Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1908)
MILWAUKEE. KM NORTHWESTERN CLAQiAMAS t Those who liNvn iiuwh fur I ho Milwaukee ili'piirtiui.ut of tlio KlilnipllHii n lit hi III !( )ir mull 4 I! In Ihii Milwaukee ICilltor nf tint HnliirprlNii nl Oregon Clly or li'iivu It t llm rmil imtiito mill Iiimiii iiiii,. illicit of A. II. Howling In Milwaukee, MILWAUKEE. Tho I. O. (). F. lodge (if Mlluwuhou met III regular session Miiiulny even Ink, with a vitry lurgu nllnniliiiii'ii llm i'Iiiiiik" from Friday to Monday ovi'IiIiikd gives every onii a ti u imu to allend. Before I ho rhangu was mini till) IinihI hoy Went uuillile to ho pre uit, u Hint wiih tlin n Ik It L mi whlcll inimt of llm mitortnliliiiKiilN mul dnncus occurred. Tim work of the bulge was In tlin second degree, thrmi peraoii taking Hint degree, otto Ni'iir, Clias. Council mul Mr. Patten. Another it iv plication was received Ht Hint meet- liiK. Niilx Monday will Im work In tli llilril degree. Tlin ninny friend of ftlilinrd Hi-ott are very glad to son Im In mound again Mini la recovering rapidly, F, I). lluliaruey, of Albany, l vis- ItlliK liU Kiunilmiii, Uo (loimola, thin week. Mr. (IoiihiiIm linn I ti very III tlm Inat two iiiiuilln, but I now re covering ilowly, Tim liuhy liny of Dr. ami Mm. 0. T. Illnmrr died Wednesday evening of Innt week, of cholera 1 It f mil u ill. Thn fiiiii'rnl took place, from Hem stock's undertaking parlors, nt Hull' wooit. Thn limly was Interred In I ho Milwaukee cemetery. It l reported that number nf young ladle of Milwaukee have organ litl a liiiHlti'llmll iem, Mini will pnn-' Hon In thn hnntl hull. Wo expect to ro roiiio flow jcmni'M In tlm near fu ll) ro. A. II. Dowllng. thn rvul valuta deal it. ri'Hirt Hint Im l III correaimn- dunce with a person who I looklug fur location fur a hunk. He. would Itkn to locate In Milwaukee. Thn I'lmh ('lull, whli-h Ik Just being orgnnUed should help h I in III thin, a linnk l ft much needed liiKtltutlon hero. Mm. John ('null entertained mini lnT of children Tuesday evening nt ft birthday pnrty given to Itnr flviv yearolil daughter, Com. Tlin chil li mil nrrlvi'd lut 7:30 o'rlock awl imiinlnod until 10 ('.nines were played and refreahtnenta served Tlmae present were: pi-sslo nu. I I ml ) Keck. Iliui-I lini-ol, lliith llcli-w. Opal iNiwIltig. la.el ami llenslti Dav idson, mul Chester nml (iolillo Hay. All ri'imrt a very -1 J y n 1 1 1 1 wenlng Tlm Oddfellows entertained tliu Ite liiMTUn nt their hull Monday i-v.-iiIiik Mm J. Weiidel, nf Cornelius, visited wllh Iht mother, Mm. H. J. McCiiliii, the Inlti'r pnrt of lioit wwk. Hun Hlcnkli', fcinm-rly n:i Mnpluyi un I he Ou k'hi i'lly illvUlini of the . W. I'. In now wmkliiK fur Knil Li-hiiuiu in III nn'nt iiiniki.t. Ili'rinnii I jilnli'iiii. nml fniully n turnril fium ,Ni-w Jimhiv. nml nn now HtnyliiK nt J. J. Mlllnr'n. Mr. Ijihrlriiui. wim fiirmrrly nil fur tin. t) W. I'. cur limn. J i. Sti'Vi-iiH HHki on HiicIiiIIkmi Innt Tm-Hilny uyi'IiIiik In the V. W. hull. Tli ntitiiiiliitii-i' wmk vnry munll Chnit. Ilnlliird In Hpi'lidliiK ft cuiipli. of wi'i'kM nl Kun kn, t'ul., vlxltlti; wllh huiiik r.'lallMn wlinin lit) hnit nut hi nil fur ycitrn. II. A Wi-lmli-r nml fnmlly niovnil from Kutnrndn thn lulti'r pnrt of hml wink mid nn. ncciipyliiK tln Imvln hoimi' In thin city. Chun, flnyiion, who linn ln-i'n ilrlv Iiik I In- hiili'nili. wiiki.ii fur tin' it'iyu l.nki-ry of I'urtlnml. In KtyliiK ulT on nrcuuiit of nU-kiii nM.- 'I'll" puplln of Mi'M, llurli'il room Won llm II rut holliluy. Uwi.ii W11I11I1 In iiliHi-nt loiliiy on 11c couiit nf tlm ili'iilh of IiIh lirnthcr. M. H. Khnick, who In vIhUIiim Mm. lliii'h, will 1 11 111 lo tlin puplln 011 w,r 1'iilliirn, Km ah III nut, 11 pupil of Minn IS. CiiMtu, li'ft ncliool tniliiy. t' Th 1 i'ii imw puplln t'lirollcil Hon wnnk, mm III tlm ninth inn'm, onu In tlin I'IkIiIIi anil Win In tlm nlxth. II. U Corunr In fnl'iiiullillliK 11 (II rnclury of tlm town, which Im Intntiiln to put In llm Portland illrni'lory. t:. It, McCullny hun nrruiiRi'd for nn imtiirtulniimiil to hn Imlil on Krlduy, Ortuhnr an, nt thu lliuid Hull undi.r tlm niiHpli'i.n of tlm Mnlhi'm' nml Tunclmrn' C'luli, . Mr. Illi'hnnl Ki'nlt, inninliiir of tlm aohool hnuril, wun vlnllliiK thu prlmtuy iliipurtiiiniit Hiln wi.i'k. Tlm nlKhtll urmlii liliil pnrfxct III-li-mlnnru tlm tlml tiiouth of nchool. Our ' mil nchool month opnliixl Innt Momliiy, A now r.oo Krnll Kri-ncli plnuo linn I lii'cn piiri-hinti'd for tlm Mllwiiuki-e ncliool, which hun linen Ioiik ni'iln1 wniit. Tlm ti'Bchnm nml puplln of thu nchool linvn urruliKi'd to nlvn cntnr tuliiiimntn, tlm pinci'i-dn to io lowunln puylnx for thn nniiin. Tlm fullowliiK Jiiplln imvn nidllmr linen nhni'iil, nor lurdy iturlnx thu nrhool mnnlh cndliiK Octllmr Hi: Urnt (Irnito Kdwln Miki-mclcr, Krcil Kurln 11, J H-ntll Mullnn, (iuy Hid- frlilK", llmiry Htnynnn, Wtillnro Block- tun, 'l.yln (lunnmilua, Arthur Cuff. AiiH'llu linker, Allen f'lnrk, I mm Conk, llerthn t'lirrnult, llunnlii Uuvlilnon, Mnrthft (ilhnoii, Orphft (iolf, iJivenn Knrr, Wloiia Mullun, Iiurn Hprlng, A1111I0 Kottovlo, Krancnn Tonten. Hecoiul iirmlo (Helm ICIkln, Cnrnl llnuauti, Knlvlli Keller, Tuwny Helnn- iler, Arthur Johunnn, Kny Wchlmr, Wlnulit Itnmlio, Dnrln Nunh, W'nlhur linker, William licit, Allien ltnctelmn, Krnent KUcher, Victor Kltapntrlck, UvliiKitluii, Kniiii-Ih - Melnlyre, Clienter Kny, HprltiK Kva' Illrk- enmler, Amy llnhrer, Kvn May Conk, I'rlncllln Klnch, lliind Vnt, Mlldn-d tileilhlll. Klnrencn tirunle, Krluift Mil mer, Vlvlnn Kennedy, Adelln HoirrldK". Mninli. Tunln. Third iirnile itnclicl lllilieiiiiih.r, llerthn Ik.rn, Alliw t'uniiill, ,oiia Drnfn, Hn.el Idlncol, Kllml (Mhnoii, ICHllmr Jonen, Miuy Kel- HT. lilim Wcliiiyrn, lleulrlco With Inter, Hn.el Mullnn, 10) lit fiulliiKlmr. I'.lKhlh Knulii Mnyinu HniillKt, Vniln Hilnlnw, Durii Hioeijii, Mnry Jievlim, OIku lliefn, Knlhcr JHIiner, Ollvln .Inhiiwill, llnttlu Keck, Krnriiu Itnlierln, Until .nudum, ICiIkiit Alhen, Vnllnrd HiImIow, Flunk Klnclmr, Otlii Hhlmllnr, (IWI'll WIIIHII, NI11II1 Kriuli-Clnytun (Vilemnn, Cllf- roril uni,, Ailmn Keck. Hurry Klppey, Kmina (inttmiin, llennlo Holt, Kllcn Juckniin, Aitu Ijildn, Kuhy MvCouimll, Jinnlii Mullnn, Frank Walnh Dla In California. Wonl linn hcen received from Hno rniiieiito of llm deiilh, In Hint city on Hiimlny, Oclolier IH, of Krunk Wulnh, of Milwaukee, Ori'ifim. Thn ilncenncd wun horn In New York In 1H72 and cuiiii. went with hla parcnta In thn year 1877. At thu out break of the Hpiinlnti-Alnnrlcnn War hn eullnted In thu Hnrond Ori.Kuli Volunlecr mul mint, which wan atatloned at thu 1'runldlo. While thern hn look thu ncarlet fevnr from which wan contract ed HrlKht'a illneann, which dlnenno wan thn raimi.. of bin death. Tlm lunt year hn npeiit III traveling- In hopen of ri KuIuIiik hln heullli, iln la aurvlvml hy hln widow anil three children, a moth er, four hrntlmra and two alntum. ilia wife and children wero at hla In-dnlde at tlm Hum of hln death. Hum, The groom in ftMaocluted In Minn Klta Hull li here from Corval iniHincMH Willi ir. nuiry anil In wide- Iln vWMIiik with her frlendn. ly Known an niiccenmui pnoioKrupimr A iurprlne party wan. Klrmi C. K. of wild aulmaiH nml hlrdn, Mr, and Zlnnnr, (jctoher IK, In honor of bU Mm. luuiiiniin win npenn a few weeknl bmh l.lrlhday. At ft lute hour all in vuncouvnr, i, 1.., neinrn reiuniinK went home and a K'X'il tlmo wan re nt ruriuimi wimri nmr win nuiKe ported. Come ai?aln their homo, Mendamen Kmmonn, Mornn, flpooimr nnd Drown, and Minn Muhlo Morwi, couiiioaed ft cum in 1 1 tee who went to Cortland and purchased a fine new piano for th(i nchmtl. It la a itnliey 111 a k i) and wan purchnnod from tlm well known Kllnrn 1'lano Hounn and will ho placed In thn nchool at once. ... toiiii(, from Wllnonvlllo. wan plennant culler at the home of Mr. and Mm. M. Hnyman'a lant Hiinday. Swiin of thu farinura have begun plnwliiK. Thu purnoniiKo that will be liullt In ffitrinony, In being allated. Now let every one that In Intcreated feet buny. Thone that are not Inlurcnted, you Kt IJttle Dorla I'alnton wan neven Intnrnntvil and We will ni.reclHi vnnr (n "in on uHuwr id, ami in minor neip, an thai In needed OAK OROVE. An nthletlo club waa organized here Tuenduy evenlnif. A Inrgn number whiii prcHeiit, and full partlcularn wllj b Klvi'i) In next Innuu. H. U Canto, haa purchaned a farrn In Yamhill County, for the benefit of the huutern of the Oak Grove com munity. He eipccta to leave In a few dayn. Evert Slmrk haa Juat returned from a abort vlnlt with frlendn and nchool- inuicn In KiiKcno. ICveri I'ollock and mother, of Ore- nun City, are moving Into thu iluwel) homn fur llio Winter, Thu McCluro fnmlly have left our community fur Kenwood, where they lien Alexamier, Albert 1 intend to npend the Winter. llnnriKt. Ktnnley (llhnon, Iloyd tilb-l The ladlen aid auclety of Oak Grovt ami, (hotter Haniia, hrtient Jnliea. gavo very auccennful aock aocial, Ia'I lmwllng aell your property, Mllwaukte School Notts. The nlxth Kradn Klrla of Mm. KIh crt'a 1.M1111 have had no nlumnteeH thin nmlltll. ICilward Keller, lileti Welinl.T, Mabel Allen, Opal , Clark, Gertrude Living ulnil, lllnlln Itutter, Ileulah Hprlng, Kdlth Stockton, Marjorln TnnUn, Ver gil Allen, Triuik Taydor. Ilermnn Tay lor, Hoyco l'eternii, Tony Sottovla, Hnrnh linker, Klhol Kelly. Ilertha Knr leu. Uhuiu Miillan. Kutetla l'lillllpn, N.tlle Itnnibii. (iuldle Kay, Kxther Sunntruin, Kvelyn Wnlker, Melba Web- ater. Kniirtli grndi John Karlen, George MalhewH. Kuhi-n 1'elernuli. liilln H It I It- dler. Jiirnh Strelb, Itrnin Hw niiKert. Ar tlmr Taylor, IMwIu milliner, Snrnh lliunt, Aim Ciirrnutt. Ilnrnlcu Klnrli, I '111 inn llnrpcr, luilxy K.-ck, Anna Kerr. Minnie Spring, llerlha Hlnger, Lulu Tnylor, llnrolhy Wlnnliigur. Fifth grudn Norma I'eck, Mamie Sotlnvln. Iii-llicrt Turek. Frank Curr null. Wllllniu Gallagher, Wulter licit. Klchurd Klnlx. George CluiHe, Fra'ncen Joliuioii. CIim Clnrk. Imiirit Mullun. Glndvn firnnln, Knthnr Spring, Myrtle Selfrldge. Mninl" tilbaon. Nolllo Mil ler, liewey UrUtow. lien llriidy. Hurry Itlddle, Slellu Torek, pearl linker, Wniln Swiiiikuii, KHtnlln I lull. Turn tjikln, Itayinoiid Allen, Fred Singer Sixth grmle- Kmlly FIhImt. Mary Snttovlii. Iva Clnrk. Annie Kelly, Don ald Duffy, Guirgn Alwimd. Carl Solo niun. Itulpti CiMiper, Curl Cnrlmm, Karl Mathewn, Until Alexnniler. lnr.- llrlggn, Naomi Hurt, Kdlth Harvey, .leiiule Jonen. HcHnle Keck. Delhi Mc- lutyTO, Clnra l'lillllpn. Marguerlttu ItoberlH. I'iuin Sutton. Knudle Sing er. Matilda Slng-r. KlUulielh lluck, li-aiher. . 1 Seventh grade Howard Cooper. Clement Duffy, Alfred Gellniiiuu, Cor win Harvey, Harnett Howard. Fred Keller, Marcu Maple, William Spring which In a novelty In thin aectlon. Full deiHlla of the aoclal will bo given In the next lanue. The voting plure for thn Onk Grove prorlnct will bo In Green'a hall over tlm walling room. Tlm 1 ,1111 ling Society aro having full uttcmlunce at Warren'i confectionery More. Any Indlen denlrlng their hua bniiiln ran find them there. The Onk Grove Improvement Anno eliitlon I" meeting with nonie aucceni on the nlilewulk iii.llon. rlie CongrllT fnmlly are recovering from the nnin!lwx. Our friend Minn Warren linn beon 111 Hie lust few dayn and hun been un- uble to attend to her work. Merwln Paget In dally recovering from hln frightful ride whllu breaking a broiictiii. Mr. Young, nf the Oregonlnn, hns Jnnt moved lnlo hla recently purchan ed home. Itnlph rtrnnt left for Corvnllln to at tend the Oregon Agricultural Col li ge. He Intnl. In to take a course In electrical engineering. Everybody enjoyed themselves at the dance laxt, Saturday evening at Gi'eon'a hall. Wo are very aorry to nee ho few young people from Oregon City mid we hope to seo moro next time. Our school Is becoming very crowd ed and If the attendance Increases new building or an addition to the oM one will have to be erected. Wo hope, for the former. ltenl chii'I transfers In Ihls sec tion are qui! ) numerous. of tlm occasion a huge birthday enko wun sent to the school house whore each of her llttlu school mates receiv ed ft piece of It, and all wished her many happy returns of the day. Spencer Hrown, Br., who waa hurt a few wecka ago, hun Improved no much that he and his family have re moved to Portland for the Winter. Mrs. James Boesbn and little non havo returned from Walla Wala, after a delightful visit with relatives. Homo of our talent of this little vil lage waa used In Oregon Clly on Fri day eve, Minn Gladys Hoys, who In a talented musician, look a very prominent part In the piano recital at the McUnigblln institute, and those j who had the plcanure of atendlng this recital predict great future for Miss Gladys In the musical world. Among those who attended from here were Mr. and Mrs. U. D. Iloardman, Elmer lluardman and Miss Kthel Hart. Bola Circle of the Women of Wood craft held ft social at their hall on the same evening and two of our well known ladlin, Mrs. II. C. Palnlon and Miss Mublu Morse, assisted on their programme. Mrs. i'alnton gavo a reading and wan no warmly applaud ed responded to an encore, and Miss Morse favored them with a song In her own charming manner. Those who attended were Mvsdames Pratt, I'alnton and Roberts, and Miss Morae. Miss Laura Cloland, daughter of Judge Cleland. of Portland, spent Sat urday wllh Mlsa Gladys Boys. Miss Hoys has been visiting her parents for the pant week, but returned to the Mt. Angel boarding school on Monday. Mrs. Mendenhalf, of Spokane, Wash., and Mrs. 3. W. Hutchinson, Bnd Mrs. Hiram Hutchinson, of Portland, have spent the greater part of the week at the home of their brother, George Morse, whero their mother Is danger ously 111. William Flnley lort Tuesday for New York to be absent about two months. Quite a few of the gentlemen of the neighborhood responded lo Mr. and Mrs. Meekness' Invitation to a debate nt their home on Snturday evening of Inst week. Tlio subject was "What are your views? Ana wtiyT" The hostess served cake and coffee after each ono had expressed their views. And we heard a great many say they would go and register at once. C. F. Zlnser has his prunes all dried. Ho report that the crop Is anori. The folks that went to the moun tains have all returned. POR BUILDING MATERIAL Sand, Grovel, Lime, Cemenf, Drain Tiling, Vitrified Sewer Pipe, Terra CoNa, Chimney Pipe, Land Phster, Elc. Call on J. E. Wetzler, or A. H. DowUng at Real Estate Office, Milwaukee. Phone Set wood 10)4. When In Milwaukee call on the Milwaukee P'lic-niao'. A new drug sinre juki c. i.-iu n up. JENNINGS LODGE. A very, pretty autumn wedding took plnce at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Flnley. at this place, on Wednesday, October U, when Herman lliihlimin, of Portland, and Miss Maudo lllttle slow, of Los Angeles, were united In marriage hy IUv. Young, of Taylor street Methodist Episcopal church, of Portland. The bride, who is an ac complished singer. Is an Intimate friend of Mrs. Flnley, and has been visiting at the Flnley home for some HARMONY. Mr. Fletcher hns moved into his new home. The Hurmony Improvement Society will give an entertainment Saturday night, October 31, at tlio Hurmony school house. Mr. U-nwher and family have gone asL Their borne was purchased by Mr. Millard. Llnwood Avenue has been extend ed south from Johnson creek to Mr. Hilton's farm and will soon be ready for grading. Protrncted meetings are being held in the Harmony church. The trustees expect to have a par sonage completed before the next con ference. The Improvement Society was en tertained at the home of Mrs. Fort ner, In Arleta. last Wednesday. Several cows from Harmony have felt the majesty of the law as they strayed over the pound line and were captured. GLADSTONE. The X. L. Club, of Gladstone, gave ft basket social and .entertainment at the school house at that place on Sat urday evening, and proved to be the most successful affair ever given by the organization. The affair was given for the benefit of the nchool, and the proceeds will be used for the payment of the chain that were recently In stalled In the auditorium of the build ing. Preceding the aoclal an enter tainment consisting of several read ings by Miss Bradley, graduate from Columbia College, of Chicago; recita tion by Miss Mlna Mulkey and songs by the High School Girls of Gladstone. At the close of the programme, the baskets containing the lunches pre pared by tbe ladles of Gladstone, were auctioned by C. T. Tooze, and alt bid I liberally, especially the young men of Oregon City who attended. The sum of 40 waa netted from the sale. The X. L. Club Is preparing an excellent programme for tbe next meeting, which will be held on the first Fri day In November at the school house. Dr. A. Ia. Ileatle will be present at this meeting, having been Invited by the club and will give an instructive paper. Mrs. Allan Brown, of Jennings Lodge, will give some of her pleasing recitations. The X. L. Club la com posed of the women of Gladstone, who are working diligently for the better ment of their tbrlfty auburb. i Milwaukie Mercantile Co. I Dry Goods, Groceries. Boots. Shoes and Hardware. Dealers In GENERAL MERCHANDISE MILWAUKIE, OREGON. PHONE UNION 92 1 Milwaukee Market ! 8UNNY8IDE AND ROCK CREEK. HARMONY AND EAST M. SCOTT. Potato digging Is the order of the day, except when the rain Interferes. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gray, from Sncrnmento, Cnl., are here visiting at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Knnno. ' Mr. Gray is a brother of Mrs. Kan tie, Tlio revival meetings have not clos ed, and surely God has been with us by the number that are being saved. Geo. Deardorff will soon have bis furniture and farming Implements moved, and Mrs, Deardorff is stand ing the work of packing pretty well. We hope they will both be 'oenefltted with the change. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Young Is not Improv ing very fast. They have taken her to see the doctor again. Mr. Tong'a folks have also been moving. Frank Stoll took Adolph's dug and went hunting the other day, but the dog mistook the game and went after Mr. Stlngley'a sheep.- Frank shot the dog and also wounded a sheep so they had to kill It. George Ellis has rented Grandpa Johnson's place for one year and will move there this week. Frank Karr has sold his place. Mr. Blue's folks have got settled In 'their new house and like It real well. Mr. Townsend and wife have moved on the old Griffith place. Everett Hubbard has been building a wood house on their new place. We hear Mr. Plrtle has sold again. Joe and Burton Deardorff, Emmet Odell and Will Donley were out coon hunting the other day with Emmet's hounds, but failed to get any coons. A. Hunter has his cellar completed and It Is quite satisfactory. Mr. Rosenhall'8 new house Is pro gressing finely and looks very nice. Mrs. Ed Ott's sister is staying with her pa for a while, which makes it very pleasant for her. Frank Ott Is wry proud of his baby boy. Mrs. S. E. Reed Is spending a few days visiting her children at or near Arlita. Miss Eunice Deardorff is at home ai;aln for awhile. It's a genuine fact that this place sells you just the cut you ask for, and for less money than anywhere on the pike and without any great amount of trust-busting harangue. Lehman Bios., MILWAUKEE and CENTER - A Cascasweet, the well known remedy for babies and children, will quiet the little one In a short time. The in gredients are printed on the bottle. Contains no opiates. Sold by Howell & Jones. Hit that rusty nail a whack or two on the head and It will pull a great deal easier. The Durable Kind Heating Stoves Stove Pipe, Zmc Boards Delivered at your home at PORTLAND PRICES. O. WISSINGER Genl Merchandise MILWAUKEE, OR. How's tne back yard? Why not snug up a little? Herd'sgrass Is best for that piece of low, wet ground. Only live fish swim up stream. No man can get rich in spite of his wife. Kodol is a combination of the natural digestive Juices and It digests all classes of food and every kind of food, so you see It will do the work that the stomach Itself does. Sold by Howell & Jones. Kind words are of more comfort to a man than a feather bed. Wanted: The address of an artist who can paint signs of the times. A Healthy Family. "Our whole family has enjoyed good health since w began using Dr. King's New Life Pills, three years ago," says L. A. Bartlet. of Rural Route 1, Guilford, Maine. They cleanse and tone the system in a gentle way that does you good. 25c. at Howell & Jones' drug store. CAN BY AND SOUTHERN CLACKAMAS CANBY. Tho funeral of the Into Ilenodlct llnrmoser took place In Portland Sun day, and tho body was Interred In lione Fir cemetery. Mr. Pennoner was formerly a resident of Portland, whero he had considerable property. The funeral waa largely attended by many old friends. Mrs. Zollner and Mlsa Zoilna Josso, nf this place, attended. Mrs. L. T. Batten, went to Portland on a business trip Tuesday, and added a now alock of goods, which will ar rive during the week. Mlaa Mabel Chase, who haa been quite III, la Improving. A. Kochur wont to Portland and Oregon City on business Tuesday. Mrs. Casalo Evans Is spending a few weeks In Portland with relatives. Earl Davenport, who haa been clerk ing In the Hosensteln store for the past month, has returned to Oregon City. Dr. A. T. Stephenson, who recently arrived from tho East to tako charge of Dr. Dedman's practice during the laler'a absence, has taken a room at the home of Mrs. Annie M. Knight. J, K. Doyoo, William lllssell nnd Elinor Veteto left Friday for Blnlock to shoot geeso. Warren I. Leo has been appointed mull carrier on route No. 2 from Can by. Tho route will bo ostabllHhoil No vember 1. There were four appli cants for tlm position. J. D. Wllkor son Is the carrier for Route 1, nnd his route will bo changed, Mr. Wllker Hiin having Homo of tho patrons, on No. 2 and Mr. J,eo sonio on No. 1. It will be arranged by tho tlmo Mr. U'o goes Into his olllce, that lie will have all of thosn living In his district and Mr. Wilkinson those In Mb district, bo It will bo moro convenient for both men. The country surrounding Cnnby Is being settled to a large degree during the past year, which necessitated these two routes. William Cantwell, the real estate man, who has been confined to his home for the past threo weeks with acute gustrltls, Is improving and ex pects to be at his otllco the first of next woek. Mr. Brewer has let the contract for a new cottago to bu built on his prop erty ho ecently purchased. Mr. Brew er's house will have seven rooms, and Is to be up-to-date. Frank Dodge, was awarded the contract of build ing the same. Charles Noblltt, of Needy, was In Canby on business Wednesday. Mrs. Noblltt and baby are at Wllholt, where tho former was called by the serious Illness of hor fnthor, Dr. Gouchor. Dr. (toucher has been In falling health for the past two years, and his con dition at present la critical. John Ring, who hns boen residing on his farm near Needy alnco 18ti8, has sold tho plnco to 0. K Veello, con sideration being M000. There aro 118 acres In the furm. and Ib considered to bo a good Investment. . Mrs. Bertha E. Lee, of Portland, who Ih visiting hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Knight, Is recovering from severe attack of tonsllltls. Mrs. Alma Knight Is oonllned to her home with an attack of tonHilltls. Mrs. Wllllnm Grant, of Scuttle, Is vlHltlug rclutlves In Canby and Hub bard, Mrs. C. I Bates nnd daughter were Portland visitors Frldny. Mrs. II. Bermouer nnd dnughters, MIhscs CliriMtinii nnd AmaiulH, havo relumed from Portland and are pre paring to move to Portlnnd, whero they havo a hotel building and other property Interests. The llormosur fnmlly have resided In Cnnby for the past three years, having como here from Portland. Miss Helen Stoddard, teacher of the prlmnry department of the Canby school, visited her parents at Hub bard Friday and aSturday. A. 'Goldberg, who has charge of the Rosensteln store at this place, spent Sunday with his family In Portlnnd, returning Monday morning. Tho Ros ensteln store will close here on Sat urday, nnd the stock that remains un sold returned to Oregon City. A fine sample of grain is shown in the bank that was from this year's crop. There were 650 bushels raised from 17 acres of land, which went 38 bushels to the acre. The grain was raised on the land of Richard Schoen born, nf Mullno, and Is attracting no little attention by Its quality. Miss Annie Porter was a visitor to Oregon City Tuesday. Mr. Snell went to Oregon City on business Monday. The Artisans had their regular meet ing Wednesday evening, when Dr. Mnnion, of Portland, was present and give a talk on the order. The lodge Is in a flourishing condition, and there are over 100 names on the roll. It hos beon decided to hold the meetings every Wednesday evening. The r. E. church Is to be heated by a furnace, and the apparatus is now being Installed. It is, probable that it will be In readiness for the Sundny service. Tho people of the M. E. church are very progressive, and the pastor, Rev. Weber, who Is now serving his second year hero, Is ono of tho most nctlvo pastors they have had. Mrs. Millard Lee, of Portland, who Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wllllnm Knight, Is confined to the house with n severe attack of tonsfi-l Ills, and Ib much Improved at present. Mr. Lee Is also visiting at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Knight. The Ladles' Aid Society of the M. E. church met at the home of Mrs. Weber Wednesday. Miss Smith, daughter of R. B. Smith, has arrived In Canby, and Is visiting here for a few weeks. The residence of Mr. Chase Is nearly completed and Is a very neat struc ture. Miss Samson's cottage Is one of Canby'a attractive dwellings that have gone up within the past few months. The work on the handsome bunga low of Mr. and Mrs. L D. Walker la well undor way, and the work la being pushed as rapidly aa possible. This will be one of the most attractive homes In the county, and attracts the attention of the visitors to Canby. It is In a most desirable location. Arthur Williams, of Portland, was In Canby Wednesday, representing the L. C. Smith Typewriter company. Dur ing his stay In this city he visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Graham. Rev. William Weber went to Salem Tuesday where he Is taking a course in the Kimball Theological Seminary, and will return Friday. Mr. Weber expects to go to Salem each week, re turning here Friday. The prayer meet ings on Thursday evenings are held as usual, with Mrs. Weber In charge. Grandma Knight Is still confined to her home by Illness. The W. C. T. U. held Its regular mooting Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. F. Doyoe. It was Intended to have the report of the W. C. T. U. convention recently held In Portland, but on account of other business brought up for discussion and the late ness of the hour. It was decided to postpone the subject until this week's meeting, which will be held on Fri day at the home of Mrs. Weber. At the meeting of Inst week It was decid ed to hold the meetings of the Loyal Temperance Legion every Sunday af- Don't Hitch Your Horses ,1 Rain (The Rest Next Week) ternoon at the M. E. church at 3 o'clock. There were about 35 present. The subject for next Sunday's service will be from the regular temperance manunl: "The volume of alcohol, Its nature and evils." The entertainment given by the Tennessee Jubilee Singers under the auspices of the M. E. church Monday evening at the city hall was well at tended. The door receipts amounted to $55, but the people of the church only received 20 per cent, of the pro ceeds, and had to pay the expenses out of that amount. W. S. Williams, who has been con ducting a confectionery store In Can by, has closed out his business, and gone to Macksburg. William Kendall has gone Into part nership with Mr. Allen in the meat business, and the firm is now known as Allen & Kendall. Mrs. William Cantwell, who resldea near town, was surprised Wednesday morning to hear a brood of young chickens chirping beneath the house, and upon Investigation found that one of her best hens had stolen a nest and hatched a brood of Barred Plymouth Rocks. This Is unusually late for spring chickens to come out, and they wore commencing to feel the effects of the cold morning, but they are safe ly housed now, where the cold weath er will have, no effect on them what ever. Services will be held at the M. E. church on Sunday as follows: Sunday school 10 o'clock; morning service, 10:30; League, 7 o'clock; evening ser vice, 7:30. The topic for the evening services will be "The Prodigal Son." This Is a third of a series of sermons that are being delivered by the pastor. Orders for second and first grade potatoes are coming In at a rapid rate at the commission house of W. H. Balr. The farmers are holding their potatoes too high to meet the compe tition of the California River stock. Mr. Bair has been shipping some large orders. The prices being paid are from 60 cents to 90 cents per hundred, acordlng to the grade of the potatoes. The commission men are working for the Interest of a better market. Dur ing the week, so far, Mr. Balr has re ceived several carloads of potatoes. Mr. Balr does not look for any change in the prices of potatoes until the first of the year. While the price is good at present, there will not be much change as long as the California River stock holds out Charles Riley McCalley will give an entertainment at the hall in Canby on Monday evening, November 2, un der the auspices of the Canby Band. Mr. Aicialley is a man of two talents, the characteristic violinist and inter preter of James Whltcomb Riley's droll poems. An exact programme cannot be formulated at this date, but the numbers embrace many fine se lections. Mr. McCalley, who is an ex cellent violin soloist, will give several numbers. This is promised to a first class entertainment, and the band of this place should feel greatly flattered in securing Mr. McCalley for the entertainment BARLOW. The Evangelical Lutheran synod, of this place, held a three days' meet ing In their church Tuesday, Wednes day and Thursday of last week.. Rev. D. C. Fos8, president of the Pacific dis trict, of Everett, Wash., delivered the dedication sermon. Rev. O. Hajoes, of Portland, delivered the invocation. Rev. A. D. White, of Silverton, the presiding minister, had charge of the meeting. Subjects for discussion: "Why should a person take commun ion?" and "Why they should belong to a church." Rev. T. P. Neste, of Astoria, acted as secretary. Represen tatives: Mr. Torgorson and Mr. Steen of Silverton. Mr. Berg of Portland and Mr. Pederson of Oak Grove. Other visitors: Mr. Larson and wife, Mr. Tinglestad and wife, Mr. Jensen and wife, Mr. Evans and wife. Mrs. Berg, Mrs. Steen, Mrs. White and children, all of Silverton; Mrs. Hauke and Mrs. Syvertson, of Astoria. A baptismal fount was presented to the church by the Ladies' Aid of Sil verton. The Ladles' Aid met with Mrs. S. E. Erickson Wednesday. Miss M. S. Barlow Is visiting with friends and relatives in Barlow. John Ogle has returned homo from Eastern Oregon. S. B. Berg is very sick with pneu monia. Mrs. Dora Wurfel and daughter Irene, were visiting relatives in Port land Sunday. Our council has granted Mr. Evan- son a license for a saloon. Two sa loons and one store speaks well for Barlow, doesn't It! W. B Tull has a gang of men at work loading ties for The Denver & Rio Grande R. R. at Salt Lake. C. G. Tull Is a weekly visitor to Portland. I wonder why? Mrs. O. W. Quint is still suffering with inflammatory rheumatism. Mrs. M. W. Sheppard and daughter Bessie have purchased the Perkins property and will locate In Barlow. Mrs. Landsverk and son Clarence went to Oregon City Friday and again Monday, where she is having Clarence treated by a doctor. OAHTOniA. Basil tl Bifutu f Tai m In Km HJwirt togM f" uu im ws Minn H. P. Eastham, of Central Point. H. P. Eastham died Wednesday night at Good Samaritan Hospital la Portland after an illness of two weeks. He was a resident of Central Point. near New Era, where he leaves a fam ily and his age was 75 years. Mr. Eastman was one of the first railroad engineers to enter the employ of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Com pany, and retired only a short time ago. The funeral will be held this afternoon from the Baptist church of this city, Rev. John M. Linden, offi ciating. Interment In Mountain View cemetery. For Sate or Trade 10 acres Clackamas Heights house, barn, 4 acres clear $2250 125 acres at Logan house, barn, 15 acres clear, rich soil $3750 Lots 1, 2, 7, and 8, block 114, Oregon City $1500 2 acres at Rothe, O. W. P. car line J $1250 Sugar pine timber claim NW i-4 Sec. 8, T. 3 N. R. 9 W. M. D. M., Califor nia $2500 Part of lots 1 and 2, block 122, Ore gon City $2.50 Also Private money to loan. JOHN W.iLODER, Owner, Attorney at Law, Oregon City, Oregon.