Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1908)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1908. NEWS OF THE COUNTY CLARKES. There wai tramp In darken last wor-k and ho wont to Colton anil alopt otif night In Mr. Bower' barn. William Mui'llor ha sold a span of hnrKP to Mr. Undau. ('apt. Branson oM hi 10 aero of land to Albert Durst for 11.000, and li'ft for Nebraska last, Saturday for hi future home. Mr. and Mr. Derlnroeh left last week for Portland. Henry Klelnamlth and hi mother went to town Sunday for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Will Marshall speut Sunday with hi parent. Miss Emma Klelnsmlth and her mother spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Ijpo. We have plenty of rain now ami It Is cold enoiiKh to snow. The snow Is not far off. The hills are covered with It. We ought to have nice wea ther again for some farmers want to dig their potatoes. We had a hard frost last Saturday night and In the morning we had toe In some place. Dave .Miller sold a fresh cow to Mr. Berreth, from Portland, last week. Sam Elmer sold a cow to Mr. Ber reth last week. Albert Durst has moved some of h!a things to his new home, where he Intends to batch this winter. Alex. Schermble chopped grain for F. Nichols last week. COLTON. , After the long spell of dry 'weaker we are having quite a heavy ajower. Carl Stromgreen supplied the neigh bors with fresh beef laai week. Henry Fisher hau ed . load of fence posts to Oregon City for J. Got bett last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gorbett were vi5"'ors at Oregon City lest wee!;. Mr. Swanson has nearl. complete? his new house, Mrs. Wallstead and sou, of Cttcago came to Colton last w.njk. J. PuU and J. Countrvm.ia are Im proving the Colton scaool yard by putting new fence around It, which is ntarly completed. J. Countryman took a trip to Ore gon City, accompanied by Miss E. Applegate last Saturday. Mrs. Kiefer and children, who had been visiting here, rcAUiiiei to St John last Saturday. H. S. Dlx. one of the first settlors of Colton, died at his hoics last Thuis day. Mr. Dlx was a ufferer for ir-e last four months.but ".. always up and able to be around till all of a sud den he got worse Thursday morning at 9:30, when death revised him of all his sufferings. Mr. Dix is survived by his wife and seven children, five sons and two daugaUrs, thirteeu grandchildren and one great grand child. The funeral was held Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Ho was bur led at the Dlx cemetery near his home, the service being conducted by B. Henderson of Elwood. BEAVER CREEK. The rain has come at last. Just what the farmers want Staben Bros, had their farm sur veyed last week. Born To the wife of J. Babcock, a nine-pound girl. Mother and child do ing well. Mrs. Minna Smith was home for a week's vacation. Misses Blowden Thomas and Kate Snodgrass and Sarah Pary called on Misses Anna and Emma Grossmlller last Sunday. Able Thomas and his three hired men passed through our burg Friday with a large band of cattle. There was a basket social at the Beaver Creek hall Thursday night and all Joined In having a good time, Mr. Spless, of Viola, was among them. Miss Lizzie Parry, who has been visiting her folks, will return to Mansfield the last of the month. Miss Tressla Staben has gone to Portland to live. A few of the Beaver Creek grang ers attended Pomona at Clarkes last Wednesday. CLEAR CREEK. Born To Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes, a 13 1-2 pound boy, October lGth. . The new school house at Remand is all ready for the masons. H. D. Weiderhausern has bought the Moshier farm and has moved on to it A. Washburn hurt his haad, while helping unload an engine at Clear Creek saw mill. Miss Johnston, teacher at Redland school No. 75. was sick one day last j week. j A 9-1 Ij. girl arrived at Frank Gru-! el's house Monday, October 19. Red-j land will soon have to build another school house. John Amos and Ida Henspe were married at Oregon City Sunday. astray, and found It hud a silver band on Its leg, marked C. A. M. 19. It would bo interesting to know where it came irom. Th.i mtim.t U so wet thfkt OOtlltO diggers are laid by and the old forks are In use again. NEEDY. The Fall rain has come and every body Is busy fanning. Percy Rltter is slowly improving. There was a large crowd at the Needy dance. Mr. Thompson and Mr. Stewe kill ed five wild geese one day last week. Several of the young people attend ed the Aurora dance Saturday night. Hurry tlarret,t was sick last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Elliott, U Kish and W. Elliott attended the dance. Miss Alice Rlttor is away teaching school. There was a large crowd t Mngon lgal's salf Saturday. Mrs. A. W. Thompson and son and Mrs. A. W. Elliott were vlsitlug in Portland last week. Simon Yoder expects to start East soon to visit his parents. LOGAN. An important part of the report of I the grange fair was omitted by mis take. Mrs. B. Corliss took first prize for prettiest baby, a set of knives and forks, an.i Mrs. Fred Anderson sec ond, a mug. A. J. Johnston has replaced his rail fence with a neat and substantial wire Mice, which adds much to the at tractiveness of his place. ' Oliver Gerber shot a strange pigeon which he feared would lead- bis own When making out your list of ne cessities, be sure you do not overlook MACARONI AND CHEESE If the best quality at the lov est price is all you want you will be able to find It here. You are welcome to look, even if you do not wish to buy. Harris' Grocery 8th and Main Streets MOUNTAIN VIEW. New sidewalks are being built in this burg. J. M. Olllett and J. F. Francis are bui'.ding an addition to A. K. Frost's bungalow. Frank Willis and family have moved Into Grandma Kay's house. Mr. Fisher drove out to Milk Creek Sunday and returned Tuesoay with a planer which is to be kept as an old idle. Mr. and Mrs. Prlndle of Ninth, and Polk streets were visitors at the Mountain View I'nion Suuday School last Sunday. They also ;ailed on Mrs. Gottberg, who is quite poorly of late. Al. and Will Jones, of Eldorado, were doing business in this burg last Monday. Mr. Keller, of Dodge, waa a caller In this burg Monday. Mrs. O. P. Kellogg is on tae slcl; list. Mrs. Edwards and daughter, of Falls View, was visiting her daughter, Mrs. Newman, last Sunday. The Mountain View church is go ing to be reshingled this week, if the weather is favorable. Mr. Borbett Is on the sick list. Mr. Woods and family, who rented Mr. Lock's house, have moved to Cor vallls. on a ranch. Gaylord Godfrey Is able to be up again, after his serious attack of ty phoid fever. Mrs. Minnie Ward, of Washington, was visiting her brother, Bert Mel lien, last Sunday. Mrs. A. E. Seeley went to Tacoma Sunday to spend a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Carrie Harper. Mrs. Kirby, son and two daughters, were guests of Mrs. Glllett last Wednesday. Mrs. McArthur, of San Francisco, was visiting her aunt, Mrs. Lewellyn, last week. Mr. Hammond, of Main street, was calling In this burg one day last week. STONE. This Is the 21st of October, 1908, and a Jack Frost on hand, and been raining for two weeks, often both day and night Most of our people have been as busy as a bee in a tar bucket with six legs fast trying to get out of the tar. Yes, one of the outfit Miereabcuts has gone up to the mountainj for a week to hustle in the snow after game such a3 what we call venison. William Mnmoower and sons have hwn rnrtinir hrush and burning logs and brush this week on the Hayes land near the Clear free nringe. u Irwilrs like there was eolne to be some thing doing with improving this patch of land and there Das neen more au tomobiles stop In this patch of Hayes land to rest this season than ever res'-ed in one summer since we lived here. U'tien tha pT-1nrl?p eetn UD a fine mansion and a horsemobile there may be more surprising events to pen Dy the scribe. The flreeon Indians went a fishing last week below the Clackamas hatcn erv.VThey claimed they caught a heap of' risk Frink Hatton was plowing in the dust before the rains with a disk and had four big horses on the disk. Frank rode to weigh the disk down. If every farmer would disk his land, when it wa3 dry and hard and plant his crops In the dry land they might gnt more bushels of grain to the acre. Stone school has two teachers this vf-ar and part of a new school house, and there has been a new residence house and that makes one and one half of a new house and one half of one. Oh my! how we do increase! Evangelist Sewall will preach here at Stone at eleven o'clock on the 2-jth of October, being the first day of the week. Th riamaann nwmlp will be Over and the Bible reading will commence promptly at ten o ciock. All peopie are invited to attend. CLARKES. Capt. C. O. Branson and wife sold their home to Albert Durst. Capt. C. O. Branson and wife left on Monday, October 19, for Lexing ton, Neb. Our new pastor of Clarkes ha3 failed to appear. Bert Shepperd and family went to Mullno Sunday to visit some friends. Mrs. Force and daughter will re turn to their home In Portland. Frank Blttner of Oregon City vis it"d friends Sunday. Every one seemed to have a pleas ant time at the young people's sock social. MARQUAM. The basket social given at the pa vilion last Saturday night was a great success, the proceeds being $."iC. Credit is largely due to the excel lent work of the auctioneer, Mr. Char lie Blrtchet The Marquam school, both teachers and scholars, extend their thanks to all who assisted in any way toward the success of the social. Estncada and Eastern Clackamas ESTACADA. A party of 30 Kstaoadan chartered a special car to attend "The Girl of the Golden West" at a Portland thea ter, leaving Kstncada and arriving In Portland in time for dinner at the Portland, and leaving for Kstncada following the after-theatre luncheon. It Is hoped to make the atTalr a month ly feature In Kstaeada social life. Those in the party were: Mr. and Mrs. Womer, Mr. and Mrs. Adlx. Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Boswell; Mlsse Ada A. Gerber, Mabel Judd, Margaret Brecht, Stella Womer, Maud Stur geon, Mary Pale. May Scott. Rosa Pat terson, Atta Saver, and Helen Barry; Messrs. Roy Woodward, Oilier Groff. Civil Sohock. Ed Boner. A. N. John son, Harry Eckles. Clyde Schock, Clyde Havens, Roy Marrow. Gtis. Rlx, Warren Barr and George Shultx. The dance given by Shrimp and Carle proved a great success and all report having a fine time. Mr. and Mrs. William Pale, who have been visiting their daughter. Mrs. Vlda Stubbn, wife of the piincl mil of the Knuikton High School, for a week, returned Monday. Whlh there they also attended the apple show. H. V. Doe of the Haielwood Cream ery left Sunday for Salem, where he Intends, to go Into the grocery busi ness. . The Rebekahs held a special meet ing Wednesday evening. October 21. They are preparing for the Plstrlct Convention, which will be held in Es tacada, November 11. Arthur Herman, of Corvallls, spent Sunday and Monday with friends here. William Delap. who ha len in Salem for the past two month re turned Tuesday. Mr. Delap is a con tractor and has been erectlug some largo buildings In that place. George Townsend. who has been helping Agent Kelly in the O. W. P. depot, has taken Ed Hogan place as clerk In A. E. Spark's general mer chandise store. Mr. Hogan left for Portland Sunday. J. R. Wilson returned last Satur day from Portland, having sold hi interests there. He Is now a man ot leisure. John Zobrlst and Tom Jonea were In Pnmim last week. Mrs. Al and Mr. Fred Close, who have been visiting ith Mrs. bred Close' parent, returned home Mon day. William Kaake and wife spent Sun day and Monday in Portland. Henry Boese has moved Into Esta cada and is occupying the Bloom property. Joseph Taylor, of Eugene, visited with George Estes and L. E. Belflls last week. Mrs. GUI spent last week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dale. The Methodist Congregation have decided to finish their parsonage. The foundation was built when the church was constructed, but nothing more has been done with It. When It is com pleted. It is estimated it will have cost between $1200 and IU00. This will add another fine building to the town. It is reported that the you. j ladles of the surrounding country have or ganized a matrimonial club and are sending out circulars and price lists. The prices range from $lfi.50 to $27.00. We wish the ladles much success in their new undertaking. A meeting was held at the home of Rev. H. W. Kuhlman Saturday even ing In the interest of the Epworth League. Owing to other attractions In the town few attended the meeting. A social meeting is being planned for Kwo weeks hence. The trial of the case of the Mount Hood Brewing Co. vs. Josl & Wilson was held in the Estacada Bank build ing. F. M. Gill, Justice of the Peace, presiding. The brewing company was represented by George J. Perkins, of the firm of Piatt & Piatt, and P. R. Wilson, defendant, was represented by George C. Brownell. who was 111. Arthur Lelhmmer, cashier of the brewing company, testified in behalf of his company that he was Instruct ed by Mr. Plass to charge the rent of the building to Mr. Wilson. Three months' rent at $12.50 per month was claimed by the company. J. R. Wil son was called by the defense. Ho testified that G. Plass, while vice president of the company told him that he might store his goods and cnlruin fixtures In the building without charge. He had boxed up his goods on June 2. He testltled lurtner tnai the hrewine eomnany had never asked him to pay any rent and that the first intimation he had or its intention 10 charge was the attachment of his good's. He presented a statement In writing signed by Plass In which Plass stated that he had granted per mlwion to him to store his goods n-ithmit rharire. Judge Gill found In favor. of the defendant, J. R. Wilson, and adjudged to him recovery of the costs and disbursements of the case. th DODGE. Mr. Myers has got his new engine i and commenced sawing Monday mrnlng. It is a 35-horse power. Thn rmrlee wiflal fiaturdav evening as a success. The chief features of e evening were mnslc by Miss fctnei Keller and Fred Horner; recitations by Mabel Francis and Mrs. Roley. Mrs. t-ydia Park and daughter, Mrs. Eva Maplethorpe and family are ex pected home this week. The Solcalist3 will have a meeting In the Dodge school house, Saturday evening, October 24. There was a dance at Mr. Paulson's lout Wnrlnenrtav evening. Every one that attended reported a fine time. You take Kodol Just for a little while when you have slight attackB j of Indigestion and you take It Just a little longer In order to get relief i from severe attacks of Indigestion or ' Nervous Dyspepsia. Try Kodol today. ! Sold by Howell & Jones. 1 IT 13 A PERFECT FIT THAT WE GIVE YOU That is the reputation we maintain. William McLarty Tailor i ANDRESEN BUILDING ' Second Floor Suspension Bridge Cor. There will be another dimco next Fri day evening at Mr. Ponlson's, Matt Pilible, of Khvood, bought a nice pony of Mr. II. Cromer, of Spring-water. EAGLE CREEK. Will Douglass has been very busy drying prunes the past week. Miss Meda Murphy suddenly recov ered from her Illness, and was able to attend school a part of last week. Pick Gibson and his father nmdo business trip to Kstncada last Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Hal. Gibson, of Bar ton, were the guests of Mr. and Mr. Wesley Douglas, Sunday. Ed mid Ulna Douglas went to Fir wood Sunday and visited with their sister, Mr. Mertle PeShaser. Mis Cnnio Kills, who held service at the school house during last week, returned to Portland. Monday. The services were not very well attended on noount of the stormy weather. On Sunday evening there was one who professed conversion. Will, Roy and Elmer Douglas start ed on hunting trip Tuesday. They are going out near the Toll gate, and expect to be gone nbout a week. STAFFORD. Since Inst week when the Kail rain btgan. and we got four Inches of water, we have had sunshine and April showers. A few potatoes havo beeu dug, and some laud Is being plowed. A fellow going west stopped kt Mr. Nussbaum's last week and asked for a hand-out. She gave him something In a paper sack and he trudged on happy, apparently, eating hi sack of good thing he had not helped to earn. Hens are beginning to feel happy again In their new dress donned for the Winter and talk and sing all day. and as human bipeds are now looking for an increase of egg ami corres ponding lowering of prices. Mr. Powell has been boarding the teachers for the past week. Grace and Ijrle Toedemau do the janitor work for the school. We hear that Henry Toedetneler of the Hayne place, has gone out of the hutched business for the present. Mrs, Nlmlc and Mis Beckman went to town on Saturday. Charlie Pollvka wa out from town Sunday to see his family who are staying a few weeks with her mother, Mr. Welsenborn. Mrs. O. T. Hatton went to St. Helens Tuesday to visit ber brother. J. Q. Gage and family. Some grapes are being marketed, but they are not up to the average ow ing to the freeze we had In Septem ber. Mrs. Barbara Moser-Friedrlrks, late of Stafford. Is the happy mother of a brand new son. which arrived October U "The bairn that is born ou the Sabba day. will be wise and bonny, good and gay." DeWitfs Little Early Risers, the famous little liver pills. Sold by Howell & Jones. Letter List. List of unclaimed letter at the Oregon City post office for week end ing October 23: Woman' list Miller, Halllo (2); McDonald. Mr. J. H. (2): Walker. Miss Vernll; Woodward, Mrs. James. Men's list Davis. W. F.; Lange, A. P.; Peatorson, Henry; Rogera. J. W. (2); Smeat, John. COFFEE Good grocers like Schil ling's Best, for it makes good-will and not trouble ; in case of complaint, the money is ready. Your grocer returns your money II yon doo'l Uk it: pay hin. Mil Gardner I 8afe. ccisirw n, not 9 (Editor Ore- on City Enterprise.) It was reported that my daughter, w inogene i.iir.iiM r, disappeared from home October 10. I wish to say that she Is with friends In Portland and has been nil the while. Please publish the fact In the next Issue of your paper. N. G. GARDNER. SIMPLE MIXTURE SAID TO RELIEVE VICTIMS MIX THIS SIMPLE, HELPFUL RE CIPE AT HOME AND TRY IT, ANYWAY. Get from any prescription phnrma It thp tVillowIri!? Vlnid Extract Dandelion, one-half unripe- Pomnoiind Gargon. one ounce; Compound Syrup of sarsaparuia, mree ounces. Hhalie well in a bottle and take a tcaspoonful dose after each meal and at tiarl t nip The above Is considered as the most certain prescription ever written to relieve Backache, Kidney Trouble, Weak Bladder and all forms of Urin ary difficulties. This mixture acts promptly on the ellmlnatlve tissues nf the Kirlnevs. enabling them to fil ter and strain the uric acid and other waste matter from the blood wnicn rnnur.a TlrwHimntlHm. Some persons who suffer with the afflictions may not reel inclined 10 place much confidence in mis simpie mWtnre vpt those who have tried it say the results are simply surpris ing the relief being effected without the slightest injury to the stomach or other organs. Mix some and give it a trial, it Is the prescription of an eminent au thority, whose entire reputation, it is said, was established by It. A druggist here at home, wnen bhk ed, stated that he could either sup ply the ingredients or mix the pro scription for our readers, also recom mends It as tiarmloss. ' WHY NOT TRY Popham's ASTHMA REMEDY Gives Prompt and positive relief In every case. Sold by druggists. Trial package by mall 10 rent. William Mfg. Co., Prop., Cleveland, 0 For sale by Huntiey mos. uo. Don't Hitch Your Horses in the Rain (The Rest Next Week) A BUSINESS PROPOSITION By W. A. HOLMES, Prop. Parkplace Cash Store YOU EXCHANGE YOUR LABOR rOR THE LARGEST AMOUNT OF MONEY YOU CAN GET, NOW THE E8SENCE IS TO GET ALL THE MONEY YOU CAN. THEN YOU EXCHANGE AS LITTLE MONEY AS YOU CAN. FOR AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE OF THE NECESSITIES OF LIFE (AND SOME LUXURIES OF COURSE). NOW THE ESSENCE OF THIS IS TO KEEP ALL THE MONEY YOU CAN. NOW. IF YOU ARE IN DEBT HOW MUCH CAN YOU KEEPf DEDT HAS DRIVEN MANY A GOOD MAN TO DRINK, TO SUICIDE, TO CRIME, AND ALL THAT IS BAD, AL80 IT KEEPS THE YOUNG MAN FROM MAKING A HOME FOR HIMSELF. THEREFORE HE DOES NOT MARRY. AND HUNDREDS OF GIRLS MUST SEEK EMPLOYMENT TO SUPPORT THEMSELVES ALL BECAUSE OP DEBT. DON'T THINK IT IS ALL RIGHT TO GO INTO DEBT, FOR IT IS ALL WRONG. ASK YOURSELF THIS QUESTION: HOW MUCH ARE WE (THIS GENERATION) PAY ING FOR INTEREST ON DEBTS AND DEBTS THEMSELVES THAT WAS MADE BY THE GENERATION BEFORE US, IS THAT RIGHTT MUST WE SPEND OUR LIVES PAYING R. R. BONDS, SCHOOL BONDS, COUN TY BONDS AND INTEREST ON ALL SORTS OF DEBTS, AND IF WE GO INTO DEBT THE NEXT GENERATION WILL HAVE TO EARN MONEY TO PAY THEM. WHEN AND WHERE WILL IT STOPf YOU CAN GET MORE FOR VOUR MONEY AT THE CASH STORE THAN IS POSSIBLE AT A CREDIT 8TORE. BY BUYING FOR CASH DOWN I CAN TAKE DISCOUNTS AND CATCH SPECIALS AND BARGAINS. THEREBY GIVING SPECIALS AND BARGAINS. I TRIED FOR NEARLY EIGHT YEARS THE CREDIT SYSTEM AND WA8 SUCCESSFUL ENOUGH THAT MY CREDITORS DID NOT 8EN0 THE 8HERIFF TO CLOSE ME OUT. I FIGURED THAT LIFE WAS WORTH TOO MUCH TO ME, Tq SPEND IT PAYING DEBTS AND IF I COULD NOT RUN A STORE WITH OUT PUTTING IN ALL MY TIME EITHER KEEPINO BOOKS OR SEE ING WHO I COULD GET TO WAIT A LITTLE LONGER ON SOMe DEBT. OR MAKING THE EXCU8E THAT "COLLECTIONS WERE SLOW," THAT I WOULD SELL OUT AND QUIT. BUT I FOUND THE CASH PLAN A SUCCESS. TRY THE CASH PLAN AND YOU WILL NEVER BE SORRY. TEACH THE CASH PLAN TO THE CHILDREN. TEACH THEM TO EARN THEIR MONEY BEFORE THEY SPEND IT. IT IS SAID THAT "MARSHALL FIELD ALWAYS PAID CASH FOR EVERYTHING HE EVER BOUGHT." AND HE MADE MILLIONS BY IT, AND HIS HEIRS HAD NO DEBTS TO PAY. TRY IT AND YOU WILL SOON BE A FREE MAN. IF YOU WERE NOT IN DEBT NOW YOU COULD SOON HAVE A BANK ACCOUNT. GOODWEAR SCHOOL SHOES 'Ml T M .1 1 sail the c 1.1 peas ana the Ocean Wue, and Til' 1 1 Dclievc as only- wise Boys and Girls do, I buy only the best, tbc ' "Goodwcar School Shoe. They wear, they Fit and they are made of solid. leather Sixi PtcitJ in Sufir Cmrtom SMITH-WALLACE SHOB CO.-M4V.n1 CirntJ m Sloti ml Parkplace i Loci for TrJf9ftrl 5i f L f Wherever Wheels Turn ELECTRIC MOTORS ARE NEEDED No Matter What They Drive Or Where They Are A Saving in Power--A Reduction in Expense An Increase in OatputAn Improvement in Product Some very decided improvement always results when Electric Motors turn the wheels. THESE BENEFITS ARE ESPECIALLY VALUABLE TO Bakers Blacksmiths Bottlers , Butchers Confectioners Contractors Dentists Dressmakers Grocers Launderes Housekeepers Jewelers Machinists Printers Woodworkers ANYONE USING POWER CAN PROFIT BY CONSULTING Portland Railway Light & Power Company C.G. MILLER, AGENT OREGON CITY, OREGON