa for tba purpose of giving him prwtlgr that bltn In makln a canvaaa for the aenatorahlp la 1011 Iave Elklna aa h uIle--"Ty"'Tila"Tiinmat,-TBr-naind by tlwenw-itwf i fat -IM . . . m . k. .....h.i. .I..,. -. hnrr4a ta place mad vacant by Uia ratnera arwio in """"' " Waahlngtoo ao that h could take hi anal at omn, a tha legialatur wa soon to convaaa to rlect IU man wno I rm. ' ' a-m-. 1 .1 1 h.u a V J.I J. ail a i - - - Impoeea another burden upon thla con- ail If nnrv avKairatKt. It .n4 mv , u a j I V III SB y C1IUI . U0 W tribute ftorn every community In the . Whea he acquired eHitr4 ef tha in - - . dependenta, Morgan made an affldarlt , ' . . to the Sunrema Court nf DSIn thai hi purcnase waa for private Inveal- mcnt ht,A m,t h Company. To get around thla he now Drorjoaea to turn the stock of the two ayatema Into a single holding company, which is only another iv nt "whlnnin. tha ' " . ..- fl M devil around the stump." and accom ' a , ? .' ; Father . J ; lata IWaator Wephen H Kiklna. baa tba .... -., .. ! aka aiil lit ff ffMr wju sdih wuw plishing by Indirection what ba la leg ally prescribed from dotng directly. Have tha people of Oregon, at whoa pocket book thla move la aimed, noth Ing to aayf Have they no right, which a Morgan must respect? Have .u.u v. . . w thy bacuma bo i-w-rt or tha frjuol . rt -.K.vr f l..n ..rl vl Ihtt abuse of corporation privilege that they healtat to aert themaelrea? If not It's tint for them to get busy, before It I too late. a Mr. Roy Young, th book-keeper of tho Crown-Columbia Pulp A Paper Company, waa among th Oregon City people who attended th aeealon of the legislature, at Bale Monday. 1 The Kind That STANDS OUT GLOSSY HANDSOME -STATIONERY Our New Steel Die Embossing Machine IS THE THING Oregon City ENTERPRISE i ' ' ' WBW , ,, , In the front rank of the .ART PRESERVATION, PRINTING BOOKBINDING LOOSE-LEAF SYSTEMS . . I I V. IV II a V aa .'.Asiarv SOLD AT A rWlT IT l OlwCOVtr-IO TO 'it MOHT MtAIURt. MNTDTON B A KCUIIAR K PeeullaHtla That Hava Orawn Out af th C. Th inry fn th ult of Mr. Pavllla Clark against IT. J. tllglr for lltm damagea Tuaaday anarooon prnu la a verdict of I m l f Mr", Clark, who V'urchasd a tract of land .. i. iv...m imm inrir. Th daant at 11 ,r., -yi . i... " . ... i i ill .rm. but Mra. Clark contended that ther la really only 1 1 acrea In tha tract Judg campoaii ji..i . M..iii.n fur a nun ault Monday and th ca wnt to lh Jury aarly Tuesday afternoon. Th caaa la a ry unuaual ona. 1.W.....1. iiiar la made tha dafend- ant. aa a matlar of fact Mra. Blggar conveyed th proirty to Mr. Clark. and In hla rharga to taa jury m . aald that bafora a varaici couia o ro . u tiir Ida dafand gertm h-ihoi - - - ant. th Jury muat find that th Und waa purchaaa-a rrom inaiwr, .frnm Bin wjr Mra. Hlgirer purchased th prnparty . w man rrnrn a innn named Tbompaon, and rialn-d th title until th sal of th aam land to Mra. Clark, but prior to lb purcaaa of th property by Mrs. I lara. had been aold on contran ry I Hater lo wealthy man ir ..-.ui tv. mrrhaaa bald 11400 d and ntr-compltdhJ i-ayme-fit. whareupoa tn isna raver.. d- Mra. Ul"'- I" dtapoalnn of th pro .. . ur. riara- lh fart that ah . j .i.j. ruMi lunn waa taken IIMU m 1 1 .-. j - - . . Into cunslderatloa by Mrs. itiggarr-wn" -,M Mr Clark fur th balanr of 15300. plua a commlaalon of itw. art huldln tha land inr a iw Ufa flam aoU it fur ICOOO, imrlii W -- - - making a clear 'profW af 500. and In face of thla fact ah aued HIW M fraud and mlareprt-arntatlon aa to tha number of acrea In th tract ana Bsaem I... tiin.. rftnaa. It : prothl that IU i gar wilt ap peal. LAMBERT SUtS r.AIL.0AD. would Force O- A C n. n. C. to Car - n aulnnad) Cantraet. A. W. Lambrt baa Instituted ault ih nwmn A California Co. i.t, Munmii in miipfrn to carry out a contract to ctil a deed fur th sou theaat -quarter of th aouthweat ...t nt r. ion is. townahlo I aouth. Iglnally mad with R. A. Par Ur. who aaalgned It la U K. InltnMr, who. In tarn, mad aa aaalgnmeui to ijtmuan. 1 K URY GIVES $501) CLAItH The . Savlcj Habit : Ff ft SM raalr4n ga to' THE OLD RELIABLE C CITY onOc SHO? . ' Wark aa vMl jrHtf ' Out Mottoi SatlsCactttm GtMti ;C. SCHOENHEINZ, Pk- 711 Main t Slsth and SavsaV D, a lAT0UaTTTa1 fraaidant THE FIRST NATIONAL I i ol OREGON CITY , ORECftt TraitaaaU a O ! afthlnfl M4naa Call AbanaaA aC" nraw Waahlaaton anlvarsItT wtW not b rwprwarntiMf on -tb gridiron h.ranr. Tba a thWtlc roowHI aaa pmh abnttahed, aad It U M4 ta) Inatltutton now will withdraw froaa all forma af Ituerrolierlsie. atmrt. rinanctal dlnVnllla Of flv funloaU tram. It la aald. brought about tb a tion of h board of truatae. "My tya aa Oad lve, laaail. !t.raa paa i .tn y tawt." ay Iop Email. "N boaswt oca Hal will Sag anything tha aiir whh say afHara I don't proim to acewpt a pen"0- bat I awplr regtilarly In tn Na tional Wgn neit aaaaoa." Ur ta alt abjarta aerlmisly t iJ'acb' pJaa to glv bin aa old aT . .tnHoa Thi Way, Manual. "Wonder what tba ISirttimte king will 4o If ba doea not coma bark ta tba throne." f t Tba laor platfartri ia h linlia BUtas la alwara at JuuJT ' ' , i " ' " ' v -.. j SaMlmana VaVapa Sanaa.-', ,v ' Rportar (gating latarrktw with ma a who waa lu float) ra br booaaH-Wbat book haa born to ron tha graataat atln Blus to roantal activity? "Aa aroptr porketbook." Vaaavlsn ftaaallaatlaa). "How did foil 1 1. hotala In Vfalno lt aiiiuuiarY" "I didn't. Whr. Ihi.v 'arfnall rbitrgpd ni i-if!:fit for lb lmb'a parpgorlr." . , LATEST MARKETS Canby Markata. (Reported b Gordon . Droa. Co.) GRAINS Wbaaf aalllna- ti -. 11.80 cwt, oau fl.40. Parlna; I1J0 ...It 1 Ia. . . .A . . . . v..H mi imim ai mia uma Bran brlnaa ISo aack. ahorta U6, tnlddllngs I1.8V barlar 11. is. rimi i ..m-- $5 tha barr.1. CHICKENS flnrlnr.r. k-i ' if. - - - a- -". - VIIBJM IIV Old rOOltftrfl ISA vniini Turkaya are quotable at JOo, ducks IAm mmJ ..... . v auu 140, M RATS Iaaait I.' llvio at thla tlma and tha aame la ba- BOYbUVANT : AIWTHXNG" Try ths Oezzihd Col&&f' IvlOElWIWGnrTER!- rapl tha babii af It. Th Bay In k, wlnad'tr' rt. h"? nd.Mnara. . Vu aan iut m. , NOW. M The Bank cfCr CAFITAU bMro. 0 ug paid la lr4r.: . caah. Va Mtiu ,7: MHO ak. Itaca," lOe. shot. er IJs.-. ruiITa-Aan- dried to to to ataaiJ iXJTATOtt-fii,; with tl : I bast 4 a, oommaiida 1 ta,ga IUT- krnr Mfjt caah. oal bay timothy llTM.fcuaw aUJtlli-Market a, , Oroa C7 W Markef fa41uaa! tin. In nearly s)i aooa littl amrtrji', aaarly baustai. ba, bmboq la over aw i nearly en, bat sai III it actlvtty aMBtv are firmer hat aau eaanged. APPI rs-TWaa; nrta aiitn large aav lMmaDd ta goo4 rni 10 II. u TUT ATOT8HW t aarcar r aaa; a4tlBra Ikal tkt aomaba( If aat aa Good at k la kraftf t tOT and aaeMisaia; apiing that araa i i Mill bold tact i k I -getting mora, hmj4, rallar , Miaaj VCOCT ABLB-flaw at Sa pound; avaaai' atpa plant r t9abi aack; baaa )aaaa f all kinds karat Ar ana rrUry sli'araa ward la ayai ia off ona aa a..a ua , . COflN Hainuli Ing rata fl f. about aaras arWa; ll.M. barlay 1 ) HAT MrrraaM i clover III. or W oat hay; aI!lafsY Plaaty of bay laaaC niTTTEK TariJ tha markat aad ! to te; bntierla la alow aa are all aat WKJ Thara b i the market aad Ol t le tha dosaa. - j I4KAT9 Oraaaat Itetolleforcaoea) lt to lid. tjattati POULTRY- ar row la; chicken will bring lie. w aaaad. J Hope The bos aaf ft r mar and M at a who hold for the gat it. No great a Bait Uverpool ....J Stock aaJt j f". D-Ory ..-1 Cure.Yourf AND 0THl ILUf 3 . m tf HOT lj Sanot; m waaeea'f. , , TBI ORECONC; ItailroadiK- Sella ronnd-trlp tick .piontna, ""-tt . rlnrn. Ifi, Jr,- ';ov!,, For fur'J,5' tratad booklet, Phy. Medical Lake,' Oregon, W"j Agent, orwrueto WM. M5 . - General ? '' POK,