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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1911)
v.. i i '. r. t ! ;: ..'. j . j ; : ' ' 2 - ' " 1 o.. i V" : -'"n. CCZSKC"" BTEKPlvlSf ortgoj ctt, otroox. j - . - - -- C. C- COiE. net, reapr. imaVr tw nr f. er taw Wasta Vsr To Rret f rvmT www ftret a-.eui" .-h War 1 Bart .a wiil tr ?ve . nj t"" - aattt tor aer:i arrrt3 fr the v-k' W-r IV !-.- t at trmrj-vrj f- -r i? t- wru-k- i. snbt rU:.t tN- ralr U aa tiK-X f- nu .V th np-r -i 1 a-i to-- for ?eoa." tv1",,' Caa sw.Vd a-caras uo."T Barer m ukMn bu -.- .-?To r taw EutB Legal df-.ii t h-gal aJe-:trg rates Cvrcas oeninr "i ?: tnntmi as to aortal, raoditxra .. frc:?i th -V SaW- an! tUr.arvrt J tinam: c H fa-t ;n!"Tv-. (nn a4 r vlitaa) artveira vita atrrrt Vwai rralrm. aral a d arrrtX'4 KvcTf-4 nvira-. A tf4'baM firl 1 'mM4k i Vrr r.n rrec k fir witb a cckd rook vitk b cnabiBC ker aiir' Moral: Dor't coast yocr rd feJr wiU a ceDtiJoid eoab. Ibc coaiUoAtk" It sUfvroQa. Durkee. OreoB, U to c tratu lated. A bAad- coye aJIQcted wttk rabbfea. caarced the doca of tbat rOare aad bit aeTeral of tVm. The peofite, becomias aOarmed. got on; thetr w aad made a campaign o both dors a"c6fote. Aa. a reault tae toa ia free from atray dot-a.acd tae caalB popalatioa baa been t re aVarcd to a miaimam. Darkee U to be coaicratmlated. ' . A Chicago eitiaeo. iisgvstei a"Va . the croocedoesa (bat baa been broaght to light la aa ' iBTeatiratioa is the Cnited State Senate of Ixlf aadTsU asetbodi haa telegraphed to Speaker Caanoa, "Aboliah the Senate" Well, if H aad aot bees for the crimp tb.t the Iaanrt:eau la Conrresa pU Into Oaaoa'a pall there ta no aajlnjt bt that he would do It- Tacle Joe hat alwaya beea will leg to "do and dare' eery time he waa to be benefitted, aad to abolish lie Senate would be to IncTeaae bia own powej. Repreetatia-CoIlifta haa laco-. aaced a bill at Salem to retire all labor diapatea to-be referred to a State Board of Arbitration- Tula will be a step la tbe right direction.. It ia a coatly propoaition for labor and cap ital to fight. aBd It ia almost aa eoaUy -for people wbo most art by and watch ' tbe coetes'joc A State Board ihould be able to put a atop to many of tbe aUapatea that are now trmitted to come to a head, and through nrh a bores, the geaeral tone ia tbe labor 1 world aboold be grratly Improved. ' . The Waya asid Meaa Committee la to hare the power and tbe honor of , aaaaing the randing comnltteea of , Covgreaa. onder tbe new regime aa ln tttoted by Speaker Champ Clark and hia follow era. That aonnda differently ' than the Speaker hlmalf doing tbi. ' tanvBSdrnnk; wv w m .. '.: ,..', - ne r -r M ;. ., .... IM . .. Dw MtlA t mmf . , . fsr ni b wnt ...'. J PVs Pawn, (mt an nna ninw .-. :lc . ' Paa aac ! jtme-.v.m 1 ar fmlin4 t mm una -mxs lCr J Br Vut atawmna . .v. .. . lfcr - ' Pirtiriad n bjc - re M4 tlTfiwn '.IS: tn tt- Ouls frras ssct. rr lias n attire t)u flrte put r aeaxa twntiM r LacsT iwr per v.r; i jv".r tr- aad wieldiag the power that ruch a ' fC a plaa glTes him. Speaker Clark aayajagt? tXat the Independent Toter and the in- aepeadeat tkewtpapef are what gare ta Deiaocrata in Congreas the control of that body, and that It la np to Cos- srea to aee ta it that theae lndepend- eata are girea what ia In fact teir righta. Any party or aey organlia:ioa JZiV. "T'r ' - i mu-i , eOTunce to , th sopport of tboae who fcrcUh the , Our Brains Are Like Records On. the Talking Machine. tor THOMAI A. EDISON. AAfAaJIwraa a.u a Z aa. aV . z Hit WORLD ' vFwr-iaf.ts OMt IB HAPPY. MOST 'wwru-.aaasa VV a t PEOPLE HAVE TOO MUCH POWER. AND OTHERS HAVEMT A CHANCE TO EARN ENOUGH TO HAVE TWO MEALS A ' BUT ITS GROWING BETTER SLOWLY li si . DAY. TMINM HOULO . GROW. Tihj yean ago jon eonlda't Lara started a society forlte trerei !' " r ten ra you had post ttoa of truelty to eiildrwi or aalmala. PEOPLE WOULD I1AVE 2skeJtW 1 "Tt M foT LAUGHED AT TOU. A fear rttn before tilt iter "ronli ha ! " ro meaaT I stamtaered jtred tt inching mot of the things that an ungfct todir in tETS&T' J2L?Zfl?2? li hooU Xeper, were few ud tinad dear. Ererr XTt ! STdaS aow in lb etra n4 on the ferrjbMU yem ran aee huodreda of labor- lag; men reading aewrpapen and power aa tree atizena and voter, . TTl WrtrU anil m liannv r r . wmpliab it. but EDUCATION. ad teach the people how to tue the TIXO TJP THJE RIGHT MEN. vawaJ. saianiAi ARE Wat PLY IMPRESSIONS THAT MAINt ARE LIKE RECORD THAT rAKt af pREMIOIg rnott 'oun ENVIRONMENT. WE GET NOTHING PROM WTTHIN. Jj "T 1 T ted tlinpt. I be nerrr ereated taTthinr I GET 1MTRESSI0XS Ft6ll TUB CXIVERSE AT LAIttr AXD WOKK TTTEM OUT, WlamoaJwapUt.oe. Treating arwratawluit yon trllL i i " Ike? JcR.r v W !ki-i B,t s. ' ff'-jr!-K y p-j'uo. vx ni ,tf tie :fctNvr. ! act ci'.:ir- : tr of car;tjr tB?o ff to ; Sr. oM Jxr- W 6vat aia to isinn at B.r fr'.' 'p:fr- ta cjct--uoc. ita t! pnpii,M , lBsan 'lum n Ea"0 Oroo, for a J e ! tbitk ttat Tter a Hat mi cr'tff htJ ther h -certainly t-. n raoT or" " :raan. not to ailTful at. ia mor ttaa oc J.-.ajen: cf the ?tat Tercant and to oca ma a Jay Boar Siaa com to tbe front ati4 try aad .-t a tcrijfi ' mr' id -'crtifek 'taat xa " Kid will ' p:af a&d five tto !a po:toaa of rptitittt to prk.j, 4 aua Meboa Lochei Dp By ' . rt 5iata Uaiw-4 male ao chfdsW atop fcfr bit laat BUtit Jt caas t a ttasdsiH la tt yarda. At ttit fir looa dropped off tb train ..4 Is ,n P rf-v-x nrrr.-d to make tbemaele, ccttfortaSia tot tt tiebt Orrw-r Gra and Cooka ao ropBwa mfn iit'a 'to ite'citT f2laoa. 'Mt dartre "" kaT !bm loot 5t tt?y t tempted lo turn a trick f tt profit. ' - . TAFT TO STAND PAT. . WASHINGTON. Jan. t'X tJ?jl. Predicttoo are ttat Preaident TaJt aril! atand by bia Portlaad appolatea Colweil and Malcolmand Jft the Sata rejecr tiem if tt dare. It la aaid that Taft wUJ in no wiae effect a . compromise itb Bourne and CbAta berlain. aad that be will not back. - down.' -' - . Pouring Prosperity Through a Puncture. Crer aee a drenken man trying to bottle with tie bottom brokea If a great waste, and It looka mighty aIy. Bat lra no mora foo'.lah and n more waatefol than for a aober man to ez- pact hia town to 03 op with people , aad bebbi orer with proaperity when h la eontlnaa::y "pouring hia doIU.-i ( i !-Jh wide worM ouuid. THBOCGH I THE MAIL ORDER HOLE In th bot tom B,, bomtf tow1L MORAL: Patronize bom Indastrlea WW IMKKACTlCAt LlNFft tdft . .www OF L'l ARC kiifir a a ai r Aur t.r,, learning, waldcw op to their Vnt I La I - L .1 . -.. .vii a we anaxcay uat WLU Let Vm hnTU W. .vrv im v -u'vuivusea ballot and INSIST UPON TUT- mux. y yor eiemao ' we HAVE NO TrK)UCHTaC-TH EY"' WE GET PROM ouTlmr ni i a MORXIKG EKTERrRlSE, SATTKPAV, JANiyiKY -21. They Would Not Speculate -Y rv-i-r.- tie W.B- 'ttwt .- 45 rrrv' r f shift t ' i 'ctx-?.; WW t i:. tiw i r j fli I ik.. (!. J nuk rfa1 kuovlml tfc - "ft I j tef M w frrii ' Jv -.No .,l nrirr ob J K"tn"7 - '"' i in fmil of ;'! J'x j irre,'- j vt It I ? B-' K'T I aad By "jlri fttw aaarr of wy for a" aiX. lit vhi'4 ir-r vo-t to ard rira If I r';a fau l" v:1 1 ttrv lt arou'dbl luI any liff.rrtH- j to L!ol f f d.Jo't aj--n f -' 1 (vu p sa ta nt ay wr-r drvD'. "A fvT ' djtfrhirr . mKI arrrU' a!b b'm. stf n a k tor J Ifc fv.!!y of th'.t.itng of Biarrifc m brti I bid Ott BraD t"t UfTI f toy a;f atoo aud fUt.1 t t Uo LcU b aud dry aay day o- fr a tuy Utti capital aaa ovx-rrnWl. J to ta fa to'aork au'l tttr a faltt trtfTaJl IT l"w"oia' fire aa boorat lato at mlfbl marry A. aftrr alL aJTWrSWof dHnr Tfcat ao rr aa 1 bad a doiUr la ;b vfU r pn' mp n-a a4 krt rcst ay matll it Ut t'cvt ) t t-oyiB in asam at a tliu lo aftrrsKKva afVr I bad bad o aorrra tay truLrr toid or Uiat I bad It'X) to my tmltt H aaw to:4 tbat Nobr rartflr vaa actJa Terr airaary oT- -ofe. ret It abort." aaM on fjb Ustavrra ' -Wbotf tb ela t up Too rra ta for a iiaodrrd ahatva aed Bad a W of nypy " ; "TTbo teJUn tbla atory T ak0 tb. "Too" . - - Wen. tbl abot"."op U'.! ttrocti. " : ..-Tbe atock araa 'abotit par. aol I mm A.. ).n w tn harw That ,.... Just before tbe atork went up t. a hundred and fifty. The nit rrro lag I wBt to ee niy girl and toiI b that f'bad made fifty j.-lni coNn'1b era rad9c. batttif a.fcl ut tbat af' poonl She aaid that my waa th only aeui'bl thing cooni-ted with th traactiB. When I left aer ab gar4 m a klaa-aod. calling m hark, gat me a letter t puat and-aootner ' --If I rmt t9 k. it mt-t at hi In made i aaid.. 'bow maty abail I get at hating made f itX""; r-Noo.' abe retried. "If ys eh.J.I make tbat you would b a!S th fur : ther from rfomitVon.' .: "l- west away-iaohiBg.--wl-w:rt aboold I meet tut Jim Atterbury. I told him of my r l forrane and aaV"! him to go and hate a tin! u-ier w'.'b m. II acrerted. anJ w went Into t restaurant. "ThlaTa a kTtwI of confewlow, t an;. poaavand I might aa well maket t w I'm OB tie aabje-f Wf drank 'aeterjl .; bottie of. w'.ae and I Nrame an:'-i. : tiooa to treat Jim royally. kin tr . aigbt bank. I caabed a check 1t t and" "Blew ft air la." aaid tb critic of tb story. , -Not aU f It A.pV-kr-ocket reivtet , m of what I didn't apend. I went ro bed at 9 o'clork and didn't wake up till S'ln tb afsenxioa. When I il I I went out to get aometfclilg to eat and bcylng a paper I aw la enormous i-t ter la a newtpaper tbat .N-ortbera ran 3c had begun to skip op about 10 o'clock ta tbe morning and bad closed at J with v bid. "Wasn't I diritl though? Tlad . 1 held on a day or two I wou'.d harr made a ami 11 fortune. And ba 1 tnougbt tbat out of tbe whole deal 1 hadn't left but tl I sat down and cried. Tea. I cried; for notwitntand lug tb prejudice of my girl and her i father aga!nt aperulating. 1 beliered a competence would bare helped me through with her. Punic my band ' la my porket ' I found tbe letter ahe i bad asked me. to post. I carried It In 1 my band till I came to a box and HPP1 t In. hoping that I wouldn't Ut to roofe 1 k5B, PtJ .h!': wa. a ,errib,e tlm. about Northern raclftc atork and tbe , next morning, true enough, tber were 4 aalea at 1000. In the erentng. pining for sympathy. I went to aee my girt ' I found ber la th alough of despond j I tried la rain to get out of ber what th matter bot failed. Finally ahe aaid something about tbe letter ahe had tlrea m th night before. I swore I bad put II to th but a few minute after I bad left lb boua Bhe waa too morn la th dumpa to wi i-a Vb SiaT. aW I l-TI. TWTIJ. -TVa. va. mamu. ..t a. " aaW-S U.y W V rgra tabooed m to come right I-ld ao and found her oaaclng about th room Uk a InaaOc Bbe came aad threw both anoa about ' Jl a amraoav' 'with a treat ha ad ahe ta tb beaker's aottc af aalc" " ft paya to feed th rolta grala. w maat to to- I sr. . . i T"T "0,t tb yard " aaartagly to ZTnon- tt them la sttoea. . 1 f Utatire. aad affect th kld- neya also. It I poawlbl U aereloa a colt tato a aoaad. awr1eabk bar tf k ts ke tied on a hard finor day ha aad day out throngh th wlatawA, MXllloaa of aoaada af wool ar ha porred aaauaJly t aapply u boaac deaaaad. Why aot crow tbla vooL-oa our art aotl aad keea tb aaoater la tha famDyT t Lidy Billpostr3, Miss Pmkhursf s Lecture Posters - . t , vv ;v A- - ' 'It la aot oaly the traditloaal aa.1 m.i ...t baat ic ataarat. aoaJ.nma ;nf V. ati?iaeftJj Vork. wber aa army St that aaagan.te aai:il tii ioe o-r vj armed to lb teeth with broabea aad !' V ThT leria aooKa or. I ay Sow. aaffl!Uted Nllpoatrra for lb lima. rto Tbcy worked wufwtfy. KMh la a UdyUka way. aftea-for tbre waaa'f a aiagl ha. kMta or fu Wbea tbey got throojh tbTrSaXi tb aad returned, a tfirW and ameami with rte. t lb hd.iuarterfi,nb Women a tA,rH f unlua tberw. ao they d tnB':Vo'"tl UBl..a. after all-at i 1-a.t Twenty alstb at feet, the itxtrvii mnry.i an d'.atlartly and dMlly Bburat.ed from ttrvj),") o d ia; la Ih .Bowery to KW1. Mrt r t;i Weat Thirty elibth atreet. frvm rlftb arena a aoorr t& WaaMngtoa h. lgMa ' rankburalnl. dH y.a ak Tea. . Ta rbrnin but deimulnl f. . f M! "ylU Taakburu ff"t!i anffrareM m'.ltaat. an M.lf.1 atvl 'l fuun.-inr lablr dietuaT tyi that Wla eanipalm la ba!f o tote for wmr a' Taakbarvt ta aa able Wturwr oo her r'-), SUNNY CAUFORNIA an a i nt aBawBa, mmmm a twm III ll MILIl I IML ; word hi tii in n iiiiii r- 111 II 111 I LJ I III H.f.nter .... w ,,. .. airura BAILEY WRITES HCMTa 0. P AND SCENE t ENBOUTE OM i aniiTwraty oaciric i tOUTHEWai pacific . - j - j if? v.. ' 5T1I Um AM Wn M viaka. wraiitw vn vur wnwvw n ; . - - - . . See Orchard a"dV"yr . Seer, and Tail aTMany Im prowTeta Making By tn Way. 'A- Editor En'erpris Cijy at 10 p m t n ,p rirvrrm tb l.h Of Iec emher I begaa-niy Journey to aauny TallforGia rayli(bl found aa at the teaut!M! l!t town of Roaeburg. Tbe CTMitstrt anxjnd Itoaeourg Is tery ro-jch. The prin-ipaj ind'jatrtea are 'aicsrg and rnrt.raislg. ' Aa I pas along aee p dltrbeu, with run ning water, ikifS I aoppoa la aaed for' Irrigation purpie. A tittl farth- er on w corn to a small raining town Tber do not mine her with pick' and hotel but ne water Ther call, it hydraulic mlniag The nett nUce we paa through ia a mall town, th iiaa of which 1 failed to Be At this place th sheriff from Kugene mad my ac quaintance, and e rode together for aitie time. Of course we began to U!k about Oregon and I think tbat I ronttnred him that Clack maa conn ty wa aa mod a any of them, aad that our Twllirht welrthorhood an the -best In t county. The little 'own of Merlin t our neat atop. Here 1 one of tbe f.;;et aatlejajn Southern Orogon. Etentblng looka fin and the fruit tree and green field mak It look ry pieaaaat lo th ey. Grants Paaa i'- not seem aa pro gress! re aa it tbouM but still sup "e it ha ft-ime charm yet. a a nwlr married rfaple boarded th train her. Of tbe Rcc-e Rlter Vailey can't aay too much- It la a bmad. rich aad rery productive talley. Prosperity la een on all std-. aad from tbe Jnoka of tbe young r rt hard, that aee being set out. It art only be a short Urn till It will rank first la fruit produc tion. WoodrlHe u la th center of this talley and he people of thla towa aeem to be happy and contented. Next ue cam to GoldhtlL Although I did not ae any gold lying' around I be lly If th town would Urea ap a little bit tbat gold wojJd b plentiful. Cen tral polar l a b n her prosperous town of the Rogue Rlter Valley. But oow we come to t.t greatest of all towns, a towa which I aad haa beea for yeara. tb "Mecra of Jb real estate mea lb Ideal toa of Med ford. Th peopl are trr aociable aad those having auto ai;i meet all trains and Uk th trareler for a spin thro tb country, or around orer th,e, city, or aay place b wanta to go Walla tb train waa stopping ber. I aaw some men blasting In an orchard, aad a be a I aaked what they wet doing I got lh reply that they wer blaaliag hot In th ground to net out fruit tree. Of course Med ford la O. K. bat I beliet thai they brag oa It a llttl too much Th last atop la Oregon la Aihland. Tbla imbi to b a "rery prosperous eountry. aad th people ar rery hos pitable. Leaving Aablaad w go ap a very steep grade aad I thought that I was rtc o hate to get off aad walk but at f aa!ly got to tbe top all O. K. ar now at tb top of th Blsktyou Moaatala aad raa look out over th broad valley, aad raa sea farms and firm boas i a tcauayrabl. Alao la th ataaro aa aee a aanall riltery thread wead ag Its way toward tb aeo. Thl la tha fuw Hirer. As we step off of tb trala here, to get a breath of fresh air. w ar aset by a crowd f boy aad girls wbo lava as to awjowbaO. Of course aw aerepted ibHr taritatk. aad waa sorry fir tt. as w bad t ro truat leto tb cara. aevnbeV w a3 tb freak air aa wtuted. W ar aow about frsar tboaaaad foet abaw aeavl vai. aad tb staaos- IP I Brigade Posts erwad axlitoe who aaa tba Ud1 ma'am: aot at all. ra)ouraaltatW-. or Jara JgttT"-P? - J larf It a her Amrw ja n. m f We vase tkraj rherw i trry braclna aeteral tuBOel. tb kift being atjl oe and a quarter mile bmg. Now faie lo a larga aprtag. cofn- ng cut i-f the aide of the BMmBiaia cannot d--a-rlte tbe beaatlfnl ry anmnd tbla plscs. A HUM OB aad we com la a baullful tlttie tuaa Tbla la hhaata tlprMica the firmm-nlo rlter kaa Ita beading bre Trota here ftitlow tb wind ... tUr the-capital of Callforau-iac. ramratu. It Is a tery wllaa tnmft . M tnrprttr4 br, Utt Bj t) JiBjr j. fff f,. , wa iVrtag tm ai-m li wa pa throatb aome trry l-el "rw1Bt r-Btry aBd "tiaperity- ran b -n ne nrrr band Tnia la a j great country fr grape, aad la j yarda are plentlfsL Pasatng an thro tbla country w c,tne to a deaert coon- try. where nothing, grow bill sale brush There la nothing to are her A far aa tbe ete Can tratel there la nothing; hut aaad and aagedruab. Now we rmirh the f.wl MI', again and lkra at tttt it find oaraeltea In lh heu rtfnf fltrff t-A5f eieaTTal" Thia la ' terr . propeftua looking Iowa and i DO' 'wT 'h moneted claaa of people ran ute n're oing anaia rrora lx 1 Acrrle we arrlt at Pasadena. Pa Jdena aland ra a gratel-ter and has j mruntain uav the north and eaat of It. tt la a fine place for It summer low Mat. and any wbo are tck. a lh sua i hlne the year around, and flower j are neter known to qu'ie-wwtomlng II I a tery quaint old Iowa, bating beea I '" ra ana yeara ago ny a race ' '"ttnci. Thl la th end of our ! h-nrney and I will aay a few more ,'"rd Th P"pl here ar tery rartlcular aa to wbo Ihey aiak to. Inatead of aatng the lime of day. like white folk do, when they meet on lh aldewalk. Ihey go on by Ilk they neter aaw you I could hat "writ ten more-aad ta better style but I was so tlekl'-d to get hi.roe again ,h"t ' ,u t ot." Tour J Hk'iul a struggle.. O P BAItjrr. Stuffing the colt altk hay or atraw or any coara feed will apoil Ha looka Keep thla ratkm down by th uv of ome grata and lea coarse 14 The coat of twenty or thirty baab- eia or oata fed to the colt durtag Ik amter am be worth more tkaa talc a much in Ita growth and deteb.p ment Lop off the ration of all kinds wbea th horse ar doing llttl or nothing They ar too muck Uk a man to stand heavy feed while lying still. Leaking Par a Backae. At tb Cabinet Meetlng-Nortoa. what does that Mhwoortaa oat tber want "He bat a patent for Uklag tb porker out f perstmmoca." Tb Harvwati i fen pep. beu doea a aaaa get I rip 4d agar . -Wbea be b1n ta fan off. Nar kegoo-" The Bank of OregonCity Gives Itsitustomers genuine servlict and its increased business and growth shows that such service Is appreciated THE OLDEST BANK IN THE' COUNTY fORUH OF JHE PEOPLE ? L9Kj gg ELECTRIC THEAF n. ii. i . i . . m k ft h" i'r a oh law W'W " " " 4.ra a niwa-i-w r,.J"iut Mvat trnt fmi mt4 " , tf-alluai' WieaiM, tM 0t' SkMa Kdil.r KBirprtae TKer r aol a few people who bat tteu erial. Ir Intereatvd la lb tra of lb I'll I dllj. Th Muming ICaterprtM " Il la u( liriiDM you pniple at printing II. ,ut It la because th dawlre of thee twi! thai we hat a dallr puallahed la Otrgun rtt Vuu are lo be gttea rncurai-jrBt avnl-thal you at jrU, tut that lu bat uadertakea' lh Work hew-rter larked lb Be-- Thrae frotie. tbetafofe. are walrh lag a your aureaa And I mjae-lf am watrblBg the adxrtlaibg column of the paper to ar who do aoJ who do tx patrtW yim A"4 la that cuanertiuu 1 alce rwrtala pH l ara ctl tulT alaetil aad "ahall ctMiiinu lo a walrh . Tb thn aM-tn to b rip for a dallf paper her We rwrwttBlr thai Vf Jl ia W aworwed you aonal bat aa tfMlalBg "Now we bate a faint Idea aa 10 bo should patrvnl trU aad are watrhlBg lo If Ihey do. Aad when lh rase dhfta to a pttlal thai mea caatfil afford to adtertla at horn but o Poetised pa per a with half 4h rircuUim-a. aad are mea ho ar at all ll-tae quarreUng with pwop1 who ao to purtta4 to trad. thea do tbe offraa berwm mrtr flagTSBt. ' J hat bo quarrel with a aaaa who adtertla la purtlaad papwre If he flratadtarUa at horn. Aad lb fact thai the karat paper has a largwr sal jors fx prejudwe nu la atroagly, Uut to l(txr tb tral atr thai I 1 atawHrag f-W tbw arraTf iwrrfiitfai and boaioeaa mea and laming to th . . ..puoa tHiMiraikta""! putting It up t' atrg If tbla la ccatlawe4At ahall lak a hand la Icwor Ing mtaeff I aad certain friende I hat talked wl'k want you to eocrwed. and wa ar no giag to forget thuae who aid you ia dolag so A I hat aaid beforw. tt la mtA thai w rare e pvclatly for you but thai you ar tb people who hat wadertakea to glr aa a dally aad It I ap to aa to aupport lh'ooea wbo wilt do tb work that a want doosv. ta tb word of tfc Haaday arhyiwd conteatloa "Ceep raa Kewplsg; ( Ma" were with you aad will b with tboa who help you to get established A Bttad "." Editor Enterprise: Met a a Kx one. ' Oae i4 tbe would t biauleea uf It city aay he rktt gal Iwtr a Orarb for hia money In taking a Vrilaad paprr ttaa he ran tf b lake your Wbal a the uaa of trying 10 IxXiat btaaitera who raa't ara that you ar raHr the-oftiy-seer-bey k' - An1Hr Ma Wanta Law Par. Kdltor Enterprise' Where aaa your kbker'a column thia morning, I mlaaed II? Hat all th folk a got ttrrd PraMtg that la lh raa I a III try to ae what I hate lo kirk abmil I noted that the Commercial Club bad al on tint .alarted a mot fr a cheaper rat lo Portland, and thai certain merrhanta mad a holler ba caua of it. doat think peoil would go lo Portland oftener at a cheap rate, aa far at trading; gAea. thaa oa a high rat. And Juat atop aad think boa many dollar would t sated a day at tea centa thaa aa now. put that thrnugh tb hand of uur merrh anta and what would It mean Merrhanta. get me cheap far: you get all ray money anyway and If 1 bad a few dollar more you'd get 11 KICKER. Public Lavatorit Navded. Now that th a el aad dry contro versy ha been nettled for two yeara no on la likely to b offended If CTitl rlam la had of lh dry aad their lack of perception. Though voting tor dry eoaaithio my eysu ar open to lb facl tbat I here ar other thing ba aidea a dry town necessary if a ar to enjoy tb full measure of bappiaa Tb aalooa provide oa measure of convenience that th drya ahould al one plaa lo fill If th saloons ar to b voted out. I am peaking of lava lory contenleacea. Oregon City abould hat nubile lara- inne; the real room for women part' ly ana vera tk pornoae for tb ladles, but wbal of lh mea one th saloona ar closed? f , Portland haa no public lavatories aad few town in tb stale have, but It doe aot follow that wa should try to do without tbem. Aad If tb arys intend to rontiaae tb agltaibMi for dry towaa and counties they abould begin at thl early day to plaa for eon tenlencca for lh public at lane which the closing of tb saloona will rut off. It does not follow that wa abould continue tb saloon for at perpetaa iloa of that convenience, but let a get nuy aad provMo that eonvenleac ahtl wa ar planning for what w niwv it m i better condition that la coming If. w ar really la earnest la our efforia to aav mea la it not a la to prortd con yen ten ce so that h shall aot b aeceaaary for tbem lo eater tbe aaloona oa aay preteit whatever? DRTITK. Wania Canoanah Read Ralad-" Editor Eaterprt: laa t It about time thai tb street near th Hawley paptr miU was raised tn s sat. u..i " high water cornea dowa f" Th ralaing of the dam at ta '-r isaaia make tb road to Ca nemah Impaaaable wbea ihrera i. . high aiaga of water. This waa aot eo until that added height waa put oa th Uwr Basle. Why .a t lh n4mtJ raised lo make matter ayenf I have ao kirk aralnat .v. - . . ' "t a gone or the mills ut the mill men are permit id' lo raiaa lb walla .s... VV"'? v- . uir Deo en I why do (bey aot la turn rai. .w" retfoTourbeontt Th. M-al WBO ImMlAflt .!. k. -a " do what ihl. 1.T . Should king, tbat Ihey mrrr.?1 htft f AFTERNOON FVpv Ml I IM II ' "H J WISE DRUGGIST Isle I a ft aay aa ibr auk. J aad acted br lh rruuuM Dtosraph Acton Alao a Ha cowboy pl.tur mrl If TAMING THE TERRc full cf ictaaeni and fl ugt t& 3rd Mrf. DoTrrs IW J A Iwama ' f wkt tf,tt? Tby ar gitiihrr out uf it la wtrraat i b tpeatc a will aot quarrel sgawi tbtaV' la lh staam aad the ruai t doat lh paopl bo bht kbff without aa hating to kirk al al' W. Il ITOttJ- j ' "" . &: Mr iMy Leaer Nat J. Kdltor Ealerprtaa ltir.l time Ikat Cuuacll tk unUt aa. r ratiVaa la Widening t f tb aalrax ruBBing akwg tb aid -f ta n 1 oa lb road to Caaeaoik Thtf. enf walk aad atrwat ara wwrlkg' - row for coca fort aad aaft. v. aM a -aldralag raa oaly eoana thraasl aider aiwi and -agMatvno n r f v Not ibat tt I aeceaaary Iflf Tag mea lo lay aaake atgkt oil schema fw aWag Ihl I It la am o tmparaliv aa at Put aa I he aaulallAa of aaeat. r fa aaaa. and aa th inm al atraet grow, there ta as ka-aj aead for a wider atrwet afcl k aalka And aa It wttl late aa to get them a Wdlt ki be" about lima tbarTiwtw-ir at i f atraet aulbortliea war p).ttDtffr bow tbi I to b la thai ; fa'ura l It la aoa too aaf I'-r rant : nana p aad dowa thla ttraait. aay lo arbnril aad to tb ctif ha . There I pU-nty of ronm taaa) frw feet la aldth froaa Iks Lew Ij la, -with Httla etpeas to ' ll'tl Lata to lb paper mUbaafti a.4 plaa for thha laircot ' f klahtima M wa bet eg r "", lhal ahep I he lima of eoa lh preliminary atepa asay taken aad tb wwk b sul taah ' " . rONO f ATI-i be at Ssaif rvitb-tlna t doaea Go lo Harreet'n foe thai hot K nrav la LeolS. 1 MlwM. I CORRESPONDFM r I - MARQUAM Tb first eeow of lb tk aik Af Jaansrv- bat tha atari cam th lth aad th anoe left now wa ar having "old weather agale Tb an .ur lacbe deep. J C. Ntrbolau) aad wife, oi aj In ronatr. have beea thutai relailve aad frtoads for lb aaal Our new lelepboo oirscn aad Mr Hack ley. aad daaght doing fin for thetr practlc. Th young people aad a PJ. ahlls tb aaow aad tr lti had ao oreeairaa lo call a er. If they did have aome aarre canea.. Theea ta a mat deal of SsCkast and around our lowa. With thtn er getting- warmer their basia aona Imnrovo. Andrew Beat ley. Of Osk 0T ataylng with bta paroata. HI Q. W. fkeetley. who bat VsslJ akrk but at thl writlag J Mr HarrJngioaw a eldartf n of tbla ptc. la very to Beet Jap rice S a pound at Pj rraah canasae aad ConlrO Duna't. Mala atraet. r re, PLEASE. NOTICE. To Introduce Tb si' Eaterprt lato a lrg "i Ity of tb bom la OrwF City aad Clackamas roast p aaanagmet kaa a04 mak a a pec 11 prV dally kaaao. for a short o oaly. wker tb abaertbaf F, m im tm mmwrnw-m. a- By cbttW. paid advaac. UoO. . j' By aaalL paid a year "i a year la adraace. miim a a.t People who (y of ser a trial nbscrtptloa or more aanatha, at lea c", weak, cae 4af erod for a year for U", paylBf a yr la sdvanc 1 People wko gave our ess see a trial euharrlptloa. mall, for four gooeths at Ur. may have tbe Pp , year for 100. If paid a V , advance. . Sabacrlbera to th Entarpris may chant, aubacrlptloos to th eolvirt credit for hf , tb dally that the raid la advance. boooe to add cash to ' raace payment ol t0 'I year's adraace P"Tn,e8,,wi may uke ad van tag a of rat. W make thla speeUl I ao that people who . 1 la advaaoa oa some otber and wlah to tak lh Enterprise, may do so too groat expense.