Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1908)
OKEGOX CITY ENTERFKISE, FRIDAY, DEOEMHEK 11, liHH The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in uh for oyer 30 years, has born the Mjrnaturo of s - and has been nindo under his per- rff' jZfJ-f-f onal supervision since its Inftuicy. y&W!&At4 Allow no on to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Jiist-os-pxxr'nre but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infant and Children Experience Mfirainst Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Props and Soothlnjr Syrups. It is riensant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xarcotio substance. Its ae is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fererishness. It cures Dinrrluva and Wind Colic' It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Mother anil clilM doing; well. Mrs. Lillian Hunter wivs vlsltlnn In Portlnml with lior ilmmlitoro soversl days Inst week. Harris IVanlortt came down from eastern OreRon about a week ago to slpn the deed and glrnlRliton up mat ters pertaining to the place, and l vIsltltiK among friends and relative. Grandpa Johnson and lieo. Kllls's enjoyed a visit from Miss Muhle Oil hertson last week. The meetluK at Hitmnsi-ns Is still KoIiir on and are well attended. Mrs. Young Is unite poorly again, hut hope she will he hotter sixm. Mrs. pelsle Hunter was vIsltlnK at Joe Peanlorft'a Monday. Christmas Is nearly here but we don't hear of any largo Christinas trees In vogue. Some families will have private trees for the family. Mr. Osterbaek Is happy since he git his deed and has put a nice new door In his house, and Is working like a trooper. The Kind Yon Me Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years, TM I eiKTAVR MMUIV, TT BHRH1 BTIKKT, H Will TT. TEAZEL CREEK. rim v.Atinr ims lnHMi so fuggy for a few days that one would think of the saying of the fog and tne mm-ncr-knlfe. consequently there are several lairrlnne. Mrs. Qulnn and daughter are the victims this week. We hope the RusseMvliie eoi res pondent will continue the Interesting letters of his trip as we feel there are more Items of Interest back of h.. hns nlroadr written, as your correspondent enjoys travel and meet ing with old menus inert- reading: of his enjoyment. Our community was sauiy last Thursday when we learned 01 the untimely death of Freeman Aus tin an earlv resident of Molalla. hav ing been born and raised near that place. His body was laid to rest In the Clackamas County cemetery, Rev. J. H. Qulnn officiating. CLARKES. ! II 11.3 NEWS OF THE COUNTY o o I BEAVER CREEK. The regular November weather has showed up at last. Most of the farmers around here have their fall crow sowed. Thanksgiving passed sway very quietly In our neighborhood. There was a large crowd at the masquerade Thursday night Mrs. J. Batie. Misses Blodwen Thomas, Mary and Sara Parry visit ed the Beaver Creek school Wednes day and had a nice time. Our central operator Is back again from her week's vacation. Charlie SteineV has gone to Port land to work. Mr. and Mrs. TV. F. Harris visited Griffith Bros., of Clarkes, last Sun day. Miss Tens Bluhm visited friends at Beaver Creek Thursday. Miss Gladys and Robert Snodgrask were Beaver Creek school visitors Wednesday. Mabel Clark called on Mrs. Babcock one day this week. Benny Fisher has gone to Eastern Oregon, where his brothers are. mark. We think he has gone in search of a wife. The Whisky Hill debating and lit erary society organized Friday even ing. December 4. This has been a successful society here for the past two winters and we wish all to take an interest In this and make it the same. Bud Kent was a visitor at Todd's Sunday. Arthur Todd returned last Friday to Oakland. Cal., where he will re sume his work. He has been home since his father's death. ELLIOTT PRAIRIE. Thanksgiving passed " very quietly around here this year. There Is quite a sensation of dread In this community at present, on the account of toe appearance of a coy' ote which several of the farmers have seen In their pastures. None has been seen here for nearly twenty years. B. F. Casto has purchased Mr. An derson's hired man's house, which he will move to his chosen spot, where he will batch for the rest of his life. Moses Hostettler is instructing a vocal musical class at the Zion Church. There are about fifty stu dents. They will give an exhibition Christmas Eve. Mrs. A. Todd and daughter Edith called on Mrs. Arthur Schneider Tues day afternoon. Miss Etta and Edna Stanton and others were at Nixon Blair's Sunday afternoon, for the purpose of select ing and practicing Bongs for the pro gramme which will be rendered at Elliott Prairie church Christmas night Milo Blair, who has been spending a few days at home, left Sunday to resume his studies in the Portland High school. Ivan Browdville helped Brown butcher Monday. The Chass Bros, dance Saturday night was a failure. Only eight stags were present, so they enjoyed a stag dance. Mary A. Yoder visited Nellie Blas ser Sunday. O. E. Todd was a visitor at Blair's Sunday. J. F. W. is not married yet. All are wondering what he is waiting for. "The boys" are ready. Ben Sorenson has left for Den- I f ff i OSWEGO. Fred Lehman has sold his home on Fourth street and D avenue to T. Pol lard, of Hazelia. Willie Wasers. who is In the employ or the 0. R. & X., Is visiting his mother, Mrs. J. Lemery. Mrs. George Thomas returned home this week from her visit to Wood-burn. Mrs. Jessie Martin is very sick at the hospital in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thomas and Mrs. E. P. Clay are spending a few weeks at St. Martin's Springs. Miss Prosser Is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Moross have moved Into their new home on Third street. A. Coon is building a new home on Fifth street A birthday party was given in honor of Miss Isa Austin on her 15th birthday. Those present were: Miss Leila Henninger, Miss Arva Todd, Miss Tucle Todd, Miss Gladys Yates, Miss Bertha Elston, Miss Ruth Erick son, Thomas Elston, Eugene Waldorf, Charles Dldzun, Albert Rosentreter, Orce Jones and Willie Austin. Mrs. W. M. Gray and her daughter. Margaret Gray, were the guests of Mrs. H. L. GUI, of Woodburn. last week. A large number attended the dance given by the Degree of Honor Lodge W ednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. Le Malre moved from Oswego to Portland last week. Mrs. Martha E. Ball died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. D. Curtis In Portland, on Wednesday. Mrs. Ball was born In Ohio and came to Oregon about 7 years ago. The remains were interred at the Oswego cemetery on Friday. She is survived by the fol lowing children: John Ball, of Os wego; Arthur and Richard Ball and Mrs. D. Curtis of Portland. We are having some rain after the recent frost. A good many are suffering with colds In this burg. H. Wallace butchered two hogs a large beef one day last weeK. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wallace Bnu and man respected by friends and neigh bors and favored by a family of grown children, passed away at St. Vincent's hospital, and was brought homo and burled by the side of his wife, who died nltout two years ago. The fun eral occurred on Monday afternoon. Mr. Koellenneler was an honest, u right man, whoso word was as. good as his bond to all who knew him well, anil many will miss bis kindly face. After a season of beautiful weather, rttln began to fnll on Monday, and about a third of nil Inch Toll and atlll threatening. Wo have been looking nt the pic ture of a recent foot ball loam, and the query arises; "Why should each and every one of them look ho hump shouldered. Is It because of the many hurts they get. and bow Is It going to benefit any or all of them If they should win the championship of the world and go through life crip pled?" There Is a ltlu saying about a sound mind In n sound body, and how can a student do Justice to his studies when suffering In body from recent hurts In a savage foot ball game. I expect hisses, but I trust you will lose no subscribers by this frank expression of opinion. 1 believe In athletics, but not to such an extent as to endanger life and limb. We hear over the phone there Is a surprise party for some one In the neighborhood hatching, but have not heard who Is the lucky one yet. Such gatherings are becoming quite com mon In Stafford during the last year, as we have a fine aet of young people growing up In our midst. the Sunday with MULINO. Coffee Cold and frosty weather prevails In this Tart of the country at present Albert and Elmer Erlckson went to Portland Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. George Mallatt ar rived here Saturday to attend the fu neral of Mrs. Mallatt's brother, Free man Austin. A. C. Lee, Bert Wallace and Lewis Churchill are hauling prunes to Can- by for the Clark drier. Larsen's have been sawing wood with their gasolene woodsaw for sev eral of the Mulinoltes this last week. A ripple of excitement was caused Saturday evening by a flue burning out at Mr. Wallace's. Mr. Carltsen has started his grub bing machine and is making the stumps fly. Several of the Mulinoltes attended the basket social at Molalla Saturday night Mr. Bruner spent a few days In Portland last week. Mr. Myers' fine driving horse died I last week. Mr. Ogle was In Mulino Saturday giving music lessons to several of Mullno's fair daughters. Mrs. Daniels and family were called to Salem Friday by the serious Illness of Mrs. Gibson, daughter of Mrs. Daniels. Just Coffee, but perfect Coffee. Your grocer will grind It better if ground at home not too fine. H. G. SURLES TEACHER OF VIOLIN AND CORNET Music furnished for all occasions. Phone Main 1581. COFFEE There is a time for good tea, and a time for good coffee; there is no time for poor either. Your g rfyrer return roar money If jot don't tike Schilling'! fteM: we d him 8UNNYSIDE AND ROCK CREEK. Born, on Sunday morning, Decem ber C, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ott, a son. teacher spent j mm. nitllnrd .Mr. miii .".. " . r,.orvh,.iv la eetting ready for v tliP little folks. V ui i:im, "i"1 Quite a number attended the dance n..o,..,, -root !.it week and all re III " - V - - nnpl a criu.l time A number of farmers have their fall olowlng and sowing (tone. t .a hv lust week's paper a man In Clarkes was plowing his clover for the church. Some scribes can wrue fliiM. things rnn't thev. Will Wallace, who has been work Ing for F. Jaggar. has returned home C LARKS. The Elder of the Evangelical church was out in Clarkes last Sunday night with W. -H. Wettlaufer and left for Oroenn fltv Monday. Mrs. Scherruble went on a visn w.n Wednesday to Oregon City for a few HflVS Miss Maggie Sullivan Is intending in m tn school in Timber Grove. Mr Stromeren was in town ia. week on business. The German M. E. Church warn to have a little Christmas tree. W. H. Bottemlller bougni a beatln? stove lately. Mr. Leltchwlse is helping .Mrs. m- er hntcher hogs. Sam Elmer Bpeni sunaay meim-un with Mr. Llnder. Mr. Scherruble sold some prunes io Dli Bros, last Monday. Mrs. Ringo was butchering nogs on Mondav. Char ev and Jake Grossmiuer were in Timber Grove last Sunday to visit Haas's. There was a meeting of tne grange last Saturday In Grange Hall. Mrs. Scherruble came home Mnnrlar from Oregon City. Vis. Marv Sullivan Is stsylng In Oreeon City now. Mr. Carel Stromgreen Is having a breaklng-out In his face and arms. It appears like the effects of poison oak or eczema. Joe Wallace Is on the sick list. Alex. Scherruble and his father were batching for a few days. Alex. said it Is a fine lob. The Item In a former Issue stating that Captain Branson was Intending tn Rtav in the East was an error. The Bransons are intending to return here In the spring. REDLAND. C. C. Miller of Viola Intends to move to Sllverton soon, to work In a sawmill. Millard Adams of Macksburg visit ed friends here one day this week. A. Klrchem went to Idaho Satur day, on a surveying expedition to be gone ten or twelve days The barn on Shank's place, across the road from the Courtrlght place, burned down, supposedly Bet on fire by tramps. Little Evelyn Mortimore Is visiting her sister Olive at A. L. Allen's. Horn; to Mr. and Mrs. H. Mattoon, a daughter, December 2. Congratulations. Mr. Simpson has a new telephone put In this week. W. H. Brown Is having a bad time with his hand, as blood poison has set In, but is getting along as well as he can, under Dr. Mount's care. CARUS. The fine weather has disappeared and Old Oregon rain and mud In ex change. The early sown grain looks fine. Carus has a debating club now. Mrs. R. G. Caseday is very feeble at present. Mrs. H. O. Inskeep Is visiting In Portland. Miss Flora Stewart, who Is attend ing Barclay High school, was visit ing at home Saturday and Sunday. STAFFORD. As we remarked in our Items last week, the new moon brought Ideal weather for Thanksgiving, and family parties met at many of the old homes, to partake of the good cheer and dis cuss topics personal or national. Last Saturday Mr. Aernl split his left Index finger through a part of the knuckle a very bad cut. He was taken to Portland for medical help, where the doctor took a number of stitches, but told him he would have a stiff finger. He returned home Monday evening and was seen Tues day sowing grain. Mrs. Holton went home with her brother Arden on Sunday, expecting to be absent about a week. Mrs. Weed, of Jefferson, Is visiting at Mr. Weddle's. Mr. Weddle's wife, who died two years ago, was Mrs. Weed's daughter. Mrs. Powell visited at the Delkar's on Tuesday. December 8, Fred Koellcrmeler, a Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Multno mah. Mary A. Stark, rinlntlff, vs. Sahrlii!. T Pnl..- ti,l John tf. Enter. Defendants. I STATE OF OREGON, County of Clackamas. ss. By virtue of a Judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly Issued out of and under tho seal of the above entitled court. In the above entitled canso, to me duly directed and dated tho 19th day of November, 10S, upon Judgment rendered and entered In said court on the 7th day of Novem ber, 1908, In favor of Mary A. Stark, plaintiff, and against S.tbrlna J. En ter and John H. Epler, defendants, for tho sum of $4500.00. with Interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the "th day of November. 1908. and the further sum of $G3.25, costs and disbursements, and the coats of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the following de scribed real property, situate in the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, to-wlt: (1) The Fractional West Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section Fif teen 115), and the Fractional Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section Twenty-two (S2) In Township Three (3) South of Range One (1) West of the Willamette Meridian, containing IOC. 34 acres, more or less. 2) Beginning at the Southeast corner of Section Sixteen (t6) In T. 3 S.. of R. 1. W.. thence North 14 chs. to stake In center of County road from which a red fir tree 20 Inches In diameter bears S. CO'-i degrees E 35 Iks. distant; thence S 3S4 degrees W. 12.85 chs. to a fir tree 12 Inches In diameter marked with a lettor "A"; thence S. 62Vii degrees W. 6.40 chs. to a Btake from which a fir tree 15 Inches In diameter bears S. 89 -degrees E. 53 links; thence E. 13 chs. to the place tf beginning, containing 8.12 acres, more or less. (3) Part of Donation Claim No. 51, In Sections 22 and 27. T. 3 S.. of R. 1 W. of the Willamette Meridian, as fol lows: Commencing at a point on di vision line of East and West part of Claim No. 51, 6 chs. East of the Sec tion corn?r of Sections 21, 22, 27 and 28 and running thence N. 10 degrees W. 15 chs.; thence S. 32 degrees E. 7 cbs.; thence N. 87 degrees 30 min utes E. 5.75 chs.; thence S. 85 degrees E. 7.50 chs.; thence N. 59 degrees 30 minutes E. 6 50 chs; thence S. CO de grees E. 3 chs.; thence S. 81 degrees E. 3 chs.; thence S. 32 degrees E. 4.90 chs.; thence 8. 55 degrees 30 minutes W. 11.75 chs.; thence S. 60 degrees W. 14.00 chs.; thence S. 62 degrees W. 6.50 chs.; thence N. 10 degrees W. 12 chs. to place of begin nlng, containing 37.09 acres, more or less. (4) Part of Donation Claim No. 61 In sections 22 and 27 of T. 3 8. of R. 1 W. of the Willamette Meridian as follows: Commencing at a point on division line of East ana West parts of said Claim No. -61, C chs. East of the Section corner to Sections 21, 22, 27 and 28, and running thence N 10 degrees W. 15 chs;. thence W. 10 de grees S. 3 chs. and 16 2-3 links; thence S. 10 degrees E. 27 the Wil lamette River; thence down said river 3 chs. and 10 2-3 Iks.; thence N. 10 de grees W. 12 chs. to the place of be ginning, containing 8.12 acres, more or less. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said execution, Judgment order and decree, and In compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the 2fith day of December. 1908; at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of the County Court House In the City of Oregon City, In said Conn ty and State, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to tho highest bidder, for U. s. gold coin cash in hand, all the right, title and Interest which the within named defendants or either of them, had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had In or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said exe cution, judgment order, decree. Inter est, costs and all accruing costs. R. B. BEATIE, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By R. W. BAKER, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Or., November 20, ihus. (SfeK TOYS BLOCK Read! Read!!. It Concerns You! Our Fancy Canned Peaches and Ap ricots at 25c everybody says they are extra fine. Try us when you are In want of Nuts, Candles, Mince-Meat, etc., for Christmas. Finest Spanish Olives, pint 25c Harris' Grocery 8th and Main Streets Headquarters or Santa Claus You can meet me here Well I will tell you later through this paper just when. Watch for my arrival. I will be awfully glad to see you again this year. Now, children, DON'T FORGET. A larger and better line of Dolls and Toys than ever. Also a new line of Dining Tables, Bookcases, Music Cab inets, Dressing Tables, Dressers and Hall Trees, Rugs and Car Pets of all kinds, Tust call and see our new goods, and I'm sure you will agree with me as to quality and prices. Our Motto: "Best Goods and Lowest Prices" Beautiful Dishes of all kinds. Sets of Dishes from $3.47 up. TO THE CHILDREN, LAR.CE AND SMALL: Santa Claus will arrive at W. L. Block's Monday Evening December 14th at 7:30. Don't Miss Him W. L. BLOCK Corner Main and Seventh Wherever Wheels Turn ELECTRIC MOTORS ARE NEEDED No Matter What They Drive Or Where They Are A Saving in Power--A Reduction in Expense An Increase in OutputAn Improvement in Product Some very decided improvement always results when Electric Motors turn the wheels. THESE BENEFITS ARE ESPECIALLY VALUABLE TO Housekeepers Jewelers Machinists Printers Woodworkers Bakers Blacksmiths Bottlers Butchers Confectioners Contractors Dentists Dressmakers Grocers Launderes ANYONE USING POWER CAN PROFIT BY CONSULTING Portland Railway Light & Power Company CO. MILLER, AGENT OREGON CITY, OREGON