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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1911)
7;i. J ' i . at .If iiljp 4 4 lions for the Morning I will b received for Jilted tlma at epsclal M In your ardor today kenoflt of lew price. ... V.' .. V'..) k'.!'!D ' 4 The only dally newspaper he twn Portland and lalem; elreu- e latss In every Motion of Claeka urn County, with a population of 90.000. Are you an advertlaarf --, 44 OIMON CITY, OKIWONY TUESDAY, JANUAIiY 21, 1911. Per Week, IO Cexts r My I I L1 0 WBL M EXPO. FIGHT? V5TH rWVORK AND IOWA HAVE west." CABINET AND CONGRESS Jkislaaad With Letter By yahal Frisco Savaa Jenath For Ona -i,; Last fight TON. Jan 23 8pl ) ff to ha -taken on a new il f-J It looks aa If lha Waal ,t It h Ka effort lo secure tha Dillon. The whole Wcat ;ta fcaVJ -1- 3ng dlspatrhea f Wash itErVfl i Waaturn Union la all 'ttt Jsed with tho demands 'Uw T -rrr I . - "T I In lino for Ibe Waal. JCr' ' U for Itanlf II baa become 't A U te Kar West. Iowa baa U t - tor Iho WmI from the !f tit, ' TrtCima by Iho bushel have fvfbUe House, while Bena- JTV OU VVHIIIITH ii,m- bi t V lav t V I i, Baage for Iba past Tt-i r ot but all up and take otfcr business or commercial 0CX1 I any prominence In (ha IVect t nt front ona lo a doxen dug for consideration. n ahort while othera HKth Into lha merlta of kar cc: I bribe (iroat Wcat. Wa-ttC lo all over tho Kaat. fceJi t f" ta and vUltora. hava $ti t .l9 magnitude of tha call of li tho I'roaldrnt la ln tfeo unanlnilty rMreaoni it t t-llCJsaica at hand. It look an IffY t1 aavKd Ita atronxth for caijfl'li i cbari. and won. t "IT CEASE ATE REVENUES tXK.-A DIMICK WANT! fn ; ec:.L!pVMRviioN or ruND lr "XTARY Or ITATK. iy "Vpr., Jan. IS (Ppl.) Tho 1 i i.lealalature U anything to 1 t Jlala ao there may be no I z raato. It la not ao much t J t By ateal but that people L J! 7 continue, to waato the fVtXJ U W Btaie. V R?""r" ibava teen Introduced In t 1. aa providing for Inreatl f ATt Inatltutlona of every 4 " t CUnltude. IJivlah wa a been rampnni, ana vatermlncd that tbla ahaU tick Introduced a bill re. the Rocretary of State pcraonal lnapctlon of rr JT drawn and every war- r i I th"t aurh ahall be algned I a bill providing that a no deflclanclca In atate mA that where they do ll he paid y tbo trua- M. or by nla bondnmcn m of paying aalnrlea la thlrh vouchera are to be mploya In peraon. Hut i.. locking tho barn after Vbeen atolen. t AUTHOR SHOT. Commlta Suicide No fCau uaa for Dead. , Jan. 23. (8pl.) Par. AI Jlllpa, a notabla editor I today aliot by FlixhUKh rvnb, a Harvard man, kblmaelf. Fhllllpa waa I but la atlll alive and l trtaJ 1-7 ba haa a chance to It la aald to be Inaane. r. ound la In tha lunga 1 to fel that he may re M In tba beat of health. had been bothering Phll- ral wevka with demanda Aded man ' could never at he wanted. No known crime. ilNG OF IE PAST Vaar la gone and tha now lartad. Why not practlca jemy during tha naw year Ivantaga of lAT CLEAN UP SALE. roplanlah your wardrcba Vlng of nearly one-half. le la yaducad. It will pay tlgate. DO IT NOWI : Br others 1SIVE CLOTHIERS ot Like Otaora and Main Sla. JISCO t 4- a 'V 4 HAWLCY AK8 RICOUT. " ' -foiafl of ' rmprcacntatlvoa, 4 WanhlnKt'ia. U C, Jaoanry IS, 4- 191 1. . . K. K. Ilroillo, . Kill lor MornliiK Knlerprlao. . .My dtar Hlr: I fg to ac- t- kliowlo1xn ri'(ulit of your Umiio of tho 12th Inatant, r-ltlvo lo tha ofrii lnl (Hiiiut of tha iotiU) of Oraon City. I furtjlhat bla In. 4 formation at Mm roiiioat of tha t CointnnrrUl Club of Oroicon City a and whoa advlwrl of Iba number of pM)il by Ilia Onaua Offlnn iIioukIiI It loo amall aa I undor- atood tli"r ware more peopla fa- t aiding within Ilia city llmlli of (rKon City thun apimiirrd by tha 4 orrtrtal oniint. A a raqueatad by a the Commercial Club. I hava tak en Ibo matter Up with I I'D". R. liana Purand, lilrector of tbo a t Ctuiua. and bave aaked that a riTount In made. With beat wlab- ea, I am, Truly yonra. ) - .. " W. C. HAWUCV. 4 '' a I ' Notad Cduealora at Cltrmont. Pr. Kdwanl II. Todd and Superin tendent Oary, who are touring the county to vlalt tha arboola and make abort addreanea to the pupil", will bold a mi'ettriK at Harmony lonlabl and at Clermonl Wedneaday nlnht. There waa another rnKaaemetit announred" for Wedneaday, but Iho people of Cler mont were anxloua lo hear the iHx-tor that thera waa a rhanre made In the program. PLANNING TO BUILT) IN THE NEAR FUTURE EPISCOPAL CHURCH WILL EVENT UALLY HAVE VERY HAND SOME PROPERTY. HI. raul'a fCplaropal church la being repaired and refurnlahed under the aupervlalon of Hev.Mtoblnaon, the new rector. . New. carpeta are being laid. the chancel la being enlnrifed and amall pulpit Initialled. The portion of the floor that the new carpet will not cover la to be-varnlabed. Many other Improvementa are con templaled a little later. Among them la the erection of a cement retaining wall on the bank of tha Willamette to protect the church property. At tht point tba river la continually cutting Into the bank, and aa laat aa tna church people fill In the river waahea Il out. A cement wall be b nil. with a atalrway leading down lo tbe water about the center of the property. The wall Itaelf will be para pet ted In old cam In atyle ao aa to make a very Im iHialng appearance from tha river, tba lot filled In to auataln tha wall and later a handaome church erected on the river bank aryl, facing the Wlllam el to. The church owna tbe proerty from Main atreet to Iba river bank,' the Main atri-et corner Itelng occupied by a bualneaa block at thla time. With a new church edifice on the river, tho in nine rebuilt In accordance with the architecture of Ihe new church, the river front Improved and beautified Iho Eplacopal people will have one of the moat beautiful aota la tba city. BOBBIE BURNS EVENT . WILL OCCUR TONIGHT SCOTCH PEOPLE OP THIS CITY TO CELEBRATE EVENT IN AP PROPRIATE MANNER. Tho Scotch people of Oregon City have arranged for their flrat annual concert In celebration of the ISZd an- nlveraarv of tha birth of Robert nurna The affair held at Willamette Hall thla evening at 8 o'clock. The offlcera of tha aoclety ara Major Charlea B. Noble prealdent; Harry N. Cadoll, aecretary, and William Md-arty, treaaurer. ine committee follow: Programme Patteraon nroa., Ken nedy nroa. Invitation Kennedy, Mcuarty. J. Younger, J. Crawford. Decoration Maxwell Telford, pr. W. Chambera, Schultze, William Me- Irty. Itofreahmenta William MclJrty, J. Uwry, C. 8. Noble. Arrangement K. Mcijtrly, Hugh MclJrty. J." Crawford, H. N. Cadell, pr. W. Chambera Schultie. The following programme, haa been arranged: Overture, "Scotch Alra." Patteraon nroa.; Introductory, remarka by Chair man; Ilngplpe aelectlon, Jaa. Jack; aolo. Mra. A. Mathemon; Inatrumental aelectlon, Patteraon Proa. aolo, Mlaa Ivy Hoake; club awlnglng. Mr. R. War ner: dance. (Highland Fling), Mlaa Johnaton; aolo, "Loch Lomond," Mr. Wm. Kennedy: Inatrumental aelectlon (J plecea), Telford family; recitation, Mr. Wm. MelArty; Highland Fling, Mlaa Annla WIUlBmaon; aolo, Mra. Pr. Chnmbera Bchultre; eword dance, Mlaa Johnaton; aolo, Maater Sam Me I,arty: aong, "Sing taa ma tha Aula. Scotch Sanga," C. 8. Noble; recitation. Mlaa Mary McLarty; duet. Mra. A. Matheaon, Mr. H. Kennedy; Inatru mental aelectlon. Patteraon Itroa.: dance, Mlaa Johnaon; aolo, Mr. N. Smith; I natrnmantal aelectlon, (4 plecea), Telford family; duet. Mra. A. Matbeaon. Mlaa Wllllama; "Auld Lang Syne." light refreahmenta and dancing. Two Vary Aeeaptabla Addraaaaa. Rev. R. J. Dlven, who waa present at tha aarvlcea In the Preabytorlan church Sunday, and who a poke twice from that pulpit, mada very acceptable addreaaea that were well received. In tha morning ha apoka to tba subject, A. Clean Ufa. and In tna evening ha took for hla address, "Confidence Ood." Thla congregation la lnaaing a rapid growth and tha enlargement of tha house of worship came none too mm. RANDALL - TALKS PROGRESS PRESENTS PLEASINQ ARRAY OP PACTS IN HIS ADDRESS AT . THE ANNUAL MEET. MUCH ACCOMPLISHED WITHIN YEAR Many Thanka for Past Honors Boost Our Naw president and Build Up the City and County, Follow ing la Ibe apooch of Ex Presi dent Randall, of tbo Commercial Club, delivered at the annual meeting of the club Saturday night. Aa It aeta forth tbe work of tbe club tbo past year It may be read with profit by those in terested In tbo work of that organiza tion: , To tbo member of the Commercial Club, of Oregon City, Oregon: (;ntli.ri!n: At this our aucoud an nual mevllnK, Il la Incumbent upon tbo president of tba club to aubmlt a rcKrt of Die acrouuts and general concern of the club during tbe pre vious year, and alao to present an es timate of tha receipt and disburse ments for the current year. In prnuMiilug tbla, my annual re IKirt, as prcaldent of tbo club, I feel thaMbe members fully realize tbo ex tent of our operations during tba past year, and therefore I deem It rnt nec- easary to offer In minute detail every atcp by which this club has achieved Ita present position and atandlng. Hut, I do want to Imprea upon you "that, by tbe kind feeling tbo member hava entertained toward one another, the united efforta of your Hoard of Gov ernors, and the zeal with which 'all of the commit lees havo performed their duties, we have been united Into' a prosperous and powerful organiza tion. Through tbia organisation a putrtlclty department- waa- organized. 8" nd largely through Ihe efforta of thai part men! Have we aeen our city develope and Increase In population notwithstanding tbe report to tbe con trary from tbe official census bureau. If we will but pause-a moment from our strenuous and progressiva activity aud ' look about - u for Improvementa that have been going on with leaps and bounds during tba past year, we will observe dwellings going up In all parta of the city, brick blocka con. atrueted, a 35,0h high achool neartng completion, a mill equipped and man ufacturlng tlnaue paer, ona of tbe finest amusement halls In the North west, the construction of an electric railway on the Weal Side, surveying of the Willamette river and falls for government locks and a deeper chan nel to the sea. and thousands of dol la rs expended In the grading and Ira provement of streets. This progressive spirit haa largely been brought about by tbla Commer cial Club. For, if thla Commercial Club had not been In existence and taken Ihe Initiative. It I more than probable that the. publicity depart mont would never have been born. also the Live Wire organization may never have sprung Into existence, and It la largely through theae adjuncta to our club that we hava been able to ac complish tha activity and growth men tloned. Also, through tbe activity of thla club, the same tenacloua spirit waa manifested when It bocame necessary to combat trie division of our county, The result of which you ara well in. formed. Alao, during the year Just closed, we have added to our club rooma another billiard table, beautified tbe club rooma by giving them a fresh coat of kalsomlne, partly equipped a gymnasium, and increased our mem. bership from 128 to 210, an Increase of 82 members. Theae matters of Interest to our city should Inspire each member with renewed activity, and during the year of 1911 greater, grander and better results should be attained. From the report of the trensurer of the publicity department It la ahown that that department baa received and dlsburaed, during the year com menclng January 1st and ending Dec ember 6th, 1910, aa follows: Receipts from all sources, 13245.10 Plsbursementa for advertising, etc.. 824.80. leaving a balance In the treasury on December 6th, 1910, of M20.30. This department baa accom pllshed a great deal of good, for our city and county, through tholr untir ing zeal and by sacrificing a great dealof their valuable time from their bualneaa occupations. I believe I ex press the sentiments of every member of thla Commercial Club when I say, Well done good and faithful servants. enter thou for another year Into tha anme duties with renewed' energies." On January 21st, 1910, when I took my oath of office aa president of thla club, there waa In the treasury of the club, 1518.10. During the year we have collected aa feea and duea from tho membera, 13467.80. From other aourcea we have received $1153 25i Making the total receipts for tha year $4139.15.. . During the year we hava disbursed for Ilooster Day, Fourth of July cele bration, entertaining Individual and different organizations, receptions to the membera of the club and their wlvea and friends, partly equipping a gymnasium, kalsomlnlng our club rooma, Installing an additional bill iard table and other fixtures, salaries, ctgara, etc., tha sum of $3080.17. Leav ing a balance la the treasury, accord ing to tha secretary's report, of $158.. 98. The present revenue derived from monthly duea, renta, billiard and pool tablea, ahould ba ample to conduct the affalra of thla club In a moat aatla factory mapner, except, of course, ex traordinary conditions.. At thla tlma I dealra to aay that our present aocretary haa made a most efficient and progreaaiva orricr. and to hla efforta la due a great deal of credit for tha standard thla club maintains. I would recommend that he, M. P. Latoureltn, be retained a secretary. If possible.- I desire also to make special men tlon of the committee appointed for the purpose of securing data for the V. 8. Government KtiKlneera to bo used In formulating their, report on the 'permanent Improvement of the Willamette river between tbla city and Portland, Oregon, and for tbe con struction of new and up-to-date lock at the falls. Thla committee secured a great deal of valuable data and compiled It Into a voluminous report which, no doubt, required a great deal of patience and time. Tbla report wa glvin to the 17. 8. Engineers, and I am Informed that they have made fav orable report recommending these Im provements. I trust thla will not be the last we shall bear of theae rec ommendations, and I urge the Incom ing offlcera of this club to be ever watchful and continue to keep these Improvementa i lite issue before our Representatives In Congress. I recommend that our gymnasium bo equipped with belter facilities for entertaining tha memlwrs of tho club. We now bave a great many young membera who are closely confined during the day and are In need of auch exercise a la to be derived from a properly equipped gymnasium,..- In conjunction with this healthful' exer cise, I lelieve It would be beneficial, and a atlmulent for the upbuilding of our organization, to devise means for out door amusements during tbe long summer evenings. Aa time fleeta by, and tbe mad rush for greater conquests continue to oc cupy our time and minds, wa are In clined lo forget tbe good thiuga we have enjoyed and accomplished In Ibe pant. To recall your memory I ahall make mention of a few of tbe special features In the way of entertainments provided during tb year Just cloned. On April 9th, 1910, we bad formulated and presented one of ibe greateai and grandest Ilooster and (iet-logether duys known to Clackamas county. Well do we recall tbe magulflcent dis play of blooded stock, and the many feature of amusements that were In teresting to both old and young, and the thousands of people that Invaded our city for the purpose of belong to boost. ' t ' On April 27th tbe Open River and Freight Rata Convention met in our city and were entertained by tbla Commercial Club. They were given excuraiona by boat and automobiles in visiting tbe fall, paper mills, and locks. After which a sumptuous spread waa served In the Masonic Han quot Hall. We also sent a good rep resentation to a like gathering in Al bany on April -14th. The - Oregon 8tate Grange waa entertained and giv en a reception on May 10th. At tbla reception there waa produced, for their free entertainment, tbe laugh able farce entitled "The Rough Dia mond. For tbia feature of our en. ttrtalnment, it ia proper that I express Ibe clubs appreciation for tbe servlc ea rendered by those who ao gener ously contributed their time and tal- eut. Our annual banquet waa given on May 2Gtb, and all who attended can testify aa to tbe popularity of these annual festivities. The greatest and grandest feature, In tbe way of amusements during tbe past year, was the Fourth of July celebration. To the committee having Ihrs celebration In charge la credit due that I am unable to express. Ev. ery citizen of Oregon City gave words of praise for tbe achievements accom plished through thla committee a ef forts. On September 2nd a. luncheon waa orved In honor of the U. S. Govern nient Engineers, who at that time were making a survey of the Wlllam. ette river for the purpoae oLgatheiing Information for compiling a report on the advisability of constructing new locks at tbe falls. Also, during tbe past year, the club haa approved and ordered printed a set of by-laws; installed a county ex. hlbit In the Chamber of Commerce at Portland, Oregon; the Foreign Labor question haa been receiving attention and good results have been attained; special dispensation waa granted for 30 daya, reducing the membership feea to ten dollars, whereby C7 new members were enrolled; privilege of the club's parlor haa been extended to tbo Womens' Club, Teachera of Clackamsa County, Rose Society, and H. p. o. F.lka at the Institution of that lodge. We also presented aouvenlra and refreahmenta to excursionists passing through our city on July 28th. General election returna "were re ceived and a luncheon served in the club rooms on December 8th. (Continued on page 4.) FREE! FREE! Ilrlng thla ad and we will tell you how to get a sample of thla the LATEST AND BEST. DYOLA DYES One Dye For All Goods Sixteen Colore Ten Centa Per Package We Fill AUDrog Wants A Full Line of A. D. S. Remedies Proscriptions and Family Receipts Filled With Pure Druga. Quality and Pricea Right CHARMAN 8c Co. '. City. Drug Store. Next Door to Eloctrlo Hotel. Pactflo Phone 13 Home Phono 43 ' 8-HOUR BILL IS i CONTENTION RAISED BY PAPER COMPANIES THAT CUT IN WAQESS WILL FOLLOW. LEBANON EMPLOYES FILE PROTEST Charge la Mada That Measure of Dim. " lek Is Discriminatory and Would Check Increase of Factories. SALEM. Or, Jan. 23. (Staff Cor respondence.) Representatlvea of tbe Willamette Pulp A Paper Co. appeared before tbe legislative committee to night with Information relative to the bill of 8enator Dlmlck, providing for an R-honr day In the paper mills. There wa represented to tbe com mittee a protest, signed, by more than 70 employes of tbe Iebanon Paper Co. and by all of the bualneaa men at Leba non, against the Dlmlck bill. The pro test waa forwarded by special mes senger to Salem, addressed to tbe Ore gon legislature, and waa handed to Senator M. A. Miller, of Linn County, at 8:30 o'clock tonight at the meeting of the committee on Commerce and Labor. Tbe protest follows: An Eight Hour Law, such aa haa been proposed by Senator Walter A. Dlmlck, Is unsatisfactory for the fol lowing reason: 1st. It will lake away one, of our Constitutional rights. ; ' 2nd. It will reduce our Liberty. 3rd. It Is sure, eventually, to cause reduction in wages. 4th. It Is not liable to materially Increase tha number of men employed. 5th. Reduced wages meana poverty. Gth. It will be almost aa much a burden on labor aa capital. 7th. It will make working hours on shift work very unsatisfactory. . , 8th. It will be a discrimination agafnBt our employers as their com petitors In tbe Middle West, in tbe State of .Washington and In British Columbia will not then be working under aame conditions. . 9th. It applies to one industry alone.- If a Law la enacted It ahould apply to all Industrie. 10th. It will be liable to prevent further increase of production of Ore gon factories. Aa cttlzena of tbe State of Oregon, and as workmen affected, we hereby protest against Senate Hill number Sixty, becoming a law and petition your Honorable Body to give ua a favorable bearing. Official Makea Statement An Interview of those In charge of the large pulp and paper mills In this community by a representative of this paper discloses some very interesting data In connection with the proposed eight hour law now in tbe bands of Oregon legislature. First of all Sen ate Bill No. 60 provides an eight hour law only for auch Industries aa are now running 22 or more houra out of each 24, which Is termed a discrimina tion against the paper and pulp mills of thla atate, they at the present time being about the only industries which find it necessary to run 24 hours each day, 6 daya per week. An official of the company says: "Should this law pass it will be a great burden upon the people Interest ed in these industries, not alone on ac count of the Increased pay roll, but ou account, first, of the shortage ot the right kind of help and, second, on ac count their, .chef competitor in the Middle West. In the State of Washing ton and in British Columbia, running their plants on the two shift basis. Reduced Wage Contemplated. "There will be only one course left open for those in charge of these great plants. First, reduce the dally wage of the men employed in proportion to the number of houra they work under tbe new law aa against their old day'a work; reduce the number of men em ployed In each' department to the low est possible number and then fill in the vacancies, If any, with new help. "The publicity department of the Commercial Club has for many months been endeavoring to supply the mills In thla dlstrclt with family men. There are now about one thousand men em ployed in and about Oregon City In the paper and pulp mills, one quarter ot which number are foreigners, about which considerable complaint has been made by the cltlzena of our atate and county. The publicity depart ment learned that all family men lo cated In thla district would be given employment and on bringing a large number, all were employed by the var ioua mills until all the vacant houses li the city and auburba were filled and It waa necessary for a number of fami ly men to leave on account ot their Inability to secure homea for their families. The natural result haa beei that foreigners have been employed, for those In charge of the mllla must keep full crewa and turn out full pro duct. It la therefore" patent that the natural result will be, In case a larger number of men are required, the em ployment of more foreign help. A number of them now reside 10 or It to the house and some in tent. Hardship Upon This City. "A reduction In the dally wage of the men now employed will be a hard ship upon a large number of residents of Oregon City. Aa at present the men are able to provide for their fami lies and save something, a number of them now owning or paying for their homea. If the wage are reduced, as It almost aeema aure they must be. the men alone can. tell what the outcome will be. If three men are paid In the future what two men now receive, it will work a hardship on aomeone. If not all. and the business men of this district -will feel it worse probably than anyone else. If an eight hour law must be passed, It aeema that In fairness to tb people who now have large interests In the paper-and pulp Industry that tht eight hour law should apply to ail industries doing business within the BURDEI ON LABOR atate aad It seems to a layman that tha Supreme Court of tbe United States, If not the lower court,, will tbrow out a law such a I now' pro posed a being class legislation. Take Away Workman'a Llbarty. "An eight hour law takca away from tbe worklngman a constitutional right and part of bla liberty. Under auch a law if he want to work over-time to make hla payroll check larger, he can not do It. He muat be atlried with hi dally wage and endeavor to keep hla family with that amount alone or else move to some other district or state where he can act aa he wishes. "A In all matters the above show that there are two aidea to thla one and our legislature, ahould give the matter very careful consideration be fore Imposing auch a law on tbe manu facturers In our district." WHOSE IS THE HONEY FOUND ON THE DEAD? GOVERNOR WEST TAKES A HAND IN THE EFFORT TO SEE RIGHTFUL HEIR WIN. A case In the courts here that has furnished no end of contention la that of the. estate of the old man found dead with near $500 In gold on hi l person. It - waa thought the man'a name waa Williamson and a woman named Effie B. Robinson lay claim to the estate and set up the claim that she was hla daughter and that her maiden name waa Williamson. During the time covered by the legal contention It waa claimed the discov ery was made that her name had been Williams and that two letter had been added to. the marriage certificate for the purpose of securing the money. The final wlndup in the county courts was the order of Judge Beatie for the County Treasurer to pay tbe money over to the woman. Tbe lost move In the case came with Governor West on Saturday ap pointing Frank C. Hesse special prose-- cutor to begin escheat proceedings for the money. That meana that tbe State of Oregon will review Judge Beatle'a order for error on the grounds that no decree can be vacated after the term in which It haa been rendered haa been IasseL This case waa decided by Judge Dlmlck in January, 1910, and this renews the controversy. -- Mr. SartarelU, who will apeak at the Baptist church Thursday evening, at Ihe hour for regular prayer meeting service, ia tbe head of the Italian mission work in-Portland and cornea well recommended as a apeaker. He will tell of hla work In Portland for the salvation of the Itallana In that city. Marriage License. License to marry was Issued by County Clerk Mulvey to Mary Kurnik and Matthew Skoff. . - j'.f V,.- .."".-i-f is n: )& 1 X JOSEPH E. HEDGES, who waa chos en President of the Oregon City Com mercial club at Ita annual meeting on Saturday, January 21. 04004040404Oa040404Oa0400404004040404046400400 o o o o o V CLAIRMONT Plant your age it will With all' of the convenience of the city and pleasures of the country, it is the most Ideal place for a home. The present low price of the land will remunerate the purchaser two or three times in a short time. o purchaser two or three times in a short time. v . o. The best soil that lays out o o o o rt down jiu.uu per montn. W. F. SCHOOLE Y & CO. Oregon City. Or. BOTH PHONES Main 60 A 156 Price's. Chop Moose Mealsyfof ftfl . Hours At you wont the best, ot lowest prices, eot Vfllh us. Our specialty is satisfaction. MILTON PRICE Botwean Fourth and Plfth Straeta. SERMON TO MASONIC MEMBERS ON BY REV- CHAS. ROBINSON MAKES AN NUAL ADDRESS BEFORE ORDER AT EPISCOPAL CHURCH. . ' The Masons of Oregon City attended public worship In a body at the Epis copal church Sunday evening. Rev. Cbaa. Robinson delivered the dis course of the evening. ' We give a few of tbe main points brought out In the address. Text: "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in youT If any man defile the temple of God, him ahall' God destroy; for the temple of God la holy which temple ye are.".I Cor., Ill: 18-17-18. - -.- . The apeaker aald: "Man la a divine animal and hi only true and legitimate food la. the Super- . natural." Tbe preacher then went on to abow man'a struggle and conquest of tbe three great ocean the seas of this earth'; "the ocean of tbe stars, (which salute his Intelligence by their brightness) and the ocean of the air; but before the fourth great ocean the Infinite, though he baa attempted to see and constantly thlrsta for, yet at mention of the name of God he stands pensive and aad. Tbe Masons, aa built upon and al way honoring the name of God, were met and welcomed In common worsh- ' ip. Tbe preacher then likened man to a temple the long corridor of memory, what were the pictures hung upon Ita walls, portrait we would fain cover, the wonderful gallery of the Imagina tion; the aupreme holy; of holies the will. He concluded by urging hla hearer to look to Calvary for tbe measure of their own lives to take Inventory- of themselvea and to try to realize their true manhood. ,. SCAHOAL GROWING. The Probe Strikea Pay Dirt at Eevery Thrust. ' DANVILLE. Jan. 23. (SpL) The more the scandal of election fraud 1 probed the greater the number of vlc- time and the higher up the guilty parties. The City Attorney, Sheriff and a Judge seem to be guilty of grosa error. Two newspaper men have testi fied to the offer of bribe if they would disappear and forget to come back- Losa of memory la at a prem ium. ' Indications are that many "higher-ups" -will be Lakes la the drag net and it aeema aa if the chance ot cov ering up waa long alnce past. 'Elka Will Attend 8orvlce Sunday. The Elk lodge In tbla city haa been Invited and accepted the Invitation to attend public worship In the Episcopal church next Sunday. The service will be of a character appropriate to the occasion and the sermon will be at 5 o'clock In the evening. ' , A . ' vV n . dollars in Clairmont Acre- t return you Bank Rolls. doors. Small payment 1 ' A. aoon.