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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1911)
- ..... .T tr Vrjoi, tit KSDA V. JAN lT A iytr. 4 MOKNINO KNTK It pevM i i IIRV LAV VAFffED Oil CONSERVATION ADMINISTRATION MEASURES AS INTRODUCED BY SENATOR NELSON JANUARY 1. mm power, coal and tmk Prectous Metala to Also Com. Under the. Werfcinge of the New Measures Oata Given. termlne the. laue aed matters which ar by thla Act committed to lb courti I hereby eoaferred apoa th United State circuit -nd district courta for th dtetrtct la which th landa or leeeeholda ar altuatsd." -Section 10. That th crtary of tb Interior la hereby autarUed Jo perform or caus to be performed any and ail acu'aod o Btak am rule and regulaHoaa aa he my deem, ac ..n .ml nrouer for carrying 'he pro- ri.lnna of thl Act Into Yttll fore an.i effect cfte or eettlomeat any unappro priated public Woda aurfac which he may deem aece.eary for aa la connection the 4rod.K-io-. handttng or transport tag i coal utec thte Aft.- , "wtUta U srovWee for forfeiture oi jton ob falhar I comply wtt a la the -cx",ir timber '" at of the v.i r4 froaa 1 aa'ee h c .i o TcrrMvrvee eeM th the tetn aperlal . i. fn-ch ai aJ p ' ... nk. . k..i r.ite e miliar vim - - IK.' should evfr and recoBeB ... j enr a I a- t"" " ' m laada la J eKpmeat roi taw-" c.- a - aJ.n. I. Miitmum sricee or rate . m e '-'-", .... .v re, wast. With a dcnaH we aa, Pbc oaI-Wracwa,a-de,. reautla. ..' .ou.d ha. e the moat Th.t the Ua or . ; ya " l0 ecur tfce hlgheat era or Introuucea y sr mm .." --r - i- , .i ary IS. and referred to the tVm- . 1 '. I . .V.1I .--J. duciBC coai u ".' ai n ii rr inr t - w - COAL RESERVATION CIU .ml tte cPr,krW .Uaia. a.d r. prv' cf cxal aaaU appl, to opfMM U.a fa.rd ...e, ' e a a '' . . ... . , ,.:.ri,-hte i eder the prvav-i - Uad - ltha thta iwm"' would Krer hae laa a are - -v . .v- -iliW!rnide. Ineftl.rleBt atul tarliecine I t n i i ' ' The coaaerratloa me urea pre pared by the AdmlBltratioaaad In troduced by Senator Nelaon of Mlnne , apla toajt January more clearly define the actual coneerratloa policy of ihe Sorernmeat than apeechea to popular aadleacea. It waa, therefore, thought deelrable to obtain copiea of the blUa prepared by the Administration aad abstract thea for Ue Information of the mlBlnc people of OrefvAi Tbe bflia attracted corer the coal. water, phoapbate, oil, aaphaltum and timber meaaurwa. Thea billa appear ao radical aad aaay ao entirely chaas the apirit of tbe old lawa that mining men a hoold acratialc tbe billa vary taxefaliy ia order to aee i.eaa of Ihelr delreU purpe Be It .ractea ay m. .atji wC 'P " 1 j .V. T.mte. Tbe r-mea baa been Ho-ae f RapreUtUe. of the mv u ct4,s;Ne,a4 a4 ih. ( B1h hni rlB.e .utrtv UMted State, af America .a Co.9 io - I v-eaeeei t f!l ad reaaote. t mer c , ' , . d,mpnt by ..eemb.. nwUB. "UaU ti. Senary o the I- lu- da.a rcr. a,a. j r .uU,rd.,.lea and raited state or tha Territory of Am mTM- ....eet, cf ary w arrx. Jaa. third. . ' , , ha to which patant. haro ao. beea - My 4 ; ehtee. headred a.d ,e..,.ht j ""r''ZZ r' earned or .owh.-.-rUh,. 't. by them aider ..4 th. Act eatW 1. AC M the .a - V . nolbeeo acquire BI lfa C0,U,B " v v.--Wi -h aaer Tf t Ncr Hi ft-ike WW Wf"-.-"- - - . Vki-k fur the :eur : poaea of taia acx aaau . . ... ' . . J 1M I I WMtiom Torr.ty. aVpcoted June ..rn.e.l la a atn.rgrr po.niu . I'. . . . ', , . . l I fl iJ MWIV .-.-i ' r-i -rr rrvc joror ss.nx. rn " ... . ' and the coal therein, are hereby re- ( j,,, . ra.-.ed ; ,vhi. eeatla -aevtwa tR; nvsa 1 iJ taereor. a4 an ci aerred from all forma of entry, appro- r,.vT,. ir.M priatloo and dSnpoaal ecept atJer the , ' . :treo.-e aia3 rv rt. of Arta asiJi or eitraJlnf proyU'ona f thla Act . !nte. a treal t1 ra -ua oae, tw and threoof.aald Sectloa I proTldea that aay citiiea J ; ' rt cefc- . Art. aad all other Acta cr parta of of itf l"Blted State or Br.Tv"-;:tiK!mM4 dvC".rt v- :aett for ; Acta Incoaaiateat heretth. be. and tloa'Pf cttlren. corporate or other-, i.Sf v botV tbe aame are herrby. reeled; lro- tbese measorea can reaalt la no harm. Taere U mnch to be aaid for, as well aa against, tbe meaanrea of wblcb aV atracta are given. Inasmuch aa these bill practically apply only to the West, although of coarse, not ao stated ta their . text. It behooyee Weatern men to pay a pec Lai attention to thea teas ore la order that bo permanent Injury b sustained by tha Kestern .'mining state. wtae. may 00 the payment Tj Jxxl H.rire the Secretary of DllcathJO re '"--i.v. . . w.r4V ta mill aicb a tc:msititittit to rc?-vt tjrr ; . fc mir dM.m oa Und owned hy,th l":ed State -.. ( ,.rln, ut tbelr effect apoa the I It U prorlded tb.t ch license rta j j, tn Aet . MMiwt on Und auhia twentrl'" v .. . .... ... i '; 1 - 1 - Sectloa 1 proiaea ni an .- Candid. fr and open dlacuaaloa of , ne mile containing a coal dett d unreached . public .n.Jicb ne ! ji.a, ,.y aettled m-on under any tee, assiituw, . -Section J. The Secretary cf the Interior la autnoriied under auch rules and regulatlona aa he may prescribe on payment of a rental of not lea than ten centa per acre to. grant to any qualified applicant a prospecting per mit which ahall give esclu'alr tight for twelr montha In tbe I'nlted State or twenty-four montha In Ala ha to prospect for' coal, on a apeclfled are In compact" form not exceeding fiy thouaand one hundred and twenty acres of public domain and to lease not more than two tnouaand fir hu dred and alsty acre under the pro- vislona of the bill. Section 4 proTldea that aoy"-' quali fied applicant may develop and ei tract for domeatlc use and dispose of for local conaumptlon coal belonging to be United State In areaa not ex ceeding forty acrea nor lesa than ten acre aubdlvlalona for a period not ex ceedlng fle years "at each ratea of payment. 00 such terms, and under such conditions as will safeguard the public Interest.' Section S provide for the execution of lease In blocks not exceeding two thousand fit hundred and sixty acres. tMedj-That all valid subsisting claims heretofore initiated under aectlotta iMie, Io and three of salj Act of June third, r I h teen hundred and eoventy elht. or ameudmente tbereif, may h Mrtet-ted upon ctmplUnc with law and regulatlona Issued tbrreiiader." WATER POWER BIU - Senaf Bill gtS6. -Be it enacted by th. Senate and House of Repreaentativea of ' the United Stat of America In Conor ss assembled. That the Secretary of the Interior be. aad he la hereby, autho rised aad directed to cause to be ex amined any public lands, national for ests, nation ai monuments, national parka, game reserves or other reser vation a valuable, or which may be come valuable, for -tbe development of water power, ox power for hydro . eJBexrle as or transmission, and claa - alfy and reserve by legal sahdirtslon, or hyjajete and bounds, from other use or disposition, all lands he may deeroj aaovalo for power develop nent l fnr hT us. Whenever area .jto Mersod, Include lands cot rd; hJdyalld:sJMing locaUona, se lect looav' dr eatrte,i the locators, se lecora; enfrytoetrjor their assign. apoa 'rBqulshme'nt of'lhe land so reaen ed" to tttej rnjtfd States, ahall be paid th vaTue'"f thwtaad and lm proteBaaats TadTrWguaWed: at: the ttm rof !Wfi 'reflngpUhmtpt M de . termiheJi'hjr jrrtiof f he tn UriortPROVlDKO. That la the eveat any STtch .pqcMorIecavccotryman, or aaalgBee baclug a vested tight tn Baek7Ta Iradaf tafia' or refuses apoa request, of he Secretary of the Inurior eUtoh.theIajad or Un pnorenwUl palmed ;i. by : him,' auch Iasda, or Imprcrfemetita, both, may ' b!acqjifred''yBhl Secretary under wyULa,aaB vyrw . . , v . - pfrrVm '' jr9ii a V pp caast-r-ntaat iflirnisht plaas, spadOaa tlon,tc.. aad calls for a deposit of tlfiUkXB rigbts W way over private land. erarelTbVTih arpprfcant, shall be iKjnvejeffloThe TTnltedT State. The UM OX.the Vasea graated ia 40 years Th, Vasa.wtll be allowed five years ' t (WretopoT craaamlt at least twenty- flee "per et of th power available.- Section I. Each" lessee ahall pay fgr.thjJeaaebold , prlvllegea "auch raef jf?, electric horsepower dereK oped 1 1 1 "; ' a may be apeclfled la the lease, which rat may be grad aated acfcrdln'4 ta thmoont of power developed and also may he in craaaed. f vgry .lehjrear period during thataraiottne loaae.'t - Sedhanf prWvMel for th aiaxtinnm rate W poweV ihlch may b ebarged tohejubllcAlaoprovlde for the frfelture4ease. , . . BMoJlPttr ftaltjef'Tia to be made to the government "in auch manner and at auch time aa the Sec retary of the Interior may require." Section t calls for appraisement of the property within five years of the exptratloa of lease and a new lease for a period of forty years ahall be of fered to th original leasee which. If declined, haU be aold at public auo- tlou at aa upset price. Th original loaao ahall thereupon be eatlUed to b eompenaated to th extent of th . sum received for th Improvements - only. Sam section provldea that no s transfer, sml or assignment of the leas ahall b mad without th ap proval of th Secretary of th Inter- .-lor." Section 7 provides for rail way and other rights-of-way. ' . "Sectloa g. That th proceed de rived from entry fees and lease nn- der th provision of thha Act ahall be - distributed as follows, to-wit: On thlrd ahall b paid to th Stat or Ter ritory, to b expended ander th di rection of th Veglalatur thereof, for roada aad ' schools ta th counties where the leaseholdi ar altaated, aad th reatda ahaU b covered Into geav - aral fund of th Treasury of th Uni ted State." ' Section I. That Jurisdiction to - of the non-mineral public Und lawa notwithstanding the existence of coat. and. patenta may b. laaued for auch land. But patenta for ail eucn lanua shall contain a reservation to th nlted Statea and tin leasees of all coal therein n.nd the-right to ua ao much of th aurfac aa mar he neces sary to the mining, removal and aal of auch coal Section 20. Jurisdiction todeter- mine the Issues and matter which are committed' to th courta la con ferred upon the Vnlted State, circuit and district courta. Section Jl. All exletln- lawa rcl tlve to thale or dlanosal of coal deposits and'all other lawa In con fllct herewith are herebfnrepealed. Senate BUI SIRS Introduced by Senator Nelaon Jan . 1 k a as. uary IS, 1910. ana reien-ea io me Committee on Public Landa. Auth'orixe . the disposal of phos phate, oil, aaphaltum or natural gaa. There are In-this Bill twenty-one aectlona and these are. for all prae-' tlral purposes. Identical with the terms of Senate Bill 1487. It provides also for covenanta relative t minine methoda and waste, to period of "preliminary development and quantity of production aa may be prescribed by .th Secretary of the Interior. The first period of lease ahall not exceed thirty year. The lease may be extended tn periods of ten years under such, conditions aa the 'Secretary may prescribe. Maxi mum royalty U fixed at fifteen centa per ton of run-of-mlne coal and there shall also be paid yearly In advance a rental of ten cents an acre for the fire year; twenty-five centa for the second year, fifty centa for the third, seventy-five cents per acre for the fourth year andone dollar for the fifth year and each succeeding year thereafter i bnt th rental for any one year than b a credit en th royalty for that year. Sectloa 6. - All applications for per mlts, llcanaea, leases shall be preaen ted to such official aa th Secretary of the Interior easy -designate. Section 7. Jio. permit llcenae or lease hall be laaued until th appil- cant aa entered Into a bovd.lW such amount aa th Secretary of th In terior may prescribe for tbe'jjrmett of an moneys or damagea and for the faithful perforrsauee of a'l acts, duties and obligation. ' Section 8. No llcenae or lease ahall be assigned, mortgaged or sublet, ex cept with the permission or approval of th Secretary -of the Interior and under auch conditions as be may pro scribe. "Section 9 . That llcenae or lease may, . In the discretion of th Secre tary of the Interior, b terminated upon the written request of the llcen ae or lessee to the Secretary, and after opportunity ha been afforded to said Secretary to examine, Into the condition of the property," Section 10. In case a license or lease Is terminated, tbe right la re served to the retiring licensee or lea se to dlapos In th open market of such of th buildings, machinery or other Improvementa as. In th opin ion of th Secretary, can be removed without Injury to the leasehold. But all rights are forfeited to so much of the Improvement aa the Secretary may deem necessary to retain a a part of th premises. It Is provided also that If the Secretary ahall roll- eena or relet th remainder of tbe coal covered by th former llcenae, ha ahall provide that reasonable com pensation shall be paid by th nw licensee or lease to tbe former lease or hla representative for remaining structure, fixture or Improvement. section il Licensees fcav th right to ns ao mnch of th aurfac aa ahall be determined from tim fi Urn by th Secretary of th Interior. Licensees, however, ahall compensate an set tiers, eatrymen and owner of any landa embracing their permits. " Section It. Th Secretary of the Interior may withdraw from ntry, oc FACTS AND riCURES. - Senat Bill 5489. Introduced by Senator Xelaon Jan- fnary-1 , -1 10,-and- ref erredlo the Committee on Public Landa. Coming Development end ' Conserva tion of Our Nura Rssourcee. By II. N- Urle. M. K. . Prealdent Taft. Kx President Uoi- vott and Ex Kureater IMnrhot all aarr according to their atatemnta on Ihe following principle goternlng admin latretlon of our Natural Heauurrea:' I. Th production f our Natural Keaourrea to met lb rejulrementa of Trade, Industry and Commerc. ahould be promoted In so far that thla rate of production doe not necessi tate excessive waste, which would prevent our meeting the demand of future general Ion a. 2. That any measure tending to curtail a normal development of our rv'aourrea would b a most serious menace to our nrof reaa a a Nation. 3. ' That - our perishable reaourrea such .aa timber and water aupply ahould be given ample protection and In ao far aa practicable, that In order to eliminate the possibility of future famine, wher atatlstlra show ' ntoat forcibly that auch danger la Imminent, atepa ahould b taken to replenish such growth by regeneration. .- Secretary Banihger jolna moat forcibly on tbe legal atatua of the problem. The law governing th ad ministration of our natural reao-arce control th situation and In my oplu Km dcral administration will better prv4-t our public domain froui monop oly of corporetlona than If thla ofi wfr vested In Ih aeveral atatre. The state ahould b called uio to lasalfy and preavut an Intettlgvni f pott upon any reserv 'ara wlt,htni their respectl boundaries and to recoiumcnd lo Ih gernweiit aa to hether opwolog for seltlemenl la . timely or othrwl The4aag of Ih'.. Malng bill . hlrh you will find reprinted la thla number of th Journal wlH latlleh a precrdenL and befor ng lh.Ktp - of their application would b brad- ened to Include farming land, mineral proprriy 'of alt'classee and what not The ludl System frro which our forefathers. retailed so forcibly at Ih Inception of thla Nation would b Just aa 'atronily present aa an. ell aa tl waa then, lied w Americana been m brought up without any knowledge of property rights w would probably hav such a system In force already, but al thla day and ag It will prove fatal to attempt to pass auch regnia tlona without transferring a good and aufflclent deed to the operator.. Th key to Ih solution of thla prob lem Is "A Maximum Ovvelopment with a Minimum, of Waste." Thla will r qulr strong cooperation by atat and government and not by dlsaeasioa brought about by th discussion of th prVsent'- uu ttovernment vs. Stat Monopoly. r 1 - r- TIMBER RESERVE. "Be Jt enacted by the Senate and House of Represeetatlves of the United States of America In Congrats, aaaembled. That all legal aubdivUlona of surveyed. ' vacant and unreserved public lands of the United Btatee, west of the summit of the Cascade Range and Slera Coast Range of mountalna, bearing milling timber which averagea eight thouaand feet per acre, and all such lands eaat of tbe summit of aaid mountains bearing auch timber which averagea flv thouaand feet per acre, and th timber thereon, ahall be dis posed of only In the manner pre scribed by this Act," "Section 8. That the timber on all lands mentioned In the foregoing sec tion shall be aold by the Secretary of the Interior to cltlzena of the Uni ted Statea or to aaaociatlons composed of auch cltlzena, at public aale at not leaa than Its appralaed value, In auch manner and amounts and under and Bubjocrto auch regulatlona, terma, aad conditiona aa the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe, but a purchase of timber wider thla Act ahall not be construed or operate to give the pur chaser; thereof any rlgbt. title or In terest la or to th land upon which such timber la standing, except the right to auch use and occupancy there of aa may he necessary to the cutting aad removal, or to the aale or manu factor of tbe timber into lumber, and all timber ao aold ahall revert to the United Statea If It Is not cut and re; moved within twenty years from .the date of Ha aale, except incasea where the timber la purchased by entrymen or locators to whom patents Issue un der thla Act for the landa on which such timber la located." Section 3. The acquisition of land under mineral or coal land lawa or homeatead lawa gives no right, title or Intereat to th lumber thereon. Section 1. Any person who has made a location or entry haa a pre ference right to purchase the timber at the top pric bid therefor at a pub lic aale at which auch timber la of fered. He ahall pay the purchase pile of auch timber In auch Install ment and at auch tint aa rb Secre tary of the Interior, may direct, but no locator or entryman shall sell or cat or remove th am or any part thereof until th whole of th pur chase pric of all timber haa been fully paid. No patent ahall issue to ay locator or entryman for any landa covered by timber purchased by him natll after he haa fully paid for auch Umber. , Y'Y-' Section (- Proceeds from th sal of timber ahaU, after paying th ex pense of appraisal aad aale, b dis tributed aa follows: "One-fourth ahall b paid to th Stat or Territory, to liar ' ar crude, inefflcUnt-and lnefflv.iJLj,, x,irII who M hlssrm broken ' REOLANO. - Itedlandltea hav had to stay at horn lately. Ilrot tber wer or 7 ' Inches of snow, and then about aa much rain, and then bridge - went floating down at ream, and plank roada floated Into dltcbea. Tree, brush and mud slid Into th da lane of Ih rod. ao iher waa nothing els to do but ' atay at bom. The brWgrrof'er-rek-t-Fisher's Mill went out during th high of their desired purpose 6. That the Government ahould control the administration of our Natural Reaourrea on Ihe ground that It takea a formidable power to over come th ever Increasing atrength of the corporation. The firat three headlnga express most forcibly th Western concep tion of how tbe federal Domain abould be governed and to thai end they earneatly anticipate auch ofj administration pertaining to lams which will facilitate the development of their reaourrea aa outlined lo these statementa. They know tbaflhe crudeneea. Inefficiency and Ineffective ness of tbe law .limits th highest development of Ihelr reaourrea. Thla. coupled with Ihe knowledge that a retrograde In their own development would mean a aertoua handicap lo our civilization aa a Nation baa rightly made them restive, .On any mo men tout problem we find extreme vie .re expresaed on both aides, and hence we may account for tbe existence of the leasing bilia which have been framed along the llnea of Eastern Ben time tit as opposed to the organized fight which many of tbe Western statea are making for atate -control of the now Federal Domain. Tbe la sue State ownership' and control va. Gov't Monopoly. At thla period of civi lization one would hardly expect to aee the causee of .two wars apiftaVao prominently for public consideration. Had the Western states,, through their representative in Congress and the House, introduced the proper mea sures to provide for the development of their reserve reaourcea without un due waste and had taken the precau tion to regulate th regeneration of tboae ofw" tentative nature, there would be no auch iaau preaented at this tiro. I place the responsibility for thla legislation on the aeveral atatea, for It should be expected that they would be more familiar with their apodal problema. Having neglected their responsibility and allowed this opportunity to pass they raise th Is- aue of aUt monopoly an argument agalnat th leasing bills, which, If they paaa, will atop development com pletely and tbna cause more wast than could poaalblr exist under eon. dltlon of production. Sine neither th state nor th gov ernment hav shown themselves cap able of handling th problem with efficiency then neither of them ahould expect to lBcr their reeponalbilltr, leet they should boot n more promt aent fall-r than ver. Thr has-been no effective co operation between th atat and the government which would facilitate the development of oar natural reeoarce and lease waat. Would It not b on the loth, and also haa th rheuma tism, la slowly improving " T 7" Utile olert Stone and Mra. Illnkl ar quit III. 1 Th Flrgrov school opened Monday after flv weeka recess, on account of sickness. Rev. Mlltlgan. of Portland, "held a abort aertea of meetlnga al th Ever-; green achit'tl house. All enjoyed bis 1 good sermons The I. o. o. f. will hold an opn meeting January 2 There will b an , old faxhloned spelling match. Pop-' com will b served, and a debate con cerning th Indian. Cannot Inform aa ' to whether he ta to b scalped or edu cated. But all ar Invited lo com and Keep the dual box aiipplled with nice clean dust, and see thai J grit box la 'never empty. ' Parenta and Children. Never prats or blame your children la the presence of stranger. Tbe ten der stiweptllillltlee of childhood ar In jured ly a dolrg. Insist on atrM 1 'obedience, but make the duty leaa Irk surne to the child by Uautng th com mand only when absolutely ne-eaary. lie firm hut mild In your authority, never punlnhlng chlldlih faults as though tbey were very great offense, j When, however, there la resl cause fr blame do not pass It over and, above all, never relent when once ti' have forbidden anything. . Children are not mere playthings; therefore do not trent Ihem aa such. On flie other hnml, aMiough onr little folk claim all bur attention, they mnat 1 not conclude Hint they are tbe masters ' whom - everybody else has to ; obey. ' Tbelr turn to rule will come In dnej time. . ally The Night Nursery. It must be clean. It must he very airy.' Th hardwood floor la beat Stained floors may lie varnished. Floora at least must he e cleaned. There'e a waahable. pig before each bed. For lighting choose electricity or candles. Smelly kerosene lamps and leaky gaa are tabooed. ' Oray-blu or gra green, not dark, ia good for tbe walls Curtains (they ar often necessary) mnat be washed once a month at least, aom say every week. If you lose YOUR HORSE ' ' YOUR WATCH YOUR POCKETBOOK I Try a few liner In onr eheap column; they may find It for you. a! trf a T TIT a mm 1 IF - " The Mogflinfl 1 1$ to be as successful as the inter ests of Oregon City demands' it must needs have the the support of all. The new daily , has a big work ..before it in boosting Oregon City and CladcaiMr County. Your support, mean more strength for the work. Will You Help Us Boost Your Own Interests? For a limitedjtime the Morning Enterprise will be sold to paid in advance subscribers as follows: By catiricf, i year $3.09 By mail, t y cat 2.09 Send in Your Name and Remittance