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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1911)
--it,'"- t 11; : -A , f-' i .-r nom'G ENTERPRISE' ORXG09 CRT, ORGO!f . at ta JNam at a the Art f March t. itr. ' OOOO ROAO ACTIVITY. Ft th reporta of in activity I M4U lk peopl of Oregoa who flfer la th 4lfMit brtta to . . . be enra from tae iwihtkw w . f. .ROOIE. Edit itf.MnMr. fc ttw ,,, "tt.1 r t " : rnl Lx aaa;Baliaa l iwm an .. v f OS ka VeC qulHiB4 IB NCfMV . . i fYr rood road The dveJopmeit of rcTrtr every community .where transport ,,toB ha been mid by wt HN of Mia roMways oespeaks tneir uw m i Invetmnt.."Co'gon ha n-Sw a . U opportunity t avoid the mtotaki mad In her tt, - Th tMlsf mont of th unit svstem of mail build' ftMM ynika any PMtr prr la oh to orgaali sad catadvrt Ilk owa p no riKfTta''mVM." VtV'Jrt-f algh-.ay lroveat aidl by fk '" adJe mrtion. tv ,fat nd organlriyi amende who cow- gpaa ff aiaer taaa nrw P5". per UORNINO ESTEItriUSt; TUESDAV,- JASUAHV ill.' ! CORRESPOfJOEfiti BaBBBssawasawaBaBa j mi .,. I.,, i.-uii - -- - . . ..wm j.i " T1 ' "' "' V' W - ' r ' T - tw f ictsaimMh Om Tmv. fcy Ball . . . 1 , Sis M.alh. k Mil Tmm- MonlKa. br KMIIV. Mr wwrk, ktr arrtr :.. ' ' " . ,. , , V . Km ikmt MMr than first par. r tn 0 111 f od I foUov, COBtUut ' k"'ui '"'ih tvmUc of oa fku mlaUk Lwla lr pw line,: to rCuUr adrr. . , . tlam e n. that b bnn4 lb work . of otbr . Waat. r To Hwt on uie iiid rommunittr th kt rn (vat a wnnl first tnrtlon . oiw-hA!f crnt ... taek aiMltUwal V . UA.,R . b Ut road fad, 0rr(OD RakM for ri Mln In V Wkfv lktijiiit wilt w tii u. a '"! t dattr. .for atraiii M nMHI' ' far thr wrJy Wti th adTrrtiax-nt la traavfrrrtJ from th'.daiV to th -Br. wMkt rkaav. th rat will to fc aw Barn Jo run of thr raprr. and 1x a n4i fr ivwuvti -Caak ahould accotapaay ordr vtorr parbr ax unknsra-n m bwlnm offx tvf ' Lafal avrrtlhc at kal aitvantatnr ratr. , Clrrma atrttt04r and rUI tnwltit adartlslna ftc to like an inch, aivurd feic to aprfal crodrlKwa rovrran tbr : nJi KWul nai to arrv local Dda. Th fl ivi roada WllJa now beror be IrgtuUtar dorvr aupport and adoptUvi brcaiiav I hoy look toward tbla vrry rnd If all countira build hkh! nvids Fyatctns in a prrmanent wky rhr araie iU not lioK ir gkral ood roada ayatatm. - i k4 lb nor b baa bw irwatrd lb frtr lb rdm. If lbr baa ba rrtw. T AkMlrkk pabllr? bliM if ood tb aw f lk b!lwk brsk at ikl ilaMi Oa lb okr kak- fifwabar daw flol Affori tkat la imib b bpt barb. And anf kfclag wbicb loobk M If irma Bad br amuwlrd will rrt aa arvrrtly for Aim aa If lb troth- ltalf b told Maay rlllarna bar a fvlktw frriln tvt lb Biaa wbo.l raabt XMb away wiib th wa, hftt boob baa aay trtm for lb aaaa who trloaMo 1 ib truth dw ad (alia. Th aear had nwwa la th r ab.u th ntlUpa of lb batter tad Kc oomrr. with U earQurat drop a rtrav baa ahowa vry llrtl form ao nr. A rw wral doator, with frw s extra doan on hand. ' braoi raitlrd and iti. a, hat oatald of dbat Imfr pd.caBi to tb rootamrr. Tb nrwapapr'ra ar oftrn uard a tool by ihf hlc Intrrrata, and lb blf intrf. rats l.lom allow th II Ml fry to lrofli by thrlr tnUtaka (or Ibry ar atrong ,auf h to tura thrtr mbrtakvs Into aucrraa In many InataBc.- ' li (aa aad aoo-ln lawr-l joa. Brlf kt thrlr tua Sunday la- in a in runnlnc Taalattn rlr Th rr tJol ta a kit ratrklnf drin- iwd, arr U'lllaaMit, w bra lb craft rapalted. throwing. r-Mh . mm tnlp th atrr. Tbry fraalU'ally kraap4 at aoot wiliowa along tn paaaa. awi hung lbr fr two kourV orvaioBly adtn I ' wit ntpa for brl rnwH Th (M-.ulty of th Stat Agrtrul- tural-Coltg la aaklisg-(or an appro- prlaiton of ITO.iW. V don't know a to tb riart nrrda coll, but ran aay thta: Th Agrlculmral Cikllrc baa vaat poaalUllltl and If that aunt la Bvcvaaary to do th work, and tb faculty la so. orraalrrd that If can ma"kT.god us of th monry, well, and od. In tbla cinneiUm i. It bis. in'crcuta. They ..Mj'J,,1il WHY SHOULD THVi It U'propuavd to tax tb' nrnira and prodjcer of (Sricon fTW,00 a yrar to patr)l the (oret of I he, tat The attrn hunter wer attracted by tblr outrrlra and rani A Ihelr rearo. Ml th aiDalda of lh rlr hank ro ta pe I led tbe rtHK-uera to 7evrrr ih rap. aii4 boat, after which th4ragai k tkauald Bt to aaieiT. aay 'olaua aay a la fwiuro aba gola lr wood, b will ktlck to tb bank of lb rlvr. O. K. Strong, who ram her recent ly from othra Orga. baa' rrnt4 ih Manley Manning piac. refutated. blllwaubl baa two aaloona and lb, policy of th admluUirailon la not to grant any aw iicena ana In InrrsiM Ih llcena (. '. Arrniremni ar roouMd fof b aperlal le1t.TB to M Bei4 rorri lib to MbmU b dty rartf to g Uv,. " .' hit Ho Walah and UIH Un flgv te4-hr In lb HpHnwalr arhotd. aprnt Saturday and Vuitday at horn with rwlailve and" rrirnda. AVInnie. daughter or Ik MHllln. haa heBult U but la .a Ih way to rertn w Mr Moran brother 1 In a rrltlcal rodllHa with rongealloa of tb. lunga - Th Orh aortal gla by lb Won ea W Woudrraff a a rd i4 aorialiy and rtnam laily. (hf II rUaMt from ih nocial, 1" ? OAK CllOVt. - CBiiaila ltrlhr Aihltlr rinb Raaht Ull UM defeated lb Oak Umt Junior leant Maiurday. January II. in tirs a man. noer iru ' Ht !' and Ranlmipt dvr tlni i nt Xe tnrh 'flrM innrrtton; Mt tiaBai maerUona rnatrw- m4re U txlw Krwa- Itomt and wtll. writ!rn articka to them front Uurnlug m inm. wild rainwi I" i r v. n r . . wm to aladt aeneetrd Rleetrd nuni- for-l ar mostly In the hand Of k enpts nw rnm.l ualeea arrcatpan-. .,ne - aldto b onh.lght..Mblt.,wt,B.,p0,tag Thar Biaat be aomething wrong mUIIon ordritr-ThTT are-capable tatrr It can b had for 4n after rr-; Of paying lOZ mrir ou proimiun, j . , upon them, to patrol them. Supjl)o they wer asatiMd for' four hundred With coBditiop whea tn tb aeWsotton of a lsted State Senator It I necea sary to us the party whip. Mr. LMay la balMlng a new r j J. kfor u coaflB4 to hla horn dear la th Bortheaat end of Wlllam ttiln bronchial pneumonia. 1H. i, T. et H haa aa aitrartlr alt. lhntaa attending r:1-: Th lafaai bob of . Mr and Mr. k-tmar U'orthlaatoa haa a arrw al Chkrle WaMrottdled al Boon Btiaday. ! nf la arlno. . Th child a name waa Lawrenc Alfred , , , . m.., :. and ha- waa aged tla raontha. IVaih ' i ;., iifiTI. ' U Mht by bal conpUInt Tb . . tunrral took niao at S o rtort Monday r . . afterno.a, rVrrlc. wee held la lb A lmaa to f'r . un, Method!! rhurrh at and t4t add. Lh InterweM waa la Mowauia Vlw , '" T.v?nV ; ''l ,. . . . w rIBrry- - - s , lJt . Yemell Stroag. daughter of O K. " r 1 ' "..."o" ' a... l.irik,! uri nn ImI. riuaiv. niw ,.u iipii. ,,rd7 January II. lo a nuwlir of her : Kd.rd H knt (Adla Webb lo Clark young frleod. Th children o ih f Noblo. aorth half of Bhwl quarter Fainter. tUea.e. Raat and Urttte i wnrthw! q.trteCrtl.Hi Jl. town fawllie. wer prt. and lb tint ! hl i utb. rang eaat, icpln waa pleaaantly aprot game, and f'rlfM f way for wkgoif road: . la mm XV lk awaa If a aa Wlaa a1l ft 111 m h m fkA akgai w aasl ww- n , aa aa m -. CUT lb fllOHT bn4 COXf R OFFi wid MAIL- to H C ty, tlaral (a autaific liroher, Orvava diy.'OractMi. it ro NIIO, Of MA-V WHO, INIUrV ANCt. IfehtplBOM tWkklrod. My tarn U.. My ridB addBi',"- i iu'B'Vai,Lb'' Hl Inaurano. H v To a G D, OragBi'" The Banft of Oregon City Gives lls-custonjrrsjjtr.ul.-.eservlce and Its Increased ba2!j cr.dirovtY shows that such ftrvlec U t;pred:l THE OLDEST BAMIC III 1 tTHE; CCDfltf BtK fHAiaiif, A ..TaouNi w J pee fhcr part of donation land rtatat of floorg Jarkaoa and wlf. . towaahtp fBaTTtrnrBarf Brret-Jr T. and Mary Apurnn to Ann owll. uthrlr half of Mork t. an4l lota l. T and . blVk St. 1tyj " SeBator NotUagkam waau th 12th of rotr- Cohiatbua day twade a lCl tollday. J oat as if we haven't avow bmto bolidajra than'' we csm af ford to ceWbrat. . ' Tl good wwh of RooTh I New Tork for popular primary election aeem to hare been undone to a con1 aldarable nnt by the election to the clialrmaMBip'of tb Republlcm State Committee of Wm. Barn. OM Guard returning to powr la a awf dearee. ' --- : . Senator Bowerman haa Introduced a bill making It a misdemeanor for an officer of the Stat, county city or school board to ell to the State, county. c(ty or achool board any aup pUaa, te- A fin of 500 or imprison TaoBl Ii wl4a -for ,th ottena, -. ' millions and a apeclal tax of one quar ter of a mill vied for their ppote. tlon from fire, Thka would bring In the flOO.ouw wanted and not tax the farmer' row" or wprktnKman't kit of tM1a a single mill. VThf should they pay for the apeclal prottion of the 1 Weyerhauaer' tlmberf ' TAX 'LAW ENDORSCO. .. ; Organuedf labor iB-th Stat' Fed It, is the eration at Salt-m endorad with prac- i. Ihirlng farmer a week at Corvallls therewl)JbedenMnBiTktlona of how U) keep hou. .Not only" la th State Agricultural .ColW to.tearb ua nj-n how to be good farmer, but th The Oregon system of. government may be, the best In the world, but Senator Bourn is not likely to xet n?h political good wit oMtr erpkrt' --Oregon tical unanimity the county tai mea sure that exempts all Industrie, pro fMkna. personal property and Im provement from taxation. , It will b first put. out for algnaturea in MulP nomah county, and rapidly folktwed by petitions la several other counties, baat year when organlied labor en dorsed the tag measure that I now a pnrt of te institution of th State, little attention was paid to-lt. is haiipeoingright along very Something la this Hue that la'gcJng to. come clo ser to Intereauog every cltixen la within the Bert It month tatlon ar per hla Ute fiasco in the than anything short ' of a Japaneae Stat Senate. But Senator Bourne Is ' war not th fh-sf Bum who has foand, by tt esperieaee, that It Is dangerous ground if Speaker Cannon and hla frienda .00e..!r,4 'ben he goes out of hl have beeg-guilty of vote buying let's way to work up political buncomb have the facts. The bigger the man women and girls afe to ha f a how at .learning. All of which goes- to show that women auffragettes ar lartly wrong In their conUaUoa that woman la not givn a uar 4hl, for at th agricultural college, a state Inatitution. ah la to be taught aa wll as .the .men. ... ,..',. "T.T Colonel , Rooaevelt permitting Wm. Barnea to be again electej to " the chairmanship of the Stat Republican Central Committee. In New Tork. Is another Indication that when Colonel Rooaevelt said he was not a candidate for th Presidency ta 1911 he meant Just what h said. ' , Certain . Newberg rtttxens are charged with opposing -Buttevllle bridge proposition. As there em ) to be a necessity for a bridge within I-) wide an expanse aa exists between I Oregon City and Salem It la hard to account for opposition. - . ;,ty- BOURNE FAfHERS LEAGUE- Remarkable Career of the Late r -. Senator Elkins of West Virtfinia fin - It A J. fNrnwll Ijumbor On. lo Tryea Cornwall, north half of norih half of northeast quarter. aeriloB II, towav ship aouth, rang I t; It. . Joaeph V and RtU Harlea to W. O and lilrtl plrkerson, Ma li and K. btrk X tlarle addition 10 MolaL la; 3&0 . ' - ' The blgkevt water year' was last wek. 4 great aniottnt. of damag to I ho road In tbla dliitrict waa doo by Iko blah water - '. - Our upnrtir. Qeo B. Oglcaby, haa lh rtwd oin for travel again. Titer will b a dramatic ,nierialn men! at Meridian school bouse on ti dily evening. January 7. All ar Jn ylted, John Kopper I putting in a large amount of tiling oa hU farm here. Meridian and Barlow ' aro all torn 1 up with Holy Roller.1 ' ' . Mr. and Mr Ftanh Oglby wr' rlsltor at Caaby Sunday. - Otir school haa been wrestling with their annual school eiamlnailon and we await th result- -Right heew w want tb nrottat againat rortUnd) -rrarher . grading , 8 holarsblp Uan ruad !)y. Two their scholar an to th svnth grad : young wooib of Oregon City who bar when they should b In th fifth grad, i alrdy brn beneflciarl of lh fund. Ogtcaby brother will play for th rar tn business college at Portland, dance at Ruiit)I on Valentin day. j Th meeting will tak place In tb par- tirlp and colda ar all the rage bore-. ' brs of ih Comnierrlal Club. Avon Jess bad a birthday party ' Unt week.- A Urg Bumbr of bis Tb Slu and th Had), friend was prnt. Tn9 9 ' 9 ,n .wr. .-.t rkit. - . Th Preahrlerlan Rundav arhnnl Baa wer .In Oregon CWy w business last j hn dlrlded- Into two dlvlalnas. thast - : . 'j .red and th Jhi. Each member has) Hop hll ,W her and buyers ar , Da given a . receptacle ror nickel offering to contract next year s crop ' n4 'n! ,n"h ,t ' nn4 There at 1 rents per pound C.rowrs ar 1 ,"tl frlrttdty strife between the not coniratUng aa tbev have lost mon- : remain to be en re In the oast be .tratln. I w earn ran nrrompnsn. ana w6at . '. I.: i. i f r fia alrlng gw ! . J ' THE OLD RELIABLE OREGC : CITY SHOE SHOP ' ' wrii' vMH-jjii B.hir '';'' Oirrr.Iottoi SattilAct&a Cnxtatftd - C. SCHOENHEINZ, Proprl;';- tli M1a 11 aMait aiia oeaalhu 0. C laTOUiXTTl frsaldsBl - - r. h ttcYtxt THE FIRST NANAL BAT J ol 6REGON OTY rOKECON 1 CAFTTAL IMlOOQJOu .TrBB a asjBl BhlBa) .' Mr. Cauflald Mh rjrsm. Th progiami for lb regular avellng of lh Oregon City Woman a Club next Thursday aftrnooo at S o'clock wilt b la r bars of Mr. ltd Caufteld. i who ha uiu aurprls to a tor for 1 IV. ltlH MaMtl.fl TltH.MjtMM wrtll t MARQUAM. the two together can do r J I .' '- '..2- ' WASHUVGTON. Jan fSpl ) The Republicaa Proreiislve League was formed this Jonathan Bourne declared for the " government and togtalatloo which nav oeen tawarted and strangled tne special mrereat. t daclara- tion or principle Is In lin with Its declaration. Wbbb ta BrUdWt la J.1,'.""" e ch""' ""fl him. Promoof noouiH M. rh"'-0" V . " i We are now on th ev, promot oo .of popular postoffice an excitement .iirre'd .wj .. by Ibe dispute between two of our ery member of this rluh lo b la young men of our neighboring jtormed of the neeeaalty of hi bep In The trouble Crone over a dispute In making this the one evecr. ih Ilk of jna Kranela waa visiting frleTiq in HUiaboro for a few day a the past Cni.htd in the Ruth.' u '-' t .. Stepora B. Elklna h.i . m . : - mvnvm n evi '-4 a j ' -ry. i If 1" i 'Wi Art;, "I jour IVjy ua jle f1)0tj,n I1:l year?" -I bof so-, be was under it year." . . t V 8pttV team Ust H tbre yaara He Was srrsifhstA fr-, ...l. J.1 ' orb,of Kansas ut o of slavery. Tb ftrrmVLLTfT ---Uae rea-r.1 srmyr., ftephw.- w 6,711. t0"M!r 14 th Ui,ttMMl?? entiment were t!.. .Wjed si . fk Worlf " ' JT" 0in. and the. j m .. . : - - " vvwroea ror thm . . - on bk jrtBBBw f -Diug tU iia i '. r was fnsyv Whe. th iBrh.iul f" Nr w" th Union ; r-tgneo-th Jtt fTlK -ee-lonUUVaa Uud Elkins coogr- n- L. ?.lawt.' eeBaBf reorcaenrii. riv. er of Beory QiBsr,rw!l he taarrted rW A decisive ylciorv for the extendln T fTP M'-lll Tlllff rrW of our school fur two months Lner IA"1 fcLO; HAiHyrOi lAUVj iKwUiLdd wa won by a Urg trot. A mmflng ; - . was called aom ten day bfor but l (Con tinned from par 1 falle for it a purpoae. which wjn by a-' A farewell reception and baninet vote of 35 to l What ran w have wr tendered otir pat president, without a school t- W ran never haveiThomas T. Ryaff. prtnr to hts removal lOO much SChOlll. .O Slslein Ttroetm hr IK. ) rxsj A. at, m " Mil T GEORGE A. HARDIKC 'lil!i'(!t;iGisT:;v; "Tf ft i e-WHK -------- M-w IIIMI. TOILBV ABtvrtf-i ar at ft'.' i .. .n , . , i ; i is . . -,. .. , , TATIONtHY. REbCRIFTION ANO FAMILY" 'i, 'A. v:.,':.. .. ..... CEIFTI tARIFULLV. C0Mf0UN0ta PrtONEi MAIN INI. HOME. gVM. 511 KIAIN STREET Next Door tc! -I or. nxing or some telephone which which haa J. ? . .r"u"MI lo neom gt.n flty. The iod tf (Xvernnrs -ne masting oritesrby . haa serttred th owning of Mr. Frank V"1 . Af .7 "m "uvular exer Busch'a nw hall for this occasion, and k ... J1 ro0'' ' Ibe - mud, ! arrangement ar bHng formulated so toiX? pt''m annrntneetm-nt rwn be mad juat interfered and they .wer flnanv aena ... ... .. j. aii. .. .Iim ik. k.ll .ill L. 1.11 Mr. Conrad, of ntadtldlnrs ..a ,e- ! t .V:., :.V . ' In town on. business tbla week. general Interest t., lh 1. o--. Arthur Nelson has lust, return.! r-if .. . v.. from a brief trip to Estacada. have com to nt nolle, sad wkleh uur pastor, Rer. Mares. att-n.l4 ..n..i.i .-1-. . ... at- ' a ' " - , "iro'iiu I n v-f r S imtRtH 1 1 I II I "fT 1 1 II ih funeral servi-e of Mis Vorhei. :j - . T ",uo Johntwin. which was held at Molallk. j rirst.' Ts everr r,-.lMe , The final elcbth trade examination I r..itt... i. k..n.n-- . ... fc.M I... j.- .Z 7 --"" vi pt-rmanini ",7" "nP " Mda throughout the county. " .ww. - I HeenniL' Been re red uw1 far. ..J . ." " . freight nt'ea between, Portland and LUUan. 1 f lrewnn r-lt w v ""'"" "P "e weatner Third. Fneoiirag capital In lh man for me of Oregon' best? last I construction f a railroad from thi. m'AAb .Vtn ....... . ... ...... ' ,ur iiaiiYr ven romniatneo i eitv nimn.h ik. - . j--. ... ,.r, jUp.,.r i-iqviua Moiaila connlry. bTr:To.,rT r,r to 'he building of on t-.. ' " - .ur or more pnbne Horks. 1 u OTmi n-rioua loss this commnnl. ntik r-..... Iv sustain. f, .iw "".Y ' "V"; ' k-.-- wi.n inw managv rt...; V.U:: li "'.r w".,nw mon'""?,",mntlfacturing"planlwit 7. 71 """V V".- "-nera Mill, lh view of .irrnlan.lng lh. ohnoxloua I Ikl r" rMIT-Tl t.V I hAaa II arfa. . . j a. r- ' h.r. ..... . 1 j 11-nr toreign laixirer with American here that a landslide from . ki.h I .... - -i I . . ,JMH 1 ..-If., uaiia 11-miPirar v dammlnv th. tearher ...U . . Mlsrellanwia. (cigar, rlgar .," ttetui mule. BirtalB r mHtf kutoraobll hlr. c dally paper, plumbing, tel- - " phone, telegram, etel... CM It Ilalaarw on band .January g. I'll'.-.. 41IM In closing 1 ilrslre berrby to expreaf my gralllule"fir th generous and faithful support accorded m by lbf lVrd of OoveiHHtrs. th dlfTi rom-r during my term a president of this rlub I also moat heartily ettend-to yol my apprerlafloQ of I he boor con THEATfJ . lialk) ttrat: IT HAS GOT C2. Ppat ItJM IT i "its mm o A 17Iinc F.Tait ' lrd npoa me In le-tirg me- fori i Til .V. . 'if. 'ILrl'"'' reolcW during th past year, IlliuLraidd trf thg kf CAt bhr rtt Var I a a ut a ta r-.a. a ' . hen alvlne u.v ik. -.-.Tk V. "111. ' r ""rrai among carrvlns- out a 1.. a,. I. ."11 ; " I '"1""" "T. "'""na srasii, nut " n-- wilt til it i ,i irirriva uniMM . . . . . . . . - - ,"'- in mir i'iit . nnog Dt ror them finventh I -a. tK. ...n ..rr- If IK. Kl.M i .1.1 .. - . . ' ' Kail 1... . .. , . - - f'-i.t""" wK"ni'ion tor aeruriog an an- brlds itself i;..-47;. ' 1 cren ion or a mnwing to In over the rtt. 'Zri"rZ i v" ror broken k rfnr. i. . "1"' r".V: I m"nT ner matters or . . a, a. m MB 1 1 1 1 If 1 aAaB - - . . . . . about 2B vnav. . .,". : " . . )"-- iniiiHTunm mat mignt r men- rout l ar. il.nri.l ... ' r - wkii'w hi ineir which took the down over the mill dam. bad fa been on mall. We are told an aiirn.. .1 . :T on "rB hhy .o-.i... . -,mwm mat xn government . f 'ensue BegnUr (to lito Tgndladyr-Wno J new uoaraerr "A detective, think." "'''. "What make you think r - SLW, h,m look Ber Ui top entst . . pie. . , ' " 'WJIlin, t, Hst. 1 aght 1e was Irsl IWQ 'TJBna. WBa.I 1. J tumrrwVM tat . . . .i . . i cb for polling a looOir ' I ', , - . J j H ' servlp will 1. .i.mi - en"iii .n-i inn unvernment . t' ?T.. ! "IV nrhnta "on tbeHure. P,nrMrt ,,0 week with lnnammalBM 7iE. Alia. 11. .i.i. . i ii'iiwrarnn are anowB IOT Stra aitrln 111.. r.... .. . ( 111, t rcyiag. Of Ulamiteine. Is tb guest of Miss Ulll Anderson this week. . . Miss Louise iMira anil hrrjk.. Currlnsvllle, visited their slater, Mrs. Si I. Klrchem Htindar . m-. . 1 ne niar. by the proud of. - Now, lit ua all unit la affording al aotld front for asslatiog our Incoming I president la accomplishing result 1 that will Inur to hi glory and max per manant .monuments fur bur city snd; county. j,,,,,., TOM P. RAND A I J. :' 1MH v.,:.'.? 1 1 7-1 ... . ! 1 1 ', 11 ' , , ; ; ; The funeral of Mrs. lrola K. Snow wag hk rraiB tk tt; Ashn s l-htkafl rlHirrh McBMl.y 'at lf . m a lart rtwirrmrsw rf fr1a4a fnlhrwe-t It re mains to ih Catholic cemetery, where Interment was mad. . aid Jiaes KlrkfrsJ) -to-wgiit o;;li - THE POULTRY VARO, -Keeping many breed I a poor way lo succeed. Oat down lo on or Iwq varieties and give them th beat of car. . . . If th bra wc compelled lo work a lit II harder tb' days for what grain they get. It would b a good thing for them ,- TO-DAY AFTERtlOUN EVEfllliu! to-? non'- ;.l ... B)...l..a ' Balance on hand January ih, isio I siemoersnip fee collected 7n o Doe eiillerted 1491JM Billiards, pool and cigars .... rS74.HO 110.00 Butternut s Brld, given Orange' on January 21st. waa aaueeeaa IXS. "a1" j??!?nd iiiiaC::;: r ,- - U w u wu in llVMflaBllaaa j - - t...a.a ' '..-..a 1 givTirnisw tin iirn w young popl of Harding 'Rent fMm t..Vi'iJrll: ment attendanc. The music was furnished H uj ms waainna araaeatra i 1" of f sicker In nvmnaalum llenrr fill! n.rf ki. .k..m j...'-1 ' "I aeeow annual - . -i"pjt UIMIfF ' 65.0 - 1.00 Iw-M cated recently from hi clothing get- RaKLli '.'.'11.' ' " Total Reeeint. Dtburmnta. 17.11 IU0 M13I1S O. D. Bobbins and famlle i u. And Mr. T-.P. wriaoo -.Kii. JZ ".1 n Ik. ... ', : Z ' " I yehlt ! 1bi th mdd. No on serloo. I b..,'!"1 ' ' .".V ' i ' K) iy h'At. Cam on to th. .. .. J"' inuor, steward uughd it e:f. , 1 : - hllLWAUKIE. And collector JJght , 8tamp Cash register I. 1110.00 Ml 61 2S.1U apDtxmU,4'4, 01 th Co"v n'rd tabl7 i-.. wUhXM.V7 Btr'Vtt VVaVrTrlntlfig J ; i 1;,25a J.,,,n, U pwptrlngflJterBfur. , ' ' !'Jf w Iicena ordinance foe it i I 'JL L l'.: '. T0JIJ Th wesent will b -lnereasd toW EStZ Lawn Tannla gt. m mm I ataa. Oymnaslum Department iJr, rT. r ... i. ti.,V, ,: Denclency for ottruinin. ', lfl.95 S68.E0 1.00 Never feed meat scran, that mad of rotten meat, flood: nar. (mh I the only thin that . am rat tn b fed to a fowl of an klad. . If M possibly can hm don, rfnaa m the droppings each day. It Is work that well repays on. Never aiioar this Cleaning to b delsvad lona-er thaa a wk. , " leaving (h birds (o ei.M n battle agalnat lie and other enel mle may save aome work, bnt it win cost some eggs; and eggs are worth money the days. Ikl not di'lay knr Inn rer ih. (nK of culling out the poor stock It la a Buna 10 keep even t slngl an profltsbl fowl, llsvw th. atnrB am la quality rather than In quantity. in weather grow colder. In- crease the supply of corn. It la . besting food.., llut nerer feed It alone. A good grain mixture for winter la two part who! corn, on part ach WBai and oats; all well mixed. (Mart tin the Iran neat a na L Inva uabl la pointing out th pro ducUv heos as well aa th drone. V?klk9 1 P"1b'- X Mcklag out the poor layers, lo get mor eggs from a fewer number of bens. That nomy-lt saves fod and It give, in workers mor room. " i ADARIuGLOPFC: H O DTI s nil GOODPlCTt j. Co 14 darest's to tbt'' auccss(p tir LentylXd K l i it . si ( - -A"v . . ; , - i JA3 1U "aC at it ' .lllitl Vl! MHh.-M'' r '!'" t.A a m . Xt JJV II '.b-Ut-''' f ef fivt.,,.,', r: .t J.'' '."" - r.. .nvtt v . Ill-1 ,1 ... I ,. . ' ' ' ' '' ...... . . . - t (.'.. i.n; t if ,n J I. r a' -.1. , l 3-t titlTO.i 3 , X" ii Ji; ;nfi 1.7 w ' ' ' "'' '! V I. 'I'dltnol I") I yM, ... ' , I ;.. - 1 '!'' oiM '