Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1909)
.iff. TT 8 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1009. Can by a n d So u thern Clackamas CANBY. Dr. Weaver, "of Hubbard, called on W. C. Clark Friday. F. It Fleming, nudltor of Merchants National Jl&nk, of Portland, visited Mr. and Mrs. Clark, Sunday. O. R. Mack aud family wont to the circus at Oregon City, Saturday. Miss liertha Sturges was an Oregon City visitor, Tuesday. O. H, Perry, of Orant, visited J. F. Deyoo and family the latter part of the week. The Ladies' Aid Society of the M. E. Church, nave an ens social on Fri day evening. Everyone present re ported having a good time. The regular meetings of the Canby W. C. T. U. will be held on Friday, May 7, with Mrs. E. E. Bradtl and May 14, with Mrs. Charles Hrewer. Visitors are always welcomed at these meetings, , -B. F. Rowland will preach in the M. E. church next Sunday morning. . Miss Adele Hosing ts in Canby again after a week's visit In Portland and a business trip to Wood bum. Mr. St. John, a returned Missionary from China, who is visiting relatives at Carus, will preach in the M. E. church Sunday morning. May 24. Services will be held in the Macks- burg church on Sunday afternoon, May 9. Mr. Butterfield has returned, after a week's visit in Portland. Loraine Lee is very sick with the measles. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Duard Fox. of Oswego .visit ed Mrs. M. J. Martin on Sunday. L. H. Wang and family spent Sun day at Willamette, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Gary. Mrs. Emll Krueger and Mrs. Mayers went to Portland Saturday, returning Monday morning. Miss Helen Graham spent Saturday and Sunday In Oregon City, the guest of Judge and Mrs. J. U. Campbell. Miss Tlllle Hurlas Is home from Au rora, where she bas been for some time. Mrs. M. E. Roberts and two child ren, who have been visiting with the former's uncle, M. J. Lee, and family, have gone to Parkplace, where they will spend the summer at their sum mer home. Mrs. Robert's home Is at Bluff, California, but prefers the Ore gon climate In summer. Mina Graham is recovering from her attack of measles. Many cases of the disease are reported by the teachers of this city, necessitating the absence of many. The principal of the school Is taking careful precau tions against spreading the disease, and as soon as one member of a fam ily comes down, the children of that . family who are at school are immedi ately sent home. Ed Krueger of this city has pur chased the stock of notions, sporting vrr?xm?Ff irr"" I'MIS llillll II HIP 1111111'IIHIIIIIIIII WlESMUW miMIII II I I ,1 .H . I. ' II t I .11.1 a I I I I -. Handsome Residence of A. Kocher, For Sale by Wm. Cantwell, of Canby goods, toys, and postal cards from O. R. Mack, and has leased the room on the north side of the Mack store. Mr. Krueger Is well knowti In this city, having spent most of his life here, and his friends trust that he will meet with success In his new venture. Mr. Mack will remain tn the furni ture business, and will now be able to carry a much larger stock than heretofore, since the removal of the notions. "Dad" Wilkinson, is very ill at his home, suffering from an attack of ap pendicitis. On account of his ad vanced years, the attending physician deemed it advisable, not j operate. A. Kocher was a Portland visitor Tuesday. Verna Hitchman went to Oregon City on Saturday evening, where she attended the circus, reporting a very enjoyable time. Miss Lottie Samson went to Port land Sunday morning, returning Monday. Mrs. C. C. Hutchinson went to Port land on business Thursday. Fay and Elma Jesse, of Portland. have been visiting with friends in Canby and Barlow for the past week. George Penman and wife will leave this week for Couer d'Alene mines, where Mr. Penman has accepted a position. Mrs. Nora McLoughlin, who has been visiting with Mrs. Ivan Dlmick. has returned to her home at Heppner. B. C. Davenport, the watchmaker, went to Portland on Monday, stop ping at Oregon City on his return trip. Ben Will, of Woodburn, was among the Canby visitors on Sunday. Lou Thomas, of Stayton, was in Canby Sunday, registering at the Cottage Hotel. L. J. Tolls, of Portland, was a bus! ness visitor to tnts city Monday, re turning Tuesday. Mrs. F. Gortlor, of Macksburg. a well known resident of that place, died at the fnmlly home Monday night, and the funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon, the interment being In Mount Zion cemetery. Mrs. Gortler was the wife of F. W. Uort ler, and has been In poor health for some time. She leaves besides her husband, several grown children. The funeral was largely attended by the friends of the family. Mrs. Adam Lamour. of Macksburg. who has been sick for several months, passed away at her home on Sunday, and the funeral was held on Monday. The remains were Interred In the I. O. O. F. cemetery at Aurora. Many beautiful floral tributes were placed on the casket by the friends of the deceased. Mrs. Lamour leaves a fam ily. Mrs. Ola Gurley, accompanied by Dow Hutchinson and Wayne Gurley went to Woodburn on Friday, where they attended the circus. The Canby Belgian Horse Company (Incorporated) has purchased a hand some stallion, costing J3I0U. The horse was purchased from A. C. Ruby & Co., of Portland. Importers of blood ed .horses. The incorporators are James Smith. D. R. Dlmick. George Kaylor, Andrew Kocher, Fred Henrlel, Henry Henrlel. It Is claimed that the horse Is one of the finest animals in the county. A petition is being circulated by George Kesselrlng for the opening of the Wilsonvllle road, about three miles from this city. By the opetilng of this road it is claimed by many of the residents of Canby. that this will add not only to the value of the Dealer in Implements, Harness, Buggies, Wagons and Surries Cream Separators, Gasoline Engines, Machine Oil of All Kinds, Pumps, Pipe, Windmills and Plumber Supplies Agents for THE CELEBRATED IT :l .1., f . McCormick Machines Insure a Successful Harvest . . a s tv i i a McCORMICK mowers embody all the excellent features of McCormick construction and are made in various styles and sizes to meet all requirement. There is the New Big 4 with its wide cut for exten sive field j, and the Little Vertical Lift for the large lawn or small fields where trees and shrubbery are to be found. For fields that are full of stumps and stones, the Vertical Lift mower is unsurpassed. The noiseless, smooth cutting McCormick mower is the machine to buy. Numerous excellent features are found oa ttcCorraick hay rakes, among which are: heavy rake head, best quality spring steel teeth, substantial, interchangeable wheels, protected ratchets, and re movable boxes in hubs. These rakes are equally suitable for raking hay from the swath, or bunching from the windrow. Made in either self-dump or hand-dump style. For durability and quality of service, McCormick hay rakes are unsurpassed. A successful harvest consists of fathering all the ;. (J""!, no matter what its condition, with the least pos- ..".s ucuy ua expense. jncuormicjc Binders cut all conditions of grain easily and rapidly, and bind it into neat, com pact bundles for future handling. Under all F' w VI wuuiiiuui inc j'iconmcK win never neces fa a'4' any long delays for repairs, and thus jeopardize the ffi ntire crop. The machine is so simple in construction '-i5'" and '"T to operate that it can be relied upon to do the work at all times. The hay tedder is now recognized as being indis pensable to the proper handling of hay. It is a great time saver, because tedded bay will cure quicker than untedded hay. It is also a hay saver in case of wet weather. McCormick tedders are constructed with the same care that characterizes all machines of this notable line, and have become general favorites wherever hay is grown. Steel frame, steel wheels, steel forks, and the positive and uniform gear drive, make McCormick tedders durable and extremely efficient Andrew Kocher CANBY, OREGON 'property, but also to help the bust iioum nf this nlace. Frank Amdal. who recently arrived her from South Dakota, has purchaa ed the lllitelow farm, consisting of SO acres, the price being ISl per acre Mr, Anululs family la In U Angeled t'al.. un, I he litis sent for them. Kd. Williams has disposed of hi farm here aud lias purchased a large fm in. consisting of 4M acres neur FiHley. North Dakota. Mr. William has gone to North Dakota, where h will nrobalilv make his future home. The place sold by Mr. Williams has been sold again, the muvunser neiu. a Mr, Townc. who arrived here lasi week from Minnesota. Mra. J. F, riitoh, who has been spending nine weeks In Adam. Ne braska, with relatives, returned heme Fridav. Mrs. l'atch was nccoiminnlr here bv her son. and says that she Is ulad to net back to old Oregon, a! though she hud a most delightful trip, AilHiim la Mrs. Patch's old home, and this la tho ttrst visit In seven years Mymn Vronian. who bought the Sumisnesa place near Harlow, moved his family back from l'ortland this week. Mr. Vronian recently came hir from the Fast, and while en route his wife was taken III at l'ort land, being compelled to remain there until she was ab o to uuiko tno trip Mr. Vronian missed throUKtl thl city with hla family, maklnn the trip by team. The land he purchased from Mr senilism's consists of acres of choleo farm land, and Is situated about three-quarters of a mite from Harlow. Mrs. Helse. of Gladstone, mottier of Mrs. William Cantwell. of this city Is verv 111 with pneumonia, ami tor several days her condition was criti ral. OwttiK to her advanced aK Mrs. llelse'a Illness has caused her family much uneasiness. Mrs. cam well went to Gladstone Sunday morn imt. returnlnir Monday. She waa ac- comnanlod by her brother Isaiah Helse. who recently arrtveu from un East, aud he remained by his mother's hilslde. Wllaon Evan is const ructlnn tlie cm, .nt sidewalk In front oi me KulKht Hotel and other bullillnna an iolnliiK. The walk is to make a ui Improvement in mo appearance m Main street. The Cltv Hotel has been repainted a ihn fi.m-n mirroundlni; the hotel nronertr haa also been treated to coat of paint, which Improves tho ap pearance. Bales and l'atch uru doing the work. Edwin Hooker, an Irrigator special 1st of Eastern Washington, letl lor Portland Tuesday mornltiK, utter few davs In this city. Mr. Hooker In sneaking of the project of Irritating the land near and at Canby. state that It will be a (treat benefit to the country. He says that Canby win make a wonderful pear and alfalfa country and that thousands of ilol lars can be made. If properly grown Alfalfa can easily be raised here, af ter the land Ib irrigated. Tho boulh ern Pacific Compauy some lime ago furnished the seed for the growing of alfalfa a a test of the soil here, and as a result a fine crop Is looked for ward to this year. Last week, where this s-ed 'as sown, the alfalfa stood 18 Inches In height, and since tho last rain more crowth has been attained On the old Hampton pluce alfalfa wns sown as an experiment, ana tins too, has proved successful. Mr. Hooker, In speaking of Canby country, says that it is the garden of garuen spois He saw much of the country before leaving for Washington, borne of the finest asparagUH that la sent to the Portland markets Is raised In Canby. Among those who are making specialty of raising this vegetable suc cessfully are Mr. Lumniings, .urs, Douglass and F. Hampton, Iho latter having shipped 12 crates to the fori land markets Tuesday morning. The Canbv Canal Company has started w-ork on the Meadowbrook cut off. and the gates will be open by July 1st. M. J. Lee. Edwin Hooker, G. N. McGregor and W. IS. Moore made trip by automobile on Monday cov ering a distance of many miles, ine Dluces passed through by the party were Marqunm. Monitor, Molalla. Mu- llno. Meadowbrook.. At Mullno incy enjoyed a supper cooked by tho chauf feur, Mr. Moore, anil there is no aoum this duty will fall on him on every trip hereafter, as the party pronounced him an artist In this line, un me bill of fare was "wild asparagus," re cently discovered by Mr. Lee and Mr. McCregor. The men returned to Canby about 9 o'clock. The Oswego baseball team played the Canby team on the local diamond Sunday afternoon, tho score being 5 to 2 in favor of the Oswego boys. The day was Ideal and there waa a good turnout, iniudi enthusiasm being shown bv the Oswego people, who accompanied their team here, and the Canby people. The Canby team wns a plckedup one, only two of the r'-gular players being In the game. The lineup Is as follows: Oswego Taylor, center Held; fl. Fox, third base; Wood, catcher; HayneH, first base; Austin, second base; Church, short stop, Endrcs, pitcher; Dldzun, left field; J. Fox, right field. Canby C. llaty, pitcher; V. White, , catcher; E. A. Krueger, first base; Frank Patch, second base; F. Hampton, third base; U. Wills, hort stop; Otto Krueger, center field; Harry Sherwood, left field. The Canby baseball team will go to Sclo on Saturday, and a grand ball will be given In their honor on Saturday night, and on Sunday two i games will bo. played with ine acio team. This will probably be an excit ing game, aa both teams are composed of excellent players. Mr. Helvey, who resides near Can by has circulated a petition for the Improvement of the Helvey road leading from Union Hall to the Eldo- r:uln uphrinl hrtllHA Thfl road at (present is In a bad condition, and Is 'badly In need of repair. If this can I be Improved the entire distance from I the school to thla city will be In good condition, making the travel much easier than at present. About $93.50 has been raised. Among tho people of thla city aubscriblng are Andrew Kocher, $10; U H. Wang, $5; O. W. Kesselrlng, $2.50; Canby Canal Co., $5; Carlton & Rosenkrans, $10; .. A. Hair, $5; Tribune, $2.50; J. D. Wllkerson, $2.50; W. H. Lucko, $5; N. UlgcrtiesH, $2; C. W. Datnm, $2.50; City olltel, $2; A. D. Paddock, $2.50; ISaty & Meeks, $2; William Knight, $2; Aurora Electric Company, $2; J. Zeek, $2; O. R. Mack; $2; James Ev ans, $2; William Cantwell, $2; Cottage Hotel, $1; F. F. Hanna, $2.50; J. J. Sandsness, $5. Canby City Council. The city council inet-' in regular ! session In the city hall Monday even ing. All councllmcn were present, ex cept F. 11, Hilton, The minute of the last meeting were read by Record er William Knight, The minutes were approved and the following claims allowed. Recorder , , , , .$ fj 00 Chief of pollen Aurora Electric Unlit Co.. Carlton Rosenkrans , . . W. C. Kendall J, J. Sandsness Road Work. 0. U 1'rfer 20-KNTEUPKlSlC K. Hampton A. II, Knight Harvey IkuiglasM ... ... , J. Zeek 1S.00 , . . , aa.r.o , ... U'R , .. i.oo , . . . 4.00 SIl.VW . . . 4.00 . .. 10.00 .... 1.00 . .. 100 The lease that was made to J. ,1. Saudsness for the ground floor of the oily hall building fur a period of five years, waa read and approved. U J. Tolls, roproscniltig the A. tl, Umg Company, of Portland, met Willi the city council and explained Iho mailer of tiro extlugulsuers. Mr, Tolls recommended that the city should purchase a double tank I'liain pliin (lie engine, two :i5 gallon tanks on wheels, which will probably take about three or four men to handle It The council took the matter under advisement and decided to purchase the engine at a cost of $7,'i0 to bo de livered within tio days. The cow ordinance was given the first reading, and Recorder was or dered lo post notices to that effort. This matter will bo brought up fr further consideration at the June meeting. Mr. Zollner, who has been given notice to repair the sidewalk In front of tho Wang store, has agreed to have a cement walk constructed as soon aa Mr. Kvaus has finished the walk fronting the Kulght hotel. The side walk will be eight feel wide. Tho next meeting of the council will bo held on tho first Monday In Juno. NEW ERA. Hen Felix and family huve re turned from Eugene. Mr. Felix Is working for the Docrnlieckcr Mill Company. Mrs. J. Slaughter resigned her posi tion May 3, aa cook at tho sawmill. Several from here attended the cirrus In Oregon City last Saturday. Frank Wasserman, of Portland, vis ited his brother-lu-law, J. llurgoyne, last Saturday. The New Era aud Canby plck-un ball team Journeyed out to the Mini- dorff diamond last Sunday and showed tho home team a few fancy moves In tho art of baseball playing, resulting in a score of 9 to 7 in favor of thu visiting team. Elmer Veteto aud Mr. llurgoyne are celling tho Interior of thu new addi tion to the Spiritualist Tabernacle this week. Miss Untie It It-f Is homo thla week after having the measles while In Oregon City. Dr. Strickland cut out an Ingrowing toenail for Will Newbury a couple of weeks ago. Therefore tho reason Will Is dragging his foot around In that huge slipper with thu guide end cut out. Considerable Interest was shown In the relay race between tho white and red men here last Saturduy. although no money changed hands on the out come. Willie llurgoyne Is nursing an ugly boll in the Interior of his nose this week, causing him much pain and loss of sleep. Mrs. Robinson returnod from an extended visit to Chicago last Friday and Is occupying her house on the west side of tho river. Mrs. J. llurgoyne was on thu sick list a few days last week. 1 Mrs. Ora Slyter aud Miss Emily Spu Ink attended Kirk Rebekah Uxlgo In Canby Tuesday evening. Miss Agnes Rlef, of this place, was married to a .Mr. Evans In Oregon City lust Saturday afternoon and they will reside for the present In Oregon City. Wo extend our congratulations to them. I s v a turn or Overindulgence ome il.iy you may cat too mucli. Some ni you're a mini) you muy itrink inure tlm for you. For all excesses in catitm anJ ill lirst bemuse it nctj on (he liver, movrj t'ic lowrl it J ce' rivl t'f whatever liny (e ovcilo.'.iltii; your tomac!i. lor nny tii;i.:tc-1 l sort t'onsiipu Miu.u ll anil liver (roubles t.ll.f M ,v !..'.)- ulit aiiJ you'll feel better in the nieiiii:!;:. FOR SALE IIY JONES DltlHl COMPANY lit Wtk ii u XkA uikiiiU i . r r in tlici;uiiii:i;:. li ( MONEY LOANED ON REAL ESTATE LONG TIME, EASY PAYMENTS, RELIABLE REPRESENTATIVES WANTED. The Jackson Loan and Trust Co. Fort Worth, Texas or Jackson, Mississippi BARLOW. E. Williams and family left Monday morning for tho East. Mr. William said he would go back east and try It again and If he does not like It he will roturn to Oregon. 1). O. Freeman has moved onto his farm In the Waldo Hills, M. Rlpsnna and fnmlly have moved into tho Coller house. Mr. Vronian, from Dnkota, who pur chased J. J. Sandneas' place, bus tak en possession. Mrs. M. W. Sheppard is erecting a new fence around her property. Tho dance Saturday night waa a decided success, there being l num ber sold. Good music was furnished by Garrett's orchestra and all re port a good time. MIsseH Ma anil oiga iiowo, or rori- land, came home for the dance. Miss Ora tee, of Canby, and 1- red Rodby, of Portlnnd, were guests of Miss Hattle Irwin over Sunday for the dance. Win. 8. Tull and wife, Miss Ilnttle Coleman nnd our teachers, Miss (Jin ther and MIhh Ekern were out for an automobile rldo Hnndny. They hired G. Willie's auto and went out to Sil ver Creek Falls through Salem unil over a great deal of country. "Wm. Evans and family havo re turned to Harlo. Hoy Parmenter and Henry Gilbert- son ilrove to Aioumouin niier mr. Evans' goods. Mrs. Ausve's daughter returned home near Seattle Monday. Tho sad news waa received here this morning of the death of Mth. Utlger, who lived about onu and fliio- half mile from Harlow. Mrs. Utlger had been a sufferer for nemo tlmo with cancer of tho stomach. She eaves a husband and a number oi hlldren to mourn her demise. The bereaved family has tho aymputhy of many frlendH. Whooping Cough. Thla Is a more dangerous disease han Is generally presumed. It will be a surprise to many to learn mat more deaths result from It than Hear- t fever. Pneumonia often results from It. Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy has been used In many epidemics of whooping cough, and always with ho best results. Delbert McKelg, or Harlan, Iowa, aayg of It: 'My boy took whooping cough wnen nine months old. He had It In the winter. arot a bottle of Chamberlain's Cougli Remedy awhlch proved good. I can not recommend It too highly." For sale by Huntley Bros. Co. WOOL WANTED Bring Yotir Wool to Or egon City WOOLEN MILLS and get highest prices IT GIVES THE BESTRESUUS. LIGHT, u TheSMIIHSONIAN CORRECT TRU55 HOLDS IN ANY POSITION. . a m sv pHCissNoEft. -ftierwA,Hin. JONES.DKUG LO. (lacorpJrauro) Agents .FIVE-MINUTE TALK How ! Aw; CHICKEN Lkt MITES COCKROACHES AND BED BUGS For m Wlmlf Year bj a Blasl Appllralinn of AVENARIUkS -CARBOLINECM (nrmn Wood prrvr.) Non-polmnoua. flonlurf Odor. I'ul up lo IUhngTBphftil ran only Don't lot your rtoaltr ilvo you a worthleaa Imitation. KOK NAI.K UY ALL I1F.A1.KI1N. rasballaMira Wood Cronrvlni Co rurUand, Or. MllwaukM, Wla. Now York. N. T Haa Franclaao. Cal. Fisher, L.o sen S Cs, Wholaaalo Anta. Ixpl. IS. furtlaud Oragua. Wrlta for Tootl- monlala. ysarasVxaKrxac fK7WW-)n llCMXIt.U!IU ONLY ONE GENUINE THERE IS ONLY ONE GENUINE CARDOLINEUM, THT IS THE AVENARIU8 CARDOLINEUM. THERE IB A CHEAP IMITATION ON THE MARKET THAT IB BE INQ OFFERED AT FROM 11.00 TO tl.ZB PER .GALLON. THE GENUINE AVENARIUB CAR DOLINEUM IN QUART CANS 60 CENTS, AND ONE OALLONS AT It. SO WILL DO ALL THAT IB CLAIMED FOR IT. INSIST ON THE GENUINE, TAKE NO OTHER. PUT UP IN LITHO GRAPH CANS AND BOLD IN OREGON CITY. Callsd to Seattle. MIhh Mary Gadko left Sunday nlglit on the Northern Pacific train for So attle, where ahe was called by a tele gram announcing thfi serloim IIIdohf of Mrs. Lena Mlllflna, who has scar let fever. Mra. Mllwlns was Mlsf Lena Gadke, and Is well known In Oregon City. She moved to Seattle about four years ago. Creamed Chloken, Cut the white meat of roast or boil ed chicken Into smnll dice of uniform tlzo. . Cook together In a pan a table inoonful each of butter and Hour, ami as they thicken stir until Binoom Deviled Chicken. Some cnlik chicken, O"o egg, one half tcaspoonful of mustard, one half tcaHpoonfiil of curry powder, one-half tenspoonru! of Hult, two tnhlcHpnnnfula of brad crumbs, two tablcapoonfula then pour upon them a cup of cream; of butter, some wiClercrcss or pamloy. Meat, up uio egg, add the mustard, salt and curry powdur, divide the cli.clien inii) small joints, and bruHh over each piece with the egg mixture, covor with bread crumbs, place In a baking pan with the butter, and bako nbout Oflenh minutes. Servo In a rliitf.j, ganjlHlied ..with., water-cress or parsfey. mixed with a gill of milk to which a pinch of soda has been added. Stir to i smooth, white sauce, put In the :hlcken, anason to taste, add four mopped olives and a dnah of nutmeg. Take from the fire, and, to miilio It rich, stir in gradually a behton egg, .'ut In piuttry. shells and set In-Uic oven until steaming hit,