Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1909)
OKEC.ON CITY ENTERPRISE, FKIDAY, , MAttCH 5, 1Q00, Oregon City Enterprise Published Every Friday E. E. DROOIE, Editor nd Publisher. Entered at OreKoa City, Or, Post office as second-class mutter. Subscription Rites: Ono Year I... .S1.50 8lx Months "5 Trial Subscription. Two Months .25 Subscribers will and the date of ex piration stamped on thotr papers fol lowing their name. If last payment Is not credited, kindly notify us, and the matter will receive our attention. Advertising Kates on application. SUBSCRIPTIONS IN ADVANCE. The United States postal regulations compel publishers to discontinue a newspaper after the subscription ex pires. Kor this reason The Enterprise will not be sent after expiration. Sub scribers will receive ample notice be- j fore the paper Is discontinued. The return of the great Auviican fleet after Us bloodless but Impressive cruise of forty two thousand miles. kna h,wn relehmtprt in Humnton 1 Roads. It is said that ninth 1,-ood i has been accomplished. The Orient has been impressed with, oiu- naval strength. No like assemblage of pow erful Ironclads has ever made a lour so extensive. The personnel of the fleet has had experience ai sea. Tbe commanders have the aplomb and conBdence in themselves, their ships and their men that successful prac tice alone can give. The vessels have the largest drill, the results of which have not and will not be pub- Ushed, but it is hinted that this f practice is such as to have added to the confidence of the navy and of the nation in the ability of our seamen!. to aim and to hit. On the Fourth ! of March, several thousand blue jack eta will march down Pennsylvania Avenue and will doubtless be receive by the thousands of spectators with cheers of admiration and approval. The pastor of a church in an Ohio town has found it necessary to de nounce kissing during services. This is somewhat surprising. There was no such accompaniment to sermon, singing or prayer in our time, but the world moves, or as Cicero put it "Tempore mutantur," and we must change with the times. The pastor says that the practice of kissing dur ing service is more stimulating and pernicious than alchoholic beverages. We are not surprised to hear it We have known, however, that in rural J We phenomena that seemed to point to the possibility that there was "'JiOniER WORLD BEYOND THE ATLANTIC and that its not altogether for prayer and praise. I inhabitants could, by means of wireless telegraphy, communicate with It subserved another very human, 1 Europe. though not acknowledged function j THE DIFFICULTIES THEY WOULD ENCOUNTER WOULD BE for the display of the best clothes , TH E 1DENTICAL D1FFICULTIES WHICH CONFRONT US IN OUR of the parishioners and for flirtation " , , 1 ., QUEST FOR CERTAINTY AS TO THE LIFE AFTER DEATH. BUT. Human nature is an ineradicable in- r.inn tw. v. v WITH PATIENCE AND PERSEVERANCE AND CAREFUL ALLOW- - - . - U b "111 ire uuja and girls. A bill has been introduced in the Kansas legislature to tax all bachelors over forty years of age. Like the bull which the fanner attached to the plow to show "that bull there was something In life besides pleasure"! the bachelor should be made to pay for his liberty. PresirW -iii i ! w "... cubage in I exterminating wild animals in Africa during the next year. When he re turns be will tell all about it in the magazines and if he Is a true sportsman he will most likely render ! himself eligible for the Presidency of the Ananais Club. Danial is the only man who ever lived who was not spoiled by being lionized and though Mr. Roosevelt has escaped so far no one is willing to predict the ultimate effect of lion izing nnnn Mm until da koa ! a i " u - ua4 iciuiucii from Africa. The returning fleet had a rousing welcome at Old Point Comfort but even the C. Q.-D. signals failed to bring succor in the form of food and beds to the crowd that was there to welcome it. Senator LaFollette says Senator Hale is "inconsistent." At the White House he would have promptly been elected to the Ananias Club. No matter what the weather hap pens to be in Washington on March Fourth Congress is sure to feel that the temperature is warmer. yr. Taft was not compelled to ride The Conservative Path Many years of banking experience has convinced as that conservative methods are always best best for the bank and test for the people. Without being too hide-bound in our dealings, we endeavor to follow the conservative path 'and look for safety before profit. The Bank of Oregon City Oregon City, Oregon ! ' A asiisJ HE recent applications of eloetrioity in wirolos tolojj raphy and wireless telephoning, while proving noth ing in themselves as to the nature or permanence of personality, are valuable as enabling us to illustrate the difficulties of proving tho EXISTENCE OF LIFE AFTER DEATH. If Christopher Columbus after discovering America had been unable to Bail back across tho Atlantic, Europe would, after a time, havo concluded that he had rERISHED ENr AN OCEAN WHICH HAD NO FARTHER SHORE. If innumerable other voyagers had set out on the samo westward journey and had never returned, this conviction would have d epened into an absolute certainty. c Now, let us transport ourselves from tho time of Columbus to our own day. Tho terrors of the unknown world would not daunt forever the intrepid spirits of European explorers. ' A ship or ships would lie equipped to cross the Atlantic. landed on the farther shore thev thought to havo perished had founded a great commonwealth in the new world. HUH The newcomers would at once endeavor to UTILIZE ALL THE RESOURCES OF MODERN SCIENCE to enable them to com municate their great discovery to the old world. They would en deavor to extend the use of wireless teWranhv. After awhi ., t ,. . W,rclcs3 from America might by some happy chanc- caught on some seacoast Marconi station. HOW WOULD IT BE RECEIVED! IN ALL PROBABILITY IT WOULD BE FRAGMENTARY. INCOHERENT AND APPARENTLY PUR POSELESS. IT WOULD BE SET DOWN TO SOME PRACTICAL JOKER OR REGARDED AS SOME RANDOM MESSAGE SENT OUT FROM SOMEWHERE IN EUROPE. AND SO FOR A LONG TIME THE ATTEMPT TO COMMUNICATE INFORMATION WOULD FAIL. AFTER AN INTERVAL A MORE COHERENT MESSAGE WOULD AR RIVE. EFFORTS WOULD BE MADE TO ANSWER. BUT THE RE PLIES MIGHT BE SO MUTILATED AS TO BE UNINTELLIGIBLE. A few cranks who had never lost the faith, traditional and dim, that there was a world beyond the seething waste of waters would go on experimenting, wasting time and money and exposing them selves to the ridicule of the scientific world. K st At last, after innumerable disappointments, some nieihod would be discovered of dispatching replies and of receiving answers. At last the scientific world would wake up to tho recognition of the fact that a prima facie case had been made ANCE FOR THE OBSTACLES IN THE WAY OF TRANSOCEANIC IN TERCOURSE, THE EXISTENCE OF THE OTHER WORLD IS SOON ABOUT TO BE ESTABLISHED SEYOQ ALL QUESTION OR CAVIL. the goat on his Initiation into the Masonic fraternity. Was this con- deration for Mr- Taft r Ue B01' 1 1 ' 1 -1 ' Barefoot dances are quite the rage in New York society. Is this the be- gining of a Salome style for baU gowns? The Kaiser and the King of Eng land have kissed, but It was left for their queens to "make up." Jack Binns who fashed the Repub lic's C. Q. D. got to be a national hero P. D. Q. MACKSBURG. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hepler, of Macks burg, celebrated their 23th wedding anniversary In a very delightful man ner at their home on last Sunday. Tho house was decorated for the occas ion, with Oregon grape, flowers and ferns. Mrs. Laura Scramlin, Miss Lizzie Glade and Mrs. Southerland assisted in the entertainment of Mr. and Mrs. Hepler's guests. During the afternoon a delicious repast was se--ved. In the evening about 150 were Invited by Mr. and Mrs. Hepler, and the people remained until an early hour. Those attending during the afternoon: Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hepler, father and mother of Mr. Hepler; Mr. and Mrs. George Southerland, Mrs. Laura Scramlin, and son, Marshall, Mrs. Stammer, Miss Lizzie Glade, Mr. and Mrs. John Glade, Mr. and Mrs. George,. Wash, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Difficulties of Prov ing Existence of Life After Death, By WILLIAM T. STEAD, English Editor. When their crews and passengers would discover that those who were out for the strange, almost incredi Hilton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walch. Mr. and Mrs. Gortler. Henry Gortler, Mr. and Mrs. D. Wolfer, Mr. and Mrs. Bowers, Mr. and Mrs. Gilberts, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lorenz, Mrs. Lorenz, S. Strubahr, George Mitts. Dan Roth, Mrs. Dipper, and little Miss ,Mitts. Mr. and Mrs. Hepler were married In Iowa on February 28, 1884, are the parents of twelve children, who are still living. Since coming to Macks burg have made a wide circle of friends, who remembered them on this occasion and presented them with the following gifts, as tokens of the high esteem in which they are held: Three butter knives, two sugar shells, one jelly spoon, two dozen teaspoon.-), two sets of knives and forks, one water set, silver crumb tray and brush, one tea set, two silver vases, salt and pepper set. LOGAN. We extend our best wishes for a king, prosperous and happy married life to the former Miss Elsie Fallert and her husband, Mr. Kummer, an ac count of whose wedding appeared in the last paper. We are all waiting patiently for dry weather, as nearly every one has plowing yet to do. A. Williams died at Sellwood on February 20th. M rs. Williams, form erly Mary.Moser, of this place, has our sympathy In this Infliction. Some parties have had a Belgian stallion here, trying to organize a com pany to purchase the horse for $3,000. ELLIOTT PRAIRIE. The singing llass at Zlon Churrh Tuseday and Thursday evenings have been well attended. Butte creek bridge fell Into the creek Tuesday. It has been unsafe for some time. Thomas Leffler and wife and Chart. j Blosser went to Sclo last Saturday on a visit. They will return Thursday. Edwin Hooley and wife are now ' living In their new home on the Erb 1 place. i N. R. Graham visited the Todd fam ! ily Sunday. i Jessie Short called on Miss Stanton , Sunday. I Elliott Prairie church has not en j gaged a pastor yet bat expects to soon. , ; There will be a cap social at Maude ; Yoder'g school Friday evening. BARLOW. Rev. Davenport and family have moved Into J. C. Coller's house. M. O. Rymerson and family left Monday for Pendleton, where Mr. Ry- inmsou J going M a dry goods store. W are sorry to lose' them from our midst, but we wsh them success. V. 8. Tull has bought" a new piano. KTud Snyder met with a painful ae cldent Tuesday by breaking his ankle, Miss O.ertnulo Kvaii of Monmouth la visiting .III Harlow. Hov. A. O. White, of Sllveitoii, hold Kngllsh services In the church Sun day evening. A number of our young people at tended the Japanese ball In Aurora last Saturday night and report a good time. There will bo a dance In Columbia hall Saturday, March 13. Two pieces of Garrett's orchestra and two pieces of the Aurora baud will furnish tho music. The three pedestrians who started from Seattle for New Yik, passed through town about :S0 V. M. Mull day. The lady did not walk as though she 'would Ret very far, as her feet seemed to b very sore, Tho men apparently wore nil right. Mrs. Daisy Ogle was called to the home of her grandfather. Mr. Nob. lltt, Tuesday wh has a bad hand. The old gentleman cut his hand and blood, poison has set In. The Crime Of Idleness. Idleness means trouble for any one. its the same with a laiy liver. It causes constipation, headache, laun dice, sallow complexion, plmpiei and blotches, loss of arvotlto, naasea, but Dr. King's New Life Pills soon ban ish liver troubles and build up vour health. 25c. at Jones Drug Co. " CLACKAMAS. Tho sad accident which resulted In the death of our kind friend and neighbor, has awakened the heart felt sympathy of the- entire comuiun lty. for the husband and children whose home la left so desolate. Mrs. Croyle was loved and respected by all who had the pleasure of her friend ship and acquaintance. In church and social circles she will be greatly missed. Clackamas Grange No. ;?S will hold a regular day meeting. Saturday, March C. An epidemic of grip Is causing con siderable sickness among old and young. All sorts of rumors and surmises are atloat respecting certain changes In property holding.. It Is reported that the Southern Pa cific will soon put on a later train which will enable those who work In Portland to go and come at a conven ient time. The Ladles' Aid of the Congregs tlonal church will give an entertain ment at the grange hall Saturday ev ening, March 6. The program will begin at 8 o'clock sharp. Admission, adults 15c; children, over eight year Wc. After the program a lunch of sandwiches, cake dud' coffee will be served for-lflc. . Your scribe would herewith cor rect an error In Items of last week. It Is a Mr. Pitman, of Texas, who has bought flvo acres of the Madden property, and whe Is living In one of the Chapman cottages. Mr. Leach purchased the Hooper place. -f Mr. Newton and family from Kan sas, are located on the Pease place. OAH TO HI A. Bamta Im KM Ytii Han Umn Boajat Born.' to the wife of Carl Short, a girl, weight eight pounds. Mother and child doing well. OW PRICES r-rr'-T.iiv-- rn-i rin i OUR ARGUME NT THAT IT IS CHEAPER, IN ACTUAL DOLLARS AND CENTS, TO BUY AT THIS STORE THAN ANY OTHER PLACE IN THE CITY. WE BASE OUR ARGUMENT ON ACTUAL FIGURES WHICH ARE VERIFIABLE BY ANY WOMAN WHO WILL TAKE THE TROUBLE TO CARE FULLY NOTE THE PRICE WE QUOTE BELOW ON WELL KNOWN STANDARD BRAND GOODS. Tomatoes, 3 cam 25c Corn, 3 cans . 25c Peas, 3 cans .'. 25c Picnic Hams per pound 11c Dried Figs (fresh stock) Bo lb Raisins, (loose Muscatel) 4H for 25 cent Hard Wheat Family Flour '. . ;.pet sack $1.30 J. E. SPELEY ! ' Ninth A Main. 1: "In LEE AT APPOMATTOX. On of tht Moit Notablt Sotnss ths History of h War. Men who caw the defeated general when he cam forth from the chiiiiilx'r where ho hud sluned the article of capltuliitlin wiy Unit he iwuHcd a mo ment us his eycn rested mice more on the Virginia hills, tnunto his lunula to gethcr ns though In some excess of Inward, agony, then mounted Ills gray horse. Traveler, ami rode calmly away. If that was tho very tietlisetimne of his trluls, yet he must tmve I'11'! then one moment of supreme. If elms toned. Joy. As he rode nuletly down the lime lending from the scone of capitulation he passed Into view of Ills men of such us remained of them. The news of the surrender had got abroad, and they wore waiting, grief stricken and dejected, upon the bill sides when they ennvhf sight of their old romtnaiidor on tho grny borso. Then occurred one of tho most iiotnlilo scenes In the history of the Vr. In an Instant they wore about him, bare headed, with tear wot faces, thronging htm, kissing Ills band, his boots, his saddle; weeping, cheering htm amid tholr tears, shouting his iinino to the very sklos. He said: "Men, we have fought through the war together. I have done my best for you. My heart Is too full to say more." Krom "Rob ert E., the Southerner." ERROR MEANT DEATH. TypttUr and Proofreaders on Chi nti Papor Caroful. China, with all lt vast population, boasts not unite two doarn dally pa pers, but among them are the two old est papers In the world, ffhe Kin Pan used to be considered by Europeans the oldest paper, but It has been Issued a mere thousand years. ThoTalng Pao, or Tekln News, was first published WO years before the Norman conquest and has been Issued without Intermission for nearly 1.400 years. The Tslng Pao has the appearance of a yellow backed magaslne of twenty-four octavo page, each page; containing seven columns, consisting of seven "characters." Two editions are pub!lshed-n edi tion de lux for the court and the up per classes at a cost of 24 rent a month, and sn edition Inferior In paper and printing, coating 111 cents a month. It has a circulation of about 10,000am la really the principal paper of China, chronicling the movement of the em peror and of the court and printing the ministerial reports. It 1 probably the most exact newspeper In the world. The punishment for an error In print ing was until recently, at least. Instant death. New York Time. Old London Cookthop. Mediaeval Loudon, besides being a "city ef taverns," was famous for Its cooksuopa, such a the place on the river bank dccrllcd by Kitzsteplien la the thirteenth century: "There every day ye niny cull for nny dish of meat. roast, fried or sodden, tlsh both small and great, venison ami fowl. If friend come upon a sudden wearied with travel to a rltlr.en'a house and they tie loath to wait for curious preparation aud dressings of fresh meal let the servant run to the water side, where II thlugs t hit t ran be desired are nt band." Thl particular place of public cookery apparently did an Indoor a well as an outdixir trade, for Kltv Stephen further dew-ribed It as being used both day and night by "multi tudes of soldiers or other strangers who refresh themselves to their con tent nn roast gimse, the fowl of Afri ca and the rare gad wit of Ionia." Hut whnt were the two last mentioned viands 7 London Chronicle. 8ickroom Mirror. Only a hand mirror should find place In a sickroom." said a doctor, J and It should be ono flattering to the patient the kind, for Instance, which If the face Is too brond will lengthen It a little. And the patient should only be allowed to look In the mirror at propitious times. Many a patient has been frightened literally to death by bis haggard reflection has looked. sighed nnd renounced hK. But many another patient In a really bud way really desperate, too being given a look at himself Just after ho bus taken a stimulant hns bucked up wonderful ly. In fnot, a slrkroom mirror wisely bundled Is a curative agent, while rec k lessly handled it may kill." His Usual Way. The new waitress sidled up to a dapper young man nt the brenkfnst table, who, after glnnclng nt the bill, opened bis mouth, nnd a noise Issued forth that sounded like the ripping off of nil of the cogs on one of the wheels In the power house. The new waitress made her escape to tho kitchen. "Fel low out there insulted mo," she said. The head waiter looked nt him. "I'll get It," he snld. "That's Jnst the trnJn caller ordering his break fast" Argo naut. Improved. How do you like your alarm clock?"' asked the Jeweler. "First rate." "You didn't seem plenscd with It nt first." No. but it's broken now." Tlt-Hlts Warm. "The Hp,r't of yur husband wishes to speak with youi madam." "What does be say?" "He says tlmt he doesn't have to dress in a cold room." Bohemian. Crushed Again. Mrs. T)enhnm-Do von think that I shall bo ft (rood looklnir old woman? Dcnham I don't know why you should expect any such radical uianpie. New York Prcsa. , Washington's Plague Spotl Me In rile lit v inr:r-.liv 'it t I ".it. i,:,.c, the lri.." iinrf ground of o ,?. zormn. Thesn 'germs can si chil's fovor ami nmin lilltollMneHH. Jaundice, lassitude, weekness nnd gen eral debility and bring suffering or death to thousand yearly. But Elec tric Bitters never fall to destroy them and cure malerla troubles. "They are the best all-round tonm and cure foe malaria 1 ever lined " urltita R. M James, of Louellan,' S. C. They cure niomacn, wver. Kidney and wood Troubles and will prevent Typhoid. Try, them, 50c. Guaranteed by Jones Drug Co. j i hi ivrnf W - sweet, and perfectly wholesome. Royal is a safe guard against the cheap alum powders which are the greatest mcnaccrs to health of the present day. ROYAL IS THE ONLY BAKING I'OWDM MADE FROM ROYAL CRAPE CREAM OF TARTAR i " " " Summons. In tho Circuit t'ourt of tho Stnlo of Oregon, for t'lackaina County, Duncan Maclcod, Plaintiff, VI. Catherine I. It Milclooil, Defendant. To Catherine I. II. Maclcod. Uo named dnfondiiiit: In tho iiamo of the Slate of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear aud answer the complaint tiled against 'you In the above Intltled suit on or before Monday, the 19th day of April, J,W!t. (Hid date being more than six wivk from tho date of first publi cation of thl iiinmon, aud If you (all to appoar and answer said complaint, for want thereof, (he plaintiff will apply to tho Court for the relief pray ed for in said cotiplalnt mot!, to-wll; For a decree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now nnd hereto fore existing hclwcon tho plaintiff an. I defendant, aud for such other, further and different relief n to tho Court may soeiti meet and euulinM. This aiimnioti la published by order if Hon. Thomas A. Mcllrlde, Judge uf the nlsivo nano'd court, which order was ii in do and nti red in the tth itnjr of March tfltM), and the time prescrib ed for publication Is six weeks, be ginning with the Issue of Friday. March Mh, W. un.1 continuing each week thereafter to aud Including Fri day, April 10. 1509. tU'H. MOSKR. Attorney for 1'lnltitlft. Nolle of Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby ulveit that the nil ilerslgnod, administratrix of the e line of Wlllf (V Ktit'hl. lltu-i.BAtM. tins filed In iht county court of the County of Clackamas. Oregon, Iter final ac count as such administratrix, and that Monday, the Mh day of April. 1909, at to u'clock A. M . at the County Court hhiiii In Oregon City, Cluck mus Cooritv Orciriin hft4 Imii FiyiiI a tho time and place by iald Court for hearing and determining any and all objections to said dual account. OKIITIU DK Kl'KHU Administratrix of tho Instate of Vul( l.. Kllelll, (tec. Guardian' 81 Notice Is hereby given that, pursn- ant to an order made In the County Court for Multnomah County. Oregon, n, March 3, 1909, the undersigned as giiardlun of the person and estate of Itaymniid If. Furstor, minor, will, on ami after Monday, the Mil duy of April, 19119, proceed to sell at private sale, and continue to sell, until the same la sold, at Kootn No. 510. Cham ber of Commerce llldg,, corner of Third nnd Htark Streets; Portland, Oregon, all of the right, ill la ami In (crcHt of snld minor In and '0 the fol lowing described real property altuale In Cliickumas county, Htalo of Oregon: An undivided otio-flflh Interest In and to tho south half of the north list nuartor of the-north east quarter of Section numbered thirty tliro In Township ono South, of Kango three KhhI of tho Willamette Merldliui; the terms of said sale are total purchase price to bo paid In chhIi. All wiles made subject to continuation by the above court. MINN IH FOSTICH, Guardian of Raymond II. Fo.r-r, a minor. K. F. & V. II. Itll.KY. AttorneyH. Dnleil and first published March 1, 19U9; In.u publlnilloti April 2, 1!09. Plenty of money to loan nt lowest rates. C. H. Dye, C01 Main St. FIVE-MINUTE TALK CHICKEN LICE MITES COCKROACHES AND BED BUGS tat a Whole Year by Stasia Application of AVENARIUS CARB0LINEUM (0rmar) Wood Prwtrvr.) NoB'poltonoui, (Unitary Odor. tul up la II thof replied rum only lnn't tat your dir tv you , wortblmt liulUtioo. FOB 8A1JC BY ALL lEA;,KIUtt Cablintim Wood rmervln Co, l'tHrtiMBU, Mr, D. C. LATODRETTK President tjSaiaaaaal 0 H Han rrancltoo. Oat. 1 Fisher, Thorscn & Ca. xSi'lf H Wholin Airnts. V u . "A H Uapt.ja, Portland toj3Sr0 H Wrtta for Taatl- y S) Lj H maolala . H Iju ati-ayi, ' -1 1 1 1 1 ' l1- THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK I of OREGON CITY , OREGON j ' ! CAPITAL, 150,000.00. . ' ( t- -,' ; Transact a General Banking Business. Thousands of millions of cans of Royal Bilking Powder have been used in making bread, biscuit and cake in this country, and every housekeeper using it has rested m perfect confi dence that her food would be linht. i " " ' " For OImsmi of lh Bkln. Nearly all disease of the skin such a eciomn. tot tor, alt rheum and bar bora' Itch, 'are characterised by an Intense Itching and smarting, Which often make llfo a biirdon and disturbs sleep and rest. Quick relief may he had by applying Chandler lalu'a Salve. It allays the Itching and smarting almost Instantly. Many rase have boon cured by It us. For l by Huntley Dm. Co. For SaloFifsh milch cow and cream separator. Address A. Holnrloh, t'lackaina, Oregon, It Portland Ptopl Marrlid In Oregon City By Juttlct Bsmion. Miss l'in Kolnke and Mr. Frank Jjivoy, two prominent young people' of Portland, were married In this city on Saturday afternoon by Justice of the IVare W. W. II. Hauisoti. After the marriage ceremony Mr. and Mrs. l.avoy left for their home In Port land. Money to Loan, In iiiu of 50O and up for term of years mortgage security. H II. K. CHOilS. An Ideal Cough Medicine. "A an Ideal cough medicine I re gard Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in a class by Itself," say !r. It. A. Wiltshire, of liwynnevlllo, lud. "I lake pleasure In lest trying to tho result of Chamberlain' Cough Medicine. In fact, I know of no other preparation that llleels o fully the otpoc tatloiit of the most otnrtlng In rase of croup ;!ani roughs of children, a It con- talus no opium, chloroform or mor phine It certainly make a most safe, pleasant mid efficacious remedy for tho Ills It Is Intended." Fur sale by Huntley Bros. Company, List 2037 and 681. Restoration to Entry of Land In Na tional Foreit. Nntlrr li hrrrl.y airrn thai lh land. crllatil IkIiiw, rmlif arm 1.1,1 arm. wliltln tlif llrrtfiin National I'orrct, nrrunn Hill I ulilfct I., rtllrmrul ami rnltr nntlrr I he jin.vl.l..,,. , lna ( h, I Mllco Hialri n ml t he art i.r imr II luiin Hi Slal t.M, at ih, l ni ia,r. nI1,t intra mi I'orllati.l, llrrnnti, AptlTjil. luotf. Any amlrr wrliu I. Mt tuallr ami In km.mI lalth clalmliiu any "t anM land, lur aurlnillitral iUm. i,tr ! Innuniv I, I won, and Im. Hot nl.nd..nrd aninr. tu prrlr rr mr tltilll In niMkr a homratrait rrorv lor thr land n.-t-unlly ..n-uplrd. Hnl.l vrrr upon h Mpplivatlona ,, , ,. numi,,,,,,! IKlow, w ho ia a litrfrirnrr light illici t to thr p.lur rlKhl of ,,.,h .!), ,,r, Yldr.l am-liarltlrr or applUnt I. iUslllirtl til mull li. .ii. lend on,, and Ihr nirlnrm-r IIKllt la rinnanl .l lor t ,1 Aprlljll, 1 01111, on wlil.-n ilntr llir Inn, I, will l,r loarlllr- if llnrrr Al..rl..iii)iliMVrp -. Wl, ol NIC, ol NMi,, and ll.f WU ol NHU of '.' N'"v T ' H- " 7 V pllriitlon ,, i i. of jti front St , forllnnd. tlrriimt. hint Itrnnrtt, Onn mUalonrr til Ihr tlrnrrnl I nn.l (it!,.- ... proved I'rhrunrr It. Ilnlll. frank Pierre, I'lial Aaalatnnl hrt'rrturr ol the llllcllor. nasi ONLY ONE GENUINE THERE 18 ONLY ONE QENUINB CARBOLINEUM, THAT 18 THE AVENARIU8 CARDOLINEUM. THERE 18 A CHEAP IMITATION ON THE MARKET THAT IS BE ING OFFERED AT FROM 81.00 TO 81.25 PER OALLON. THE GENUINE AVENARIU8 CAR BOLINEUM IN QUART CANS BO CENTS, AND ONE GALLONS AT 81.80 WILL DO ALL THAT IS CLAIMED FOR IT. INSIST ON THE GENUINE, TAKE NO OTHER. PUT UP IN LITHO GRAPH CANS AND SOLD. IN OREGON CITY. F. J, 'MEYER, Caahlet Open from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M n.r... nnorninr n an v iiinllllrd priaoii. The land. mi. a. I.dlor..: II,, NlvV .,1 Nlii,, "''"V) ''''' ,nr HW1. "'HIV. '.11 IK ' VL'.m ' '" NW l "' Nw, "f ltl, Lo. ,N lV. o V "' ' . I" K W I , of N II l , of