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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1911)
MORNINQ ENTERPRISE, SATURDAY, , JANUARY 21, 1911. )URBTTI ProaldoaL I. J. METER. Caahlof f FIRST NATIONAL; BANK J of OREGON CITY, OREGON i. .. CAPITAL, IMoaOO. )0nral tanking Business. . Open froe tA.'M.UM.k ORGE A. HARDING DRUGGIST PURl DRUOS, PERFUMES, TOILET ARTICLES ANO CTATIONERV. PRESCRIPTION ANO FAMILY RE CEIPTS CAREFULLY-COMPOUNDED. PHONESMAIN 2911. HOME, 1 34. Sr? IAIN STREET Next Door to Postofflcc THE COURTS. ; COUNTY COURT. Road Dist No. 1. R. Brott VVJI. Counaoll .... 0o. At wood ,. Karl At wood Jno. Davla Counaell 2 POINTED OUT rt:7 Will Hammond waa In Wtf tl Irsgal business rrlday. WT-7 ".moo K. CraW, of Port " 11 Cregon City on legal bual- I i i U Walter Toose, vTallliig " V J city, have returned l tl ralla City, Oregon. Hell, who haa had qtilte M. ; J trip and kindred dla-, cr J to bo at his offlco la . C I Eleglcr, who haa been 3 ralatlves In Portland for Oturnd to brr homo In Oday night. I f Oroon, daughter of Mr. Green, la confined lo b rheumatism, and la jlae her school work. I I I Randa, of I'alouao, , lc torday for Vancouver to. frV for a few daya from r ) return homo a few ; . V Cpenco, one of tho raoni i ?mr of iho county, and . Ct tho Blnte Grange, waa j Laelneas In thta city Frl IT wheat Tlotir ft 20 aark at AL ESTATE. aa B. sad Mary Multart to" the im of Crtco Chiirrh of iho I'nlt-zrZ"-& Church, Wlrhlta. land tUr tapbelt I). U- C. section WZ ") 1 aoulh. ramo 3 east; J Cjrio Utarquarn to OmM A. "T, f In J. 1 C. of Alfred ; jrashlp 6 aoMtb, range 1 i Zura Robeson to K. A. , I I tftres of aertlon 12. town--X range 3 east; II. f A. Ratnarord and William II. t Richard It. Mason, land 1 county; $3500. r to John J. Hattan and l'a-ait. 170 36 acrea of D. ! ac i Baker, townahlp 2 aouth, iA Anna Gravea to Ed acres of townahlp 4 aouth, 1; 3tM0. 1 Anna Howell to J. T. Ap- , , tea of Exra Fisher D. I wnshlp 1 aouth, Tango 2 '?. Risley to rranclo ti jta 30 and 33 of Concord ; :' ; and Lillian A. Illrkoll to ( a, land In Concord; $900. tat'a for that hot lunch JLenta, CIO Main atroot LOCAL DRICrS II. I Morrell. of Oladatono,, aur prlMnt bla family by tho purcbaae of a piano a few daya ago. It la a now Hoffman. Dr. Ooorso Hooyo. DaUt, Cau field Hide, Oregon City. The L 1C mil Co. haa juat put a dial .through whereby Captain Appnr aon tranafera the old Johnaon homo to K. M. Howell. Tho properly U to bo Improved. Coal-oil lSc a gallon at Booloy'a Tho Udlea Aid Society of the M. E rUurch baa purrhaaed an electric car pet aweeper for the church work. The ladlea are greatly plvaaed with It and aay It la aavlng many a back-ache. Uo to gecreat'o for that hot lunch aticceaaor to Inta, CIO Main atreot ' Cltltena aay-fhat If Oladmone la to be a dry town there will need to bo a larger culvert luatalled In the county road, to lead tho water through and not back It up over all tbo lowlanda. Orangea 0c doten at Beeley'a. All tralna on the goutbern Pacific are ruunHig aa per achedule, but In nrre Inatancea are they on time, Tp aoft condition of the roadbed In mauy pi (' .makea It Imperative that tho tralna run alowly, otherwlae there would bO groat danger to paaacngera and property of tho company. Seedleao ralalna Cc a pound at Bee ley 'a. Cara on the O W. 1. rut through to Portlaud again. Tho atory la rife that the cauae of ao much water on tho tracka near Nacf waa duo to the put ting In of tbo email culverta, backing up the water on themaelvea to the In Jury of the traffic on their own rail way. Parllea living In that neighbor hood aay that employee of tho road were told of their error but would not llaten. Tho beat Homemade Dread that can be baked; you can get It at 8carader'e Rakery, on Mala atreet near Poatof-flco. Dr. Ceorgo Hoeye. Dentlat, Cau field Illdg., Oregon City. Trv nunn for Claara and Bmokere' Qooda. Neit to I'oajofflce. 3 pound bog of aoda crackera 20c at Seeley a. f Shoes go to the ygon City Shoe Store ell ahoea and nothing but ahoea. W can fit your feet with )lgheot grade ahooa on the market. For ladlea auk for tho ) II. Croaa or tho P. J. Harney none better at any price. t Suffering Klon l" t Btacy-Adama ahoo la a aura euro for corna and aching feet. ihooo Spoolaia have 150 ialra of Rubbera for men at 50 centa a pair, while ay last one pair for each cuatomer, 30 palra infanta' vlcl kid patent too ahoea, aUea 3 to , at 45c pair, In button or lace. ogon City Shoe Storo i ' Main Street, Oppoalte Poatofflco. For fine ahoo repairing go to . I IE OLD RELIABLE OREGON CITY SHOE SHOP j. Work done while you wait r Otff Motto: Satlafactlon Guaranteed t SCHOENHEINZ, Proprietor ; " 711 Main Bat Sixth and Seventh. e pearl chop house Iverything Strictly Fresh. Short Or ders Our Specialty ?J & O'DONNEL. Proprietors Edween 5th and 6th, on Main Street 2. Con Ilattln ... J. W. Joo ilartwlg Jno. Htuckey C. If. Counaell U J. Ilennett A. Van Putte Ilay Warren T. W. Boll wood ,.. WW. Ulrlch Joe ftuihford W. II Counaell Mra. II. Acott man and team M ra. K. Bool t : mart" .......... ' Road Diet' No. II Thleaaen M. II. Webater I. W. Johnaon Jack Young ............ ' Road Dial No. W. N. Chllcote E. K. Cox II. I King Charlie Chrlatonaen E. K. Co Forreater A. Shaver II. Trogo C. Young W. Cook Mrllcnrtch . . T. r7T7TTrrr K.'Tlebo" M. Troge and team, , i .-. . C. Henko and learn. ......... Road Dlat. No. 4. Eatacada Mercantile Co. ... Miller Lumber Co. , Road Dlat No. 7. Paul It. Molnlg D. B. Harding Wm. Harding , Allen Emily .. ..... II. 8. Warner Fred White F. E. McGugtn Carl Aachoff Road Diet No. S. Paul H. Metal L. II. Perrett 7, Flrwood Lumlwr Co. W. 8. Runyan C. f. Harrla , T. F- McCabe and tearon.., Carl Kaithel .....7.. W. I McCabo C. W. 1 tan-la and team Alber Mot Jet Thontaa McCabe . , . .j Road Dlat. No. 9. M. I Davie ..... ....... , Eatacada Mercantile Co Frank Ahnert ., .; Chrlat Kllnker Nick Rath Nick Bcheel Robert Miller Theo Hardera Otto pautaen Chrlat Johnaon A. Woldcrhold Fred Nitzachmann G. Zwlrnmann Henry Johnaon' Henry Kllnker Carl, fjnna ' W. F. Cary Road Dlat. No. 10. Eatacada Mercantile Co. O. C. Kaletech Wllla B. L Wonacot , . . W. P. 8nuffln Road Dlat. No. 11. F. C. Gadke C R. Llvaay Road Dlat No. 12. J. 8. Gill :. C. Johnaon .". F. Oerber Road Dlat No. 13. V. C. Moorl Geo. GUI H. H. Mattoon W. C. Ward ;.. Road Dat No. 14. J. B. Cumlna Everhart a Hall Pope a Co. Wllaon a Cooke . , Ore. City Machine Worka ... Frank Duach C. Miiralc D. Tochert A. Splinter .... P. Lindau ...... P. Peter A. Peter W. Brenner .... II. Oloaen ...... T. Blackburn ......... F. Hurlcl ....... U Davla ;.. G. Gwllllm U Derlck TJ. Lindau ., , O. Kunieman , O.- Bhockley W. J. Krookor ".. O. A- Pagenkopf. J. Joel D. Bcheruble .. R. Mattoon ... A. B. Scheruble O. Egglman A. R.i8tephena B. Packard C. Preaater .................. V.A- Road Dlat No. IB. Wilson a Cook ............. Charley Gfrnwa . Mr. O. Balraer ..Vr. Nelson Yoder ................ Geo. Royandla , . , . . Henry Myora ...... v......... Chrla Naegell , A. J- Marra Pope a Co. L. Mattoon W. Raney John Carothera J. E. Dago ,, M. Telford ; W. R. Snook ..I 17.60 20.00 16.00 4.S0 1.76" .13.00 40.00 40.00 25.00 4000 20.2S 20.2S 3.00 40.00 2.25 2.60 31.60 31.00 16.26 6.00 12.60 20.00 20.00 14.CO 16.00 12.00 ,3.00 ' 2.00 8.00 2T.60 13.00 10.00 TOO 2.00 32.00 18 00 4.43 673 C.75 11.25 6.75 6.75 20.00 .. CM 6.63 1.00 12.00 10.00 10.00 C8.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 17.00 40.00 .IJ123 . 31.35 . 23.00 . 26.00 . 20.00 . 22.00 . 13.60 . 12.00 . 6.00 6.00 4.00 . 4 00 .. 2.00 . 21.26 5.00 . 3.00 . 31.15 16.50" 4000 6.00 8.00 37.00 .1 14.00 3.50 17.00 8.00 2.00 100 4.00 8.00 6.00 aeeoao ............ .......... i . 9 90 . 1.75 . 1.65 . 7.40 . 4.30 . 15.65 . 64.60 . 68.50 . 40.00 . 97.78 . 36.00 . 16.00 45.00 . 34.30 . 100.00 . 60.60 60.00 i 36.35 ; 63.75 . 36.00 . 17.00 .$ 20.00 . 4.00 . 31.00 . 13.00 . 13.18 v 41.25 . 12.60 . 37.00 . 6.00 . 6.25 250 .1 4.16 10.00 10.00 10.00 8.00 4.00 3.00 6.00 -3.00 67.50 10.00 24.00 83.00 15.S0 3500 C. W. Heeket ,.;........... Q. W. Iteynolda , Nolaon Yoder ................ C. Balmer Road Dlat No. 1C. Willie Btavbley f Fred Chlnn . Aug. Btaehley . Road Dlat. No. 18, B. A I itornanun ... .-rr, ....... . E. Schmidt H. Roger ii. Mlllr J. Miller A. Thomae Road Diet No. 19. R. P. Wallaeo C. A. Aahby , J. A. Danoo ............... J. J. Mallatt E. Faut y. A. Dugan i.... M. McMurry ........ rTTTf. . F. Flnh F. Churchhlll O. Iiwery C. II. porter W.-Murry J. M. Mallatt F. Manning .......... r Road Dlat No. 20. 0. R. Miller D. A. Miller . B. Hulllran W. II. Wetlaufer T. Grace C. N. Larklna...; Road Dlat. No. 21. Joha Wall Alfred Bwanaon V. B. Dl W. CHetlman U. Aaplund .... John Erlckaon Alfred Wall .. 7.00 too 3.00 6.00 8.00 800 8.75 Allfi00 ... 15.60 .... 11.60 11.60 .... 13.50 '6.00 .... - 1.00 8.00 8.00 6.00 12.00 6.00 2.00 1.00 4.00 8.00 5.00 400 4.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 11.50 2.60 a .16.00 28.00. 8.00 r4.00 A. N- Bwanaon .... Jonaa Pettereon 1 . . Auguat Dablatrom Erick Janaaen . ... P. E. Bonney .... E. A. Bwanaon".. Alfred Danlelaon Hult Broa.-TTrr'. rr. . ; . r. .V Gorgo Wllllama l Road DiakNo- 22. Ira Boyer . .. ... ...... Geo. Boyer Herman Bahndt Lewla Pendleton Albert Engle Jullu Bahrndt ............ Road Dlat No. 23. Al Zimmerman Cbaa. E. Ogleaby Albert Pratt;.... Frank Compau ............ Geo. Hart wig- J. F. Ogleaby Geo. BT Ogleaby T7T77r.Tr77 Road Dlat No. 24. 8. II. Kauffmen .......... K Bork holder Clarence Miller ........... Fred Stuwe Wm. H. Stuwe F. J. Kynlaton Christ ner BIchseLjjjj v.- 13.00 12.00 8.00 8.00 14.00 10.00 7.00 2.00 26.60 12.00 416.43 44.90 .3 26.00 . 41.00 . 17(M) . 22.00 . 12.50 , 2.00 .1 2.00 4.00 . 2 00 . 2.00 .50 . 4.50 11.25 Road Diet No. 83. ... Horner Broa. ....... .8 23 40 W. Tucker Jameo Marra 17.00 W. E. Myora , 14.00 Wilier Chlldero rf.OO Ed Voung 6.00 Ed Jacklaen 8.00 Ed Young, team ............. 11.00 Henry Croraor . n,r.Tttfrr. .t-21.25 JobnTrochael 15.00 Road Dlat Ho. 34. " Wllaon a Cooke ;,: J. II. Cumlna p. C'olaom ........ R. Shepherd .i,..Tm-. ...... I). Hodge O. Gross ,. . J, Zimmerman At J. Hodge J. Fromong , Ed parpenter .............. A. D. Bowers J. Mliler C. Baker J. Adanoaky M. Brook Leo Bacon F. G. Bacon-'................. P. A. Baltimore R. Strutaman . . T. Johnson A. Eatberg ................... G. Schaler H. T. Shipley O. Setje G. Bchnoor J. M. Turner ....... .t . . . Road Dlat No. 36-P7Dr8amaonr777Trrrrr7: WiSir BIrchet . . .. LB S. Prather L. Woodcock P. J. Schneider v . . 8- L. Miller Sam Prather Glen Prather Joe Komyeato.... Shade Long Emmel Erllaon Albert Pederaon Gregeraon Broa. '. Albert Elliott F. M. Bamaon Road Dlat No. 37. Henry Piatt -D. Legler r. . . . C. W. Kruao ..." i $ J. Hamilton Eyman .... I 21.57 .8.80 7.00 1.00 1575 3.50 , ' 5.25 -4.00 ; 7.00 4.00 Ed Mltta , 10.00 8. J. Lanti 5.00 O. Kylo. 4.00 A. Biachael 4.00 A. Eyman 3.50 II. L. Spahr 3.00 II. Johnston 1.40 C Lang j 1.00 A. S. Thompson 3.50 O. I. Mliler 4.18 F. O. Stuwe I... 6.00 Phil. Mohr 4.00 Ben Jackeon . 4.00 Wm. II. Stuwo 23.75 Carlton a Roaencrana 6 50 Road Dlat No. 25. C. H. Smith 8 5.50 C. D. Keerllng V. 7.50 J. W. Smith I 12.25 Road Dist. No. 26. D. l" Trulllnger ....$ 22.95 Thomas Miller 100 J.. Baker 1.50 W. H. Engle ... 10.60 8. Cordlll. 6.00 jC. W. Kruae....... .... W. J. Carrel-!.. .... 1 Joe Blcrt - ;" "Road Dlat No. 38. Mllwaukle Prlntery Tom EvenaT..r. ... W. F. Warren ........ Walter Majnet Jee Harding ......... ....... Risley Broa. ............... H. Ballcntyne Tho Worthlngton r. . . . . 7777 Harry Worthlngton H. Conway ... G J. Holman Monroe a Roberta W. H. Counsel! C. W. Risley - Road Diat No. 39. jjaggar. Frank I .. - - Road Dlat No. AO. j Sherman Lyon . . . . ... . ...... ii, D. Davla ....... ; i W. G. Burkhardt 15.00 i 8.90 44.66 32.00 16.00 28.00 5.76 175 10.00 2.96 ,54.37 73.67 45.00 20.25 36 56 47.25 50.62 45.00 8.43 19.12 8.43 3837 103.00 97.50 92.50 90.13 58.75 18.00 2.25 -11.50 8.00 12.50 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 1.00 3.00 1.45 1.00 22.50 5,00 16.13 53.52 71.65 18.75 3.50 350 66.00 "59.00 4.50 4.50 42.00 ..75 42.00 13.50 6.50 10.25 .75 210.00 31.60 ..$ 9.75 8.10 7.75 Geo. Foreman .... Jacob Rider C. A. Burkhardt . Grover Judd F. E. Holman .... Erneat Burkhardt W. M. Cox ...... C. A. Bartlemy .. i Harry Henrlckaon 3.00 4.60 4.50 4.50 2.25 t.ti 3.25 27.16 6.00 T. A. McFaddln Geo. Bliss JCroaa .'. C Marsh Road Dlat. No. Frank Broalc Paul Cornelius . . . ..... Wm. Davidson B. B. Bird Earl Bird ....... A. Swan E. Sowa 28. I 1.00 5.50 1.50 1.50 4.00 17.50 5.00 4.00 - 4.00 1.00 1.60 John Ebner 6270 D. L. Linen F. J. Rldlnga . . . A. L. Brougher . Wllla a Co. ... A. M. Oroshong Ben Wado ..... Road Dlat No. SO. Oregon Iron a Steel Co, 25.20 F. E. Davodson ". 46.50 Wm. Dyer E. McCormlck . . Jamea Headrtck J. H. Manning . . 3.90 6.50 9.45 196.07 62.50 1.80 37.16 3.00 13.00 6.00 O. Baker-. ................... 38.00 J- Cox T. Fox C, Churchill .... F. 'K. Whltton .. J. C. Haines"'.;. J. O'BrlAn ...... G. CHno ......... Wm. Wanker tRoad Dlat No. 32. A. Holinagel W. C. Heaton E. 8. Calkins J. 8- Barnea W. Heater ..; B. Barnca , ii.. ii. urn .................... J. McConnell . ,. II. Heater W. J. Dodson 72.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 16.00 00 . 4.00 600 4.00 20.00 10.00 14.00 4.00 14.00 2.00 6.00 6.00 4.00 Mra. Peterson, damages i.w Road Diat No. 41. Yancy Cooper . Lee Cooper .... Geo. Klrtamlller David Miller .. M Grafenbaln . O. R. Woodle 12-50 Road Diat. No. 42. W. H. Yoder C. F. Taylor Road Dist. No. 43, M. L. Darls Edward Still Wm. Stilt E. Caret -00 Road Diat No. 47. H. Wegner -$ 4.00 Mra. Nellla Sladen G. Erilollowell Road Dist. No. 44. C. Cahlll 11. Eastman a Mead D. McCormack G. Randall 8. M. Warnock Road Dlat. No. 48- Warren Wllklna $ 46.00 Carl Alt 22-0 Ray Howe William Alt John Kelsecker E. Wendland Henry Kelsecker ; Clare Corey Frank Langenaand Road Dlat No. 49. Eatacada Progresa I Eatacada Mercantile Co H. H. Andera A. T. Hunt . G. T. Hvint .................. 2.60 Curtis Wilcox 4.00 Road Dlat No. 61. J. B. Slefer .....$ 42.00 Ed -Rick-.. 36.00 O. Beoeo ., 36.00 Ernest Roese , 1700 Mark Wllmartt 82.00 A, Brounertpk 1' 00 C. Croat M. ' 9.60 A. J. McClungT 246.50 General Roada. E. Henry Wemme ............ .$393.80 City of Eatacada ....... w.... 121.09 W. W. Mattoon 20.60 Paul R. Melnlg 21.10 Srandard Oil Co. IT. , . 8.20 Percy T. Shelly a Co. ....... 43.90 Wllllama Bros. 6.95 (Continued Tomorrow.) 7.00 6.00 2.75 3.60 8.00 2.50 2.40 28.70 8.00 5.00 3.00 4.00 19.00 23.00 14.00 .75 18.00 42.50 21.00 6.00 27.50 18.00 2.00 18.00 . 4.00 500 12.55 2.00 3.00 SKI JUMPERS ; INJIG MEET, National Tournament to Be Held ; In Chippewa Fails. NEW RECORDS ARE EXPECTED Conn Haa Baan ' Lengthened and Takeoff Widened to Halo Skiers Make Oreat Jump . Extra Induoe manta to Man Who Baata Record. " By TOMMY CLARK. Wisconsin akl 'Jumiera and tboee of other at a tea bare been bard at work tor tbo paat few weeka preparing for the national akl. tournament to be held this year at Chippewa Falls. Jan 28 and 29. This event of the old world winter sport In America la alwaya looked forward to' by the followers of the daring Jumper, who gather In largo crowd to wltneaa the wonder ful Sights of the sturdy competitors on tltelr wooden runners. Tbla fascinating winter pastime la extremely popular In Michigan, Mlune aota and Wlwonsln. and It la expect ed that skiers from all three, states and the Dominion of Canada will" be on band to aet new figures for the long leap- that l (be- magnet that attracts the admirers of this reckleso form of eport s ,. - Improvements In Big Slide. Great preparations have been made to perfect the long slide so tbttf the daring kolgbts of the spruce', blades will bavo every opportunity to either equal or excel the record figures of 144 feet made by Olo felling at Dulntb. Minn., a year ago. Tbe long Incline, wblcb meaaured 800 feet In length laat season, baa been added to atlll more, and tbe takeoff has been moved thirty feet bock. These - Improvementa will-give tbe men ao opportunity to get op greater ill . x -" V. ' ' : . ' Wants, For Sale, Hi Kotlcaa undr thaae claasrffled haadtnaa will b Inavrtmi -o cant a wnrO, flrat Insertion, half a cnt addltlonaj inear Hon. ne Inch card. II par month j half Inch card. H lineal II par monln. . Cash must accompany order unleoa one haa an open amount with ttie paper. No financial responalulllty for errora; where errors occur free corrected notice will be printed for patron. Minimum charts Uo, WANTED. WANTED Girl for general houee . work In amall family. Inquire of Air a. Don Meldrum, Twelfth and Waahington atreeta. WANTED Strong boy to deliver papers Enterprise Office. ; tf . WANTED You to know that tho En terprise Job printing department Is tbo most complete In tbo State, outside Portland. Try It for your . next printing. FOR SALE. FOR BALE Space In this column. Bell that old plow or harrow; you don't use it alnco yon purchased your now one.' FOR SALE A good 310,000 farm for aale. Joha W. Loder, Owner. Atty. at Law, Stevens Bldg. . . FOR RENT. FOR RENT Liner apace In this col umn. A few lines may rent that house, atore or farm; they will coat . you but a few oeuts. ATTORNEYS. O. D, BT, Attorney-ai-Law, Money loaned, ' abstracts furnished, land I - titles examined, estates settled, gen- ci.i fw uu.iuna. vol iwift VI Oregon City. v U'REN a BCHUEBEL, Attorneyaat Law, Deutacber Advokat, will prac tice In all courta, mako collectiona and aettlements. ' Offlco la Enter prise Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. ABSTRACTS OF .TITLE. V. R. HYDE. Abstract Office Land titles investigated, conveyan cing, notary public - , Critics rarar " wmm copy Room 7. Barclay Bldg., Oregon City. ABSTRACTS - OF TITLE Tlths a Inveatment Co., Stevena Bldg. BUILDER ANO CONTRACTOR. HARRT JONES Builder aad General Contractor. Eatlmatos Cheerfully given on all claaaes of building work, concrete walks and reinforced concrete. Res. Phone .Mala 11L DENTISTS. DR. L. O. ICE. DENTIST Rooms 4, 6 and Beaver building. Main St., Oregon City. Phones: Homo A-198 and Pacific Statea 1121. MONEV TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN John W. Loder, Atty. at LawL Stevens Bldg, axi jcm pbb in air a ma tBAVrso TAKtorr. momentum, and tbe moving of. tbo take off will afford tbem a much safer landing place, . A feature of tbo Chip pewa slide that Is enjoyed by "few others In this country la that tbe path la sixteen feet wide at tbe "bo nip," or takeoff, tbua enabling tbe men to take tbo Jump in their own peculiar man ner and not to bavo to follow tbo beat en track of their predecessors, as la tbo case at all other frozen pathways. One bunifred.and twenty -two feet .was done at tbla course at tho last meet of tho skiers, snd it Is expected that wltb the Improved conditions sev eral feet will be added to this mark when the lovers of tbe sport gather for tbe banner event of the sea sou. There Is every reason to believe that tbe slide will be lightning fast, pro vided that tbo weather man Is kind and furnishes conditions favorable for fast participation in the sport. 8k! Jumping Gaining Favor. Ski Jumping haa rapidly forged to tbo front rank of winter athletica In tbo western sectlou of this country alnco Its Introduction by tho Norwe gians here not many years ago, and It bids fab to retain tho popular favor by reason of Its freedom from objectionable features that enter luto other sports. Tbo lovo of victory la firmly Installed la tbo minds of tbe fearless and shifty followers of the sport, and aa the money prizes are comparatively small and the betting conspicuous by Its absence there Is ab solutely no reason for tho men not putting forth their best efforts. No thoughts of holding back enter the mlud of a man when ho faces a plnssy stretch of nearly 300 yards that requires bis utmost skill and nerve to slide down at a death defying apeed and tbeu exacting a gathering of all bla power for the leap that sends him sailing through tho air to a aafe land ing In a enow bank or perhaps a dan gerous fall. Aa a consequence skiing la slowly earning a well deserved popularity, and from all Indlcatlous there is every reason to believe that this form of sport will In time become a fixture. ' Vanderbilt's Big Turf Winnings. In France W. K. Vanderbilt's aggro- gate turf winnings for alx years are 8i.ous.ioa Go to Socrost's for that hot lunch successor to Lents. 610 Main atreot MONEY LOANED Wo are acquaint ed with tho value of all farm lands in Clackamaa County and can loaa your money on good safe security. Farm loana made one, two and three , years at 7 per cent. Abatracte of title examined. DIMlCK a DIMICK. Lawyers, Andreses Bldg., Oregoa City, Oregon. ' , REAL ESTATE. D. K. BILL CO., REAL ESTATE Farm, Timber,- Gracing, Agricultural Lands. City Property, Small Fruit and Poultry Ranches for Sale, Wal nut Land. Room 9 Bearer Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. eTH. COOPER. For Flra Insurance and Real Estate. Let us handle your properties we buy, sell and exchange. Offlco la Eaterprise Bldg., Ocegon City, Oregon. s FREYTAO a SWAFFORD. Real Es tate Dealers, bavo choice bargalna in farm landa, city and auburbaa homes, good fruit landa and poultry ranchea. See aa for good buys Near S- P. depot 13 ACRES of sandy loam, all good farm land fro from stono and gravel. 3Va acres la cult., balance all alaahod, burnt and seeded but one aero and haa boon for a good many yeara so tho clearing Is not very hard; 4 room box house, bora 20x22; .good well, also borders the. Tualatin river. This Is fine peach, berry or garden land. In fact good for anything that growa; 4 miles' of Oregon Cityn a macadam road; It mllea of Portland on a macadam road. The price of thla place haa always been $2650 but for a quick sale owner will take $2200, $800 down, balaao 3 years at 6 par cent E. P. ELLIOTT A SON Oregon City, Ore. Near Suspension Bridge. 8ECOND HAND FURNITURE. . SECOND HAND Furniture, Curios and Rellca bought, sold and exchanged. Anything from a' darning needle to a ahtp'a anchor. YOUNG, Tho Second Hand Man, Mala BL, Ore gon City. , . Electric Hotel 'aaaeasaBBasassaeBasaa 411 Mala, leiweca 4th aad 8th St. . OREOOrt CITY, ORE- -J. J. TOBIN, proprietor. Real .Estate Opportunities C. T. Tooso, Lawyer and Notary Abstracta. Loan's and Insurance CHARLES -T. TOOZE A CO. , Real Estate Bought and Sold. i Room 2, Beaver fild&,.Qrogoa City If you want to BUY A FARM, BUY A HOME,' BUY A LOT, ' See CHAS. T. T007R fr CO. .And If you want to aoll farm, home" or j lot do llkawtaa. t