Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1909)
J ! OttEOON' CITY iskTEhPKlSM; 'jniwffl? MARCH 1' 1909. am r o 1 LOCAL BRIGS' Oregon DmiIuI 1'arlori, ovnr hard Inn Ilnig Hloia, ICxutiiliiiilLoa (rou, Mra. Cliirit M in l In, uf Kollwood, win mining IliA Oregon C I ' vImIIoi'k Tuon day. ' llrriiiiui dii liunliifi, of Cliickniuui, wait mi Ori'Mnii ('II y tlnllnr during I ho wm-k, Mm. IK'lli' Wight, duptity county I'lnrli, Iiiih nmiiini'il linr duties, Hftor n wii' Ilium, Mm, Charles popo hn returned to l'urtliiiiil, nrii'r a vlall wllli rela tives In IIiIh oily, T. J. Junarud, n prominent farmer of lhulllK, will In Oregon (.'It y Till' liny mi tiiinl uttMH. Mm, J. W. tiny, of llin West Bldo, hua recovered fruin an llliienH of suv- (ml weeks' duration. MIrn KiIUIi Cliniiiiy returned Him iluy night from a week's vUll with frli'iuU In Portland. Mortimer ("H'kri'll returned Mini tiny from w..0k vUll with thti Al bright fuiiilly, uf Hood River. Money loaned. Abstracti ( mado. Tltli rertllltd. Lowest roloi, C. II. Dyn, Mnln Hi. Woillil llkn a poaltlon an liouao keeper In small family. Wrltu or call at mm Fifth Ht., Oregon City, 2 Mm. Hurnh Mot. 'own, of iMlwood, wan visiting with relative Tuesday, returning to lir homo In tlio evening. Mm. Marshall, uf Portland, formerly MIhs IliMnln Ml.pi.tii uf till city, via- lied with relative! In Catiemab Tuna- tiny. Mr. ami Mm. Fred Miles, uf Port land, visited with (ho formeri' par cnta, Mr, and Mm. K. A. Mill', Hun day. Mm. II. M. Sliuw spent Tuesday lint WiMlu.-i.ilny In Cortland, tIkIHiik at thu home of Mr. and Mm. D. U. Al lard. C. D. I jtrurott haa koihi to San, on legul bulmi. Mr, I a t ouretin will be absent from hero about lino week. Mm. Ivy Straight baa relumed front llult Montana, whom alia ha been apendlng tho winter with lier daugh ter, Mm, J. A. Grat. Joseph Johnion and John Mailt wood, pniuilni'iit farmers who reside near I'anby, were In Oregon City pay I11K their taxes, Tuesday, Win, ('. Hooper, uf Itmlliiud, will hold a public lt on Friday March 12. StiH-k, Implements, household goos, Hiultry, etc will bii aolil. 1 advantages are all in favor Send us a card with your address and say "I want to know about your Easy Payment Plan." Write today. We carry in stock every domestic Edison Record, 35c; every Amberol (the new,4 minute record) at 50c. Every Columbia double disc record, JO-inch at 65c; J2-lnchat $1.00. Every Victor double disc, 10-inchat75c; 12-inchat $1.25; and all the new records of all makes as fast as issued. If you would like to be on our monthly mailing list, send us vour address. Now It's a Real Paint Store some are just fair and many are positively bad. As near as possible we carry all the good ones. Many we have the Oregon City agency for. With our 20 years experience in the paint business we are prepared to protect you against many of the bad ones. We wiltell you frankly which we consider the best and in fact give you the very best advice we have from our many years experience (and some of these ex periences have cost us money, we assure you) and then you can take your choice. ; If you expect to paint this summer and will send us your name we will have paint literature sent you which may help you materially and at least will cost you nothing and will place you under no obligations to buy. . ' HUNTLEY BROS. CO, Druggists' Booksellers Paint Dealers ' OREGON CITY, ( - , Mrs. A,' J, Hull,, of Caicado Locks, wlin Ima Ih'iiii vIhIUiik Imr duughlur, Mm, Wllllain Itohlnaoii, uf tliu Wust for tin! past two inuiiilia, linn n-t in iiikI to hur homo. Grandma Wright, of I'liriluml, uiiu of thu (iuiIIknI of UrwK'iii ploneeri, who fiirini.rly realdnil at Wright's Hpilngs, In III Oregon City lliu guest of Or, mid Mm. J. W. Norrls. , Mm. Frank Hull, (if tliu West Klilii, lum been brought Iioiiki from tliu Good Hiiiiiurltun llimpltlil, 1 or tin inl, whcru nil. i iiiiili'iwcnt a nimIoiih HirKlcill op-i-rui luu. Mm, Hull In Improving rupld ly. Ml Hit Hi-null. Kruin, who lina boon vUllliiK with frlunila In thla city, ro liinii'd to Iht homo ut Ulclinioiid. I I'orllutiil, Hat ii tan y wvoiiiiik, and wa accouipunliid by Mlaa Kllml Clu-n.-y, who wax lir Kui'Mt fur a few duya, d.-oiK" I'tiHi.y, Jim llttlu on of Mr. mid Mia. lori.i I'llmiy, who hua biwii III for acvorul wucka with piiiMiiiioulu, la alowly Improving-. Tint child hud rwntly rocovorod from a ai.vure at luck of dyphihcrla wb.-n hit wa'a tukim down with pnctiiiioiila. Mttdo l'oal No, 2, 0. A. II. will nnwt at thu Wlllamntto Hull on Thura- iluy moriiliiK at 10:30 o'clock. Thla "'"lr uualnuaa In I'ortlund. Mra, Itoli la lh rcKtilur m'tliig and pc;mlon '" li ln III with ptKmnionla day of thu vWuraiia, and at noon a dinner will bo rvcd by llm W. It. C. All coiiiradca aru Invllud to attend thu mmitliiK. , "Ilia 1'iiclo Knini Japan," recently pruHcntcil by local talent, will hu tak en to Woodbtirti, appearing In that city on Monday vutilng, Murcb 8. Tliu orcheatra that fumlaht-d thu mim ic for thu play whun given at the Hhlvuly opera hoiiao will accompany thu troupe. J. W." Kiiimuiia, who hua been farm ing near Oregon City for cho paat year, hua moved to Kullwood, where hu will take up hla old occupation an contractor and bulldnr. Mr. Km mom camn to Oregon from Tcxaa. and like thu coaat country much bettur than thu Booth. In tho cane of William Pahlko v. L. N. Leach and Anjia, Iji-ach for f ho aiim of 117.01, Jiulgu Suuiaon duclded In furor of thu plaintiff, and be wa given IU.01 with coat and illabumo metit. Tho trial, which laated all day Hnlurday, waa adjourned until Monday at 10 o'clock. MU Cora Jaggar. of Cania, who ha been one of the e xert atenog- rapher ut (hu Ifglnlntiire, left till week for Kugi'iie, whcr alio will tako a coiime of Joiiriialliim at tho I'nlver- lty of Oregon, llefore going to the leglnlatiiru, Minn Juggnr win atonug- of trading with us. TI7E want you to come in " and look over our Paint shop. We have final ly divorced it from all the other lines and have a room devoted exclusively to paint. Paint specialties are grow ing like patent medicines and like them, some are good, ' . OREGON ruphcr for thu Kutllnif McCulmnii Com pany of I'urtlBtid, f Nln.'ly fiirnlnhnd rooma rind board. ltiiti-H rciiniiiiublu, Inipilro DM Bcv (tnlh at, Homo pli.niB llirl, 21 Mra, Clmrli.a W, Kulluy, who loft on Hiiliirdiiy for Hllvurton, whoro dlio wna tliu KUKt of Imr itmiKlitor, Mm. I lw, ri'liiru.-d to hr homu Monday afl.-riioon, Thu OniKoti City and Onk Grovo Alhli'llc Himhi-l Hull tfiiina idiiyd an I'xelllnK iiiiiiiu Monday cvniilnK In iri'i'U'a hull, Coiiiur Htatlnu. Owlti! In I hu Mllppory condition of thu floor tliu Or"oi City boya worn at a jrruat iIIhh.I vulitiiK". Hotli t.-HiiiH put up a Vry (.Kid Kumu, thu acorn bilrt Ti i to 17, In fiivur of thu Ouk f-ovu team. (1, A, llurdlliK hup bi-t.u udvln.-d by a toli-xrain that bin nine.., Mm. Hmulo iVImullch Ilurtlctt, wlfu of Krud Hurt-M.-tt, of Htockton, California, hud dlud. Mra. Uurtlult kv birth to a child on Monday and thu motln-r and bubo pimaed awny. Mm, Uurtlult wua a "Idler of Mlaa Nulllo Vl.ullch, who vlalK.d with Mr. and Mm. IlurdliiK In thla city and la w.-ll known Iht.), Mr. and Mra. Wllllain 'Koblnaon, of I'ortlnml, aru vIhUIiik at th.-lr farm on thu Went flldo, havliiK dlaixmcd of i I for thu pant throe, wecka, and bur j condition wa alarming for auverul day. Mr. Koblnaon waa able to hu over on . the eu.l tldu Friday, i Mm. Arthur rrcaaey, who haa been j a gueat at the Itoblmion borne, hua I returned to her home In I'ortlund, having been accompanied bore by bur llttlu child. Dr. O. II. AvIhoii, phyalclun Ex traordinary to the Emperor of Korea, and preitldent of the Severance Hoa pllal, Heoul, waa In Oregon City Sat urday evening vlaldng with hi counin, K. T. Avlauu. Dr. AvIhoii gave a talk before the I'reHbyterlan Ilrolhcrhood at the Pruahytorian church Monday evening, aliio on Monday afternoon at 2:.K) o'cl.K-k at the home of Mr. W. 8. Ladd, uf Gladntonn. Dr. Avion hua been fur the paat 15 year a res ident of the Kar Kaxt, and the talk he give are Inlereatlng and Intnic live. William Knight, one of Canby'a prominent clllxena, wa In Oregon City paying hi Uxe yenterday. Go With a Ruth. Tho demand for that wonderful Stomach. Liver and Kidney cure, Dr. Klng'a New Life I'llla la abounding. Ita becauau they never full to cure Sour Stomach, ConHtlputlon, Iudlgcs tlon, IllllouHUe, Jaundice, Sick Head ache. Chill and Malaria. Only 2c. Jotie Drug Company. Yo Need an ison In Yotir Home of the wonderful improve ments recently made. We will gladly send one to your home for trial if not convenient to call at our store. If you find it all and more than you expected, keep it and pay us in easy monthly installments; if not, send it back. ' Don't be misled by mail order advertisers. : They can give you no better price than we can. They can't fill your orders as promptly as we can. It is more convenient to pay at home than send away. If for any reason you should have to miss a payment it is easy to We have Edisons, $12.50 to $125 j'fTfflP1IB """ "r' 3 used to imitate the choicest hard woods Sherwla-Williams Varnish Stain Chl-Namel Jap-a-Lac To produce a beautiful brown color on use our own Mission Stain. SHERWIN-WILLIAMS complete line of Varnishes, Buggy paint, Floor paint, House paint, Enamels, Stains. f Everything pint to a barrel , SCHEDULE ARRANGED. Clackam School League Announce Schadul of Gm, Tho execullve of thu Clnckuiitu Bcliool liigiio met In Oregon CHy lat Buturduy to arraiigu a baaehall achndulu. Tho coimiiltteu ulw voted to aiiapenil paragraph 1, ai-ctlon l'of tho by luwa till after thu flrat flidd moot, anil pupil cnturlrig achool u lute a March 15 gro en titled to enter tho conluat, If they are otherwise qualified. A Hpccinl achudiili! for the Kchoola of tho aoulhurn part of the county wa arrunged, but Iihh not yet been mudo public. The chi-dule for thrf fccbool of tho northern part of tho county la a follow: Murch 13 Wut Oregon City v Oawego, at Owego; (jludalone va, Wlllunietto, at Willamette; Mount l'leumuit va. MclMiglilln, at Mount I'li-aaunt; Cluckama v. Euathatu, at Clackumaa. March 20 Wcit Oregon City , MctOiiKlilln at Oregon City; Glad- atone v. Eaathatn, at Oludatone; Mt. ri.-axant va, Owego, at Mt. Pleaiant; Clackama va. Wlllamettu, at Willam ette. March 27 Eoatham va. Willamette, at Oregon City; Oawego v. McLough II ii, at Oswego; Wet Oregon City va. Ml I'UaiiHnt, at Willamette; Glad atone va. Cluckama, at Clackama. AprJI i Wot Oregon City va. Kawtham, at Oregon City; Gladstone va. 0wego, at GladHtooe; Mount I'loanant v. Willamette, at Willam ette; Clackama v. McLoughlln, at Clackama. April 10 Weat Oregon City va. Willamette, at Willamette; Gladstone va. McLoughlln, at Oregon City; Mt. I'loanant v. Eaathatn, at Mt. Pleas ant; Clackamaa v. Oxwego, at . Os wego. . April 17 Oregon City v. Clacka maa, at Clackamaa; Gladatone v. Mount Pleasant, at Gladatone; East ham ti. McLoughlln, at Orugon City; Oswego v. Willamette, at Oawego. April 24 West Oregon City vs. GladHtuue, at Gladstone; Mount Pleas ant v. Clackamaa, at Mount Pleasant; Ettstham vi. Oswego, it Oregon City; Willamette va. McLoughlln, at Wil lamette. In all these games the borne team choosea the umpire. Should It be Impossible to play a game on the date given, the teams should arrange for a game at the earliest date possible, but aucb dute must 'not conflict with the regular schedule. Results' of tho game should he Bent to the secretary, Drenton Yeddcr, Gladstone, as soon as possible. TF you only knew how much fun and entertain ment a Phonograph brings into a home you wouldn't be without one a single day. If you haven't heard the 1909 models of the Edison and the Victor you have no idea explain to us. In fact the Victors, $10 to $200. 3 wall finishes we can safely recom mend to you Alabastine Electro Decorato varnish finishes which mav be fir. from a quarter ef paint. SOCIETY j o - o Mrs, M. Dotlack, asxlsted by her sister. Miss Zlda floldsmlth, enter tallied a few frlonds at her homo on Wednesday afternoon, Ilrldge was the feat lire of the afternoon, In which Mrs. J. N. Wlsner was awarded the prize. Mra. T. A. Mclirlde entertained a few friends at her home on Hal unlay evening In honor of her daughter, Mrs. Krank Newton. Ilrldge was played during the evening, the prizes being awarded to Mrs. W. H. Godfrey and Miss Marjorle Caufleld. The living and dining rooms were artistically decorated In "pussy wlllowi." A luncheon waa aerved. Mrs. K. T. Fields entertained the Wednesday Afternoon Bridge Club and a few friends at her borne Wed nesday afternoon, bridge being the feature of the afternoon. The prizes were won by Mrs. A. I Iieatle and Mra. Lena Charman. Mrs. Fields, who waa assisted during the afternoon by Mrs. Cbaries W. Pope, Mm. F. 8. Garde and Misi Sybil Llppltt, of Port land, served a delicious repast. The Friday Night Bridge Club w entertained last Friday night by Mr. and Mrs. John Adams at their borne on Seventh and Jefferson streets. The evening was devoted to bridge, and the prizes were awarded to Mrs. Ernest P. Rands and B. T. McCain. During the evening luncheon was served. The Adams home was pret tily decorated with violets, hyacinths and Oregon grape. A celebration of the twentieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mr. M. Justin, took place at their bome In this city Sunday; combined with a celebration of the birthdays of M Justin, Joe Justin and Miss Agnes Justin, all of which occurred on Wed nesday, February 24. Many Austrian anu uerman friends assembled at their home Sunday to help them cele brate thla rare occurrence. A fine supper was served the guests, after which' games and music were enjoyed. The Drat of a series of card parties to be given by the- Pioneer Chapter No. 28, Eastern Star, occurred on Tuesday evening, and a moBt enjoy able time was spent In progressive whist. Mrs. Ernest P. Rands and Theodore Osmond captured the priz es. One of the features of the ev ening was a banquet served lu tha assembly room. The decorations of nne table were very attractive. Vio lets were used In profusion. The af fair was given for the members of the order, and many attended. The Aloha Club was entertained by Miss CIs Barclay Pratt on Thursday evening at her bome. Bridge was the feaqure of the evening, with Mrs. Franklin T. Griffith winning the prize. A luncheon was served by the host ess, who was assisted by her sister, Mrs. J. N. Wlsner. During the ev ening Miss Laura Pope and MUs Pratt favored the guests with vocal selections. The next meeting of the club will be held on next Thursday afternoon at the Lewthwaite home, on the West Side, when Miss Marlon Lewthwaite will be the hostess. The Artisans held - their regular meeting last Thursday night In the Woodmen hall and after the regular routine of business was transacted, seven applications were filed. After the business session an entertainment In honor of Lincoln's birthday anni versary was given: Reading, Miss Myrtle Donovan; piano solo, Oscar WoodfUi; reading, Mrs. J. H. Evans; violin solo, Lloyd Riches; duet, Mrs. E. H. Cooper and Mrs. W. C. Green. There were about 150 present, who enjoyed the banquet served by the women of tho order, and the danc ing, the music being furnished by the Artisan orchestra. The Young People's Society Chris tian Endeavor of the Presbycerian church gave a social last night at the home of Mr. ,and Mrs. Edward Van wey, Comer Forth and Center Streets, There were about 60 young people present who had a most enjoy able time In games and music. A programme was given during the evening and consisted of the following members: Vocal solo, Edwin Bur don; piano solo, Miss Olwln Edwards; reading. Miss Ida Mae Smith; vocal solo, Frank Aldredge; recitation, little Velma Randall. Each number was heartily encored. A luncheon was served during the eveulng. One of the most successful partiej given In thl3 city was on Saturday ev ening in the Knapp hall, when the Kloshe Tllllcum -Club, formerly the "U-Go-I-Go" club entertained a few friends in a very delightful manner, the evening being spent In games and music. In a guessing contest Andrew Koeruer was awarded the first prise, and Sllss Edua Holman the consola tion prize. The hal was elaborately decorated with the club colors, pennants, ferns, festoons of Ivy and Oregon grape. .The djulng room, whore the supper was served was artistically decorated with palms, Oregon grape and the tables with their decorations of calla Hllles attracted the attention of all. Beauti ful candelabra of gold and greet! col ored candles with shades to corres pond, and the hand painted place cards added materially to the decora tions. ', The committee on decorations con sisted of Miss Evelyn Harding, Miss RffilifO A R FF Pleasure For AH The Family In The Kodak Picture making the Kodak way is to simple that even a child may take and finish pictures. WE CARRY A FULL STOCK OF KODAKS AND SUPPLIES Kodaks'$5.00 to $50.00 Brownie Cameras $t, $2, $3, $5, $9 BIRHEISTER 8 ANDRESEN Ort4on City Jewelers Florence Grace, Miss Florence White Miss Lillian Grlessan; refreshments, Miss Marlon Money and Miss Lillian Griessen reception. Miss Louise Hunt ley, Miss Florence White and Miss Alice Goettling. Patronesses of the affair were Mrs. William Money, Mrs. Nelson Lawrence and Mrs. W. A. White. BANQUET MANY FRIENDS MR. AND MRS. J. LEVITT ENTER TAIN LARGE NUMBER OF GUES'S. ' On Sunday afternoon and evening the rite of confirmation was adminis tered npon Albert Levitt, the 13-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Levett, of this city. There were about 75 people from Portland to attend this occasion, and assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Levitt, 414 Water Street, where the afternoon was spent in ins trumental and vocal music. The Lev itt home was prettily decorated for the occasion with cut flowers', Ivy, ferns and evergreens. At 6 o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Levitt invited their guests to the-Willamette hall, where a banquet was served. The long tables were decorated with flowers and ferns. The hall was fes tooned with evergreens, Oregon grape and palms, which were in charge of J. Levitt, M. Beckman and Earl Lutz. Mrs. Levitt was assisted in entertain ing by Mrs. Augusta Lutz, and her sister, Mrs. M. Beckman, and Mrs. J. Pollansky, of Portland. The toast master was J. Lautensteln, of Port land, and many toasts were given. During the evening Albert Levitt, the little fellow upon which the rite of confirmation bad been administer ed, delivered a splendid address, ap propriate for the occasion. Rabbi H. N. Hellman, of Portland, addressed the people present. .This was followed with a piano solo by Miss Pearl Barde; recitation, Albert Levitt; address, M. Barde; piano solo. Miss Pauline Heller; address, I. Barde; vocal selection, Miss Barde; address, J. Nudelman; violin solo, Albert Levitt; address, J. Levitt. A special car returned the Port land guests to their homes at a late hour. This is the first time that an affair of this kind has ever been given in this city, when the rite of confirmation was administered ac cording to the Jewish custom, and one long to be remembered by those that attended. Maple Lane Grange to Give Enter tainment There will be an entertainment giv en in the Maple Lane Grange Hall Saturdny evening, March 13th. Ad mission 20 cents including supper. Any one wishing to see the three most obstinate women in the Lane can do so by' attending. By order of Committee. A Hurry Up Call. "Quick! Mr. Druggist Quick! A box of Bucklln's Arnica Salve Here's a quarter For the love of Moses, hurry! Baby's burned lflmself, ter ribly Johnnie cut his foot with tho axe Mamie's scalded Pa can't walk from piles Billie has bolls and my corns ache. She got It and soon cured the whole family. It's the greatest healer on earth. Sold by Jones Dru Company. " w ; A Reliable Remedy FOR CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm h quick hr abiorM. (Un RtIM it One. It cleanses, soothes, heals and protects the diseased mem brans resultinir from Catarrh and drives away aCoId ra the Head quickly. Restores tba Senses of Taste and bmeil. i ull size 60 ota; at DniRglst or by mail. Liquid Cream Balm tot us in atomizi-rs 75 eta. . Sly Btothnl, 36 Warren Street. New York. Suspcnsloa Bridie Cor. MANYSTREETPETITIONS CITY COUNCIL MEETS AND CON SIDERS PETITIONS AND REMONSTRANCES. The city council met In regular ses sion Wednesday night in the city hall. All councilmen, and recorder were present. Owing to the absence of Mayor Carll, A Knapp was mayor pro tern during the meeting. Minutes of the . previous meeting were read by Recorder W. A. Dlmlck. The first business to be acted npon by the city fathers was the bids for gravel. Four bids were read for de livering of same, and the contract waa awarded to the Pioneer Transfer Co., their bid being 18ft cents per yard. The Hyson vacation petition waa read and laid on table. Taylor Street petition and remon strance read and moved that the same be referred to the street committee, and the matter to be brought up at a special meeting, the date of same to be March 15. The Eleventh Street petition and remonstrance were read, and laid over until a special meeting March 17. Twelfth Street petition and remon strance read, and moved that a notice be given, and engineer to make nec essary Burvey and return same to council at Tjie special meeting on March 15. ' Washington Street petition was read and laid over until the special meeting of March 24. There wag no remonstrance on this street improve ment Moved that the offer of Mr. Mc- Geehan to rent cemetery be rejected. Moved that mayor and recorded en ter into contract with Confer for city cemetery, and for his residence near that place, where proper care can be taken of grounds. The selling of property in the cemetery In double lots was ordered to be referred to the cemetery committee with power to act. It was moved that the crossing be constructed over Seventh Street "next to the railroad track, under supervi sion of the committee on streets and public property. The mayor and recorder were au thorized to enter into a contract with T. L. Charman for the renting of ground, from which gravel can be taken for the use of street repairing, the rent of the ground to be $12 per year. Moved that temporary repairs be made to. bridge on lower Main street and that the committee to report at the next regular meeting of the coun cil. There was an unusually large at tendance at the meeting, as there were many parties, interested in these street improvmnts. AH of the peti tions were accompanied by remon strances, except Washington street petition. The committee on streets and pub lic property on Thursday of this week visited the streets that wore brought up for discussion. It Is probable that at the special meetings, a decision will be made upon these streets', and many of the property owners will be present to give their views on the subject. The Road To Succesi. has many obstructions, but pone so desperate as poor health. , Success lc , day demands health, but Electric Bit ters Is the greatest health builder the world has eve:- known. It com pels perfect action of stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, purifies and enriches the blood, and tones and Invigorates the whole system. Vigorous body ', and keen brain follow their use . You . can't afford to slight Electric Bitters If weak, run down or sickly. Only 50 cents. Guaranteed by Jones Drug Co. Bad boys will not Jump over your fence If barbed wire is stretched over the top. Frank; Busch Is selling a new kind of wire of 2600 feet cover ing capacity to one hundred pounds.