Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1908)
OREGON CITY eNTERPlt. FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1908. Milwaukee and Vicinity MILWAUKEE. Tim oiiiioi'it given by llio Milwaukee IIiiihI, Hit n it 1 1 ii y cvi'iiliiK wild u decided miriiinm. 'I'ln-y i-li-unxl iilmiil HO, The or ganisation ilmti'i'vm a urrul ili'iil nf iirnlan. li wn Inimrpuraleil Iti lllliil, wln'11 through tlin KiMHTimlly iif (ho school Mil it hull. Hum win m. cured fur n hull, mill hy Dm ffT.n Im nf Ita mi'iubeta Hi" lut was purfhimeil mi whlrh din hull. linn hIiiii.Ih. mill llii. hiill.lliiK reiniid t'h'il ii ml lii. 'I'll llii'ii'nn, 'l lii' luiud tin m iilwiiyn i.iiinyiil illlrlcnt Inalrucloia, uud lu tiitiitKiil illii'i'lur, II, (I. Hiii i, In n lending iMimh'liiii of I'm I lu ml. Tlm tiii'ltlhiiinhlp In nut H'dtlli'lml In Mllwiiiilinii, a niniihi'r of tlm tui'inhciii M'Xl.lllIK In I (iik Urom. nmt other ihiI nIiIh of Milwaukee's I till 1 1 w, Hi.hi'iillililr Iiiivii burn lii'hl t '-u 1 1 1 n 1 1 y nii li week, ntiil ul t Hi'ii t mo liil.l on Til. niln y n lull I m lit I In. I lint it Hull, Tim illNi'lillnn re united hi a Imiii. I. I Im mihiiiillnmliin nf IIHl'll pelMllllll lli'Mlll'll III till) Illll'lliHlN or I Iik wIiiiIh, Im of viiIiii. In Itaclf, iinl.ln fi.iin I hi. intmliiil kniiwIiilKn which run hl'Dt III' lll'lllllfll III mirh !f liiHlUutlon. Tln Hun ij will mmtlvit any one resident In tlilH vl Inlty who will I iik i' tlm liniililii In ici't lii'ii'KHiiry preliminary knnwlcilK nf any hiinil ItiNtriiiiiKiil. They will Klvd iinnllii'i' concert In I hi. near future, I-'. '. Iliulow, tlm ti'iil i'Mt it iiiiiii, mil. I Iota I, 3, i llll. I 7 uf I. link L'O, ItoherlMOII, to I'i. Jiilnmoii, of Milwaukee, Tlm eon Klderitllnu wim 111. ID. Tlii'Hii loin were owm-d hy Mury Iv Aituina of Hiili'in, l.uli.m report iiiu tu tlm effect Unit Jukn Hhickn will, tirkbiihly, never fully mrovi.r from Ihf Injury lie received wlii'ii struck on the ln'ii.1 hy n Hoiilhurn l'uvlllo cnr ihmr u few weeks iikii. Word linn JiihI been received that Mr. I'iiiiI Kiel died Im Ciillfoiiilii.l Mm. (', C MultliMWN liim n.ihl her I lUTi'N In llii. fuKKwIII tnii't for :000. Mm. 1 1 ;i ' Hliort In on thn l-k Hut. Mm. h. K King, nf I'm tluiid, visited Mm. lr. Iloimcr Hiindiiy. Minn I (mII hi Keck Ih Mh k with tonsllltl. Minn Margaret Hiiilri'N, of 11 Jcumip Street, I'm IIiiihI, wiin nulled In holy wed lin k tu Herbert O, lllinii, lit thn bride's lionm hint Monday livening, A Intgn num ber of filcmlN wcrn pr.Minl. MIkn 8iilrc spent tnoNt nf lnr Klilhoiiil In Milwaukee mill graduated from tlm school Imrn, Mr. Itlmii In mi engineer on oiiu of tlm large rlViT Steamer, Through h'iiiiu mlslnka it number of people were wrongly Inf.iuni'.l that C K, Will" wmil. I Iiiivk a foriiiiil otienlng nf Crystal Lake hint Huri.hiy nii.l quite a crowd Vlnllcd th" ground. Tlm iiroprln tor wiin In no wny rwdy for thm, hut liu wiin ) 1 1 ii 1 to thn oci union nnil muw to It I hut I'Vi'ty oil" hint n Komi Hum, Mr, Wltln linn rirrlvfil ft flno Auxntophonn Unit will pluy thn ln-Nt of thn worlil'N Iniinli' for thn ilmii'H In thn puvlllon. II" Almi iiir(lm". 4,000 inorit hronk trout hiNt ItIiIiiV. Thn Ktoiin.ln urn wnll llitht ii, thn IIhIi hltn w-ll mill fvnrythlng In hi'lnic iloni' Unit ciin Im ilorm for tho pli-nnnrn i'knr'n romfort. Snnloy'ii limit Flour. POR BUILDING MATERIAL Sond, Gravel. Lime, Cement, Drain Tiling, Vitrified Sewer Pipe, Terra Cotto, Chimney Pipe, Land Pl:ster, Etc. Call on J. E. WeUler, or A. H. Dowling at Real Estate Office, Milwaukee. Phone Sel wood W14. HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI AT ANNUAL BANQUET CLACKAMAS GRANGE MEETS WEDNESDAY PEOPLE ARE COMMENDED FOR THE 1 PATRONS ATTBNDINQ POMONA ESTABLISHMENT OP COMPLETE , MUST DRINO BASKETS IF FOUR-YEAR COURSE. THEY WOULD EAT. M.'iilb.'in of tlm ( t'lly HlKll Mrh.xpl Alumni Anmnhillon kiiIIhi i.l in. mini thn I ii 1 1 . i ii t liihli. In Wllliiuii'ttn Hull I " 1 1 1 1 1 nliilit no. I npriil n fi.w hi hi rn III M'lllllll". 'Il . Thin wiin thn u II II i II I ni."llliK uf th" unnorhllloil. (itul thn mi'lll lm uf Ih" rlliNN nf I'.UIH Wnrn W"lrnllHl. Til" ill tl (tin I illRiiom il of it i hoi. " iiimiii nml iIiiiIiik tlm hnniU"t ttm fulluwIiiM Ilium Wei" ri'xiionih'il to: "Tlm Almnul," JlnHiinl V. I.iil.iuiill"; "Thn ('limn nf I'.'iiK," ' l,lii"l (l.ii. I. in. t'hmH pnnlili'iil; "Tlm Alumni In rnlllh'N," Cl.innr" 1,. Kalnn; "Tlm NVw liliirtor." lr. A. I.. )l.-uth.; 'Th" .S'.'W lllith Hrhool," MInn 1 .11111 ii lli'iiiln; "I'nlvi'inlty of Orriion." MlnN Nh'ln IIuhIIiik: "I'nlvi-rnlty of Wnith- IIIKIoll, .Minn lii'ltrilil" Nffxisnr: "'in. Kon AKrhMilnnnl C.ll.iti-," Itnlph Mllln; ' Htnnf.iiiJ I iilvnmliv." I'm I (liiniinic: ".Nuiliml H.'Ii.m.U, Minn l,vn M..I.I111111 "Th" KIinI flimii." Mm. Kuti" llunnukir .M. hiiliin. ri.nlil.nt It. I'. Ijltoliiottn olhrlulnl (in tiHinlmiiHt.'r. Til" nnniinl rl"rtliui r"- mi 1 1. J 11 n follown; Cluri'iii'i. I,. Kuton. titi-nlili'iil ; Ho.l.ililii Hhnw. vj. i'-prrl.l"llt ; U'IiiiiI" Jui'kmiti, m-i'ii'lury ; I'uil M.Kirt;, lr. aur.T Tin. follnwIiiK ri'inliitliiit wun uiiiimI- mnunly n. I. Mil". I "ll"iilv"il. Thnl wi". tlm iuiiiIuth of tlm 1 11. noli CUT 1 1 lull Hrhool AI1111111I An m. lull. hi. hi'iitllly 111. 1. 11 n.. tin. mil. in uf tlm lummy. 'in iin.l thn houril of illrertom ..f Hi IiiiiiI IMntllrl No. HI. for til" "nlllli of 11 4 --iir It lu It n.Ii.miI rniunr, tin. I wn cxi"hn th" I10111' Hint thn full rouin.i will I'Otitlnii" to I." muliiliilliril." Thn Alumni Annorlnlloii wi'iit nn nuiinl iin fnvoilliK tin. niippoll nnil inalnlilinllri' of th" Mimiiniiilli .Vol null, iin thn prln- Ipul lunlltiitlon of Im kln.l In Hi" nlnl". It In prohuhl" that Ihn iinnorliitlon will tmlil n n union 11 1 (iliulHtoiin Turk Julv 1 1. In th" I'Vi'iiliiK. ilurlUK Ih unliiu Ni-nnluii of the Wlllanii'ltn Villi")' t'liiiu titiluu Aitni'iuhly. Encurslon to Cumm SnturdAy. It In V"iy tirolmhl" Unit Nnvi-rnl htm iin, I pi.iipl" will K" l' CiimiiN, W'unli,, to nprliil llii'lr houiili of July in-xt H.itill lny. Th" iHK"n I'My iliun huvn ihnr t"i",l Hi" I'lilitiuil nlriiin.'r (ii'iiiKln Hi;: ton. nml will Inn hi ri;. in t'lly ruily Hiitiuiliiy 111.1111I11K, niiikliiK Ih" plruniiiil trip ilown Urn 1 Hit 1111. 1 JulnltiK with I'llUIIln III th" ('I'll lilllll. ill of III" Khll'lilUN Kouitli. In thi iifh'inoon thi-i" will hi- II himi'liiill Klilnr lii'lw.'rll Ciuiuin nml Ih" liliiyx nml tlirl" will Iin oilmr nllilrtlr npoitn of liil'iinl. Many uf tlm, f n iik who ul" i'ti I IiiihIiidI lr In nuppiut uf th" III ayn liiivi' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 '! tlirlr liit.'li I Inn of K.iliiK on tlm mriirnlon nml many will Ink" tlirlr fanilllrn on tlm trip. Fourth at Wrlght'i Spring!. Kxli'imlvn pifpiinitloiiM urn hclnu mini" fur th" ri lrlii iilliui uf thn uliil'lll of July ill Wrhtht'H H nliiRH Ili'pirM.'iilnllv" W'nllijr A. I 'I mil k, uf UiIm city, him hri'ii Invlli'il to ilnllvi'i' tlm niiitlon. Mr. Dlni tik.wim tlm 1 nil t or hint yrur on the K.uiilli uf July at llrppurr iin.l In u pti'imliiK puhllu npinkrr. Thn nlllrliil llowi r of Urn Alnnkn-Vukiln 1'nrlllr iXioh1Ioii Iiiin hrin (lilllllli'ly Ii'i'li'il. It IN tlm ( iirtiiH I )n Ii llii, n rr whlrh Iti'.iwn prnfiiNrly iiruuiiil H.iiiihI. Tlm iiiiailrrly tnni tlnK of I'ln. kuiniin fuiinty i'oiuunii tiruiiK" will hn Imhl Wml', July h, ut 'iNrkntuiiN. I'mh-r mi iiKri-rUK'lit 11111. 1" lit th" April inirllnit. Urn nnti'i liilnltiK Ktn UK" will provhl" Ih" hall nml Ih" rnfTrn, wlilln Urn vlnltluK UiiiiiK"iN will pinvlil" lliilr own rnllil.n. nml nil Ihon" Htti'iiilliiR urn rxprrlr.l to hrliiK writ llllr.l luinki'tN. AliloiiK niniurn of llitrnnt Hint will l at thn rnmliiK mri'llliK will lw Ih" n pin t of thn I'omtnlltnn nn rinoliitloiin, to whlrh wim li'fi'irc.l lit th" lunl inni'tliiK a ri-Holutlon fat'orliiK III" P'Kiilutlou uf will rr iIkIiIh In thlN ntatn. Hoinn of tlm (IruriK.TN run I. ml thai Hi" wutor pow.T uf liri'Kon In Ih'Iuk Klvrn away to ruipuratloiiN nml that luiirllif nhoiihl Im nloppr.l. nnil 11 Ntrlnni'iit low tini ti-il ri'Kulallnif tlm tak ItiK iiml linn of wutnr from (iHK'n nii.'iium. Baptist Church 8ermom. Tho paHlor, John M. IJnden. of tho Flrat HnptlHt Church bolloves that the tit-Mi tlmo to do church work la during tin warm Hummer montliM. and ho ho will he nt his poHt of tluty at every sor vice In tho church, both morning and i'VimiImk. He announce to Ih-kIii tho following two Horlcti of HcrmotiH. A morning hitIch to begin Juno 2S, 1908, on the IluallturieH. Juno :'8 "The P(Kir In Spirit." July 5 "Comfort to the Mourner." July 12 "IJoch Meekness Pay?" July 19 "Hungry and Thirtity for the Right." July 20 "Show Mercy to Receive Mercy." Augiint 2 "The J'uro Only See od." AugtiMt 9 "Tho 1'eacemaker'n Re ward." AugUHt 10 "PerBecuted for Doing Right." Tho evening series entitled: "Lifts In Happy Living" will begin Juno 21, l'.ios, with the following subjects: June 21 "The Ideal Sweetheart or louver." June 28 "The lltrnhnnd You Want nn l the Father He'll Make." July 5 "The Wlfo You Want and the Mother She'll Make." July 12 "Tho Child, God's Gift to Mankind." July 19 "A Happy Home." July 20 "Tho Ideal Citizen." CLACKAMAS RIVER IS : ,IN FEDERAL CHARGE GOVERNMENT WILL DIRECT THE WORK OF PROPAGATION OF 8ALM0N. Oil July 1 the. Clackamas River, Including the Cuzadero hatchery uta tlon, will bo turned over by the state authorities to tho United States Com mlHHloner of Fisheries. The Govern ment has agreed to turn over to the state any eggs It might require. MuNler Fish Warden McAllister has been directed to establish a hatchory at Ilounevllle, If he found conditions sallHfuctory, and tho appointment of J. W. Ilerrlan as superintendent of this proposed hatchery was approved uh follows: IC. C. Urcenman, A.' J. Kprague, J. W. Talbert and Illlss Thorn, Mr. McAllister also reported that I ho hud found It almost Impossible to; visit the different hatcheries as often as he deemed It advisable. He said he had found at such hatcheries as he had vlslied that the ex-Master Fish Warden had not visited thera for the last three or four years, due to the fact that the duties of the office re-1 quired tho greater part of his time.) Mr. McAllister's suggestion that an' Inspector of hatcheries be appointed to visit these stations at leant twice a year was Indorsed. Tho board ap pointed Charles Ilabcock, of Oregon City, to nil that position at a salary of 185 per month. FRANK 8MITH IS HERE. Famous Price Cutter Buys Strelblfl't Meat Market. Frank L. Smith, the meat man, who advertises that ho fights the trusts In Portland, ,hns purchased Strelhlg's , Market on tho comer of Oth and Main' streets. I). F. Davis, tho manager oL, this branch, took chargo Thursday morning. Tho meat market will be run on a strictly cash basis and the prices will bo those found In Smith's Portland market. All tho meat will be prepared for tho trade in, the Port- land slaughter house. Mr. Smith will buy all of the farm ers supplies that have to do with this kind of business, at the Oregon City , Market, except beef and mutton. I Mr. Strelblg Intends to go Into the cattle business here In Oregon City, i LOCAL MARKETS. Raspberries On Sale and Demand Ex ceeds Supply. BtantU ftbrutv r WW Rim tpu nan wwt pwftm CniiHtrurtlon work on thn Alnnkn-Vn- kon-l'iirlllr rxponltlon In llfty per cut t'UKi I rnmph'ti'il. Nine InilUllliKH Hie J or imiirluK c.uiiplrt kin, KunpbrrilrN nrn rlprnlng. and on Mon day thn Iiml riiNih"rrl"N of thn uun w.-t" hrouKht Into thn locul markrt, and hi oiiKht u wholrNii In 'price of three twxna for .'5 ci-ntN. but thn demand ' ho Knat that ttmro whn not rnoufth bi-rrlci to nupply thn ilnnund. t Tlm UiKan Imrry crop (will b Inrgnr ttilN year than that of hint, and thorn la always a ready mile for these berries, nml always di-mnml a K'xnl price. v Ttm fnrnimH have mo tear of th nres- i-nt warm -nther c-nnklng; th . nmunil I In whlrh thn oalN anil wheat are. sown, nn the Krnln hn" tnken nn niilllrient Krpwth I no hn to shade thn earth, i 1 Kifira arn niovlnr freely In the markets nml am brlniclntt a wholegalo price of 17H cents jier dnxen. Utiles nrn Nelllnic nt a rnllnB; price; arn mnvltiK well at quotations. Wool In In icood demnnd. Veal and hints are In Rood demnnd and m-llliiK l cum-nt prices. HoKshave itonn from 7 cents lo 7H cents per pound. Chickens have fallen olT considerably In price iturlnif the hint week. inlcd fruit that haslei-n quoted at 8 nml 9 cents per pound Is now nelllnK at the wholesale price of 6 and 7 cents. I-nritn quantities of fruit will be dried throiiKhoiil the country (this year, as the prices paid lor mime iunnT me. winier l- Ihn wholeHiile Minis habe been very NiillMfuctory o mnny of the farmers who In thrill 'l New potatoes are In the market -and are hrliiKlntf a price of lhi cents per pound. Hams and bacon have advanced from IS cents to 19 and 20 centa. On-Kon Chen-lea are In the market, and Uovnl Annea that have been broucht In are Helllmi at S cents per pound for well poinded ones. Hlack cherries nru .some cheaper. (..aiilornln cnntnloupcs are nrevInK In the marketa and are retnlllnir at 10 cents each. The present weather Is Rood for the crops that are to be larne all throughout riuckamas County. Never before were the prospects brl?hter for the farmer Hum II Ih today. The,Praln crop as well iih the fruit crop will be InrRe. and the fruit trees are henvlly Inilen. The recent ralna did nnt Injure the Htrnwberlea to an precepllble extent. ins waa at one time feared, and this week the mnrket la well supplied with berries, selling nt from 75 cents to J1.00 per crate. Mnny of the strawberry plants are tilled with berries vet to ripen, nnd It la preaumed that berrlea will he In the mnrket up lo the middle. Of July. COW FOR SALE Fresh Milch cow, nr will trade fr rood, gentle riding pony. J. W. Meldrum, Mllwaukle, I R. F.'.D. No. 1. GRAND OPENING of CRYSTAL LAKE PARK MILWAUKEE gilpa : ; OREGON JVILIT 4tlv The most comfortable and enjoyable place to celebrate the 4th or to take your family for an outing. 150,000 NICE FAT TROUT are now in the lakes of this park, 8000 of these are waiting for the sport loving fish erman. The balance will be large enough before these are fished out. Fishing out fits furnished without extra charge. A Clean, Wholesome Outing for Men, Women and Children. No charge to enter the grounds. DANCING WITH BEST OF MUSIC No Liquor Served On The Grounds 0. F. Witte the proprietor has done and will do everything in his power to make his guests comfortable at this beautiful place only a short walk from the Milwaukee car shops. ' COME TO CRYSTAL LAKE PARK High Honors at University. Out of a cla of 66 students who (grad uated this year from the University of (ireifon. superior acholarahlp was exhib ited by six young ladles, who were gradu ated with the highest honors. Miss Ed na Cnulleld nnd Miss Clara Cautield of this city shared these honors. Y. M. C. A. Building Sold. A. Knapp haa purchased lot 1, In block 9, from Jennie UKen for J3.00O. Thla Is the Y. M. C. A. property which waa lost to the defunct association through a mortKiiKu. The selling price Is a very reasonable one. Just Exactly Right. "I have used Pr. King's New Life Pills for Bevernl years, and rind them Just exactly. rlRht," anys Mr. A. A. Kelton, !of HiirrlKVille, N. Y. New Life Pills re I lleve without the least discomfort. Best I remedy for constipation, biliousness and mnlnriu. 2jc at Howell & Jones drug store. Jennie Perry to whom he was married November 1. 1SS2. In Columbia County, Oregon. They have two children, Opal, aged 10 years, and Marie, aged eight years. Glad Tiding! ,Campmeetlng. The annual campmeeting of the Glad Tidings and Marquam M. E. Churches, will be held on the Glad Tidings camp grounds, from July 9th to July 19th. In charge of the pastor. Rev. A. B. Calder. Several ministers will be present and as sist in the services. You are invited. F. C. Perry Wants Divorce. F. C. 1'eny. of Molalln. has tiled a suit for divorce in the Circuit Court against Prying preparations simply (level, op dry catarrh ; they dry up the Becretions, which adhere to the membrane aud deoom pose, causing a for more serious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Aroid all drying inhalants, fume.s, smokes and snuff aud use that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Buliu will master catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. All druggists sell the 50 cent size. Ely Brothers, 5G Warren Street, New York. The Balm is used without pain, does not irritate or cause sneazing. It spreads itself orer an irritated aud angry surface, reliev ing immediately the painful inflammation. Ely's Creiun Balni contains uo oocaine, mercury nor other harmful dru-s. HAVE on exhibition a mg nincent cheit of ilerling silver complete table service ia the famous Old English Psttern. The various articles are to classified that they can be iliown without confutioa or lou of time. Each individual piece of a dozen ii clearly displayed. This affords the only convenient and taliifactory way of examining silver. You can raniack skowcatei half a day and not bring to light half so many varied and attractive pieces as you will see in five minutes' time running through this com plete chert of Old English silver, which contsins on extensive arrsy of the smsller pieces so much in demand for anniversaries, weddings, sad birthdayi. Orders accepted for complete chests or individual pieces. - 4 , The e is twice the pleasure in the Journey if you take a Kodak with you. i Brownie Camaras. $ I to $9 Kodaks, $5 to $100 Let us Show You the Kodak . Way. Letter List. List of unclaimed letters at the Oregon Citv potstofflce for week ending July 3: lilxel. Miss Clara: Hnitman. Anna; Rrown. Jess: Bishop. J.: Derrick.. W. M.: Kuowles. V. H.: Rodrlgnes, Lewis 2; Smith, R. B. ; White. Andy. T. P. RANDALL, P. Ji lt Can't Be Beat. The best of all teachera Is experience. C. M. Harden, of Solver City. North Car olina, says: "I rind Electric Bitters does all that's claimed for It. For Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles It can't be beat. I have tried it and find It a most excellent medicine." Mr. Harden Is right: it's the best of all medicines also for weakness, lame buck, and all run down conditions. Best too for chills and ma laria. Sold under guarantee at Jones' Drug Store. 50c. Mrs. Mat Clemens. Mrs. Mat Clemens died at Oak Grove Inst Thursday, aged 51 years. Death was due to cancer. She la survived by four children, and her husband died about one yenr ago. The Interment was In the Milwaukee cemetery Friday. Ellis J. Philip Scott. Ellis J. Philip Jcott died on Monday of Inst week at Parkplace, aged 53 years. The Interment took place Tuesday In lllvervlew cemetery at Portland. Mrs. Catherine Hehn. Mrs. Catherine Hehn died last Friday afternoon at her home in Highland, aged 3ii years, and ia survived by a husband ana four children. in runerai tooK place Sunday afternoon from the High land Lutheran church and the remains were interred in the Clarkes cemetery. 7 A THE OREGON CITY JEWELERS Conrad Meyers. Conrad Meyers died iSunday at his I home In Oswego. He returned from his work Saturday, and was taken suddenly III. Deceased was about 45 years of age and is survived by a widow and several children. The funeral took place Wed nesday morning from the Catholic church at Oswego. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. Tna Kind You Havs Always Bought Bears the Signature af trict was forced to spend $1,797.25 for a heating and ventilating system in the Barclay building and also to the fact that an Increase of one mill In the special tax levy gave us addi tional revenue, the total amount be ing $4,532.77, against $2,119.90 last year. The Barclay building is in need of repainting and this should by all means be done during the coming fis cal year. The board of directors submits to the taxpayers the advisability of con structing an addition of two rooms to the Eastham building during the coming fiscal year. The city schools are constantly growing, and some of the rooms are overcrowded, one of the rooms used in the Eastham build ing being a temporary arrangement The gymnasium room at the Barclay building is not entirely satisfactory. The increase in our school popula tion is 11, being 1,282, against 1,271 last year. With the approach of new industries, it is probable that there will be a considerable increase in our population during vthe coming year. Respectfully submitted, CHARLES H. CAUFIBLD, W. E. CARLL, "W. A. HUNTLEY, H. L, KELLY, GEO. A. HARDING, Board of Directors of School District No. 62, Clackamas County, Oregon District Clerk's Financial Report. To the Honorable, the Board of Di rectors and Legal Taxpayers of School District No. 62, Clackamas County, Oregon. I respectfully submit the following as my financial report as clerk of said district for the fiscal year ending June 15, 1908: RECEIPTS. County school fund k..$ 7,128.25 State Bchool fund 1,970.05 Special school tax 4,532.77 Tuition 236.30 Loans 4,700.00 Cash on hand at beginning of year .33 Total receipts $18,567.70 DISBURSEMENTS. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE 'DI RECTORS AND CLERK OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 62, CLACKAMAS COUNTY, OREGON Oregon City, Ore., June 15, 1908. To the Taxpayers and Patrons of School District No. 62, Clackamas County, Oregon. We hereby respectfully submit for your consideration the following re port of matters in connection with the district transacted during the fiscal- year just ended. ' The district is in a better financial condition than it has been for years and does not owe a dollar of floating Indebtedness. This is due to the fact that in the last fiscal year the dls- Teachers' salaries . Clerk's salary Janitors salaries School supplies ........... Repairs ' Fuel Water rent Interest on bonds ......... Interest on floating debt . Loans Election Insurance Miscellaneous expenditures. Printing and advertising... 8,103.41 126.00 710.00 293.74 255.50 394.00 78.10 600.00 178.56 7,121.00 16.30 315.00 317.26 58.00 Total disbursements $18,567.37 Cash on hand .33 LIABILITIES. 5 per cent bonds due Dec. 1, 1916 $ 6,000.00 5 per cent bonds due July 1, 1913 6,000.00 Total liabilities ..... $12,000.00 Respectfully submitted, E. E. BRODIE, . District Clerk.