Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1909)
0 IcW ION CITY ENTKItTIMHK, FRIDAY, NOVEMUEJt ,12, 1909. NATURE TELLS YOU. Ai Many in Oieuon City Floader Knows Too Wall. When (Iiii kidney ii rn nick, Nn i ii hi tells you nlmiit II Tlin urlni' m mil urn's culnniliir. InfniMii'iil or tun fi'iiini iii'i I hi ; " A II v u rl nil i y trouble li'lln nf kidney Ills. Dunlin Kidney Fills run' nil lild Miy llln. A. .1. Wiiml, r '.Till Cottage HI.. Hii Iimii,. Urn., hiivh: ' "Kidney ninl liliid lIlT tl'lltlllll' Ill'Cilltll' Nil llllll HlHl III" lllilllll luu m nit Iim UK Hint I WIIH obliged In ilu Nimii'tliliiK lo I'll"" llm iiiiITii lug '111" irnnlil" bothered III" imiiit In (Iih morning or two nr three Iiuiiih nflcr I iiriini'. Tim tun fro ill"lll iii'IIiiii nf lh" kidney secret bill huh iili. ii v.'iy niiiiuy Uik nml t'liihaii's HllIK I llllll ItlKIWII il" wlm llllll nic'lviil llm liiMl or ri'Hiillii fi mil Dunn's Kidney I 1 1 1 h nml I llniilly pro cured u Inn llnfohi I liml IIX"i mi" I. iu I hum completely flee f iiiiii "V"i y nyinpluin of llm Iniiilil". Th" kidneys hit" niri'iiKili"ii"il nml my geiiernl lii'iilili Iiim'iiiii" boiler. I run liunlly i'lli's III Winds III" K'hiiI liillllull I liuv" of Dunn's Kidney I'lllu" I'li-iily iiini" proof Illin this from Ori-guu I'lly People. Cull HI I llllll ly llmii'. ilniK Morn nml wk wlmt I I, I'll' rllHtlHIIITH report. Kir mil" by nil dealers, t'rli'" 50 (-it t. Foster Mllhurn Co., IliilTulii, New York, mil" intents fur tho United Htnteit. I(iiii"tnli"r tho nnmo Donn's and tuk" mi iiiIiit. Mrhll Montavllls Postmaster. Wlllliun K. Marshall, wliimii family resides ut Ciini'iiiiili, hits ln'i'ii appoint "il MiHtiiiuni"r ut M inn v I II it , Miiltuo n. uli Cuiiiity. Mr. Marshall Ih a bright young mull. wln was fur rly employ- imI In Hit store nf I liml Icy Hrm. Com pany, ninl fur several ycnrn luiii h""ii lit llio KU"rnl tiH'ii'liuuillH" ImihIih'hh ut ItiinsHlvlllo, Willi liln brother, Uul. Murnlntll. Smiihci AH Record. An un nil round laxative tonic mul health builder Ii" ot!ir pills mi in pur" wlih ir. Kliid n New Ut" I'llls They iiiti" nml regulate ntoiuai-li. Ilvur unit kidneys, purify Hi" IiIihhI, nml Ntii'iiK!li"ti Hi" nerves; cures riinnllpii Hull, Dyspepsia. Illllillisncs, Julinitlr". Ilciuluiho, ClillU ui Miliaria Tiy thorn. I'.', ('ruin ut Jutii'ii Drug Co. Notlcf 10 Creditort. Notice In hi'ri'liy n'v.-ti Hint Hi" un ilnrnlgiiod linvii ln'i'ii duly appointed (tniKtMM'H of Hi" Oregon City l.umlii'r & M 11 1 1 ti fii-1 ii 1 1 1 1 Company. All per sons Imli'liti'il to mi lil Cniiiliuny lire hereby notified to arrange fur ! t lt iin'iu with, ninl nil ncison having 1 1 n 1 in h uKnlnnt Multl estate urn hereby ii'itltli'i) tu pri'Hi'iit Hi" mini" iluly verb lle tu iho undersigned, ut (iri'Kun City, wltliln three months from this itni" Dated IliU 12th iluy of November, 1 '.iit!t John j. cookic, j. w moffatt. Assignees aforesaid Citation. In Hi" County Court of til" Stale nf ohkuii, for tlio Cuiiiiiy of cliu-kii-inns In tli" Mutter of tli" KHlnt" of lltinur Minks Wliltlix k, itici'4ii'it. Tli" people of Hi" Sluty of Oregon In Kitwui'il II. W'lilllock. W. T. Wlilt- link. Jiui" Murks Siullli, Tli as hillock. Tli" American llmno Mis nlonury Society of New York. Ill" Sun day KcliiM'l ninl rulillnlilliK S'H'H'ly of Ni'W York, tit" CoiiKri'isntloiiul Chiin li of On-Ki'ii City, Huthi-rlurii Wliltlurk, Crui'i' Wliltlurk nml TlinmuH Murkn Siullli. uii urn li"H'liy rltril tu up pi'itr In fill" III" llniiiinilil" tirunt II. lUmlrk. JuilK" of Hi" ultuvo i-iitltli'il ruiirt, on Mmuliiy. H"f"iiilu'r 2". WV, lit n u'rlnrk A.M., to lmw ciiuh" why un oiili'r nliotiM nut Im uruiiti'd to hi'II th" folluwIiiK il"Hcrlh"it propi'ily, Iii'IoiikIiik to ""lil t'Htnt", to w It; Cuiiimi'lirliiK At a poliil i:i rlinliiit s; ili'Kn'i'H from it point whlrli Ik f.r iIim. S. I ilffifi' V. Jroin tli" N. W. runiiT of Kua Klnlu'r'ii 1). I ('. No. 41. In T. 2 S. It. 2 K. of tli" Wllluin-tl" Mrrlilliin, OrrKun, ruliiilnn thrnr" N. 1 ili-nrr" K It. I'll rhn; thi'lir" SI I I il"i!rt'"H W. ulniiK 111" N. III!" of u li-urt of Iniitl Holil by IC.rn KIhIht mul lf" to tii'uri!" AInTiii'tliy C.4:i rhn; ilit'iirr S. 1 ili'nri'O W. 6.71 elm; lln'iiro S ri.1 il"Kri'"H K. 2 III! elm; thnir" S. 7SU, ili-crorH K. dm; thenr" rt. H 2t flu : thi'iii'" s. Kii ili'isii'i'H K. 1 S7 elm. to III" pliift of lii'KlllllluK. roll Intuitu; I D:i tirti-i. ulmi t)ti' folluwIiiK ili'Mi t llii'il tt'iut of lutiil, to-wlt: CoilimrnrlliK ut II iHtlllt H. Si! ll'' Kri'i'H i:. til.i'.K i'Iih. ftiini n point whirl) Ik ;iii rh. 8. I ilt'Kivt1 W. from th" N. W. rornrr of Kiu KIhIht'h I). I.. C. No. 41. In T. 2 H. It. 2 K. uf th" Wllliinii'tt" Mi'iiilliin. Ori'Koti, runnliiK' Ihi'lir" N. Hii ili'Kii'i'ti W. ulmiK Hi" H. Mil" of u Hurt of lutiil Holil to tii'iii'K" Ahi'ini'lliy liy unlil l'..n KIhIut unit wlf" 1 .ftfi rim; Ihi'tiru N. I ili'Kiri' W. 1! :i.r rhn; thi'lir" S. "Si.(, ilrnrn-H K. I .CO rhn; Ihi'lir" S. 2 24 elm. to tln pine" of liiTlnuliiK. rontuliiliiK four ti'lltllS lll'I'I'H. . Almi th" fitllowltiK ili'Hrrllii'il pri'in ISI'H, tu wll: Commi'iirhiK at n point 6. (15 I'Iih. S. XI 1-4 ilt'Ktvi'H K, fioin ii point whlrh Ih 20 ch. S. 1 ili'Kii'o V. from tho N. W. cornor of K.rii KlHhnr'H 0. I.. C. No. 44, In T. 2 S. It. 2 K. of th" W'lllumiittu MiThlliiti, Ori'Kuu: thoiir" H. 1 ilonroo v. r.4D rhn. lo n HluU"; tlirnr" 10. HilllHl elm; tlumr" S. 58 il"Kr"('8 K. 1.22 dm; tlirnro N. 1 (l"Kri'( K. B.t!B rltB. to tho N. lino of n truct of liuiil Hold by K.iu Pluhrr ninl w-lf" to tloofK" Abi'ini'thy; tlionci" N. XI 1-4 (li'KrooH W. l.Kli elm. to th plnco of bi'KliiuliiK, cnnlulnliiK one ui.T", morn or Ii'hh. IN T1CST1MONY WHHItKOF, I, K. V. (Iri't'timnn, Clork of thn county court iifori'Hiilil, luivo hereunto Hit my hand nml ulllxi'il tho m 'ill of wild court IIiIh I) tiny of Novrmbrr, lllllil. (Scnl) F. W. (IKKHNM'AN. County Clork. liy II. A. SU'llUHT. Deputy. Summoni. In tho Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon for tho County of Clurkii- 11IIIH. A. F. Will, riiilntlfr, V8 ThomiiH FatmnHcy, Defenilnut. To TlmmnH Fuiiiinnry, tho nbovo nunieil defendant ; In tho liiiiini of tho Statu of Orenon, you uro hereby required to uppeur nml unHwer the complaint filed nnalnnt you In the nhovo ontltled Court und ciiUMO on or beforo tho 2 llh day of Decomber. lilol), nml if you full ho to uppeur and nnnwor nnid complulnt the pliilntlff will apply to the above, on tltled Court for the relief pruyed for In naid complulnt, to-wlt: For a decroo of said Court decree ing; Hint Htild plaintiff Ih the owner in fee Hlmplo of lot numbered 16, in block numbered 28, In tho Oregon Iron & Stool Company's Flrnt Addition lo tlHwt'KO, CliiiliiiiiiiiH Cnuiily, Orn kiiii, mid every purl tlinn'of, mul u fiir I her diicri'ii il"i'r""lii(( Hint nulil (l friiiliiiil Iiiim mi iIkIiI, lllln or IntoriiHl In or In hii ll ilt'Herllii'd pri'inlHim, or miy pint lliuri'iif, mul Niirh otlii'r uiiiI fiiiiln'r ri'lli'f iih lo huIiI Court tuny H""in eqult u hie. TIiIm niiiiiiiiniiH In publliihml by ortliir of linn. .1. I'. t'nuiplii'll, .luiii!" of wil'l Court, mid whlrli onliT wun mud" nml "lili'l'i'il on th" llllll duy of Orlolinr, A. IV, ln i ! , nml th" tlinn pri'Hi'rllii'd for piilillrut Ion lliiToof Ih hIx wti'Iih I'uiiiiiii'iirliiK N 1 1 v i ' 1 1 1 1 1 r 12, I'M)!), liml I'llllllllllllIK I'UI'll Wl'l'll tlieri'llfli'l' lo nml Iih liilln I'rliluy, I iiiIht 2 III), lOttlt. IHMICK DIMIf'K, Altuni"yn fur riiiliitlff. Bummorii. ' In lb" Circuit Omit of III" Hint" of (It'i'Kini fur Cliit'liuiitUH Coiinly. Culht'ilii" I'hlppn, I'liilutlir, V AMll'I'l ,1. I'll I IIH. Ill'fl'llllllllt. To Albert I', I'lilppn, th" uhov until "d d"fi'lliliilit ; In th" mini" uf th" Htut" of Ori'Kuu, yon ni" hereby reuulreil lo uppeur mid uimwiT th" iMiiiipliiliit llii'il UKiilimt .mil heri'lu on or lir'ui'" Hi" 21th dny Of lleci'llllier, 1 H':, Hlllll llllt" lil'llIK lif ter th" explruJliui of Hlx w-eekn from th" Hint piililleiilliui of tlllK HIIIIIIIIOIIH, mill If you full nn to uppeur mid nun hit. the plaintiff will upply to the Court fur tln relief prnyed fur In her ei'uniliilnl, to wit: for tli" illHnolutlon of th" IioiuIh of iiiiitrlmony etlntliiK hi'twi'i'ii yoiirnelf nud Hi" jilulnllff nml for mull further relief un to tlm Court liiuy Hi'em Jnnt III th" preiulneK. Tliln hiiiii iiuiiih In pulilliihi'd by ordi'r uf tli" Hun. J. t. Cumpbi'II, JuilK" of the Circuit Court of thn Htut of Ori'Koh for CliirkmuiiH County, mud" mul enlereil on th" K tit duy of Nov ellllier. 1 '.id: Klrnt pulillrnllnu, Nov"iiilier 12th, I'.nei; bint mill Iriitliitl, December 24th, I'JU'J. HHNKCA 1'OCTH, AI.KX HWKKK. Atluruey for I'lultitlff Summoni, In tlm Circuit Cutirt of the Htnto of Ori'Kiui for CliickuniiiH County. U'ln M. Jmien, 1'liiliitirr, va. l'iiiul'T II. Joni'n, Defenilnut. To I-itinler H. JoiieH, bIhivo named defendnui; In tho iiuiiih of thn Htatn of Oregon, you nr hertiby reiiulred to appcur nml nimwer tho coiiiplnltit filed aK'ulimt you In tho nltovu entitled null on or heforo tho 4lh dny of Decomber, liiOit, unlil tlutii lieliiK nfier tlm expiration of nix week from thn flrnt publlca lion of thin nuuimitnii, and If you fall to tippenr and nimwer nuld complulnt, for want thereof tho plaintiff will np ply to tho court fur the relief prayed for In hr coinplulnt to-wlt; For n decreo (HbhoIvIiik the bomU of matri mony iinw cxIntliiK between plaintiff and ili'fi'iiiliiiit. Thin umtnomi In publlHhed by order of llmi. (irant II. Dlmlck, JuiIk" of iho County Court for nuckummi County, OreRon, which order wan liuiil" and enteri'il on tho INtli duy of October. A. 1)., I'juy, and tlm time preacrlbi'd for ptibllrntloii IberiHif la Ix wiLkn, lieclntiliiK with tho lamie of Friday, October 22nd, 1909, and continuing ouch week thereafter to and liidiidliiK tlu Ihhiio of Friday, Deceiuher 3rd, 1!I0. lilCO. C. 1IHOWNKI.U Attorney for Klulnllff, 8ummom. In the Circuit Court of the State of On Kin, for the County of Clacku nun. Ilentrlce Crnnler Slejer. riuluilff,' V. ImiIn Slejer, Defendant. To IiiiIm Stejer, defentliint: In tho niiuui of the Statu of OrcfToti. you are hereby reipilred to appear and annwer tho roniilalnt Hied bkiiIiisi ymi herein on or beforo the Cth day of December. I'lOU, Kiiid dnto beltiK nix week from the first publication of munninim herein mid if you full ho to appear ami answer, the plaintiff will it piil to th" Court for the relief deiniimled In the nmiplniut herein, to wlt: For n decree forever dlnHolvliiK the liutiiln of mntrlmnny now oxIhIIiik be tween -ynii und the plaintiff herein itlKin the Kroimd of deHortloti, and that plaintiff resume her former name of Ilfntrlre Crenler, mul for hiicIi oth"r uiitl further relief nn lo tho Court tuny ni'i'in etpiltnlile. Tliln huiuuioiih Ih nerved upon you by publication for nix roiiHi'eutlvo mul Hurcosnlvo weeks In the OreKoti City KnierprlHo, by order of the lonnriiblo J. U, Cnmpbell, JuiIkk of the iiImivh entitled Court, Date of firm publication, October 15. 19119. JOHN F. I.OC.AN. Attorney for Hulntlff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for tho County of Clacku inn h. Akuoh M. IlulKor, l'lnltitirr. VM. Wilbur V. IlulKor, Defendant. To huIiI Wilbur F. llulser, tho ubovo nnmed defontlnnt: In tho niinio of the Stuto of OroRon, you nro hereby renulred to appear nml ntiHwer tho complulnt filed nKiiliiHt you 111 tho nbovo enillli'il court nml cuuho, on or beforo tho 27th tiny of Novem ber, 1909, and if you full no to appear and miHwer, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for tho relief prnyed for in tho complaint, to-wlt: For n decroo (HhhoU'Ihk tho bonds of matrimony oxIhiIhk between your nolf nml Raid plaintiff, that Hhe mny legally remiino her maiden name of Akiioh M. Hoyil, nml thnt Hho huvo Juili?ment nKitllint you for ler costu and dlHliiirnenientH.. Thin HiuumntiH In published ptirau ant to nn order of llonorablo J. U. Cnmpbell, JuiIko of Iho nbovo entitled Court, tuiido anil entered October !), 1909, dlrcetltiK publication of HtunnioiiH lo bo miitlo In tho OroKon City En lerprUo, tl weekly newspaper pub Hulled lu OrcRon City In mild County ami Stale, nt least once a week for hIx bucohhIvo weeks prior to said 27th day of November, 1909, which Is tho dato llxod in Hiilil order, on or be foro which you must nppenr and an swer or he In default. Tho dato of the Hint publication of this minimonn Ih October 1", 1909. NOUTIIU1' & NOltTHUP. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Summons. In tho Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon, for tho County of Clacka mas. J. Daniel Webster, Plaintiff, vs. Lillian May Webster, Dofondnnt. To Lillian May Webster, above named defendunt: In tho name of tho Slato of OroRon, you are hereby required to nppenr and answer tho complaint filed against you In tho nbovo ontltled suit on or beforo tho 4 tlx day of Docombor, 1909, that lining six weoks aft or the date of the first publication of this summons; and If you full In nppenr and annwer mild complulnt, the pliilntlff will apply to Iho Court for the relief pruyei for therein, to-wlt; A decree of divorce dlnmilvlriK the bonds of matrimony now exlntlnr be tweeii thin plaintiff and defendant iibova nunieil and for such other and further relief iih thn Court mny ileum etpilliible nml jtiHl. 'I ll I k Hiimmous Is published fur Mix coiiHocuHvfl weeks by order of Hon. J. U. Campbell, .lii'lg" of Htild Court, iiiiiiln on tho 1 1Ui (lit y of Oi'lulier, i:in!l, McCANTH BTICWAHT, Attorney for Plaintiff. Summoni, In the Circuit Court of the Hlale of Oregon, fur Hi" County of Clucka- lllllH. Mlnnlo Fryou, Pliilntlff, VM. ICiigoti" Fryuti, Defeiidiint. To ICiigeuii Fryou, Defendant: III the nam" of the Ktuto of Oregon, you nro hereby required to uppeur und niiHWer to the complaint filed UKillhHl you In Hi" above entitled suit on or before the 2fitli day of Novem ber, Hi'i'J, und If you full to answer, plaintiff will tiikn a decroo iikuIiihI you, forever UlnHolving tb" bonds of matrimony heretofore and now exist ing between the plaintiff and you, and fur such other und further relief In Iho premises as the Court may th-em just and eipiltublo as prayed fur In the complaint II led herein. Service of thin numinous Is inudo upon you by publication In purnimnco of mi order of the Honorable J. II. Cmupbell, Judge of the Circuit Court of tlm Fifth Judicial District, tnado October i:itU, 1909, directing such publication In tho Oregon City Enter prise, once a week fur six successive weeks, thn first publication being October 15th, 1909, and thn last the Hfith day of November, 1309. D. M. DONAIT.II, Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons. In tho Circuit Court of the Stnto of Oregon, for tho County of Clucka mas. Mary A. Love, Plaintiff, va. Warren Ivo, Defendant. To Warren Ive, above named de fendant: In the name of tho State of Oregon, you Uro hereby required to appear and answer thn complaint filed against you In the nhovo entitled suit on or be fore the 2d dny of December, 1909, that being six weeks after tho date of the first publication of this summons; and If you full to appear and answer wild complaint, tho plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for tho relief therein prayed for, to-wlt: A decree of dlvorco d'ssolvlng the bonds of mntrlmony now existing be tween this plaintiff and defendant pbovn nunieil and for such other and further relief as to tho Court may seem equitable and JiiHt. This sum mons Is published for six consecutive weeks by order of Hon. J. U. Camp bell, Judgo of snlil Court, made on the 12th day of October, 1909. McCANTS STICWAH.T. Attorney for Plaintiff. Administrator's Notice to Creditors. Notice Ih hereby given that tho un derslgned bun been appointed nilmlti Intrator of the estato of Francis Shan non, deceaned. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the snmo with prop er vouchors, duly verilled according to law, at tho office of lloo. C. Brown ell. at Oregon city, Oregon, within hIx months of the date of the publication of this notice. Dated, October 15th, 1909. JAMES W. GL'TTKIDGE, Administrator. CKO. C. HUOWNEI.U Attorney for Administrator. Summons. In tho Circuit Court of tho Slate of Oregon fur tho County of Clack limns. Maud M. C.rove, Plaintiff, vs. Jean A. C.rove. Defendant. To Jeun A. drove tho above named ili'fi'iiiliiiit: lu the nnme of tho State of Ore gon, you are hereby notified to nppenr and answer tho complaint filed against you In the above entitled court nml cuuse on or beforo six weeks from the dute of tho first pub llciitlmi of this summons, which Is first published on the Slh dny of Octo ber, 1909. and the day on or before which yon nre required to appear und answer Is tho 19 tiny of Novem ber, 1909, for want thereof the plain tiff will apply to tho Court for tho relief prayed fur In the complaint, to-wlt: for a decreo dissolving tho bonds of mntrlmony now existing be tween plaintiff and tiefendiiut anil for such other and further relief ns to tho Court may seem equitable and just. Tills summons Is published by order of (1. 11. Dlmlck, Judge of the County Court. Made nnd entered on tho Cth of Oc tober, 1909. J. B. GILLIAM, Attorney for Plaintiff. First publication 8th October, 1909. Uist publication 19 November, 1909. Summons. In tho Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon for Clnckamns County. Louise F. Dyer. Pliilntlff, vs. Richard J. Dyer, Defendant. To Hlchnrd J. Dyer the above nnm- eil defendant: In tho nnmo of the State of Ore gon you nro hereby notified to ap pear and answer Hie complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and cause on or before six weeks from the date of tho first pub lication of this summons, which Is llrst published on the 8th day of Octo ber, 1909, and tho day on or before which you are required to appear Is the 19th day of November, 1909, for want thereof the plaintiff will np ply to tho Court for the relief prnyed for lu tho complaint, to-wlt: for n de cree dissolving the bonds of matri mony now existing: between plaintiff nnd defenilnut nnd for such other and further relief ns to the Court may seem equitable and Just. This summons Is published by order of G. 11. Dlmlck, Judge of tho County Court. Mudo nnd entered on tho Cth of October, 1909. J. n. GILLIAM, Attorney for Plaintiff. First publication 8th October, 1909. Ijist publication 19 November, 1909. Summons. In tho Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Myrtla M. Harper, Plaintiff, vs. Wlnfleld Harper, Defendant. To tho said Winfleld Hurper, de fendant : In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed uguliiHt you In tho above entitled suit on or beforo the 2ttth day of Novem ber 1909, nml If yon full to so ap pear or answer, the plaintiff will apply to Hut Court for tho relief prnyed for In the complaint, to-wll: for a de cree dissolving thn bonds of matri mony now existing between yourself nud the plaintiff on tho grounds of de sertion. This summons Is published pur suant to mi order of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above Court, miidi. and entered October II, I'm'j, directing tho publication to bo mnl) III the Oregon City Knterprlse, pub lished ut Oregon City, Oregon, fur at least once a week for six surecs nlvo weeks prior to snld 29th day of November 1909. Tho date of the llrst publication of this summons Is Oc tober ITitll 1909. HENItY C. McGINN, It. CITItON, Attorneys fur Plaintiff. Summons. lu the Circuit Court of Hie Stale of Oregon, Hi and for Cluckuinus Coun ty. Neiiu L. Huuiilcutt, Plaintiff, vs. . Hutinlcull, Defendant. To Clynses I. Hunnlciitt, defendunt above iiumi'd: lu Hie nuiuo of tho State of Ore gon, ymi are hereby notllleil that pliilntlff herein bus filed a complaint ugaliml you in the above en titled court, and you are hereby re quired to appear and answer said complaint on or by the last day of the time specified by tho order of publication thereof, to-wlt: December 24th, 1909. You are further notified that If you full to appear and answer the com plaint, the plaintiff will cuuho your de fault to be entered and will apply to the court above mentioned for tho relief prayed for, that Is to say for a decree forever dissolving tho bonds of matrimony that now exists between plaintiff und defendant and for a further decree allowing the said plain tiff to assume her maiden name, Nona L King. The day of the first publication of summons Is November 12th, 1909, and tho Inst publication thereof Is Decem ber 21th, 1909, ftnd thut said sum mons shall be published on Friday of each week for a period of six consec utive weeks between said dates. This summons is published by or der of J. U. Campbell, Circuit Judgo of Oregon for Clackamas County, said order having been made this 10th' day of November, 1909. LOTl'S L. LANGLEY. Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice of Final Settlement. Notlco Is hereby given that the un derslgned. It. II. Sawtell, Executor of the last will and teHtament of Reece Daugherty, deceased, has filed his fin al report in tho aforesaid Court, as such Executor, and the Court has set Monday, December 13th. 19u9, at 10 oclock. A. St., at the County Court rooms In said County, for the hearing of objections, If any there be, to said Dual report, and for the settle ment of said Estate. Any per sons having objections to uid re port, are hereby notified to file the same in the said Court, on or before Haid date. Dated, at Oregon City, Oregon, this 12th day of October, A. I).. 1909. R. H. SAWTELL Executor us aforesaid. C. H. DYE, Attorney. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby given that the un derslgned, executor of the estate of Christian Muralt, deceased, has filed In the County Court of Clackamas County. State of Oregon, his final ac count ns such executor of said es tate, and Hint Monday, the Cth day of December, 1909, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., has been fixed by said Court as the time for hearing of ob jections to said report and the set tlement thereof. FRED JOSI. Executor of the estate of Christian Muralt, deceased. C'REN & SCHl'EHEU Attorneys for Executor. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clncka mns. Miiutlo Patterson, Plaintiff, vs. John Patterson, Defendant. . To John Patterson, above named defendunt:. In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the "complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the 17th day of Decem ber, 1909, that being six weeks after the date of the llrst publication of this summons: and if you full to ap pear and answer said- complaint, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief therein prayed for, to-wlt: A decree of divorce dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing be tween this plaintiff nnd defendant nbove named and for such other nnd further relief ns to the Court may seem equitable and Just. This sum mons Is published for six consecutive weeks by order of Hon. J. U. Camp bell, Judge of said Court, made on the 30th day of October, 1909. J. T. ELLIS, Attorney for Dofondunt. Guardian's Sale. Notice Is hereby given that, pursu ant to nn order made In the County Court for Multnomah County, Oregon, on June 4th. 1909. the undersigned, as guardian of the person and estate of Delherta Stuart, a minor, will, on and after Monday, the tenth day of De cember, 1909, proceed to sell at pri vate sale, and continue to sell, until the same is sold, at room No. 510 Chamber of commerco Illdg., corner of Third & Stark Streets, Portlnnd, Oregon, nil of the right, title and in terest of said minor In and to the fol lowing described real property situate In Clackamas County, State of Ore gon: An undivided one-fourth in terest In and to Iot numbered two (2), containing o.".80 acres, situated In Section thirty-six (30). In Township two (2), South of Hnnge one (1) East of tho Willamette Meridian; the terms of snld sale are total purchase price to be paid In cash, or one half the con sideration price In cash and the bnl unce In one or two years secured by mortgage covering the premises. NETTIE H. STUART, Gunrdlnn of Delberta Stuart, a minor. E. F. & F. It. Klley, Attorneys; Dated nnd llrst published November olh. 1909. Summons. In the Citcuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. Initun Dyson, Plaintiff, vs. Charles Dyson, Defendant. To Chnrles Dyson, the above nnmed defontlant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer tho complaint filed analnt you in tho above entitled Court and fiiuso on or before the 25th )iy of November, 1909, nnd If you fall so to appear or answer tho plaintiff will apply to Court thereof for tho relief prayed for In tho complaint, to-wlt; for a decree of divorce on the grounds of desertion, and that plaintiff bo al lowed to resume her maiden name of llowen, and for such other relief as lo the Court may seem Just. This summons Is publlHhed not less than six consecutive weeks, by order of the Hon. .7. U. Campbell, Judge of tho Circuit Court of the above county und state, dated 5th day of Octo ber, 1909. If. W. STRONG. Attorney for Plaintiff, 2?.: Worcester building, Portland, Oregon. Date of first publication, October 8, 1909. Date of last publication, November 19, 1909. Executor's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that tho un dersigned has been appointed execu tor of tho last will and testament of John Labour, deceased; alt persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same with proper vouchers, duly verified according to law, at the office of Geo. C. Ilrownell, at Oregon City, Oregon, within six months of the date of the publication of this notice. Dated October 15th, 1909. CHARLES LA HOUR, Executor of the laHt will and testa ment of John Labour, deceased. CEOI1GE C. IiROWNELL, Attorney for Executor. Summons, In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Eva Johnson, Plaintiff, vs William Johnson, Defendant. To William Johnson, above named defendant: In the Dame of the state of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In tho above named suit In the above entitled court, on or before the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons, and If you fall to appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In her complaint, to-wlt: For a dissolution of the mar riage contract now existing between plaintiff and defendant. This summons is published by order of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above named court, which order was made and entered on October 2Cth, 1909, and the time prescribed for pub lication thereof Is six weeks, com mencing with the Issue of Friday, October 29th, 19o9, and continuing each week thereafter to and Includ ing Friday, December 10th, 1909. GEORGE C. BROWNELL. Attorney for Plaintiff, Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Carrie E. Cook, Plaintiff, vs George W. Cook, Defendant. To George W. Cook, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you herein on or before the 10th day of December, 1909, said date being af ter the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons, and if you fail so to appear and ans wer, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In her complaint, to-wlt: for the dissolution of the bonds of matrimony existing between yourself and the plaintiff and for such further relief as to the Court may seem Just In the premises. This summons Is published by order of tho Hon. Grant B. Dlmlck, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County, made and entered on the 22nd day of Oc tober. 1909. First publication. October 29th, 1909; last publication, December 10th, 1909. JOHN DITCHBURN. Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons. In tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of . Clack amas. Grant Clark, Plaintiff, vs. Emma A. Clark, Defendant. To Emma A. Clark, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Ore gon, yon are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed herein against you, In the above en titled court and cause, within six weeks from Friday, the 1st day of October, 1909, said date being the first day of publication of this summons. And If you fall so to appear or ans wer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded and prayed for in the com plaint herein, to-wlt: That the marriage and marriage contract now existing between the plaintiff and defendant herein be dis solved and set aside, and such other and further relief as may seem equi table to the Court. This summons Is served upon you by virtue of an order made by Hon. Grant 13. Dlmlck, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, dated on the 23rd dny of September. 1909, and which order prescribes that the sum mons In this suit be served upon you by publication once a week for six successive and consecutive weeks, In The Oregon City Enterprise, a news paper of general circulation in the county of Clackamas, and State of Oregon. G. G. Schmitt, Attorney for Plaintiff. First publication October 1, 1909. Last publication November, 12, 1909. Summons. In tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. Iva V. Martinson, Plaintiff, vs. Edward Martinson, Defendunt. To Edward Martinson, above named defendant: , In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the nbove entitled Court and cause on or before the expiration of six weeks from and after the date of the first publication of this sum mons, to-wlt: on or about the 12th day of November, 1909, and If you fall to answer, the plaintiff for want thereof will take judgement against you for a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now ex isting between you and plaintiff and for such other and further relief as to the Court seems meet and Just. This summons Is published by or der of the Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas, and said order was made and dated PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Harvey E. Cross. CROSS & ATTORN EYS Real Estate Abstracts Loans, Insurance. GEORGE C. BROWNELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office in Caufield Bidg., Main and Eig t Sts Phone Pacific States 62. Phone--Home B1IJ JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN the 2."th day of September, 1909, and the date of the first publication of this Summons Is the first day of Oc tober, 1909, and the date of the last publication of this summons Is the 12th day of November, 1909. LI DA M. O'DRYON, Attorney for Plaintiff, 402 Commer cial Blk., Portland, Oregon. Executrix's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned ha-hen appointed execu trix of the last will and testament of Peter Held, deceased; all persons hav ing claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same with proper vouchers, duly verified according to law, at the office of Geo. C. Brownell, at Oregon City, Oregon, within six months of the date of the publication of this notice. Dated October 15, 1909. ANNA HELD, Executrix of the last will and testa ment of Peter Held, deceased. GEORGE C. BROWNELL, Attorney for Executrix. Exectrlx's Notice to Creditors. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed execu trix of the estate of Martin Van Donge, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby noti fied to present the same with proper vouchers, duly verified according to law, at the office of George C. Brow nell, at Oregon City, Oregon, within six months of the date of the publica tion of this notice. Dated, November 12th, 1909. MARY VAN DONGE. Executrix. George C. Brownell, Attorney for Executrix. Final Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned administratrix of the estate of Henry Close, deceased, has filed her final account In said estate in the county court of the state of Ore gon for Clackamas County and that the Judge of. said court has appointed Monday, the lath day of November, 1909, at 10 o'clock A. M. for hearing objections to said account and for settling said estate. SARAH JANE JENNER. Formerly Sarah Jane Close, Administratrix of the estate of Henry Close, deceased. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Mary Young, Plaintiff, vs Peter C. Young, Defendant. To Peter C. Young, Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer to the complaint filed, against you In the above entitled suit on or before the 3rd day of December, 1909, and if you fail to answer, plain tiff will take a decree against you, forever dissolving the bonds of matri mony heretofore and now existing be tween the plaintiff and you, and for such other and further relief in the premises as the Court may deem just and equitable as prayed for in the complaint filed herein. Service of this summons is made upon you by publication In pursuance of an order of the Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court of the Fifth Judicial District, made October 20th, 1909, directing such publication in the Oregon City Enter prise, once a week for six successive week, the first publication being October 22nd. 1909, and the last the 3rd day of December, 1909. J. T. ELUS, ' Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice of Final Settlement, Notice Is hereby given that the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas has fixed November 22, 1909, at ten o'clock A. M. In the County Court Room at Oregon City, Oregon as the time and place for hearing objections, if any, to the final account filed therein In the matter of the estate of Ole Han son, deceased, and for final settle ment of said estate. JOHN V. LODER. Administrator de bonis non of the Estate of Ole Hanson, deceased. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas, fixed November 22, 1909, at ten o'clock In the Comity Court Room at Oregon City, Oregon as the time and place for hearing objections, if any, to the final account filed therein In the mat ter of the Estate of Frank E. Casto, deceased, and for final settlement of said estate. JULIA A. L. CASTO, Administratrix of the Estate of Frank E. Casto, deceased. IN ONE OR MANY COLORS LARGEST FACILITIES IN THE WEST FOR THE PRODUCTION OF HIGH GRADE WORK IATII at 10W S ASTERR BOMfl l sf it z&te it i:t. h William Hammond HAMMOND - AT - LAW Main Street, Oregon City, Or. WEINHARD BUILDING Notice of Final Settlement Notice Is hereby given that the underslgled Administratrix of the Estate of John Cottee, deceased, has filed in the County Court for Clacka mas County, State of Oregon, her final account as such Administratrix of said Estate, and that Monday tho 22nd day of November, at the hour of 10:30 A. M. has been fixed by said Court as the time for hearing ob jections to said report and a settle ment thereof. ELIZA DICKENSON, Administratrix of the Estate of John Cottee, Deceased. Dated October ICth, 1909. THOS. F. RYAN, Attorney for Admin- lstratrlx. O. D. E B Y I Artorney-at-Law ? Money loaned, abstracts furniah- 4, land titles examined, estate settled, general law business, a Over Bank of Oregon City. ......, ............ U'REN A 8CHUEBEL I Attorneys-at-Law Deutscher Advokat Will practice In all courts, make collections and settlements. a Office in Enterprise Building, I Oregon City, Oregon. THOS. F. RYAN Attorney-at-Law I Probate and Realty Law Prao- tice Specialties. Rooms 2 and 3 Masonic Temple 7 C. D. 4 D. C. LATOURETTE I Attorneys-at-Law Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Of- flee in First National Bank I Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. W. S. EDDY, V, M. D. V. Graduate of the Ontario Veteri nary College ot Toronto, Canada, and the McKillip School of Surgery of Chicago, has located at Oregoo City and established an office at The Fashion Stables, Seventh Street near Main. Both Telephones. Farmers' 131 Mall ijii Clackamas County Headquarters CLACKAMAS TITLE CO, 510 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. Full equipment of maps, plats, abstract books and tax rolls. Agents for Clackamas County Lands, Money Loaned, Titles Perfected. E. F. A F. B. RILEY, Attorneys & Counsellors at Law STRAIGHT & SALISBURY PLUMBING TINNING and GENERAL JOBBING. Wind Mills, Pumps and Hysra llc Rams a Specialty. Phone 2881. Oregon City, Oregeih -vuzmMLLn WHISKY. i'iiiikl A DELIGHTFUL BEVERAGE A SAFE STIMULANT, A GOOD MEDICINE. For Sale by E. MATTHIE m ruu v s LH