Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1908)
OREGON CLTY ENTERPJIIS15, FKIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1908. IDEAL WINTER STABLE Delay in Choosing Gifts Means Disappointment FIFTY HORSES WILL DE TAKEN TO CANDY TO TRAIN ON FAIR RACE TRACK. TIik KrniimU of tint Clnrltumim Cdiuily Kulr ANNiirliillmi at Cimliy ar lit'i'imiliiK a popular ri'iiilixviMiit fur Ori'Kixi Inn ini'ii nml It la uiii-r.tni Hint iiinro tlinii HO horai'a will lie tulii'ii Ilium In api'liil tlm wlilliT. Tim truck la In fair oinilltloii nml In vnry mlntniimixiiuly alioatl for wlnUtr IriilnliiK. U II, l.lnilNi'y, from Al Imny, Iiuh miiti'd tlm (,'liarloa N. Wult Imiiu nml Iiuh alx horana them. Mo will lirliiK miiru nnlniiilH tutor. Him Cnxlo, i f Hiili'in. n well known North went horamimli, Iiuh i'IkIiI Imraua at I ho t'a I r uruiinita, ami J. ft. Hnwyor, of I'nrlliiiiil, will tiiiivn tu t'uiiliy for tlm wlutur, lirliittlMK all of his nurses. In iiimilu'r yi'Hi- thiTH will li iiKini tlnliln rimm iiiiil.n lii'ttur I nick mi till' KI'IMIIHIk llllll llllt IlKlKII'llltlllll will pmluilily tliirlve a comfiirlalilo revo mi" frnin liiirmiiiK'H for tlm uimj of dm KroiiiiiU mid linll. IIiikh, MRS. GILBERT WARD DEAD. Wall Known Hara for Her Charity to Sick and Afflicted. Mm. (Jllln'rt Wnril, who l wull known In till city, whi-ro aim rv alili-il fur ai'vcnil yi-iir. itli'd at (I.kuI Hniiiiirllaii HnHplliil, Monday nliht. ntur two wt-nka' llliH'aa. Mra. Ward iiniliTwi'iit n iiitIiii aura'cal oiHTidUdi ut tlm hospital nlHint two wm'ka K". "nil Impus fur Iht rHiv vry with fiivnrutilii until Thurailny xvnnliiK. whi'ii bIh' miffiTi-il a mlapan, death rimiiliiim. Mra. Ward waa burn In Niw York, Jilim 2'J. IMS, nml ratlin to Ori-aull many yeara hko. axttlliiR at Omwmk", whi'in aim ri'nlili'il for koiiik tlm. Kriitu Oawi'Ko aim raiim to (mKti City, whom aim Hindu Iht liinim for ai'Vi-riil yt'iira, rxalilliiK " Knurti'ciilh ami WaahliiKlon alrwt until alioul llin-e yrara nun, when aim iiinvml wlih i.t family to Ht. John. Mra Want wna n wmiinn who wont nut of Iht way to lii'lp llio alrk nml afflict fil ami waa luvnl liy all who kni'W Iht. Him wna a prominent inemlier of tin) A ami Itetiokah ImlKea Mra. Waril waa tho mot Iht of flvn rlillilrt'ti. who ro Mra. A. N. (iloviT, of Omaha, Neb,; W. It. W'n. of HI. Jnhna, aiul wna tlm icranduiother and ureal Krnmlmothi'r of aevera.1 ehll dri'ti Him leave Hire ulster. Mra. K. Nile, of Milwaukee llelitlit. Mm. J. It. Taylor, of Wlllmar. Minn.; Mra. U A. McKarlniid, of thla city, ami two tinithera, J. A. Tufia, of thla city, ami Cnmler Tufta, of Minnesota. Tlm funeral waa held Wodneaday afli'rniHMi from tlm I. O O. F. hull at OawKo, anil tlm lntirnint took plaro In thn fmnlly plot at that place. Frctman W. Auatln, Tlm body of tlm lain Freeman W. Auatln reached thla city Friday anil waa taken to Molalla, whero thn fu ni'inl waa held from Urn Molalla church Saturday morning. Interment waa In tlm Dart ci'iimtxry. Mr. Aua tln died Thuraday In a aanllarlum at Tlm llallxa. of HTttontltla. Ho had tiwn a roalilnt of Tygh Valley, but fornmrly lived at Molalla. LOGAN. Jawili (ixrlmr, 8r., who dlxd at Bid wood on IHTfiiibor 6, waa for acvcral yunra a rcaldcnt of Igan and waa wull known and rceiM'cti'd by all. H waa born In Bwiliorlaml Ikiccmtmr 31, 18.10. Ilia flrat wlfo dM acvcral ycara aao and he waa marrlod aaaln Id 1891. Ill' leaven a wife and three aona, the Inner living In Uigan and vicinity. Hit waa a member of tlm 0. A. n.. having aorved through the Civil War. Hugh H Klrchem haa aold moat of hla Inliircat In the farm to hla bro ther, W. M. Klrchem. and haa bought the Hoed farm which Jolna tho other plnce. ' 8. K. Gerber baa gone to Waahlng ion and haa bought property there. Tlm W. O. W. will havo another hall on C'hrlatmaa night. The Orange young folka will have a bnitkcl aoclul and entertainment Do cember 10. HARDING ORANGE. At the December meeting the fol lowing offlcera were elected for the enaulng year: Maaler, 8. 0. Kir chem; overaeer, U Kohl; lecturer, Iiura I.. Khyhem: ateward, W. M. Klrchem; A. 8.. D. Swalea; chop lulu. Allro Newklrk; treasurer, O, D. Itobhltia; aecrntary, 0. A. Kohl; U. K.. II, llnbler: Corel, Helena HmolenaUl; Pomona, Ina Dune; Flora, Mary Bwiilea; U A. 8., M. A. (1111. A committee wna appointed to In veallgiitu ilennlured nlcohol and re port at next meeting. Fred (ierbor and W. P. Klrchem were npiHilnted to meet with the cminly court In January to naslHt In fixing tho tnx levy. Thla wna done by Invitation of Judgo Dlmlck. MOUNTAIN VIEW. Mra. Anon Crawford hna n alck baby thlH week. It nan a gathering on Ita enr. J. M. (Illicit lost n calf last week; It had Indignation. The Mountain View Sunday nohool In milking? premra!lonn for ChrlHtmn. Mr. Wnllnne and wlfo, of Mullno, worn tho niicntn of Mr. nnd Mrs. Pnr IhIi liiHt Hal unlay ami Friday. Mr, Mnulr. gave hla house a now coat of paint Inst week. Mra. Matcliott-Ilrown la with ngnln, having come from bor homo In Klamath Fnlla lant week. Will llrui'o and family roturneir from KniiHioJ IiihI week. They loft here about two yours ago. Mr. tierbor nml win Tliomna drove nut to their ranch near Colton hint Bnnilny. Mr. I'rnlHh la building n new fence and Hlilowulk. quite it number In thin burg at tended llio funeral of Mra. Clllmon, nee Marlon DnnleU, of Mullno. I'M, (lottberg In iiiiliiMng hla houHf thin week whon tho wonther permlta. A cold wave pimieil over this burg lait Hiioilny. Tlm tliermomoter reg lHlereil Ti ill-green. MIhh ltiHa Mukav.v. of Meiulow brook, wiih doing limine In town Tui'Hday. Mr. ami Mra. A 1.. .lone, of Eldo rado, woro the rucbIf of Mr. mid Mra. lien FaiiHl l:it Tut f0.iy. Mm. Hvorluirt letinucd from Shor ldan Monilny nml a, l'JW vliiltlng hero with her hoii (. or; ). Wo bnvo It ;il n Having to you. When It comes M n 'lo and lit we n ro excelled by ii.itu In tho Men'fl 'lolliliig, Fiirutd-lhg and Shoo lined. Where? At J. I.rv'.r'H. of (ireat Sale. Waiting until the last week before Xmas to select gifts invariably means disappointment for the giver. People who choose early get the cream. Don't be a late one and have to take what is left. A visit to our store now vvill settle all your gift giving problems. Holiday money will go further here than ever this year. We have never been able to offer such values as our stock, affords this year. We urge you to come, but not to buy, because our goods sell themselves. Tho Lucky Numbers on Opening Day Following are the numbers drawnj Flrat Prize, 6269, Second Prize, 6263. Third Prize, 6328. Fourth Prize, 9605. Fifth Prize, 6295 If you have any one of the above numbers on the yellow tiekot given you at our "oiK-ning" the prize i yours and waiting for you whenever you call for it. Our one regret is that we failed to have enough nouveriirx to go around, but we underestimated the way our nfriendg would respond to our efforts. We want to thank you all for tho generous region' to our invitation. We assure you we appreci ated the hundreds of visitors who helped to jolly us along. After all what could be ii more sensible or use ful gift than an Um brella? And the good thing about this sort of a present is the priii'. You can get sunn-thing good and w-rvirealili" as low us a dollar and get a swell one anywhere up to ten or fifteen dollars. We buy of the big Kastorn manufacturers direct, which insures the bcxt quality at fhc lnwct possible price. Some Delayed Music Rolls Illisfi m aa5pira tin mm am lMtialaakMyaaaaaaaMiiai Have recently shown ti elegant goods that we forgot about buying. We have marked these extremely low in order to close them all out Is-fore the Holiday season closes. A present of a Tip' or Cigars never goes amiss with the average man. Ten chances to one he will appreciate this sort of a pres ent more than anything else you can give. Ist year our 'supply of Iloliday packages of cigars ran out long before Xmas, but we have doubled our quantity this time and will be prepared for every demand. We have them by the box as low as 50 cents and as high as $11.00. , Record Cabinets Haven't your records knocked around long enough? Would a fine oak or walnut cabinet in which to keep your records clean and safe, and on which to keep your machine out of the way, look good to you ? We havo about 25 to select from at prices from $10 to $:)0. Easy payments if you wish. Collar and Cuff Boxes and all kinds of leather (loods. There are so many pretty new things in these lines lliat it is impossible to describe them, but they are out 'for your inspec tion, marked in plain figures, so you Can look them over for yourself. fM. JEWELRY : vr fl Arelnat!nrfStoekUthen- Wk, , ,, , '"NCrV" rJy t,r r attraction In a vlllila atore, W4 .. AVC'iiJ' where Good Thlnlt are Mild. S. --. On thi counter a eatilo ir(ua for '4?t. . . . ,i, Diamonda, Watchaa, Clocki. etc. Coma In and Lookt Thl done, till II -.'.. ' aalea will Caka cre of themMlva. Ss Xmas Tree Ornaments Our store has always been headquarters for everything new in thews lines and we will not disappoint you this year. Plenty of candles and candle holders. Our Ton of Candy is here. We think every year that Lowney's Xmas Candy boxes are prettier than they were the year before, and we believe they are. Anyhow this year they are beautiful and we bought lots of the popular priced kind this time to sell for $1.00 to $'.'.50. Besides Lowney's we have McDonald's and Huy ler's, so we can Fiiit every taste and every pocket book. 5 cents to $10.00 Empire Cut Glass I til '-w lV v f L if f ? r " H Is the equal of any Cut Glass made. The only place where it falls down is in price and that ought not to hurt any of us. Our Cut Glass prices are from 20 to 25 per cent, less than any of the much advertised kind, and if you'll take the trouble to compare them piece for piece, as we have done, you won't hesitate long to decide in favor of Empire Cut Glass. The Home of Perfume Not many places the size of Oregon City can boast of a store where perfume is handled so extensively or so carefully as it is in ours. People often come in and ask if we have this or that Imported Odor and seem quite surprised to find that we do have it. Of course wp have it ! And we have a fine case to keep such deli cate goods in, where it's cool and no ray of sunlight strikes it. If you want the latest odor, kept right, and at the right prices vre HAVE IT. PHONOGRAPH Here's a gift for the whole fam ily. Nothing you can buy for Xmas will do for every member of the family so much as will the talking machine. It is truly a joy forever. On our easy pay ment plan anyone can afford to have one. Come in now and pick one out before the rush of the last few davs before Xmas. EJHSON J, faction by Iht y& mf: mo- tto'nl Jouia fb' i'naint, JO pajj 2 V' f thm imitation and rhnojm toJ J tht imitation antt t hoc jo Ttattrman'j Idtal With over To styles, sizes and points of this wonderful pen you can surely find just what you want. The $'v50 Waterman is the same as the higher priced ones. The more cxpoHsive ones are larger and gold or silver mounted We have also all kinds of $1.00 Pens and one of our customers told us only a day or two ago that he wouldn't take $5.00 for the )H'ii he bought of us some time ago for $1.00. jp Shaving Sets This is another popular man's present that we ran out of last year. We promised not to let it occur again, and so we bought a lot of the new ones this year. 50c. to $7.50 Don't forget the Camera for Xmas. Now that you do not have to bother with the dark room, picture taking is a pleas ure from the time the button is touched until the picture is completed. Brownie, $1.00, $2.00 and $5 Pocket Kodak, $10, $15, $20 Brownie Kodak Box com plete $4.00 Pyrography Bflrnt work is as popular as ever this year, and we have the com plete outfits for $1.75 to $5.50. Wood to bum from 10 cents tip. Framed Pictures If you want anything in the Picture line, you will find it in our pic ture room. Several lines we are closing out at less than the original cost and you will wonder how they can be sold at the price. Holiday Books More books are given for presents than any other one article. For some friends nothing else will do; for others they do better than anything else you can afford; for children and young people it wouldn't be Christmas without books. Our big stock is all ready; our book clerks can help you now later it will be a jam. Lets select those books NOW. Remember we meet any Portland or mail order prices. Picture Books for Children .' 5c, 10c, 15c up to $1.00 Children's Books In board rovers 10c, ISc, 20c and up to $2.50 Boys' and Girls' Books In one cloth bindings by favorite authors 35c values S5e Books by Standard Authors In cloth bindings, 25c each or... 5 for $1-00 Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, cloth 98c Same in leather binding $2.00 Books bound in fancy leather binding 75c to $5.00 Popular Fiction published at $1.50 50e (This list embraces the best sellers of recent years.) Latest $1.50 Fiction $1.18 A Table of odd lots of books containing books worth from 35c to $1.50 Tour choice 25c You ought to see the satisfied smile of our customers when they find this table. LETS SELECT THOSE BOOKS TODAY BEFORE THE TITLES YOU WANT ARE GONE. Your Magazine Subscriptions We want them every one. No matter how few or how many. We will "meet any cut price quoted by a responsible agent, and save you the expense and risk of sending your money. Further, we have lots of special combinations on which we can save you money. Everybody's $1-50 Delineator $1.00 Qar Prico McClure's $1.50 ur r te , $3.00 $1.00 McClure's $1.50 Review of Reviews $3.00 Our Price Woman's Home Companion-. $1.00 $3.00 $5.50 Outing $3.00 Success --' - $1.00 ( osmopoiitan M.uo Qor Price or ) W. II. Companion ' ( $2.50 $5.00 We have lots of equally saving combinations. ' Ask ub about YOl li subscriptions. THE QUALITY DRUGGISTS rrn ytti rT eci OREGON CITY, OREGON