Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1909)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1909. 3 XJURl We Have Decided to Continue Otw FOR ONE WEEK LONGER BEGINNING- Friday Morning, the 7th AND CONTINUING UNTIL aturday Night, the 15 Account of the crowd that attended out sale the past ten days and out inability to get sufficient help to wait on them is why we have decided to extend the time and let the same extremely low prices prevail Every one who presents this ad to tis Friday, May 7th and Saturday, May 8th will be given a handsome souvenir TC1 ID Tj7 Iff With every 50c purchase Friday, the 7th or Saturday, the 8th, we will give one pair of boys' Summer knee pants & SPECIAL FANCY GIGHAMS LACE UNDERWEAR LADIES' SUITS LADIES' STOCKINGS j 1M MFN; QTIIT; 15c to 25c values from Cr 15c Laces go at Tr Balbriggan Under- Oip Ladies' Summer (I XQ Regular brown 25c I OlZf j Hat Trimmings INMhNbbUllb 9a. m. t0J2m. . . "C per yd v)L wear, 50c values Wash Suits fl.Uy values go at . . l2t Friday and Saturday only Qq Allow Mea's Salts ranging MEN'S HATS MILLINERY MEN'S SHIRTS PETTICOATS CHILD'S STOCKINGS fm-. $2.50 Values Cf $5 and $6 val- O A T Regular Jl values Cr Heatherbloom Q QQ Regular 25c values jA. Half Pffce $10.00 goat ... . pl.03 ues latest styles p.40 go at ... . H"Ot Petticoats go at fll.yy will go at ... iL ' i TIME AND SPACE WILL NOT PERMIT US TO QUOTE MANY PRICES HERE; BUT COME AND SEE Suspense Bridge Corner (Q)ISPJTISIIN? STORK Sth Main Streets THE STORE AHEAD Estncada and Eastern Clackamas SANDY. W. A. Proctor, while coming from Boring: with a load of sawmill mate rinl i r l.i, I in rroai ft raliln i)( tin) donkey niKltiB bolnic moved by Joiib- rul Bros, from Boring to thilr saw-1 mill Kite, anil nil team uubih vj the rniclnerr putting; the txwer on tho cutihi Jut as Mr. rroctor crossed th wire, throwing one of tho homes and almost upsetting hit wagon. Mr. Proctor then strtod to have an ex planation from tho engineer for hi conduct. Just then tho sldo hold of tho cable broko and tho Imnit'nae iow. r and weight of tho blK catilo struck him jtint below Mi hip and throw him through tho air AO feet against a fence knocking htm senseless. A doctor waa callod and Proctor waa taken homo, whore ho regained consciousness. Ho la tn a critical condition. A drummer and hla wlfo. of lrt land. while passing Jonarud Bros', donkey engine, then standing In a flold noad tho road, had a misfortune to have tholr horao bocomo frightened and atartod to run away, whon tho woman Jumped from tho buggy nd broko her leg. Handy will aoon have a drug 'oro and alo a doctor. Tho drug atoro will bo a first clnss .tore, and will open up In tho McKlroy building. Sandy cltUens aro seriously con aldorlng Incorporating tho town, which would bo a step In the right direc tion. H. Miller, tho carpenter, U very buay with carpenter work. Ho I building tho Alllaon residence, also putting in tho atoro fixtures In tho I. O. O. f. building. Work la progressing rapidly on tho big now mill of Strauss Lumber Co., which will stnrt sawing In a wculi. Many homo seekers aro coming out to Sandy, allowing Bandy U In tho pul-, lie oyo. 8. H. Parrott la making prepara tlona to build a now blacksmith shop. Fishermen thicker than tho (Ilea around honoy aro out every Satur day to HBh and fish, but many only havo a fisherman's luck. Au! OB and motor cyclea are getting su plentiful out from Portland that tho country citizen muni aoon take atopa to regulate recklessness and speed to protect life anil proporty. Kd. K. Ilrtina loetured to a largo and InteroHtlng audience at Kolao hall on hlB travuls through Europe. Ing a great deal of trouble In hla neighbor's part and tho loaa of a year ling heifer. Kd Dibble hai lost a milk cow. 8he got down and waa almoat dead when found. Bho leaves a young calf with no milk. FIR WOOD. Tho bright April ahowera help to make crop green. O. Stuck! and hla lHter Ida were In Portland getting dental work done. Mr. C. Knowlea U vlaltlng with K. I). Hart. Jim lumper waa called to Portland on biiHlneaa I nut week. C. Strauaer, of Alberta, visited O. Bluckl on hla way back to Kastorn Oregon. C. V. Cassedy and aon Clarence apent Saturday In Portland. Kour btialnea men of Portland were looking over Innd In Klrwood. DAMASCUS AND ROCK CREEK. DODGE. MIbb Mnbol FranclB' school In Dodge will clone Friday, May 7. Kvory body Is satisfied with her school. We hopo to get hor for our next term. There were two land buyers In Dodge Saturday. Thoy wore railroad men looking for a farm, as they wore young and Intend to quit work on the train, one a flreman. Mrs. Francis, of Oregon City, wns a visitor at Dodge this wook. She came out to see her daughter, Miss Mabel Francis, who Is toachlng tho Dodgo school. James Park and Bert Park aro cut ting wood for J. Reed, of Sprlngwater. pnv Hnlnv hit moved down to tholr saw mill bo as to be close to their work. John Scott, of Elwood, was In Dodge one day last wook, driving out aome of hB cattlo, and drove out some of hla nolghbor's stock there by caua- Wo hnvo plenty of Sunshine which will make tho crops and garden grow, after our nlco ruin. Most of tho farm ers havo tholr crops In. Some have newly cleared pieces to plow and plant yet to potatoes. Mr. Papsh has a new barn nearly completed. C. II. Hunter Is building a large barn for Joe Slngo, at Sumiyslde. Mr. Cooper was In Portland Sat urday. Mrs. Lehman wns married April 26. Mrs. q. It. Hunter was visiting her Bisters In Portland last Friday. Tho mall route will soon bo chang ed, making It more convenient for thoso off from tho old route. Mr. Young has lost ono holfer and aovoral others were sick from arse nic poison after the spraying was dono. They were pasturing In tho or chard, and probably got tho poison from the barrel that had been ion standing, or from grass under tho trees. Mr. Plrtlo has bought a new heavy wagon, and will soon commence haul ing cord wold. Mr. Osterbach bought a new horao and wagon lately. Mrs. Owens an Unhappy Woman. Marlon Owens has tiled a suit for divorce against Richard II. Owens, to whom she was married November 2, 1907. She says ho struck her and In ear of her llfo she loft him and wont to work to support nerseu. one would like to resume her maiden name, of Whitney. Her attorney Is Goorgo C. nrownell. Chamberlain's Liniment. This Is a new preparation and a good ono. It Ib especially valuable as a cure for chonlc and muscular rheumatism, and for tho relief from pain which It affords In acute Inflam matory rheumatism. Thoso who have used It have Invariably spoken of It In tho highest terms of praise. Laine back, lame shoulder and stiff neck are due to rheumatism of the musclos, usually brought on by ex posure to cold or dump, and are quickly cured by) apply this liniment freely and massaging tho affected parts. Soreness of the muscles, whether Inducod by violent exorcise or injury, 1b allayed by this liniment. For sale by Huntley Bros. Co. STAFFORD. Farmm aro bcilnnlnic to cry for rain, but such people should remem ber there was never a lack of any thing In Oregon, and rain is sure to come. Couiiiv SiiiH'rliitendont Gary visit ed the school ono day last week. MIbb draco, who bus consented to teach another month, will take tn the 6th grade. William Schats had a raising Sat urday. Ho is building a barn about 40xSO with ail the modern improve- nw.nta Ma tllta nlllto A hr.t Of COWS and carries on dairying with Improved methods, and sends nis cream to ron land. Ho Is also supervisor of roads. People aro hustling lo gei in weir gardens this fine weather. Mr. Powell was taken to Portland last Friday to consult another doctor, who deckled he was suffering from Ins. hut had hones of saving the hand If tho disease yield ed to treatment. He was taken throe weeks ago with a pain In his lert thumb which soon extended to the hand and forearm, and he has suffered severe nam with It, and it did not seem to got any better, and was swolen like Inllnmmatory rheumatism. All hopo he will soon be restored to health. II In nrniuMOil tn mCflt Rt the tWO cemeteries on Saturday before Decor ation day, as the suth rails on sun day this year, and bring our dinners nn,l wnrlt from 10 till 4. and try to clean up tho grounds a little. Bring scythes, hoes, shovels ana axes anu take an Interest In the whole plot, and try to bring order out of chaos. Both yards need It badly. Mr. Waehlte la still confined to his bed and room. Dr. Vincent wns called by telephone to see him on Saturday. Ills son Fred, was home last week to seo blm, also Miss Clara, his daugh ter. Mrs. Mays scalded her arm quite severely Saturday. Mr. Aernl Is getting more for eggs, and less for butter these days. He goes to Portland every Wednesday with a load of produce, and his own and neighbors' butter and eggs. REDLAND. At the Clear Creek Telephone meet ing last Monday, the following direc tors wore elected: W. K. Kirchcm, ThoniB ti.lili Frank Wilson. 0. D. Bobbins and E. N. Brock. After tho annual meeting, tho directors mot and elected the following officers: President, W. P. Kirchem; vice-president, Thomas Jubb; secretary and treasurer, 0. D. llobblns; Managers, E. N. Brock and director, Frank Wil son. AU bills presented were allowed and paid and the company was found to be In a nourishing condition under the manugomcnt of the out-going of- fl j. n r u it la ronnrted that D. R. MoBher, of Salem, Win. Stone's son-in-law, has bought the Slgsbee place, formerly owned by Mr. Latourotte, of tho First National Bank, of Oregon City. BUNNY8IDE AND ROCK CREEK., We are sUll enjoying fine weather, but It might rain In a week or bo. Adolph Stoll sold his buggy horse last week and got one for bis wife to drive. Miss Emma Stoll was visiting at Rock Creek Saturday and Sunday. Roy Johnson's chickens and ducks are doing fine, He has nearly 450 all together. Mrs. Adolph Stoll, Mrs. P. A. Hun ter and Mrs. E. L. Hunter, spent a day in Portland buying new bats last week. Mrs. OBterback and Mrs. George Johnson called on Mrs. J. E. Deardorft Tuesday. Frank Stoll Is having quite a time with his goats. One kid got lost and ha iivir it ot his sister-in-law. who feeds it on tho bottle. Poor little kid. It does lota of crying sometimes. I Dick Hunter has a new dog. I A. Osterback was doing some clear-! Ing Monday for a potato patch. : J. E. Deardorff's brother from Sa-j lem, spent a few days with him re-) cently. Mr. and Mrs. Edd Ott had company from Portland last Saturday. They . were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stelnmetx and ' some of their friends. All had a very . pleasant time. Charles Hunter's sister, husband: and family from Pennsylvania, are visiting at Mr. Hunter's. They Intend j to settle In this part of the coun-l try. Mr. Peterson Is again visiting at; Soderberg's. I Miss Lizzie Koch, daughter of Mrs. Koch, of Sunnyslde, who has been suffering with consumption, died j Wednesday morning. REAL ESTATE TEASEL CREEK. CASTOR I A Tot Infiuiti and Children. Tba Kind You Have Always Bought Bears th CHfnatw A nice llttlo shower has come to cool the summer weather and enliven vegetation in general. j Mr. McLoran, of Wllholt, seems to have quite a rush of business, as he keops his teamster pretty busy now hauling to and from Oregon City. in lt of broken legs and sprained ankles. Rev. Qulnn and sort, Willie, are getting along fairly well with their summer fallow, yet It is getUng pretty dry. Fruit In this section Is not so badly damaged as It was thought to have been some time ago. as the young fruit has begun to show up considerable. HIGHLAND GRANGE SATURDAY. Teacher and Parents Will Discus Educational Matter. Under the auspices of Highland Grange an educational meeting will be held next Saturday. The meeting will be directed by County Superin tendent of Schools, T. J. Gary, and all teachers and parents of that section are requested to attend. The follow ing subjects will bo discussed: What are tho duties of the teacher? What are tho duties of the board of directors? What are the duties of the parents? What are the duties of the county school superintendent? What can a school do for a commun ity? What can a community do for a school? Our public school from the viewpoint of a student? How tn we make our schoolrooms more attrac tive' How can the grange and school work together for their mutual good? Archibald and Bessie Howard to Mathllde Harold S 5acres in Yaccahlna Villa; $125. James Y. Burnett to Alexander Mc Rae, block 15, Clackamas Heights; $10. H. M. and Leila Miller to J. M add ax, land near McLoughlin avenue In Ore gon City, described In book 93,' page 611; $10. Ferdinand and Melaln Van Puym broeck to W. F. Edwards, 30.57 acres in TIS, R2E; $10. John and Matilda Roth to B. C. Brown, 6.324 acres in T2S, R2E; sees. 5. 6, 7 and 8; $$150. H. I. and Alice E. Patterson to Al ma C. Brownell, lot 6, block 66, Ore gon City; $S00. Clara Fields to Portland Railway Light & Power Co., lots 10, 11 and 12, block 21 and lots 10, 11 and 12, block 23, Linn City; $10. Charles S. and Verta L. Palmer to Norton C. Judd, 7.3-4 acres Sec.36, TIS, R3E; quitclaim. O.C. and A.M. Yocum to Bert Hicks lots 7 and 8, blk. A and lots 3 and 6, block 9. Pompeii; $150. Samuel and Fannie Sieger Thaler to Fritz and Augusta Wellman, 31.11 acres Sec. 33, TIS. R3E; $1000. F. J. and W. R. U'Ren to R. W. Hoyt, quitclaim to part of Shannon D. L. C, T2S, R1E; 15 acres. Eastern Investment Co. to Mer chants Savings & Trust Co., quit claim to blk. 45, Shannon's add. to Oregon City. Mary and Edward Burton to J. Fred Allinger, lot 8, block 99, Sec ond subdivision of portion of Oak Grove; $300. Judson P. Van Hoirton and wife to H. Longcoy, 4.11 acres of Wadsworth D. L. C. section 8, township 2- south, range 2 east; $1. J. W. Roots and Eliza A. Roots to N. A. Humflcet, all of tract H of Root's Addition, Second Addition to Boring Junction; $400. Mary and G. E. Goddard, 85 acres of west half of east haf of J. M. Ba con and wife D. L. C, T5S, R4E, 169. 49 acres; $1. Luetta Jane Jackson and G. B. Jackson to John W. Loder, all of lots 3 and 4 of block 19. Falls View Addi tion to Oregon City; $1. Alphoretta Smith and S. A Smith to Robert T. Llnney, 2.23 acres of section 25, T13. R4E; $10. Henry Bronnor and Luella Bronner to Julia F. Carothers, 39.24 acres of section 26, T2S. R2E; $10. J. W. and Eliza Roots to John W. Loder. NE 1-4 ot tract 11, Boring Junction; $250. Gladstone Real Estate Association to Mary Ann Haltoni, lot 5, block 30, Gladstone; $250. Marley and Eklund, by sheriff, to Kathryn Beck, block 122 Gladstone; $500. William SchwaDauer to Fred A. and Amelia L. Miller, lots 9 and 10, blk. 31. Gladstone; $1524. George W. and Bertha L. Joseph and W. G. and Edna Bohn to Moun tain Irrigation Company, 200 acres In John Tuttle D. L. C. lots 1. 2. and 3 in sectton4: lots 1. 2. 5 and 6, T3S, R1E; 318.97 acres In Currln D. L. C, sees. 4 and 9. T3S, R4E; quitclaim; $9800. David and Henry Legler to 8. Mor ton Cohn Real Estate Co., W4 of NW 1-4 sec 6, T2S, R1E; $10,800. Jacob and Madlln Harry to Polle A. Pierce, 25.06 acres, sec 6, T3S, R3E; $2100. Myrtle Tooze to Andrew Franzen, A. Brackett; $800. Mike and Anna Blesanx to A. S. Richmond, 20 acres, section 31, T3S, R1E; $2000. Andrew and Winnie Blom to J. M. lots 13 and 14, blk. 8, Gladstone; $650. Martha L. Bowers to w. w. Irvln, all claim as heir of Mary A. Brackett and L. E. Bowers In estate of Mary Olds, 1-4 acre In land described in book 104, page 302; $25. Steve King to T. B. McDevitt, Jr., lot 10, blk. 7, Milwaukle Park; $1. Naocy H. Engle to W. W. and An nie Ever hart, 43.3 acres sees. 16 and 17, T5S, R2E; $1. W. D. and Myrtle E. Hamm to O. A. Van Hoy, fifty hundredths of an acre, sec 5, T3S, R2E; $1500. Peder Julius and Marie K. Han sen to S. O. Grineland, 87 acres, Sec. 30. T5S, R1E; $6350. W.H. Holder and Mary Holder to P. Conklln, 80 acres, Sec. 23, T3S, R4E; $8000. Oregon Swedish Colonization Co. to Ben Anderson, lot 12, Carllsbork tract; $550. HL A. and Mildred Thlessen to Frank Arlghi 93.50 acres near Mil waukle car barns; $750. Mary Christina and P. A. Hanson to Albert and Nellie M. Harris 15 acres Sees. 30 and 31, T5S, RIB; $L 500. Christian S. and Emille A. Arnold to Mrs. Sail BIIbb 24.64 acres lu Geo. Crow D. L. C., Sees. 1 and 2, T28, R1E; $3500. John M. and Mary S. Johnson to James S. Ozment, lots 11 to 40, blk. 86, Mlntborn; quitclaim; $500. CLACKAMA3 ABSTRACT & TRUST COMPANY. Land Title Examined. Abstracts of Tltl Made. Office over Bank of Oregon City. . JOHN F. CLARK, Mgr. Do It Now. Now Is the time to ge rid of yonr rheumatism. Yon can do so by ap plying Chamberlain's Liniment, Nine cases of of ten are simply muscular rheumatism due to cold or damp, or chronic rheumatism, and yield to the vigorous application of this UnlmenL Try It. You are certain to be de lighted with the quick relief which It affords. Sold by Huntley Bros. Co. AT THE OLD STAND Farms, City and Suburban Property, Lots and Business Chances for Sale or Trade. W. F. SCHOOLEY & CO. 606 MAIN ST. OREGON CITY, ORE. Will Treat You Right Dr. VLADIMIR JINDRA FROM EUROPE ELECTRO-NATUROPATH ALL CHRONIC DISEASES TREATED WITHOUT MEDICINE OR OPERATION. European Method. Room i Home Phone Main 24 New Masonic Building Pacific Phona Main 112 Careful of Your Property One of the secrets of our success , in the Baggage and Transfer Business Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moving Williams Bros. Transfer Co. Phones, Office I12I, Residence 1833 525 Main Street n 6