Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1909)
OliKGOX CITY KXTKlilMilSK, VUMOAV, NOYKMUKU TJ, 1!)0!. E. W. MELLIEN & CO. Complete House Furnishers Opposite Cotift House . i HOLIDAYS HOLIDAYS Christmas is some war off. At this".tiuie we oall attention to the. fact that holiday poods sell at high jiriivs bcoanse t lie buying prlod for such merchandise is so short, Uusually the. dealer counts on disposing of hit holiday stock in a week or ton days. He expects to have a considerable, part of liie stock to carry over to the nest season for a year iu the wayaml constantly depreciating iu value. H.Vo wonder that ho feels he mnstjhavo Ja handsome profit on the holiday mer chandise he tells. For the coming season'we are going to pursno a iiflerent plan. We are now getting in an iramese holiday stock. Some of it has already ar rived. Within ten days it will all be in our More. We expect to make the season J" of holiday buying in oar store cover a long period of time. This will enable oa to mark holiday goods at the prices of onr regalar merchandise. We will not have to ask excessrie profits. In order to start the hoilday busi ness going right away ws offer this extraordinary inducement For pur chases in this Hue atnoontingto fo.00 made daring the present month we will give in addition any article or articles of holiday merchandise of the value of 11.00. That is. yon buy 15.00 worth of holiday goods and get f 1.00 worth free, Ko matter how much or how little yon boy, if the purchase is made in November, you will re ceive free merchandise in the above proportion. Thus, if it is 2.50 you spend, your free merchandise will amount to SO cents. If it is 10.00, yon will'get in addition ti.00 in holi day goods. To take advantage ot'this offer you only have to select your goods during the present month, make a small de posit on them, and we will set them aside to be called for at your plea sure. By commencing the holiday season early we can make you attractive prices and yon will get an extra pres ent free for every one yoa bay. This plan makes possible the greatest value ever offered for your holiday expenditures. China DaintyTplates, uup"and saucers, diuner sets and choice pieces of china mate most desirable "presents. We can furnish yen whatever you want in this line. Pictures When we don't know what to se lect for a Cliristmas present we fin ally decide on a picure. Onr stock of pictures is large and they'are less exDensive this vear than everbefore. (See first column of this ad for special discount. ) Read the First Column of this Ad carefully f : study it Think of It : You can buy so cheaply the presents you spend so much time and labor in making In the way of Holiday Gifts you will find in Oat Store the Greatest Variety and Most Complete Selection to be had in the State of Oregon, outside of Portland DOLLS Every little girl in Clackamas County wants a doll for Christmas. We will offer a selection of 500 dolls for the pleasure of little ones DOLL CARTS More than one little girl in Clack amas County is to have a cart for her doll. We have them, prices ranging from 75c to $7.50 . We have not even mentioned the choicest presents of all. They are serviceable pieces of Furniture. Always bear this in r mind in thinking of what your Christ mas remembrance is to be. Order Your Christmas Tree Ornaments early to take advantage of our discount offer as we will have a good selection to choose from. ti tV A The First Column of this Ad Explains the Greatest Money Saving Offer Made You : ARE WE? WE ARE! We are attor tlie holiday luminous. Wo are offering inducements (see llrst coin nm of this ad) that can't help hut bring it to us. V hollnvii people nowadays are Mndinu their dollars where they will bring the most good goods. Must people do. Some buy of friends for friendship's sake. This is llie kind of friendship that ceases when they cense to tiny. Tho element of friendship doesn't enter into the gnino when your dealer goes out to buy. I'rlees talk with him Why not with yon? Wimp wo say wo are preparing to give yon the most anil the best for your money, we mean busmen. Cut Glass We have iu stock now the most elegant and greatest asortiuent of cut glass iu the city. It it a luxury longed for and dsar to the heart of every woman. When you make a present of a piece of rieh ent glass you neen't be sruprised to hear long after how many nights it was snugly hiddeu away uuder the pillow of the omi who received It. No one ran toll Just why women so dearly love cut glass and diamonds. There is no need to attempt to fathom tiie rensou why. Just War tho (act In mind for our good women folks' sake. (Our otTer in tho tlrst column of this ad applies to cut glass. ) Toys In the linn of tors you will tlud hero a very Isrge assortment. With out attempting to nttim the various articles that bring Joy to the littlo hearts, wo can assure you the best se lection to be had. We have made it a Huit to coutlue the toy linn largely to moderate priced goods. Just as a suggestiou of things (list always please the little tolks, look over the fol lowing: Ohildreu's tor tea sols, toy parasols, iKipguns and whistles, wooly animals, hairy dogs, tddy bears, horses, elephants, transparent slates, water colors, rattle balls, or ange balls, rubber balls, rubber dolls and all kinds of dolls, toy musical in struments, toy stoves to; on wheels, trains, engines ami various mechan ical toys, drums. haris, toy chairs, rockers, wlieellmrrowi. carts, wagons, rocking horses, toy furniture, doll hods, cradles, trunks, antumohilcs, games, such as checkers, authors, domiuoa, clihildren's hooks, pocket kuives, etc., etc. Xmas Ornaments Have a Christmas tree at homo for tho children. A few cents Pipeiiilod for caudles and ornsmcn's make a boautitful tree aud tho children ill eujoy it ami remember it as an event in their lives, eveu if on it is nothing more than a rublsT dull for baby. E. W. MELLIEN & CO. Complete House Furnishers Opposite Court House Oregon City, Oregon Estacada and Eastern Clackamas SANDY. Sandy people were suddenly dis turbed from their peaceful slumbers by a bright light and racket of burst ing ammunition Thursday at 1 A. M., and discovered J. B. Tawney's store was a mass of flame. Alf Bell who lives next door, first discovered the fire as it burst out of the roof. He spread the alarm and soon the whole town was on the scene, and by heroic work Alf Bell's house was saved. Tawney's store and contents Is a total loss of about $7090, partly covered by insurance. H. E. Klock while riding a horse and leading another, was at the same time peeling an apple with his pocket knife when his riding horse stumbled and In trying to hold his balance swung his arm in such a manner as to run the blade Into his breast just below the heart, making a serious wound, fev ering an artery and woull have bled to death had it not been fo F. I.or! man, who happened along with his wagon and took him to the sandy drug Btore, where Dr. Davis atteid.'d th" wounded man, who uj.-l.--r his care is expected to soon rec ier. J. H. Wewer receive word from Portland that his daughter Frances, Is seriously 111 with typhoid fever. He went to visit her at the hospital. The heavy rains of tne last week raised all streams beyond their banks; the dam of the Mt. Hcod Railway Co. under construction, washed out; clso t.'io dam and racks at Salmoj River ctttriieiy went out. F. E. McGugin, road boss, has a crew of men opening the old grade up Cedar Creek hiil In order to save the new grade which in places Is vis-;hed out by heavy haliiL and bravy travel. Jue Donahue Is r.nvr sole propriet y of the Sandy livery barn, having pur chased his brother's interest. Mr. Crow, Sandy s new landlord, Is doing a rushing business. ' Clarence Casedy has purchased a half interest in Allison Blacksmith I shop and both are busy striking while ' the irons are hot. James Deshazer Is busy with a crew ; of carpenters building an addition to his house. ; Mr. Hudson sold his 21-acre tract ! for $2000. Mr. Hudson will move to Kalama. V. Langensend sold part of his farm to Portland parties. Painless Dentistry BORING. '&Lj;- . ' Ont ot town people . ' ' tfJtn hftVM triir i.'.id j 1 , "" (JlKtfl , T- itiM In on du :'---f. We will jTiva yo0 g ff00j t ,22k gold or pf)ria;fl crcwnlor 53.50 J 'j '$Golf Fillings 1.00 - JLitimei riittngt I.UU Silver Filling! .50 ' ;.lty Filling! 2.50 Piit o.uu Eteit M Rub- ti nia itTwiBtii n rmim Patnlm Eilr'tion .50 WORK GUARANTEED FOR IS YEARS Pf nl-m jtrotiori roe hn Libit ur britlgo work lanrtlred. X)-ulUtion Frwo, Vno cannot gnt btuii (MitnlfMi work doueanjwhMH. Allwurk fully ruur anlnl, AluitjrngliTtrictMiulnjieat. hmi n.i'tkodi. Wise Dental Co, f AtUMa BmLDIKO IMCO.FO.ATID nwiWua.llii, PORTLAND, OREGON crnct aocu: utkiML imujt, tut. Fire Thursday night destroyed the general store and wan-house of Jacob Tawney at Sandy. Mr. Tawney had a large stock of general merchandise, as well as a building containing bug gies, wagons and farm implements, all of which were consumed. The stock was insurfd for only $';000, which does not nearly cover the loss. Prompt work by a bucket brigade saved the Hell house, next door. It is suppos ed that the building caught lire ac cidentally. Boring gets another rural free de livery route, such notice being receiv ed Friday night from the Postofflce Department at Washington. It will be known as Boring rural route No. 3. and takes the place of Orcsham rur al route No. 5. The present carrier, a woman, will remove from Oresham to IJoring and continue on the ne route. This route will run from Bor ing to Union school house, thence to Damascus, taking In a scope of coun try now without free delivery back of Boring. The new route starts Decern ber 1. The suit of George Jackson against Henry Hampton for the recovery of money was on trial Friday In Justice Goodner's court Seneca Fouts, of Portland, and Mr. Dye, of Oregon City, are the attorneys. The matter was taken under advisement. J. V. Roots has sold some acreage to Robert Jones, of Boring, also to Mr. Stone, living east Boring. Born, to Mrs. Ous Brehtn, a 12 pound boy. George Martlon. of Boring, accom panied by his wife, during the latter part of August went to Salem to pick hops. His wife was taken sick, and, through the financial assistance of her father, Henry McGlnnis, of Boring, was taken to a hospital in Salem. Mar-' tin did nothing whatever towards looking after her, but kept constant ly drunk. He had often, while Intox- ieated, said that he had killed a man in Kansas and that there was a re ward of 500 for his capture. No one 'believed it or paid attention to his , talk. While drinking in a saloon In Salem, he repeated his story so often that the bartender went, to the sheriff. Martin was arrested, and again said that, he had killed a soldier guard In Leavenworth, Kan., while be was a military prisoner and made his es cape to,tlie Coast. He enlisted In the Army under an assumed name, and for the second time deserted, came to Boring and married Miss McGlnnis. The bartender and the Sheriff took Martin to Vancouver, where a reward of $30 was paid thern for his capture, and he Is being held there as a Gov ernment prisoner while his story as to the murder In tho EaBt Is being In vestigated. Mr. McGlnnis has just returned from Salem, and says that he has no doubt that Martlon Is the man wanted In the East for murder. 8PRINGWATER. Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to trmt ment by the Rrceahli;, aromatic Ely's Cream Bulm. It is received through the nostrils and cb iinsm and h'-aln the whole urfaee over which it diffuses itwlf. Drug, gists Bell the r,0-. sizo. Test it and you are sure to continue the treatment till re lieved. Announcement, To accommodate those who are partial to the use of atomizers in applying liquids into the nasal passages fur oitnrrhal trou bU, the proprietors prepare Cream Balm in liquid form, which will be known as Ely's Liquid Cream Bulm. Price including the praying tube is 75 cents. Druggists or by mail. The liquid forra emboditB the med icinal properties of the solid preparation. Miss Lavlna Schmidt, who has been employed as cashier In the depart ment store at Estacada, returned home and Is very ill with Inflamma tory rheumatism. Miss Glover and Miss Francis re turned home from Oregon City, where they attended the Institute and school is now in session again. The social given at Mr. Crumley's last Tuesday, was enjoyed by a small crowd as the weather was not very good, but all who did go, certainly had a fine time, but next time may be the moon will shine. Mrs. Wrath's cousins, from Molalla, are visiting here for a few days. Several pianos have be.n left here, and In a short time we will have some fine music. Who will he the teacher? Walter Strunk brought home a new buggy last Saturday. .Mrs. Sherman's sister, from Michi gan, Is spending a few days here. Mis Minnie Nelson, who is working In Portland, spent Sunday with her parents. Miss Caroline Krause, who has been In Portland, came home a few days ago. Sidney Smith Is sick, nnd not able to be around again. Miss Hazel Tlson, who Is attending high school at Estacada, Is progress ing very nicely. All kb Alary Howard will return to her home next Alonday from Oregon City. Mrs. Lewellon's daughter, who lives at The Dalles, is slowly Improving. Air. Chilly and family moved on the Cross place last Saturday. Wasco Shannon Is going to butcher twenty pigs Tuesday. dltlon on Hammond Paulson's barn. The Rock Creek school house Is finished and school Is progressing nicely in the new building. N. Aplunalu lost one of his $250 horses lately, and Is now looking for a mate to his remaining one. A. Newell, A. W. Cook and Will IJor Ing arc on tho grand Jury In Portland this week. Air. CmachiT and little son was In Portland Saturday. Emanuel Thelbo's son nnd his wife, of Seattle, are visiting him this week Airs. Walter Smith's sister, who has been visiting her for a short time, re turned home aHturday. Af.r. Glarner bus built a fine new milk house. Ed Slefer has been crushing rock on tho plank road, and spreading It on the road near Sycamore. That's the kind of roads we need for winter. George Derry and family went to Concord, Saturday, the fith, to at tend the funeral of Michael Outfield. DAMASCUS AND ROCK CREEK. The rain for the last week has stop ped the farmers from digging pota toes. Only a few got all of theirs out during the good weather. Some are getting their fall nlowlng done while others are putting up new buildings. Everett Hubbard Is building an ad- EAGLE CREEK. E. D. Palfrey butchered 12 head of hogs last Wednesday, and shipped them to Portland Thursday. Will Sweeney, of Kelso, Wash., nc compnnled by Till Young, arrived in Eagle Creek last Thursday evening and made his slsler, Mrs. W. V. Douglas, a short, visit, returning to Portland Saturday evening. Henry Hoffmelster niacin a trip to Portland last week. Mr. and Airs. Hal Gibson, Mt. nnd Airs. Henry Udell and children, and Air. and Airs. R. I). Gibson spent Sun day afternoon with James Gibson. Air. Fitzgerald, of Dover, Is hauling potatoes to the Eagle Creek station. AIIhs Crouch returned this week from tho Institute with quite n hud cold, but very warm In her praises for the Institute. Air. and Airs. Ray Woodlo made a trip to Estacada one dny last week. Airs. Emma Whipple, of Tho Dalles, who has been the guest of her sls-ter-ln-law, Airs. Walter Douglass, for a few weeks, returned homo last week. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING Rooms to rent Fine view. Suit able for man and wife or two ladles. Apply Williams Building, Howard's Store. Are You Going to Build ? Dulldinu Material, except lumber, Is life study of oura. Wo can tell you the cost and quality of Cement, Lime, Pltutor, Duor and Wlndowt. W con tell you what style lock are most bccomlno to your Intended bouse. Wo can give you pointer on "how to paint your house and to paint It In tho most economical and lastlnp way." Wo havo the latest Window and Front Door Decoration, our own Im portation from tho European contort of tin art. Our facilities of buying leaeoned itock Door, and Window, at tho right time of tho eeaion enables in to offer you time goods well aea.oned and at prices to defy any competition, We are solo agenta far tho celebrated "Golden Gate Cement" for Clack amas County, and offer you this cement at our Ware home on Main Street, for $2.10 per barrel of 4 sack., ait additional charge of lOo per lack will bo made, but money refunded If returned In good ibape. We havo some odd lite door and window on hand which wo ell a cheap a. $1.25 each. Do not delay to see ui, whether you are ready to buy or not. LADIES' REST ROOM Prank Busch EXCELLENT WORK ON ROAO. Sandy Highway Improved by Super visor Charlc Krebi. ('. Olstn niiil Chnrleii Krvtis, promt lii'iil residents of the 8undy country, were In Oregon City on business hint week. Mr. Kri'hs, who Is supervisor of the nmil district at Siiudy, was Iu to have nit Interview with tho county court In regard to assisting In the laying of plunks on the Duticnu Crt'ss rend. Some excellent work has been done on tills mail, on some places a :'i fiwit rut had to b uinde. The road will h great liotiellt to the residents In that part of the county when completed. Mr. Krelis Is serv ing his second year us supervisor III his district, nnd Is giving satisfac tion to the public. Mr. tllsi-li. who has recently Installed n saw mill m-ur where the rond Is being repaired, and which will stnrt up within a few days, has donated th" plunks for the mad. He as Ix'cil In the miwiulll business In Clackamas County for the pant three years. Where the sawmill Is now lo cated there Is a Hue belt of timber. 1 Croup Cured and a Child's Lite Savd. "It afford me great pleasure to ndd my testimony to that, of the thou sands who have I u benefited by ( 'lillliilierluln's C'nllLh ltemiilv M V child. Andrew, when only three years !,lm" ""'lr enperlence In the liusltiras old was taken with severe attack of croup, anil thanks to the prompt use DANIEL WEBSTERS FIRST DOLLAR WEBSTER'S FIRST MONEY EARN ED BY CLEANING STABLE WE OFFER CHANCE. The very first money Daniel Web ster every earned was for cleaning out the stable on his father's . farm. The story us we learned It was sonic thing like this; Webster, then only n stniill boy, was promlncd a dollar by his father If he cleaned the ntuble. The boy worked manfully nearly nil day and performed the link very creditably. After lnsHctlug the work 1:1s father bunded tiltu the dollar with the remark. "Y"U have did so well that you can clean It out ciu-h morn ing fnnn now on." Many prominent men and women of today owe their present standing to such trlvnl things In their early youth IIiihIuch training from early childhood up Is practically I'tneutlnl for success In the present strenuous times. Newsboys, with no education at the start utiil with no capital oilier of Chnmhcrluln'H Cough Remedy hU life was saved and today he Is a ro bust and healthy Isiy," snys Mrs. A. Coy, Jr., of San Antonio, Texas. Tills remedy has been In use for many years. Thousands of mothers keep It at hand .and It has never been known to fall. For sale by Huntley llros Co. Letter List. 1.1st of unclaimed letters at the Oregon City poatoftlcc for (he week ending November S. Wlunau's list Anderson. Ruth; llarues, Mrs. Kiln: llruinwell, Nettle E: lledrlck, Etta; Holly, Mrs. Martha; Hoyt. Mrs. Cora; Johnson, Mrs. Will CI; Meyers, Edith. Metre list Anderson, O. F; llrown. Carl; llurlon, Edward; Canluve, Joe; Coupe, Ralph II; Davis, T. J. CM: Dlxson, T. N. ('.'); Dutrher, Frank; Fasten. W; Erlcksoti, UToy; Fuller. Kdw; Johnson. W. S; AIcFnrland. Al- ert; .Martin Gllger M ; Rachford, J. '; Richardson, .A I Cli; Htratiil, .Mr.; Yatch, Clarence CD. Won't Sllflht a Good Friend. If ever I need a cough medicine again I know what to gel," declares Airs. A. 1 Alley, of Heals, Me., "for, after using ten bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery, and seeing Its excel lent results In my own family mid others, I am convinced It Is the le-st medicine niado for Coughs, Colds nnd lung trouble." Every one who tries It feels Just that way. Relief Is felt at once and Its quick cure surnrli.'S you. For rironchltls, Asthma, Heni- irrhage, Croup, Ui Grippe, Sore Throat, pain In chest or lungs, It's Biiprerno. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Jones Drug Co. world gained hy selling papers on the streetn have In many luslimcea reached the very top of the ladder. The vice president of a large Kantern corporation says: " owe my success to the experience gained when a liewslsiy on the streets of Han Fran cisco." Now my young friend have you slopped to eoushb r what you are doing to acquire that knowledge of tiuslneHs affairs so essential to your future success? I Hi you know how It feels to earn money for yourself, to wear a new suit or hat purchas ed from your Individual earnings? You perhaps are willing to earn mon ey If only the chance, presents Its self. You have the opportunity now and the only question remaining Is how simiii and to what nn extent ymi will granp It Tho Enterprise Offer the Chanco to any enterprising boy or girl, who I wishes to earn money for Ihelr very , ow n In this wv. Subscribers ar I worth money to us and we are will I lug to pay a liberal rommlisloti for ' each one whether new or renewal. I tie Mitcrtirlse lulu acquired a repu tation of being the best all around county weekly In (he whole stale of Oregon and we are going to keep It so We head the procession and others follow s when vou speak to your friend about the Enterprise you know they will understand you are selling the very best. In nddlllon we are offering as extra Inducement a splen did pair of finest sleo tension shears with each subscription. The retail price of these shears Is nearly as much as the Enterprise sells for. Write to us and get the terms of onr offer and the be prepared to work ilinlng odd times nnd see how easily you can earn enough for that new shot gun or dress. This Comfortable Convenient and Snappy Garment IS A SPECIMEN OP TIIE Clothing: MAUI nv David M. Pfaelzer & Co. that we carry in stock. Their supremacy is appar ent at a glance warmth, ease and perfect fit, at the lowest prices for high values. We can show you a complete assortment of "Wearbcltcr" Children's and Young Men's Over coats and Suits. Call in early and see our ttock of them L. ADAMS Department Store Oregon Dry mmm mn