Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1910)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1910. The Kind You Have Always ia use for over 30 years, and S-f r (tonal supervision since Us Iittnitoy. -U4cJu&i Allow no one to deceive you lu tills. All Counterfeits, Imitations mid" Jnst-ns-pood"Hro but Experiments that tritlo with and endanger tlio health of Infanta and ChUdrcn-Exnerteueo njjnlust Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorlit Is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Paro frorlc, Drops and Soothlixjr Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms , and allays Feverishness. It cures Dinrrhwa and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the I The Kind You Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC CCMTtun NiHIV, TT gUT fJTWT, W . NEWS OP THE COUNTY j .WILSONVILLE. Mary Brobst spent Easter vacation at home with her parents. Doris Younp and Raymond Seely, who are attending college at Corrallls have been spending a few days at home In our village, returning Mon day. The Stangles refused $39,900 for their farm last week, realizing that property on the river front Is Just be ginning to take a raise. Portland real estate men were in Wilsonville and vicinity on Thursday, doing business for the firm of Lang & Co. Mri. Stallncher went to Portland on Saturday to visit for a few days with Mr. and M"". Stallncher. Mrs. Reed Graham went to Port land on Wednesday, returning Satur day. Geo. Jemlson. who is in the car penter's business in Portland, spent Easter Sunday at home with his par ents. Mr. Kelso, our local game warden, spent Thursday in Sherwood. Mrs. Woods has been visiting rela tives and friends In the Corral Creek district. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Baker spent a few days at the home of Mr. Baker's parents. Sir. and Mrs. Allison Baker, last week. Wilsonville's public school teacher, Mr. Bethune, is taking an active part In boosting for a High school. Darby's window full of fishing tack le is very attractive, and the small boys are saving all their nickels ac cordingly. Pearl Baker, who has been 111 for some time is slowly improving. The Methodist Easter services and Sunday school exercises were an hon or to the denomination, that has been urganized for so short a time. Our depot grounds are being cared for by our enterprising Btation agent, Mr. Mallory. and are destined to be a credit to our village, while he has the management of them. Sydney Baker has taken up a home, stead adjoining Ben Brown's claim, 35 miles from Klamath Falls, and now we all wonder If Sydney is planning to get married. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Sumner and daughter, of Damascus, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. Sumner, and have bought forty acres of land in the Ap ple Dale tract from Mr. Butson, and will move to Wllsonville in the fall. Why don't we organize a Booster Club In Wllsonville, as there are abso lutely no knockers that count, a boost er club ought to take well In our vil lage. Professor T. Gary, the County Sup erintendent of schools, was in Wllson ville Saturday, attending the school officer's meeting In the morning, and Dr. Homan's lecture in the afternoon. Mr. Gary was called upon for remarks after the lecture, and gave some very splendid and helpful suggestions on , the lines of school work. Mr. McBrlde, of Portland, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Butson on Saturday and Sunday. Miss Pearl Bailey spent the Easter vacation at her home In Sherwood. Mrs. Marlon Young returned from Portland Wednesday, where she had been visiting relatives for a few days. Buyers from Woodlawn bought 20 acres in Apple Dale last week, through the agency of Mr. Butson. Why don't you give Chas. Ridder A Clean Man Outside cleanliness it lets thin half the battle. A man may scrub himself a dozen timet day, and itill be unclean. Good health ineana cleanliness not only outside, but inside. It means clean stomach, clean bowels, clean blood, a clean liver, and ne, clean, healthy tissues. The man who is clean in this way will look il and act it. He will work with energy and think clean, clear, healthy thoughts. He will never be troubled with liver-, lung, stomach or blood disorders. Dyspepsia and indigestion originate in unclean stom achs. Blood diseases are found where there is unclean blood. Consumption and bronchitis mean unclean lungs. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery 'V, prevents these diseases. It makes a man's insides clean ,v .i- and healthy. It cleans the digestive organs, makes pure, ,r' clean blood, and clean, healthy flesh. It restore tone to the nervont system, and cures nervous exbaustiaa (ad prostration. It contains no alcohol or habit-forming drugs. Constipation is thai most unclean uncleanliness. Dr Pierce's Pleasant Pel lets cure it. They never gripe. Easy to take as eandr. Bought, nnd w hich has been luw borno the etfrnnturo of lias been mado under Ins por- Signature of your order foT the Enterprise? No mat ter how many city papers you take, be progressive enough to take a Coun ty paper also, and why not take the one in which our village items appear each week? Peters & Aden. In their usual pro gressive style are placing a large or der for Spring dress goods, with the leading firms with which they do busi ness, and will soon have their goods cn exhibition. Dr. Homan's lecture on Saturday, last, in the A. O. U. W. hall was a rare treat in every respect, and well repaid the busy farmers who laid away the plough and the harrow on a beautiful day to enjoy this "feast of reason and flow of soul." Dr. Homan spoke of the need of good schools and good churches in any progressive community, and intermingled his re marks with splendid jokes in a happy style, which made his address very entertaining and inspiring. If you have sore eyes of any kind use Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve. It is Is good for nothing but the eyes. It is painless and harmless, and Is positively the best. If you don't say so we will refund your money. Try it and then tell your neighbors. Sold everywhere. 25c a tube. MARQUAM. Our town looks like a city with those large telephone poles and cross arms. Harry Hlbbird, the new telephone operator, took charge of his office a few days ago. F. M. Swift and wife went to Port land Saturday to be gone a week. We hope there will be something doing soon. 1 The chief engineer of the F. M. Swift railroad was suddenly called to Seattle to see his mother, who is dan gerously sick. It is reported it will take one more ' week to finish up their railroad maps j and then listen for the mountains to roar and the earth to quake. I The Easter programme was a grand ! success at the M. E. church, March I 27. with a large crowd. Several came from Scott's Mills, Monitor, Gladtid- ings, and Woodburn. Wm. Mortonson and family were over from Woodburn to attend Easter services In their auto, and shaking hands with old friends. Mr. Morton- son is a retired sawmill man. Mr. Loonle has bought some prop erty in Woodburn. Jack Jones was working up Rev. Maye's garden with his sage rats as he calls them. It's The World's Best. No one has ever made a salve, olnt ment or balm to compare with Buck len's Arnica Salve. It's the one per fect healer of Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sores, Scalds, Boils, Ulcers, Eczema, Salt Rheum. For Sore Eyes, Cold Sores, Chapped Hands, or Sprains, it's supreme. Infallible for Piles. Only 50c at Jones Drug Co. COLTON. Spring seeding will soon be some thing of the past. Some garden has been made already. Carl Stromgreen has been busy plowing for Mr. Peterson and Eng strnm. Mr. Lindstrum and family have been moving to (ho Anderson place last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. llonney and daughter, Myrl, spout Hauler Sunday with tholr daughter, and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Kd Hall St Wg HI", "ear Molalla. Alfred llorgluiul and Karneat Vnl Ion. who are attending school t Cor vallls, wore homo on a short vaca tion. Miss Edith rtnekner, of Portland, is out visiting friends and relatlvei at Col ton for a few days. I". S. lMx was hauling shingles from the Coltot) slilnglo mill for Mr. Dam olson last week. Mr. ami Mrs. p. K. Honnoy were vis iting with Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips last Sunday. Charlie Freeman, who U working at SniHlgrass' shlnglo mill at Mulltio. was homo Sunday. Mrs, Shornble was the guest of Mrs1 Putt last Sunday. Mr. Itorglund was butchering hogs last Thursday. Miss Jonlo llargravos. of Portland, who had boon visiting friends here at Colton, left for her homo last wook. W. K, Donnoy had the misfortune of losing a cow. ,' Joe Wallace and wife, of Highland, were visiting In the hills last Sun day. J. Putt purchased a horse from Mr. Schlowe for $100. Mrs. F. Sherruble, who had boon visiting at Clarkes for about n week, returned to hor home at Portland last Wednesday. Dr. Morey, the horso dentist, was at Colton Saturday and Sunday. John Phillips and family Intend to leave for Eastern Oregon soou. The board of dim-tors of district No. "2. hired Miss Fredehorg Hult for another three months' term. Mrs. J. A. and Mrs. C. Stromgroen attended the. Swedish Missionary meeting Monday. Mrs. E. Pix and son, V. S.. and Mr. and Mrs. Mallet and children, were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Hit's last Sunday. Glen Hunter the trapper. Is seen on our streets again. Mr. and Mrs. Dahlstmm and family, moved to the Stwert place last week. I. O. Dlx has been busy chopping grain for several of the neighbors last week. C. Arguett and wife, left Colton on Tuesday. For All Skin Diseases Dr. Bell'a Antiseptic Salve Is the best It is a creamy snow white ointment pleasant to use and every box Is guar anteed. Price 25c. At all dealers. CLARKES. Grandpa Larklns Is on the felck list. Otto Elmer came home last Wed nesday for a visit and left Monday. Mr. Wettlaufer and family went to town last Saturday. Mr. Mudgeft. from Highland, has pneumonia, and he Is very ill. Mrs. Annie Marshall Is on the sick list. Edna Elmer has yellow jaundice. A. Durst is Intending to move down to the Tnlon Mills. Ed Buol and John Marshall were working for Sam Elmer last week. Mrs. Scherruble. from Portland, was out to visit her son, Alex. Every family and especially those who reside In the country should be provided at all times with a bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment. There Is no telling when It may be wanted In case of an accident or emergency. It is most excellent In all cases of rheu matism, sprains and bruises. Sold by all dealers. MACKSBURG. Franz Kraxberger is suffering from a severe case of tousllltls. J. W. Smith has sold his buckskin horse to Frank Kllnger. The1 baseball team held a lively practice Sunday. After an hour's practice in batting and base throwing the team lined up against the school boys, for a game. The big fellows proved too much for the "kids" and the game ended with the score two to one in favor of the regulars. The Macksburg team Is to play the swift aggregation from the Cabbage Road, for a keg of sauer-kraut, on their first open date. The lecture and school entertain ment Saturday night was a big suc cess. Scramlln's Hall was well filled by an enthusiastic and appreciative audience. Professor Alderman's address was well received. He Bald In part: "The Ideal condition of the family Is where the boy regards his father as his chum. A father who has no thought for his boy except how much work he can get out of him, is a chump. The parent who goes to the opposite extreme and brings up his children without any work or respon sibility, comes In for an equally scath ing rebuke." The complete programme follows: Song, "America," School Chorus; "When My Ship Comes In," Lydla Kummer; "Me and pies," Frank Crib ble; "Puss and the Telephone," Earl Harms; Song, "The Chestnut Boys," Primary Class; Accordeon Solo, Her mann Harms; "Mother Goose Med ley," Walburga Kraxburger; "Lecdle Tawcob Strauss," Henry Schwan zara; Vocal Solo, Died Harms; "Laugh It Off," Hilda Barth; "Wind In' In My Kite," Georgie Luebbens; "Lincoln's Gettysburg Address," Ru- fus Kraxberger; Song, "Upldee," the school chorus; "The Three Bills of Glasgow," Sammy Grlbble; "Little Brown Handy," Frieda Kraxberger; "Casey at the Bat," Marshall Scram- lln; "Lord Ullln's Daughter," Iyfla Belle Smith; Address by Prof. L. R. Alderman, of the University of Ore gon; "Good Night Song," School Chorus. ' Tell Your Neighbors When in need of a cough medicine to use Dr. Bell's Plne-Tar-Honey. It is the best. Look for the bell on the bottle. SUNNYSIDE AND ROCK CREEK. Married, at the bride's home, on Saturday, March 20th at noon, MIssJ Alma Sonerberg and Harry f eathers. A few relatives and friends were pres ent. A Lutheran minister from Port land performed the ceremony. The couple was well respected In the neighborhood, and our best wishes are for their success and happiness. The young folks gave them a charavorl on Sunday evening In their honor. Sunday wag a fine Easter and the speaking and singing at Sunnyslde churches were well conducted. Miss Carrie Fredolph, Miss Bertha Reed and Miss Hazel Conklln, of Sun nyslde, visited Mr. and Mrs. O. Bevan, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Portress, of Portland, were visiting her brothers, Messrs. VOWFJjj SLICKERS WAIP Woll W and they kecD you dry while you are wearing them EVEHYWME-RC AJTbWFB Co. POSTOHUSA. TOWM CAMMXtN CO. uxitto., Can. Dick and Aleck llnnlof Inst week. Mrs. Ueorgo J.'huson Is sick In bod at the present writing, hut hope sli will soon bo bettor. Mrs. Lillian Humor, Mrs. Donley and Mrs. Herlha IVardorff wore vis iting yesterdiv iIh M- Chas. Hun ter. Mr. Hun:er Is putting up his now house. Mr. Geo. Ellis" and llurton IVar dorff nro plowing and sowing for Pick Hunter, Roy Johnson wus hording his little ducks the other day and they look tine. Anmnher of farmer are spraying tholr orchard and everyone is busy this beautiful weather. Kills A Murderer. A merciless murderer Is Appendicitis with many victims. But Dr. Klng't New Life rills kilt It by prevention. They gently -stimulate stomach, Ivor and bowels', preventing that clogging that Invites pimhIIcIiI, curing Con stipation, Headache. Itllllousnoss, Chills. 25c at Jones Drug Co. KANSAS CITY AND BEUNA VISTA. Mr. and Mrs. Mulvaney, of CorvnU lis, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. January. Miss Alma Vondeoahe, who has boon seriously 111 with Pneumonia and the scarlet fever, is now able to get out. Dr. Stuart was hurriedly called here on Thursday to attend Mrs. Mulvaney. who was Btrloken with heart trouble. Mrs. Mageo. who has been visiting Mrs. Hatiard for the past three weeks returned to her home In Nevada Mon. dav Inst. Oxfords for I-adles, Men and Child ren at reduced prices. J. lvltt. Diarrhoea should be cured without loss of time and by a medicine which like Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy not only cures promptly but produces no unpleasant after effects. It never falls and Is pleasant and safe to take. Sold by all dealers. MOUNTAIN VIEW. Improvements still go on. Mr. Nelzger is giving his house on Division street a new coat of paint. .John nnrllnr and son are clearing the rubbish from the place on Pleas ant avenue. There they will plant garden. As soon as the weather settles and there s no more frost the Mountain View church Is to be painted. Tho Job will probably bo let to the lowest bid der. Mrs. Charles Albright and Mrs. Thall Nelson were guests of Mrs. Minnie Albright last Friday. Mr. George Olllet, of Wllmore, Kan sas, arrived here last week. He had not' seen bla brother, John, for 30 years. Ernest Elliott has an automobile. They took a ride to Canby last week. Ceoree Ely was In this berg Tues day with his new motor car. Mr Klilrter and fam lv. lately from Mllwaukle. were guests of W. D. Hamm and family, Saturday and Sun day. fr. rnlavan Is Imnrovlng but Is not yet able to resume his school at Maple I-ne. Miss Promise Phillips Is on the sick list this week. Miss Lillian Glllett has left school on account of weak eyes, and Is now rusticating In the country. J. W. Harrington sold his residence last wek and given possession. The old settlers are fast moving away. Death of Bertha May. Died. March 25th, 1910, Miss Bertha May, aed 26 years, 8 months. She leaves hr aged parents, Mr. and Mrs. May, and four brothers and six sis ters, namely: Henry. Ed, Inils and Oscar, Mrs. Ella Nicholson and Mrs. Jennie Miller, of Idaho, Mrs. Anita Lalsner. of Portland. Mrs. Olive Exon, of Dover, Oregon, Mrs. Dora Williams, and Mrs. Ida Cooper, of Oregon City, besides a host of relatives and friends to mourn her Joss. The funeral ser vices were held at the fnmlly home Sunday afternoon, Rev. Hayworth, of the Baptist church officiating. Inter ment was In the Mountain View ceme tery. The ,pall hearers were Messrs. Louis Conklln, Leo. Burden, Pearl Belby. Millard Oillett, George Ott, and Ray Welsh. The floral offerings were many and very beautiful. The regular meeting of the Moun tain Vl' w Booster Club was held on Tuesday evening at Brandt's hall. The president, C. B. Hysom, being absent, the meeting was called to order by the vice-president, J. Lewellon, and ordor of business transacted. At re cess. l names were added to the roll, making a total of 79 members. A fine programme vm rendered. The sneak ers of 'he evening were Messrs. Fran cis Gorliett, J. Lcwellen, Kuppenben der and Powell. Ther was no Sunday school at. the Mountain View church Sunday, as all attended the funeral of Miss Bertha May. There will be services at the Moun tain View church next Sunday even- Painless D entistry jm. t "aaliaii n ' ' Oot Of toWtl DtOpI rs. via urnigewor nn UhM la ryi day If DMwMrr. Wwillfty0tJ I M004 22k gold or porcelain crown tor S3. 50 Molar Crown, 5.00 22k BrldffiTeilh 3.50 Gold Filling- l.UU 4 7 Erumtl Fillinn l.UU 8ilvr Fillmgl .50 A X . v lnl.y Filling, Z.&U ' K I 4joo4 Htiibtr tl Ttiaj UTiMWtt m mntat Piinltll Etr1ton e5Q WORK GUARANTIED FOR IS YEARS Pain I am Js traction re when jilateMor brllie work Morird, Oonaultation Free. Vim can run gut turtle MtnlfHM work dona aDrwhrtrn. All work ffiillr eriinrw aiitwid. Modern alrto equipmaat, Hmt mntbodj. Wise Dental Co. THiao lua. Bra. PORTLAND, OREGON OrUS B0BM1 a. aU la 1 1. H. tubjrt, I u L IT J lug nt 7:30, and all next week. The ministers from the other churobos of the city , will bo prwumi to assist Itov, llyaom In llio work. A largo attend' unco Is earnestly desired. Hoostor pay bargains In Children's Jackets at J. Levitt's. Your tongue Is coated, Your breath. Is foul. Headaches route and go. Thoan symptoms show that your stomach Is the trouble. To remove the cause Is the II rut thing, and ("hum borlnln's Stomach and Liver Tablets will do that. Ensy to take'nnd most effective. Hold by all dealers, CLARKES. Miss Lillian Gillette of Oregon City, Is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs.' Imi Saner. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Uullunl and family, spent Easter at the Wallace home. , William Mueller, who was kicked by a horse some time ngo, Is getting some bettor though still weak, George Klrbysou has gone down the river to work for the Summer. T. S. Sagor, Mr. lm Sagor and wife, also Miss Lillian Gillette worn callers at the Stark heme Sunday afternoon. Several from bore witnessed the ball game nt Millnt Sunday. Mr. MoMurron and son, wore cat fishing Sunday. Had fisherman's luck as usual, I suppose. BRONCHIAL TUBES ALL STUFF ED UP. "While a resident of Washington, D. C I suffered continually and In tensely with a bronchial trouble that was simply terrible to omlure. I would have spoilt that I could hardly breathe, I would, choke up, fill up In my throat and bronchial tubes, and the doctoring that I did and the rem edies used were of no benefit m me whatever, I heard about Booth's lfy oinel being so beneficial In catarrhal and bronchial affections and procured an outfit. I received relief from the first by its use. I continued with It and received a cure. It Is about two years since I have suffered with my former trouble Mrs. R. L Panned, 04 N. Augusta Street. Staunton, Va., March 2ti. 1900. Hyomel Is guaranteed by Huntley Pros. Co. to cure cntarrh, croup, bron chitis, coughs, colds and sore throat or your money bark. A complete Hyomel (pronounced Hlgh-o-mo) cutnt costs 11.00 at drug gists everywhere. This Includes a hard rubber pocket Inhaler and bottle of Hyomel; extra bottles Hyomel cost 50c. BEE HIVES omicr prom rAcronr Made from Oregon Odar Prim Mo4raW Wt bIm aukt I'oolltr Mhlpplaa Cms Prira IUI ant oa rvqavat WILLIAMS BROS.. Mro. Lints. One T ANT ALU A NEW ELECTRIC LAMP MORE ECONOMICAL THAN any carbon filament lamp. CHEAPER and MORE STURDY than the TUNGSTEN can be used in KEY SOCKET Portland Railway Light & Power Company 147 SEVENTH STREET 1 ft; W s V I - tl r iii i ? r YOUR BOILER May try to assert Its Independence and explode Just to celebrate the Glorious Fourth. If you would avoid such trouble, let us keep all your PLUMBING In good repair, ' Our work la unsur passed, 1 P. C. GADKE Tinning. Hot Air Furnaces anf Hop Pipes.. All Kinds of Job blng and Spraying Material. -814 Main St. Phone 2054. OREGON CITY. REOLAND. Ilethol Presbyterian Church was very bountifully decorated 011 Easier Sun. day and a long and very IntorostltiK programme was rendered by the child ren and young people of the Sunday school. It was much appreciated and enjoyed by all. The manner In which the children marched and sang and recited showed there had boon very efficient training done by the commit tee in charge. WEAK. WEARY WOMEN. Learn the Causa of Dally Woes and End Them. When tho back acnes and throbs, When housework Is torture. When night brings no rest nor sloop. When urinary disorders sot In. Women' lot la a weary one. There la a way to escape those wttea, lean's Kidney pills cure such Ills. Have cured thousands. Itond this woman's testimony. Mrs. Mnry Iliuugarduer. Highland Ave., Fairgrounds. Ore., says: "I have used Donu'R Kidney pills and have de rived grout benefit, I consider this remedy to bo an excellent one for kidney trouble." For sale by all dealer. Price GOc. Foster Mllburn Co., Huffslo, New York sole agents for tho I'ultod Slates, Remember the name lVinn's and take no other. MEN AND WOMEN WANTED. The Government Pays Railway Mall Clerks $900 to 81200, and Other s Employees Up to 12300 Annually. I'nclo 8am will hold examination throughout thn country for Railway Mall Clerks. Custom House Clerks. Stenograph'-, Bookkeepers, Depart mental Clerks and other Government Positions. Thousands of appointments will ho made. Any man or woman over 18, In City or Country, ran got Instruction and free Information by writing at onca to the Hurenu of In struction. 15fi8 Hamlin Building. Rochester, N. Y. TIME CARD. ' 0. W. P. DIVISION Betwten Portland and Oregon City. V.oav '"Ai'rivy T I'avn Arrlv 3' 7 "T la K K ha s a fit) 3 S j 1 J 13 l3o3a 5 s TTini bTi oTiU fi.'io I ' 6.4ftT o.Vtf" 8.30 7.2J 7.30 0.110 0.20 7. SO 7.00 7.52 300 ti.50 067 7.M) 7.:i0 Ti 8.30 7.30 7.37 K.II0 8.00 8 63 0.01) 8.00 107 B00 8 30 V.i3 0.10 8.30 8 37 0.30 8 00 0 63 10.00 9. 00 8 07 10.00 0 30 10.33 10.30 8.30 0.37 10.30 10.00 10 63 11,00 10.00 10 07 11.00 10 30 ll.SU 11.30 10 .10 10,37 11.30 11.00 11.6'J 13.00 11.00 11.07 11.60 1130 13.33 13.30 11 30 11 07 11.30 13.00 13 63 1 00 11.00 12.07 1.00 13.30 1.31 1,30 13 .10 t'j.37 1.30 1.00 1.63 3 00 1.00 1.07 1 00 1.30 1.31 3 30 1.30 1.03 1.30 1.00 1 61 3.00 1.00 107 3 00 1.30 3 33 3.30 3 30 2.37 8.30 3.00 3.63 4.00 8.00 3.07 4.00 3.30 4 33 4.30 3.30 3.37 4 30 4.00 4 63 600 4.00 .4 07 6.00 4 30 6 33 6 30 4.30 4 37 6.30 5.00 5 61 0.00 6 00 607 8.00 530 0.13 0.30 5.30 6.37 0 30 0.00 0 51 7 00 0 00 0 07 7.00 0.30 7.33 730 8.S0 0 37 7.30 7.00 7.53 8.00 7.00 7.07 8.00 7.30 8 33 8 30 7 30 7.37 8.30 8 00 8 63 8 0S 8 00 107 0 00 8 30 0 31 8 15 8.30 8 37 0 30 000 e.61 0 66 0 03 0 07 10.00 0 30 0.33 0.37 10.00 1063 10.65 10 03 10.07 11.00 11 00 11 63 11 85 11.03 11.07 11.68 13.00 13 40 13.60 11.55 11.67 I 11.50 13.55 To Mllwaukle only. Train for Falrvlow, Trout dale, Oraham, Boring, Kajil Creek, Keta- cada and Caiaderu and Intermediate points. 7:16. x8.02. 0:05. 3:05. (4:06. 5:06. xtO:OS. xO:06. 8:06. 11:36. For Oresham. x (I realism. Kalrvlew and Troutdala. NOTIC: -Cart loava Kaat Water and Morrison etrtt(e 6 minutes later than scheduled from First and Aider His NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF U. S. A. Established 1808. Over half million In fore out of Oregon City. DEATH CLAIMS PAID PROMPTLY. A. D. Combe, Manager, Portland. WOODWARD eV SMITH, Local Representatives, Oregon City, E. P. Elliott & Son All kinds of REAL ESTATE FAFM, CITY PROPERTY A SPECIALTY Andresen Bldg. Oregon City, Or. M