Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1908)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JULY 3, VJ08. WOMAN'S COLUMN EDITED BY OREGON CITY WOMAN'S CLUB. I Report of the President, Mary B. URen. To (he Officers nml Members of the Oregon City Woman's Club: Two new features have been milled to nnr Club work this year, vis: The column In the Enterprise, so success-, fully edited by Mrs. HaniliiR. Mrs. I White and Mrs. Heard, and the do- j nartment work. i S-k 11... ., a , n, I,.,.. 01 HIM llfJHll lamna ina nv o j weekly meetings and has done fine' class work. Each has furnished an excellent programme; the Shakes peare Class doing double duty In this line, giving the club two afternoons. work is a valuable entertainiiiB manner how her club had earned money to start a llhnirv nml ! assist In many improvements In An. rora. Durlni: the social hour. Mrs. 1 Ciammjt sang two selections which were much appreciated. Mrs. I,h Uowo road the "Two Chimneys." In response to hearty applause, she read The .liners," which was fullv jatod. In response to the very urgent ment of our community. It would more request of the Club, Mrs, U Uowo than double Us membership and use-itave the sleep walking scene from fulness in the coming year. "Macbeth" and Tortia's speech from There Is already enough social or-, "u' "Merchant ot Venice," hi a very sanitations In town. Nearly every beautiful manner. Two guesslni; con- one has all they have time for In that i tests, Roses, and a very amusing I line, but most any women could spare f I'lay on members' names were much a nine more lime to neiong io an or-. vrjujeu. rue iuck.v ones wno were ganb.ation that does things. j the best guessors were Mrs. Hayes and Let us commence next year with a Miss l'ratt. This will close the club held I purpose agree at the beginning up-1 meeting until the first of October. on some line of work which seems to I us worth while and at the same time practicable and then bend our efforts I to its aconiplishment, taking for our motto, "This one thing we do." On behalf of the Club, 1 thank the COMPANY G PLANNING FORTIIE ENCAMPMENT, DOYS LAV ASIDE BLUE UNIFORMS P'OH KHAKI AND PRACTICE RIFLE SHOOTING. l ne nenarinieui urs is a tuiuuuici addition-to any club. It is here that i officers and the- committees who have members of like tastes meet to study, I so well performed their several tasks, read and talk of that subject which Is I This report would not be complete of special interest to them, nut, pleas-1 without special reference to the Cal ant and profitable as this branch of . endar Committee who furnished us the work is, we know it is only an , the excellent program and whose re adjunct and we should not allow it sourceful chairman always rose to the to tax our time and energy to the ex-; emergency when some place in the Calendar required substitution. We tender our grateful apprecia tion to the Secretaries and Treasurer who have so "cheerfully assisted in carrying on the business part of the organization. In the full confidence that we shall unite to make the coming year the best and most useful In the history of our club, this report is respectfully submitted. (Signed) MARY B. UREN tent of crowding out other I'nes of club work or preventing our attend ance at the regular meetings of the club. Before passing, from this subject, allow me to call attention to the im portance to the club women of a thorough knowledge of parlamentary law. There is no subject more es sential to her, neither is there any subject about which the average club woman knows so little. We hope next year this will be wade one of our working departments. Our programe during the past year have been a delight. We have been both instructed and entertained. The social side of our club has not been neglected. Twice during the year our doors have been opened wide once to entertain our woman friends, again our husbands and friends. All this have we had and yet in looking back, which one of us feels satisfied with the Club year? From the very beginning this club has had dreams those dreams have been of some useful work accomplish ed. The work is with us. Every mem ber can point to something which she would like ' to see our club do. Then where the lack? Is it that we I club. After the business was con have wanted to do too great things ' eluded, an informal social hour was A case of destitution was reported to the club at the last meting nml the following committee was appointed to Investigate: Mrs. Zuiiiwiilt. .Mrs. Straight, Mrs. Norrls. They reported that they found the family In destitute circumstances and cave material nld In money and kind. Anv one having n'",l"h:l1'1" ?!'".!'' elo.hi I.,... . .... ..,: .... ... ,h seconds. rii.ll "I v.w,..,., me,i i.iraoi in- 111 UU- nate can do so by calling on" any of the committee. There are four child ren, a girl of 13 years, two boys 12 and S years, and a baby, eleven months old. Monday nluhl at t lie Armory the ,--nmt numli'ily In peel Inn nml muster of Cnini'iiny U. Third KcKlmont, Oiewm Na tional (iiiiilil.. nf the yenr. was iiiiiile liv Colonel ('. K. McUoniicll, of the Third lit kIiik iiI. nml Miller John Mays, nf the I'ltsl 1 1; 1 1 n Ihm of the Hilllle rciilmcllt, Wiim present. The hoys have ul aside their Winter linn. mux of lilnc nnd nppenred III their Uhnkl service inilfiii inn. Knell Sunday the eonipuny of rlllo slmi pslionteis ko to l'ollliinil to pnictlee t the Third Infaiiliv inline for the IiIk state shoot, willed will take plai-i" at Sa lem Julv "0. and nt which time the state leatn will he Selected lo ko In Seacht. N. J , III the I'll II. The lucmtieis of the Company tl are; Scrnriint llldy. HctKcunt Lewis. Captain LooiiiIh, SotKcnitt Kuehl. Serjeant Miller, i 'orporal KpiiKle, Muslc ian Vouni;. and Lieutenant l.nmis. Scr KiMiit llldy a few weeks iik made the of live liullsovcs III I'll lire, at "Oil yards. The Ser --2 St ti-0 3 MEDAL FOR COLTON GIRL. The annual meeting of the Woman's Club was held at the residence of Mrs. U'Ren on Friday afternoon. Mrs. Mary M. Charman installed the new officers. The president appointed the following committees: Calendar Committee Mesdames W. A. White, Jennie B. Harding. H. E. Straight; Misses Mary S. Barlow, Cis Barclay Pratt, Myrtle Buchanan. Hostesses at Chautauqua Mes dames Jones, Harding, Charman, Nor rls, Brightbill, Beard, Forsberg, Pope, Rands. Committee to furnish tent Mes dames Norrls, Greenman, Goodfellow. The President read a very interest ing report of the year's work of the and do them quickly? That we have not been content with making a start and hammering away at one thing until we get it? This is a question for each one of us to ask herself. If the Club would take up in ear nest some line of w-ork for the better- enpoyed. Mrs. Nina La Rowe, vice president of the Portland Woman's Club, gave a very interesting talk on club duties. Mrs. Nathan Harris, of the Portland Woman's Club, made a few remarks. Mrs. Saddler, of the Aurora Woman's Club, told in a very Miss In Esther Hult Wins Honors School of Fine Art. Miss Esther Hult, of Colton. Oregon, who has been studying in the St. Louis School of Fine Arts, Nineteenth nnd Locust streets, St. Louis, was ono of the medal students of that Institution this year. Miss Hult received the sec ond highest honor a bronze, mediil for her excellent work In the life sculptor class. Miss Hult Is a seri ous student and possesses a marked talent for her chosen branch of art. The faculty and Board of Control of the School take pride in Miss Hull's ofk aim iook ior ner Turin success, i Last year was Miss Hult's first year in the school when she received a bronze rnettul for her work in the an tique class. Miss Hult has returned to her home In Colton, accompanied by Miss Caro line Risque, of St. Louis, a talented L-eiiMt .was loiinei'ly mi expert kiiiuht at V'oi t Stevens. I'reparatlon.i are already Ixlnit made hv the nlllccn ami men for the annual en campment tit Camp William Clark at American I.ako, Wash., ilmliiu August, and new men are lielnK rapidly enlist ed weekly, who leallae the miiKUlllcetil npporl unity that the eatnp will present for military training and ohsei valloii. ami most all the recruits are ureen hands at the art of snldlorlnit;. Ill the iicInIiIioi hood of It. 0i0 men will he at the camp, composed of ti'Kiilars and Ki Kiilar Army llrsei ves I as the state iiillltla In now termed since the passncc of the lMck hill). Ill anticipation of the very hard work that Is In more for Company !, and wish ing to uphold the ivputnlloti iiiiiile at Camp Kverett hv the eompaiiy lust year, Lieutenant William It. Lokns will hold a sehool at the Armnrv each Thursday ev ening from now until Aumisl :i for the I pnrpuose of hrltiKlUK the men up to the highest posslhlc standard In ha I lie man euvers. Kiianl duty, military courtesy and i Held service, i l-'roni the Interest that Ik helm; taken hy all there In not the least doiiht hut what Company (i will duplicate the show ing riiaite last year. If not exceed It. and I all friend of thp local ornanlisatlon will which I lie -tinny company of the rctel ineul next AiiKUKt. fXpcctliiK to hear of fresh iliouom and praise. New Mortgage Indexes. County Recorder Kamshv and (J. K. Johnson nre hard nt work It aimfct Iiik the direct nnd Indirect inormiiKe Indexes Vininir ceulntni- XTIc rt, ...III I rum l lie niu norms 10 Hie new looHe leal joung sculptor. Mlss Risque will re-LVHI..m ., t. bP i..,.!!,,, )V Mr linmsby. The new bookn are n Ki'eal lin- provement over the former system and main with Miss Hult durlni? the Sum mer when both will return to finish their course In tho Art school. will do much to facilitate the work of the Hi corder olllce. The wisdom of that principle of never Judging the value of anything by Its Ini tial outlay, but by results attained in the long run. What may appear expen sive at first, will In the end prove other wise. It always pays to buy the very best Flavoring Extracts at a fair price. That's what you get here. Burnet's Lemon Extract 25c Burnet's Vanilla Extract 30c Hams' Grocery 8th and Main Streets FISHING TACKLE The place to buy Large Assortment Prices Reasonable C. C. Miller OREGON CITY The Home of Sportsmen Summer School Opens. With l Kriltlfvlllir attendance tho Clackamas County Summer Normal school was opened In the Harclay II mil rv-rnni imiidinu Mnndav mornlriK. Ses- i slons were held dally from ":3n A. M. to' 1 P. M and will end Annum 7. Jut be-1 fore the semi-annual county cxamlnn-1 lions. The followlmr branches' are taticht: 1 T. J. (Jnrv. Instructor. 7:.10 to !l:tal A.I M. School law. theory and nractlce. snell- iiik. reading. Howard Kcclcs. Instructor. 9 to II A. M. Arithmetic, history. civil irovern- ment, nhvsjolocy. L. A. Head. Instructor. 11 A. M. to 1 V. M. Grammar. ireoKrnnhv. llteraturo. physical ccoKraphy. Suit on Promissory Note. V. I'uiman has tiled n suit against ,T. J. Crnfut mid I). M. Klemsen to nrnvrr l'19 !". which Is alh'K' d to he ilne on -i promissory not for Jluo. executid De-cemht-r s. Lad. In favor of Kate Fred erick, trustee, and assigned to ihu plaln tlfT AiiKiist U. l'JUT. i.WriM I" 7 '. "aft 'JlTl" AU'OMOh 3 1'KK C'KNT, AN'ctieliilili-Ph-pnniiloiilIrV simlbiiiiiSilK'ttedanilM lingllicSioiiuicusoiulHtntvIsi Prnraotcsni''fslitmfJiffrful ncss aiuJ IlLst.ConiaIns lu-ttixr iiumi.Mnr)liinc norMimral U 1 IIAKCtJTIC. JtKyrtOtJIkSWtWmm Jtx.Sima AustSiri ytjwwiti" CfmMStipr. hayrtmknn Ancrfi'd Remedv forCbroHn Hon . Sour Stnmach.Dlarrtwa Worms .('ommswus.Fcvrrisli ncss aiul Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Siutmrt uf NEW WRK. 0) ill For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of A Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years IDBO Tot Tu Mat, mtm errr. W. H. NELSON, BlachsmiHi Wagon and Carriage Maker Horse Shoeing A Specialty Opposite Frank Busch hioxb i Oregon City, Oregon Many road to it is not workers nre not satisfied on the sucrcHs. They Krumblc because a pike. Shortcake. Take several ood rich hlscults and rut in two. Line a puddlni; dish with these. I'our over them n nood iiinntlty nf berries crushed with suiiur. I'm In the oven nnd warm sllxlitlv and serve with siinar and cream Into which a little nuttnK bus been Krated. tttrawhenles. iasibeirles or black berries, are line for shortcake prepared In this way. Sct'ley's Host Floftr. Estacada and Eastern Clackamas ESTACADA. iiy - j 1 r i. , v X'n: - If Percheron will moke follows: Sfollson Ggusta the seoson as The bridge over the Clackamas will he open for the fourth even if It i.s nut n.idy to turn over to the county author ities. This will Klve all the people from .SpiiiiRwater and ndjolnlmr country a chance to celebrate in proper style. The vote In the coolest for (iiiddesH of Liberty as announced at the dance last Saturday nik'hi was as follows: Kmma laliliarihis Ml; Certrude .Morrow Jul; f'.uth Dale IM'J. .Mabel Judd .'Ml. The dance was u ureal succckm. About lia couples wound In and out through tin merry mazes of the two steps and waltz. The K.-i;le Creek bas ball team defeat ed Oswego last Sunday on their own trounds. KaKle Creek has an Al record tuts season and will put up a llv match on the Fourth. The programme for the Fourth Is scheduled as follows: Id A. AL, Historic and Civic J'arade; 11 A. M.. Oration by Lewis .M. Head, of l'ortland; 12 to 1 1'. XL. Lunch: 1 1 XL, '-mlle Horse Hace. all purse l.'O; 1:30. 4-mllp I'ony race, all classes, purse Ji:,; 2 I. .M.. liase ball name at the ball mounds, 7th and .Main streets. Katie Creek vs. t'nlon Meat v o purse -:,iij. Ian-yard tool raci; (race track In patki; 2:4o. Ga-vard foot race for boys; :!:). .Vail ilrlvliiK (ontest for ladles; 3:.'!0, obstruction race; 4:00. ladles' foot race; 1:15. lii-pound Shot Put;! f:.n. HlKh Vault; 4:1a. standlnif brMid Jump: o :. pie eathiK cmtest; 0:30. hi(;h jump; ii:DU, running broad Jump. There will also be si-vi-ral match races and (lancing In the I'avlllon, 3 till V p. M., I biginnniK again at S o'clock. A biind conceit will be given at the bandstand in the park by the Kstacada band, from 2 1 to (i P. XI. Mr. PInkley Is very sick with pur.ily- : sis. j Mm. C. Walker "is vlsltlm.' Mrs. I Adix. FIMiermen are making some Cue catch es of rainbow and salmon trout now. Tiie road between Currlnsvllle and Kx tacada Is being graveled. Kupi rvisor Marshall Is putting the road from lOstacada to fiatlield in line shape. Humor has it thai a Bachelor's .Mutual Protective Association Is being formed. The beailiiartrrs will be somewhere in Kstacada and the by-laws are now being diawn up. liul as this is a scent or---.iniaziion It is hard to get. at facts. Tht charter mi mbers arc to be A. X. Jolmson. Howell lii-othcrs. Arehv Vo cmn. .1' sse Stubs. Karl Wilson, the (Jer her boys, ('ary Hrothrrs. Millard Harver. Kd. 1 loner. Shuck Hroth"is, Jack ('ass i dy. Arthur Herman, and the ('Iok Urollicrs. p sr. i ms strange thai one rf the cbirf obji-r-lH r,f the organization will be naitii:;l air In protecting Its members from the wilrs of 'he fairer six when !p'e :o-e so few 111 illcUIIll 'I n d WOII1I II 'n lie.'-. iari.. 'ill" tew toad guide fnnn ('bar Crfck lo '-piingwaler I.s rapidly Hearing enru- pietion. It will be a 4 pi r inii, grade lei a u : ' .-i f itrpnu enif nt ovr lie- nbl lis; : I pull. Supervisor Henderson is (In- I t Mime inr- work. . Supci intendent Fir-Ms. of tie- ). V. I. in hft.-icailii I'liesday inal.lng 11 and given It a tine coat of .- t nt . I Xlr. and .Mrs. C. J. Langdon will upend ' i the 4th with Xlr. and .Mrs. H. ( . Iloswi-ll. , I Xlr. and .Mrs. Will Wilson will Islt at' Itircharrl Home on the Fourth. ) i Arctic Yociirn suffered a painful Injury I while g'-,,,i,,k. (he new road l Iweell his! home and Wagoner's. Through, some I ! mishap the scraper lb w up ami loir. a ! large strip of skin loose mi his shin i bone, making It necessary fur the doc I tor to take several stitclus. I A wedding took place inietly at 2 In'r-lis-k Inst Saturday afti-iiioon at the i . home nf I'.ev. H. K. Stiibbs In this city. I The contracting parlies were Xtlss Delhi j Fun ton and Xlr. T. Haiders. They were accompanied hv .Miss Lizzie Fautoti and III. F. Snider. Xlr. ami Xlrs. Haiders will j reside mi their farm III the (ierman burn district east of Ksiacaila on wbkh .Mr. Harden Is building a new house. I i!. M. Llclilhorn has Dick Klmincl and i Adolph Sagm-r at work on a new build ' Ing 2nx2l. one story, on his lot south of the bakery. Later Xlr. Llclilhorn will I move this building back and put up a 2-story building facing on llroaihvii) . D. C. LATOUKKTTH Prcsldi-tH. V. J. MKYKR. CaHhlnr THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY , OREGON CAPITAL, 50,000.00. Transact a General Banking Buiinett. Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. EACLE CREEK. W'e are again enjoying line weather, nnd this line warm weather will cause the crops and gardens to grow. Xlrs. W, F. Douglass, accompanied by her uncle, John llaiidruh. from Kansas. went to Stevenson the Hist of last week to make her folks a visit. , II. H. (Jlbsoti made a Hying trip lo Port land, . by way of Troutdale. no WcdncH- 1 day hist. Mrs. P.oll Douglass went to Portland 1 I Saturday on her return to her home In : liovd, Wasco County, Her brolhcr-lll- 1 I law, and slHlcr, Xlr. ami Mrs. Walter I Douglass, accompanied her an far ltd ' Portland. Xlr. FJxon. of Dove A passed through ; I Ibis lun g .Monday on Ills way to Kagln , Creek with a load of potatoes. , .Mr. mid .Mrs. Jim De Shazer of Kir-! wood, were the guests nf Xlr. and Xlrs. I ' Walter Douglass, Sunday. ! .Mis. Lydla Woodle returned home; .Monday from near Troiitdalo. where sin- ; bad been unending tin- Advenllsls camp j meeting the past week. ' Tho Kagle Creek nine went to Oswego i . Sunday nnd played it game with the On-! wego team and again were successful In j . w'nnine; the game by a score of 7 to !. Tin- iswego boys won eleven games this, ! season, but In the twelfth were beaten , - I.v I he "Farmer lines." I Next Sunday, July a. K.iglc Creek will lilav With the Ill-gin bnvs. The (Joldell V. M tr am, of Portland. Levi Itivi-rs. of I'urtlnnil. was seen on I In- Klrr-cts nf K.-iglr- ("nek. .Sunday. i ; Pioneer Transfer Express&StorageCo. Furniture, Pianos and Machinery : moved by experienced men :: :: Sand and gravel in any quantity de livered on short notice. Try us once and you will be sure to come again. Office in Postofffce BIdg. ! Phflnn Mln T a vuiv. c iu m. usiutiikc uiu v Careful of Your Property One of he secrets of our sucoess in the Baggage and Transfer Business Safes, Pianos and Furnitue Moving Williams Bros, transfer Co, Phones, Office 1121, Residence 1833 525 Main Street mart Two fancy driving marr-s 5 year; ; old, Btandard bred, for sale reasonable. 0. V. Froy, Milwaukee. t Tticsdays-Loan, Heaty Babler's Wcdu2days-Est2cada, Moirows Bam Thursdays-Viola, W. Watd's Ffidays-Sprmgwatei', C. L.Ba?d's. Terms S 1 0 Single leap; SIS. for sea son; $20. to insure with foaf. Owned by .5 H. M. Mullen. Managed by C. L. Bard, Spi-ing water. n.-il a:-.'ingi'iiienis Iri-ivlit ia to I'tatlaiil. 'i'his I Ihii e round trliv loi- w.iy tecnoti Tlie Khla-a.Ia jf I. lock t. ', in i.'. i;. f-'tu ; !.!'; bona- l.rlsl for the n, w riai line ii:n la tu. i n I, ere and ain is Vow making tally ami is a hoot:t.-r of the cnunti -. Slate Hank sold lot 10 A'lilitlou to t; This lot adjoins I'll'- (oiiF.'ileialion il: Mr. was I Tourlnn Europi on Wheel. I Trafuiii live, a sun of Mr. ami Mrs. 1 ('!:.!! I-H II. live, of this city, who lias ; irt linl."l:-l IiIb !! " t yi-ar an a law Htiul ! 'Ti in f'oliinilil.'i I'nivi rsitv, ,r-w Yolk il'ilv. sailed June U7 for Itol t el il.iui. lo I fpr ml the fiirniner In Kiu'oie-. Willi a i fi ii n I frm Coluuihla l'niver.ty lie will irn on l:is hlcvclu I'D Hie Illiiiie llironuli il!o!li!ii'I arid (terrnnnv to Kwltxerlaml ami I :.ri. ntirt thl-olieh ''lance In Pi.tIm ;rnl Iw.inr a i;n.';Ian(i ami I.ondori. Underwood Standard Typewrites. I-:. I'. Mid II. I-;. Ktulilis have ., av..ii'erl the cort'i'ct for i-rnm-ailnn, Htctc Tank. The huiitlinj.' will I." m v'l.'- i.t'iiti i' outside and i.alntr rl,'i ii'l and oii. d I iiroiiKhout the inter ior. The hid on tnls work wan fL'iT.V".. J-rstucfida will iciiirn ?-.'o to into ,'Uii l.i n ami l';i; to Close I Srol lie I'M for x ci ss t-r n-' s now that tlu-v have had lo their iilacr s of hus'ness. C. WhiCii Id Is hulldin-' n h!.- lc- th shoo in II!oi:! ;i7 of the first addi tion to J'.stnearia. He .- also hillhlln;; a lu-w honie on his live acres in Kstae.-i'Ia Il'h:;.'s. I- '.-K-arla Is ' hltnilntr over fi'i ctalr-s of Urav.hirries r-viiy rjay now. A. .Motrow has nnhd'cd his new pnreh ilflplllll Take time lo erlnd your Jack knife ni.-iiv fnrinc'-s cany awfully dull knlvci In I heir pockets, L. E. BELFILS NOTARY PUBLIC All Kinds of legal papers drawn up. Reason able rates. OFFICE ESTACADA STATE BANK The wonderful speed attained by UNDERWOOD operators is not alone due to the freedom of action and ease of manipulation of the machine. The Visibility, Tabulation, and Durability help mightily to accelerate the speed of the UNDER WOOD operator. Underwood Typewriter Company, Inc. 68 Sixth Street - Portland, Oregon.