Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1909)
OKEOON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1009. CLARKES. nwvvvitv.'V l(CMrtoM ms-m The Kind Ton liar Always In use for over 30 years, lcAML Allow .v - m nr - - All Counterfeit, Imitations and " Jost-M-good" aro but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of InfluiU and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA . Castorla is ft harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is rieaaant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xareotlo substanoe. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fererishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Sears the The KM You Haie Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. NEWS OF THE COUNTY MOLALLA. Three weeks of beautiful weather, IS hours rain, then a week more good weather with indications of a continu ation of the beautiful, with a grow ing Increase of temperature. The enlarged road district must be doing something substantial this side of Wllholt, from the powder that Is being burned. The boj-3 up that way know about what they want and about how to do it. For a whole week the siege was raged on Teasel Creek Hill. The proprietor of Wilholt 'Springs will put on two auto-stages from Ore gon City this season, so as to furnish quick traffic for Portland pleasure seekers. Mrs. Jennie Perry has returned to her old home and will reside with her son, Bert, for a time. Fred Watts has been putting up a lot of wire fence along each road, which greatly adds to good, appear ance of his farm. Sawtell Bros, have pruned, sprayed and cultivated what ought to be done in that line by others. J. F. Adams will build the new grange barn for 325, to be completed by the 4th Saturday of August Molalla Grange No. 310. Initiated 15 candidates for membership last meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Cordill Tsjpnt to the hospital with their little two-year-old son last week. He will probably be operated on for an abcess. Miss Elsie S prague. of Stone, is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. E. K. Dart. Rachel Melton, Nora and Ruth Her man, were visiting their uncles and aunts at Gladstone and bents last week. Have you seen anything of the Molalla railroad going on Southward both slowly and "Swiftly?" The last account It (that is to be) was headed rrr lh Hrppnn EMertrln nn ft mtirse I of a tangent to a tangent; which is like a harpooned whale; liable to come out almoBt any where. C. H. TRULLINGER, Optometrist, having just returned from Post Grad uate work in the East, Is once more busy In his office at Hubbard, reliev ing Eye Troubles by the latest scien tific methods. JOHN W. THOMAS, DENTI8T. Molalla Mondays. D. C. LATOURETTI President THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY, OREGON CAPITAL, $50,000.00. Transacts a General Banking Business. Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M NEW REAL ESTATE FIRM Located in the new masonic blig. With a new clean list of good property for sale. Large farms, small farms, acre tracts, city property, Gladstone lots, Parkplace lots, & etc. Come and see us if you want to buy or sell and we will treat you fairly. D. K. BILL & CO. Rooms 6 and 7 Masonic Bldg. Office Both Phones 22 Pioneer Transfer Co. Established 18C5 Sucessor to C. N. Greenman FURNITURE, SAFES AND PIANOS MOVED BY EXPERIENCED HELP. PROMPT AND RELIABLE SERVICE. SAND, GRAVEL AND BRICK Rates Reasonable, Baggage Stored 3 Days Free of Charge Agency for the celebrated MT. HOOD BEER Bought, and which has been has borne the signature of and has been made nnttcr nu per annul annerTlsIon since Its Infancy. no one to deceive you In this. Signature of MEADOW BROOK. Hot, dry and dusty. We want a little more of the Oregon mist. The automobiles are as common In our streets as sleds and wheelbarrows are on the streets of Molalla. Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Staudtnger were visiting Mrs. Crayne Tuesday. George Williams had a force of men working on the telephone line on Main street last week. The Barlow-Boutwell Milling Co. has procured the third donkey. We hear they will set it up at the upper end of Colton avenue. The president of the Union Irriga tion Co. and Rufus Holman spent Sun day on the ranch with Ralph Holman and family. The Canby and Meadowbrook Canal and Irrigation Co., has begun work on their canal. The water will be taken out of the Molalla river at this place. The survey runs diagonally across the west half of block four to the south' east corner of lot three in block three; thence on the west side of North Main street one mile to the Junc tion of Main street and Mulino ave nue; thence In a northeast direction across block one of the original sur vey to Milk Creek, the water to be used for the development of power plants and Irrigation. Mr. Crayne Is talking of leaving our town soon and moving to Oregon City. We regret very much to see Mr. Crayne and family leave, but our loss will be some one s gain. Professor Dibble was given a sur prise party Friday evening, it being his 26th anniversary mile stone he was trying to round. Mr. Schafer expects to start down the river soon with a drove of rail road ties. Prof. Dibble's school will close Fri day, May 7. Mr. Dibble has Just re ceived word that his father fell heir to an estate of 190,000, the estate hav ing been recently wound up and the money deposited with the city treas urer of New York. We are reliably or otherwise in formed the Molalla correspondent has run down and captured our cowketch er. We are sorry to say that he has not returned the property. Come, brother, bring the animal borne and get the reward. Rev. Craig, of Molalla, and Mr. Bliss of Illinois, were visiting friends in town Friday and Saturday. Mr. Bliss expects to purchase "land and locate among us. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S OA S T O R I A F. J. MEYER, Cashier Residence Phone Main 2G24 Sam Elmer was in town laat Sat unlay. Henry Thune. from Ijogan, was In Clarke last Sunday to visit Mr, Hot tontlller. Mr. Llndu was tu town lust Satur day. Mrs. Hon Marshall wont to Portland last week to visit hor parents, Mr, and Mrs. Fisher. Grandpa and ma Jarklns are stay Ins with Mrs. N'tchols at present. F. Sohorruble went to town Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. George Clarka and Will Clark and wife went out on a pleasure trip last Sunday. Mr. Shopard Is hunting one of his horses. Ho Is living In Clarkoa.. Rev. HUlman. from Mllwaukle preached last Thursday and Friday night. Mr. Sorlbnor is working on the Wett laufor road. Mr. and Mrs. Rounds, from Oregon City, were out to visit hor pareuts Mr. aud Mrs. Freeman. Mrs. Greaves is very 111 at present. They have taken her to town. V. G. Klolnsmlth was working for Bottemlller last week. W. H. Wettluufer Is Intending to cut down some of his old dead trees. It was hoard that the railroad sur veyors are out at work from Estacada to run In this way to Clarke s timber. MARQUAM. An educational mivtlnir will be held at the M. E. Church In Marquam. nn Sattirdav nieht MuV S at 7 MS o'clock. The public Is Invited. Short addresses will be made oy me touow lmr named norsons: Dr. Chapman on "Teachlnir. a Divine Calling": Maud Yoder on "Helps and Hindrance to the Teacher : Harvey Green on Ml turn Development of the Public School": I. D. Larkin on "progress In Rural Schools"; A. B. Marquam mi rrl F Anderson. "Summary." The programme will be Interspersed with exorcises rrom me pupua hu others. Recitations as follows: Ethel Strong. "The Inchcapo Rook ; Mary Hi-nkes. "The Last Leaf:" Kutn t.reen Marco nonarls": Caroline Jackson Riirlal of Sir John Moore"; Mary Nelson, "Columbus"; McKlnloy Mar "The Heritage': Freda As- boe. "Pictures or Memory ; itosiy Alhrlirht "Is it AnvbOdV 8 UUSineSST music; Roy Nicholson, "Soldiers March: Clara Qulnn. "Take Back the Heart"; Belle Gray and Lavllla Brown, "While the Dew Is on the Ulles"! Alberta Mortenson. "fanes Sleeping 'Neath Oregon's Tall Pines"; Kreta Albright. "Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes"; Seven Girls, "Sweet and Low." . MULINO. Tkn ,aMnt ruin was BTPAtlv alinreC- lated, but more of the gentle showers would be welcome. Dan Graves and wife have returneu to Mulino. Lewis Churchill Is hauling sningies In tha Mnllnn Mill To. Mr. Howard is going to lose his miller, as Mr. Myers and ianiiiy are moving to their new home at Mount Pleasant. Archie Davis has been having a elmra nf tho nipasles this last Week. and Is at home with his parents. Tha nan era ni t rwi wwn auu Mulino at this place Sunday, resulted In a score or u to 4 in iavor oi m vriaiioQ Thp lurk seems to be against the Mulino boys lately. The game was witnessed Dy quae a inrso crowd. flBo Vata Qnrwlmiafl anpnf KatUT- I."". n i anH Cnntav wtrh the home folks. Mr. Wallace nas purcnasea a new womer. Mr. Udell went to Aumsvllle last week to see his brother-in-law, who was reported quite sick. rlo wpnt to Portland Fri day to spend a few days with friends. The Mulino sningie miii io, amp- Ded a car load of sningies to siivenoii Monday. Oscar Dlx and wire were visiting .lk tho. lartcr'R narpnta last Sundav. 1-a Pranlr Xfnnnlfl? rpflimod TUCS- day from Goble. where stie nas Decn visiting relatives. COLTON. A R foiintrvman. of Mulino. haul ed a load of bay for W. S. Gorbett last week. ir and frs Carl Stromereen and children and Mr. and Mrs. John Phil lips took in the circus at Oregon City, Saturday. W. H. Wettlaufer, or nmoer lirove, as hnsv hauling telephone and fence posts from J. Putz's last week. E LJndatrum purcnaseu a cow from F. Wlnslow, for $25. W. E. Bonney nas oeen nauiiug lumber for his new fence. Mr and Mrs. Evans, of Mulino, were visiting their daughter and son- -law. Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Uix, at loi- ton, a few days last week. Preaching was held at me loiuiu Hall Sunday. U. 8. Dlx was busy cnopping grain one day last week. Hettman Bros, took some catue to their ranch In the mountains. fleoree Wallace was visiting at Highland last Sunday. GREENWOOD. An tntaroatlntr pnmft nf hall was played Sunday between Greenwood and Carus, with the score of 9 to 0 favor of Greenwood. Wnltpr Mead and wife moved into their new house this week. Miss Winnie Jackson on rri- day cloned a successful term or school in hu Hltttrlpt William Hraker. having finished the house he was building for Walter Mead, has gone to Oregon City to work at his trade. A number of our people took in the circus at Oregon City. 8HUBEL. The Shubel baseball team will give a dance at the Beaver Creek hall on May 7. A good orchestra will rurnisn the music .for the occasion. The baseball team has always given every one a good time when attending their parties, and a good time Is in store for those attending Friday night. Kills Her Foe of 20 Years. 'The most merciless enemy I had 9n vr-ars " declares Mrs. James for Duncan, of Haynesvllle, Me., "was Dyspepsia. I suffered intensely after eating or drinking and could scarcely deep. After many remeaies naa jan- I and several doctors gave me up, tried Electric Bitters, which cured e completely. Now I can eat any ino. i am 7(1 vears old and am over- Joyed to get my health and strength back again." For Indigestion, loss of appetite, kidney trouble, lame back, fnmaln comDlalnti. it's unequaled. CLACKAMAS. A now depot for Clackamas Is an assured fact. Work on the snme will beglu about Juno 1. Tho building will be located In the vicinity of the old brlok hall. Two companion of tho state mllllla are expect od to arrive In town on the fifteenth. An encampment will ho made on tho grounds belonging to tho government, east of tho railroad. Tho enlortiilnmont given by tho Epworth league on Friday evening of last week was a decided success, and was enjoyed by a large and ap preciative audience. These young polplo without doubt, suxtalnod their well earned reputation for Klvlng en tertainment of a high inimical mid literary standard, ami a K'd time for all. A very pretty homo wedding took place Saturdav evening at the home of William Phillips, when Rachel Davis and Ward Jonos wore united In marriage. Tho rooms wore pret tily decorated. At 8:30 P. M, to tho stratus of a wedding march played by Miss Margaret Jonos, the bride and groom entered tho parlor and stood beneath an arch and boll of ferns and apple- blossoms. In a sim ple. Impressive service, Rev. J. U jonos made tho twain one. and con gratulations followed. I'ako and tee cream was served. Those present were: Rev. J. L, Jones, the Misses Gwendoline and Margaret Jones, Mr. aud Mm. William Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Robinson. Cecil and Mar garet Robinson; Martin Reynolds, Norman Plckloman. Mrs. lna Wing Chester and Weldon Wing: Mrs. M C. Hay ward, Fred Roadarmol. Dona Jones, Mr. aud Mrs. L. . Jonos, Car roll. Mark. Arthur aud Ellis Jones; Mr. and Mrs. Ward Jonos. The young couple aro well and favorably known In Clackamas, and spent Minnay among friends and relatives, taking the evening train for Estacada whore they expect to make their future home. The Mothers' Club mot at tho usual time and place. In the absence of the president and secretary the time was occupied by Informal discussion, ami a good many excellent Ideas oil tno subject of gardening wore brought out; also some amusing experiences The subject selected for the next meeting was, "How to make pin money." Tho baseball game played hero last Sunday between the Ellora and Clackamas teams, resulted In a score of 12 to 3 In favor of the home team. team. Preaching service will bo held at the Congregational church next Sab bath evening. C. B. at 7 P. M. Ser vice at 8 P. M. WILLAMETTE. Ualvln VAiirnr turn nf Cantal Young, who has been at Hilt, Call- f.imiu whom hn han been holdintf I nnttlr,n w llh the Drecon & t'allfor nla Lumber Company, returned to nis homo on Thursday evening. Mrs. Archie Ross Is Improving a ter her Illness. Prnoat Maaa whn Bold hlS hOlllO I Willamette to the Fuller family, about three years ago, has purcnaseu me property and will make many Improve ments. Mr. Mass will move his fam ily back to his old place In about su weeks. His home that he is now oc cupylng will be for rent. Mayor Downthg Is able to be nt ofTar Ma Innff UlnpSA Mr. Graves has wild his two arre tract here, and will leave In a few weeks for Medford, where ho will make his home. ir U'nollnrniplpr has nnrrhased two lots In Willamette, and will build a modern residence. Mr. Koeiiermeier Is a well-to-do farmer of Stafford. em c-hranhptn will liavp on Mon day for Eastern Oregon, and from there he will go to Chicago, where he will remain for two years visiting with relatives. . cna Srhnonr. Jr.. Is recovering from his operation for appendicitis. vip CatmilprH whn has hppn under going medical treatment In Portluud, has returned to Willamette, and re sumed his position with the Capen Shoe Company. Mrs. J. P. Peters, or wiisonviuo. is Islting with her sister, Mrs. Frank Shipley. Clem Dollar has accepted a position In Portland, and will leave for that Ity on Monday. A. Todd, of Sherwood, spent Sunday ,1th Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Baker. L-i.cnt , rv,ivni.v whn la affendlnff (ha "V,llim lila University Portland. spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents, Mayor and Mrs. Downey. V(ra E Q KrilHA anpllt ttlH first Of the week with her mother, Mrs. B. F. Baker. Miss V. KlemBen spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of Mrs. Schoenhelnz. Pedro Schoenhelnz and Miss Luella HosHlng, of Portland, attended the party on Saturday night In Oregon City, which was given In honor of Ed Schoenhelnz. ii inibfpa the commission mer chant of Oregon City, Is having his house painted. Thn came nlnvfil at Lo gan on Sunday between the team of that place and picked team from wn- mette and Oregon uuy, piayea u game which resulted In a score of 13 to 14 In favor of Oregon City and Willamette team. The boys drove out and enjoed the trip. The team going from Oregon City was composed of Harry Pollock, Jim Moore, Melvln Young, Pete Long, John Ream, Martin Hixmn. Bert (Jarothers, Fred Baker, Charlie Freeman. EAGLE CREEK. This Is fine weather, though there Is a little bit tlo much wind to suit us. Mrs. Wesley Douglass called on Mrs. Henry L'dell last Wednesday after noon. E. L. Palfrey made a business trip to Portland one day last week. VIr and Mrs .1. P. WoodlB and Mrs. Howlott were visiting with Mr. and IFYOUVE T1 NEVER WORN X) you've yet to learn rh bodily comfort it aKw in the wettest weather Ar0,T-.. wit OUAftANTEE WATKRrWOOS; MMicoeesTDfu i .caiauk na m Mrs. Uuy Woodlo, of Dover, last Wed nesday. Mr. 11. B. Olbsiui and Miss Klslo Hats spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mm. Victor Borg. Mr, and Mrs. Ray Woodlo also called on Mr. and Mrs. llorg Friday evening. Malcolm and Mnry Woodlo attend ed the pBrty given by tho Dover school teacher at Uuy Woodlo' Sat urday evening. They report n fltiif time. Mr. and Mrs. R. 11. Gibson mid Miss Klslo Halt were tho siichIs of Mr. and Mr. Harvey Gibson, of Barton, Sunday. Mr .and Mr. McGraw attended Sun day school on tho hill Sunday. Sunday' real summer weather was quite enticing to several of the fam ilies of Plosnnt Hill, who spent tho day along Kaxlo Crook, plculclng, fish ing, wadlug, picking Mowers, peeking through their straw hat at the hot sun .and various other amusements loo numerous to mention. Eagle Crook played with tho Pied mont team, of Portland, on tho homo diamond Sunday, and tho score was 11 to 8 In favor of tho home team. ' Mr. and Mrs. Uuy Woodlo, accom panied by tho rest of tho Guys, of IKivor. were visiting at tho homo of tho former' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodlo, Sunday. Ward Douglas Is slowly recovering from tho accident which happened to him at tho saw mill nour Mill City some time ago, where he fractured his knee. Ho attended tho ball game at J Eagle Creek Sunday. Henry Udell made a business visit to Barton on Monday. LOGAN. Mr. Shumway, widow of the Into B. K. Shumway, who died a few month since, died on April :I0, and tho remain were burled at Pleasant View cemetery on May 1. Mr. Shumway came hero from California, with her husband several years o. Slfb wa about 70 year of ago. A boii of Mr. L. J. Ewalt was seri ously Injured by a runaway accident last week. Ho was taken to Port land and Is now doing welt. A man. whose name we have not learned, cut hi hand badly while at work for Mr. Shumway. We extend congratulation and best wishes to Karl Fallort and bride, nee Mis Sophia Oshburg. who are now at homo at the Fallen farm. Following are tho now officer of the Clear Creek Mutual Telephone Co.: President. W. P. Klrchem; vice president, T. C Jubb:. other director, F. P. Wilson. E. N. Brock. C. M. Fol som: secretary, and treasurer, 0. I). Bobbins. HARDING GRANGE. Pnnslilttrlnflr the circumstance. fht.rM wa n fulr Att.tllilftnro St the meeting on Mny 1. Mr. L. L Klr chem, tho lecturer, and Mary Swales, tnrn liutl nrrnniri'd it mmhincd Kloril and children' day programme, which was not ruiiy carried out lowing io the absence of some of tho little folk. Mrs Mnrv S Howard, state secre tary, was present and gavo an address full of encouragement to old and young. Five applications were received. A Scalded Boy's Shriek horrified hi grandmother, Mr. Maria Taylor, of No bo, Ky., who writes that, hen all thought he would die, lllirk- len's Arnica Salve wholly cured him. Infallible for Burns, Scalds. Cuts, Corns. Wounds. Bruises. Cures Fever Sores, Bolls, Skin Erifptlons. Chil blains. Chapped Hands. Soon routs Piles, 25c at Jones Drug Co. ELECTRIC LIGHT IS CHEAP WITH TUNGSTEN LAMPS Portland Railway Light & Power Company : C G. MILLER, AGENT You're sure you're fte (tins; the cnuine when you buy from ui. No danger of refilled hollies No danger o( buyln; cheap worth lets trash placed in CYRUS NOIILIi bottle end palmed off as the genuine. We are now el1in( (or the first time In 44 year direct to the con sumer in district where you are unable to obtain this famous brand. 4 quart boiiL of GENUINE direct to you, U chariM pain in uiv miw riurao hptm oiik. Pure old honest whiskey et en honest legitimate price. Guaranlccd to the United State Government end Co YOU to contain all the secondary constituent! that make it real WHISKEY The government officials ttate thai any diitillstioo thai doesn't I alcohol. W. j.VAN SCHUYVER & CO: EttiMukKl 1664 105-107 &coJ !W PoeUml CWa cur T nn W. J. Van Schurvw A C, tola rUl Ui S4.S0 U ft fUmt CENUINE CYRUS NOBLE. r.OAU BEAVER CREEK. The weather Is Inclined to be rather warm and wo are wishing for a change. Mr. David R. Jones Is on I lie sick list Misses Lena Hughes and Eleanor Hartnell were visiting Mr. Hlodwon Thomn Inst Sunday. , Mlssea Mary and Hlodwen Parry wore vUltlng their sister nt Clarke. 11. 11. Hughe Is busy breaking his bunch grass team. John Draper and family were vl King W. C. Martin and family. Miss Kate Snodgra spent Satur day and Sunday with her parent. Tho Shubel baseball nine played Highland and Klwood on tho Hlgh land grounds last Sunday, Shuliel win ning both game. Tho score wore Elwrod nnd Shuliel. 0 to 7; High land and Sliiihvl 8 to 11. Forced Into Exile. Win. rpehuroh, of Olen Oak. Okla hnma. was an exile from homo. Moun tain air, ho thoiiKht would cure a frightful lung rarklng cough that had defied all remedies for two year. Af ter lx monlh h returned, death dog ging his steps. "Then I britan to use Dr. King's Now Discovery." h writes, "and after taxing six bottles I am as well a ever." It saves thousand yearly from desperate lung diseases. Infallible for CoukIi and Colds. It dispels Hoarseness and Sore Throat. Cures drip. Bronchitis. Hem orrhage. Asthma. Croup. Whooping Cough. r0c and $1 Oil, trial bottle free, guaranteed by Jotie Drug Co. wiiil ir NOT WHY NOT? DO YOU USE ELECTRICITY? INVESTIGATE AT El CYRUS NOBLE imi mm. vx. , tmi mt tl . nai few ejwti MOUNTAIN VIEW. f Mr. 8. V. Frnnol wa vlslllng at Dodge lust week, whore her duuiihter, Mabel, I teaching. Mix Winnie Jackson closed a term of school last week. Mr. Datum ha old hi resilience to Mr. uinl Mrs. Van Hoy, of Maple lAiie. Frank Htlllwell wa railed to Coo ('Villi y last week. Mr. Silllwell ha a soro tlhK'T. It I a felon. Mr. and Mr. Smith have moved Into their bungalow, and Mr. Hmllh I cutting wood for Mr. Skinner. L J. Francis, of Tualatin, was here Sunday with hi kodak. Elmer Cooper was In this burg Moll day, after his Illness. Mr. Sager, of Hhuhol, was here on Monday, afler some turkey that worn sent from Central Point, Southi.rn Oregon, by Charles Krlcger's wife. Pearl Selhy relumed home from Rainier Suturday, a the mill shut down. Mr. Turney and daughler, Mr. Farmer, of West Oregon City, poht Sunday with J. P. Itholt and wlfn. Ben Beard and wife' of Portland spent Sunday with Frank Beard and wife. Mllo Mark, of Portland, s pi. lit Sun day at home. Mr. ()erlnr returned Tuesday from hi trip to Mlnsoiirl. Ed (iottberg I giving hi house a now coat of paint Oils week. (Irnndma (Iottberg sent for her daughter Wedneaduy morning. $4.22 OREGON CITY, OREGON Only 60c at Jones Drug Co. i,jiii"