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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1908)
I OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1908. m iur im You . Whitkcy "no That nrn imio qwrl Nn W. J. Vu Bummona, III the Circuit Court of thn Hlnln of Orrgnn for Clackamas County. Laura Btoar. I'tuliitlfT. va. AlliiTt Htnar, Irfroc!nt. To A Hurt Rti-ar. abovo named de fendant. In the nam" of the Rlnto of On-iton, you are hvrnliy rrtii1rd to appear and answer (hit romplalnl filed annlixt you In thn aliovo ciiitltli'i) Court and rauao. on or befnre the inth day of November, liins., being more than six week frmn thn date of th flint pub lication of 1Mb aummntia, and If ynu fall lo ao appear and answer herein, thn plnllillir will apply to (tin Court for thn rnlli'f praye,) for In thn Com plnlnt. which la thai thn marrlage Heretofore and now cilsllng between ynu and thn plaintiff aliovo named, be forever illnnol vnl and for such other mid ftirtlmr relief ax to the Court may seem Just and rqultnhln. Thla aumnioiia In served upon you hy pulillcnllnn hy order nf thn linn. Crant II lllnilck, Juditn of tho County Court of t'lncknmaa County. Oreitnn, on account of thn nliannrnof thn JuiIk of thn Clrrult Court of aald County, and snld order la dater thn Nth ilny of Octolinr. llinll, and thn rtrat pulll ration of Ihla auuimona la thn 9th day of Ortohnr. W. T. II McDKVITT. JR.. Attnrnny for Plaintiff .1. Nolle to Creditor. In tlm County Court of tho Btato of Oregon for Clarkanma County. In tho Matter of tho Estate of Lurlo 1) Hockwnll, deceased. . Nutlce a hnreliy Riven that the un deralKiied haa linen by thn ahova en titled court. apiHilnte Admlnlatralor of thn Estate of Lochia I). Ilorkwetl, dnceaaeil; all person having rlalma nualnut aalit estate aro hemliy nn tirlecl and required to prvannt the aame. pnnwrly vorllled, to tho un dwralitneil lit thn ofTlco of Franklin T. Crirtlth In Oregon City. Oregon, within all innntha from thn datn of Ihn flint pulillcnllnn of thla notice. THOMAS KOY 8l.KIC.IIT. Almlnlatrator of thn Katato of Uiolua ). Itnckwoll, tlereitHeil KHANKIJN T. nitimTH, Attorney for Adu.lnlatratoi. Klrat puhllcatlon Octolinr 9. 1908. Summon. Ill thn Comity Court of tho Stntn of Oregon, for thn County of Clarka mux. Ova Jiu'kHon, I'lnlntlff, VM. Melvln Kllao, Defendant. I'o Melvln KIIho, tho bIhivo nnmod ilefcndiint: You are hereby rvnulred to nppenr mid nimwer the roinplnlnt fllml nKnlnit ynu In thn hIhivo eullllcd action on or linforo I'Vlilny, thn i:ith day of No veinlier, I'.HI.S. niiI'I cllltc being tho I plrntlnn of Blx week from thn llrnt piihllciitlnti of thla autnmnnx, and If ynu fall to vu appear nd nnxwor or pb'Hd, for want IhPreof tho pliiluu.T will tnltn Judginenl nguliiHt you fur tho mini nf Klfty-tbreo (J53.00) Dol lar, with InleroHt thereon at the ratn of 10 per rent per uniulni from tho 2llh day of Si'plemlier, 1S95, anil for llio Inrx fur-attorney' fee, and for hor further amn of Twenty ($:'000) Dol :imt and dlaburxeiiioutii horcln. Thla Hiiinniona la piihllBhed by order of the llnnornlilo (Irani II. Dim Iclt, .ludgo bf Biild County Court of tho Htato of Oregon, for Clnckaman Count K. which ordor wai niado and entered thl i'Stli dny of , Snptonibcr, 190S. KlrHl niihlloatlon of thla Bumnions Friday. Ontober 2d, 19I1S U'llKN & SCIIL'RUKu Attnrntiys. for j'lalntlff. OreRon City, Oregon Summon. . In tho Circuit Court of tho Stnte of Oregon, for tlio County of Clackd ma. Loul Tucholko, rialntlff, . va. MBry R. Ilruco and II. T. llruce, hor hUHbnnd, Hlla Slolr. and W. T..8tolii, her himlmud, Nina McNury, John II. McNary and Knther II. McNnry, hla wife, 0. L. McNary and Joalo II. McNary, 1Mb wlfo, tho nolo liolra at law of Jumna McNary and Nancy McNary, deceased, and .Snrali WIN klimnii and Ell.nlmth Maatora. solo heirs nt law of John Tackor, docoua oil, DefenililiitH, To Mary 13. Ilruco and II. T. Druco, her huaband, Klla Stolj; and V. T. Hlol, hor hiiHbund. Nina McNary, John II. McNary and Esthor II. Mo Nary, hi wlfo, C. I McNary and J alo n. McNnry, his wlfo, tho aolo hclra nt Inw of Jnmoa McNary and Nancy McNary, dncousod, and 'Sarah Wllkln aon mid Elizabeth MaHtora, aole heirs at law of John rackor, doceaaod, aliovo named defendants: In tho namo of tho State of Oregon yon are hereby required to appear and gnawer the complaint fllod against you In tho above entitled suit on or beforo Friday, tho 13th day of No vember, 1908, said date bolng tho ex piration of six week from th data of the urt publication of thla sum mons, and if you to appear and of Accident hnuld hive bold ol pure old in tin Iiiium, you can rclv unnn. ynu know if nulil. i Such nn. i. CVKUS NOIU.ri for the in 11 years now (old direct lo you. bolllM, pecked In pal cam J I 90 Tim prepeui lo Ik -P nllrotd eipraw oJflre fur danger of relillcd liolllci when you buy ironi ut. Nil djiiiKer nf trnne clirp worthies subtil lulo heinn palmed ull on ynu. We have been I lie dulrihutcri of lhi famous brtnd, acllinjl wlinlcialc only, lor 44 years. I'ure old honcil tvhiikcy a(cj in wood. livery bollli duaranlccd. W. J. VAN SCI lUYVrR U COi POIUJUW A1JKII 1(161' v IM.07SdSi.r,.rtMOr.t tW it tmt imt . MA IftH, mpbmbmm. Scaurnr A Ca, rW o,.,. cuiuiMt craui hoil. anawnr, for waul thereof. Ilia plain tiff will apply to the Court for the re lief prayou for In plaintiff complaint, towll: i To correct an error la tho descrip tion of a certain deed executed on or about Ihn Hth day of June, W,9 by Jamea McNary and Nancy McNary, his wife, to John I'acknr, which deed la recordial In ilook "C" at page 405, Itecord of Doeds for Clackamas i.uuuty, uregon; and to correct an er ror In thn (Inscription of a certain deed rxnculnd on Or about Ihn 2tiC day of April. INK I, by Hurah Wilkin son and Kllr.abeth Maxtor to Urn I a Tucholko, which deed la recorded In Hook "8" at pagn 1S9, Deed Iterorda for Clackamaa County, Oregnn; and to correct a mistake of thn xcrlvener In Ihn deed from Karah Wliklnxnn and Kll.iibeth Maulers to tho plaintiff herein. In the spelling of tho name of the plaintiff, and lo unlet title to the following dearrlbed preinlaes: The N. E. 14 of tho Jamea McNury Ikuiatlnti iJind Claim No. ;is In T. 2 H. H 2 E. In Clackamaa County Ore gnu, more particularly described as follnwa. tow It: ( nmmencliig at a fir treo being the mint Northerly corner of said claim: running theiiro 8. 45 degrees E. 40 chains to a stakn In tho lino; thence 8. 4S degrees V. 40 chains lo a fir tree blusr.ed as corner; theuco N. 45 de grees V. 40 chains to a slake In the linn; thenro N. 4S (b'grees E. 40 chains to the place of beginning, con mining 1G0 acres. Thl summons I publlnhod by order of thn Honorable (irant I). Dlmlck Judge of tho County Court of thn Htatn of Oregon, for tho County of Clackamas, which order waa made and entered on tho 29th day of Scptein her, 1908. U'HEN A 8CIIL'KI1EU Attorney for I'lnlntlff. Datn of first publication, October 2 1903. Summon. In (he Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for tho County of Clacka mas. J. 1.. Klbhee. I'lalnllfr, vs. Jnxxlo May Klbhen. Defendant. To Jenxlo May Klbbeo, llio above iminnd defendant You are hereby notified to appear and answer Ihn complaint tiled against you In the above entitled Court on or before Ihn loth day of November. 1 90S, mid If you fall to so appear and iiiiHWer said complaint tho plaintiff will apply In thu Court for the relief pruyed for In the plaintiff's complaint, lo w It: a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now exlxtlng between Ihn plaintiff and defendant and for such other und further relief as to the Court may seem equitable. This order I piihllxhed by order nf (irant I). Dlmlck, Judita of the County Court of Cluckitmas County, Oregon. The date of the flrxt publica tion of Ihlx summnun lo be October 9. 19US. and date of Inst publication to be November 20, 1908. Q. I MATTHEWS, ' Attorney for riiilntlff. ri'i oo bur fixture gain. Inquire lit Health ltexni-t. for sale. A bar tho Clackamas KOIl SALE It-year old milch cow young helfurs. Inquire. Edward A. Hughes, (iludxtouu 1'ark. . , ' Dissolution of Partnership, i Milwaukee,, Or.. Oct. 11. 1908. . To all whom It man concern.:-!-, Tho partnership heretofore existing between" JainO Kobblns and Thrimas I.lvitigxliine.- under the firm name of Ituhblns & Llvingstono, Is thla dny dissolved by mutual agreement, Mr. ItobbliiH will continue the busluesa at Milwaukee' 'and will collect all ac counts und pay all debts of the firm. THOS. C. UVINOSTONE. JAMES HOIUIINS. Executrix Notice. Notlco In horeby given that tho un- derHlgnod has been duly appointed ex ecutrix of thu Inst will and testament of John Ulrlch Wagner, deceased, and any and nil persona having claims against the snld estate must present them to the undersigned nt her home at Wllaonvlllo, Oregon, duly verified a required hy law within six months from the dnto of this notlco. Dnted October 19, 1908. CAROLINE WAGNER, C. T. TOOZE, Executrix. Attorney for Executrix. Summon. In tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for tho County of Clucka mas. Helen F. Short, rialntlff, ., - vs. Raymond L. Short. Defendant. To Rnvmond U Short, tho above named defondant: in the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before Friday, tho 4th dny of Decem ber, 1908, said date being the expira tion of Blx weeks from the first publi cation of this summons, and If you MRS. CHAS. BAKER SUES FOR A DIVORCE DAUOHTER OF TIVB KRU8E OLECT AND EX-REPRE8ENTA CHAROES NE INDOLENCE. Mrs. IretiB C. linker, of Willam ette, a daughter of Ex Representative Ki'iisn, of Hluffonl, nna ni-,l a suit for divorce agulut Charles I. linker, to whom she wa miirrlud ChrlHtinas Day, I9U4, They linve two elilMron, Mi'lba I-, aged Hire" years, and one child, six mini t hs old, who has not been named. Mr. linker rhnrgea her husband with uxliig profauo and abus ive language, and any a Tew minutes lifter Ihelr Inurrlnge ho staled I till I she "was now hi wife and belonged to lilrn and that alio would havu to do Juxt as he said." At another lime he sali) thai he "did not propone to be a henpecked husband and that his wife, would havu lo mind her business and do as he said." These expres sion greatly humllliiled Mrs, linker, who slates that linker frequently stny imI out until 3 o'clock In the morn ing, and that ho was Indolent and showed un dlsiKisltlon to work. Hlie asks for 120 a month alimony, $!)( for court expenses, ami for an order re straining - linker from taking ihelr children from her rare, and from re moving thn furniture from tho house, Mrs. Ilaker Is reprnxented by Attor ney (joorgu C. Ilrownull. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. Tin Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of A Surprised Mlnlatar. "For many year 1 have been a auf- ferer from bronchial catarrh, and bad despaired of anything like a cure. Judge of my pleasant surprise when first used Hyomel, which brought complete relief. .Hyomel ha been veritable godsend." Rev: Charlei Hartley, Hardlnla, Ohio. Thousands of catarrh sufferer have given up in despair. They have tried aiomarh dosing, snuff, sprays and douches without success, and now be lieve catarrh to bu Incurable. Hut Huntley Ilros. Co. the druggists, hold out hnpe lo all distressed. They e a remedy called Hyomel which la guaranteed for catarrh, colds, coughs bronchitis, asthma and croup. Hyomel (pronounced Hlgh-o-me) is medicated air, full of the healthy vir tues of the mouiituln pine. You breathe In the delightful antiseptic ulr, and as It passe over Iho Inflamed und germ ridden membrane. It allays I In- In Ham mat lull, kill the germs, and drives out the dlscutte. A complete Hyomel out fit. Including a hard rubber Inhaler, cost but $1.00, and nn extra bottle of Hyomel, costs hut to cents, geo Huntley Ilros. Co about It today. Card of Thank. Oregon City. Or., Oct 19. In behalf of tho family I wish to thank our many friends for their as sistance at the burial of our father, Samuel II. Dlx. on Friday. October 16. JEHU F. DIX, fall to ao appear and answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In plaintiff's complaint, to-wlt: For a judgment and decree dissolv ing the bonds of matrimony between thu plaintiff and thn defendant, and giving to the plaintiff tho care, cus tody and control of Irolhy A. Short the minor child of tho plaintiff and thn defendant. Thla summons Is published by order of tho Honorable Grant M. Dlmlck County Judge of tho aaid County of Clackamas, which order waa made and entered on Iho ICth day of Oc tober. 1908. First publication of this summons on Friday, tlio ;:;d nay ot uctoner, 1908. mEN & SCIU'EREU Attorneys for rialntlff. John Cully Estate. Notice Is hereby given Hint tho un ilerslgned has been appointed ailinln Istrnlrlx of the estate of John Cully. Icrcased. by the County Court of the Slate of Oregon for Clackninus conn, ty, and has qiinllhVil. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present tho same to me at the olllce nf the County Clerk nt Oregon City, Oregon, with proper vouchers and duly verified within six months from tho date hereof. Dated and first published the 23rd dav of October. 190S. CATHERINE M. CUU.Y, Administratrix of the Estate of John Cull v. deceased. V. & F. I). Ill LEY. Attorneys. Summons. In the Circuit Court of tho Stnto of Oregnn, for. Clacknnias Couurty. Mary A. Maddock. rialntlff, vs. Ell.nbeth E. Forrdst and William A Forrest, her husband; Melvlna Rem ington, Elmlna Patterson and Col bert I'attetsou. hor husband; Mel vlna Million, I.uella Daughbry and William 11. Dnughbry, her husb.uui; Henrietta Ranch, Ceorgo Ranch and Ranch, his wife; Mary lintlln and William Huflln,- her hus band; Oraco Hlcka and Hicks, CATARRH IrtLVtR VJ, Ely's Cream Balm 8ur to Give Satisfaction. OIVIS RILIEP AT ONCI. It clnansos, aoothwi, lienls and protects tho dixoiwod. membrane resulting from Ontnrrh and drivas away Cold iu thr Hiwd quickly. Restores the Senses of Taste anil SmniL Eaxy to use. Coutalna no injurious drugs Applied into the nostrils and absorbed. liirge Biie, '60 cent at Druggist or by nail. Liquid Cream Balm fur tue In atomisera, 75 cent. ELY BROTHERS, 58 Warrsa St.. N.w York. hnr husband, Defendants. To Mary Muffin and William Ilufnn, her husband, defendants heroin. In the namn of tho Htale of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In Iho above entitled suit on or beforo Friday, tho 13th day of Novem hor, 1908, said datn being the exulia tlon of six weeks from and after the first publication of (his summons, and If you full to ao appear and answer, fur want thereof, plaintiff will upply to thn Court for the relief prayed fjr In said complaint, town: That yon and each of you defer..! ant, bo required to set up In your answer lo thl complaint the cu,M nature of your several pretcnd.:d nd vorsu clulm to tho following describ ed real properly: I,t Five (5) of Work One Hundred and Fifty-one (161), of Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, according to the duly recorded plat of said CHy now on ro's ord In the offlco of tho Itncordrr of Conveyance In and for said and Hinte; and for a decree ,iat plaintiff Is tho absolute owner In fee simple of said real property and every part thereof, and that the said de fendant and ach of them have no right, title or Interest In or rn said real property, or any part thereof, an 1 that defendant and each of inem bo required to make, execute and deliver according to law to this plaintiff a good and sufficient deed of convey ance, conveying said real property to hor within ten days from the date of rendition of decree herein, and If snld deed Is not so executed and de livered by defendants and each of them to thla plaintiff within said time then that said decree shall stand for such deed, and that plamtlff title to said real properly ho forever quieted and. for such other and further relic as to this Court may seem meet and equitable. Thla summon la published by order of lion. Thonia A. Mcflrlde, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County, which order was made and entered on the 30th day of September, 1908; first pub lication of thla summon October 2 19oK, and the last publication tnereof It November 13, 1908. DIMICK k DIMICK, Attorney for I'lalntlff. 8ummon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamaa County. Emma Rorahaugh, i'lalntlff, v. Millard Rorabaugh, Defendant To Millard Korabatigh. defendant In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before Iho 30th day of Octobor, 1908. that be ing the lost day prescribed in the or der of publication of this summons, and If you fall to ao appear and an swer aald complaint the plaintiff will apply to tho court for the relief there in prayed for. to-wlt: A decree dis solving the marriage contract exist ing between you and tho plaintiff. Thl summon I published In the Oregon City Enterprise, newspaper. for six consecutive week by order of Hon. 'Grant B. Dlmlck. Judge of the County Court of the state of Oregon, for Clackamas County, made on the 14th day of September, 1908. the first publication being on the 18thh day of September, 1908, 8. IL HARRINGTON. Attorney for Plaintiff. Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka maa. ' Ida May Drlgga. Plaintiff, - vs. William W. Rrlgga, Defendant To William V. Brlggs, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon. you aro hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above, entitled court on or beforo Friday, the 23d day of Oc tober, 1908. and If you fail to so ap pear and answer said complaint the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the rollef prayed for In said complaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the bond of matrimony now existing be tween plaintiff and defendant and for such othor and further relief as to the Court may seem meet and equitable. This summon Is published by order of the Honorable Thomas A. Mcllrlde. Judge of the above en titled Court, made and entered this 9th day of September, A. D. 1908. Tho first publication of this sum mons to be September 11. 190S, and tho dnto of the last publication there of, October 23. 190S. DIMICK 4: DIMICK, , Attorneys for Plnintlff. Summon. Ir. the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. . Alice M. Mnrhofer, Plaintiff. vs. O. W. Marhnfor, Defendant To tho above named defendant, O, V. Mnrhofor: In tho name of tho Stnte of Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear and answor tho complaint filed against you In tho above entitled court and suit on or before the 7th day ot No vember, 1908. snld date being all weeks from and after the first publi cation of this summons. The first publication of this summons being on tho 25th day of September. A. D., 1908, and tho Inst publication thereof being op the sixth day of November, A. D. 1908, and If you full so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for tho relief as prayed for la plnintlff's said complaint now on file In said Court, to-wlt: FOr a de cree of this Court dissolving the bonds of matrimony and cancelling and an nulling the marriage contract now existing between plaintiff and defend ant and forever divorcing her from defendant, and that plnintlff be award ed the care, custody and control of the minor child, Wayne F. Marhofer. This summons Is served upon you by publication thoreof by order of Honorable T. A. Mcllrlde, Judge of tho above entitled Court, made on the 19th day of September, 1908, direct ing publication thereof once a week for bIx consecutive and successive wooks In tho Oregon City Enterprise, weekly paper of general circulation published and printed weekly at Ore gon City, Clacknnias County, Oregon. J. F. YATES, Attorney for Plaintiff, Corvallls, Oregon. Referee's Sale. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Cluckamas County. Alkerzane Lawson, Plaintiff, vs. Colla Fay, Fredorlck A. Helms, Emma J. McLennan, Joclyn Bold, Frederick Henry Schwab. John David Schwab, Marie Louise Schwab, Maryette Schwab, Ru dolph Luther Schwab, Mary Helms and M. B. Keele,, Defendants By virtue of a Judgment order and decree duly issued out of and under the bpbI of the above entitled court, In the above entitled cause, on August 17tb, 1908, upon a Judgment rendered In said court on the 2nd day of July, 1908, In a partition suit between the parties hereto, for the sale of the here inafter described real premises, and appointing the undersigned a roferee for the purpose of making such sale, which aald real premises are describ ed as follow, to-wlt: A part of the Helm D. h. C. No. fiO In T. 3 8. It. 4 K. of the Will. Mer. beginning at thn re-entrant cornor of said claim and running thence South HI degree 45 minute East 10 chain along claim lino to claim corner; thence North 42 degrees East 25 ch. along claim line to claim corner; thence North 55 degree 15 minutes West, 52 chains along clulm lino lo a point on claim lino; thence south 45 degree 15 minute West 20.20 chain to tri Hue dlvi lln husband's from wife's half of claim; thence South 41 degrees 45 minutes East following said division line to claim line; thence North 42 degrees East following claim line to the place of beginning, containing 177.72 acres, more or less, all In Clackamas county Oregon. Now, therefore, by virtue of said Judgment order and decree, and as referee thoreof, as aforesaid, I will on Saturday, the 24th day of Octobe 1908, at the hour of two o'clock P. M at the front door of the County Court (louse In Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for U. 8. Gold Coin, cash In hand, all tho right, title and Interest which said Alkerzane Iwson, Plaintiff herein, and Celia Fay, Frederick A. Holms, Emmi McLennan, Joclyn Hold, Frederick Henry Schwab, John David Schwab, Marie Louise, Schwab, Maryette Schwab. Rudolph Luther Schwab, Mary Helm and M. B. Keefer, De fendant herein, or either of them had on the aald 2nd day of July, 1908, or since have In or to the above de scribed real property, or any part thereof, to Justify aald Judgment or der and decree, costs and accruing costs. R. B. DEATH!. Referee Aforesaid. Dated Oregon City, Oregon, Sept 25, 1908. First Publication Sept 25, 1908. Ijist Publication Oct. 23, 1908. O. D. EBY, Attorney for Referee. Referee' 8a I e. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamaa County. Alkerzane Lawson, Plaintiff, T. Charles Cardlnell, Frederick A. Helms, Emma J. McLennan, Joclyn Bold, Frederick Henry Schwab, John David Scbwtb, Marie Louise Schwas, Maryette Schwab, Rudolpo Luther Schwab, and M. E. Keefer. Dtfencants. By virtue of a Judgment order and decree duly Issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court. In the above entitled cause, on August 17th. 1908, upon a Judgment rendered In said court on the 2nd day of July. 1908, In a partition suit between the parties hereto, for the sale of the here inafter described real premises, and appointing the undersigned as referee for the purpose of making such sale, which said real premises are describ ed as follows, to-wlt: All that part of the wife's half of the Frederick Helms D. L. C. No. 60, T. 3, S. R. 4 E. of Will. Mer. beginning at the most Northerly corner of said claim and running thence South 56 degrees 15 minutes East along the Northeasterly line of said claim to a point In said line of said claim North 56 degree 15 minntej West 52 chains from the most Easterly corner of said claim; thence South 46 degrees 15 minutes West 30.30 chains to the line separating husband's from heirs of wife's half of said claim: thence North 41 degrees 45 mlnues West along the said dividing line to the Northwester ly line ot said claim; thence North 44 degrees Eat 8.20 chains to claim corner; tbence North 55 degrees East to claim corner, the place of begin ning, containing 129.81 acres, more or less, all In Clackamas County, Oregon Now. therefore, by virtue of said udgment order and decree, and as referee thereof as iforeutid. I will on Saturday, the twenty-lourih day of October, 1908, at the hour of 2:30 o'clock P. M.. ut th front door of the County Court House In Oregon City, Clackamas County, Ore gon, sell at public auction to tbe hlgn- est bidder for U. S. Gold Coin, cash in hand, all the right, title and Interest which Alkerzane Lawson, Plaintiff herein, and Charles Cardlnell, Fred erick A. Helms, Emma J. McLennan Joclyn Bold. Frederick Henry Schwab John David Schwab. Marie Louise Schwab, Maryette Schwab. Rudolph Luther Schwab and M. B. Keefer, De fendants herein, or either of them, had on the said 2nd day of July, 190S, or since have in or to the above de scribed real property, or any part thereof, to satisfy said Judgment or der and decree, costs and accruing costs. R. B. BEATIE. Referee Aforesaid. Dated Oregon City, Oregon, Sept 25, . 1908.. , First Publication Sept. 25. 190S. Iast Publication Oct. 23. 190S. O. D. EBY. Attorney for Referee. Notice of Final Settlement.. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned as administrator of the es tate of Henry Snyder, deceased, has filed his final acount In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Cluckamas County, and that Monday November 9th. 190S. at 10 o'clock A. M:, at the court room of said Court has been set by said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto and the settlement thereof. Dated September 23rd, 1908.- TOBIAS M. SNYDER, Administrator of the estate of- Hen ry Snvder, deceased. GORDON E. HAYES, Attorney for estate. Executor' Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed execu tor of the estate of Diona Currln, de ceased. All persons holding claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, at the office of Livy stipp. at Oregon City. Clackamas County. Oregon, on or before six months from the aate of the first publication of this notice. GEORGE J. CURRIN, Executor. First publication September 25, 190S. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned executrix of the last will and Testament of Joseph Pollock, de ceased, has filed her final acount In said estate in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas Coun ty, and that the Judge of said Court has appointed Saturday, October 24th, 1908, at 10 o'clock A. M-, for hearing said final, account and settling the same. JANETTE POLLOCK. Executrix of the estate of Joseph Pol lock, deceased. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY HARVEY E. CROSS ATTORNEY AT LAW 4 Heal Kfttate, Loan, Inaturarice GEORGE C. BROWNELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office in Cauficld Bld Phone Pacific State 62. FRANKLIN T. GRIFFITH ATTORNEY AT LAW Weinbard Building, - - Opposite Court House JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN J. U. CAMPBELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Oregon City, .... o - - - Oregon Will practice In all court of th atat Office In Caufleld Building. O. D. EBY ATTORNET-AT-LAW. Monay loaned, abstract furnished. Iaa4 tile examined, estate aettled. nunl law bualneea transacted. Over Bank of Oregoa City. Clackamas County Headquarters CLACKAMAS TITLE COMPANY, 610 Chamber of Commerce, PORTLAND, OREGON. Full equlpmeat of plata, ah tract book a ax rolls Agent for Clackamaa Jounty Land. Money leaned, titles perfected. E. F. A F. B. RILEY, Attorneys and Counsellor at Law. THE BEST CHRISTMAS ,GIFT for absent and present friends la your best expression, an In dication of your better self. Place your order now. Am ple time Is one of the necessi ties of a finished picture. CHENEY. PHOTO STUDIO Miss Edith Cheney. Artist 920 Main Street Oregon City. POLX'S GAZETTEER i Builnwi IHrectorr of sarh Cltv Town and Villa Id Oregon and Washfnfton. ftvlnf a LWcriptiva Sketch of each plac. Location. Shipping Facilities and a Clari fied PI rectory ot each Business and Profession. K. L. HO! K CO., Inc. F. M. PARSONS General Contractor and BoHder Plan and Estimates Furnished Phone Main 22S3 Oregon City, Oregon. TIME CARD. O. W. P. RAILWAY eave Arrive Leave Arrive 3 " a 00 . .f . j OJ i5 - f'"3" 53 I I 1 I a 2 S S 8 - r z o o L) e " I ! 4.00 5.27 6.40 5.40 5.4C 6.45 ' 30 7.20 7.30 620 6.26 7.20 7.00 7.50 8.00 6.50 6.58 7.50 7.30 8.20 8.30 7.30 7.38 8.30 8.00 8.50 8.00 8.00 8.08 9.00 8.30 9.20 9.30 8.30 8.38 9.30 - 9.00 9.60 10.00 9.00 9.08 10.00 9.30 10.20 10.30 9.30 9.38 10.30 10.00 10.50 11.00 10.00 10.08 11.00 10.30 11.20 11.30 10.30 10.38 11.30 11.00 11.50 12.00 11.00 11.08 11.69 11.30 12.20 12.30 11.80 11.38 12.30 12.00 12.50 1.00 12.00 12.08 1.00 12.30 1.20 1.30 12.30 1 2.38 1.30 1.30 2.20 2.30 1.30 1.38 . 2.30 . 2.00 2.50 3.00 2.00 2.08 3.00 2.30 3.20 3.30 2.30 2.38 3.30 1.00 1.50 2.00 1.00 1.08 2.00 3.00 3.50 4.00 3.00 3.08 4.00 3.30 4.20 4.30 3.30 3.38 4.30 4.00 4.50 5.00 4.00 4.08 5.00 4.30 5.20 6.30 4.30 4.38 5.30 5.00 5.50 6.00 5.00 5.08 6.00 5.30 6.20 6.30 5.30 5.38 6.30 6.00 6.50 7.00 6.00 6.08 7.00 6.30 7.20 7.30 6.30 6.38 7.30 7.00 7.50 8.00 7.00 7.08 8.00 7.30 8.20 8.30 7.80 7.38 8.30 8.00 8.50 8.55 8.00 8.08 9.00 8.30 9.20 9.25 8.30 8.38 9.30 9.00 9.50 9.55 9.03 9.08 10.00 9.30 9.33 9.38 , 10.00 10.50 10.55 10.03 10.08 11.00 I 11.00 11.50 11.55 11.03 11.08 11.59 12.00 12.46 12.60 11.55 11.58 12.50 12.55 9.30 from Portland, 9.33. 11.55 and 12.50 p. m. from Canemah Park to MtV waukle only. ' !Vla Lenta Junction. Dally, except Sunday; leaves on Sundays 4.15 a. m A. M. figures In Roman. P. M. fig- urea In black. Main Htreet,' OHEOON CITY Main and Eitj t Sts Phone Home B1S1. WEINHARD BUILDING U'REN & SCHUEBEL ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT Will practice in all court, make col lections and settlements. Office in Enterprise Building, Oregon City, Oregon. W. S. EDDY, V. S M. D. V. Graduate of the Ontario Veteri nary College ot loroato, Canada, and the McKillip School of Surgery of Chicago, ha located at Oregoa City and established an office at The Fashion Stable, Berenth Street near Main. Both Telephone. Farmers' 133 Mali 1311 STRAIGHT & SALISBURY PLUMBING TINNING and GENERAL JOBBING. Wind Mills, Pumps and Hydrau lic Ram a Specialty. Phone 2682. Oregon City, Oregon. THOS. Fe RYAN ATTY AT LAW Probata and Realty Law Practice) Specialties. Office Upstair, first building sou th of Courthou. CD. 6c D.C Latoorette ATTY'S AT LA v7 Commercial, Real Estats and Probata our Specialties. Offica In First Na tional Bank Building, Orgon City, Oregon. Expert Locksmith. . Rubber Stamps. H. G. 8URLES Proprietor. NOVELTY REPAIR SHOP Phone Main 1581 Scissors and Knives Sharpened, Bicy cles Repaired and Saw Filing. Musical Instruments Tuned and Repaired. 105 7th St Oregon City, Ore. HOWARD F. LATOURETTE LAWYER 52C-27-28 Corbett Building PORTLAND, - OREGON. 1 as IN ONB OR MANY COLORS LARGEST FACILITIES IN THE WEST FOR THE PRODUCTION OF HIGH GRADE WORK SATIS AS ItW AS USTEII ROUSES f l 1 ly) 'nV.' j B Its distinctive quality and I H rare delicious flavor suit B V tha nalate nf the mail y. S3 acting connoisseur. For Sale by 1 E. MATTHIES.