Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1910)
0K1W0X CUT KNTKHE'JtlSK, KIM DAY, MARCH 4, 1910. i LAR5EN & COMPANY Cor 10th A Main Bt. OREGON CITY, OREGON. Whnloniiln Itinl lli'lall Groceries, Produce, feed nnil Commission Wo Pay th Hlflliest Cash Price For ull KlmU of Country Produce Wi' curry lli lnr"l Mloek of K Ih iii mir 1 1 ii In Cliii'luiiiiuK County, mill nni III pimltlon In offer hperliil llnliiri'iiii'iiU In J CASH htiyorit. I LOCAL liRIEPS Or, U (1. leu, Dciitl.t, Itoonm 17 ami IS, Mtmolilo lllilK. Hum I in r him )-' it vIhIUiik with liln piirt'iilN, Mr. mill Mm Ikiiiii: Kurr. Attorney ('. Hrliiu'li"! him returned friim Viiniotiver, II. C, where he went (ill i!lil bllHllloint ('. I! Sp'-ni", iiiiii of tin' iriiillniil liirmi'm of Urn Crnim country, wim In )rK"ii " 1 1 y r'rliliiy W 1 1 1 lit nt I). Miii'iIiiiiiiIiI, who Im . !. 11 hk-iiiUiik a year III Henttl", In Itoiu" for n f"W iluyH In vlnlt ri'lutlvi'n. Mlllon I'rlre In innUliiK plium fur n 1'iipei mutter' Hull, which Mill liiln place next Huturny evening ill the Ar timry. ."ill litmlicl fancy reiiiiuie.l red timer rn ill I'lr 111 In lulu nf ui Hi or wore. Aililrmit ( '. J. Iltiiwn, New Km. ii . I'aiil.iln .liinii'it Kvnti. mil' of I hi' 1 n 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 pioneer nf ih unite, with hu ii ni'ii'iiii' iii Cmiiiy, in I 1 i k very III Ml tllli ll'Hll" Andrew ItolicrUoii. n liunlii'-i' limil of J-Ylluooil, hihI fiiimi't ly of I hi n rlly. wiih III Oregon Oily 1'h ii i hiIii y trnim- lllllllIK lllllllllliHM, Mr. iiml MiK. .1. O. Minimum, ar rived frnni IIiiiiiIim limt wi'i'li, mid luim InirrliiiHi'il llm liuiinlliiK liutiiii' of Mm. Yiiiiiik mi HUlli iiml Water Mlri'i'iK. Indue Thulium ', Kynii 1 ft Hnttir ilny fur .Ininlliiii f'lly,-whuni hu Iiml chiiiliii nf Hi" ili'illciiliiry eoreiuiinle of tin- I. (. o. K, i.iiIIiIIiik, recently eotuploleil Hi thnl place, II. N. Cnnli, of Ciinliy, wu In Or"' Kim City nil ItiiHlitfHM Friday. Mr, ('mill In jit ikm.hi'i nf Ii I M 1 1 net nf lit ml lit ii K'ihiI tlK'H . hill Iiiin nut rl ili'i lili'il upon a locution. Mr. mill Mm. 'riininiiH l,ovoluee rn th promt pit ii ui m i,r n huliy Unit re. coolly nrrlvi'il in their homo nt I f tip". I'lalin, Mr. Iivi'litrn wiih formerly MNh MitiKr-f l.yinl, nf UiIh cliy. W 1 11 lit in Kli'lii', iiitn nf llm i i 1 1 1 r t - Ii I fiirniniH nf HiniiiKttiiter, wan In Ore. mm Clly Monday arranged fur llm ii u-1 1, m hiiIi. which lalii'M place tit IiIh rutin Munii in. Mr, Kltlin hint unlit It In rm in, j MIhh Miiiitari'l Hlniiik, hit"' nf As- Im la, wlin linn I ii vlnlllug her brother, Imuran Hltanli, nf Ciiiii'iitali, fur lhi Iiml Iwn inniilliH, hint gone In Vancouver, II (', whfri, nlm will liinli" her hinii" In future, Hubert Junker, nf i I In incite, who wiih MurliiiiHly Injured several wn-ka ami hy fulling from a Co-foot bridge at (imwi'K'i, l recovering rililly, mid wiih brought Iiiiiii" Monday I'Vi'tilim rrnin lhi liimpliiil in I'lirllaml. MIhh IHnln lli.i'k, nf Anrnrii More.CKanges in Laws are Proposed Protfrcinive Government League Advocates Enactment of Eitflit Law and Constitutional An menu That Will Excite Comment From Every Section of the State d- I'liihT llm caiillnii "I'li'imn llt'iul," II'l Ih Im'Iiik whli'ly illrilllili'il III Oii'is'iii, hy llm 1'rnnri'Hnlvo (iuvnrn ini'itl 1'iiKii", Ii'iIiiK inai'lli'iilly mint in I'vi'iy i"Kliil"it'il vulcr wli'iKo iul tlri'Hit rn ii h" Hi'i'tiri'it. 'I'IiIh piunplil"! prniinKCH to llm i"i- iln nf (iri'K'in cl:lil Iiiwh ami ihiihiI I 'K any mni tlinn imililpl" illHlrlcm. who hIiiiII havo chnrK'; of and Ikhiio a It kIiowh that Ixitli n uiill In iliHpn. j l.l-iiiniilhly pnniihlnt or nmKftzlno to pni llniialn rii)r"'litaH(iii nf pari I-k, I every voter In the, Htuto, They will 'I Iiii preHeti! HyHtein In hIihwii up rm ! he I'inpowereii k InveHllKafe pnhllo liilnrepieneiilatlve ami kIvImk mi" par-1 IiihIIIiiIIoiih and artvmnt, havo Hents ly In Oregon hIiic" I Mm from V! to! In (hut no vote) ihe legislature. In 2D mom ri'iiri'Mi'iilmlveH In t1, lower IIIiIh mai;a:lni; or w--Ue illfTerent pa hoiixe of thi ilnhitui.! ,M t wa r,.iM,riH an,i arifuin.-litH on illffer- liill'itial mitniiilinenlH Hint will e lh! ; Jtmlly enlllleil to, The nlin;le fllH-'ent proponllloni". liiHtlitiilonK eorifliint enmitieiil and nlleiillon frnni cvi'ry I trlrlH from whleh tiallonal reiriM"iita-, of oMelalH, will Im pulillHhed, The uuarler nf the Hlnl". liven are eleeleil nil over the rnunl ry expenHe of the' Cazette ami of tho The pamphli't Ih hIkwiI, nmler a lire llkwliui hIihwii In l,i. proiluetlvo ; ItiKpeelorn me llmlteil to a dollar a eompllance wiih Ihe corrupt praellceH j'of mlKreprei nlai Ion ami unequal up-1 year pir HiiliHcrlher, plim U,,W tut lift, hy Hi" iiaincK nf (Jeontn M Orton, porllonmeiil. Klrniiic advocacy In made, hired aHHlalaiitH. Tho ohjecu of thin Iv H. .1, McAlllHler, V.. Kchiteliel, C. u. j ( proportional n pr-nentailnii, arid ; , are to provide. 1h; people with In H. Wonil, M. Clark, II. J. I'liikUon, furllief on in the pamphlet a coiiMtl- J formation hh to puhllc mallem. fdu- W 1 1 1 hiily, -Henry K, Mci;inn and W. inilnual niiteiidinenl Ih proposed which cation upon i.-xIhIIiik and propimed l-it- put huh principle in practice. , Iclatlon und puhllc liiHtltiitloni and to , Invenllnate the olllclalH. S. H'llell. In Mi fori'Word It layH particular HlrciiH nil tho power of eleclliiK puh llc iillli'liiU Ih Iiik plainly Hecoiiilary to Hie power of Iiiiiii 1 Ii it 1 1 11 K thein. It pilntH a tipeech of Henry K. Mrtiinn lU'.'llllilt III" IIHHI'lllllly. It piilnu out that iliirlnn Hi" npenillon of the direct lirlniaty Ih" Ueiiuhricaii party Iiiih Iii rreimetl II M p'TrciiiiiK" of popular The proponed amendment aulhor- vol" In OreKon mid of ItH nieiuhera In lifter ..Mice "Tin, illrccl lirlinnrv him hllllt vIhIHiik wiih MImh Martha Myem for.,,,, i ),,. parly, hul hroken down tho nni pnm wm-H, re'uriieii 10 ner noino niiichlnc,' Knturilay. Mm. J. Irn Kckermin, of ,,,. n' IzIiik thit formation of ilutrlrtM for i The ainendmeiit nroiioned to Artl Ihe eoiiHtructlnn of rallroadu In much ; cle IV. of the CimHlltiitlon are many ihij Hiimi! niiinner an now are imrt Im- ' mid fundami'nial. Th Initiative and provement illHtrlrlH and Irrigation din-! referendiiiu are provided for and irlclH allowed riuiei In f,,r analyHl : MrciiKthcncd. Bmeri?-nry meanurea and odvocacy. The proponed (dninire In the renula tliiii of taxaiion which Ik Die necond Ih the way the pamphlet j fotiHlrucilve chani!" preaented In thla ' iiiiiii in ei. m a i ir-ti-ai tutor nnn run. II. ..I tll- lit u it... ...... ..r ' IciillliiKferaconHillullnnalconveiHlon. II I.. Kelly hnn received a letter from IiIh hoii, I'IkIiIoii, who Ih now on IiIh wuy to Hotiili America, where he linn ni-ci'pli'd u piixli Inn with the I'lHherli'H llureaii of Argentine Itepuh lie. mid h! ill "H that he Ih enjoying hit trip. The letter wa mailed at llor deaiiK, KrtinrK. It Ih Hi" Hiitne wordliiK iih an arKU nient on .file with th" Hi'rrelarv of! Htale hIi:uci ,y V. H. IT'Ken. Thin hi-Ih fnrt ll the rontenllon that there In ' no need of three elei'tloiiH and at- i ti tidliiK expeiiKea to cliatiK" the pres ent rniiHtltulloii In veneii partlntilarH, an Unit ran he morn eanlly and ccniiotnlciilly done through the refer- Mm. M. T. WaHhhiirn, who rcuhtcH nduni and Initiative. That the dan near Denver Creek, wan In OreKon R'T "f "'h a body helnif allowed to Clly Monday Mr. mid Mm. WnHh-j HHMcinble ch In ItH iiinjiieHiloned iow liiirn fniinerly p-Hlded at Dolioti, hut"r to proclaim a roimiliiiiloii wlihoirt recenlly pun-limed the Kreil .MiiiHhoii j Mibinlimlnn to the people, notwlth farm. rointlHtliiK of U'll acrea and will i titinlln any nclH nilllliK It Into helnn. ko Into farmlni?. They have named1 The r-nl reiiHon for the conHtlln- their farm "llnppy Corncra." in, mil convention" Ih that "ihev want more power to rcicul.ite taxation and I'xempllonH, ami plac"K with rnuntloM and clilea aelf nil" ri-KardliiK their own revenue and exempt lonx, when and an far a the people of any local Kovernment denlre to make them. The meaHiire will complete and I lottiid out tho two ainendmentH kii!- can only he paaHod by a three-fourth.H vote, and cvfti then are mihject to Hie referendum. KeHoIutlona hy the tyioplo can be paHed throiiRh the Ini tiative, and partH of a bill can he kuIi mltted to the people. The entire le iHlaitire, or any part of It can be re called, The Hame provlxlona are ex tended to rlticH. Proportional repre centatlon Ih explicitly provided for. !cal hlllH will be mibmltted to the people affected In such matter as coun ty dlvlalon, creation of Judaea, eto. Annual aesHlonH of the legislature are provided for, and the term, subject to recall, made nix yearn for members K () Heely, of Summit, On-iton. who Iiiih been vIhIHiik Willi IiIh hoii, J. Iv Heely and family nt Meldniin, returned lo bin Inline on Friday inoriiliiK Mr. S I y wan formerly In IniHlneiiH here with IiIh mm, and Ih now owner of a ISO acre Htock ranch, having 1 lnuul mllleil liv the leirihlature at ttu rt. riuent of the CranK", nnd will safe- of both hoiiHes Kuard the people from the ef(Ulature I henafier repealltiK tax laws that the Article V. Ih amended hy the next people paHH. proposition to erttabllsh the cabinet The proposition mad" by Senator I form of government with the gover llourno to chooHe prexln.-ntlal electors nor an the responsible head, he ap- by tlie direct primary and to have ! pointing tho attorney general, aecre the people at the primaries name their ; tary of state, state printer, Buperinten cholco for proHldent of Hie Cnlted ! dent of Instruction, secretary of labor, Hlates, Ih endorsed and the arKiimenii ! and business manager. The gover of the aenator given. nr-g t,.rm H made six years and he I cannot be re-elected. Salaries cannot Criticism and opinions are asked 1 be Increased bv anv law without the of the Hind" district plan stilnnlited j for concerning what U called Ihe cab- consent of the people. The governor to tlie people by the last legislature.! Inet form of government. As a sep-1 will have a seat In the legislature as Th" argument against It Is that single J urate act It is proposed to establish a ' well as the members of his cabinet, illHtrlrlH do not prevent gen yinuiider-1 board of three "I'eople's Inspectors." j but no vote, and he will have the SAVE YOUR EYES Don't put off wearing glasses till your sight is nearly gone. Begin now and avert trouble later. Our expert optician will fit you with eye glasses that will make you see better and look better for from $i.00 up. Examination free. Perhaps your glasses are a little out of shape, we are always glad to straighten them for you FREE OF CHARGE. to steal the people's power," declares the argument on this subject. The m-xt mutter taken up Is that t SEELEY'S The Peoples iiM The Best Items for the Opportunity Sale Store, Oregon City "" w f 1 BOOST FOR OREGON CITY Boost for Clackamas County And a Bigger Oregon The Best Items for the Opportunity Sale FLOUR There is more satisfaction in selling an article of assured merits. Merits of "Seeley's Best" is demonstrat ed more convincingly when in the hands of actual users. Fancy Patent Hard Wheat, noth ing better on the market. (IJfC Cf per barrel (4 sacks) pU Jl "Seeley's Best" every sale guaranteed satisfactory, per sack $1.75 SUPREME FLOUR a good family grade, is winning favors among bread makers at the popular price $1.40 Sack $5.25 Barrel 4500 Matches 25c Large Perfect Matches heads don't fly off. 4 Dozen Hard Wood Clothes Pins, all perfect. We purchased 7200 dozen for this sale v. 5 gallons Coal Oil - 80c Clams, 3 cans 25c Clam Nectar 10c Salmon, 3 cans 25c Better Grade, 2 cans 25c Best Grade, per can 20c Star Tobacco, per pound 45c Export Cigars, 7 for 25c OYSTER SHELLS for your poultry, makes your hens lay, $ I . It) per hundred pounds. A Watch Repairing Tip It is surprising how many fine watches and pieces of jewelry are ruined every year by being placed in the hands of poor and inexperienced workmen for repairs. A slight oversight on their part will cause endless trouble. Leave your repairing in our hands, and you'll get all that long experience and honesty can give. If it is not convenient for you to leave your watch with us, pack it in a box and mail it to us. We will repair it and return it to you by registered mail ALL WORK GUARANTEED Burmeister & Andresen Oregon City Jewelers Suspension Bridge Cor. power of referendum on financial bills which be may Introduce and which the legislature may reject. The re call is strongly provided for. The part of this proposition which will excite the greatest discussion are those pro viding for the appointment by the gov ernor, subject to their recall by the people of the several counties, of sheriffs and district attorneys. Article VI. is proposed to be amen ded by establishing county govern ment upon the commission basis, power being vested In a commission of three chosen by proportional rep resentation. They would choose a business manager and such other as sistance as might be considered desir able. The recall would bold them In check, the minority of the citizens equal to one-third would always have one man In the commission. Klingler's Penusylvania Buckwheat Flour, the kind you can taste in the cakes, 9 pound AC I 4JL I sacks, each Com Meal, Nebraska's bolted, highest quality, 9 pound sack double 35c We have purchased a large quanity of Southern Rice, for this sale, of unusual quality, nice perfect kernels, worth 9c pound. Special during March, lb. 6c Extra Fancy Dried Peaches, tempting values, pound 1 0c 2 cans choice California table Peaches or. Apricots 25 1 Sine EY'S 9th oncl Main Streets, The Peoples Store Oregon City, Oregon Article VII. Is regulative of the Ju diciary and as proposed to be amen ded would simplify proceedure before the supreme court, reduce appeals. prevent Increase of the members of the court or their salaries wunoui con sent of the people, provide In civil cases verdicts by a three-fourths as sent of the Jurors, and would also re duce the printing of useless opinions. The striking feature of this pamph let is the boldness with which the as sembly It attacked, the simple yet forceful language, and the direct and unequivocal statements and declara tions. Every citizen is urged to de clare himself as against any candidate who accepts a convention or assembly nomination. The proposals in tne pamphlet will be bitterly attacked al some points. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A SOCIETY The Junior class of the Oregon City High school is arranging for a class party in Woodmen of the World Hall on next Saturday evening. A very quiet wedding was solem nized Thursday afternoon at the court house, the contracting parties being Mrs. Nora Peck, and Mr. William Mi ller, of St. Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Hil lier left on the evening train for their home at St. Johns, the groom having a nicely furnished cottage a walting his bride. Mrs. Hlllier came to Oregon City about six months ago, and since that time has resided with her sister. Mrs. L. N. Benson, of Six teenth and Polk streets. xriss Ova Marrs. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marrs. of Mount Pleas ant, and Mr. William Peters, of this city, were quietly married Wednesday night at 6:30 at the Baptist parsonage with Rev. S. A. Hayworth officiating. The young couple are favorably known in this city, and are promi nent members of the Baptist church. The bride has been the stenographer jn the office of County School Superin tendent Gary for several years, while the groom is employed In the paper mills, where he Is very popular among his fellow workmen. Mr. and Mrs. Peters will make their home in this city. A very pretty wedding was solem nized in this city Sunday afternoon, the com racking parties being Miss Louise Katherine Klemsen, daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Klemsen, and Mr. Peter Kloostra. The ceremony was performed at the Zlon Lutheran church, Hev. W. R. Kraxlierger otli ciating. At 4 o'clock to the strains of Lohengren's Wedding March, ren dered by Miss Ernn Petzold, the bri dal party entered the church and mar ched up the aisle to the altar, where the groom was waiting for his bride. The bride, on the arm of her father, D. M. Klemsen, preceded hy the bridesmaids, Miss Minnie Klemsen, sister of the bride, and Miss Florence Seller. William Kloostra and Al Klemsen acted as best men. The church was decoTated with roses and evergreens. The bride was prettily gowned In white silk, and her long tulle veil was caught in place by a wreath of lilies of the valley. She carried an arm bouquet of white carnations. The bridesmaids wore t pongee and crepe de chine, and car ried pink carnations. After the ceremony the bridal par ty and many Invited guests repaired to the Knapp hall, where a banquet was served. Upon the arrival of the bride and groom In the hall Oscar Woodfln played Mendelssohn's wed ding march, and the bridal party took their places at the bride's table, which was enclosed in a bower of evergreens and pink carnations, while the guests were seated at the long tables, which were laden with good things. Gus tave Schnorr was the toastmaster, and gave an address to the "Bride and Groom." after which all of the guests drank from the brimming goblets. Speeches were made by D. M. Klem sen, R. C. Ganong, and A. M. Slnnott. "Oh Promise Me" was well rendered by Miss Grayce Marshall. "Wedding Day," by Grelg. was rendered by Os car Woodfln. Dancing followed the banquet until 10 o'clock, when' the bride and groom left on their honey moon trip to Eastern Oregon. Before the bride took her departure she threw her bouquet, which was caught by Miss Minnie Rakel. i Knapp's hall was elaborately "decor ated for the occasion with evergreens. There was a large display of hand some gifts Including cutglass, silver ware, rugs and other household goods. Mr. and Mrs. Kloostra are well known young people of this city, and have a large circle of friends. Upon their return they will make their home In this city, where the groom Is in business. The U-Go-I-Go Club met at the home of Miss Bess Warner Friday night, and enjoyed one of their delightful times. One of the features of the evening was the Initiation of Miss Erna Petzold, who was recently taken into the club, and it Is safe to say that the old goat was feeling pretty active, after his week's rest, and bis actions caused much merriment for the other members, if not for Miss Petzold. Vocal and Instrumental mu sic followed. Dainty refreshments were served by the hoBtess. The club meets every Friday evening, and next week's meeting will be at the home of Miss Alice Goettling, of Thirteenth and Washington streets. The mem bers attending last Friday night were Misses Louise Walker, Evelyn Har ding, Madge Brightblll, Marlon Money Florence White, Bess Warner, Mar garet Brown and Alice Goettling. Watch Repairing Carefully done means the preservation of yoor time piece. There is a reason. WILLIAM GARDNER JEWELER Main Street, near 8th. You can't sow thistles and reap tigs. II you plant rerry s seem you grow exactly wrtii you expect anaia a prolusion and perfec tion never eicelkd. aiwi'j.i"r yy Fifty JVT make them re- WJr itaoie. ror Mie i ' everywhere, fefry'i 1910 Sted Annual tree on request d. h. nut co. Detroit. Hick.