Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1910)
4 OKKOOX CITY KXTKIUMJINR FRIDAY, MAliCU I. 11)10. Afraid of Ghosts Many people are afraid ol (hosts. Few people arc afraid o( crmi. Yet the host i fancy anil the term ii a (act. If the crm could he magnified to a sine equal to it terror it would appear more terrible than any fire-breathin( dragon. Germs can't be avoided. Tbey are in thl air we breathe, the water we drink. The derm can only prosper when the condition of the system ive it free scope to establish it self and develop. When there ia a deficiency of vital force, languor, restlessness, a tallow cheek, a hollow eye, when the appetite ia poor and the sleep it broken, it it time to uard against the jerm. Yon can fortify the body against all germs by the use ol Dr. Pierce's Hold en Medical Discovery. It increases the vital power, cleanses the system of clogging impurities, enriches the blood, puts the stom ach and organs of digestion and nutrition in working condition, to that the germ finds no weak or tainted po in which to breed. "Golden Medical Discovery" contains no alcohol, whisky or habit-forming drugs. All its ingredients printed on its outside wrapper. It is not a secret nostrum hut a medicine of ion CowrosmoN and with a record of 10 ,Tn a rurw. Accept no substitute there it nothing "just as good." Ask your neighbors. Oregon City Enterprise Published Every Friday E. E. BRODIE, Editor and Publisher. Entered at Oregon. City. Or., office as second-class matter. Post- Subscription Rates: One Year ,$1.50 Six Months 75 Trial Subscription. Two Months .15 Subscribers will find the date of ex piration stamped on their papers fol lowing their name. If last payment Is not credited, kindly notify us, and the matter will receive our attention. Advertising Rates on application. WE WELCOME THE ELKS. Tonight Oregon City will be turned over, literally, to a band of good fel lows Implying all that Is best In the term and as a result there will be established in the city a permanent organization of these kindred spirits of good cheer that from the start will brated aviator who made flights at the l.os Angeles meet and captured mar prizes, will be the star of the coming contests and will try to set new world's records for altitude, high and low speed flights. Four local aero planes will be entered In the contests, while Mr. Hamilton will bring Curtlss, Wright and parman biplanes, which he will fly. 1 prises are offered for successful flights and with favorable weather conditions. It Is expected new world's records may be made. The meet will be held on the Country Club grounds east of the city. Special rates have been made on the 0. R. & N Southern Pacific and Hill lines from outside points to Portland and return during the progress of the meet, and a large attendance Is expected. Milwaukee and Northwestern Clackamas MILWAUKIE. Lodge which overlooks (he Willamette mill the parties who contemplate ink- .The Woman's Work Club held a n ,,(,r ,VsM,.m. u nrllslle meeting at the ilrange Hall. Several cobblestone hou-o will take posses, members were present and a good (ou j'pru i deal of work was ,,mo. .. K. liusseli .-hipped a number of Miss Ada IV Albert, who has been lugaii berry plants by express to till- suffering from throat trouble for a mis during the week. This Is a fruit Absolutely Puro few days, was able to be in school 1 that Is little knew n In (he middle west f.iday. J niiil If Ihey grow as rapidly lliero us Miss Hallle Holmeslev and Miss , 'bey do hero perhaps .leiinlllgs UMge Ada Albert wore two of the successful i furnish more plants ill that sec- teachers In the county examinations. They both hold state papers from Kaslern states. Lenten services are being held In St. Jehu's Kptscopat church on Thins day attei neons. Itev, Itowen, of Ore gon City, has charge of. the services, which are well attended in- the mem bers. The Southern Pacific railroad has all the piles driven for the bridge I Hon of the country. Mrs. P. D. Newell, of Kugetie, Is very much Improved and expects lo remove to her new home. . which Is now completed a: the lodge, as soon as the weather becomes more settled. Mrs. Iteattice Hunter visited at Hie C. It. Hunter home before her depar ture to California. Mr. and Mrs. C. It Hunter lime sold their home to C. P. Morse mul will return to Los ngeles, California, wheiv they fur- across Kellogg Uike at tins place, , m,,,.y -,.sllttl about Match I.Mh Hack laving will be ooinmenecil as i Mss 1V1, ,.,iml,,n f ivrtlainl. vis- i Itod with Mrs Will Habenuan on' A remarkable sale of Oregon fruit lands was made during the past week when the Rurrell orchard, of 605 acres, near Medford in the Rogue Riv er Valley, passed to new owners for the record-breaking figure of $300,000. make its impress ou many phases of,Ca',,ain Gon,on Voorhios. of Portland the community's life. I sold the property to C. M. Speck and Wherever there is joy and cheer as!!0ciatos- of sl,kane- The orchard and the gladness of good fellowship. M s"pnmd recora- '" there you will find the Elks. Wher-' fortune each ear from 1,3 acrl" ever there is a good time to be had ! as of B"P,M a,u1 t1031"3' 11 ls sai,) to counterbalance the cares and irk-a Por,ion of ,hP orchanl ma!" bP s,,b" someness of life, there w ill be a band ! divl,,,,1 ani1 soM ln sn,a" ,rar,s b-v of Elks. Full of fun, always merry. jlhe new gm'r3' with no room for scowls or frowns sinrP ,heortland Ttiion Stock- because of the smiles and the hearty1 yards opened for business last Sep- I .V. - .1.. .. ,1 -ll. ciks. itember. 21S9 cars of livestock have Yet though the Elk does not believe ' heen ham,ej thlIVi representing an in are altogether foreign to his nature. acconlin? to Manager D. O. Lively. he is the first to recognize that trou- Th( markpt thlls established has been bles do come and that at times the ,lf groat value to th( ci(v anJ ,0 iv(, path of life becomes rough and hard st()fk ?rowers throughout the Pacific for some weary feet. He has the Nor!hest for competition for their listening ear always for the plaints j pro(mcts ha resulted in better prices of the less fortunate, he is the first 1 am, qtick,.r saes than formerly. Hogs to hear the cry of anguish from the ; tnjs week have bee hovering around sorrowing and the bereaved. Close . the ,10 0l) mark an, PJUtton has been on the heels of the angel of death ( ver. jjign as w(?n comes the Elk with his tender and ! tactful ministrations. Always ready I to respond to the call of need, always eager to relieve distress, always quick' George Helvey has rented a farm at noli as the weather will permit. .!. K. tliHide, of Salem, was a vis itor at the olliee of the Johnson, Heal tv Company Tuesday. He reported that his sou's. C. W. tiooilo, condition was no better. Mr. (ioodo, who has lived In Minthorn. went to Salem sev eral days ago In the hope of regaining his health. . Ix'o Johnson, who has been 111 with a severe attack of pluresy for the pass two weeks is improving and will be able to be around by the first of the week. Dr. Townley went to Portland on business today. Church Notice. St. John's Church. Paring Unt the Rev. T. P. lloweu. of Oregon City. Is holding service every Thursday after noon and delivering a course of ser mens on "The Footprints of Jesus" Next Sunday the Rev. W. II. Powell, of Portland, will administer the Holy Communion and preach at 11 o'clock. The regular service by the rector will be held at 2:30 as usual. Council Meeting. A meeting of the Common Council was called to order Saturday. Mayor Strelb presiding. Present. Council men Kelso, Mullan. Stockton and Leh man, the Recorder and Marshal. On motion by Kelso, Mr. U II Campbell was appointed City Engi neer. On motion by Mullan Strelb s First Addition to Milwaitkte was approved by the Council as submitted. Proposed ordinances No. 32 and X j wore rend and ordered posted in the i manner prescribed by the Charter, j On motion the City Engineer was j Instructed to make estimates of lm- ! M$ cive the most valuable incro 1 t!A'Sf dicnt, hJtf) I ypiiii m fig I ilS'i'll (-Itv Insnrcs wholesome and v' .-i'l' ' J "'JlnYSrV dclldons food lor every AmAW lWUfeVday in every Home JWJT lis. I Satmduy of la.-t week. Mr. and Mrs Hoanlinan enterlalued Mr and Mrs Hammond of aconm lllv Tlll,8llflv , j,,,,, Mr ,, and Mr. and Mrs. . sterile , and . , SlMlKlllll, w,,,, u ,.mp..v.Mt. daughters at their home on 1 ues, ay : ,.,,, wl ml,,k ,,,,,, f(1mv evening of last week. 1 lie evening hlm, W(, .,,(.,., vlv .,, , ,,, was spent with mus e. Miss l.dena ; ,!,, , .u (0 fllVll.,M ,, s -i iivni ,.,,.m.v, on.-o.o i,,,, young people. ii number of selections and the pianola and grai'liaphoue furnished other numbers Miss Musgnm's. formerly of Okla-, iu, Thursday Mrs. ('has. Illghatu was a Portland visitor Thursday. Miss Hlackeby made n trip to Port- hoimt, but now of forvallts, wax u re cent visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Slooiim. Word has been received from Mrs. James Sample, of Leavenworth, Kan sas, stating Ihey have had a very se vere winter there, as well us we have had a trying winter In Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Sample are enjoying the Mr. and Mrs. Murphy of Nashville (Mt. SootO Oregon, spent Thursday with Ihelr daughter, Mrs. Win. Wells, and family. Mrs. tier! rude Kuehl Is oxpecled home Sunday, after n visit of several weeks with her sou III Cheney, Wash Remember wo have a cobbler, J. T. Ayers, who will do all kinds of ro of Win We School Entei-ulninent. Friday evening the pupils of our m-hool gave mi I'litcrtultimoni In honor of tleo. Washington's llltthday, the proceed.-! lo pay for the pew organ. Much credit Is ilue the leurhers, Mrs Kudlriitt, Mrs. Il.-nv, Mum llurluell uiiil I'rof llutler for the way the rhll .lieu were drilled and marched Eva Sutler and (lladys Wet.ler. little lots of ll yen in were the lenders. Mrs. Horry's boya gave a drill with guns and Hang the old familiar song "Van kee Doodle" The girls of Mrs. Hor ry' room gave a Hug drill. Utile Isabelle Me Arthur was the lender Church Service. MethodlMl Hplcoial Church. Rev. .Inniea Moure, piiHtor. Hervleen II A M.. Sunday School 10 A M Alter nnle Sundays, nervhes 7 p. M by pastor. Si'Uta free, everyol-.e welcome. I. iolli-s' Aid meets tit Mrs. J. S. Siulih's Thursday, March :id. All In vlted Spi'l'lal work. II. W. Itlloy and wife, of Ivnnhoo. ( WooilMoi-h I visited bis broth.. r, John ttlley, the Inst of Ihu week I. Iv Armstrong wont to Poriliind on business Monday. Mrs. (liitutorH was it city vlsllnr Snlurilay. Mr MeCulley la hulldllig hi house ocs! oi neaun wuh-.i .s po-nsuiK ne s . lmlr W(,rk H, ,,,,, ((( i;rt(l to her many Jennings uulgo friends. buiblin,-, Frank and son Ray. of j ' , . ' , , . Ulver nre vlsltlne at the home. . "P 00,0 of O. 1). Iloardman during the week J. O. Staals has purchased the Mr. Iloardman Is contemplating taking i ,,,,u-l,;'r "'".'I' Jl, 'lu'- .""!" a" i ," mi iii in. ill i iiin i mill n 111 111 to please all of his customers with the chilliest meats, tilve hint a call. M. W. A. Dance March &th. Basket Ball. up his residence near Oregon City. Miss Rlla Rhtneriison, of Portland.: and Miss Morse of the lnlge. were I entertained at the home of Mr. Percy Cautleld. In Oregon City, where he. was host to The Owls last week. j rbi Senior Dak titove team de Mr. Watson and two sisters, who feiited the Park Place team Friday have lived for the past year on Miss ' evening at Park Place. Score Dii to There were llfteeu girls III the drill III the Kuhl Irnct. and Ihey certainly deserve much Win. Spldell and family linve moved praise for their purl of the program ! In their new home In the Kuhl tract, Miss Hartuell'H girls sang mid the 9ad D4r(, glnka. boys whlMtli'd, making n beautiful fea- I (), r ,, r,. gea of Ihu Star lure other gave recltiitlon Hint sand Co. loaded with rock, wink songs. In all the progruinnie was well Tuesilav inclining Jut mirth of Con rendered and highly appreciated by j ,,,r iro.'t A large log ruining dow n all present. ,, rV1,r irm.k n, maklim a hole In We me proud of our school nnd',1(, ,!, i-m,Miii It to Hlnk. It U n think It as good as liny in (he ntate and iil-o of our lady teacher and I'rof. Under. Basket Ball. WsilniMilav evening. March being sad, and grouches androwls approximate valuation of j'l.000.000, 1 provenients on the follow ing streets ELDORADO. . .,.-.- hi o,nD t mr.K n.riuw. nt exy-cis iu muse ins miii- . , ..I ily over there as soon as the weather or gentle sympatny ana unuersianaing j cit.arg up a uttie when necessity arises, that is the Elk. And these are the men who are to take up their abode here with us. Do we welcome them? With all our hearts. Our city will be the better fok their presence, we ourselves will be better for the existence of their organization. More power to them as they grow and wax ever stronger here; more power to their cheerful hearts and their smiling faces. More George Anderson and Sidney Smith. of Clarks, attended the baseball meet ing In Mullno Sunday afternoon. Sid ney stopped all night with Rob Dul lard on his way back as he was afraid to go home in the dark. Al Jones has been looking for a new team. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jones spent Sunday with friends in Mullno. C. Smith made a call at the Helvey home Monday afternoon. Evan Sews made a trip to the flour ing mills one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Howard made power to their sympathy and their a business trip to Macksburg one day helpfulness. We need them here. L MELDRUM- WHAT PINCHOT TEACHES. Mr. Ballinger, of course, will be cleared of all charges that have been brought against him by certain well meaning, perhaps, but ill-advised and blundering persons. The body of Sen ators who are sitting at the hearing now in progress at the National Cap itol are men of b,onor, men of probity and of acumen. But ln addition to all this, they are men of common sense. C- lla Tlnlltnrra n.lll l.n ..In 1ta 1 0t xi.i.. .... uv The RQse Greenhouse has a Of greatest importance to the coun-j fin(? ,Qt Q carnatlons on nand now. try, however, is not the fact that Mr. jir. wm SOon start his brick Ballinger will be found not to be the yard up again for the summer, and last week We hear that Ernest Sturges has sold his Interest in the telephone to Mr. Diddrick. Mr. and Mrs. George Yale arrived home last Monday from Shephard Springs, where they have been spend ing a few weeks for their health. Mrs. Wm. Gardner and Mrs. Ernest Wfclker had lunch and spent a very pleasant afternoon last week at Mrs. Seeley's. Mr. Yensen, who was Blck the first of the week, Is improving rapidly and Is able to work again mountain of graft that has been al leged. Of far more benefit to the nation at large will be the instruc tion in the fallacy, the narrow-mindedness and the danger lurking in that poisonous fallacy that for want of a better name Is aptly called "Plnchot-ism." expects to make many thousands of brick. He has also a fine blacksmith shop In connection. Improvement to Ice Plant. Horton & Cox, owners and proprie tors of the Oregon City Cold Storage and Ice Co. have been making many Improvements to the building, pre paring for the summer's run. A new " , ' . " , tubular boiler, of the latest style, has Portland is to have an aviation ,jeen nstald wh,cn ,g more econom- meet March 5, 6, and 7. Business men I cai than the one heretofore used. have organized a three-days exhibi tion of flying machines and D. O. Lively has been made manager of the event. Charles K. Hamilton, cele- The office has been enlarged and has been moved to another part of the building. The plant will start up for the summer's run In May, but a short run will be made In March. A SHORT EXPLANATION OF THECHECK ACCOUNT You deposit whatever money jyouwishin the bank, and a specimen of your signature is taken and filed. The bank will furnish you with a Pass Book ir which the amountof your deposit will be entered, you will also befurnished with a book of blank checks, no charge being made for these books. You are now prepared toissue a check at any time, or place, for the amount you wish to payHav ing the money in bank, and the signature to the check corresponding with that on file, the amountwill bepad to the person named therein, upon his sigmng hianame on the back of the check. The amount of thecheck is then charged to your account, and the check is canceled and filed away to be returned to you when your Pass Book is written up. In this manner you have a complete record of the transaction and a receipt for the money paid. You will find the Check Account simple, convenient and a safe "guTrd fo7 yWayjnenta. TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. W i If or II.m-L t-.'r I i iM in t tm nt'iH tit tl to-wlt: Harrison street east to coitn-y I . wj w , Ip , road No. 21 1 IS east on said road to S. j j,, ,,,,,,,, M,,xU.a wll,(, l. K. Iv.. .itaui siui'i tun wmiii won the K. Troavltt'a place near Meblriim. do-, i. I "e mourners of oak tirovo team j ,)a) (;,,,. ntlil.-l l- club li aui plnve.l parted on Frld.iv for St. Johns, llrlt- are D"iinls Worthlngloii. Theo. Wor ri lnrn name with the l'ark Place si Columbia, where they will visit 1 thlngtou. ty inantou, Kay tillbert. i . (Jili u s Hall. Oak drove In fore leaving f-r England. Ihelr fu- Ernest Nai f. Friday night Hie (ink drove team lure home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dills of Portland ! will I'l 'v die Chiekumna I'-aiu In Little Raebael ll.ibermaii has been - spent Saturday nml Sunday Ith ihelr (ifi'iis Hall, Oak drove, ill with an attack of the mumps. old friend Chas. Van OldMand audi Improvement Club Meets Rev. Stitipp and a friend from Mil-; wife. j UM ,,., ,,, ,,,, ,irv ;,,rilv,.. w.iukle wits a Jennings U.dgo visitor. lu,nWk uim , p.i(.t, ( I ., Association ., )u n-Kular oil MoUilny. ',. , .i , nii-etlliL' MuhIi- mid HiMM.i' wnni will leave for Eugene In few day. l"atures of the programuie, after visiting Mrs Iwrlck's faintly! ' Pleasant Surprise. lotnl loss OSWEGO. Ir Summers lin heoti mal.lliK fie. ipiimt vlnlla to Onm'git to visit the ilck The I'aeilli- Ti'li'iione and Tele graph agent ha been looklui,' omt the i. I, here tin wi.ek mul probably will move tlie i.l in lull from Mr Pro 'r iitMce by liipH sl of Hi Ickt'le'r Sims to tbt new liovu Mr llartilll Is bllllillllg It relieliee in-nr the biisebnll grouiiil Mr I'to'iniM-, post inaiiti-r, who hai horn nulto III fur the past two week hard surface pavement; Jefferson street from Front street to Irving street; Monroe street from Front St. east to Irving; Scott St. from Front street to Main street. The Engineer was Instructed to make an investiga tion on a sewerage system. JENNINGS LODGE. absent be will visit his brother In Salt Lake City. V'tah Master Glenn Russell has been un able to nttend school for the past few days being contlto il to his homo with tonsllitls. Mi's lientrlce Sherk gave a Niirprl" I I not any bi tter party at her home .Monday evening In j The rliiri-n of ()n-Kn are prepar- m ar ( iregon ( 'Ity. Paul Allsworth and family haw movi'il In the Mrllobert houso. honor .if Misn Mailo Hainllloli. who) lug to build a nldewalk from I lie J. O. Staals has roiitcil the old timk lo r departure with her mother til imgi' Hall lo din rallruinl depot. Mooily place of the owner. Mis 1 mid lanillv for Ihelr new homo In Mr. Wliiiilugaleiid inmed to die Mrs. Norrie, of Gearhart Park, was a recent visitor nt the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. H- H. Emmons. Rev. Mr. Emmel. of Mllwaukle. preached at the Grace Chapel on Sun day afternoon as Rev. Shupp. the reg ular pastor officiated at the laying of the cornerstone of the Evangelical Church In East Portland. i Mrs. Treavltt and daughter. Mrs. j Richard Nunn and children, of Port land are spending a few days at tho pretty country home of Miss Kate Treavitt near Meldrum. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Iloardman have returned from a delightful visit to; their daughter, Miss Weigant. at Au rora. While absent, Mr. nnd Mrs. Doardman visited for a time at Sll verton. Miss Mable Morse attended Rev. i Young's lecture on the Yellowstone Park at the Taylor Street M. E. Church In Portland last week. j T. J. Spooner delivered some fine salmon to the Lodge people on Mon day, the last than can he had for a while as the season closed on March 1. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Woodward of Vancouver, Wash., were week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Tozler. I Ira Hart and Misses Mildred and ; Ellen Hart and Henry Smith of the Lodge attended a very pretty dinner party at the home of Mr. and Mrs.! Frank Pratt on February 27th, in Ore- i gon City. Mr. Jesen who has been Indisposed ' for some weeks is slightly Improved, j Mrs. Chas. Clough left on W'ednes- j day of last week for Newberg, where she will visit with friends and old neighbors. Mrs. Clough expects to return the latter part of the week. j Messrs. Arthur Caddy, Harry Pain- j toil and Hugh Roberts were business j visitors at the county seat Saturday. ! Harold Pratt, of Oregon City, spent ; Saturday calling on his former school- j mates at the Lodge. j Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Soesbe and Miss 1 Mable Morse were among those who j went down to the Armory and heard I Madame Schumann-Helnk, the famous contralto singer, on Wednesday even- ing of last week. Portland has been! enjoying some of the finest artists In j the country this winter and many of j our people of the Lodge have taken j the opportunity afforded them of hear-, Ing the great singers and pianists and j many of the well known lecturers and ! actors. ! W. L. Haberman has Just received ! a new stock of goods and will carry a j fresh line of vegetables, fruits, gro-j cerles, provisions, hay and feed. We wish all might patronize home trade and help do all they can to help the I Lodge. Mr. Haberman Is prepared to! take orders and deliver every day. I Mr. Seeley came up from Summit!. I ! In Benton County, and spent a few ! days with his son, Mr. J. E. Seeley j and family near the Lodge. Mr. See-! ley returned home on Saturday. ,i i Work on tho new house being built j I by Mrs. Emmons, will be rapidly j : pushed, the lumber arriving last week, ! land expects to have It finished by! I April 1. It has already been leased by ! a prominent Portland family who will enjoy the summer at this place. Spangler. Remember the ilance given by thn M W. A. March 5 at Green Hall. Good music and lots of fun. Every body conic. ,' Geo. Heililly sold Ills place lo Roy L. E. Ilentley returned Monday from ami has gone to Vancouver. Marqunm, Oregon, where he was rat- Wash., to work. OAK GROVE. Spokane, Wash , Tuesday The even- city the first of Ihu we k lie roll ing was pleasantly spent In music, I tunc to bo Superllileinleiit of the and games Cake, cniulle, fruit mul l bridge nnd rnllroud conatruiilou. tuns were furnished by the young pen. ; The Oswego women' club met ni pie. The fu Mowing were present- An na Kuks. Imogeiii. Inmiin, Mary Stein, Kaiin'l Worlhlngtoii. Alum Rlchtor, U'Me draham, dorilou Skiuig, Earl Hansen. Frank Vaiuudntrntid, Walter Harris, I. villa lluiiiinell, Ileal r Ire sick. We are triad to learn she was Kalatiui, Wash., where her fttlir n1 much Impri.wd before his return aides. home. ' I Anyone desiring Rhode Island Red i Sherk, llarlon Sherk, Mr, deo. Sheik, Mrs. L J. Hamilton and family, eggs for hatching can purchase them' Mrs. Hamllion nm other. the home of Mr Piitlnger dial week, with Mr Itimslter In charge of the progruiiime There were nine member present. Rev. .Ayer. reretilly from India, gave u very Interesting talk hint Hun. day evening nt the M, K rhuriii on the Missions and Mlioiluluiliel of III din. Agents for Buster Brown Shoes The,. Store Tenth and Main Streets WHTCH OUR BUSINESS GROW OUR BUYER has just returned from the Eastern markets, and the goods are pouring in. Buying for three stores enables him to secure the lowest possible prices, and we will give our customers the benefit of the bargains. The newest and daintiest things for ladies' waists and summer suits will be on display next week. Don t fail to see them. This store is famous for best quality and lowest prices on embroideries. See us before buying. Dress Special Children's cbambray dresses, Blzes one to four years, special y.c Ribbon Special Number eighty ribbon In nil staple colors, per yard . , ()c Corset Special Ladles' long hip corset color while special for one week ,'Hc CORSETS The c i. brated P. N. corsets none betier made for the money paid ladles' long hip, with high, cork protected steel, fQ, tc ladles' corsets, style N. H. long hip, liU'h or low hast ftc Itdi'M' long hip, long bust, cork protected steel, Sl-fW Misses Martha Washington corset waist, button front ,()c HOSIERY Topsy hosiery has be come well known on ac count nt Its wearing finalities nnd Its excel lent colorings. We hnve them In Men's, Women's and C h 1 1 dren's. Children's ribbed cot ton hose, double knees J()c Children's heavy ribbed cotton hose, two pair for 'i,")C lioyH' extra heavy cot ton hose, two pair, ;."c , OisUiiiEl SI Misses fine elastic rib- '', hose, two pair ' I 10 M Ihsch best fine ribbed iii.'i-lr hose, imlr "ic 1 julles' fine cotton hose .Hi Topsy black .. ir. i:t. io . IIWrYI M""'K sox, black Kiuy or inn m i (i i :tc Men's black col I on sox Topsy black 'r I""1 I.")0 Men's fancy colored sox (fi )"t nnd H Small Articles AT SMAI.I. PRICKS Wire luilrpliiH, per bunch o Children' handkerchiefs, each o Postcard c Paper of pins Oc Collar tuition c Darning cotton jo Culm plus o Vaseline, per bottle c Safety pins, do, 0 Tooth hriiMhes, each ,"Jo Cutilng Irons, each ,"5c Good pearl bittion, doz -Jo Machine oil, bolfle Largo box who hiilrpltiH 50 Corsi'l. sleels, pair "tc Marbles, twenty for ,"jo QIHHBiEHHCslUBalSHHHBBflsB THE BANK OF OREGON CITY THE JOHNSON REALTY CO. City Lota, Acreage and Farms a Specialty. P. O. Box 213 Milwaukee, Ore. W. E. THRESHER LAWYER niLWAUKlE, - OREGON Underwear Special U.dies' llKht-weight, high neck, long; sleeve vests, color while Itegular twenty five cents Special for One Week 20c Embroidery Remnants A lot of. mill ends In embtoldery and Insertions from one to eight Inches wldo will be on sale all next week. Children's knit waists, two fur Curtain Swiss Curtain Swiss In dots and figures our fifteen cent grade, fur the week dv J()c Overalls Men's light-weight bib overalls blue denim t"j(c Men's "KHz" overalls extra heavy and well mail,', J)()cniid Jfi I 00 Men's best blue denim Junipers, ., j;-c Hoys' overalls ff( M7t. Tii) ainf (J()c