Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1910)
OREGON CITY ENTJSKIMUBE, FKIJJAY, AVfllL 1, 1910. a SCHOOL NOTES Tin' nIihIkiiIn urn prm'tliiiig busily for tln "()M lOxlillililon." An rxnM lent t'lilnrliilniiii'lit Im imsmed, flu work win done nil din KroiiiulH thin week, fur Hit lit. Ximi,11 wn not ulilii In gel n mini iiml team to ill) tin word. Next week, however, llm grit. I 1 11 w mid iciinl nit will ho i'niiiill ed TIiitb wan n liimeliiill gum" Bl 'll'l Hlniin Krlilnv. iilnyed between llm Or Kn ('II y I Huh Heboid tenia iiml Hi" (lliutittiiiitt lentil. Tim (IIiiiimiiiiiii piuii it. 1 1 null llurili'ii. itll very Kimil work Milking out (I'll HI"". Tho I!"" P WI1N! Oregon (Tly ' niiiilNloiif Avlmm V II l,,,,"r" H II Trl"r Mini linker T II Hugh eaves H H WlllliiiiiH Multlcy' I'V ' v"y Andrew II V Goodwin Wi'iHii r r wiiM.m linker H. Ilnrl T llnrdeti Mulknv 0 I'M"" t'niitr Hlf'Vr. ttt'Hiilt t'J to t l fnvor 0. ('. II. B A lll.'I'lllIK Of I III' tl'lllllM chill wax held Mmiiliiy nt II: K'. 'om in M were uiiihiIiiIi'.I In friiine It coiistltu llmi itiul hy law. Tli meeting " liirgely iilii'ii.l.'.l, vHtKM'lully hy llm girls. Tin' High school hIiiiIi'IUh with fuV' un'.l hy mi ii.lilr.'H from Miss Uuirn IIkiiiIii Wednesday rnorliliiKi " Hi" t'nlvi'mlly of Oregon, Him Inlil nf Hi" founding of Hi" I'lilviTHlly In 1875, mill of muim of Its t-itrlli'Ht Kitnliinti'ii. Hli" Mill) Hi" num ber of liKl.'iiin luiit ltiercn"ed memllly till, si llm inii.'iit Hum. llnr are over five Jiiin.lre.l f mlciif m lutenttiug AIHi.iiikIi It Ik nl n targe Inatltullnii It .toes u.hhI. thorough work. Hli" urit.'.l llm mi uiI-iiim I.I Itttl'tlll lli Hint" I'tilvi'mlty rmluT tlmn miy oih.-r mm. fur It In it rniit" Institution. tnipported at public i-Mii'iHi", nn.l It iirr.inlH ii n good uii'litul training mi liny larger Institution, iilthointh It in ii y ii. it liav. ilio fncllltlen. Hhe nlso iimi'.l the students in work for n IIIkIi mii.Mil building III Oregon City. l.llllun (illlel hn iIIni'oiiIIiiih'iI her Klti.ll.'ii In tli ("lull grnd be.ntise of Imr recent Illness. Homo enci'lletil pictures iiii.I lok JmvH been iii'tiH.'iit.'il In llH' Oregon City school lately. H'Miiilor I("iIk' Iiiih given ii.irtriilu of l.lniHiln, JcfTer- .n. Wmihliigtmi, Cli'V.'liiinl, Huohi' v.-lt mill n IHIior.ninli of the iv liirn Hon of Independence. Mr. Iliownell hint nlm pri'n.'iil o.1 A Kfi-up liii'lil.llliK Hoimevclt. CIi'Vi'IhikI, mid n frnine.1 of the ikTlnratlnn of Iiid.pcinl. nice. Mm. Jlrimiioll gnv n set of Hhiiki'mx'iirn to lh M'hixil nilil Hi furiiH'r Mother's Cluli him ordered s.uue liiMtkM fur tli library. These rrr.iiiiililoiiit of tlm ncliiKili. nr viry I'liroiiriiKlnK. Tli Kth tlrinlc nt tlm llnrrlny m-lmol oriiniilnMl rnri-ntly, i'I.tIIiik n olim offlrorii: I'r.'iiliUMit, ( Imrli-n Ili-nll.'; vlr'proKlili'iit, Nnrnm .iiiinn; HiTrn liiry, J.i"ih lli'ilm-n. A rl ilii n cIioh.'ii mul lilim nil. I khI. I orn imli'i-t.Ml fur rlnmi rolom. IjikI Fr.lny nfliTiiiKin ilio "III nn.1 Mh Kritilm nt tlm llnrrlny ncliool d. hnl.'.l I Im iimllon, "Iti'Holvi'd, Tlutt thn r.n In MlKhtlor Tlmn tlm Hword." Thi' nrtlrmnllve nl.ln won tho d.-lmlo. VlHltttm nt llm !lnrliiy biilldliiK on h"rldny Innt wrrn: It.'V. lllnrkwrll, ltv. Ijiiiilnliiiniimli, M ,. Knwynr nn.l Story, nml Mm. K.I Hiorr, and Mxmlntimii Chnrk nn.l (I. V. MIII.T; nlwi Dnvld l(ili-non. mi r (ilillrr, mid nnrlo of Mr. Htory, who la now vIkIHiik In Onit"n City. (Irent ir'nriillonn nro Ix-lntc mint.' Iiv tlm niiiili'iil of thn Ori'Knn City IIIkIi Hi'hool, who nro to Inki' part In tli.' fni.'rtiilnui.'iit to liu itlvn nt the Hhlvply oicrn ImHHn m KYIdny nlitht, April I. Tlm ciit'Tliiliinii'iit In In rhnri!.' of Ttnirnloii llownrd, Wnldo Cnun.'l.l nn Minn Kvn Alldri'.tK, who nri' working illllK''iitly tn innkn IIiIh oim of tlm muni mirri-mtrnl nnii'r'iiln m fii Ii. to h iflvpn hy tlm Hi'hool. Oim of dm fontiiri' of tlm ov.'iilnK'n i'ntr tnlnmi'iit will ho Hi" "llntiinnnplioim," wlmn nil of tlm Inti'Ht iiiiihIciiI m-loc-lluim run ho hi'sril. Tli.'ii Into llmlr iiill, pciiiKiful Ufa ciiiiih llm wild IumI for KunihlliiK nnd llm Kinnilfniliiir wmii hi loiiHly Into It III Impi' of IlicriiiinliiK IiIh niiiiiII piuii, n did It nil with NuII'd fiitnrn liuppl iiuhn In vli'W, hul. uIiihI Iki Iiml not iioiint.'il on lliu nIiIII, or pmhiipn trlrk my of IiIh uppoiii.iitM, mid iih Iiq miw Ihi'in IiiIiIiik IiIh niiiiiII I'lirnliiKH from lilm iiIkIH lifter nlKliI, Iiu wiih hulf cm ,.'d nnd Ii.'niiiikIii Null to lukii tt tin frimi tlm t.irrlhln idly. lln wim mi d.'vol.iil to Iit durliiK nil llii'lr wmnliirliiKK, mi willing to do iih mIii' whiliml,' yul no lillml to nil lu-r nlTi'rlnKH Hint Im tii'vur "uw hour lli'.'d mid worn hIh kii'W, nnd wnnt hlliully on hIIowIiik h.r tu innkn It I it fi'i'l Unit h In i wim Imppy, which WIIH nil tlnil ho d.'Hlri'd. Wlimi on I hut t.'irlhlii rlioinliiK Iki found Hint thn liriivn llttl niiiiI Inid Konn In Hh lioiim mid wiih now truly hiiipy, Im wiih no Htuniii'd hy Hi.' lilnw mid hurt hy thn thmiKht I hul pcrlutpH h Iiml n.'Kh'Clod Iht, Hint Im nu'ri'ly cxIhIim! In n Hurt of dull Ntupor, wuIIIiik for tho Hum whi'ii Im could Rim Imr hk'iIii. Kor lolii'r, rliiKworm, I'czi'inii. run nlnif miri'H mid nil nklii iIIhciih.- Dr. lli'H'a AnllHi'ptlc Hnlv.i In Kiiiirunt'-i1 to kIvii HiulHfiii'lloii or you K'-t your iniiimy Imck, 25c fvorywln-ru. FOUND DEAD IN BED. AJfrfd Hrmsn Victim of Valvular Hert Dlaeaao. Alfn'il lliiriiutn wnw found dend In Ida IumI nt lh Andnranii roouilnit Iioiih" on Mnln Ntrc"t, ln-lwi'i-n Koiirth nnd Fifth Ntn-nlH Moinlny nfl.'riiooii. n wiin Iiihi a.'on hy Mr. Ainl.'mon nt 10 o'clock Kundiiy inornliiK. An rxniii liuiilon dlnrloHi'd thn furl Mint iloufh na dim to vnlvulnr (Hmi'sup of tlm lii'iirl. Iliirniiui wiih nhoiit 45 y. nra of BK nnd Iiml h""n oinploycd h Iiomh wmivr In Hm wooliii inllla of the Ori itmi City MiiiiufncturliiK Couipnny. Hi' Imd no liiiiniMtliito futility, hut Ida hriiilicr nrrlvi'd Wcdni'Mdny from Hun Krnnclaro, nnd tlm rouiiilna w.-ro tnk en to Hint city for liiinrini'nt. Ilnr ninn wiin n iimmhiT of On-uon CHy Ui.Iki'. of Tlm KrnliTiml llrollicrliooij. John Bowman, of Molalla. Tlm fiiimrnl anrvlrca over tho ro- iiiiiIiih of .Inlni li.iwmmi, n well known riirincr of Miihillit, who died nt IiIh hum.', Krl.lny, w'n hold fiuinlny niorn ltK ul II o'clock, Hut liitcriiK'nt ImltiK In tlm Adiiina cim'tory. Mr. Ilowuiiiti whh n imtl vo of North Citrnllnn, hnvlnic Imi'n horn In 1KC! In IM'.'.i h" iiiurrli'd Sum Hlimii'ina, mid In 1K91 lie movi'd to Clitckmnna County, miiklnit Ma homo nl Moliilln ever alnot. Mr. Ilowinmi la anrvlvcd hy tlm following children: MIh- I Int tic llownmn, Unlllc Hownimi, Mra ThoiiHia K Kiln' r. I nnd Mra. (l.-rtrud" NlRlitliiKnl", Kriink, eh, lmtili'1 nml llcrhcrt Ilowmnn. Vaich Our Windows for Extra Special Booster Day Bargains I Levitt's Booster Practical Economy for the People Practii first mission of this store. 7 actical economy with us means f letting and giving the most for the money giving the most in a way that will renuire you to spend less or vour livina expenses. And now for the double purpose of helping alona Oregon City's Booster Day and to further popularize this store as the Practical Economy Store, we quote you here some ex ceptionally low prices to prevail all week, and on Booster Day, Saturday, April 9, we will put on sale a large list of Extra Specials. Watch our windows for the display. Bargains LADIES' AND MISSES' Suits at $9.95 Wo hnvo JiiMt miccwded In milking h hiirguln purchnne from the travel ing rcprcacntatlvi) of a lnru. Ktutern niuniifiicturi'r of 150 kndli-f mul Mia N" HultH. They are fiiHtiloncd right up to tho minute, all In the latent fabric. Tito contraHtlng c'l'-cka, the mlxluri-i In black ""d while, tho nwell new gruya anil blue. ih nhep herd, tho tan and tho phiMa mnke plenalng a.'lectl'in cerialn. We ob tained Uu-ae aulta at one-third lea than regular whole- Halo price, and are il UQC going to put them Vf 7J on Kill''. 112.00 and $15.00 Hiilia .'. $9 I Ladies' Waists You will find tlm ncwcHt Htylea Ink our full dlaplny of Utdlea Wiilnla. A I urge aelectlon of lieally IrliiuiH'd mid tailored walxta. Wu hnvo them In lawna, llnena, hntlHtv, etc., In wblto and ninny other nttmcilve Spring Ntylea at our BOOSTER DAY PRICES. lletler grade of HultH In the laleat fimhlon mid fabrlca, made to sell for $20 513.50 Booster Prices on Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Prints, Sheetings, Ginghams, Corsets, Gloves, Wrapppers, Laces, Embroideries, Ribbons. Buy Him a Booster Suit They are neatly made up, good serviceable aulta, Knick erbocker pants. Priced aa low a $2.00 MEN'S YOUNG MEN'S Suits at $10.00 No other merchant In Oregon City can aell you either Society Urnnd, Hteln-Filock or Schlofw Bro. Cloth ing, therefore no other merchant ran compete wltb ua In the clothing line. You know (he high quality of all of these makea. They are the largest manufacturers In the world and their guarantee and ours aland behind these garments and long wear ahead. If the clothes don't last customers won't last. We had that Idea In mind when we selected these brands, and they have style to the end. Every wearer of these clothes Is commending them to some one else. Let us fit you out this Spring our special prices this week and on Booster Day will please you some of these are priced to you as low as CLOTHES JVJ ml w rf wm fc n. S tt t i:' 0' prices this week $10 Booster Prices on' Skirts, Muslin Underwear, Hosiery, Overalls, Jumpers, Spring Underwear, Ladies and Men's Collars, Men's Hats, etc. Serviceable SHOES It will pay you to visit our fast growing shoe department. We pre sent not only the best of the mar ket for wear, but we couple with that Important virtue, the other merit you may well have style. Men's Dress Shoes, made of best selected leathers, vicl kid, patent, box calf. $3.50 value, special for Ladles Shoes, latest lasts In Ox fords, and high tops. Special price, $3.00 and $3.50 values $2.45 asts in Ox- $2.45 Miss Birth May, of Elyvllls. Mlaa llorthn Muy. daughter of Mr. mid Mrs Wiley Mny, of Klyvllle. died Krl.lny afternoon nt the homo of her pnrenlH, lift it mi 111 of three weeks. Deulli wu due to typhoid fever. Iwensc.l wbh born nl Miillno, ChickmniiH County, nnd was 21 years of age. The fuliernl took placu Hun- ilny nfteriiiMUi and tho Interment was 111 Mountain View eoniolory. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR. A 8ANDY. NELL'S GRANDFATHER. Character Sketch Regular Work. English Hy limine Huntley, 9th Grade. The dellnenllon of Nell's grnnd father In "Old Curiosity Shop" Ih a very good example of DIckenH' wonderful power of chumc lcr-iortrny-nl. The picture Ih ho plulti that one enn see tint poor, old ninn, tot tering ulong (he country road: led hy the ever loving mul tripling Nell. When Ills beloved daughter died Mho left the llllle child III tho euro of the grandfather mid IiIh love for Nell wiih a grout that nil ho lived, prnyed nnd worked for wiih to muko her happy. Bmidy Ih a lively place' now with of Htrntigera looking for homes nnd bti'liieas opening. T. I. Sherwood, a prominent busi ness ninn of Kalrvlew, wna In Sundy linking for a building site. Ho has sclented one of pniiily nn co's. bst hiiuiin sites nnd will this Summer orect A hnn.lsotne huugnlow. Max Pin Ik has sold his two lots on Main street to Mr. Darnell, who Intely rnitie rroin North Dakota. l'ete Sollnger has purchased a lot and hmiHo on I'roctor avenue. A. Miller Is busy clearing hls'trnct nnd getting ground read.v for-a fine huugnlow, Jon Hull hns purchased two lots, when' he will soon erect a house. Mr. MeKoen hns nlso bought a tract In town and' Is now clearing nnd will nt once erect a hoime nnd barn. Herman llriins is blasting n big field out of stumps for J. H. Wewer. Herman HldderhiiHh cut his foot nl most In two with nn nxe nt Jonnruil llros ' mill nnd was taken to a Port hind boHpltnl. Snndy (irnnge will bnvo n big time Saturday, April 9. Judge Webster nnd other prominent speakers will prob ably come out. i PVUTT DEPARTMENT STORE LLu V U U U . selling's Old Stand, at End of Suspension Bridge, Oregon City EASTERN CLACKAMAS For Sixteen Years Pr. Hell's PlneTnr-lloney. Hns been imed by millions of people with per feet sal Infliction. Kor CoughH, ColdH, Asihmn In fact nil throat and bron chial (roubles. ffl i ru f 3aiggnuBamsMiiTsTiB 'i "ii i mi jsosmi BY OREGON WOOLEN CITY MILLS Girls and Women for sewing in Shirt Factory. Also boys,- girls and women for weaving and other woolen mill work. EASY TO LEARN SPRINGWATER. Mrs. Hmedley and daughter, of Portland, who hnvo been with Mrs. Kliermon during part of byr lllneas, hnvo returned home. Mrs. Shermon Is slowly Improving. An Arbor Pity programme will be given hy the pupils of this school on April the 8th. Kveryone welcome. Iter. Ceorgo Cromley nnd sister, left Sprlngwnter last Tuesday. Every one was sorry to see them go, as they were loynl friends as well as good workers lu tho church here. l'nnioiia Grange will be held In this locality In April. Kverylno remember and come. Joe (ierln'r, of Oregon City, was a Pprltigwnter visitor a few days ago. Miss (Jrace Closnor will be home next Sunday. Mr. H. C. Pearson, who Is in Berk ley, Cay., treating for forty cancers, Is slowly Improving. i Mrs. .('barley KolHom's daughter Is vlHltlng relatives here. Mr. Will ('limner made a business (?) trip to podge a few days ago. I wonder If ho went up to sen the large cougar killed up there by John Park? It was g feet, 1 Inch In length. John Mnrchhank nnd wife, of Esta rndn, are visiting Mrs. Marshbank's parents here. Gurnld Wilcox, who Is attending 0. A. ('. has had a bad nttack of scarlet fever. The season , for bnskethnll Is over for this year, and everyone that went enjoyed themselves, and will be glad when time comes agnln to play. Ten nis will take Its place this summer. What do wo boys like better thnu a good game of baseball? pupils belonging. 19: average dally attendance, 17; per cent, of attend ance, 89; number visits by parents, 1; number visits by members of school Ixuird, 3. Those neither absent or late are as follows: Eleanor Hews. Krances Donnellan, ImIh Roberts. Wldla Rob erts, Raymond DeShnrer, Ralph De Shaier, Ralphlo Ahnert, Harold Mil ler, George Roberts. GUY C. LARKINS, Teacher. Tho Ingredients are on tho carton. Pr. Hell's Plne-Tnr-Honey contains no habit producing drugs, and always gives satisfaction. Look for the bell on the llottle. REAL ESTATE D. C. and Chrlstlnn Mllllcan to Geo. W. Allen, 31 acres of Orchard Humes; $10. William and Sarah E. Wilcox to Hiram R. Wilcox, 12 acres of section 7, township 4 south, range 4 east; $1. Slvert n. and Mary Reese to Hal ver and Deri ha Olsen, lots 5, 6, 23, 24, Prunelnnd; $10. Mary Adams to J. U Bates, all of lot l.r, block 6, Estacada; $350. Hilda B. Tooie to Theodore Sperla and Lena Sperla, 90 acres of section 3, township 6 south, range 2 east; $1. O. P. and Elizabeth Boardman to John Dennlson, lots 60, 51, First Ad- ship 3 south, range 1 east; $1. C. C. and Julia Clausen to Conrad B. Sannes, land In section 29, town ship 3 south, range 1 east; )U00. Nicholas and Hannah Strubhar to J. S. and Ida M. Fisher, 6V4 acres of J. M. Bacon D. L. C, section 7, town ship 5 south, range 1 east; $2250. Isaac S. Miller and Elizabeth Miller to Joseph C. Hostetler and Mary Hos tetler. 6 acres of section 6, township 5 south, range 1 east; $325. Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. to R. M. and Minnie F. Yeager, 14 acres of section 24, township 2 south, range 3 east; $1. Adam Zinn to Laurence C. and John F. Slater, 18.C0 acres of section 5, township 3 Bouth, range 1 west; $3500. Frank E. Morse et al to William S. Turner. 45 acres of D. L. C. of Samuel V. and S. J. Shannor D. L. C, town ship 2 south, range 1 east; $7200. Lester F. and Sarah Hale to W. M. Wade, 5 acres of sections 7, 8, 17, IS, township 3 south, range 4 east; $1500. Levi and Eliza Stehman to Samuel S. Miller, 7 acres of section 30, town, ship 4 south, range 1 east; $9n0. Casper and Alice Kerr et al to A. O. and Elizabeth J. Schmidt, part of Lot Whltcomb D. L. C, township 1 south, range 1 east; $1 Andrew and Winnie Bloom to John 5 south, range 3 east; $165, and Mary S. Kantz, 10 acres of sec-' Hester L. and E. E. Pinkley to John tion 6. township 3 south, range 2 east $4(100. Elvira Saltmarsh to August and Pearllne Koppa, 43 acres of Robert Lee's Addition to Canby; $1450. Guy Edward - LaSalle and George LaSalle to Edith Keck McBaln. 600 feet of lot 10, block 52, Gladstone: $1. George L. Parrlsh to Rosle E. Cans, lots 8. 9. 12, 13, block "B"; $200. Alberf and Matilda Bennett to W. B. Linn, 20 acres of section 25, town ship 1 south, range 3 east; $1. John H. and Rosalind Gibson to W. B. Linn, tracts 10, 11, 12, 13, Logns Tracts; $700. Ferd Gross to Guy Gross, west half of D. L. C. of Nathanial Bell and Mary Bell., sections 9. 10, township 3 south, range 1 east; $C000. Daisy and James Peters to Mrs. Josle Courtois, lot 9 of block 20, Windsor Addition; $1. Lizzie A. and Frank E. Parmer to F. Fenske, 13 acres of section 23, township 4 south, range 1 east; $1500. August and Helen Rothenberg to John, Helen and Jesse Angus. 65 acres of D. L. C. of Jefferson R. Shaw, No. 51, township 3 south, range 1 east; $6825. S. V. Allison and wife to H. C. Coe Charles and Mattle Stonehouse to and wife, 3 acres of section 4, town- Wllllam H. and Anna M. Holschu, ship 3 south, range 1 west; $11.60. blocks 40, 41, Clackamas Heights; $3500. Oregon Water Power Town Site Company to Howard N. Smith, lot 2 of block IS, Estacada; $75. W. S. and Llllle B. May to William and Louise C. Beard, lots 1 and 20, of block 2. Fairvlew Addition to Oregon City; $700. Charles and Lucy Beck to R. H. illMnn tn Innnhi.. Imlpp' tlinn Elmer T. Farr to Isaac and Annls E- and s- p- Coffer to Eastern . Sundgrass, land In section 6, township L. Farr, lot 1 of block 69, Oregon ' Investment Company umited. tana xn rjHy. i ; section 4, township 4 south, range 5 M. M. McGevhan and M. B. McGee-; eaRt: ' han to Fred A. Ely, tract of land In Schat, 6 acres of sections 29, 32, 33, township 1 south, range 2 east; $1. G. W. and Annie E. Force to Frank A. Samuelson, 40 acres of section 4, township 5 south, range 3 east; $1500. Theodore Nelson Force to Frank A. Samuelson, 80 acres of section 4, township 5 south, range 3 east; $1000. Isaac Prindle to Sarah J. Prindle, lots 7 and 8 or block 35, Central Addi tion to Oregon City; $1. Marie F. Pelke to Charles W. Pel ky, 80 acres of section 34, township 5 south, range 2 east; $700. CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT 4 TRUST COMPANY. Land Titles Examined. Abstracts of Title Made. Office over Bank of Oregon City. JOHN F. CLARK, Mgr. Xasal Catarrh qnickly yields to tmt. Bent by the agreeable, aromatic Ely's Cream Balm. It is received through the nostrils and clronses and heals the whole surface over which it diffuses itself. Drug gists sell the 50c. size. Test it and yon are sore to oonunue the treatment till re lieved. Announcement. To accommodate those who are partial to the use of atomizers in applying liquids into the nasal passages for catarrhal trou bUt, the proprietors prepare Cream Balm in liquid form, which will be known as Ely's liquid Cream Balm. Price including the spraying tube is 75 cents. Druggists or by mail. The liquid form embodies the med icinal properties of the solid preparation. Oregon City; $25, C. C. and Julia Clausen to Conrad II. Sannes. 10 acres of section 20, township 3 south, range 1 east; $1. C. C. and Julia Clausen to John C. Buhman, 40 acres of section 28, town- EAGLE CREEK. This Is fino March wenther we are enjoying at present. Robert Currln purchased a cow of Pick Gibson last week. Walter Douglas sold a horso to Mr. Chillies Hard, of Sprlngwntor, last week. Elder J. P. Norman, of Portland, wns In tho neighborhood Sunday and preached to a small audience at the schoolhoitHO Sunday noon. Sheridan Jones came out from the city of Portland Sunday and spent the day wllh tho homo folks, Mr. and Mrs. J. p. Woodle, accom panied by their sons, Malcolm and Jolo, came over to tho old home place Sunday, nnd made a pleasant call on Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ilowlett. Miss Ulna Douglass spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Armeda Murphy. II. S. Gibson bought two cows of Pick Gibson the other day. W, J. HowleU sold n cow to Roy j Douglass Tuesday. "DOVER Wo nro having some more of that bountiful weather which was prom ised us. Word hns been received' thnt Mrs. Exon's sister In Oregon City hns died from nn attack of typhoid fever. Grandma DeShazer has been verv 111 this week. Dr. Kolth has not been able to ninko his trips of late. Mr. Black cnlled on Dr. Keith one evening last week. Gaylord Keith was home over Sun day last week. ' Everyono Is taking advantage of this good weather nnd spraying their orchards. Guy Woodlo went to Estncndn one diiy lust week to purchnse a horse. PYRAMID Dover School Report. Dover, month ending March 25. Number days taught during month, 20; number days attendance. 310: number days nbsent. 40: number limes late, 8; number dnys neither absent or nte. 9: average number COPPEE TEA EXTRACTS SPICES BAKING POWDER ETC, ETC. GIVE- Better Results at Lower Cost Sold only by II. Y. MILLER With Wtlls-Firtto Express Near the Drpot Main 1771 A64 PYRAMID M. N. McArthur to H. B. Beckett, lots 1, 2, 3, of section 4, township 4 south, range 5 east; $1. I Mat W. Dunwall to J. H. and Mar-' . gnret F. Quinn, lots 3, 4, block 3, Ely Addition to Oregon City; $150. Amy A. Malloy to J. H. and Mar garet F. Quinn, lots l; 2. block 3, Ely Addition to Oregon City; $750. i O. D. Eby to J. W. S. Owens, land I In section 5. township 3 south, range i :2 east; $1. I Clara E. Clodfelter to Frank Have- Iner. 5 acres of Multnomah Acres; $10. ; I Elijah and Elvina Coalman to W. : T. Euster, 8 acres of section 17, town-; 1 ship 2 south, range 5 east; $1. i J. N. and Emma Harrington to J. A. and Lydia Swanson, one-half acre of i section 32, township 2 south, range 2 i east; $10. j Eastern Investment Company Llm ' ited to L. E. Coffer, 7 acres of section 4, township 4 south, range 5 east: $t. C. O. Donovan to M. McCarthy, lots 3, 4, 15, Plnehurst; $10. Mrs. Catherine E. N'orrle to W. F. Edwards, lots 7, 8, block 3fi, Oregon Iron & Steel Company's First Addi tion to Oswego; $10. Edwin P. and Edna M. Carpenter to Oregon Iron & Steel Company, 1-16 j acre of sections 20, 21. 28, 29, town ship 2 soutn, range l east; ii. Florence H. and George B. Conklln to Charles Holloway, lot 6 of block 3, County Addition to Oregon City; $10. R. W. iJing to W. H. Vincent, 13.S0 acres of section 17, township 3 south, range 3 east; $1200. J. P. Dubois to C. L. 'Adlx. 20 acres of section 31, township 3 south, range 4 east; $1. Estuenda State Bank to Everett M. Miller. lots 7, 14. 15, block 7, Esta cada; $1200. j A. J. Grlendstnft to Carl A. Ander-' son, 40 acres of section , township 4 south, range 4 east; $700. Everett M. nnd Myrtle M. Miller to Eva P. Steel, 100 acres of sections 9, 13. range 4 enst; $3500. Robert Hlleman to G. H. Fonda, part of John Stephens t. L. C; $750. Charles L, and Julia E. Hunter to Herman C. and Annie Mullcnhoff, parts of section 21. 28. township 1 south, range 4 east; $20,000. Elizabeth M. and William H. Robin son to C. J. and Flora J. Miller, lots 1. 2, 3, 8, block 11. Roots Addition; $050. George and Emma Burhach to R. P. nnd Sine Rasmusscn, 90 acres of sec tion 23. township .3 south, range 3 east; $S000. COLONIST RATES TO OREGON and the Great Northwest The management of the South ern Pacific Co., (Lines In Ore gon) takes great pleasure in announcing that the low rates from Eastern cities, which have done so much in past seas one to stimulate travel to and settlement In Oregon, will pre vail again this Spring DAILY from March 1 to April 15. in clusive. PEOPLE OF OREGON The railroads have dune their part; now It's up to you. The colonist rate is the greatest of all home-builders. Do all you can to let Eastern people know about It, and encourage them to come here, where land Is cheap nnd home-building easy and attractive. FARES CAN BE PREPAID at home Is desired. Any agent of the road named is authorized to receive the required deposit and telegraph ticket to any point in the Eust. Remember The Rates From Chi cago, $33; from St. Louis, $32; from Omaha and Kansas City, $25. This reduction is propor tionate from all other cities. WM. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon.