Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1909)
Y OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1909. MISERY IN STOMACH IS ENDED FOREVER TELL READERS HOW TO RE LIEVE INDIGESTION IN ' FIVE MINUTES. Why ntit Mtnrt now imlny, nml for vnr rlil ytiutanlf (if Hiuiniioli IroiiliUi nml lh(lni'il(iiiT A (llliti ittiniuch gut tlm hltin mid grumble, (live It a K'hmI kiiI, then Inko Papw' IHa pi'paln to atari tlm illKimtlvn Jtilrea working. There will bit no tlyapupHla or Ik'Ii'IiIiik of ()m or iriit:litlliiiia of tllltllKi'aled fiHid; no fnnllng Hko lump of lend In tlm tiloinarli or heart liurii, nick tionilurlin mid ilUJima, and your fiMul will not furtiimit nml ptilaon your breath with naiianotia odor. I'apti'a Hnpimlii font only (0 rutitH for n largo rase at Htiy dniK ator burn and will relieve thn moat ohallnatn ranir of India-cation and up ad atoiiim-h In dvo minute. There la nothing i'Iho tiiillitr to tnko gal from aloinitch and rlinna tlio atonmi'li and lnliallnia, and liialdi', unit trlaiiKulo will illn't and prepare for analmllittlnn Into tliu lilood oil ymtr food tlm aaiiie aa a aound, healthy atomurli would (to It. Wlion Dlapi'pxln worka, your atom Bell real gnta lUulf In order, clean tt and then Jfoit feel Hko eating whi'ii you count to tlm tnlilo, and wlmt you cat will do you Ho1. Aliaolutn ri-llof from all stomach mlanry la waiting for you aa amm aa you derlilti to lii-nlll taklliK Plauepalii. Toll your dniKKll that you want l)la pepsin, because you want to be tltor oiiKhly cured of Indignation, RED MEASLES EPIDEMIC. Slcknata Cua Much Abunct From Publlo Schoola, Them la an epidemic of red mea. lea In thla city, and at prum-iit aliout 41) can-a nro riHiitnd, only ono case provlnit filial. Many pupil of th" tri gull City at-hiHila aro down with lh ill urn m on ml of iIicmi are of tlm liar clay si-html dlalrli-t. On account of tint lit-arltiK of tho c-loan of llin at-hool year, It l an unfortunate limit for ao niii-li alrkne, whlrlt cRiiaea tho aliiKiiro of tlm pupil of two weeka or morn, wtn-ii tlm moat Impiirlanl work la being done Jnt before tlm final ex ainlnntlona which will l I" v" wmk. No. B556 PORT Of TNI CONDITIO Of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK at tuition City In tint Hlato of Oregon, at the clo of buslnca. April SHtll, l0. Raiourcaa. inna and Iilarouuta f HC. Overdraft, ecrtired and ttn-am-ured V. H Honda to aerunt rlrcu lailon 12 MM llonda. aneiirltle. lr S2. HnnklUK tnuiait, furniture, and niturea 15. 1H.W; :so nr. Hue from National llnnka (not reaervo aKeiil 4, linn from Hlnln Hank and llniikera 3. thm from approved reaervit aRenta KM, Cheek and oilier citah lleiin Nulea of other National llnnka 1- Krartlnnal pirr currency, nlckela, and ceuta Lawful Money Retorv In Bank, viz: specie $r,r..::n!ir. U'Ral tender note 6ti Ite.lemptlon fund with I'. H. Tieaaurer (5 per cent, of circulation) ' 7H2.9J.I .033 39 j ,304.1s'! 500 5(1 ,07500 92.3011 ,e:f5 .OH.I.fKt T..inl 1314.279.24, HTATB OK OHKtlON. County of Clai-kiimn.. I K J. Meyttr. Canl.ler of tlm bank, do m.l.mtnly wear that 'tint' above .latetneut I trt.e to tlm of my knowled., and belief. r. J. Alluirtv, CaHlilor. Bubacrllifd and aworn to before mo thla 3rd day of May. rJ. JOHN K. CLAHK. Notary I'litillc. Commencing Friday MAY 7th Yotif cash will have gteat purchasing power in otif store We will sell yotf a 50 ft. Section of 3 Ply Rub ber Hose for - - - - $2.75 Screen Doors 2 ft. 6 In. X 6ft. 6 In. Cdar wlth oot hinges - ' - 50 High Grade Velocr Coaches, bright colors 4.95 A better kind with roll edges - 5. J 9 Yo are accustomed to pay from $8.00 to $10.00 in other stores for these same couches. Come early and have first selection. These prices are good until present stock is sold. PRANK BUSCH OREGON CITY, Admlnlitrator' Notlca. KtMiiftn Im ii.irnt.v ulvitii to all'nar. tlna coniMirimd that Ilia tiiidnralgni'd hita linen duly nppolnlitil liy tint t;niui- I if f'ftlli't tit fMnolMitiuia f'oiiiilv. Htuttt of Oregon, uk tlm aitinlnlalrator of tint chi nl it of Malinla Hliuinwny, no nml Hint hit Iota duly (liiulllli'it aa Mitch uilmlulNtralor, and Unit all pnraoim linvliiK clalina against lint uld imltitn tiiuat pri-aiint thorn, within l month from thu niitu or una which, to thn admlnlalralor ill tint law of- ili-tt of C. I). ft U. C. mtourtiiio in Oregon City, Oregon. )tiid thl 7Ut day or iny, iww. JIJ. II. BIIUMWAY, AiliulnlHtrator. Notlca to Creditor. Notice la hiinihy given thai th tin- ili-rHlKtiinl haa been duly appointed liy Ihn County Court of I hit Hluto of ()m ...ii r,.r ciiu-kaiiina County, executor of tlm alittu of Cynthia llouic H"- ford, diiciai-il. AH mraona niiviua clalina aKiilnat "ll natulti ant hunt liy ri'itilri'd to iirnaitnt lint aiimit to nm at my realdnnno, Nw Kra, Clai:ka- miia County, On-Kon, propi-riy vi-ri-Itt-d aa by law rtiiilrttd, within alx inonttia from tho diUo hureof. Dulii of flral pulillriitlon, fnuay, May 7, 1U0U. OKOIKJK 11. llltOWN, ISxnoutor. iniKN sniuKiiKU Atornoya for Kxitcutor. Latter Lilt. inlmitil liitlnra at tint C)rt- Ron City poalomrn. for tlio t"'k i'ii4- ln Mh' 1; . ii ki.,.,' t Ji Iliiirliv. Cliua. I).; II. Ch'arlt-a; K. Krunk; Krank Kly; T. I'. llowtill; J. II. Marriaon, jr.; jui.u Hill; U'O Juinta; Otto MuualR; J. 0. Htaffitrd. Wonti-n'a Mat Mrn. Kva lltirnli-r; Mra. Ja. A. KoiiRlana; Mra. Jiim ii. .....r- Mr. Miller Iloota: Mra;. J. IC. I A 1 1'': Mr- t)w"n; Mr' l)- A. Hinltli; Mra. I-n l noiupauii. DONT HITCH VOUR HORSE IN THE RAIN Out acquainted with E. W Mflll'-n Co.. Complete House furnishers. Una their free table room. POLK'S GAZETTEER i Llabllltm. Capital tork paid In.... I 60 Surplu fund Clidlvliled pronta, li- rx- penaea and tuxc paid. 1 National Hunk note out- atandltiR 0 Dun to Htuto llnnka and Hunker ,000.00 C00.07 ,104 32 .KOfl.OO 450.10 010.51 ,308.24 Individual deposit ulc JiK"l to check Demand certificate of tie poalt 218, 37, . Total ..1314.279.24 COHHKCT ATTKST: D. C. I.ATOrilKTTK. C. D. bATOCIUCTTK, M. I). LATOUtKTTK, Director. OREGON "1 .I.ll VIM. 01 l'""H '" .......... I,.n OI.II.I l.r.. rll.lU. B SMiVplhf'Va'i'lHlM1'.!; '''"' I B H I.. I " K I ", tar. U wiiif t"ti Summon. In tint Circuit Court of tint Htuto of OreRon, for Cluckamu County. (lrnc.ti Humidor, I'lnlntlff, va, Kroil Hiiundera, Defendunt. To Ki"d Huuniler, above named di'fnnilaiit: In tint tinnia of thn 8tul.o of OreRon, you aro hereby rculrcd to nppeur ami nnawer the complulnt filed URulnal you In (hit abovtt eutltlnd milt on or before tint I'JUi duy of Jitnn, 11)09, auld ditto beltiR nfinr tlm tixplrallon of alx weeka from tint (Ira I publication of thla mimmon, and If you full to ap pear and auawer auld complaint, for want thereof the plaint in will ap ply to tho court for tho relief do mandi'd In tho complulnt, tit-wlt; Kor a decrvo dlaaolvliiK tint bond of nittlrlmoiiy now exlMtliiK betwnnn plaintiff and defendant. Thl ummoii l puniianea ny urner of Hon. Jame V. Campbell, Jii'Iko of tlm Circuit Court for Cluckuma Coun ty. Ore mm. which order wu niudit and ontiired on tho Oth 'lay of Mny, 1909, and tho tlino preacrlbed for publica tion theroof I alx week, lii'KliniliiR with tho lHue of Krlilay, May 7th, 1909. and contlnulnR each week there- nfier to and Includlnic. Prlday, Juno 18th, 1909. CEO. C. HKOWNEI.U Attorney for I'lulntlff. No. 25. REPORT Of THE CONDITION OF Tk. rirmiri' Bank at WlUonvllle. In I l.e Hlale of Oreuon. at tho clime of IniHlneaa, April 28tb, 1909: Reourca. Ioan ami rtUcount f ll.244.Rt llonil. aecurltle, etc 33.70 HunklhK liouHt), furnlturo and fixture t,tiu..i j Dim from approved reaerve Imnk ii.zibhj Check and other Cuah Item 6 25 Cah on hand z,4 J.r Total $31,282.51 Llibllltle. Capital atock paid In 15,000.00 rmllvlded proma, I'-a ex ni.iiaea and luxe wild ... 192. 0C Individual dcpoalt aubjoct to ,.tn.rU 15,391.89 Demand certificate of (lepoall fiK7.30 Tlnm cerlincute of d'Ktalt 11.20 Total $31,282.61 STATE OK OKEOON. County of Clackama. . u'., i. ,i,ii w riioriilon and Joe J. Thornton, owner of the above named I, mik .1.. wilenin V awear tnat me iiluive atateinenl I true to the bent of our knowleilKO and belief. JOHN V. TIIOK.MU., JOE J. THORNTON. Owner. Hnbacrlbed and worn to before mo thl 311th duy of April, 1909. KATB ttUWlMU, Nntarv rubllc for OreRon. (My conimlHulon expire Nov. 28. 1910) Notice of School Indomnlty Selection. Cnlled State Ijind Office. Portland. Oregon, April 6. 1909. Notice 1 hereby given that the State of Oregon on April 6, 1909. ap plied for tho NE 14 of NE 1-4, or Lot I, of Section 2, T. 6 8. It 2 E. and (lied In thl office a Hat of School Indemnity Selection In which It se lected aald land; and that said llt I open to the public for Inspection. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above described land or any tctpil subdivision therein, or claiming the BUtno under the mining law, or desiring to how said land to i... i',r vulniihlu for mineral than for agricultural purpose, or to object to said Kelection for any legal reuaim, -v., ,i,i in., tin-lr claims or their affi davits of protest or contest In thl office. AlXiEKNON S. DRESSER. KeglNtcr GEO. W. 11II1EE. Receiver t i...r..i,v ili.alcnnto the Oregon City Enterprise a the paper In which the above notice Is to ue punns'ieu. AUC.EnNON S. DRESSER. Register, Executrix Notice. v.itinA ! hereby a-lven that the tin derslgned. executrix of the last will and testament of John I'iricn ugner, deceased, has filed her film! account ..nk ii... pimntv Court of Clncknmos County, Oregon, and the Court hns set Monday. June 7, A. u., r.'. at Ihe Court House In Oregon City. Ore gon, a the time and place for hear ing any and all objections to said llniil nccount and the aiscnurge vi emu executrix. Dated thla 1st dny of May. a. u. 1909. CAROLINE WAU.Nfclt, Executrix of said estate. John Cully Etat. vii. i. twin.i.v elven that the tin designed, as administratrix if the estuto of John Cully, aeceasea, nas II led her flnol accouni in mo t,oumj ...... i it.a Hnitn of Oreiron. for V.. Mil. 'l .- " n...i,.,0. Pmintv. and that Tiles, lRV. the 8th day of Juno, 1909, at the hour of 10 oclock in me loreuoou m oum ,l nml thn Cillirt KOOm Ol Ball! Court hns been apitolnted by the aald r,,.,.l na tlin tlmrt Alld IllflCO Of the hearing of objections thereto, and the settlement therein. Dated and first published Friday, May Tin. r-iw- . t CATHERINE M. CULLY. Administratrix. E. K. & F. B. RILEY. Attorneys. Notice of Sale. Kntlcn Is hereby given that In pur amiKKii nf nn order of tho County Court of tho State of Oregon, for Clnckiinins County, made the 29th day ,.r Anrii 1909. tho undersigned, as ad ministratrix of the estate of B. F. Harstow, deceased, will on nnd after tho 31st day of Mny, 1UU. sou ai pn vnin snln at roomB 3. 4. nnd 5. Stev ... t.iillillnir at Oregon City. Oregon. to tho highest bidder for cash In gold coin of the United stntes ami suo Ject to confirmation by Bnld County Court, all the right, title and Inter est tho said B. F. BnrBtow had at tho M,,,n nf bin death In nnd to the fol lowing described renl property, to wlt: All of the East half of the Southwest quarter of section twenty- nine (29) In TownBinp six lU) souin of nnnire two (2) East of tho Wlllani ette Meridian, in Clackamas County, Oregon. Dated this 29th day of April, 1909. CHRISTINA SHAKF, Administratrix of the estate of B. F BarBtow, deceased. GORDON E. HAYES, Attorney for Estate. LOST $10.00 Reward. Light Bay mare, weight about 900 pounds. Big loft kneo. White spot on foruhead, white foot, back; new shoe; brand C. N. Also black colt a year old, 1 white foot behind, white spot on fire head. Both had haltera when they left. R. M. Wagner, R. F. D. No, 2, Box IS, Canby, Ore. Summon. In tho Circuit Court of the Btalo of Oregon for tli County of Clacka ma. Augimt Montundon, rialntlff, v. Adolf Iloatl, and Kato notl, hi wife and C. K. Hamaby, Ilocorder of Con veyance! for Clackama County, Oregon, Defendant. To Adolf iloatl and Kale Rotl, hi wife: In the nam of the State of Oregon, you and each of you are hereby re quired to appear and aniwer the com plaint filed agalnat you In tho above entitled mill on or beforo tho expira tion of alx week from the duto of tho flrat publication of thl ummon, and If you fall to o appear and an iwer laid complaint, for want there of, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In aid com plaint, to-wlt: Kor the cancellation of that certain deed of conveyance made by Auguat Mi.t.lMrtr1in and wife to Adolnh Iloatl on or about the 15th day of October, A. I). 1908, conveying the following described property, io-wii:: llirlnnlnr at a DOlllt 6.C7 ChttlH Et of the Northwet corner of th Houth Wcit Quarter or becuon ti, T. 4 8., R. 1 E. of W. M., and running thence Wet 20.67 chain; thence Houtb 20 chain, thence Eaitt 17.60 chain, thence Bouth 20 chain, thence aiT hin thence North 40 chain. to the place of beginning, containing 71 OS acre more or ea, oeing a pari, of the Willam Donaldaon D. L. C, and for a further decree compelling the ald defendant to aenver up aaia .I....H ...r oMticnllttttnn and that laid deed he canceled and held for naught, and forever retraining the Recorder of Conveyance for Clackama county, Oregon from recoruing aia aeeu iu the record of aald Cluckamaa Coun ty, Oregon. Thl Summon I published by or .ii.r r.r i run. Thoma A. McUrlde. Judge of the Circuit Court of tho Slate of Oregon, made and entered tnn ua H,.v nt March. A. D. 1909. directing that ald lummon be published In the Oregon Cliy Enicrpnae ior ai ticceHlve weeka, commencing with tho publication of Krlday, March 26, 1909. and ending Krlday, May 7th, 1909. DIMICK & DIMICK, Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice to Creditor. v.. i in ta haretiv riven that the un dersigned ha been appointed admin istrator of the Estate of B. T. Klon, deceased by the County Court of Clack amiut County, Oregon, and all person having claim aguiuai said estate are i,..r..t.u mitlflixt tn nresent the same. properly verified, to the aald adminis trator at the omce or uvy oupp, ma sonic Htilldlng, Oregon City, Oregon, within six (6) month from the date of the first publication of thl notice. Dated April Zi, l'JU?. OTTO E. MEINDU Administrator of the Estate of B. T. Elon, Deceased. lo Notlc of Final Settlement. ta hereby liven that the tin- ,i..raiL' administratrix of the es tate of Samuel Bernhard, deceased, has filed In the County court or Clackama County. Stale of Oregon, her final account a such administra trix rr aald estate, and that Monday, the 17th day of May, 1909, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., ha been fixed a tho time for hearing of objection to said report and the settlement thereof. LENA HOLZAPFEL. (nee Lena Bernhard) Administratrix of the estate of Samuel Bernhard, deceased. Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackama County. Alice Sarah Statter, Plaintiff v. Milton M. Statter. Defendant, To Milton M. Statler, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and unswer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and cause at or before the expiration of six weeks from the date of first publica tion of this notice, and If you fall to do bo the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In the said complaint, to-wlt: a decree dls solving the bonda of matrimony ex isting between you and the plaintiff and restoring to the plaintiff her maiden name, Alice Sarah Howard. This summons Is published pursuant to an order of Hon. T. A. McBrlde, Judge of Bald court, made April 2d, 1909. directing that thla notice be pub lished not less than once a week for six consecutive week in the Oregon City Enterprise. The date of the first publication of thlB notice Is April 16 1909. DAVID N. MOSESSOHN, Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice to Creditor. Notice Is hereby given, that the un deraigned ha been appointed execu tor of tho last Will and Testament or Reeee Daugherty, deceased, by the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon. All person having claims agaliiBt said estate, are hereby notified to nrcBont tho same, properly verified to the said executor at nis nome at Molalla. Clackamas County. Oregon within six months from the date of tho first nubllcatlon of this notice. Pate of first publication, April 9, 1909. RALPH SAWTELL, Executor of Last Will and Testament of Reoce Daugherty. J. U. CAMPBELL, Attorney for Executor. Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County oJ ciacka mils. Agnes T. Allen, Plaintiff, vs. V. J. Allen, Defendant. in thn n .nn n at the state or Oregon nro t,..rohv renulred to annear and .ii i,i th cnnmlRint filed acainat you in the above entitled court and cause on or before the 11th day or June, 1909, and If you fail to so ap pear or answer within said time, the plaintiff will appiy to me conn ior tho relief prayed for In said complaint, tn.uMt Duii the bonds of matrimony existing between the plaintiff and the defendant be dissolved, ana mac me plaintiff be awarded the care and cus tody of her minor child, Mary A. Al len, and for all further relief as equity and the nature of this suit mnv rAntllrn. ThlB summons is pub lished pursuant to an order made by the Hon. Tnomas a. mcuriue, juuge of the above entitled court and en t,D ,,n ha C1st day of Anrll. 1909. the first publication being on the 30th day of April, lu, ana me lasi publication on June ii, isu. W. J .MAKEUM, Attorney for Plaintiff. Hot a Dull Spot in the May EVERY BODY'S MAGAZINE. That's why it holds the undoubted supremacy. Even if you are not a mag azine reader, try it. There is an unusual line of fiction this month. Read "Grimsden House" if you like a " thriller." For Sale by HUNTLEY BROS. Co. Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackama County. Barbara Hlnkle, Plaintiff, v. Jacob Hlnkle, Defendant. To Jacob Hlnkle, defendant above named: In tho name of the State of Oregon, you aro hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled itilt on or before the 6th day of June, 1909, said date being after the expiration of lx week from the first publication of thl summons, and If you fall to ap pear and answer laid complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for tho relief demanded In tho complaint, to-wlt: For a de cree dissolving the bond of matri mony now existing between plaintiff and defendant Thl order 1 published by order of Hoi. Thomas A. McBrlde, Judge of the above named court, which order wa made and entered on the 19th day of April, 1909, and the time pre scribed for publication thereof la six weeks, commencing with the issue or April 23d, 1909, and continuing each week thereafter to and Including June 4, 1909. GEO. C. BROWNELU Attorney for Plaintiff CITATION. In the County Court of the 6tate of Oregon, for the County ol ciacKa mas. In the matter of the Estate of Honor Mark Whltlock, deceased. The people of the State of Oregon to Edward K. Whltlock, Jane Marks Smith, Thomas Whltlock, the Ameri can Home Missionary Society, a cor Doratlon. Rutherford Whltlock and Grace Whltlock, are hereby cited to appear before the Honorable Gram B. Dimlck, Judge of the above entitled Court on Monday. May 10th. 1909. at 10 o'clock A. M. to how cause why an Order should not be granted to sell the following described real prop erty, belonging to said estate, to-wlt: Commencing at a point 13 chains a. 8C deg. E. from a point, which Is 29.55 chains S. 1 deg. W. from the N. W. corner of Ezra Fisher's D. L. C. No. 44 In T. 2 8., R. 2 E. of the Willam ette Meridian, Oregon, running thence N. 1 deg. E. 9.20 chains: thence N. 84 1-4 degs. W. along the N. line of a tract of land sold by Ezra Fisher and wife to George Abernethy 6.43 chains; thence S. 1 deg. W. 5.75 chains; thence S. 65 degs. E. 2.36 chain: thence S. 78V4 degs. E. 2.05 chains; thence S. 2.24 chains; thence S. 86 degs E. 1.S7 chains to the place of beginning, containing 4.63 acres. also the following described tract of land, to-wlt: Commencing at a point S. 86 degs. E. 10.68 chains from a point which is 30 chain S. 1 deg. W. from the N. W. corner of Ezra Fisher D. L. C. No. 44, In T. 2 S., R. 2 E. of the Willamette Meridian, Oregon, running thence N. 86 degs. E. along the line of a tract of land sold to George Abernethy by said Ezra Fisher and wife 1.55 chains; thence N. 1 deg. W. 2.35 chains; thence S. 78 H degs. E. 1.60 chains; thence S. 2.24 chains to the place of beginning, containing about 4-10 acres. Commencing at a point 6 65-100 chains S. 84 1-4 degs. E. from a point which is 20 chains S. 1 deg. W. from the N. W. corner of Ezra Fisher's D. L. C. No. 44. In T. 2 .S, R. 2 E.. of the Willamette Meridian, Oregon; thence S. 1 deg. W. 5 40-100 chains to a stake; thence E. 80.100 chains; thence S. 58 degs. E. 1 22-100 chains; thence N. 1 deg. E. 5 65-100 chains to the N. line of a tract of land sold by Ezra Fisher and wife to George Abernethy; thence N. 84 1-4 degs. W. 1 S6-100 chains to the place of be ginning, containing one acre, more or less. In testimony whereof, X, F. W. Greenman, Clerk of the County Court, aforesaid, have hereunto set my hand and (fixed the seal of said Court this 6th day of April, 1909. F. W. GREENMAN, Clerk. By W. L. Mulvey. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Anna E. McKeown, Plaintiff, vs. Thomas J. McKeown, Defendant. To Thomas J. McKeown, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against yon In the above entitled Court and cause on or before the 28th day of May, 1909, which will be six weeks after the first publication of thla summons, and If you fail, to so ap pear and answer, the plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, to-wlt: for the dissolution of the bonds of matrimony existing between yourself and the plaintiff and for the custody of the three minor children named In her complaint and for such further relief as to the Court may seem just. This summons is published by order of the Hon. Thomas A. McBrlde, Judge of the above named Court, made and entered on the 20th day of April, 1909. First publication April 23, 1909. Last publication May 28, 1909. MAC MAHON, Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice to Creditor. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of Clackamas Coun ty, Oregon, executrix of the last will and testament of Bertha E. Tschar nlg, deceased, late of said County and State. Any and all persons having claims against the said estate are homliv nntlflmt tn nresent the same duly verified according to law to my attorney, C. H. Dye, Esq., corner in and Main streets, Oregon City, Ore gon, within six months from the date of this notice. JULIA TSCHARNIG HARTKE. Executrix of aforesaid estate. Dated, April 30th, 1909. PROFESSIONAL HARVEY E. CROSS ATTORNEY AT LAW Heal RatU, Loanai, Innuronce GEORGE C. BROWNELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Omce In Caufield BId., Main anf Ui t to Phone Pacific State 82. JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN -a Clackamas County ; Z a J ft, . ncaaquancrs , CLACKAMAS TITLE CO, 610 Chamber of Commarea, Portland, Oregon. I rvniiru, vicyvu. Full equipment of map, plats, - . I I.. ..4 ll. T I lUBirw.1 (juufta auu i .....D f Agents for Clackamas County .Land, Money Loaned, Title Perfected. r r f n rii PV. 1 Attorney & Counsellor at Law I TIME CARD. O. W. P. DIVISION Between Portland and Oregon City. Leave Arrive Leave Arrive ' 2 t 2" - S 5" a S 5 e w 5 o o o o -1 ! 4.0U 5.27 i 5.40 &A0 545 6 45 6.30 7.22 7.30 6.20 6.26 7.20 7 00 7.52 8.00 6.50 6.57 7.50 7.30 8.22 8.30 7.30 7.37 8.30 8.00 8.52 9.00 8.00 8.07 9.00 8.30 9.22 9.30 8.30 8.37 9.30 9.00 9.62 10.00 9.00 9.07 10.00 9.30 10.22 10.30 9.30 9.37 10.30 10.00 10.62 11.00 10.00 10.07 11.00 10.30 11.22 11.30 10.30 10.37 11.30 11.00 11.62 12.00 11.00 11.07 11.59 11.30 12.22 12.30 11.30 11.37 12.30 12.00 12.52 1.00 12.00 12.07 1.00 12.30 1.22 1.30 12.30 12.37 1.30 1.00 1.52 2.00 1.00 1.07 2.00 1.30 2.22 2.30 1.30 1.03 2.30 2.00 2.52 3.00 2.00 2.07 3.00 2.30 3.22 3.30 2.30 2.37 3.30 3 00 3.52 4.00 3.00 3.07 4.00 3.30 4.22 4.30 3.30 3.37 4.30 4.00 4.52 5.00 4.00 4.07 5.00 4.30 5.22 5.30 4.30 4.37 5.30 6.00 5 52 6.00 5.00 5.07 6.00 5.30 6.22 6.30 5.30 5.37 6.30 6.00 6.52 7.00 6.00 6.07 7.00 6.30 7.22 7.30 6.30 6.37 7.30 7.00 7.52 8.00 7.00 7.07 8.00 7.30 8.22 8.30 7.30 7.37 8.30 8.00 8.52 8.55 8.00 8.07 9.00 830 9.22 9.25 8.30 8.37 9.30 9.00 9.52 9.55 9.03 9.07 10.00 9.30 9.33 9.37 10.00 10.52 10.55 10.03 10.07 11.00 11.00 11.52 11.55 11.03 11.07 11.59 12.00 12.46 12.50 11.5511.57 12.50 12.55 To Mflwaukle only. Trains for Falrvlew, Troutdale, Gresham, Boring, Eagle Creek, Eita- cada and Cazadero and Intermediate points. 7:15. x8:02. 9:05. xl0:05. 1:05. 3:05. x4:05. 5:05. x6:05. 7:05. 8:05. li:35. For Gresham. x Gresham. Falrvlew and Troutdale. NOTE: Cars leave East Water and Morrison streets 5 minutes later than scheduled from First and Alder Sts. LOW RATES TO DAILY During, March and April From all Parts of the East VIA UNION PACIPIC OREGON SHORT LINE THE OREGON RAIL ROAD & NAVIGATION CO. SOUTHERN PACIPIC- $33 from Chicago $33.50 from St. Louis $25 from Omaha $25 from Kansas City Correspondingly low from all other points. TO THE PUBLIC Write letters to everybody you know In the East and tell them about these low colonist rates. Send them liter ature about Oregon, or send their ad dresses to us and we will do It In this way you can be a great help In the growth and progress of your State. Yotf Can Prepay Fares for anyone from any place If you want to. Deposit the necessary amount with our local agent atd he will tele graph ticket promptly. Inquire of agents or write to WM. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent The Oregon Railroad t Navigation Co. Southern Pacific Co. (Lines In Oregon PORTLAND, OREGON. DIRECTORY Main Btraat, OHEOON CITY Phone Home Bill WEINHARD tUILDINO STRAIGHT 4 SALISBURY LUMSINQ TINNINO n GENERAL JOSH. Wl Mill, Puni a Byara llc Ram a Specialty. Phone 1611. Oregon City, Oregen. O. Di EBY t Attorney-at-Law Money loaned, abstract furnish- ed, land titles examined, estate settled, general law business. s Over Bank of Oregon City. J U'REN ft SCHUEBEL Attorney-at-Law Dcutscher Advokat Will practice In all court, make collections and settlement. Office in Enterprise Building, Oregon City, Oregon. a a m 9 a T f 'y' THOS. F. RYAN Attomey-at-Law 1 Probate and Realty Law Prae- I tlce Specialties. Rooms 2 and 3 Masonic Temple C. D. ft D. C. LATOURETTE Attorney-at-Law Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Speclalde. Of- flee in First National Bank 1 Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. HOWARD F. LATOURETTE Lawyer t 526-27-28 Corbett Building . J PORTLAND, - - ORE. Particular Mea ARE PLEASED WITH OUR LAUNDRY WORK BECAU8E IT IS DONE RIGHT, BECAUSE WE GET IT OUT THE DAY WE PROMISE IT AND BE CAUSE WE GUARANTEE IT. GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER. YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT. CASCADE LAUNDRY Phone Main 93. Third and Main 8trt. W. S. EDDY, V. S M. D. V. Graduate of the Ontario Veteri nary College ot Toroato, Canada, and the McKillip School ( Surgery of Chicago, ha located at Oregon City and established aa office at The Fashion Stable, Seventh Street near Main. Both Telephone. Farmer' 133 Mii ijii J. U. CAMPBELL Attorney-at-Law Will practice in all courts of the Stata Office In Caufield Bldg. Oregon City, Oregon J Whiskey I a good 'friend but a poor matter. Uied In moderation It cheer, In iplre and strengthen man. For sociability use HARPER Sold by E. MATTHII.