Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1911)
MOUNINO ENTERPRISE. , TUE8DAY, 'JANUARY 24, 1911. C R 0 m D S C ONTI-NUE AND SALE I; TOIPOIWS STOCK PROCEEDS OE : i S 1 i ii J i it a It 4 .... ., f. t I v . V i V V VI i- I OTICE Owing to the fact that a great number of our out of town customers received our advertisement to late to take advan tage of our free offer last Saturday morning. We have decided to repeat the offer for next Saturday, therefore WE WILL GIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE The number will be banded out as the first hundred enter. . . t betrtna a number to each of the first 100 persons who enter our doori at opening hour Saturday January 28th. You don't need to' buy a cent's worth. . Vj Cay have the lucky number. It costs you nothing to try. Holder of one number receives absolutely free, quarter sawed Oak Rocking Chair. Holder of another number receives a handsome picture. Doors Open Promptly at 9 -Yi.M. Get in line earlv. Be one of the first hundred. t - " , , , - . -1 Li uurlog this weefc we will continue to give More and Better Bargains than were ever before ' -..rJ -.j 4 ':. t -r-v i ..-r. . . J . , . .'.' ' ,,( , '" a4 ' g-t . TO THOSE WHO RECEIVED NUMBERS LAST SATURDAY WE WISH C ... ;d m this or any other city. Drastic Price Cuts arc the rule with us during this Great T0 announce that the drawing will take place next sat. URDAY, JANUARY 28th, AT t A. M. AND IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT ALL ' HOLDING TICKETS BE PRESENT ON THAT DATE AND HOUR. . r SPECIAL NOTICE and you will be sorry if you do not take advantage of them. Store Open evenings during this Sale. ; REMEMBER lace J door north oi 3 First National Bank ; ii e- n- ELLIOTT BROS. IN CHARGE REMEMBER the place 514 Main St. Across from Post Office POINTED OUT r. C 1 ta. Grant Dlmlck were J s..;i relatives at Hubbard on Urn. T: Ivarhart. of Mountain Ham - t .--i t.ft. - - tmttx L- Host. V. . - tmn went Id Baloni watwerr r Jug wrrrre li altendd h str air. 1 MIM 1 fdar aa4 i Br anil ltt(l dmi(th r Ih Oriroa 0f 7- ... At, teacher In th Tort aa In (rwn tty Bat B vlMltlna her uarrnta. t)r. a4 tlJ. U. L. Krlly. Mr fl P. Ctimm and Mra. II. N. VoaZ , Ct HtKxt uivnr, are la thta It fir of ihHr lntr, Mra. N. f, A ). They will rtmln In ia t-T I- wa. -V t ' of the Curtain A Ron plalonera of Ua Ao ". aa In trpann city jlnf piiatM'a and on- Mm. Kmtna UooUllve Htaplna, almr In law of Mra. Mary McCarvcr, of thl city, whoa homo la at Manltuu, Colo- ratio, who haa leen vllilnn at th boinv'nf Mr. and Mra. Cbarlca llah cwk, Of TUIrtPtinth aod WanhlnKton irp.-i. Irft toiby for Portland, where Mi will remain for few duya. Kh dm afntanted thtu city by hr ului-o, MU Kintna Wllklnaon, and Frank Oiriliewakl, of ManUau. who .will alao apend Um winter Id Califor nia. Mlaa Anita leC'arvcr accumnan-' led U m as far at pprlland. TV lertv Hoye, Ueatlat, 'Caii Held BH i Orfw City. Mr. and Mra. B. C. Ilrooka and aon Hay and dauxhter Iiverne apent BtirH day with friend In lafayette, OreKon. vUltlnK a aUter of Mra. Ilrooka, Mra. W. ClblNn. LOCAL BRICrS Ulna Jeaale Taddock baa been rn tlnel aa deputy In the office of coun ty treasurer. . U. 11 Kly IS In I'ortUoJ today at tending the convention Of hardware ! ftribbtiia. : one : of . the Juttttm Ma. . rir.....n flu a..n.l.. men mil uniiirmciiv u.-.ifi. aitln. wtts t w hrth.r ii t ib.iw Co to Becreet for lht hot hwclv- . t- -J.., aucceaaor to Lenta, 610 Main afreet Jtf . n.n. V..i..j iw.rt. Mlaa Ela Moehnke haa realxned Jd.'.ej Wnretioa rii. Sundae h'f imtlw In the F.tQda achoola we .n.i u 11 f H..K. on account of the lllneaa of her broth J mm " rlnrA I. .nvin.Jr Ola er. ( . I .- i t rtiT ' i I ' WIUMm Bni.Me.of Rnniualde. North Sr- r ' J m t r Pri. Clackamaa. waa a vlaltor In this cliy -C , m. .11. n. ,.. Monday. s.kmd Mr. it it r.rti!. Annual Bliihra. one of the prominent jt waa formerly nianuicer f"nera of Heaver Creek waa trana- dlbe Ort'con City Kilter- c"n Bualneaa In Oregon ( Uy on Mon, T.... . . . I day.' i i 'i i; ' y '-'raw Kocher one of the! Mvld Itrldenatlne. of Eatacada. has rmlna imoWmeni wmi of .f'nlly told. Ma farm, and la now i.?. ta thla rly on bualiieaa "hH.' tr a hftcaMon near Oregon ; 1 3rsln on bla way to J'ort-! 1 "f 1. !A wOcher will attend the Con "ncf Implement dealers that con tilt, .land this week. Kewton, of Han' Franclaco, i fn City Punday vUltlnir irin lnw, Mra. I Newton. ' tae Bpa Confocllonery on it. Mr. Newton waa on aw York, where he aoea a ana u'naii iMiianmnn i 1 r-allfonila fn Fehrttary , .' t will vlalt aome of the lale houae n( Ban Fran- ' Wt. aome of ilieli novel (millinery eatabllnhann -I hey will alert vImII their' : Lena, of that city, and rother, Charka, of Barra- te, one of the moat pporjii were of Canny.' waa 'In Sday evening to attend jrhlch hna been called by of the State Hortlcuttur lch will be held In Port . i f r. Coe la one of the en- ' growera of the rounty, i . since fall 720 boiea of y varletlea, ! doxen at Beeley'a. Freah ranaiea and Confections at Dtinn'a. . Main afreet, near Poatoffloe. K. C. Aahhough. repreaentlng the llaradan confectionery company, of Portland, waa In Oregon City on Mon day. Thoa. Johnson, of Willamette, and Dan and Busle Smith, of thla city, were baptized at the Daptlst church Sunday evening at Ihd rrirnhir aervlce. Ceorge Qrnnrf, tha prenilnent tea ale Brewer of MolaOift, waa transacting buslneaa In Oregon City ort Saturday. Henry Heard, who was taken III at the home of hla parents, Mr. and Mra. William Dr&nl' at (Mountain View a few days SCO, Is thrvstebod with pneu monia. In the prlae contest at the dance In the Armory Saturday night Ous Zim merman, of HQwaukle, and Mtas Cora Smith, of Canemah, won the prize for bent wait ling. Mlaa Ixtulae Flandnra eipects to enter Washington High School, Port land, and apend the remainder of the school year there. I ho best Homemade Ilread that caa be baked; you can get It at 8chrader's nakery, on Mala atreet near Poatof-flee. Trr Shoes go to (he 3gon City Shoe Store I sell ah(Ma and nothing but shoes. We can fit your feet with J - . . ! v. s highest grnde shoes on the market. For ladles ask for the in H. Croas or the P. J. Harneynone better at any price. Suffering Mon )e Stacy-Adams shoe Is a sure cure for corns and aching feot ihaan Snaoinia have ISO pairs of Rubbers for men at 60 cents a pair, while - f ey Inst one pair for each customer. 60 pairs Infants' vlcl kid patent toe shoes, sites S to 6, at 45o. pair, In button or lacev e... ogon City Shoe Store Main Btreat, Opposite Poatoffloe. AT THE. (PEARL iCHppOUSE .verything Strictly Fresh. Short Or- N & O'DONNEL, - - Proprietors I Between Sth and 6th, on Main Street - W. H. Ilublo. of Sllverton. waa In Oregon City on buslnens on Monday. Victor Hosaetler, of Portland,, rep reautitlug Lug 4 Co., waa among th yreiton City ylaliora on Moni. There were a large' numlwr of peo pin ont from Portland Sunday to see the Fall at flood ltd. With the large quantity of water flowing. over the Kails they were a pretty sight and Lwell worth coming to see. cio to rjecrest s for that bot lunch successor to Ijents, 619 Main street Milton Price la arranging to give ope of hla successful dancing partlea at the Armory on Saturday night, when the Farmer orchestra will play for the dancing. 10 bars laundry eoap I.rc. Seeley'av Among those who are on the sick list at Mountain View this week are' Mr. Crawford. Mr. Ingram and David Iloheson. The latter la one of the prominent Oregon ploneera, and his condition waa Improved lust night Sneley'a best flour, f 1 50 saik. Paul ptmn, of Sandy, and Tlud Thompson, of Klllln. both members of the County Doard of Koad Supervisors, were in Oregon City Monday on offi cial business. Philip J. Slnnott, of thla city, left on Wednesday pvenlng"ofMsr--Wf,eir' for Klaniath Falls. Oregon, where he has accepted a position aa city editor of the Klamath Fall a Kvenlng Herald. Mlsa Amy Ilrowu, of Portland, Is spending a few weeks with her sisters, the Misses llrown, In West Oregon City. Cio to Becrest's for that hot lunch auocessor to Lenta. 610 Main street. Henry llrand ia planning to open a store at Clermont, on the W. F. School ey A Co. 'a allotment. The people liv ing in ttuit neighborhood have been wishing for auoh -an lutprovuuient for some time. Donald Porter, a atudvnt at the Electric Business University. In Port land, made a recent call upon Carl F. Anderson. Mr. Porter waa greatly In terested In the natural attractions of our beautiful city. Coal-oll ISq a gallon at Seeley's . Harvey Farmer Is having a hand some residence built on the corner which he recently purchased from P. J. Wlukel. This beautiful home, when . I .. I .. k. .1 h.III m.A k..mK .a It., a r. l a i- IllimuvMj, will nun iiiiiiu iv ftliv auce of the nnlgbborhood-, , Charles Shields planned the house aud is con- J atruQtlng It. , ... . j Dr. George Hoeye. Dentist, Cau-. flold Wdg., Oregon City. - John N1eler.' who lived In this ctty ! about ten years ago, haa arrived herel and la vlaltlng with old friends. Mr. j Nlcber Is now residing In Republic, j Wash... and la foreman of one or the mines there. A. R. Dlmlck. brother of Judge Mm Ick. of this city, is Tlsttlnr'tor a few daya with hla family at Hubbard. Mr. Dlmlck has been In New Jersey for the past four years, and la now aun erlntendent of the Jersey Central Rail way, lie win return Gaat ruoaaay.. : Three cans corn 25c. Seeley"s. W. H. McCIellan, who haa been suf fering from the results of a fall during the recent cold weather when he fell on the porch of the home of his daugh ter. Mrs. N. M. Alldredgo, Is Improv ing. Mr. McCIellan had three ribs fractured, which have been yery pain Ml. 3 cans Holly milk 15c Seeley'a. Carl ). Hodea, who waa forced out of the corner room with hla saloon when the Cambrlnus block waa re built, haa . again taken up with the corner , location, at Main and Sixth streets, and has opened his saloon for business. C. A. ljren, who has been visiting with his pnrents. Mr. and Mrs. E. 8. ljirsen. of this city, left on Thursday for Calgary, Canada, where he Is em ployed by the Grant Smith, noomer Hughes Irrigation Company. This company ta Installing an Irrigation plant' to cost about $fi,t)00.000, and the work will laat for several yeara. , , Council meets tonight In special ses sion, and Mayor Brownell expects to be there to preside. Homer Harrington, who vlalti Ore gon CUy weekly In the Interest of the Telegram, went fishing Sunday with a friend. eo. W. Woodward,' They went to the Sandy river, in thla county, and were successful In landing 10 salmon trout that were beautloe. . The biggest one measured 21 Inches and four of them weighed 6VI pounds. ,. . .. Mayor' Ilrownell was at his office Monday for the first time In several days.' While th Mayor had quite a wrestle with grip he Is feetlng pretty much his old self snd la again ready for the business strife which comes to an active man In business. The little Rivers bnbyj which wm operated on when W ;Ofo Nhiya 'oliL Is reported aa doing ' ihlceiy with i good chance of living to, a ''good. old ageJ.' Mr, and Mrs. Rivers are to be congrstulated that thq.UUle lad is xmaklng such a game little fight for health and prosperity,. , ,4 -,nr f, .,uy Soma women marry for lore white not a few marry for alimony. t : : Try Dunn' fof Cigars and Smokers Goods. Next to Postofflce. AFTERNOON AT ELECTRIC. Woman's Club to Have a Benefit fn Near Future. . The Woman's Club Is preparing to give an aftvrnoon and an evening pro gram at the Electric Theatre In the near future, for the benefit of the Im provement of McLougblln Park. There will be two performances, matinee and evening, and the main feature will be an Illustrated talk on the "Sacking of Rome.:' Thla picture has only reeently been released aod la one. of the finest ever exhibited In thla country. There will be an amusing farce, "The Sausage Machine." a solo by Oarlnnd Hollo well, a rlolln and piano duet by the Burse n brothers, and a- vooal duet id costume by Mrs. A. A. Price and Har old 8wafford. The date of the per formance will be announced in a few days. CALLED TO HIS RE8T. Rev- Qulnn Diss After VeryShort III "ness. " Rev. Joseph H, Qulnn died suddenly Monday morning at his home In Motin t)n.Vlcw. He was sick Jmt a few hours, htfvTiTg het-n InTaTTsuiT health Sunday and filling his appointments as usual. About- 4 o'clock Monday morning he waa taken auddenly ill and died within a few hour. Jlls death was caused by heart trouble and he waa 58 yeara of age. Deceased spent his boyhood days In this rlty and haa lived much of hla life in this county. .At the time of his death he waa supplying four churches at Mountain View Cnlon church. Teanle Creek. Molalla and Russellvllle. He leaves a wife and seven children. Joseph. William and Beaale Qulnn, of this city, and Mrs. Price. Mra. Frlnk. Mrs. C.llmore and Mrs. Miller, of Ida ho. Funeral armncements will be an nounced later. FUNERAL THIS MORNING. Mrs. Moldenhauer Dies Sunday at Home In Willamette. Mr. Clara Volght Moldenhauer. wife of William J. Moldenhauer, died at 8 o'clock Sunday morning at her home In Willamette, aner an inneas oi tnree months. Death vfaa due to cancer. Mra. Moldenhauer came to America In September. 1852. to Portland, Ore., No vember 15. 18S9, and lived on a farm at Clarkes nine yeara before coming to Oregon Cltr five years ago. She had lved at "Willamette for the laat two yeara. 8be la aurrlved by a hus band and three children, Carl, of Will amette; Mrs. Clara Jetgke. of Park place, and Mra. Etta Parrlsh. of High land. These three children are the only wnrvlvora of a family of 11. The funeral will take place this he Tjitheran church at Eluhth and Jefferson streets and the Interment will he In Mountain View The funeral cortege will leave the residence at Willamette at 11 o'clock. ' LUCHT FINED $75- Justice Samson Hears the Case, With Jury of Five. The case against Fred Lncht, charged with having and keeping his fence 1n the highway, was tried In Justice Samaon's court Monday. The claim was made, and proved at the trial, that his fence waa some ten feet over the road line. ' In his own defense Lncht claimed that he tried to find out In the county records where the real line was, Just how wide the road had been laid out, and that he could get no aatlsfactlon and hence refused to move in the matter.- , . " . . ,The case was tried to a Jury and the verdict -waa against Lncht. Judge Samson then assessed a fine of 175, having in view to tag up to defehae enough to cover coat of prosecuting the case.. Defense gave notice of ap- Three cans tomatoes 25c, Seeley'a. " Best creamery butter 80o roN. See- ley's. ...,.., BREAKS HIS LEO. BODY WILL BE CREMATED. Jacob H. Mader a Philippine Soldier Three Yeara. ' The funeral of Jacob H. Mader, who died while enroute home 'from the Philippines, waa held In Portland Mon day. Hla remalna will be cremated today. Mader was an old Oregon City boy, and he bad a wide circle of friends here. He waa an Eagle and a number of members from the. Oregon City lodge attended the funeral Mon day. He waa a rising young man who had mado good In several Instances. He died aboard the transport Sheridan when two daya out irom Manila. COMBS-McFARLAND. Robert Williams Falla to the Street Last Nloht. . Robert Williams, on old millwright, well known around the mills in this city, fell on the street Monday after-noon.- near, the corner of Main, and fractured bla left leg. , He was taken to the offtce of Dr.. Melssner, where the fracture was reduced. -Williams Is quite an eld man but It Is believed he will be able to recover hla usual health wltbln a short tima, ! k pound box of soda crackers 20c at Seelem. " ' ''"" r.-u'i, n ) un it ii - - - ii i-s n ., . ,., Suae Pstar Hsfty for 27. . t The American .Adjustment Co. hss filed a suit agtlnst Peter Hefty to re cover $27.25 and costs. '-It is charged that' Hefty purchased 1 merchandise from Qottsaoker Bros., to the amount of tha claim, which has been assigned to the plaintiff. , , " , . , Nuptials Soltmnlied at Rtaidence of Archbishop, In Portland. The marriage of Miss Florence Ma rie McFarland, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Samuel W. McFarland. of this city, and Mr. Albert Burton Combe, resident manager of the Mutual Life Inmrinu Cnmtianf. of Portland, was solemnized yesterday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock at the Archblshop'a resi dence In Portland," the ceremony be ing performed by Father. Hlllebrand, of thla city." Mr. and Mrs. Combs left on the Shaata Limited for Southern California, where tbey will remain for a month, and upon thelr return will make their home at 378 East Yamhill atreet. tt VrParland haa resided In thla city for the past three years, and dur- Ing her residence here nas taken pan In many entertainments, being one of Oregon Clty'a elocutionists. Mr. Combs resided here for a short time before taking np his residence In Port land. Mlsa McFarland wore a gown of old rose color with hat to match, and Car ried a boquet of LiUles of the Valley. YOUNG LADY BETTER. . Miss Freda Martin Improving From Her Severe Injury. Mlsa Freda Martin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin, who met with painful Injuries while coasting on Twelfth street, has improved ao that she Is able to be out, but la still unable to have - the use of her left arm. Her eye waa injured, but thla Is also im proving. Miss Martin's escape from death was miraculous, as heed struck a fence poet, but before strik ing this Mlaa Martin, who was In com pany with one of her girl friends on the sled, waa rendered uneonscloua by coming In contact with h rock or some obstacle near the sidewalk. Although Mill uneonscloua she remained on the sled when the sled ran into the fence post. Her companions carried her to her home on Eleventh and Main streets, where she baa been confined to her home since. Real Estate Opportunities C- T. Tooze, Lawyer and Notary. Abstracter" Loans and Insurance CHARLES T. TOOZE aV CO. Real Estate Bought and Sold. Room 3, Beaver Bid., Oregon City If you want to BUY A FARM, BUY A HOME, BUY A LOT, ee CHAS. TV TOOZE & CO. And If you want te sell farm, home or - lot -de likewise. is 28 yeara of age and la extremely radical on. Spiritualistic aubjecta. lie waa taken to Salem Monday night by asylum attendanta. He Wants a Divorce,. Suit for divorce waa Instituted here Monday by E. H. -Weatertahl against Bessie E. Westerfahl to whom he waa married January 1. 1909, at San Fran cisco, Cal. He charge her with de sertion November 2, 1909. George C. Brownell appears for Westerfahl. Wilbur Chllders, of St Johns, waa visiting friends In the city Sunday, guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ham Francis. Wants, for Sale, etc ILLUSTRATED LECTURES. Hawaii, Qusen of the Ocean," at Con gragatlonal Church. Illustrated lecturea will be given Friday evening and Saturday after noon. Fehmary 3 and 4, at the Congre gational church by Frances King Head lee, on "Hawaii, Queen of the Ocean." The pictures used In the Illustra tions are well selected, being charac teristic of the beautiful tropical vege tation and scenery; representing the Important events of early history, the characteristics and customs of the Hawaiian race, noting existing condi tions, and containing a comprehensive set of vlewa of Kllauea, the greatest living volcano known to man. MR. AND MRS. MAUTZ Entertain Saturday Evsnlng at Their Horns In Maple Lane. A very-ptpaaant party waa given by Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mauts at their home In Maple Lane, Saturday even ing. The evening was spent very pleasantly with an old fashion candy pull and with games, after which was served an elegant lunch, one of the kind for which Mrs. Mautx is so Just ly famous. Those present were Mr. snd Mrs. Peter Davldsoo. Mr- and Mra. Harvey Heater, Mr. and Mra. A. J. Iwla.,Mlsa Emma Derrick, Lyman Derrick. George Derrick. Wallace Lew la and Farrel and Drexel Heater. Both Todd and Gary Spsak. Dr. K. IL Todd, vice president of Willamette University, addressed the high school assembly In this city Mon day morning, and also talked to the eighth grade pupil in the Eastham building and the grammar grade pupils at the Barclny. Hla talk was both In teresting and helpful and his advice to the boys and girls was practical and Should be an inspiration to everyone to make the most of his talents and education. County superintendent or Schools fiary talked to the students at tha Hnrrlisv building, and his remarks were unusually entertaining. Committed to Asylum. '" . Charles W. Sturgis. ef Canhy, was committed to the atate Insane asylum Mnnria v k juris rtAati. after an ex amination by Dr. II; S, Mount Sturgis Notices under thea claMlfltd heading will b Inavrtru at one crnt a word, first Insert lorn, half a ent additional Inner tlona. One Inch card, i: per month; half Inrh rard. 4 lines) tl per month. tunn muii accompany order unless one haa an open account with the paper. No financial responsibility for errors: where .nui occur five corrrctt-d notice will be printed for patron. Minimum chare lie. ' WANTED. WANTED Girl for general house work in small family. Inquire of Mrs. Don Meldrum, Twelfth and Washington streets. WANTED Strong boy to deliver papers Enterprise Office. tf WANTED You to know that the En terprlse Job printing department Is the moat complete In the . State, outside Portland. Try it for your next printing. FOR SALE. FOR SALE Space In thla column: Sell that old plow or harrow; you don't use It since you purchased your new one. FOR SALE A good 110,000 farm for , sale. John W. Loder, Owner. Atty. at Law. Stevens BMg. . - FOR RENT. FOR RENT Liner space In thla col umn. A few ilnea may. rent that house, store or farm; they will coat you but a few centa. ATTORNEY8. era! law business. Oregon City.- Over Bank of U'REN 8CHUEBEL, Attorneys-at-. Law, Deatacher Adrokat, will prac .. tlce In all courts, make collections and settlements. Office. In Enter - prise Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. .'." V. R. HYDE. Abstract Office Land title investigated, conveyan cing, notary public , , CRITICS COMPLBnENT OMPLTITORS COPT V Room. 7. Barclay Bldg-. Oregon City. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Title tt , Investment Co., Stevens Bldg. BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR., ' HARRY JONES Builder and General Contractor. Estimates cheerfully given on . all . classes . of - building work, concrete walks and reinforced "" concrete. Rea. Phone Main 11L DENTISTS. 1 DR. L. G. ICE. DENTIST Rooms 4, I and 6 Beaver building. Main SL, Oregon City. Phones: Home A-198 and Pacific States 1211. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN John W. Loder, Atty. at Law. Stevens Bldg. MONEY LOANED We are acquaint ed with the value of all farm land In Clackamaa County and can loan your money on good aafe aecurlty., Farm loans made one, two and three years at 7 per cent. Abatracta of title examined. DJMlCK D1MICK. Lawyers, Andreses Bldg... Oregon. City, Oregon. , ., , t , . .... ,,, , REAL ESTATE. . D. K. BILL CO., REAL ESTATE Farm, Timber, Grazing, Agricultural, Lands, City Property, Small Fruit and Poultry Ranches for 8ale, Wal- nut Land. Room 9 Beaver , Rldg., Oregon CUy, Oregon. , O. D. EBT, Attorney-aHJiw,. Money loaned, abstracts furnished, land titles examined, estates settled, gen- PLEASE ' NOTICE. 4 To introduce The Morning Enterprise Into a large major ity of the homes In Oregon City and Clackamaa county the $ management has . decided to make a special price for the dally Issue, for a short time only, where the subscriber pays a year In advance. -. . By carrier, paid a year Jf advance, 13.00. 8 By'mall, paid a year In ad- ? vance, $1.00. ''' People-who gave oar canvas- , ser a trial subscription for one i , or more months, at ten cents a week, can have the daily dellv- ' eredfor a year for $3.00 by payli. a year In advance. e. People who gave our canvas-1 , ser a trial subscription, by , mail, for four months at a dol- 4 .lar, may have the paper for a year for $3.00, It paid a year In advance. , iu. v i ' , Subacrlbers to the Weekly Enterprise ruay change their p subscriptions to the dally, re- ' celvtne; credll tof half time on the daily that the weekly la paid In advance.. When they . choose to add cash to the ad-. vance payment equal to a full ' year's advance payment they , may take advantage of the $8 fate. . ,i. . t , t . i ' We make this special price ; ao that people who have paid ' In advance on aome other dally ' . and wlah to take the Morning Enterprise, may do so, without, too great expense. . E. II. COOPER, For Fire Insurance and Real Estate. Let ua handle your properties we buy, sell and exchange. Office . In Enterprise Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon- FREYTAO A 8WAFFORD, Real Es tate Dealers, have choice bargains In farm lands, city and suburban homes, good fruit landa aad poultry ranches. . See . ua for good buys-' Near 8. P. depot , , 13 ACRES of sandy loam, all good farm land free from stone and gravel. 8ft acres In cult., balance all alaahed, burnt and -seeded bat one acre and haa been toe a good many yeara so the clearing la ' not very hard; 4 room box house, barn 20x22; good well, also borders the1 Tualatin ' river. Thin la fine peach, berry or garden land. In fact good for . anything that grows;. 4V miles of, Oregon City on a macadam road; '10 milesOf Portland on a macadam road. The price) of this place baa always 1 been $2630 hat for a quick, sale owner , will take $2200. $800 , down, balanc ' S years ar. o per, ceni, . E. P. ELLIOTT A 8.0N Oregon City,' Ore. Near Suspension Bridge.- ft- 8ECOND HAND' FURNITURE. 8ECOND HAND Furnltnrw, Curloa and . Kellos bought, sold and exchanged. Anything from a darning needle t . a ships anchor. YOUNG. Th Second Hand Man, Main 8L, Orw gon City. - -.: i ,'.,; Electric Hotel 411 Hsla. letwtta 4th aad S.e Its. - ' '.'.) OREGON ClTYORt-, .v'' J. J. TOtIN, Proprietor. ' ti'.'"'tVt :t,A